Omaha Bee PART ONE. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TEN. unday THE WEATHER. Snow I I VOL. XLV NO. 34. OMAHA, SUNDAY MO UMNO, FKBIUJAUV (, 101G-SIX RKCTIONf? TIIIlvTV-EIOIIT PAOES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTO HE ) HERE'S A NEW ONE ODT FOR PRESIDENT IN NEBRASKA LISTS Willi tin Grant Webster of Chicago Carries His Own Petition to Put Name on Primary Ballot. OTHER POLITICAL ACTIVITIES National Committeeman Becomes Anxious Lest Preferred Candi- dates for Convention Dele gates Lose Out. HIS SLATE IDEA ONCE REJECTED Another candidate for president Is to enter the Nebraska field at leaBt that Is the present expectation 'seeking the republican endorse ment at the primaries. "Who is he?" shouts the chorus. His name Is Webster! No, you have guessed wrong. He is not our own John Lee Webster, of beaming countenance and effulgent garb, but he is William Grant Web ster, a Chicago lawyer, who is throw ing bis hat into the ring without waiting- for any spontaneous popu lar uproarlng. For' further information let it be known that WTilliara Grant Webster has already had his name filed on the official ballot as a republican candidate for president in the state of Minnesota, where the conditions for entry are harder than It is In Ne braska, requiring 500 signatures to his petition, Instead of a paltry twenty-fire called for by our law. Having gotten into the (tame in Minne- ta, William Grant Webster has come to Nebraska, and, going on the theoiy that nothing ran be so well done as when done by oneself, has been posting him self on the form of the filing petition and the number of autographs that must adorn it He called at the office of Elec tion Commissioner Moorhead and was re ferred to County Clerk Dewej', and la the county clerk's office was made wise to the fact that presidentlt' primary pe titions go to the secretary of state at Uncoln. 1 To those .with whom he talked Mr Webster gave the appearance of a man who was thoroughly In earnest about lf.a candidacy. It is said that he once tried to nominate' himself for United States senator in Illinois, and that he studied law In his youth In the office of Hobert T. Lincoln. ' '''.' - Wants to" Fix. m Slate. ' And iio7 Nations! Committeeman Ifow ell seems to be disttirbed'rW1 Ie4r',y,'!8' preferred candidates for convention dNo Kates may' have trouble Inu getting their petitions, and Intimates that he may un dertake to. carry out the plan which he put up to the state committee, but which got not even a second there, namely, f bunch the names In combination peti tion. .In a prepared statement given oot yesterday ...e says' "While I have not determined what course to take in the premises, jnt I would be pleased to hear from candidates throughout the state who are interested In the Idea, with a view possibly to or ganizing a committee to perform a duty which the state central committee had ot seen fit to undertake." A member of the Hall committee com menting on th o, who was at the Lin coin meeting, tint lured "The state' com mittee turnedTjlils scheme down because cleverly conc&Itd to. force a factional fight, which ought, to be avoided, but which Howell seems bound to promote. What he wants is to fix up a delegate slate of his own crowd to carry himself along, regardless of the disturbing ef fect on the party. Na republican of aufficient caliber . and good standing to be a delegate will have any trouble get ting his petition, and It certainly is not the business of the state committee to frame up a convention delegate slat for Itself or for anyone else." Another district, delegation petition has been put in circulation here. This one for John T. Yates, the sovereign clerk of the Woodmen of the World. ' It la said Howard H. Baldrtge, who waa the republican candidate for con ,gress four years ago, la Considering standing as a delegate. Canada Munitions Factory Blown Up OTTAWA, Ont., Feb. S.