IK: OMAHA, SATTOPAY, FEBRUARY 5, in hi. 15 FOR RENT-APTS AND FLATS Mlecellaae aa. .MONTH FRKE RK.NT. ' ' COXMB-LN APARTMSNT. i-roo i end bath apartments, brick, mod. twit heat; beet neighborhood. $12 60 . and tit. Call tor appointment to eee D. fX BTTCK, HI OMAHA NAT. TXi. $2. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROP'TY l 4 tore. vII4, remodel apace, WiGO, for Iodic hall. M Door of Crounaa block 111 N. lath St., to suit tenant. CONRAD TOUNQ. 333 pranrlcn Tlim, imi. &MAL1, store room, very desirable; rent $; 1720 Cut St. CONRAD YOUNG. frt Frandelg Theater. Po"Im 1"71. FbOrtB ROOMS at lw-UU Farnera St. Thou. F. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 74. M Iseallaaeoae. FOR RKN'T Ground floor auditorium In Omaha, central location, 4.360 square feet, without posts: balcony, (eating 1.000; two large stores and lobby In front; low rent on long term to experi enced and responsible party making" own improvement: suitable for autoa, rink, movie or theater. N. P. Dodge & Co.. So. Wlthnell Hide.. Omaha. Neb. ' MOVING AND STORAGE qLOBE VAN & STORAGE 'Storea, move, packs, ships; S-horae van and I men, II 26 per hour; storage. U per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. lougla 4383 an 4 Tyler &w. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mot mg. 211 N. 11th 8t. Phone Douglas 184 or Harney 1337. . Fireproof warehouse Separate, locked rooms, for household Kol and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. ' OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO, Douglas 413. ' .Phone Douglas 2S for complere list of vacant housea and apartments; also for storage, moving. Wth and Jackson j-ts. ft Kxprcss Co. Moving, . j. LirjEiXJ packing and storage. HOT Farnam Bt. Douglas 6146. MAGGARD Van & Storage Co'! Moving, packing, storage and shipping. D. ltiie. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED ortb. Ittlli ST., CORNER DEWEY ' Choice flats, bring $M monthly; will more than carry the property at 6 per cent until 24th tit. doubles In value. If Interested in something choice you i-hould see me quick. C. 0. CAR LB ERG, .' :' -312 Brando! a Theater Bldg . PRAIRIE I'AHK-p caan and $ monthly will Imv 7-room. new 3 story, oak finish first story, fine shad hedge aim shrubbery; first class In every way. H, J. ijoanneil, Doug, or Colfajt JfcU CUMING, near St., 22 or 44. Must In aol'i l- clrmo eat.nc. ui'lnimel, 613 JniahaNatlotialJBankBl!le. froRTli lioiu lot. i5lii' and Snerwood Ave., with old o-ioini brick collage, not modern; oiQyJlJfjA'elJ.K;Lli TlCN rooms, four apartments, cheap. Phoi;e Colfax lu2 after 11 a. m. Soalh. . . . I -it;ht' rn.li in,' o-iarge room modern home, on paod etreei, cement wfclks, iHige barr., nut ehaue, ceiiient base ment. Iiiunur). i.w. Hiclr.u lUhts. hot water lieal. cistern. bulli umi sewer. One block from street car and puullc school. Worth 3,ii. Make ue an of let. Fred Mower. "mr, 4'. b. ltn t., Omnha. J-roonl mouoiu hiieo on ri Ave., near irtppltton ave.; iot- for qnly " iNiake aoou voutuna and board- ' ii hous-e. - - -- ' ' .Mjmaha Nat. MitiiKJli Jg.J 4lAiN.-u.u r Aiit MUftaui. I'wiilll, new. slilrtiv nKocni honi-. comer lut. for ' i-'c. Terms If detlrel. ft.HHKNH. Husha. .ssi. HHiik. loiia. I'l J,o4 vi'iT.U buy. i-room inodorn house. IBM South mn St. Kay lerina,' J O UN V. RUHB 1 N S, 1 SUS 1-A H N AM ST. il' L'OM.. P .! in. ""J Si"' Pi V rouitt cottK'. I'oi, .-"outh tin".. i.';i f. "1 t . So'ith Htir. ' MkawllanevUM. UW.NEft MoVi.Sij 1' i AI.KUil.MA, Very deairnh!o i ludorn house, with hall, panor. living loom, duung room, kitchen, 4 bedroom:-." bath arm sleeping porch: furnace wiM oil lira tor; large lot, ill' chtilce lo.--ntlon, with shade, shrubs nnd fruit; Biitci paicu. 'jner must aell st once. , 1 J. H; lit MONT & CO., 41-g Keeiine' bliig. VJl'gJ'1jJjg- " A ilK.Nul".h bAKiJAiN. . - No.' aw: oth Ave, Council Bluffs; i ' loo nig, niuile-n except heat, large barn, paved at reel and on car line: 2,I0J. N 111 sell for reasonable payment down, balance like rent. Thus. D,' JuVrtSarry, Keollne Bldg . JUd 4 44. ""COTTAUB AT AUCTION All court house. February SI. See XV. II. Rt'St'ELL. Ml Brande's Theater. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED FtNB 30-acra piece, located west of Ben ton; ' deep, black virgin aoil; no Im provements except fencing; Ideal place for market gardening. Pries, . $5,000; 11,000 cash, balance 11,000 per year. Thia la worth the money. D. V. SHOLK8 CO., 15-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 49. North. PL'T 10 to lli ' f month of your spare money In tINNB LU8A loU. REAL ESTATE U the FOUNDATION of all wealth, it carl't get away from you, and If you bur- in a well located new addi tion you will not only save but MAKE mon . . .. . CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., OWN E RS. o BUILDERS, ATTENTION! iWe have two lota on the north aide of I. ncust atreet. west of ISth, each 10x124. All Improvements in and paid (or. Price, II. 1W each. Terms. A. P. TI KET BON. 1507-S W. O. W. Bldg. Phone Doug. Sf'l. Mlscrllaacoaa. will bcild to order. furnish plana free, furnish lot and help finance. If you sro going to build, see me or phone D. '."M. GEO. E. LCNDBl'RG. 61i Paxton Bldg. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE APARTMENT HOF8E FOK EXCHANGE. ' What have you clear to exchange for pies brick apartment houae, about two eara old, consisting of 14 apartments? Oak finish, tile entries and bath rooms; smoke-consuming heating plant, laun diiei and ateam driers . Rjilt by day labor. Income f,4o tier year. Owner would consider olaar farm land for his equity. st k of general merchandise, city property, either vacant or Improved. Further Information furnished upon ap plication. . SCOTT & HILL CO., Ground Floor. McCagus Bldg. 5oOD eighty acres of irrigatedland in aoutheaMisrn Wyoming, to exchange for t or 4-room modern residence In Omaha or suburb of Omaha; land all fenced and well located. Want place tor home and will give fair deal. . J 6. JACKSON. M Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. WILL TRADE from one to three sections ch6ice land eastern Colorado, cloar. for busiitesa property la Omaha, and assume mort gage or psy cash. Might lake a good apartment. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Keeiine bldg , Omaha. o WANTED City residence property to ekcliange for lend. D. V. KHOI.KS '0.. M i-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 49. R EAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE oM AH A and Council ltUifTs"noua.s, toTai $l2.irt, for land. Frontier county. J. A. A H HOTT.s Patterson Itlock. Qniahs. REAL. ETATF.. Fire ejidOeneral Insur- nee. Art TNatoher. 1717-1 City M- lion Krnik PMg. Ootiglas TO E JtCH ANO E Clear lotf bhl. flour and feed mill, eastern South Lakota. Bog ! Independence, la A iA-A. farm rloae to Omaha for es rhsnae. P. C07. Toland A Trumbull, 441 Bee Pldg. FOR KXCIIANUH-U.v clear land for Income, town or city. E. W. Runyon, Plrtny. la. WANTED Light up-to-date car, for two well located lots. Colfax 41. FOR SALE BUSINESS PROP'TY Leu for 8aU " Good Location for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE "SO Square Feet $30.00. The Bee Building Co. Room 103. frit.flOO vVILfl buy l-atory brick blo-k on 16th St.. with ground IT! feet squsre. J. B. Robinson. D. S097. 442 Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Banana. 6-ROOM. All modern. In Benson, at J319 N. 69th St. Full lot. house about 5 year old. Mortgage on It of 2.W.nn payable Jo.i per month: make offer for equity. You need not fear to make offer low enough. The owner must sell and you will net a snap. H. A. WOLF. M 4 TV a re Wlk . Pong, ft. II a a d ee. 5014 Burt St. Six rooms, bath end sleeping porch; brsnd new; very complete, including decorating, window shades, et Heat ing plant with a written guarantee; large, very artistic flreplHce; exception ally well planned with good-sized rooms. Immediate possession. let us show you this property; It will please you. Hiatt-Fairfield Co., 230 Omnha Nst'l Pk. Blr'g. Tel. Doug. 4!. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS TIMELY INVESTMENT, t.arge lot on Cuming St., nesr Ford Motor Co New site F. V. WF.A D.JI 10B 1M h Pt , d Bid . WANTED To buy on monthly payments, smsll store room, with living rooms above, in Central school district. Phone Red 7S..4. REAL ESTATE-WANTED HAVE buyer for rlose-ln residence, S to 10 rooms - What have you? R H LANDERYOIT. Tel. D. 56"i. , Nv I'.e Block. FINANCIAL Real Estota Loans, ftlortaaires. WE are ready at' all time to make loans on- first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request.. UNITED STATES. TRUST CO. - 212 SO. 17th St. v j Jo lie for loans on Pest class ill v leMdcnccs 1(1 niiv.unta J.ii0 up; bIh'u lai-ni loans, Rennonable commissions. I K I EH.s T R1ST X., 1822 Farna m St OMAHA iioinea. tMl Neomsiia tarma O KKEl'lv REAL ESTATE CO.. reil nn,a NHtlona1 Phone Onuelss STI AIO.NE Y TO i.OAN, "for i years, on im I't'u.t'u prolMMIies. ' 8MOPK.N CO.. . Domr (jAHVl N liRON !ta om A H A I ii) '10 Hi'w. made promnlv. i. w 1 .id Jldgistn L.Jrni'Sls. ' .Xni.scV on hand for ity anrt ihi iii"o ns. !. lJI -J1,1'! T.!li )L N atlonHl Bsnk Bldg. CI 11 pro'ierty. lrge loanf a specially. W. II. Tl"naa titate BankJtidg. Cll X and larm loans A S'. ner cent . -I. II. Humnnt A t'o is sta'e' l:ank. (ij. t-'lTY'LoANST C. t'ircsrl'bergriliiv v't 1? Brandels Theater Bldu'. .ii'ir.i, nitKis r.v a.- a r t h. ' Omaha. Nat, Bh nk 'hI.Jk. Financial WantrC. XVXNTKD to borrow trom private party, $.1.i0 for one year at per cent; best security. P 7H. care Bee. Abstracts at TiU. (J IT A KANTKE" . Ahstract to. The XJ Ll hest sbs ract Is tne rheorest. Room'7. Patter.inn HUlg. D.lBli t?VT?I li'le iruaVsmtee - aiid Ahtr"Her . ! -'ot a modern abstract office. 10 f. iiin mi. lei. i). mx. REED ABSTRACT CO. oldest aUstract office In Nebraska, '.isi Brandels Thea. Stocks and Bona. r HOME BLU.DEHd. Iuc, paying not on each 11. IS inveatd now in Its J GUARANTEED - PREFERRED SHAKES. You share In the SURPLUS PROFITS also, making a total earning of 11 per cent to shareholders who invested 4 years ago. Ask for our No. B "NEW WAY" booklet. It tells nil about it. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. Fla. Agta. 8. W. Cor. 17th and Douglas, Omaha. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands 'NO MORE 8NO WTLAO R I P P K"AN D RHEUMATISM FOR ME." "No more snow, lagrippe and rheu matism for me," is the way one of our Florida customers writea. Inatead of shoveling ooal into the stove or fur nace and feed to the live stock, the Florida farmer is planting and harveat lng crops that will yield returns un hoped for by the northern farmer. The largest cattle and hog farm in the Lnlted Htates hss Just been estab lished In our vicinity, 26,ono acre Is being fenced Into fields and pastures with S2-lnch hog-tight a-1 re, and 6.O11O aires will be put Into cultivation thia year, l.ttO acres into Natal grass, the grass that transformed Souih Africa into the greatest cattle country in the world. Our lands are equally adapted to trucking, small farming, large farming and slock raising. Write st once for full particulars. BENSON & CARM1CHAEL, , 43 Paxton Block, umini, iseo. 2 80-ACRE Farm for kentT- Southern Minnesota, well mproved, tiled, smooth: $3.iu per acre, or ahara rent. Ben Cone. Wisdom. Minn Minnesota La a as. 160-ACHB improved larm, 3u miles from Minneapolis; 100 acres under cultivation balance meadow and pasture; good soil: 10-room house, barn and all other build ings that are needed; school house on land; price, () per acre; one-half rash: or will sell farm wltn full equipment of horses, rattle, machinery, etc. Will make very rvaaonsble price on personal property. Immediate possession can b t. 8,,n"m'b Mroa.. loj Plymouth Building Minneapolis Minn. Mlsaaarl La ads. BETTER live on your own little farm in Dent Co., Mo., than be a rentur. Call or write for hooklet. W. 8. Frank, Nevflie Block, rmiaha. MUslaalupt UsSi, AN INVESTMENT In a pecan orchard Is the best you can make In dirt. Paya interest at once and they tan bo bought on easy terms' W. T. HMI'ill CO. Douglas 2M. City National Bank Bldg FARM AND RANCH LANDS ,,bmka l.aaaa. 1KKICATED l.w ACRES. Improved farm, near tlershey. on the l iilon Faiifh-. K acres In alfalfa, acrea In a heat, W acrea in corn, 14 acres in hsy meadow, U acres in hog pasture, and ths balance In pasture with running water, a-rooni house new barn, granary, corn crib and chicken house. Tatd-up water right. Rented. Can be bought under $UM an acre and la a bsriiain. FAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat. Bank Bhlg , Omaha. aril my well-Improved farm of lo acrea at public auction Friday, Feb. 18. 