TTIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1916. Can He Make the Saddle? ARTILLERY FIGHTS IN WEST RESUMED IGIffSOFf KIDEP16GQ German Official Report Tells of In-' creased Actiyity Alans' Franco Belgian Front; ' ! HOT HAND GRENADE BATTLES! SIX WOMEN BURN TO DEATH ATBROOKLYN Daughter of It Banker, Cod tin, Kune and Two Servant Die of Suffocation . TOTOG WOMAN SAVES MOTHZE NEW YORK, Feb. 4. Sli women lost their lives in a fir which de stroyed the home of Mm. Caalmlr Tae; at J3 Hancock street, Brooklyn, esrly today. Mrs. Tag. widow of the president of the German Savings bank, escaped, but two of her daugh ters were among thoae who per ched. The dead nre! CAROUNC TAG AND HKLEN TAO. the daughters of the late bank president. HANNAH K. BNAVLET. years old. a cousin of Mr. Til- JENNIE PTERMAN. a nuree. ANNA CAIN AND MZZIB CAIN, eerventa. Th fire ta attributed to defective In aulatlon of wlrco. M!m Carolina Tag waa awakened by arnoka and discovered tha fir about ( o'clock this morning. Hast nlng to the telephone abe notified har brother, who lived In an adjoining houaa, and then telephoned to tha fire depart ment Aa aha rava tha eddresa of her homa to tha operator at fire headquar ter aba asld: "I am being overcome by smoke." Clrea Life for Otkere. Miss Tsg awakened her mother, who la S year old, and sided her to escape : through a thlrd-atory window to tha roof . of aa extension In tha rear of tha house. Apparently WSss Tag then went to tha rooms af her sister and the other oc cupants and awakened them, and she, with the other, were trapped by tha flames and smoke which filled the hell and stairways, cutting off their meena af exit. There were no fire escapee on the building and the firemen were de lated In reaching the house by heavy snow. . When tha firemen reached the house It was biasing furiously. Mrs. Tag was taken down from the roof of the exten sion to safety, but It aa not until after tha fls was entlngu!i 4 d that the bodies of tha six victims were discovered lying In the rooms and halls of the third and fourth floors,' Mlra Caroline Tag wee engaged to be married on February IB. Jler father was prominent In the tobacco Industry as well aa In banking and left an estate stlmated at l.WO,0f, tve More at Atlaatla City. ATI-ANTIC CITT. N. J.. Feb. 4,-Flve peranna lost their live and eight others were seriously Injured early today In a fire) which destroyed tha Overbrook hotel at Fad Ho and Mount Vernon avenuea In are aUll In th mine. Several of th In lured are expected to ale. to lira 1a oeuevea 10 jvave smrcea in the kitchen. When It vm discovered flamea ware- shooting up tha elevator shaft and soon afterward tha entire building was burning. There wer not many guest. In the houaa and most of tartan 'ware 'aroused in time te eeje. Their xit waa cut off and moat of them lied to 'Jump from windows. - On woman was aeen to taint after oall Ing for help from an upper window and via burned to death while her body lay acres the still In view of hundred of persona unable to help her. Tha eft-fineer . of the hotel hung out of a window until the fire reached ni band and caused him to drop to th street. He waa killed almost Instantly. Another woman, who ritrmfi-d to crew! out of a window, fe'.l antt Uo loot har Ufa, The bodies of the dead etUl In tha ruins' are those of tha parents of IUch srd Mott. proprietor of tha hotel, and Paul Hendricks af Chamharaburg, Pa. wvfJcn rr fW ( UTS fHQVTt S villi Cres, m wmmm ixeuurii Vu""V" I rr r amy srrrt wmt J " " w ' j, 1 11,1 jjmuimu-jiii yes, m mmmm MCAtunw tern AMr sm wmt Start Petitions for Places as Chicago Delegates ' Local republicans ambitious ta get Into th running a delegetea to Chicago and ' thera aid In nominating tha next preal i dent of the United States are coming out Into the open in this, tha Second con- ; sreeelonal district. In their behalf, petl ! . tloita are being circulated for signatures 1 to put their Mines tha ballot at th ;. 1 prtmariea to be held in April. 1 In order to get onto th ticket, ' each candidate must have th signatures of j ' republicans of the district, and now f I the huatia tc get tha names la about to ' begin. 