-A report that the Jardlne munitions factory at Hespler, terloo county, Ontario, has been blown up, has been received by the Militia de partment. A request has been made to have ordered out an overseas regiment stationed, in the neighborhood. The Weather For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Probably snow; continued cold. Hours. T)eg. 1 p. m a Local Itrcortl. " - 1S14. U1S. ISM 191 Highest yesterday tt si SI S) lowest yesterday 4 IS 11 4 Mem temperature t TS 21 1J I'recipitation T .05 .01 .01 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Kormal temperature ft Itoilt'ieiicy for the day 10 T3l deficiency since March 1 107 rrOrmal precipitation M inch liefictency fur the dav 04 inr-h Tfi-I ratnfHll since Manh inches Jiefiriency since Marrli i 47 Im-h J -f trlt-iicy for cor. period. ISi4.. J .75 inches LWIclenry for cor. period, 1D1J.. 4.79 inches Indicates telow aero. T Indira tea trace of precipitation. U A, WfcUSH. Local forecaster. i i -7-?5 J . 10 a. m... w 'z J m Siwi-isi Ip.'m... " ' " n! m. '.'. i i i m A STOCK YARD EXHIBIT NETHERLANDS WILL ASK SATISFACTION Dutch Papers Demand Prompt Action in Case of Oil Tanker Wrecked by Germans. UNJUSTIFIABLE ACT OF WAR THE HAGUE, Feb. 5. (Va Lon don.) Dutch newspapers, both pro German and anti-German, are unani mous in demanding' from Germany prompt explanation of and reparation for the torpedoing of the Dutch tank steamer Artemis by a German tor pedo boat in the North -Sea. The newspapers call for punishment of the German commander, who was responsible for what is described as a violation of law and an unjustifia ble act of, war against the Nether lands. W here Was British Fleet t The Vadcrland recalls previous German "errors' and dwells on the - danger of further incidents of this nature. Inci dentally,' It asks what the British fleet was doing while a conspicuously colored perm a tqrpf dp fjotllla was calmly cruis ing the busiest steamer track between the Hook of Holland and the Noord hlnder lightship. The Nleuwe Courant treats the case at a breakdown of the "vaunted German organization and discipline," which. It says, seems urgently to need Improve ment, especially from the viewpoint of the safety of lives - and property of neutrals. It demands complete pecuniary and political satisfaction from Germany,' and asks: "Did the German flotilla attempt, per haps, to remove all ships from the neigh borhood fcf a sinking Zeppelin and fire wildly and blindly when Its plan did not seem to succeed?" This. It says, might explain the act, though in no wise ex cusing It. Texas Leaguers to Be Protected Under Compensation Act AUSTIN'. Tea., Feb. 5.-Playere In the Texas Base Ball league this year are to operate under the workmen's compensa tion law and will be protected by Insur ance against Injury or other disability Incident to the game. Thia waa an nounced today by the State Industrial Accident board. Sixty per cent of the player's salary will be paid him during disability Buf fered while "at work" on the base ball field. Swiss Government To Take Over Sugar BERNE. Bwitxerland. Feb. 5. (Via Paris.) The Swiss government has de cided to establish a sugar monopoly. Next week tt will take over all stocks of sugar In the country and raise prices from the equivalent of 7H cents per me tric pound to quotations varying between Vi and JO cents. Considerable quantities of American sugar have been Imported In recent months, but these shipments have been checked by the difficulty of obtaining shipping facilities. Purchases amount ing to 3.000 carloads have been made In Austria recently. Governor Urger All Farmers to Provide Good Seed Corn tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 5. (Speelal.)-Seed corn should command more attention In 1SK than ever before .owing to the lateness of the season, according to Governor Morehead in a proclamation Issued tody. Here is what the governor has to say about care to be exercised In the selec tion of seed corn: "To the Farmers of Nebrsska: It may seem uncalled for me to warn you of the seed corn condition for 1916. A warning of this kind la sent out every year, but from reports I am getting from different sections of the country it appeals to me of more importance In 1916 than ever lie fore. ' "The lateness of the corn In 1915, and the severe weather hsve lowered, and in many instances, entirely destroyed the germination of a great deal of our corn. Titos who have had experience In farm c Sheep and Cattle Growers Opposed to The Homestead Bill WASHINGTON, Feb. 5.