1-and located s miles west of Hel graile. Neb., In Nance county, southeast quarter section 3, township IT, range . Incumbrance. 3,nv, which can be as sumed. Terms, 1 1,1! down on day of piiichsse, balance to be paid March 1. ltfio. Five tranwrtatlon and all ex pauses to purchaser. Send sealed blts to K. J. Hoy, Fullerton, Neb.. W. H. Smlth.owner. ifti ACRES, best Cheyenne county wheat land; worth of ImproTamenta; w acres now in fall wheat, TO acrea ready for aprlng plowing; U bushels per acre IMS. Trice. K.tmu. 1,K cash, M.6"0 per pent, & years. Write Nugent de Longpre , IKlge I'ole. Neb. A14rTHK TIME YOU WANT Owner of 140 ai res In Cedar county, 40 mliee from tlou City; will make veiy liberal terms to first-class farmer who can make a reasonsbla cash payment; farm has about Ino acres in crop. Is well improved and close to town. Files, 1100 sn acre. Whet's the use of renting? FA YN K INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha Nat I HanK Hide.. Omaha IrtO ACRES, suitable for alfalfa, "grain. j spuds or beets: hees psy $MI to ISO per are. Other lend likt this held at Am tiot a farmer. Prlre, f 4." ; trrma. Box in. Cliimney Rock, Neb. SPLENDID RANCH PROPERTY. 1.040 acres; northwest Neb.; 400 acrea cutivated: ftl acres slfnlfa: fine Im provements; bniKsin price. O. S. Relyea, aiti Ramge Blilg.. Omaha. Neb. 120 ACRES, with K.ftib worth of Improve ments. In Douglas county, 2i miles from Omaha, at l-.r an acre. M 710. He Wlsoonsla Lss4a. LP PER" "V J set i N S I . Best dairy an il general crop state in the tin Ion; settlers wanted: landa for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wis consin Central Isnd Orsnt. Excellent lands for slock raising. If Interested In fruit lnnila nxk for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., f'oo Line Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. Wyemlsg l.aaaa. I FOR piAl.EVM acres, 4' milea from Cheyenne, good well, good aoil, school ' on land: for prices and terms, writ owner. T. B. Calll.ion, 400 E. IStli, Chey ! rnno. Wyo.e Miscellaneous. HAVE YOi: A FARM FOR 8AI.K? Write a good description of your land and send it to the Sioux City tla.l Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-fle words every Fri day evening. Saturday .morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for V; or .V) nordx, J4, or 76 words, $!. largest circulation of any low a news paper; ZoO.UUO renders dully In four great states. Full any and all Kinds ol acreane located, on or near car line, call C. R. Combs, Mi UiHIideis Theater l'.UIg. I o;ir. i .f RNLLANDrF0? BENT ;120-A.. liioa., Scu-a. Iowa latmiT; ail Im proved. Write for particulars, Camp I hell i Craig. .":!2 Keeiine Bldg. HORSESLIVESTOCK-VEHICLES lor ai. AS I have ji;ai moveu rum the country, wil sell well-matched team of chunky I built horses, N and years old; almost I new set of harness, 11 ii; also five other j farm hojrses Bnlmniea. 2.V4 Pt. Mary s. Ihirty-two milk wagons lor sale, cheap. 1 Johnson-Danfoitli Co., 13th and (,'lark. ' H A Y s.ti ton. A. vi . "gnerii(iFN.'"li7 i PQULIRY ANpjPEj STOCK olRD DoO.H for sa.e; 3 hi okeii "dogs "rjlid ! -i young females. Must aell, koiii to leave me si ale. Xi . J. Ubvcr, Iteo neiu-hts, H. !. NINETY pair of Homer piteous fr tale, pi b e fdi. Ioni Anepach, c'udniiM, I . J.i 1 1 llJi.iA8 1.0 .iii; .i .l.i,r, -a ed nnd b:inded. Phone Benson "B4-XX-. Axil grain. lOolha". $f.Ti XVaguer7stiN7ia AUTOMOBiLES-FOR SALE Far Hale. REAL BARGAINS. 3 1!14 Ford touring cars 1 11113 Ford rondster. 1 114 Ford roadster. 1 1911 Hupp 20 roadster. 1 Chalmers M I'jadftcr. 1 lHU Maxwell. Li truck. 1 IHlb Maxwell. C. XV. FRANCIS AUTO CO. 221tFnriiam. Douglss K3. lTbi . Lo"."ifi tuiii'iNg, u-f.iiui'r'.'..'7..j"i IVIO J'l.lllV V. ICUllIig (lMl.i Huick rondstei' 4 lit 1 i Krit touring 5 1I4 Kurd touring WIS Btiidetaker 6 touring AutoClesrina House. i309 Farnani. i) .... .s .... 4 0 .... 2-' D3310. 1.000-L.B. truck i2S. Nebraska Buiu. oervica station, ism f arnara Phone Pouglaa 7TI. Aata Clvery aaa Oaraaea. Industrial GaiKKe .. 2.) TlarneyS'tsT Ali ttnairtnai aa"q linimii. Automobile painting 00110 by evptir iV u years experience in Omaha; woig guar anteed let class. Johnson-Danfprth Co. DUPLEX Hies last longer, are Vlfunier and more durai.le. .UxS1-, Wi, 7.14 Farnam S'.. Douglas 4i7. lew aid iui .j;ii'..lg as can I reiiHir 'ol's renaiied Bavedorfer. 210 N. pub, t ree winter sloi age wnen ciTrsare7iMiiil-' ed end repaired, Johnwon Dsntoi Hi ( . Oinana watiiator Kep. Co., .u0i Kir i7Tol Aata Tliti nnd lviiilNl A THREW or tour-line ad" In t'i Tr I Sale. Miscellaneous column of tIi "is BEE will sell your old furniture n5 household foods. n.',,ul anJ NOW. ALTO T1RE9 HAIjr-pHICE" Homer 11111, Wll Chicago St. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HARLEY-DAVIDHON MOTOKCVCLFh" Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth' LKGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF KTOCK HOLLjERS' MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the HtockhnUera of the SOUTH PLATTE LAND COMPANY will be held at the offloa of said Company Room 701 Flrat National Bank building Lincoln. Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. 111 u,'t tha first day of March A. D., 191. Lincoln. Nebrsska. February lot. 1914. C H. MORRILL, President W. W. TURNER. Becreury. Feby ldJot. llll aad Haala. SAVANNAH, Oa . Feb. 4 -TURPEN-TINE Quiet at u&c: reeelpta, lul bbla.; shipments. 1'4 bbls. ; stock. 12.413 bbls. RO8IN 8tead ; ssles. .132 bbls., re ceipts. 72 bbls.; shipments, 213 bbls.; slock, :. 15 Llils. Quote: A. B. C. 1 1 and E. Ii.2i6.2.'.:. F. and H. ti.Xf.; K. $X.S.Va 5 H": M. (i..in.a0; N, $. .i; XX O. 15 70; WW, (.'..W. Evaporated Apples aad Dried I'rells NEW YORK. Feb. 4. F. VAPOR A TED APPLES Market nulet and easv. Fan v S'iO to c; choice, 64c to ',',; ;nine. DRIED Fruits Prunes, quiet; apri cots, easy: choice, lO'n lo'c: evns choice, 10Si11e: fancy. riri:"e. Pegehes, quiet: 1 1 a sitis, easy. ulloa .Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 4. COTTON fpot, quiet; middling uplsnds )2'c, no sales. 'I lie colloli mai l'et closed steady. Hi a net loss of six lu eleven points for the du : . , GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET I Receipt! Are HeTy, with Demand Fair, and Cath Wheat Advances One Cent. CORN DROPS HALF TO A CENT OMAHA. FXsbruary 4. 11. The receipts In the local market were very heavy today and there was a fslr demand for everything on the list. Cash wheat was strong and advanced a cent The rash demand for wheat was much better than for corn and oata and most of the samples were quirgly sold on the advance. The demand for corn waa fair, hut the market waa weak and ranged from tyWIc lower. Oata were also bearish and ruled from Xt'V: lower. Rve and barley reeelpta were unimpor tant and both of theae markets remained fractionally unchanged. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to I,77.0ii0 bu.; corn, (,000 bu.; oata, SPOimo bu. Liverpool closed with wheat 1WH1 higher and corn unchsnged to Sd lower. Prlmsrv wheat receipts were 1.011.000 Yu. and shipments stvloo bu., against re ceipts of 730.000 bu. and shipments of awoiO bu. last year. i nmary corn recatpta were t,imi nu, and shipments 5K3.0HO bu.. against re ceipts of l.ato.OPO bu. and shipments of sn.nnn bu. last year. Primary oata receipts war TlO.Ono bu. and htnmenta XlWVlttlO bu.. assinst re ceipts of TM.OOO bu. and shipments of 4l.ooo bu. last year. CAR1AXT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago I 1 143 Mlnnespolis !1W Duluth SJ) Omaha ! 114 21 Ksnsss city !....17 ' St. lotils B Ss f7 XVInnlpeg K2 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 car, 11. X. No. a hard winter; 1 car. gl.M; 1 cars. (1.24; I car. $1.21x4: 1 car. $l.H; "X4 csrs. 11. n. 1 cars. $1 22H; K ears, HE; 1 cars, li.il; S cars, 11. . No. 4 hard winter: IS csrs. 11. IS, XS cars, $1.17; I cars. $1.1H; 3 cars. ll.lh; g cars. 11. 1A; H ears. It. IS; 1 ear. (1.14; ears, $1.1.1; Hsinpte hard winter: 1 car. $1.06; 1 car, (l.irj; a ears. $1.00; 1 car, lc: 13 rare. K0c. No. S durum: 1 car, $1.1. No, 1 mixed; I car. 11. . No. 4 mixed: 1 car, (l.li; 1 car. 11.14X4: X car. 11.13; 1 car. 11.1H4j. Ssmtile mixed durum: 1 car, $l.0R. Itye-.To. 2: 2 cars. Mc. Barley No. 4: 1 car p. Corn No. I white: 1 ear, 70e. No. 4 white: 1 ear, Wc; 4 cars, Rc. No. white: 1 car. lc. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 'c: I car. fi!o. No. 5 yellow: I car. iUc; 1 car, HHc. No. g vellow: 2 cars, fi?c: 4 csrs, 2c: 1 car. 0c; I oar, We; t cars, RXVc. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, c: 1 car, Wv. No. t mixed: cars, fi4c; 1 car, M'ic. No. mixed: 1 car, ?c; 2 cars, file; 1 rar. tmtc; 3 cars, line: 4 cars, Hsmple. white: 1 csr. nfte. Bample, yellow: 1 car. Wc: 1 car, otk-; tears. 54c; 1 car, ivlc; 1 csr, WV. Ssmple, mixed: 1 car, Wc: 1 car, 6c: 4 cara, 67c: 2 cars, 66c; I csr (MV. Outs-No. .1 white: 1 csr, 47'c: ( cars, 47c No. 4 white: 2 cars. 4fc. ftsmple: 1 ear. 4fc; 4 ears. -44c: 1 car, 4?c. Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat: No. I herd. $l.!"4al.i: No. 3 hard. $I.IWill.: No. 4 bartl. (I.ISHl.K; No. i spring. (1.241.!; No. 1 spring. $!.mri.:t: No. J durum. $1 IS ii.U. No. S durum. (i.Ufll.M: samnle, fn i$l.0.. Corn: No. J white, W'VuVOc: No. 4 white, fiTXturaxvc; No. ." white, g.'i'd'iic; Vo. white, 6'.Hffi1e: No 3 vellow. 7lt)7:V; No. 4 yellow, ftofiTQ': No. fi vellow, sfr iUe: No. yellow. 6.g'Je: No. 3 mixed. ti"i("4c; No. 4 mixed, 6vtg'e; No. & mixed, i"lfnl4c; No. 6 mixed. uStf2": samn'e 4ii wue. ons: No. I white, 47i94'4e: standard. 47HH-47Sc: No. ft white, 4.u4i'c; No. 4 white. 4Tfr4 Bsrlev: Malting. ffi72c: No. 1 feed. Citi'6tc. Rye: No. 1, !!.: No. 3. .,rf. Chicago closing prreea, furnished The Beo by Ixigan tk Bryan, stock and train nroners, is poiitn ihtn pt., timaha Art del Gpen. Illrh l Low. I CloaeTTsTT Wleat 1 May.l 1 34T4W 1 3.1'i 1 34 1 S3 I 1 iUWl 1 36 Julyll ::r:i 2iia 1 24 1 25X 1 24i J 2.-,4 1 26X Corn. I lay'7'fi7i! TX 7M7'fi4 7'V JiilyJ7Vj''.l 79X1 7 73-VI 73 Cats. I I i I I Msvl.-.lfroO'V 61', oO'ifj, 60VaT MVifi, .luly47HI 47s 47H' 47X41 474 I org ork. I I Mavl ?0 60 f 20 Kfi .Inlvl :0 60 20 60 ?0 46 20 ao 20 60 20 60 20 4i 30 4,- 10 07X4 10 2o 10 V, Lard. I I Mayl 10 12'wf 10 221, tfilO 20 I I July! 10 fcVBI 10 37X4 I 10 37 'w I Ribs. I I 10 J2Vij 10 17Xi 10 sw 10 S3 10 3Jtl 10 ?7X4l 11 02U Mayl n re1.. 11 06 I I i11 OX Julvl 11 IS I 11 17X41 11 12X41 11 IS It 10 I 11 17m I ' I Chicago t;ni AMD PROVISION Featnres of 4he Tradlnc and ('loslngt Prteea oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 4. Notwithstanding a tempoiarv break which resulted from word Hint Ocrmany would not admit any lllegg'ity In the sinking of the l.usilania, the wheat market today scored a aul s nntisl sdvsnce. chiefly because of un rxrrc'ediy higher cable quotations an I owing to Increased apprehension of dim ste to the domestic winter crop. Ptl'cs closed steady at a net gain of 1 cent, wltn May (1.34 and July $1.26,4. Other leading stsples. too. all showed an up turn corn to HtfXic; oats, ' to and provisions, ( to 10 cents. Chances of a severance of relations be tween I he United Slates and Germany were responsible for a transient decline of IS cents a bushel In the value of wheat. Previous gains, how-ever. were not entirely wiped out, and within an hour the market had rallied In a vigor ous manner. . Advices telling of fslr e port salra at the seaboard, tended to help the bulla. The total of thia European business waa estlma'ed at 750.000 bushels, Including a considerable amount of flour taken bv.the government of Holland. Much stress was Isid on Liverpool ad vices that .-supplies continued to be of In sufficient volume to meat requirements. Areaa of threatened danger to the do mestic cron of winter wheal seemed to have broadened todav to a notable ex tent. The gone ssid to be perhaps Im perilled by rnld weather snd insufficient snow protection now appeara to Include a large p"rl of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. lorn snd oats were hulllshly affected by the wheat strength. Car shortage re ports were numerous, but cash handlers generally look for larger receipts here. Higher prices on hogs gave firmness to provisions. One of the fea"re tH market was the purchase of 100.000.OuO tubs of May lard. The traiMaCtl.in was said to be to. cover recent speculative short sale. ' Chicago Cash Prlres Wheal : No. 2 red nominal; No. 3 red, (1.3(fi 1.33- No ' hard nominal: No. 1 hard. (1.81. Corn: No. 3 yellow. 