Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-a, Image 10

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    JO A
lean Association to Build a New
Structure i Soon a the
Leases Expire.
The Conserrstlve Saving and
Lean association has purchased the
Pavldge block at the northwest cor
ner of Eighteenth and Farnam
at recta for a location for the associa
tion's permanent headquarters.
Within a year and a half, when
the last leasee in the Davldge block
expire, the Conservative expects to
raze the present building to the
around and erect a modern structure
suited to its needs.
The price psld was I2,).
In iNremtwr Dr. Harold Glfford sold
the building to a syndicate OTMtrlsKl by
Cirora-e A Co. One of the condition Im
posed upon the syndlcsta by Charles C.
Gorte, a vice president and director of
th Conservative Pavings a Loan com
pany for ever twenty yesrs, waa that
tha association ahould first have an op
portunity of buying tha Davldae corner
at exactly the price paid for it by tha
IWIdp e Bay.
Thla the directors of tha Conservative
dwlVd to do at a special meeting- he'.d
yesterday morning.
Tha Conservative Kavlncs a Loan asso
ciation owns tha bulletins It at present
wctjta at 114 Hsrnsy atreeta. TW
biilldlns. Secretary and Treaaurer Taut
W. Kuhna of tha association aaya, will
b kept for tha present by tha aasocls
tlnn and wilt likely he leased to soma
other concern when tha association
moves out to occupy Its new home.
Blew Fiaaarlal (enter.
Commenting on tha Dsvldga comer as
a favorable location for the Conserva
tive, C. C. George said:
"The rVhllts comer at Sixteenth and
Harney streets aold twice during tha
year WIS for IHOO.OT) and was later leaaed
for ninety-nine years on the basis of
per cent net on I7W.00O. Tha old Boar 3
of Trade corner at Sixteenth and Far
nam streets was purchaaed by the First
National bank for about fffiO.ono and the
southeast comer of Seventeenth and Kar
nam streets waa purchaaed by Mr. Jos
Hn for MtO.OOO, and good buildings are
eventually to be erected on these cor
ner These sales and contemplated Im
provements have made It quite cloar t
enreful observers that the corners at
Kighteenth and farnam streets would
oon be close enough to the financial
center to make them espaclslly desir
able for bank or saving association pur.
poaea on account of their convenience to
tha buaineaa center and nearnots to the
public buildings."
Girls Burned in
the Brooklyn Fire .
Well Known Here
Two popular Omaha guests lost their
lives in Brooklyn when the residence of
the late C'aelmer Tsg, former president
of the German Savings bank, was .burned
early on the morning of February 4. Miss
Helen Tsg, who, with her sister, lit I
Carolina Tag. waa one of the alz
Jives loet in the tragedy, waa the guest
ef Mra. Frederick H. Cole last Novem
ber. During Mlse Tsg'a weeks stay in
Omaha she was entertained at home af
faire by Mrs. B. F. Crummer, Mrs. M. O.
J'lowman and Mrs. Nathan Merrlam.
The friendship between the family of
lira. Cols and the family of Miss Tag's
mother dates back three generatlona. The
uncle of tise Tsg waa Mrs. Cola's sod
father and her grandfsthnr and Mrs.
Cole's fsther were army surgeons In the
lame corps throughout the civil wa.
Arrested Here for
Murder in Kansas
City Last Year
John fltewsrt, colored, about IS years of
ege, waa arrested this morning shortly
after o'clock while working at the Cud
ehy packing plant and brought to the
police atatlon by Petocttves Fleming and
J.worak. lie is charged with having mur
dered Maria Johnson, wife of a colored
friend who ttvee In Kansas City, In a
Knife esssult on the woman Stewart ia
alleged to have inflicted such wounds
that she died later, about nine months
local police were notified as to the
Identity of Stewart by his brother, whose
name ia being withheld. Stewart la being
held at the local atatlon as a fugitive
from Justice swslting information from
Kansaa City police.
Charge Flat Bate
for Auditorium for
Wrestling Matches
At an informal conference city commis
sioners decided to amend the Auditorium
rental schedule to provide for the elterna
ive of a flat rate of 100 per evening for
wrestling matches, the renter having tha
option of accepting the present rate of
SM per rent ef receipts, with a minimum
of fjuO. The proposal alll be brought up
in regular form at the meeting of the
council Tuesday morale.