-Sheep and cat tle men from the western state today urged the senate lands committee to de feat or at least radically modify the M0 acre graslng homestead bill, which has psssed the house and is now pending In the senate. Dr. S. W. McClure, secretary of the Na tional Wool Growers' association, of Halt Lake City, ssld It would be Impracticable for a, man on 640 acres to raise a single sheep, because the tract was so small he could not employ a herder and too large to enclose with wire netting to keep out the coyotes. Cattlemen, bo ssld, would suffer more froni Isolated 640-acre home steads than sheep men. E. H. Crabb of Flagstaff, Arls., repre senting the Arlxona Cattle Growers' as sociation, urged that If the bill be passed tt be amended so as to 'provide enough dry crop cultivation to carry the animals graed during the summer through the winter. He argued that the bill would entice mechanics and foreigners to the landa when they did tiot have a chance to make a living, because of their igno re noa of graslng problems. . George M.-Eeyneldsr Chicago Banker, is Critically 111 LOS ANGELES, Cel., Feb. 6. The con dition Of George M. Reynolds, the Chi cago banker, who Is seriously 111 at a hotel here, remained unchanged during the nleht, his attendants ssld today. Dr. M. L. Moore, his attending physi cian, aald last night that he was 'dan gerously III." Ills family was reported to be on the way from Chicago In a spe cial train. The patient's heart action. It was said, was impaired by a complication of dis eases. He was stricken with grippe Monday, but regarded it as a cold and paid little attention to It. Asthma and bronchitis later manifested themselves. Mr. Reynolds Is president of the Con tinental and Commercial National bank of Chicago and a former president ot the American Bankers' association. He is 51 years old. . Three . doctors, . attending George M. Reynolds, the Chicago banker, who is seriously 111 here. Issued a bulletin at f r30 a. m. today, stating thst the condi tion of the banker had greatly Improved. He la not, however, out of danger. St. Joseph Shippers Sue Three Roads For $175,000 ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Feb. 5.-Seventy-three suits against three railroads were instituted In the circuit court here today alleging violation of the maximum freight statute. Sixty-nine of the caaes are against the Burlington, three. Rock Isl and, and one against the Santa Fe. There are 90 separate counts. The total of claims is $175,000. The S.fiOO plaintiffs are composed of farmers, live stock shippers and commission mer chants of Northwest Missouri. The petitions allege that the plaintiffs were over charged on live stock ship ments pending an appeal by the railroads to the Vnlted States supreme court, which held the law to be valid, and that the amount of the over-charges never was returned. ing realize that to replant corn means, very often, a failure of crop. "With the present price of grain, and i very optimistic future and Nebrsska being an agricultural state. It is very essential that we have corn that will be of strong germination as well as a large percentage that will germinate. "With the rapid development of the state, the farming Industry Is no longer haphasard, but the man who succeeds must use the same amount of care and caution as the man who stands behind the counter of a bank does In conduct ing the banking successfully. "This is an annual custom, but I hop you will give special attention to the matter this year. Ho many letters have rrached me asking me to warn people along the line of getting good aeed corn, thst I feel U my duty to issue, this proclamation. a re l c t u n i t. YILLE PURSUED AS HE FLEESJOR LINE Carranza Troops Are Chasing Ban dits Toward Ojinaga, Accord ing to Eeport. GEN. HERKERA SENDS WORD EL PASO, Tex., Feb. 5. Car ranza troops from Chihuahua City are pursuing bandits toward Ojlnaga, according to a report from General Luis Herrera to the Mexican con sulate here today. According to General Gavlra, com mandant at Jwarez, Francisco Villa