5 reUUona have already made their ap pearanoa at Union Pacific headquarters I J for Nelson H. Loomls, general solicitor . j of tha road. William Ourley, attorney, also baa his ' I prepared. Ctucr republicans msntionrd who are not ' as willing to receive thla political honor ' Include Myron U Learned, Howard - Baldrtga, Jamea E. Rait and John W. Towle. Charlea F. McGrew has let It be know 1 that be will submit bis name for the place on the republican national committee .from Nebraska. He la a resident of Omaha, formerly In the banking business, bot w retired, and for thla position will be votJ for by republicans In all parts of tha atate. Th present member. R. B. JtoweO. wnsticceasful candidate for the governorship last time, has not yet stated definitely whether ha will try again. PHILIPPINE BILL PASSED SENATE; DEMOS LINE UP (Continued from fag One.) dor of American rightaT' he aald. "If these Islands become anarchlstlo and tha people get to warring among themselves, you will be blamed for It, as you ought to be. If other countries go to war over them. It will data from tha day when you oc wards abandoned a taak which rrovt deno placed in your handa and which, by this act, you are acknowledging you are unable to master." Senator Btone, replying, ehaJreoterlsed Senator Smith's remarks as "a vocifer ous, cattertag', dreary, Inane, partisan harangue." As passed th hill carries a provision authorising tha preetdent whan Independ ent Is granted to negotiate treaties needed to adjust alt property rights of cttlsonahlp of tha United States and ether countries tn th Islands and to acquire guoh naval bases and coaling stations within that territory as he deems neo ry, y'( ' rievaes Woe'S Rnlargeg. The upper house of tha Flllplmt Uaixla tur would be enlarrsr to twenty-four lumbers, twaaty-two ahoaen by th voters and two appointed by th governor general to represent th .non-Christian tribes. The lower hcuSe would be l. creased front eighty-one to ninety, .tha people choosing elhtyon and the gov ernor naming nli-f Th governor ceneral would hav a veto power, such as rests sow 'with tha eecrotarjr at war. A two-thlrda rote of tha legislator would be needed to over rule it. Th president would hav the right to Intarpoe aa absolute veto within six months, , . . . , No restrictions r lmpoe4 upon the legislature' power to levy export duties, except that they cannot be levied on ex porta to th United Stata. A limit of 117,000,0(10 placed on tha publla Indebted- naaa. which perralta th Issuance of new bonds to replace the rr.OOO.OOO friar land bond now being retired. Tha bill would increase the rlrht of suffrage for tha preaent K0.0GO to ap proxlmaUIy TOO.cos by extending K to any cltlaen able to read and write a native language. Polygamous marriaaaa . and th Import, sal or manufacture of In toxicating drinkg or drug. excoDt the native beverages, would he forever pro hibited, and no laws could be paseed that wouia permit religious disortml nation or uie creauaa of a nobility. STORIES OF CRUELTY TO INSANE TOLD Witnenei Detail Scemea in the Nor folk Asylum, Testifying- to Abcie of Inmates. BERLIN, Feb. 4. (Via London. 1 Continued and increasing; activity by the allied artillery along the Franco-Belgian front is reported In today's statement by German armyi headquarters. Explosion of a Brit-j lib mine, which destroyed one of the; mine craters nesr Hulluch which the' Germans were occupying:, Is an-1 nounced, as well as apparently In- conclusive hand grenade operations; along the front near hy. The text of the statement follows: "Western theater: North of Hulluch one of the mine crators which was oc cupied by ua has been destroyed by an other mine, exploded by the English. Mear Loo and Neuvtlle there has 1 been lively hand-grenade fighting. Tha enemy artillery has been increas ingly active st various places along the front, especially In the Argonne. "Weet of Marie, a French fighting bi plane, the pilot of which had lost hi I way, fell undamaged Into our handa. 