r TOE BETI: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 101 G. M L - i- .-Tel.- LEGAL STATUS OF APPAHJS PUZZLE British Diplomat Say Ship Should Be Delifered to Owutri Under The Hague Contention. NXUTBAIXTT BOARD MLZTESQ BCLLETIX. LONDON, Feb. 8. It Is understood here that the Appam carried 600,000 rounds sterling. In bullion, which probably will be claimed as a prise, as bullion li contraband. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. 8tat de i.artment officials Indicated today t-.at if the Appam It finally held to be a prje, the Prussian-American treaty of 128 Is more likely to gov ern the case than Is The Hague con vention. This would mean that the An Dam would be turned over to its German captors, and tn that case er.tne German officials expressed the view that the prise crew, rather than let it fall back Into the bands of the British, as would seem inevitable If it Irft port, mttht take the ship to the three-mile limit and sink it. la ease )t U hIa to have mwim a CHrmea fleet auxiliary., it wot have the rhetoe of leavlsi port after a certain lime for auptrtie or repair", or tnumtn for th war, aa havo the FTins Ettei rrtdrlch and the Kron PrlnS Wtlhelm. rrartal.) ef rraa Treat r. L"he anginal Prussian treaty of ITO ;Ulea": venae's of wr, puM and prrrat eertlea. shall tarry freelr where ey llss. tha vessels en4 from their enemlee erlthout M to pay ana duties, cherra vlera of admiralty, of the v othtra; nor shall audi 1. searched of put under '"' '. eame to and r part?, hut eln at any -Mace ex- Willard and Dillon Are to Fight Ten Rounds at New York NKW TORK. Feb. .-Je tVillard and J noli Dillon err matched .her today for a teti-reund bout lo he held In thli citjr aom time between April 11 and 21. Acoordlnr to tha term of tha contract trills rd la to receive IS 2,60 ant nillon tl.M, with (ha option of IS per cent of the fate receipt. The promoter of tha bout state that the content will be hsld In sn outdoor arena In ell probability. Dillon, who knocked out Tom Cewler In tha second round of their flibt here lent ntrht, will replace Frank Moran. who could not come to terms with tha promot er for a bout with Willard. Dillon la a llht heavyweight, weKhlna? ITS pound la condition, Willard welch lie pound m fts-htlng trim. (Continued from rasa On.) W' contradicted" lr. Wldener on a ' detail relating to how Pmlth came to re turn after havlria: statted to leave the house. ' DHaat Btateaaeat af '.. At the tnomlns session of court the dr ins; statement of Mr. Campbell wm of fered In' evidence by tha state. In It ah asserted that Bmlth followed her from M, Lout to Omaha and that here he sought to have her leave her husband, threaten In to ahtfot her If aha did not. Campbell, the buaband of the dead , woman, testified that he was 1n the room when Mrs. Campbell we shot by Smith, eddtng- that he did not cieae In the scuffle with fimlth 'until after the shooting. i In this case the state la not asking; the jury to impose tha death Density In the . event a verdict of guilty of murder Is reached. Brooklyn Sugar Plant Tied Up by Machinists' Strike NBJW TORK. Feb. 1 A strike which union leaders claim has completely tied up the Brooklyn plant of tha American Baser Refining company, wa railed to day by the Metal Workers union. The entire staff of machinists, about 60S In number, walked out. There are shout 1.8O0 employed In all at the plant. The men demand the reinstatement of three men who they allege were dismissed for their union activities, Thar also ask for an eight-hour working- day Instead of tha present ten-hour shift. INDIANAPOLIS UNION STATION BADLY DAMAGED 1 .VDI ANA POLI9, Ind Feb. l-Flre In the Union railway station hers today de stroyed valuable records and delayed train service. The fir waa extinguished after