with a few followers, is believed to be headed in that direction. EL PASO. Tex., Feb. S-Mllllary ad vices from Madera, western Chihuahua, today reported General Francisco Villa again in the vicinity of the Santa Clara ranch, west of the Mexican Central rail road. They also stated that Generals Pcdrosa and Rodrlguex with fifty men of Villa's band had offered to surrender at Laa Crucea. about thirty miles north of the Santa Clara ranch. General Gavlra. commandantof Juaret, wss unable to' Identify the General Rod riguei referred to In the Madera, advices. General Jose Hodrlgues. , a - premtnent Villa officer, recently was executed at Madera and his body Identified and ex hibited at Juarex. . . On receipt of the Madera advices Ga vlra aald he had ordered troops from Juarex south to the Santa Clara dis trict; that General Qulvado' should ar rive today at Numhiulpa, just west ot the rsnch, and troops from Bachlnlva had been ordered to move northward toward Santa Clara. Troops from Ma dera also were ordered eastward to join Qulvado at Numlquipa. General Her rera at Chihuahua City was also noti fied. General Gavlra aald that -until Villa was actually brought to a stand he would not withdraw the patrols along the bor der east and west of J us res to prevent Villa crossing the International line. Kilbane Makes New Conditions for His Fight With Chaney CLEVELAND, O., Feb. B.-New de velopments In the controversy between Featherweight Champion Johnny till oane and George Chaney over their pro posed titlo match for fffteen rounds at Iialtlmore arch 17 came today,, when Kilbane posted a forfeit of $1,000 to meet Chaney In two .matches. Kilbane assumes the prerogative of a champion by naming tha new terms un der which he will meet Chaney. These are: That Chaney meet Kilbane In Phil adelphia in a six-round bout prior to thn fifteen-round mstrh at Baltimore; fhat the Raltlmore fight be put off until late In May or June; that It be under the auspices of Al Herford, former manager of Joe Gans; that Henry Rletser and Ham Harris,' who had boked th March 17 battle, retire; that Chaney weigh 'n at 122 pounds ring-side for both engage ments. HEAVY A HTII.I.KKV PLAY matin, or aloBaj the line 1st Frssee and Belartam, bat neither here nor In any of the other Important the. ters of operations have ther bern Infantry movements resalt Insj la erbanaress of territory worth aotlaaT a,o far as the offi cial reports reveal. IV MESOPOTAMIA the British re. lief army onder fieneral A rimer, mhlrh baa been baited for some time a abort itlstaneo down the Tla-rla from Kat-Kl.Amara, where fieneral Towaahrnds forre la be Irscseres. does ao appear to hare ben a 1.1 as yet to make farther progress. IS ALBAMA. where a mixed si tea. tloa prevails, the Balsjarlaa are reported to bo navies; hard time of It aad to have been obllared to fall back tottard th Drln river, near the eastern frontier. ADVA K CE OF Al'STHIAXf. down the Albanian ooaat roatlanes, tho lat est advleea apparently laalrattaa; tnat they were some twenty miles -northeast of Darasso. Th ar rival of a,OCH Moaenea-rtn troop at Darasso, after a fatlgalag re treat, la aaaonaeed. The Day's War News JURORS ACQUIT MRS. fi'OIIR, BUT CONVICT BLACKS Woman Collapses as She Hears Verdict Pronouncing First Ne gro Guilty of Crime of Murder. HEARS HER FATE THE LAST Recovers Quickly When She Learns She Has Been Given Freedom. TWELVE OUT FOR MANY HOURS PROVIDENCE, R. I., Feb. 5. Mrs. Elizabeth r. Mohr wss ac quitted tonight by a Jury in the su perior court of a charga ot having instigated the murder ot her hus band. Dr. C. Franklin Mohr. C. Vic tor Brown and Henry H. Spellman, negroes, who were accused ot the actual killing, were found guilty. The Jury reported at 6:07 o'clock, after having been out since 10:60 o'clock this morrv g. Mrs. Mohr swoonied while the foreman wss announcing tha ver dicts. Her head dropped forward and she was slipping from her chair j when her attorney! grasped and sup ported her, while a court officer rushed for a glass of water. "IS"" there any other charge these defendants?" inquired against Justice Stearns. Mrs. Mohr Dlarharared. 