1 "Eastern theater: Ther I nothing to report. "Balkan theater: Our airmen noticed extensive flrea In the Vardar valley aouth of the Greek frontier and also at depots tn tha port of SalonikL" Aaatrlaa Official Report The official statement given out yes terday by the Austrian war office aa re ceived here today la aa follows: "A Russian raid agalnat our advanced poeltlona northeast of Boyon failed. "In East Oallcla and Volhynla ther waa pronounced activity on both aides by aeroplonea. A Russian squadron threw six bomb on Rocsaca, killing two Inhabitants and wounding several others. Another Russian aeroplane dropped a bomb notthesst of I-uckdrel, which wounded Russian prisoners. "An Auatro-IIungarlan air squadron successfully bombarded tha districts west of Courthov and north of Zharas, "At several places on tha Italian coast there waa lively artillery fire. At tha Tolmlno bridgehead the Austro-Hunga-rlans, by sapping operations, enlarged their positions, in tha trenches left by the enemy many dead and a large quan tity of war material were found. "Auatro-Hiiugartan vanguarda reached the district west of Kruvoa, Albania." Freaeb Official Report. PARTS. Feb. 4--Via Iondon. 1.26 p. m.) At th war office thla afternoon the following atatement was given out: "Thar were no Important eventa last night except In tha Voegee, where the artillery on both aldea waa active near DraUnkopf, In th valley of th Fecht, and at AUmatf r)eamrtaaeat Orders. WAKmNOTON. Feb. 4. Bperlsl Tele gram. Iowa postmaatara appointed: Acme, Howard county, Mlaa Mary M. Brown, v1c Michael O. Brown, removed; Iav1a City, necatur county, Emma R, Adkine, Vice Burrla At.. iiowelU ,jre meved. ' M : . A charter ha been Issued to tha Al caster National bank of-Alcester, K. D., with capital of 130, 000. Increase of capital approved. ... Tba Cedar Rapida National bank, Oedar Itnptde, la., has Increased ita capital from 1300.003 to 1600,000. Tint stosk or th town Airships Make Eaid on Durazzo BERLIN Fab, 4. TBjr TTlreleSs td Say. villa.) Toe AiuXro-llungarisn admiralty la , statement isaiwd at Vienna today re orta that three airship raids wer made en th Albanian port of Liuraxao, from January IS to February I. The atatement also announces that bombs were dropped by Austrian aeroplanes on the port of Avion, which la occupied by Italian troop. HIGH TONED CATTLE CAUSE OWNERS MUCH TROUBLE t "awaaxaBaani L-ULUMBU!,. Neb., rah. 4. f SoaftUl -,. ruiwu , 1 or securing a municipal owned electrolier system in tha Business district of Columbu thla sum. mer were considerably brightened by the appears rice of a committee from the Commercial club before th eity council. in session tonight, assuring that body mai an aw necessary will be rendered. Th committee consisted of O. W, Phllllpa, A. R, Miller and L- jf . Leaw The aim la to have th system Installed oerore construction of th paving, there by reducing the cost. At a recent special election th elec trolier proposition, when coupled with the problem of extending the franchise f the electric company, met defeat. Tha plan new Is to circulate petitions orovld Ing for a bond issue to be Voted upon at tne regular spring eltctlon. PATIENTS KICKED AXD BEATEN NORFOLK. Neb.. Feb. 4- Special Tel egram.) fitorie of cruelty to patients and of cruel attendants being long re tained; of women of immoral reputation being kept until they voluntarily left! of some of them being commonly known as 'papa'i pot": of vulgar stories told te Woman employes by tha superintendent; of questionable familiarities between a urea and a mat patient; of tne super 1 tandent calling on patient a Til narna within hearing of other patients; of re tention of nurses and attend ante, found asleep on duty and guilty of other vio lations of rules-. the superintendent ;Uing his arm around various nurses; of th superintendent making alighting remerfcg to employee concerning his as sistant physicians, and telling certain r.opiof ea personal stories coneernlng oth ers ; of a , nurse describing the superin tendent s a "fresh old man"; of hla alleged carelessness tn