causing a small loss, principally on record and office future. DEATH RECORD J. O. IBeekett. PlERRHt & D Feb. 1 (Special Tele fram.V-J. C. Beckett, for aeveral year manaeer of th nvl jh-a today of heart failure.' The body wlil be taken to hi old home at Assumption, III., for burial. TEUTONS PLAN TO ATTACK SALONIKI Larg-e Army of Germans and Bul garians Will Bo Suported by 150,000 Turks. ZEPPELI5 BOMBARDS THE CITY ATHENS. Feb. lr-(Via Parla. Feb. J.. Information received in military headquarters here Indicate that' Ger man, and Bulgarian troops, supported by 150,000 Turks, are likely to begin an atlack on the Franco-British forces at Balonlkl about February 15. Bent fee Drop"1 aa alea!Trt. S.A IN"I KI. Fab. t TVla Parla Tea. 1) Two Greek eoldler. flv refuge' end seven workmen were killed and fifty civilians were Injured by the Inflammable bomb dropped early this morning- from tho Eepaella In the raid already reported No damage wa don .to military build ings and the population baa remained calm. J. E. Teiper Held in Connection With Mother's Murder BL'rFALO. N. Feb. t.-John Ed- Ward Teiper, detained In connection with th Orchard Park murders, today admit ted ownership of a revolver found seventy-five fet from th sutomoblle In th Orchard Park rosi. according to en announcement by District Attorney Dud ley. Teiper la detained at police head quarters, where h was taken directly from th cemetery, where the bodies of his mother and brother, victim of the tragedy, were burled today. Dutch Coast Guards Shoot At Zeppelins LONDON. Feb. g. ll a. m.)-A Zep. pelln alrahlp waa sighted today off the coast of Ameland. an island of Th Motherland In the North Sea, says a dispatch from Amsterdam to Reuter" Telegram company. Th coast guard bombarded the 2eppelln, the dispatch add, more than fifty shot being fired, and It Is believed that soma hit tha Mr ship, which finally ' disappeared te th northward. Officer of ships arriving at tha Dutch port aay that flv Zeppelin, trawling waatward, were aightad shortly before tho raid on England took place Monday. Eighteen Inches of Snow at Seattle A BATTLE, Wash.. Feb. 1-EMghteen Inches of anew on the ground atopped street car traffic here todsy, disorganised the pubtle school and crippled business and manufacturing. No overland train ha arrived here since 7 p. m. yesterday. The Qreat Northern and th Chicago, Milwaukee A Bt Paul railroad are not moving train on their mountain dlvl lens. The Northern Paclflo I working with anow plow. Note fran North riatt. NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Feb. J.8pe elfil.) M. M. Or! men, veteran Judg of th Thirteenth district, yesterday filed on the non-partlaan ticket for th April primary. Judg-e Grime has served on tn bench in this district for nineteen year. At a meeting of the Lincoln County Fair aeaorintlon yesterday In this city, V. C. Plolstlcker was re-elected president; Carl liroeder, vice president, and John Fowler, treasurer. J. E. Sebastian, who has served as secretary for th last two years, tendered hi resignation, to be come effective March 1. Th board of director doclded to sell stock In th as sociation In order i that fund may be available for tha erection of new build ing on tha ground purchased lint year for that purpOie, . , . , . . , ' ' ' ' - ' Advertiser and customer profit by th "Classified ' Ad' 'habit. ' Departaaeat Orders. . . ' WAAHlNOTOcf, Fab. l-Rpeelal Tele gram.) Nebraska pensions granted; Bnioe R. Knox, Auburn, $21 H. D. Hugnea has been appointed poat master at Plymouth. Jefferson county, Nebraska, vice Josephine liumberger, re moved. Fostoffln at Re. Mahaska county, Iowa, discontinued: mall to Lovllll. Oeome De Jarlals of Lucas baa been awarded the contract for carrying mall from February IS to June so, 191H, from Mullen to Lucas. 