'Ther Is, your honor," replied At torney General Itloe, ."but Mrs. Mohr la on ball on the other charge." "The defendants Brown and Spellman are committed without ball," said tha court, "and Mrs. Mohr Is discharged from custody on this complaint." The other charge against Mrs. Mohr and the two nczrors Is that they com mitted an assault on Mlsa Emily Burger with Intent to kill. Miss Burger was shot while riding with Dr. Mohr on the night he wss attacked. Brown and Bpellman are accused of actually firing the shot at Mlsa Burger, while Mrs. Mohr la charged with being an accessory before the fact of the crime. . The first word received from the Jury after It took the case came at 5:15 o'clock when It waa announced that further In structlons were desired. Half an hour later the prisoners had been brought to the court room, but a deputy sheriff In formed the Judge "that th Jury had de cided that the Instructions asked for werti not naeded. v , . . ' Look Tired, and Worn. Less than ten. minutes elapsed when wtiti came thst, the Jury w-aa ready to report. The Jurymen looked tired and Worn as they passed into th court room. After caoh man had taken his place in the Jury box, the clerk asked the fore man: i "Do you find the defendant. Cecil Vic tor Brown, guilty or not guilty T" ' Aa the foreman replied!. "Ouly," Mrs. Mohr collapsed. While her counsel were assisting her the clerk continued: "Ho you find the defendant. Henry Bpellman. guilty or not gulltyT" ' "Oullty." ' "Ho you find the defendant. Elisabeth P. Mohr. guilty or not guilty.' "Not guilty." ; Itecovera ttnlekly, Mrs. Mohr apparently was In a stupor when the foreman pronounced the words, "Vol guilty." "he recovered quickly, tConainuvd on Face Two. ColumVPFlve.) Two Contributions To Conscience Fund WASHINGTON'. Feb. 6. The treasury conscience fund was enriched today by two contributions, one of W.R78.50 from a New York lawyer on behalf of a client. The other waa two 10-eent pieces from an unknown person In Michigan, who suggested they be used to support a mlrr Ister of the gospel. The New York con trlbullon Is one of the Isrgest ever re ceived. H was In the form of a certifi cate of deposit on the I'nlted States sub treasury in New York. ANTONIO scorn IS ILL WITH PNEUMONIA NEW YORK, Feb. S.-Antonlo Scottl, the opera singer, Is gravely III with pneu monia at his hotel here. A bulletin Is sued tonight by his physicians atated that his condition wss not satisfactory. The lung affected was said to be somewhat enlarged, with Increased temperature and respiration. . . Senor Kcottl has been III with pneumonia four days. Previously he had th grip, but whs supposed to - hsve recovered from It. Nearly Five Hundred Bulgars Killed by French Air Raiders PARIS, Feb. S.-An official Bulgarian report as forewarded from Athens to the Temp says that 470 men were killed and more than 500 wounded during the recent attack by French aeroplanes on Bulgarian camps. The attack is said to have been made by seventeen aeroplanes. More than SO bombs were dropped on the Bulgarian campa at Petrich, in the Etr jmltea valley. The , bombardment was over In twenty minutes. The inauguaratlon of an offensive move ment by the German and Bulgarian forces which have been stationed along the Greek frontier Is reported In a Salonlkl dispatch to the Balkan agency. It U said an artillery duel has been In progress for two days In the neighborhood of Dorain and that the British heavy guns are dominating those of their adversaries. BKHl.lN. Feb. S.-By Wireless to 8sy vllle.) The breakdown of a French gren ade attack south of the Homme and Lie repulse of a British attempt to advance south of La Basse canal ar announced THE PRESENT FRONT Speech of Premier Salandra Printed in Berlin Hints at Necessity of Retreat. MAY REORGANIZE THE CABINET BERLIN, Feb. 6. (Wireless to Sayvllle.) The following wag given tout for publication today by the Overseas News Agency: "Berlin newspapers give accounts of a speech made in Turin by Pre mier Salandra of Italy, in which he said: " 'Be strong and united. In order to support the government and In order to replace the government with another if necessary. We are fighting In the trenches and fighting In the