Sutton Pays Ten
Dollars to Enter
the Primary Race
AtVaham U Kutton talked over to the
Douglas county court house at 12: p.
m , handed Treasurer Vre a crisp lf bill
end received therefor a receipt which
Indicates he will enter the gubernatorial
''Tea. it Is my Intention to make the
primary race in April. I am writing to
the secretary of state, for the necessary
blank upon which I will Inscribe my
name, residence and other biographical
Information. Then I will return the blank
and the treasurer's receipt," state Mr.
Is Robbed of Cash
and Diamond Ring
ft. Msndelson, 3re s'amllton street, re
ports to the police that last Wedneeday
night, at o'clock, while he wss out at
the end of the Benson csr line, waiting
for a car to bring him down town, he
A new advertising agency was opened
Ir. Ksnsss City on Februsry 1 hy J. K.
Baxter of the Journal stsff. The con
cern will be known as the Baxter Adver
tising company and its offices will be In
the Commerce Trust building.
Mr. Baxter brings to the business fif
teen yesrs' experience in advertlalngj
work. Half of this time he has devoted
to the advertising department of the
Journsl and the bslsnce to that of the
Kansas City Star and Kansaa papers.
Huring his connection with the Journal
he occupied first the position of adver
tising manager and for the Isst three
yes fa was eastern representative of the
Journsl, the Weekly Journal and the
Missouri and Kansaa Farmer. Ilia work
has given him a knowledge of newspaper,
mall order and agricultural advertising
and a wide acquaintance with the larger
advertising agencies and advartlsors of
tha country.
The buaineaa of the new company wilt
be that of a general agency; it will pre
pare advertisements and business litera
ture for lta clients and place advertising
in all kinds of publications. .
Advertisers and customers profit by the
Classified Ad" habit.
II. I McClaren. president of the
Mltchell-Lewls Motor company of Racine,
Wis., waa host to over 00 Mitchell
dealers at the Congress hotel during the
Chicago Automobile show.
These dealers, who have experienced
such a profitable season handling "Tha
Six of ,' without exception were anxi
ously desirous of increasing their spring
The assurances of ample reserve stocks
at the factory by Mr. McClaxen and of
excess deliveries In some cases, but full
deliveries in all by General Sales Man
ager O. C. Friend and Chief Engineer J
W. Bate, was received with great en
thusiasm and applause, for every
Mitchell dealer knew that the experience
of laying plana for a big season's bus!
ness and then not being able to obtain
the cars would not be his.
Other talks were delivered by T. W.
Telton, advertising msnsgerj Carl II.
I'age and George W. Hippie of the Carl
II. Page Motors company of New York,
Mr. U A. Pell of the Mtchell Auto com
pany of Chicago and 1L W. Heegstra.
Face Fashloni
Demand That the Complexion lie
Marie Clear and Clean and Not h
ing Aids the Skin Like
Btuart'a Calcium Wafers.
All styles of dress this yesr mak It
necessary that every woman remove plm
plea, blotches, etc. This condition Is
brought about by reason of the fact
that the rolora used and style of hair
dress throw the fsce in a position of
prominence that will make pimples, etc.,
very hideous if they exist.
"Take My Advloe aad Vae Btaart's Cal
cium Wafers If Ton Wast a
Pretty Skin." ,
The Impurities arising In the body are
thrown off In four waya. through the
pores of the skin, lungs, the kidneys and
Stuarfa Calcium Wafers will make the
blood clean. They will throw open the
porea and In only a ahort time you will
find the entire ayatem free from marks
of blood impurity.
The fresh, red. rosy hue of the blood
flowing freely close to the skin will
give you the complexion you desire.
Obtain a box front any druggist any
where. Price. CO cents.