8. D. A Co lis Is te ni la fared While Haatlac. PI ERR EX S. D., Feb. 1 Ppectl Tele- gram.) William Mower of Cottonwood, w brought to th hospital her today With a leg so badly mangled In a hunting accident that amputation wa neceenary. Tha accident occurred when he slipped and fell while out hunting and a charge from hla ahot gun tor hi leg to piece frOm the knee to the foot. FAVORABLE REPORT ON COLOMBIA PACT Committee Amendment Cuts In demnity to Fifteen Milions and Provides Mutual Apologies. VOTE IS EIGHT TO SEVEN WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. Reducing! the proposed payment to Colombia from $25,000,000 to fl5.000.000 and altering the proposed apology of the United States for the partition of Panama to maXe it a mutual expres sion of regret on the part of the United States and Colombia, the sen ate foreign relations committee today ordered a favorable report Jn the long pending Colombian treaty. The vote on tho treaty wa I for to 7 against Senator Clark of Arkansas waa th only democrat voting against It By a vot of 10 to I. the committee also favorably reported th trety to pay Nicaragua tt, 000,000 for a canal route and naval basis In th bay of Fonseca. Oaly One "Brosao aetata. To et th genuine, call for full naire. Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for sig nature of 'eS. W. Orov. Cure a cold In on day. 85c. Advertisement HYMENEAL rarlaoaYfco. YORK, Neb.. Feb. t (Special. Anne Carlson of Btromsburs; and Bruce Toho of Lincoln, were married Monday after noon by County Judge It, O. Hopkins, Responsibility Helper THE care of your estate, , the support of those dependent upon you: these are grave matters. The proved responsibility of this Company assures the safety of estates placed in its charge. Make It your executor. 1622 FARNAH STREET (111 River at Flood Stage at Davenport, Iowa DAVENPORT, la.. Feb. i-Th Hoed stag was reached In the Mississippi river t Davenport today. . It I fifteen feet above low water mar and. IS still rising. The Ice gorge, five miles below Davenport is tlejitfiving' under the below sera temperature and tha, lowlands are flooded. Many resident In th flat have had to mov out and their home are Inundated. Th Rock river In Illinois ha backed' UP,' flooding the valley for miles. The temperature here today wa below ero. TTiz Day's War Neves FUNERAL, OF FRANK . . NESLADK HELD TUESDAY Th funeral of , Frank; Nealadek, aged 74 years, a. pioneer Bohemlaa et Omaha, who died Buaday at, hla horn. 1231 South Fifteenth street wa held Tuesday after nooa trom the Bohemian Frasbyteriaa church, of which he waa one of th fowadere. Interment took place In the Bohemian National cemetery. He eame to Omaha trom StaaebrMg-e, Bohemia thirty-eight years ago, and had been promiiter.t tn Bohemias affaire la this ity. City WUi Tax Salt. PIERRE. 8. D.. Feb. .-(Special Tele gram.) In an opinion by Justice Poller In the eupreoi court today the city of Mitchell win It oontaatloa with th Dakota Central Telephone company. Th original franchla to th company re uuired a payment of a portion of the sroe proceed of It business to tho city When the law waa pa said taxing fran chise la lieu ef all ether taaes. th com paay declined to make farther payment on th ground that such waa a tax. The court hold th franchise contract I for ua of streets and alley and not a tax and must be paid. Kvaaeea, HURON, 8. D., Feb, f.