trenches exhausts force. The moment msy come when It will be necessary to retire behind the present front. I state this expressly In order to leav no room for erroneous In terpretetllons. Then we shall retire In order to begin anew, " 'This moment may come, and the lin eal monarchist party the great party which made Italy and which must accom plish the work ot making Italy must then have men In reserve In order to sacrifice them for the country if neces sary.' "The newspapers ask whether the pre mier's utterances may be an Indication of th coming resignation of tha present cabinet. They point out thst Tremler Ooremykln ot Kuasla already has retired and that Theophlle Delcaane gav way aa foreign minister of France, Orand mike Nicholas aa Russian commander-in-chief and Winston Bpem-er Churchill aa first lord of tTle British admlrallty. The re tirement of Premier Salandra, th news papers say, may pnss'.bly come In conse quence of economic difficulties existing In Italy and of antagonism between Italy and Great Britain on account of the question how to provide Italy with cheap eoal." Guards Frustrate Attempt to Wreck ' Bridge at Montreal MONTBTAU Feb. (.-What la be lieved to have been an attempt to blow up the Victoria bridge waa frustrated last night by mllltla guards, It was learned today. ' About midnight the guards nolcd a man making hla way toward th bridg on the ice. He waa pinned out by th searchlights and when challenged re treated without answering. . About 4 o'clock a man was again detected try lig to reach the brldo from th Ice. When 'he refused to srui-r a challenge, he waa fired at, but aucceeded In making his . escape. An (nvestlgstloit started' by the 'mlll tla authorities has convinced them that an attempt to destroy the. bridge was Intended.! ' '. . . : . , , . Th Victoria brldg crosses tha St. Lawrence ' and Is used by th Orand Trunk and the Uelawaj ' Hudson rail ways. ) Is a mils and a half In length and bail been guarded by soldiers since the outbresk of the war. . Suit Filed Against The Alleged Paper Board' Combine CINCINNATI, O., Feb. 6.-Sult was filed In the United Btatea district court chang ing tha Colln-Qardner Taper company of Mlddleton. O.. and fifty-three other de fendanta In various) parts of the country with having violated th civil section ot th Sherman anti-trust law Insofar as It has to do with restraint ot trade. The suit waa filed by the Chicago Oyster Pale company and $300,000 damages are asked. Tha petition allege that tha defend ants had been conducting regulsr Inde pendent competitive concern dolna busi ness in the manufacture and sal of paper board up to September 5, 19. At that time. It allegea. the Paper Board asso ciation was formed and that this bss served to festrsln and destroy competi tion and Inflate prices, German Girls Are Selling Their Hair for the War Fund DENVER. Colo., Feb. 5. Girl In 6er many who have beautiful hair ar con tributing to th war fund by selling their locks, according to Mrs. Francea Bode, who yesterdsy canvassed the county court house to sell the braids of two sisters In Oermany. The tresses of her niece, she said had brought ISt. and in that section of Ger many, cutting of girls' hair aa a means of contributing to th war fund, had be come a fad. by Germsn army headquarters today. Continuation of heavy artillery fir by the French In the Champagne and th Argonne Is also reported. Th statement says: "An advance In light force by th British south of La Basse canal waa re pulsed. "A French hand grenad attack, pre pared for by mine throwing, south of th Homme, broke down under th German artillery fire. "In th Champagne and along a part of th front In th Argon, during th afternoon tha enemy'a artillery kept up a heavy fire. "Th explosion of a French mine on th Vauquola Height, to tha east of the Argonne, damaged the German aapa only slightly. "German artillery heavily shelled the enemy's position along the Yoeges front between IMerolhauaen and Sulxern. "A German airship haa attacked the ortlflratlons In the Iivinsk (Russian front).'" LUSiTANIA CASE NOT CLOSED BY REPLY OF KAISER Statement from White House that the Situation is Not Any More or Less