Robbery of Grocery
Store Nets Thieves
Four Hundred Cash
Basket store No. 84. JfsJl Fsrnarn street,
was entered Friday night by thieve,
who gained entrance to the place by
breaking through a panel of tha rear
door. The place waa ransacked, and, ac
cording to Manager U. R. Pearson,
in cash and fiOO worth of grotcriea were
Free Trial Coupon
V. A. tear Co IU Stuart Bldff.,
Karaheli. Much, Hand ma at once, bv
return mail, a frea trial package of
btuart'a Calcium Wafoia.
Cltv 8tate
Fetllements amounting to a total of
i-'Mtl have been made by the Burlington
railroads for deatha of three persons In
en accident near it. II lip s crossing, near
Valthill, July 7, 1911.
A cording to stipulation filed In dis
trict court, tiia railroad company will
pay to the estate of Kmma Ben
sr.oof, and tit each to the ratates Of
1 tliyl slid Hfelt'l Ueliet oof.
Musical Hits
from the
Comic Oira
Can Bo Purchase! at
I'diniUr and Claaalc bheet
Muie J Apartment. And don't
forget the Magic Melody.
wss approached by a man who knocked
him down, broke his nose and then
robbed him of fS in cash and a $300 dia
mond ring.
Mandelson asserts that It was so dark
at the time that he waa not able to get
a very good idea of the appearance of
the footpad, though he thinks he was a
young man.
' Whan M. Titlor of '.K2 Blnney street
c e home from work Friday evening
he waa met at the door by tha maid,
who Informed him that there waa a fire
In the furnace room. He called the fire
department and then set about to ex
tinguish the blase himself. When the
department arrived he bad the fire
pretty well in band. Tha loss was about
KANSAS C1TT, Mo.. Feb. 6-Charlca
A. Hibbard of Tulsa, Ok la., died, sud
denly at a hotel here today. He was In
terested in oil projects and Insurance In
Oklahoma. Mr. Hlbhard was a brother-in-law
of Paul Morton, former seoretary.
of the navy. He is survived by a daugh
ter and a brother. H. S. Hibbard pf Hart
ford, Conn., his former home.
Rrad The Bee Want Ads, It pays!
Narrow Swiss, Camhtie and Xaln
sock JCdgna, fmm 3 to
wlda; worth to lie, yard
H Tnrh frmt Cosr snd Skirt
Flouncing. In runbrto and nain
sook ; worth JSr, yard
Miss Strange here another week Free lesions in knitting and crocheting, using Fleisher's yarn.
Embroideries fr 1 "" " 1 " 1 1 1 - ., - - 27-Inch Swiss Baby
Some suitable for skirt flounc
ing; regular 59c values, yard
A large corps of buyers from Brandeis Stores is now in the east, purchasing enormous quantities of merchandise for distribution this year. Merchandise of
nearly all kinds is becoming very scarce, and prices going up. Our buyers have the advantage over others, however, for they can lay Rpot cash on the counted
and secure concessions and special favors which would be granted in no other way. Advice from our buyers indicate a most satisfactory outlook for this store i
that our customers will obtain certain very definite advantages this year, chief of which will be lower average prices for merchandise of standard
finite of restrictinc conditions. New coorla are nnw nrrivintr dailv. much of whieh is reulv for insnectton. Soon ther will be much of the new to talk about.
ring Dresses-Favorites of Fashion
For Street, Afternoon, The Dansante, Evening and Travel Wear
Drcssea were never so much in demand as they are this season. Manufacturers have concentrated their
best efforts on producing the daintiest and most effective fashions.- The materials are new and rich; the
styles arc especially captivating, and really their greatest attraction lies in the fact that in them are com
bined needs suitable for different occasions.
The foremost materials are Taffetas, figured and plain, Gros de Lon
dres, Crepe Meteor, Charmeuse and Georgette. There are also many
marvelously beautiful combinations in two-toned as well as plain taf
fetas made up with georgette.
In the matter of trimmings, Gold Laces are featured. There are also
Band Trimmings. Attention has been paid to collars, some very smart
ones being made of taffeta, hand-embroidered.
