13 More of the Men's Furnishings All the Silk and Mnen, Madras and Flannel Boys' and Youths' Union Suits from the King-Peck Stock On Gale Satnrday In the Hoys TVpt-, M Floor. Boys' and Youtha" I'nlon Suits, part wool, natural color. Well known brands, rerfect fitting. King Peck price, $1.50; onr price 80t Boys and Youtha' Vnton Bulta, part wool and heavy fleeced cotton: good fitting garments of a well known brand: gray only. King-Peck price, $1.00. Our price ; 50 Mght Shirt and Pajamas, worth to $3.00, sal price, Saturday All the Blanket and Terry Path Robes, worth to $9.60, specially priced at ... -S4.08 All the Bath Robes worth to 15.00, at. .... .82.08 All the $3.50 Bath Uobes, at 81.05 All the Fine Dress and Street Gloves. In all rhades, worth to $1.25, special 50 (See Other Ad Below.) TUB BEK; OMAHA. KATTTRDAV. . FEBRUARY 5, 191(i. j i i i i 'V I 'I NG $137,000 Choice of Suits and Overcoats at Three Prices The Suits TIIE FABRICS include the best Scotch, English and do mestic weaves, Worsteds, '.Woolens,. Rough Weaves, Mix tares, in greens, browns, grays, tans, checks, plaids new broad "stripes. . TIIE MODELS are high waist lines and high chest ef fects. One, two and three button coats, wide lapels and crescent, slant or welt pockets; soft roll collars, new single and double breasted vests; also a supply of staple, conservative and semi-fitted models for men' and young men who don't want the extreme cuts. We have an extra large stock of stouts, long stouts, short- stouts, young stouts, stubs and sums in all sizes. Say, business has been great every day of the King-Peck Sale! And how pleased we are to be able to make thousands of new friends in such a short time. We want more. The fever of this wonderful sale has caught us. We are going to keep interest at the boiling point Saturday by offering the King -Peck Suits and Overcoats at three small prices, breaking all our own great records at value giv ing. These fine Suits and Overcoats may be purchased at one. of three prices, $7.50, $10 or $15. We stake our reputation on the assertion that never have you known a bigger money's worth. Saturday is the day and we're ready for business at 8:30. The Overcoats Short Box Back Coats; Form Fitting Coats for .,Men and Young' Men; Conservative Chester-, field Models; Ulsters and Great Coats; Shawl Col lar. Chinchilla a n d. A a trakhari Collar Coats; Fancy Back Coats of fin est Cheviots and Scotch -M ixtu res from Ha-. wick, Scotland; Coats for dress' wear of Meltons," Kersey, from Isaao Carr & Co., John Brooke & Co. of England; also finest grades Chinchilla , and Irish Frieze Ulsters. I MenV and Boys Headwear Enters the Sale Saturday we will place on sale the Entire Stock of Men's, UAT C PiMP1!? AND TW' onrl rrhnrfrm TTlwoor frnm fhrt ITlTiEr.Pftck Stock at UMLll 1 XLu LESS ide Soft and $2.50 Boys' and Children's Headwear from the King-Pock Stock at All the Men's high-grade Soft and Stiff Hats, $5.00 and $6.00 values, at All the Men's $2.00 Soft and Stiff -All the Men's $3.50 d 1 7fi Soft and Stiff Hats P 1 iJ All the Men's $4.00 do o . and $4.50 Hats, at. . . . , .PeSO All the Men's $3.00 tl ' Soft and Stiff Hat. , , . J 1 DIM and $2.50 Hats... .......piW All the Men's $6.00 Silk Opera $3.00 All the Men's Silk Crushers and "Wool Crushers, all colors and sizes. Values to $1.00, OA choice tVC All the Boys' $1.50 and $2.00 Felt Hats, telescope and trooper styles, in rn lrtf. A 1 LESS . All the Boys' and Children's "Winter Headwear, including all the Fine Chinchilla Hats and Caps, values from $1.00 to $2.00, in two lote, at 25c and 45c All the Men 's $1.00 C and $1.50 Caps ..OUC All the Men's 50c and 75c Caps. ' All the Boys' 25o and i f 35o Hats and Caps ....... 