Acute Than It Was. SUGGESTION OF SETTLEMENT Undertone of Expectation is that Governments Will Be Able to Find Common Ground, MEANING OF "ILLEGAL" IS CRUX WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. Presi dent Wilson and Secretary Lansing will not begin discussion of Ger many's latest answer in thn Lusltaina negotiations before Monday. It was said that the president al ready has the proposal from Berlin before him and wants to go over it carefully before he begins confer ences with the secretary of state. There was an undertone of eipec tatlons that the tw-o governments would be able to find common ground for agreement in official declarations that Berlin's reply hatf not made the situation any more serious. The State department does not consider that the general situation surrounding the negotiations is any more grave than it has been. It was said In high official quarters tha some announcement might be made) within the next few days. Oo Over Jlevr Proposal. President Wilson and Hecrctary Lena. Ing carefully went over a neiv proposal presented last night by Count Von Ftem atorff, the flerman ambassador, t'ntit they have decided there will b no change In the virtual deadlock to which the negotiations came a week ago and perhap not then. Apparently the stumbling block of tha situation la the word "Illegally." as dirfep. ently Interpreted In this country and Ger many. The Berlin government's answer proposes a flat admission of Illegality of the method of submarine warfare in sinking th liner, the acceptance of lia bility for the loss of neutral lives which Uorman-hopes will aatlsfy the United, State and still not bind Oermany frota continuing th aubmarln campaign. Morgenthau Says i Situation in- Turk ,f Capital is Normal BERLIN'.' Feb. S.-(Hy Wlrlees to Say vllle.) The American ambassador at Constantinople. Henrv MVirrnnthau. h has arrived In Berlin on his way to th united States, said In an Interview today, a given out by the oversea News) agency, that the situation In Cnnstnntt. nopl at present waa almost normal and tner was no scarcity of food. Tha Amer. lean mbaasy, he said, la extremely busy. Inasmuch as It represents tha Interests Of no less than ten nations. Th ambassador cam from Constanti nople with the German minister to Per . aia. Prince Henry of Reuas, and Vlca Admlrsl Von Vsedom, who has beeq supervising construction of coast d fonses on the Oalllpoll peninsula. Mr. Moigen thau will go from Berlin to Copenhagen, to take ship thor for New York on a Danish ateamer. He will make a report to President Wilson about Balkan affairs. Dairyman is Given Verdict of $20,000 ! Against J. P. Morgan MINEOLA. L. I.. Feb. B.-Mlohael Killlloa. a dairyman who was employed by J. P. Morgan on hU estate at East Islsnd, Glrncove, has won a verdict for $30,000 damages against Mr. Morgan for Injuries at ffered on tn night of July 13 last, when Mr. Morgan waa shot by Frank Holt, also known aa Eric Muen ter. After the shooting, a rope wis stretched across a bridge leading to Mr, Morgan's house to prevent automobiles from entering the grounds. Klllllea, who wss riding a bicycle, ran against tha rop and was thrown, suffering Injur . which physicians say will doom him ta total blindness. He sued Mr, Morgaq for S0,0n0. but a Judge last night gav him a verdict for $20,ono. Week aegtaalDg Tea. T. Free Movie Coupon rata Be Coupon entitle bearev to a free ticket to any of thsaa Moving t-iotur Theaters on th day aamsd. Present at Box Office with ragular prlo of adult paid ticket aad Set additional ticket free. GRAND DESSE the arum 4ta and b, SSlUTirVIi" Soma Omaha. ISth and Blaaey. "The Baokl of Tb Home of Bouta Omaaa'a High O a a Amusement Pictures. Belt." Oooa li MoikSt oood Uon. tat Thur. iht ha !..- nli hi, l( a.'.ompia. panoa br eas led v a ItX said as- admlMion miia. HIPPODROME ARBOR riotares Oft- -TaTorlU. taiaabi. Good Monday Thli couson too t and Thursday Muadar niaht It with one newd amiMioo. tlckat. SUBURBAN LOTH ROP Where Tour sa. IHU an Itaj) terteiament la Th Family aUoaf ld" Taatr. w h a a aecontMBiet Good en Monday bv a. pais edimxioo. eve n 1 nga with Coca. J MuniU one pal 4 aiinils- ailtM. SKI IV.