This very briefly describes the hosts of smart new styles which we
are now showing in a bewitching array of enticing models, at
: &, NewSp
rW-,V h iTs
19 - $25 - $35 Tod $65
Silk Specials
Are you In need of Georgette Crepes Wa
carry tha most" complete line In the west sev
enty shades to select from. Extra C " tt(
food weight. Per yard P leejl
Our New Striped Shirting Silks are here and
we are prepared to show you one of the most
beautiful and comprehensive lines ever qq
shown" here. Specially priced, yard ,,,,''C
Chiffon Taffetaa predominate. Fifty different
colors to select from; 86 inches wide; splen
. v: did , w tight,, soft finish. Specls . J 2 5
36-Jnch All-Silk Suiting Faille, extra good
; weight, soft finish; In the new- rQ
. spring shades. Special Monday, yd.. J X e7
40-Inch Crepe de Chine, good weight, very
firm, will launder perfectly: all colors. Should
sell for $1.50. Special Monday, f 1 1Q
the yard iplell
36-Inch Black Chiffon Taffetas for suits and
dresses; extra good weight, soft finish; Q Q
should sell for 11.60. Special, yard. SOv
Early Spring Blouses
In looking over some new blouses just received by us
we are impressed by the high point reached by design
ers and makers in, original and individual effects.
Among the smartest of these new blouses are many
tailleur modes, very, effective black and white and col
ored stripe tub silks'. The prices of these are $5.00 and
Another special group includes
blouses of Georgette Crepe in plum,
rose and white with collar and vestee
of striped silk, the latter making a
marvelously, smart appearance. There
are also inner collars and cuffs of or
gandie, yoke and sleeves hemstitched.
Price, $6.50.
We also have new Georgette
Blouses in flesh and white with bead
smocking on the shoulders very at
tractive, selling for $0.93.
U I 1U.I' IP
V "
Rug Specials
Owing to an overstock on slse 8-3x10-6 ruga,
we are making" a sweeping reduction on all
grades for Monday's selling. These are all
regular goods and running patterns. ' -
8-3x10-6 Royal Axmlnster S 1 E 7 C'
Rugs, regular $20.00 values.... L$4 4 O
8-3x10-6 Hartford Axmlnster "f
Rugs, regular $22.60 values P X Oe O
8-3x10-6 Blgelow' Wilton Ruga, gOl QQ
regular $33.00 values ; e0
?! $32.50;
8-3x10-6 Hartford Royal Irans,
regular $40.00 valuea ..
8-8x10-6 Hartford Herman
Rags, regular $55.00 values.
Coco Door Mats
Size 18x30, regular price $1.50.,..,.
Slse 22x36, regular price $3.50......
Bissell's Vacuum Sweepers
Are the Best
Superha $9.00
Grand Rapids 87,50 .
Every Sweeper absolutely guaranteed.
Sheets, Sheeting, Slips, Dress Prints, Wash Fabrics, White Goods
Heavy Linen Finish Sheets and Slips.
Extra Heavy Linen Finish Bleached Sheets
One of our regular staple brands, none bet
ter made for domestic and hotel use; strong
and durable; 5-inch hems, ready for use. All
sizes :
72x90-In. 72x09-In. 81x90-In. 81x99-In.
EOcEa. 65c Ea. 65c Ea. 69c Ea.
42x36-lneh. 45x36-Inch.
ll'cEach. 12VacEach.
The Genuine American 4 Simpson's Press
Prints, all the choice designs and colorings.
Full bolts, hundreds to select A3a f
from, on bargain aquare, yard " 4
The Genuine Red Seal Dress Gingham, all
the wanted blue and white, pink and white
checka and stripes and pretty plaids;
lengths to 15 yards: regular 12Vo Q
quality, Monday, yard U
Beet Grade Amoskeag Outlnga,
mostly dark colorings; flannels that
are aold wholesale today at the
In the Main Floor, Wash Goods Section
First showing of Fine New Crisp Wssh Fabrics, In Imported and domestic
materials beautiful 1916 creations In all the Istest fabrics and designs. We
solicit your Inspection. t
Embroidered Voile on white and tinted grounds; 36 and 40 l
Inches wide; exclusive designs. Yard. 59c. to PlaOO
Printed, Flaked and Plain Voile in the newest floral patterns; OQ
36 Inches wide. Monday, yard ajtC
36-Inch Silk and Cotton Crepe da Chine in all the new eren- AQ t
lng shades; '86 inches wide. Yard iC
Large Collection of Black and White Summer Fabrics, In stripes, checks
and novelty designs; 40 inches wide. f j nr
Yard. TSn to. Pleai9
45-Inch Bordered Voile Flouncing in white and tinted grounds; sig
, I sJVs
Sport Skirting in the latest cretonne
effects, for sport skirts and suits; 36
inches wide. Per
yard , OUC
Yard. 39 O
36-Inch Beat Quality Dress Percale, full
standard count, neat dota and figures; light
and dark grounds; regular Uo Qnn
ralue. yard f a.