regard to contag ious epidemics, were features of tha ad verse testimony brought out at tha third day's investigation .Into Zr. Outtery'a Management f the Norfolk Stat hoe pi 'a 1 for tha Insane. ; One former attendant told ef Boeing 4 - patient knocked down, ktc&ed, and then, whlla trying to get up, kicked In the jaw and knocked over backward, be cause he put his foot agalnat tha freshly varnished wall. Achla Bagby, the attendant, accused I of thla. remained In the hospital nearly .DDCD AD CHMCCCt tl rear after this and other crueltle. "UL,UM J Ono ha jerked a chair from Under a fljiE ISSUE""" awariea, cnppiea, ouna pauent ana gave him a kick, telling htm to get out. Tha general night watch told of seeing a woman nurse beat a male patient with heavy strap, whlla he was strapped band and foot to a bed. and of beating woman patient In the face. While ahe waa held to the floor by another nurse. The supervisor asserted that Dr. Out- i!.." (ADVANTAGE OF THE ".. -I mwl w 1 iv.ciK., MM W - a a- n a-k Many wltnesea asserted that Dr. Out- LUVV r'KlLitO IN ULLt tary told tnem to be kind to Patients i I ana some eaia u general oonauot 01 the hospital regarding food, clothing, comfort, ate.,, waa aa good aa It ever had been.' GOVERNOR JOHNSON WILL WITHDRAW NAME AW sTUNcisOo Cat . F.b 4Oov. eroor Elraaa W. Johnson said hero to. day that M wouM not pormft bis nana te remain an the rolls of tne secretary of state of Minnesota as a candidate for the progressive nomination for president in tha klarch 4 primary election. Ilia xame was filed yesterday. I had already refused permission to ioe my name s a candidate in inne- he said. MAJOR GEORGE KIRKMAN IN INSANE ASYLUM IN ILLINOIS Word baa reached Omaha that G serge Kirxman. Torraerty a major In tha United State army and atattoned at For't Nio brara, Neb., for a number of years, has been seat to th Illinois Insane asylum at Kankakee, having Son there from Chicago. In IM hfra. Chandler, wife ef Lieuten ant Chandler, eloped from Fort Nio brara with Major Kirk man. Later the woman waa found in New Tork and re turned, ubseqoeotly. while at th Paav ton betel, aha took her life by ahootlng. Kirk man waa discharged from the army and aenteaeed to three year la tba gov- ernmont ponltontiary at Fort Leavenworth. '& COMPANY -0THLNQ OF STAND- QUALITY IS . I0INQ TO BE MUCH HIGHER NOW IS llltC ILtUi 1U lAItC Turkish Forces Evacuate Eraenim PETROORAt. Feb., 4 fVla Ixindon.V- The Novoa Vremya ' asserts it haa re ceived from a trustworthy sou roe in formation to the effect that tha Turka have evacuated Erierum, one of their principal atrongholda on the Caucaalan front. ' ' SUIT and OVERCOAT SALE ; DEATH RECORD Files, Coro4 ra to 14 Dare. truf gists refund money if raxo Oint ment fails to cur Itching. Blind. Bleed ing or Protruding Piles. First application glvea relief. tOc. Advertisement. lira 4 Tne Bee Wat Ads. It pays! Mra. V, A. Feme. Mrs. V. A. Pease, aged 49 years, died terday at th family residence, . gJlS lewey aveaue. following s ahert lllnesa. he had 'been a resident of Omaha for twenty-five years and is Survived by sev eral brothers and sisters living here and her husband. V. P. Pease, well known ccntractpr. Funeral services will be held some time Sunday, with interment la IWast Lawn cemetery. . Mr. W. a. Ughtklaer Mr. W. E. Llghthlaer of Denver. Colo., who haa spent aeveral montha with ber daughter. Mrs. 8, C. Jennings, died Tues day evening of grip. Mra. Llghthlaer had been 111. only four days. Funeral aorv loes were held Friday afternoon, tba body being sent to Denver for buriaL Mr. Lighthlaer la survived by two sons, four daughter, two sisters and two brotbera H. A Roblasea. Howard A. Robinson, raaidant manager f the cable Piano company, died Friday mora In at tha family reaiden. Hit Davanport, of pneuawala. Ha waa 14 year old and cam to Omaha a year ago from Memphis. Tens. Ilia widow and baby, 4 montha old. aarrtve. Th body will be taken t Memphla far bo rial. . - Joes WUchaaaa YORK, Nab.. Feb. 4 4epc1aLV-Joaeph Vlschman died last night at tha home Of hta sister. Mrs. Thomss Mulleague, south