7"c: No. 4 yellow. 74Xitr7oX4j. f'.'lt,L No- 8 while. 4X4l4!i'e; atandard. 6?c. Rye: Nominal: No. 3 ti on Brlv: 7v&ie Heeds: Timothy, (o &d!.0O- plover, (in.o4Tl3 so. provisions: Pork, nominal: lard. $!.K7X; r'bs. (lii.2bifJ10.S7X4. RT'TTER Unchanged. EOG Higher: receiota. 1 MIX cases firsts, 29 Wc; ordinary firsts. 3s23X4e; at mark, cases Included. 24tf29c POTATOF8 Higher: recainta. 14 csrs; Michigan Wlaeonsln, Mlnneaata and Da kota white. oir7c; Minnesota and Da kota Ohlns 3MfV. POULTRY Alive, unsettled; fowls, l'4c; springs, 17c. Mlnaeanalls Oral a Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 4.-WHRAT-May, $1 32; July, $1 tBVffl.JJAi. Caeh No. 1 hard. $1.; No 1 northern. (1.331 M; No. 3 northern, $1 294pl .31. FLOUR Unchanged. F.ARLRT Wt7c. RYB-Mi ftfl (si BRAN-$I.261C0.A0. CORN-No. $ yellow T7flT3e. , OAT8 No. I wnlfo. 4TX4Ji47c. FLAX 8EED (2 aaJl.K Kaaaaa City Oral a aad Prevlslaae. KANSA8 CITY. Feb. (.-WHEAT-No. f hard. (1.24131; No. 3 red. (l (Myl.aS. May. $1 24. ml. 24Xi; July, lt.lti(fl.l. CORN No. 1 mixed. 71c; No. 2 white, 731t73X4c: No. $ yellow, 71c; May. 74Xc; July, 75. x,c. OATS No. J whits. SUftOr; So. J mixed. 4Mj4'ic. SI. I.eele Crala Market. HT IIUIS. Feb. 4-WrlFAT-No 2 red. $1 W: No. 3 herd. (1. ''.,; .Xfiv, (1 3114 fil. 29',: July, (1.22S4J1.22X,. CORN No. 1, '7iXc; No. 2 white, noml nsl: May. Tic; July. 77Xttr77Sc. OATI4 No. 2. V; No. 2 while, nominal. OMAHA UYBJTOCK MARKET Cattle Aetire Seller at Stronjer Prioei Sheep Slow at Thun day'i Cloie. HOGS ABOUT TEN CENTS HIGHER OMAHA. February 4. 1M- OaaIm.- . -i- 11a. fSbesO. Offlclsl Monllii ! ITS W.W 10.1 Offlelal Tn.l.. .0f xrfictsl Wadnead'ay .tx4 1S.7VO 11 Official Thursday.... Estimate Friday Five day this week..17 same daya last weait.2eA'3 Same days 1 waa. ago St.7 Same day 3 wks. ago Ift.aM 8me daya 4 wks. ago.W.: Bsme davs lut vr 11SM 47 ,WA MO . 4.s:, M.stS 41.1M ins following tshie snows tne wi of eattla. hogs and aheep at tha Omha Uva Stock market for tha year to date aa compared with laat year: . . 1n. 1i(, Inc. Ha I3,gj4 1(,0I ' 47r..tXXl 21H.i:4 ). .. Sheep 143.000 871.WG s,a, Tha following table shows tne average prices of hogs at the Omaha live stock tnarket for tha last few day, with com parison 1; ilatoTI lion. ii4. !l13. . iiiTl-.7.rT-: X I X 1 I mXuWTi Jan. r Tru' Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. t if I SS Ol e ( (1 T Jtt,j Hi 4 M rr 1 tx 7 Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. re1 T Tl T H1! f T Eeh. I S3 'Sunday. Reeelpta and disposition f live stock at the Union Stock yards for twenty four hours ending at ('p m. yesterday) KGLKIl'IB. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C . Ml 81. P XX ahaeh Union Pacific O. ft N. XX eaat... ..4 an .. 1 1 ..7 ; 17 .. 3 .. 16 C N. W.. west. C St. P.. M. O 17 C, B. Q., east 4 6$ C. H. Q . west 14 n6 10 C.. II. I. p.. esst 2 II !f . R. I. ft P . west 1 1 1 1 1 1 lMr .lllsa ..(( $ a Chicago O. XV $ Total receipts l 19 41 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris ft Co 273 l.h?2 4i0 Swift and Company .... '2 8.6M 4HS Cndshv Packing Co.... 271 S'7 2.340 Aimour ft Co 43 1.7H6, J,9; Schwartg ft Co SV J. XV. Murphy l.IW Lincoln Packing Co. .. 10 XV. M. Vanaant Co 1 J. R. Root ft Co 17 J. H. Bulla I F. O. Kellogg 14 XVerthelmer ft Iegen.. r.3 ... ... Sullivan Bros 23 ... ... Mo. ft Kan. Calf I'n . X Christie ;.X j Hlaslns 7 Huffman 10 ... ... 'John Harvey 24 .,, ... I Kline 2 j Jensen Lungren .... 33 j Other buyers 14H ... 2.036 I Totala 1.74a 11,1241 (J? I CATTLE There was a fair run of cat tle for a Fl'ldsv. but the total for the week, 23.217 hesd. Is the smallest of any recent week, although over 11,000 head larger than a ear ago. There ass a good demand this morning for all kinds of stock and the market was sufficiently active to effect a reaeon cbly early clearance, lleef ateera. cows and heifers were strong as compered wllh yesterdsy. or Jftc hlghee than a week ago. Ktocsers and feeders are fully steady as compared with yesterday and strong as compared with a week ago. Quotations on rattle: Oood to choice beeves. $;.7r,fJt.;0; fair to good beeves, !..26u7.7(; common to fair beeves, IS.26'9 7.2 j; good to choice heifers, di.2fati.7; good to choirs eowa, $&0042.S0; fair to good cowa, $.X.26'i 00; common to fair rows. H.UVoS.Jo. good to choice feeders, lii.8.'.ff7.i; fair to good feeders. $.40tfi.S0; common to fair feeders, $j.&nti.40; good to choice Blockers, $7,OOQ7.i; fair to good atookrra. $6 ijJ.OO; common to fair slock-, ers, $6.6CJ.$f; stock heifers, (i.7t.4.76 stork cows. (4.7t(ti.2&: stncg ralvaa, (ft.60 7.0; veal calves, $7.ta3.60; bulls, stajs, !eic . 1111311. .-a. I BEEF STEERS. No. A. Tr. No. A. fr. 1 4 Q (IS I It 1 00 .10 1 1 It 10 t 10 t 1t t hU It Ml til It IHM T 7 IT 1 1 W 1 aa 7 ti 1; uti t H i COWS. IB ?4 4 4 I W0 I It H V, I M 1 oh i 4'i I 1 IfO 6 fo I S tk I !lu n in lf I Tt I HAS I ST, T I.'jn I fr 11 list in it i?i iv l loin I U 3 lwo t M i 14U t M HEIFERS 1 tt 1 ts 4 n i t I M IM 7 Isi t II V t 10 f Iiw t no 1 1 ts 1 umi t ; 1 r.t 1 oo 1 no 1 u BULLS. t IS t II I ll I 10 1 u i o 1 i.wi 1 ;t. I ists so 1 ttn t 10 1 imo s u STOCKKRS AND FEEDERS. 4 KIT t 00 M 4l I TI I tf.1 t M II 117 I to T 474 T M tt 7 Of 3 M T HOOK Receipts of hogs were the small est since Monday, but at that were of fair volume, some 197 cara, or 14.200 head, putting In an appearance. 