Beautiful Mercerised Dress Poplin, high
silky permanent finish; all the wanted
shades; full bolts; 19c and 25c
value. Sale price, yard
Il-Inrh Blcarhad l-ons'loth. tha wall
known ladles' r holes; baautlful chamola fin
ish: No. I00. nstfold. prr
oft llnf.ri finish
va. Sparlal, yard.
110 val- ZV2C
"Non-Krush" Linen -
shipment., of
Just received our first
"Non-Krush" Dress Lin
en. Non-Krush has a new
soft finish that produces
a soft silky surface and
eliminates crushing and
creasing. Woven from spe
cial yarns and treated by
an exclusive process. In
white and all the wanted
shades. Name stamped on sel
vage; 36 in. wide. Monday, yd. .
"Xaa-Krush" Dmaa I.lnaa Hold Exelaslralr . by Is.
an waa ssi ss
79 c
36-Inch Bleached Muslin, extra ' fine
quality, soft finish. One of our regular
staple brands; 9c value, ....... v
off the bolt, yard ..OC
(20 yards to each customer.) .
price we ere asking Mon- rfl
day. Our J0 grade, yard.
36 Inch Durham I.. U Brown
Sheeting, well known staple cot
ton, easily bleached and laundered;
good wearing quality; Be
value, yard
45 Inch Genuine "Wamsutta" and
"Dwlght Anchor" Pillow Tubing.
beautiful quality, linen finish; per
feet bleach. Regular 20c
l! value, yard
white Irish Linen,
Monday, yard
White Goods Specially Priced for Monday
&mau jjot . or itemnanta 01
Embroidered White Novelties
accumulated from our January
sale; from 1 to 4-yard lengths,
40 and 45 inches wide
To close Monday, yd
90-Inch White Linen, grass
bleached and snow yQ
white. Special, yard. C
Lara. Assortment of New
Sheer White Novelties, such as
Novelty Flaxon, Corded and
Checked Voile, Jacquards,
Checked and Striped Flaxon,
Cluster Cords, etc. ;36oe
and 40 inches wide
45-Inch Heavy Round Thread
White Crepe for Undermus
lins, 27 inches wide. f
Yard lUC
Imperial Longcloth, soft fin
ish for undermuslins ; contains
no filling; 36 .inches
wide, 12-yard bolta. .. iO C
White Novelty Gabardine for
skirts and suits, 36 inches
wide. Special, Otf
Apron Gingham, best grade, fast
Indigo dye. All the wanted small,
medium and broken checks. Our
regular 7 He quality. gl ,
Monday, yard .,Oy2C
36-Inch Comforter Cretonne, beau
tiful quality and printings, highly
mercerised finish; full bolts, reg
ular lOHo quality. Ol
Yard r. OV2C
82-Inch White 8hlrtlng Madras,
best grade, elegant wearing qual
ity, neat dealgna for waists,
shirts, etc; 15c value, yard. AUC
A big assortment from which
to choose at prices to fit every
Unique cut-out designs. More
artistic and attractive than
Popular fiction and beautiful gift books make
most acceptable Valentines.
j J J !
' ' r 3a?
Latest Victor-Victrola XI
Victor-Victrola XI has all of the latest and best features
of the higher priced Victor Victrolas, including: -
Automatic Stop :
Tilting Motor
Improved Tone Chamber H
Horizontal Shelves for
holding record albums.
Our assortment is fully complete. Monday will ba a
good time to select the case that will match your furniture.
ur Kecord Service Nearest I erfection.
Victrola Dept., Pompeian Room.