at this city, the result of measles following an lllnesa of tut four oeye. lie U tar of as. THERE IS STILL A ' fFULL RANGE OF SIZES IN BROKEN PAT TERNS "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE." DON'T OVERLOOK THE BIG REDUCTIONS IN OUR CHILDREN'S DEPT. FINAL CLEAN-UP MEN'S NECKWEAR We Ties 25 tLOO Tie 55a flM TlaSft a8eS f&MTle ttM Ttea 91.45 $340 Tlea 91.85 tftVMTiee) ...93.23 DROWNING, KING & COMPANY New Spring Styles of Silk Hosiery Are arriving' every day. Fancy hosiery in new shades of fold, silver, cham pagne, ivory, bronze and navy, which will be very pop ular this spring; also a splen did assortment of white and black. $1.00, $1.50 to $5 a pair. Extra Fine Values in Tub Silks In a large variety of new and attractive patterns and colors; exceptionally heavy weight that tubs beautifully. 32 Inches Wide 85c to $1 a Yard A Special Showing of Satin and Straw Untrimmed Hats A Forecast of Advance Spring Styles Ten charming shapes, re productions of Paris models, all of satin combined with lisere straw, in black, brown, navy and green. Specialy Priced $1.95, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 and $3.75 Ten Shapes in AIL MIUtaery-HBecoad Floor. n' SORQSIS SHOES $4a $5, $6 Values $5, $6, $7 Values $6, $7, $8 Values Cuban and Spanish Heels, Plain and Tip Vamps, Lac and Button Styles. In all three groups. The Shoe Event of the Season. ;3.95 3 4.95 I a ( Knit Underwear A clean-up of all odd garments left from the January Sale. Children's Vests and Pants, cotton and wool, broken sizes, 35c qq to $1 qualities - - LiUl Women's Wool Vests and Pants, $1 to $2 regularly, Psrat. . .39c Women's Vests and Union Suits, a few odd garments regularly $1 to r7Q $2.50, Saturday - I Underwear Third Floor AMUSRMEXTS. AHVIKMEitTI. Plan NOW to attend the MA M I LLI O N- D Q LLAR AUTO H W Auditorium Feb. 21-26 For fttrrher bJorsoatloa add Csarh Ok PowU. nsanager, Fanaaen Btreat. Omaha, address Keh. GEO. T. WILSON. Mgr. Where the Omaha Bee- Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen FAKXAM THEATER CAMERAPHONE . GEM LOYAL PASTIME LYRIC MAGIC HAXSCOM IVY PALACE PIAMOX11 BTKT ALMU OMAHA BEXSON FLORENCE Turpln's School of Dancing Tweatv-eighth A Farnant. aTew Olaasea. List your name nan. Private 1b son a ear ttraa U43. -IITMPV TAXI Jm m l taai B WEB. IM Call Tyler 1000 If You Want to Talk to The Bee or te Anyone) Connected Ulia Tbe) Bm. BOYD Today ooxminrova, 1 r.K ro u. PATIIE PRESENTS Florence Rccd Now York from A. H. Woods' Famoua Broad May Bucceas, with All-Star Gnat, Inrludlnir FAN'IA MARIHOFF, FORRE8T. WI.VAXT, JESSIE RALPH. A Gold Rooater PUy in 5 parts. HEnSMAW CAFE Concert Dansant EVERY EVENING FROM 10:30 P. .M. SPECIAL NIGHTS Monday, Friday and Saturday r. - Augmented Orchestra Entertainers.'; 1 !;, AMC8KMETVT9. TODAY HAYES & WYNN trtnglng and Paaoing. ' TWO IRIMINAS A J Wire govelty. RUSSELL'S MINSTRELS Kamsoniona Oemadlana and aUngar. BILLY BARRON . Comedy KOaical. woro VXVaTB) DZTOSCOns. Tout Keel Oonwdr. "TOO CSBTEJS BT KaJU. ... mmai Mo. s. 1 pA ADMISSION 1fU Keeerred Seats IQe Yhctr. I Ooatlngr ans-t M Spisod Kary rage. "osciJLs.'a ronr cmrrsm. I.elTSraa Mel Tail.w "MAJDS OT AT S43 aVad OOBtUolag Too. Vext Sat. Kag. . DAVE MARION ,MCJ rn J-m, Ladles' Xttaae MaUaee Weak Daya. "AV TONITE HIPP Htk aa Karaay. Paramount PHOTO PLAYS, la. soes TO DAT, aVaTTfaUkaVr 11, jio, ilea, a, a, so, sio, r. Si SO, trSO. rimxn rrnxoxmicx u "THE SPIDER" TODAY Jane Gray and Tolly Marshall In Let Katy Do It SAM BERNARD ta Tbe Grant Peni Tangle. D II AND EIS Today isssisb Jbavr TWO TTaTJE Mr. and Mrs. Cobara rreaeat acauaee, BAo to Si. Kvng, gSo te glja BOYD lv?s rCCXAXi MATtfflU ttjzidat "Nobodv Hoitig With IVawreaee Chroa.mith, Use Bar. netl aad aJJ-ntar Cast. STtghta. gao. gl.60. Taea.. atat.. igp, n. aoaa Bong. m T Or TatTDBYlXUI MATINEE TODAY 2:15 Early Curtain Tonight, 8:10 SText Week i XdlHaa Xlngabmry si Oo Also whltaer at Bart. Today TtV-NEWpTonlta ZiiJU lilVRUHaJi8:20 STorta rethera Stock Oa. "tsi wrrcaisTO mourn." Ban that pays n r. nnmrrunc ---- uii kiJlAUiJ A BEgE WANT AD BfrrsTisflaS