80 far thia week auppllea have been hl.iM head, being l.UM larger than laat week and 33.UUQ heav ier than a year ago, but U.OOu smaller than the banner run two weeks ago. on early rounds tha market waa en tirely a ahlppera' affair, heavy hogs, as aell ss best lights, being bougnt at fig ures that were largely a dime higher than Thursday. Packcra were a lltt'e Inclined to hang back, apparently afraid of a runawsy market, and trey put nut very few blda before the middle of the forenoon. The feeling, however, was strong, and first bids, which were no more than 6c higher, were promptly refused Once the packers made a start It did not tske then long to get down to business, und when the bulk of the offerings began to move It wss at I 1 Ices that were In most caaes a dime higher than yesterday's average. Move ment when once undo:- way became fairly active, snd a pretty tit cent clearance of the early arrivals waa effected by 10 o'clock, although there were still some common llghta scattered around, while one train waa still out. Bulk of the ssles was made at $7. 6oi 7.79. and tope sold to ('.. all Quotations being lOu higher than Thursday's. Today's advance mre than r covered the decline registered earlier In lbs week, and cur rent valuea are atrnng to aa much aa 60 higher than last Haiurrtsy, or no more than 6010c below Monday, which was ths high point of the year to deta. In fact today a top of $7.fi0 eouals the higheai trie paid ao far this year. Representative aalea: , No. At. gb. FY No Av Sk. r. 2 ltl ... Ill M 110 at 7 at 7t lit 130 T H 7 Ill ... 1 u h aa ... is 11 in t 7 ti 11 Ft 7 u ti ta . . 7 u M UM OO. TltXo 71 ttl ... f 00 M HI ... 1 SO 14 lit ... Tat so tie ... 111 :t 1 ... t a et r ... 1 70 it nt ... Tie l AS ... 7 1X4 ! 1 ... f 7tu (4 s4 ..17 41 MS ... f TI M n to 1 to t mi ... 7 M PK7S IT ... 7 IS si... SHEEP-A big Friday m ... 1 is run was re reived, arrivals amounting to about forty eight cara. or 11.600 head, and all but three loads, which were billed through, were on sale. Total for the five days Is 47.1(4 head, being U.OuO head larger than laat week, but l4 head smaller than two weeks ago. and 13.6aA head short of the corresponding days last yesr. Supply for the year to date shows s falling off of 33.M head aa compared with the aame period of 116. With llhsrsl receipts, following on tha heela of yesterday's good run, and Chi cago reporting a weaker trade. It looked as though the stage was set for a prtoe slump, and the early rounds were feat ureless, packers playing a waiting game In the face of such a discouraging out look, however, sellers refused to sc. cept anything short of steady prirea and. while the forenoon wss well advsnoed before anything waa done, flrat lamb sales when finally made looked steady or very nesrly so. Mexicans selling ss hivh as I Ki. No, eslerday s top. XVhile two packers were not doing s thing early prices were pretty well gus- 1 :s a vi i is r v.xi 1 r m 7 it U mi j $ :3 laws S3 I 07 t $31 Ml . W I 16 7 30 I Oil 7 3 17 7 42 7 40U tained until practlnajly all the good lainhg were cleaned up. Iesa desirable kinds were, however, neglected by pack ers, and while a few loada were picked up hr outside buyers who wanted aome tnlng for shearing and finishing, a num ber of losds were still In first hands at midday. Oood klnda sold steady to pos sibly a little easier, bulk moving at (10.00 trio st. Ewes were In very fair supply as com pared with recent days, but early sales were steady with Thuradey, In new of the slump In mutton prloea on yester day'a fin'sh. current Prices look: 10V to pcaslhlv a quarter below Wednesday. It took a real good kind of ewea to bring 17 16 this morning and several bunches of a fairly good sort landed at $7.inr7.1a. A small assortment of feeding and shearing lambs were . Included In the day's supply. One bunch of 6-pounder that were In pretty good flesh want at 110 30 snd others took fin la. In view of the wav packers were laying down on tha commoner grades It appeared as though feeder buyera would get a chance at several loads of unfinished stuff before the day wss out, .... . Quotations on sheep and lamba: Lambs, good to choice. $lO.SntMO6; lamtvs. fair to good, $103Mf10.l0: lamba. clipped, $T ft 40; yearling, good to ehoioa light, 4ooeiii4n; yearlings, fair to eholee, heavy, HfHVJJK.71; wethers, fslr to eholre, $7.onifJ 7 40; ewes, good to eholee, $7 .1047.36: ewea, fair to good $a.3n4T7 . Representative aales: No. Av. Pt. 623 fed lambs 73 10.7$ 617 fed lamba 74 10 K6 149 fed lambs 76 10 70 lio fed ewes 110 T W7 feeder lambs &$ $0 CHICAGO I.1VK STOCK MARKET. Cattla Slow, Hogi gtraag. Sheep Unsettled. CHICAGO. Feb. 4 CATTLTS Receipts, 10,000 head; market slow; native beet ateera. $.40r SO; western steers, $g t 3 26; cowa snd heifers, $$.$0(7V36; calves, (stuvfriioo. HOG8 Receipts. 34,000 head: market strong, 10c higher: bulk of sales. $7.76i7 7 : light, r.MXtfg.OO; mled. $7 0itT3.fl6; heavy. (7.fl06, rough, (7.JO7.70. pigs. fW.nrwtf7.16. SHEEP AND I.AMIBS Receipts. 11.000 head; market unsettled; wethers, $7.0na 3.15; ewes, $&.40tf7..X; lambs, $3.60)ul.2. t. Laals Live Stack Market. EAST ST. IM"TS. Feb. 4. CATTLB- Recelpts, l.ion heed: market, higher: na tive beef steers. (7 MVtf.60; yearling electa and heifers. (A SOBH .ti; cow;a (6JWf7.0O; etockers and feeders, (60rf7.3; Texas and Indian steers, (V2.'j3.W; rows snd heifers, 4.0ftrHi.60, native calves, W.otb 11.60. HOOS Receipts, 1.000 head: market, hlsher; plga and Ughta, $.0njl.00; mixed and butchers, (7.7iillO; good heavy, (gnr.flg 16. SHEEP AND IJXMBfl-necelpta. 7M head: market, atrong; yearling wethers, M flMf5.fiO; lambs, $!.00T11.10; ewes, (B IS "). Kaaaaa t Ity I.Ira Stoek Market. K4.NSA8 CITY, Feb. 4 CATTLE-Receipts eon head: market, stesdy: prims fed steers. $K.3nifi1l.l6: dressed beef steers, (7 OOTta.40: western steers, (a.SotrJg.lO; etock ers and feeders, w 00417.86: bulls, (o.00($ ti.tn: ealvea, (AM"O10SO. Hogs Receipts, S.4O0 hesd: maraet higher; bulk of sales. $7 sjKirl.W: heavy. $7.MHi7.K: packera and butchers $7.7H 7.!XX: light, $7.6oi7.30; pigs, $A.0iv,rf 00, SHEEP AND LAM RH Receipts, $.600 head; msrket, atrong; closed weak; lamba, llo.2MrlO.H5; vearllnas. (.7i3a.60; wethers, $7..'3.26; ewes, $7.O0r7.7ri. Sloas City Live Stark Market. SIOUX CITY, Feb. 4. CATTLB Re eelpta, l.Oon head: market stesdy. native steers. $.267.6; butchers. V..flmH.10:. eowa and heifers, $4.76ff.00: storkers and feeders, $a.6MH.0O; bulla, ataga, atQ., $6.00 ttg fi:,. HOOSRecelpts, .11.000 head: market 6ff 10e higher: hesvy, r.m07.7; mixed, $7.60 r 7 an; llgrnt. $7.16r7.e0; bulk of sales, $7.16 C7 76. HHBEP AND IAMnflRecelpts, 4W head; market steady: lambs, $10.30. St. Joseph l.tve Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Feb. 4. CATTLK Receipts. 