1 UC All the Fur Caps, $3.50 and $5 values. All the $1.25 Street Car Uniform Caps at. . '. . . . , 25c 10 c $1.95 75c Sale of Boys' Furnishings Begins Saturday A marvelous assortment of fine wearables for boys. Truly ''CAlr",DII7Iir17r" . lifetime chance to save cash. Everything in this section will be OrVsIlF IXjtLLJ . All the BoyV Blome Waistg At Two Selling Price, 25c' and 50c Bit assortment of these blouses. In madras, solsette, percale and chambray. In plain and fancy color. Flannel Blonses in blue and gray, light weight flannels, fancy stripes and plain colors. Man have fitted waistbands. AH Boy Wool Sweaters At Two Prices, 98c and $1.98 Regardless of Former Prices. Grays, reds, blues and browns, with shawl collars or Byron collars. Many are In qualities you will pay more than double the price for next season ' All the Boys' Jersey Sweaters, In blue, maroon and oxford. Special 35c, 50c, 75c All the Boys' Silk Ties, choice . . . All the Boys' Belts, Saturday All the Boys' Knitted Mufflers All the Boys' 8oft Collars 15c 15 c 10c ..5c All the Boys' Shirts At Two Prices 25c and 50c Negligee soft shirts, dress shirts er work shirts, in plain colors or neat stripe effects. Madras, solsett, percale and chambray. In plain white, plain blue, blacks and a great assortment of neat stripe patterns. Also Flannel Bhlrts, in plain blue and gray stripe effects; many are with separ ate collar. All sixes, 13 to 14 neck measure. at will $1.98 ...79c All of the Men's Furnishings On sale Saturday at'the "following low prices eo low that you will be unable to resist the bargains. ' - Medium and Heavy Weight Union" Sults All wool, silk and wool, silk and worsted, mercerised cotton and combed cotton, made by some of the best underwear makers Vassa'r. Madewell. Bites Ue, Cooper and many others. ' . ' ' ' ' . All Union Suits worth to 15.00, at , --All Union Suits worth to $1.60. at . All the Fine .Wool Shirts and Drawers, worth to $3.00, special, the 7Cmg garment , . . r. . . ; C All the' High Grade Bilk, fillk and Wool tod Silk and Linen Fhlrts, f qq worth to $3.50 . . . . ...Ol UO All the Madras and Percale Shirts, worth $1.00 and $.1.25. Sixes 14 to CfJ 20, at. OOC -r4AU the Madras and Corded Madras Shirts, all sizes. 14 to 20., Worth to nn $2.00, at'.-. ytSC -V-All the Fine Russian Corded Madras and -Satin Ktriped Madras Shirts, all sixes 14 to 20. Worth to $3.00. J qq special O -pAJl the Wool Mixed and ' Percale 8hfrt, egllgee and golf style. Worth AC ' to $1.00. special ; ; OC Sweater Coats, high grade makes of all worsted, angora and worsted mixed. Values to $10.00. at S4.05 Values to $ 50. at. S3.05 Values to $3.50. at 81.05 AU the 811k Neckwear, . worth to 60c, choice .......... . IQet and Silk Hoae. at pair 154 All the Cotton and Lisle' Hose. worm 10 J6c.. at...,..,.X3Vt Entire Stock Men's Fine Shoes All of these shoes are high-class in both quality and style. There is every size and width in these shoes. All leathers Vici Kidskins, Dull Calfskins, Tan Calfskins and Patent Leathers.. Both oxfords and high shoes. This is an opportunity that is seldom offered at anywhere near such prices. : All of the King-reck High Shoes for Men. that sold to $4.00, In all leathers, tan and black. In all sixes, will be priced at 235 1 jf ( A l&4 I 7 All of the King-Peck High Shoes for Men, that they sold to $8.00, in all leath ers and sizei), will be marked In one great lot All of the King-Peck Oxfords for Men, tans and black, English lasts or high toes and high heels a great variety of excep tionally fine shoes, worth to frn op $5.00 a pair, will be marked yaCeUD All the Men's House Slippers from the King-Peck Stock, tans, blacks and fancy colors; Eomeos, Fausts and Operas; worth to $2.50 a pair. All sizes, d op will be marked at P 1 tW All the Men's Canvas Leggings, of every description, worth to 75c a pair, o r will be marked ...&uC This will not only be an exceptional opportunity to buy high shoes for immediate needs, but also a wonderful ehanoe for you to buy your spring low shoes in the newest of models at practically half price or even lees. All the Boys' Pajamas , 25c and 50c . Plain Klannelette In different colors, ages 6 to 18. figured flannelette for lit tle fellows, ages t to 10. Percale and madras pajamas for all ages. - Boys' Night Gowns and Sleepers, mus lin and flannelette. All qj? sires. Special 1 ZuC - ... , r s , : 1 1 v Boys' Suits and I The Balance of All th Overcoats from King-Peck Stock Divided Into Three Lots for Quick Selling Saturday $1.95, $2.95, $3.9j5 Including all .... Suits and all Over coats, for boyn up to 9 years. Plenty of good Over coats left in Chinchil las and Mixtures; var ious styles, 8uits In rarious Mix tures and Corduroys. . Two Prices on Big Boys' Long Pant Suits and Overcoats 14 to 17 yeaj-e $95 $7.45 si ma The Suits are of Serges. Tweeds and Caaaimeres ages 14 to )7 years. Overcoats in Mixtures and Chinchillas; all In the newer styles. fx