-Bpclal The 1'ntted State supreme court baa handed down t decision la th JUobard pri mary law case, granting th motloa of Mr. Richard's attorney to advano the case on the calendar. Aa early ar gument and decision, la th case may now te looked for. Th final decision from the United States auprsm court may come In th first day of March, so that th primary election may yt be held under th Richard law on Tuesday, March St. rk tftoAni.n norn for a positive Miidcrataadln;" between th. t ailed States aa Oeraaaay on th Lnsiianla lasa Is felt In Berlin?, aceornlaaT to aeaal-otftelal an. naeeaaent there today. laatrae. tlOaa sent to Aatnaasndor Von Deraatorff tv rlsa to the hone It la state. , DISPATCH FROM ATHENS . today feelere tart th . Carman and Balaartana, tonetfcev wttk n fere of 180,000 Tnrkero, am likely te eln nn attack an Salaalkt a boat th salad! of tkl rnnnth. I.OJIDOV Mr-SSAtiU aaete a Backs. rest awsnaper a declaring- that Greeea nnd Rnnasaala have tgm4 a deal neatrallty treaty. in cases of po6r appe tite, imperfect diges tion, inactive liver und clogged bowels is . U OS TETTER'S STOMACH B IT T E R S A' household remedy for 6 years. Try a bottle today. J liiiissfil Dfiii Know : ' - - I . have been selling Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root for alx and one-half yeart and any euatomere are always satisfied Itn the reeulu obtained from th us ef th medicine and apeak favorably re garding it. I hev used It for "pain la the back and a bottle or two put me In good shape and mad ma feal fin again I believe Dr. Kilmer Swamp-Root will core any case for which It la recom mended If they ate not of to long standing. Very truly your, FRANK JENKINS. Druggist. Pilgrim, Texas. November 11th. 1U&, & te Sr. auiaae aiaheaatoa, X Oo Pre V.Tui Swuap-Root Will Do for Yeu Bend ten cent to Dr. Kilmer Co.. Blnghauton, N. T.. foe a earn pi alu botU. It will convlne anyone. Tou will also receive a booklet of valuable In formation, tailing atyu lh. kidney and bladder. When writing, be sure and men tion th Omaha Daily bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar site bottles for ale et ell drug torea It you would protect your health Don't Suffer With: Cold Feet It your feet are proper ly protected, they will not get cold. Wa have tn our Cushion Sole Shoes an abeolute non-conductor of beat and cold. Your feet are always warm- and comfortable In these shoes. Tbey are made en com mon aense lasts and fitted with a soft porous felt cushion Insole, that fives a soft, firm foundation. The only real cushion sole shoe on the market. Women's $4.50 Men's 93.00 Tarcel foot Paid. Shoe Co. GREAT WESTERN CHANGES TIME Effective January 30, 1916. .EARLIER. DEPARTURE No. 12 Twin-City Limited, will leave Omaha 8:10 P. M., instead of 8:30 P. M.; Council Bluffs 8 :30 P. M., instead of 8 :50 P. M. No. 6 Chicago Express, will leave Omaha 3:30 P. M., instead of 3:45 T. M.; Council Bluffs 3:50 P. M., instead of 4:05 P. M. No material change tn other trains leaving Omaha or Council Bluffs. WHEN PLANNING A TRIP please call or 'phone for complete Information. P. F. BONORDEN, 0. P. & T. A., 1522 Farnora St., Omaha. ' Phone Douglas 260. HZ 3 n , When you tool 0 cold coming on. stop it with a few doses or LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, which destroys germs, acts as a Tonic and Laxative, and keeps the system in condition to throw eff attacks of Colds, Grip and Influenza. LaKQ.ivo Iromo juinino f7cxiovc3 tha Cssssfso of Cottfa, Crip and Influenza but remsnthor there la Only Ono )mo Quinino" mnd look lor thht lgsmtur on box Prtoo SOOm The National Capital Wednesday, FeTermary 9, tete. Tha Saat. R-atnned debet on JPhillpptne Inde- taa heartuii i u'.iic Ui eommiue !i oil lar4 leKln ti.l. Korli(n riti"ti t-ornmltte reconv- nirnuiu ratif uainin of t uiutubtaa and .v. h u auaa tn-aitea, redauina uropoaed li;i. 