600 head: market steady: steers. $T.ftre!fe 26: cows and heifers, $4.2b!fj $.76: ralves. 7,oftiftl0.00 H OOS Receipt a, 7 003 hesd: market higher: top, $736; bulk. r.6W7.0. RHEKP AND LAM Ret-Receipts. 3.000 head: market ateady; lambs, (IO.l64TtO.7i. prlcoa. Stark la Sight. Cattle, Hoes. Sheen. Omaha Blong City .. Chicago Ft. Ixiuls Kanraa City Totals 1.600 14.JI10 H.60O 1.000 .......10,000 2.1(10 i m 13 nro 34 O10 3000 (.400 400 11.000 1,500 14.700 69,800 . 33,300 .NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET j qaatatloas of- tha Day aa Varteas I reasanadltlea. NEXV YORK. Feb. 4-FIlTR-Wteady. 1 WHFAT Spot strong. No. 1 durum. $1.47: No. 1 northern Duluth. $1.64; No. 1 northern Manitoba, ll.f1, f, o. b. New York. Futures steady today. May $1.42, CORN ppot steady; No. 2 yellow. 37x40 c. I f. New York. OATS 8ot quiet. HAY Unsettled, No. 1. $1 J:rt$l.f7: No. 2. II Infill. 2; No. 8, $1.0071.06; shipping krtwnc. oats font, steady. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1916. luii27c; 1014. 6lic; Taciflo coast, 111$, 4;"?lne. 1M14 Aft 10c. HIDES Stesdy j Bogota, ntjSIHr; Cen trsl America, 31c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 33 34c- scnnds, JJIflSc. PROVISIONS Pork ateady; meaa, $30.00 20M; family, $22.004924.00; abort cleer. 113.60,; 23.00. Beef, nulet; mess, $11609 17 00- famllv. 3l3.6fllilO0 '.jl'A. ateady: j middle wet $1010 to $10.20. iAi,ujn yuin; ciiy, vc; country, (0MX4c: special. SX40. BUTTER Firm: receipts. T,$41 tub; creamery extraa, 811782X40; firsts, 173rH4c; Seconds. 21VHl14c. F-OOa Steady ; receipts. 1,003 cases; fresh gathered extra fine' 33c; extra firsts. $13324;; firsts. 4V630X4c; seconds, 27X4T?e. niEKSB-Stesdy; receipts. JU boxes; state whole milk, flats, held specials. Utilise; state whole milk, aversge fancy, lac: state whole milk, current mske spe cials, 17c: current make specials, aver sge run, 171H7HC POULTRY Dressed firm; fresh killed western rhlckens. l(Xtyff27c; fowls. 144$ liMc; turkeys, 23c; slive, firm; western chickens, lc; fowla, 13c; turkeys, 10 20c. Caffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 4. The market for coffee futures wss rather nervous snd un settled today with prices showing a ten dency to ease off tinder realising from local and European sources. The opening wss Irregular, rrst prirea being 4 points higher on March while other montna were unchanged to points lower. March sold up to 7.68c. or f points net hlgh"r. snd December rallied from T.SOe to 7.36c during the early trading on covering and trade buying. Yesterday's reports that ocean freight rates had keen advanced to $2 per bag lacked definite confirma tion, however, and tha market eased off to T.BOc for March In the latter trading tinder renewed reallxlng of liquidation. The close waa 1 to ( po'nta net tower. Seles. 64.600 bass: February. 7.40c; March, 7 62c; April. 7.63c; May, 7 64c; June. 7&c; Inly, 7.63c: August. 7 Ac; September, T73c; October. 7.77r; November, 7.31c; December 7.35c. Bps.t coffee, ateady: Rio 7s. 8c: Santos 4s 8X4e. Very few cost and freight offers were reported In the market and it Is claimed that In some eases coffee Is now being offered for shipment In sailing vea aels Private eetlmatee point to a decrease of about 40O1WO bags In the world's visi ble supplv compared with a decrraae of 13000 fo' January laat year. The official cables reported Sn sdvsncs ef 60 re Is In the Rio market with San'no unchanged snd Rio unchanged to (-32d higher. Metal Marks. NEXV YORK. Feb. 4. METAL Tjead, $A 10 bid. Sneller, nnt quoted. Copper, electrolytic firm, with May quoted at XI 60. and Juno. Jwty and August at $36. Iron, steady and unchanged. Tin. firm; spot. (41.60 bid. At Txindon: Spot copper. 4TS3; futures, aK 10s; electrolyte. -121. Spot tin. K0: futures, 130 6a. Antimony, 116. Lead, 11. Spelter, $ Dry Goads Market. NKW YORK. Feb. 4.-DRY GOODS Fall cotton goods were aold today for future delivery. Ysrns were firm, snd wool markets were active. Ready-to-wear lines si so were sellve. Segar Market. NF.XV YORK. Feb. 4 -Sl'OA R-Raw. steady: centrifugal. 4v0,2Hc: molasses. 4.Ma4.12c: refined firm. Sugar futures were erv nulet today. At noon prices had essed of a point or two. NEW YORK mi MARKET Lurfe Part of Roeent Rc0Yery Re linquiihed When Danger of Rapture Again Appeaxi. HOLDING IS VTRY LARGE. NBW YORK. Fsh. 4. A very consider able part of the recent recoverr In prices waa relinquished today, when reports again Indicated danger of a rupture of relatione between Washington and Ber lin, caused extreme declines af two to seven points In a wide variety of Is sues. The speculative elements was dis posed to draw unfavorable Inferences from the situation and sold extensively. To this wss added a substantial amount of long stock, or closing out of bullish cnmmltmenta. trading being tha largeat of any day of the week, except Mon day, when tha January decline culmi nated. There were other bearish fan tors. Including tha firm attitude of the coal operators against the demands of tha anthracite minora, and tba failure of certain expected Industrial dividends to Come to pass. A few stocks, notably crucible steel and distillers' securities stood out In the day's operations. Rumors persisted that crucible steel Is to be absorbed by one of the largest and most successful of tha atee producing companies and ths confident buying or that stock added tha lement of plausibility. At Its maxi mum of MX4. Cruolhle showed sn over night gain of (Xi- Distillers rise of IS, to 60'4, most of which occurred In the later dealings, waa associated with rumors of s "melon'' in tha near future. United States Steal was at al ittmee the most active feature and tinder stead v pressure, falling from Its maximum of to MX and making no recovery. I declines of 1 to 3X4 points were registered by rails, while motors, oils, various muni tions and copper were 3 to under yes terday's close. Heaviness of mercantile marine preferred gave rise to rumors of a hitch In the plan of reorganisation. Important shares made only nominal rallies from lowest prices in the dug final hour, the tnarket c losing with a heavy tons. Total sales of stocks amowated to 343,000 shares. A sharp rally In francs, and recurrent weakness In llres were the coo treating features of the exchange market, starling manifesting firmness. Heavy trading In Anglo-French Is and marlnea 4Xa at slight concessions, marked the irregular to heavy tone at bonds. Totals sales of bonds pax valua wore $6.16,00n. United States bonds war naonasured an call. Number of sales snd leading quotations en stocks today ware: , , aalea. Wis. Lev. aaas. Alaska Oelg .............. 1. en nt itsl t! AlUe-Chajawie gMs ts ti4 ' tt4 Ansrtnea Heat sTegar.... t.me S7 to st Aswrlnaa rwa n II. inn t $ Aaterlesa Lseeaiethie ... 4,ea rrxi tMi ' Oft aaMnias a. a a ....... sj.aw lnw ai4 asve Am. H I K eM Am. skigae IWlolsa., AaMrlesa Tel. Tel.. Amertrsa Tnbaooe ... AnarnnOe Mlslag Atrhlsoa BeJowla Loeomnltw I . .. a 1i44 B4 1H .. SO 111 tut, 111 .. 1,000 UT Ufc 19H .. ki'lss ir4 iai .. t.tos let tots int4 juo4j l' o ll I. KO t st M Paithanre a nets Bethlehem gteal preotilvn Rapid Tr IWIIfernla r mlouon ... OaaeAloa ravin CVtOrml Ither nhnsssske OMe ttiHwo U. W rhlcasn, M ft at. P.... -ilfo ft M. W r-nl-age, St. I. ft p. n. i hlno Conner to trtt tmo ttxi ST soxi to I.S ITS its !' l.tm Mt( U14 ii l.tos st i4 aiv it Lie r m m4 1.4e lttA ev i.sro M4 (t ts CVilomn s,.l 4 Irea. t'rnnllio gtsel Peaver A R. O. 4. ten 0114 oor, 414 .Ul.tet st4 tax, ttu, PMIHero' amrttlaa ,.aTt.nrM (nt4 44 nrie , , tlenoral Vleetrlo rt.Kn t t7X4 7t J.nw in 171 17014 Oet N there M tne lt OreaA Nn. Or etfs (.100 4H'i um irtt 444 444, tlVO ! 1W' 1IU, IW. liisahlm Bxplorstln.. e nil iiiineio cwairsi tm insso Imorbm was Oe i. Corg.. Its It laapiraiioo tpper .... lateraoilnnal Htrvesler Ksnraa ttty Soulhers.. Lshlga Valley Iiularlll a Nuhvill. Unless Prtn ilevm Muual Ooepr Ml o,iri g. g T, Bra. Mlseuel Psrtria Nsiinnel BUrult ,, Nsllnntl t-rnl N oda OMieer Naw Vork nlrl I. T.. K. H ft H , frnrOMk a Weaiera Nerlh i Psollls Pa-lflfl Moll Paelfle Tl. ft Tl reanrlsaie Pull oa Palom Car..,. Rav Cos. cer. ReaAIng Repn hlln Tmo a ai. X 41 hern Paetfl Mmilhera Itollwsy atiefehaser m ipany ., TnnsH e Cepf ir Toios Compear Pnla Pmelfle ll.XM 4J10 44 H 44U. Ma til liai no l.sne 17 m ? too 77X4 71X4 T1114 ISJt, N est m ywo lent I.SH n H M 14i CO t H 1C I.41W to4 t4 rtH4 KW 1I4A n iku gran 107 l.tno 014, 14S li 4714 . tl arm jio V lit 14110 1144. I121o JU1, ' 4M ill, i 1$V . 07 U4 tA 400 1M Jot HU, (.toe t t t', 3. MS 73 77 T4X. V.IM 01 114. . . , 0, mmt 14 ... I.sm 3114 ... 14.M0 1U ... 3.700 ST U. ( SH tl4 tii 147 "'a ... 4.100 Miie tm ... I.ooe Uii U1X4 1"X t'nkm Psetrte pi.... rslteg Hi km Steel.., t'. m. nteel ptt tTtsh Coieiioff Weatera Vales WMtlnshoa ClootrlO ...US. ant U 3H lH ... I.fno H4t4 lii4 1111,4 ... I yi Tt4 Tt Ti a ts at 11 ... tl.am 47 a4 ofii Mnetana ffwrnr lot Tt 74 14 4nerl Metnrs , oWtU. Watiaeh n am t ins 114 1t ih tnterastteeol Marino . gf.sno 1t4 74 7114 Total sal for tae Say. 34,SM shares. New Tark Maker Market. - NEW YORK. Feb. 4. MERCANTILE fA rr.Kq'3 per cent. STERL FIX CH ANOB Slxtv-da v bnis. M.7o,; demand, (4.76; cables. $4.73 9-14. S 1 L V K R Bar, S7c: Mexican dollars, 44e. RON D8-43overnmtent, steady; railroad heavy. M ON FIT Time loana steadv: SO and to days, 3X4 par cent; sic months. $4l per cent. Call money, steady: high, S per cant; low. 1 per cent; ruling rate, 1 tar cent: last loan, 1 ner cant; clotting; bid. 1 cent; orrerea at a par cent. Closing Quotations on bonds todar were as followa: V. f. raf. ts. rag.... SXiU N awl. 4s M e toaaoa te M. K. 4 V. lat 4s.. fl4 IT. (V Is. roa 10IX4Ke. IHa sea. Ss...WM. as osasoa let 14 Moot. Pt r ss...... 7 . g. 4s tea. ....... Its, r. 0. Aaa. ....11I' e oeesoa llffH'K. T. City eX4s....leit Am. Bmeii- Sj....,noN. Y.. W. M. A H. A. T. T. a 4X4S..I0S or. So IU14 Anslo-Fnnnk I .... t4lMw Paetn 4a U Ateglaoa s a. 4s.... t-(H do Is ST Im4. Okie 4s INO . L. raf. 4s.... . KMS4 H4MI r. t...Xr4. T. AT. I VV rn. Pacin 1st a4kPaa sow. 4X4s lot Chas. AY Ohle 0. 4X4 IT14 a saa. 4Xs-..-..loi4 C. a. a Q.J. ts.... Ml4Ree4laa sea. ts tl c. t. s. r. e. i . lmi. a u a 1 r. r. a ssh r. H L 4 F r. it a Bo Pa. v. (o let 0. a g. raf. 4X4.... UXi 4a rat. 4 "4 D. 1 R. 0. oe. to.. TIUSo. Rollaar (a lert, 3te sea. 4s Ttiig'olea fWeins 4s.... r Gas. Haelrla U.....4)V da av. 4s 44 01. No. lt 414e V. S. Kobbar (O....I0IU. III. Oa rf. to tt4V. a. te aa i4 lot. M. U. 4a ienstl Test. I'ole 4a-.. .. O. Bo. ret. Is.... N a West. KUa. v. to. .Ill B14. DTJW8 TRAD! RKYIEXV, Vagaries af Ika Waatker Aval a Caasee Irresralatrlty, NBTvY YORK. Feb. (.-Don's review to morrow will say: Tagarieg of ths weather again rauaed Irregularity in soma retail branches, and especially In the east, but general dis tribution continues In exceptionally heavy volume. Extensive buying of ths staple necessities fully sustains prices at a hlgn position and disproportion between sup ply and demand has a strengthening ef fect on many commodities. Frequent evi dences of depleted stocks are noted, and though overtime Is in force In numerous Instances, manufacturers experience dif ficulty in meeting current requirement with ths desired promptness. While ef forts to restore mora normal tranaporta Hon conditions are partially successful, storms and floods have aggravated de livery problems in some sections. Record breaking railroad esrnlngs ttetlfy to ths magnitude of domestic merchandise mo ya menle several Important systems report ing maximum revenue but during re cent weeks ex porta have steadily dimin ished, mainly because of tbs difficulties In oversea shipping. Available statistical records for Janu ary make gratifying comparisons, mora aeW enterprises being launched than for a long time past Bank clearings regis tered Important gel na and pig iron pro duction was ths second largest on rec ord, while tha umartcai Increase In fail ures over the preceding luoota was the emaiieei m several years. Weekly bang clearings. $4,$13.4a0.tM. Leadea teal Market. LONDON. FV 4 AmerVan securities on tha stock market were steady, despite tha Amertcen-taerman situation, and sev. srsl bonds changed hsnJs at unchanged SfT.VFR-Far, 27 t-ld per ounce. MONKY 44 44 par cent. DD4COUNT RATKa Mhart bl'l and three months, 4X4 per cent. Advertisers snd cuaionvro profit by tha 'assai led Ad'1 habit.