'nii1iy t Colouibla trum M.t1,! Ui Tke". Krattnc bill to refulaU child labor was sVw nHnr rommltte on flood ran tr.! cornj-Minit fifiii nirmbrr was P( o p f-1 lv ri)- cinnlil. ii.ii! ,i,y and ravl roi.iinltt wb rontliiuej .' . on d fiis Itju-aUou. "Bp 1 1 J Oatt Aohfs fuIS rsamo 1419 Farnam St. f Tj$v Jtf r 1 1 - 1-. li ?9-i r. y. lX) 9'E r I! Where the Omaha Bee- I Patroleum KOWp, . .BERinCS UnWerial Animated . . I Ooke . :tlmtmnKklm ( Yeekry May Be Seen V , EVERBT7RN COAL N. s . ' . ' I I cucAy-uSZluLZTixa fahnam theater . The) Coal for fcvory Parpeee . . CAMERAPHOXE v SlrlS Per Sn&O HSi oem ixjtal .1 . Ton O V. V., M . PASTrME. . . .'. ... y- . LYBIO ' - MAGIO . llcOaffrty Bros. Co., , , t kasscom Domestic " iao a. itth ' " 'Sampson rvr palace SLump Tilrr Nut 1 PiAMoxn BrBT Money- . m mrk AIjMO OMAHA ! " m' I 1 H U ,P 1 sMS'jmaaii -i" ..w!raeitJ-'vv.!wiiiianiw.i'ij.e,ji,iiiiwiiji .wn .aoj en m in iiMai..i-ir., ..-.m----.,-..,..!-. ., T. . -r p-n- rrnim iif m ulliii as i siii.i. . . j. .. in . urn ..u. mi. .IITMPV TAXI w wrs m tUCIEMEVTI. rjnvn COVTINXOV8 DU Y LI i p. m. to it. ' PATHE PRESENTS Florence Reed New York ' from A. II. Woods' Famous Broad way Bucceaa, with AU-6tar Cast. Including FAX I A MAKIHOKF, ItlRKKST WIXAXT. JEKS1K RALPH. A iol1 Roimter Play In 5 parts. TKOflP50N-MLDEN6CO. Dig Fashion Confer ofWie MrddldWesK Established 1386ij FASCINATING? Yes EXCLUSIVE? Yes BUT COSTLY? No- You Never Pay More at Thompson-Belden ? Co. The well-dressed woman who must ' 'manage' is as much at home here as those others of our clientele whose clothes allowance admits of unlimited expenditure. This is just one of the qualities that make Thompson-Belden 's so attractive as a BUYING more than a SHOPPING place. The Hat With the Loops By Georgette This actc hmt it Ju$i on of oar many reproductions and eorree fion A laUtt Parit Modttin our specialiud grovpt, Smartly Tailored and Excltuire Dress Trimmed Hats that depict the latest style tendencies in a most ex ceptional manner. Tailored models from New York to match your Trotteur Suits or Afternoon Costumes, quite the rage this season; also, ' many chio small hats for street and semi-dress. Prices $7.50, $8.75, $10, $12.75 We invite you to inspect this showing of beautiful trimmed hats. Millinery Section Second Floor. yTV "SV AlTUSEWETtTS. f : AMTJSEMK1TTS. Plan NOW to attend the MILLION-DOLLAR AUTO ' HOW Auditorium Feb. 21-26 For farfaer aaftjrsjata aaana Clark O. Pewall. manaTr. subl rarnam Street, Omaha, Kab. TAMAXCO y jroTOl'XATSJ lBta aaa ataraey, X. SOS. linn iir""ii"niT'i'ate,f TOD T ntXDAT AJTS aaXXTRDAT 11, lStSO, 1140, S, 4; BO, S40, T, SlflO. SMA PAULINE FREDERICSC "THE SPIDER" raora sovoui ssa. TODAY HAYES & WYNN Uagtar aaa Paaatag. TVYO IRMINAS A aal Wlr MoTelty. em ifi L'S MINSTRELS Xarmoalooa Oesaadlaaa aa SUaaer. BILLY OARRON Ooceaey Maalael. raiOTO riaTa) orroracoaia. rou sveei Oomeay. too currra t mai,." aaua-Tavxaoaai s. ADMISSION -in Coaata; 8UM S4 Spaeoa Mary rC. WUZA-I mraT OZXTXax Bally Hats- lS-Saae 'up, is.as se.fa All arew. All rresh. All Ortataal MAIDS of AMERICANOS' AX. X. XAU, at POX BASVOXT Vaudeville Include th Tempi. Quartet Norton A Noble. The surprise ho of th season. Beauty chorus of Ameri can Maida. The Krd. White A Blue 8hov ' balae' Dim afatlae Waak Sara. Sat. Mi, a Kk.i nv Marloa aa "Bnarrr" iraisAT aaa BAY. UaDAT. TXXATXX BATVXSAT MAT. atr. aad Mr. OoTrnra rraaaat QRAHDEIS Tonight- tit MtM'lh' TODAY CEOKGU FAWCETT la "The Corner" FATTY AYD MABEL ADRIFT, Keystone Ooraedr. OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER Mattaea, aae te St. Mntg., SB tljO. w 1 - "Iraaae txtb bkst or TAtrsa-rrxu Pally atatSaaa, SUA Sees? Xia. ad MAPA.WB CHIIAOM-OHRMAN, CLAUDS CHLr- 1 UNOWATIJt. Hanr Hlnaa. Aitbar a Hv loa NarM, Tha Bn SokloMala, Olca Cask, ThiM ' fiaiaiM Klatm. OrylMaa Tram WMhlr, niia: UttUM, allar. iftc: kMt MU (aaot Satvaay aa Saaaa. . ilaaa, UK mm. aa. aa 1W. Today TTNEWniTonlte Xorta areaher Stock Oa. tn wrrcMxwo iova" Tcrpln's School of Dancing Twenty-ellhtft A Farnam. Slaw Claaeea. t.lat your uaui noa. "i ivt lnatm aay tlina BA1MCI Jltt. -A i 4 4