THK HKK; OMAHA, THURSDAY. KKlfflUARY 3, 1916. 11 REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED rth. Good liomo Cheap Non-resident owner has reduced the price on hie homo to $4.t0. which con lata of a. good two-story modern house located on an east and south-front cor ner Int. with beautiful shade trees, on paved streets. The house la now va cant and can be ahown any time by st palntmenL Location, N. ilst and Laf syette At. Be a lire and look thla up It you ara looking for good value In thla locality. Reasonable terms. George & Company, Phono P. T.M. in City Nat. RK. Bid, QUICK fcJAliB Fire-room cottsse. modern ecept heat, large lot. filled with shrubbery. A bargain, $260 cash, balance on small monthly payments. Price only $2,360. Located at 4107 N. JTSHh St. N0ERIS&N0R1US, 4QQ Bee Bldg, Phone Douglas 4370. IIALF-FRICE If you watoh the "For Pale, Miscellaneous" columna of TUB BEE, you'll often sea article which are for ail practical purposes almost aa good aa new advertised for half . i i i i mm mr vng original prig in inn un.. &1X-ROGM modern house In Kountae Rlace. oak flnlah, well built, corner lot paving paid. $3,960. W. H. OATTCS. 44? Omaha Nat Rank Bldg. D. 14 PRAIRIB PARK-f caah and $0 monthly will buy 7-room. new 1 etory, oak flnlah flrat atory. fine shade, hedge and shrubbery; flrat class In every Way. B. J. Boannell, pong. 898 or Colfa 11 HALS' A., within blocks or carbine; new ft-room house; full bssement. elec tric light, well water. Thoa. 1 Mc Oarry. Keellne Bldg. Red 4344. "UMINQ, near fcith St., 22 or 44. Must be anld to close, eatate. tirtmmel. 849 Omaha National Bank Bldg. RORTH front lot. 16th and Sherwood Ave., with old o-room brick cottage, not modern; only $1.260. "Tel. Doug. 247. TEN rooma, four a part mania, cheap. Pnone Colfax. 106$ after 11 a. m. Soatfc. 6 ROOMS Juat completed: living rooma and one bedroom on firat floor: bedroom, bath and gunroom on second floor; oak fln lah; everything up-to-date; cement baaement; east front lot, 4rx142. cloae to school and llanscom park. I'rics 13,009; $ caah. balance monthly. C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Brandrlna Theater Bldg. BEMIS PARK HOME Owner haa reduced the price on 3512 lafayette Ave. bo as to aell now. At the preaent price thla place la a good buy. House needs aome repairing, but you can make a good Investment by buying. See us about It CRE1GII, SONS & COMPANY Douglas 200. tog Bee Bldg. NfcAR V1RL.H CLUB, $3J0 CASH. A good aubatantial, atrlctly modern t-room houae and garage. Convenient in fmr aphool and Dark: raving paid. A small caah payment, balanoe $a0 monthly. Including Interest Don't con tinue to rtnt when you can buy on these terms. PATNB INVESTMENT COMPANY. KIT Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. V. 17SL flilTsCOM PARK bargain, -room, new. strictly modern home, corner lot for $4,000. Terms If desired, Thbbins 0S Omaha JKat lBank. Doug. 21S2. fefwTWiLL buy, 8-rbom modern housed 1311 South 2th St. Easy- terms. fOHN W. BOBBINS, 1HU2 FARNAM ST. M tscellaneons. nBRAND NEW-$3,600. Six nice rooms, bungalow style, flna oak finish; sun room, the best furnace; full basement; large corner lot. room for another house; street paved and no better neighborhood in town. When can you go and i-ee it Any time suit us. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. D. 1781. 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bids;, COTTAGE AT AUCTION At court house. February 24. Sea W. H. RUSSELL, Kit Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED North. PUT $10 to IIS per month of your spare money In MINNE LC8A lots. REAL ESTATE la the FOUNDATION of all wealth. It can't get away from you. and If you buy in a well located new addi tion you will not only save but M AK B money. CHARLES W. MARTIN A CO.. OWNERS. O MUoellaaeoae. THIRTY-SIX LOTS CLOSE IN. On car and pavement, walking distance, nice location, fine for cottages or apart ments. Rare chance for making money. Will exchange on fair basis. Address L $8, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE Land for City Property We have an improved farm of 240 acrea near Albion, Neb., to exchange for Income property. There la a flrat mortgage of $6,200 which, the purchaser will have to anaume. A. P. Tukey & Son, Douglas 602. 1607-$ W. Q. W. odT eighty acres of Irrigated land In southeastern Wyoming, to exchange for $ or 6-room modern residence In Omaha or suburb of Omaha; land all fenced and well located. Want place for borne and will give fair deal. J. S. JACKSON. $0$ Bee Bldg. . . Omaha. Neb. SEVEN lots in well built section for farm or residence. CAMPBELL CRAIO. Douglas 4S23. Keellne Bjdg. DM AHA Income, first-class, rent $100; $15,000 cheap land for half. J. A. ABBOTT. Patterson Blk. Omaha, REAL ESTATE. Fire and General Insur ance. Art Thatcher, 1217-18 City Na tion Bank Bldg, Douglas KOI. TO EXCHANGE Clear 100 bbl. flour ana feed mill, eastern South Dakota. Box 184. Independence. Ia. A 220-A. farm close to Omaha for ex change. D. $707. Toland & Trumbull, 4S nee mag. FOR EXCHANGE $26, OuO clear land for Income, town or city. E. W. Runyon, Sidney, la. OR SALE BUSINESS PROPTY Lease for Sale . Good Location for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE XJO Square Feet $30.00. The Bee Building Co. Room 103. SPECIAL BUSINESS OFFERS " Grocery, meats and bakery. Rales ttfl.OOO per year. Good, large building and stock. Pries, $.2 at"0. Will take fair reaidence In part. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDO. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Btaua. $ ROOST " An modem, in Benaon, at 231$ N Itth St. Pull lot. bouse about t years old fi?S.M "".J1 oft fc0). Payabli V uiuiiiu, nufti otier lor eauliy lO'J need not fea.r ta r L. nr.. i.. .u,b; Th " must sU and you H A. WOLr, til Ware Bllt. Deng Km. Daaatti ' Kti R ItTpPV iiif V nur Wa waat tfer for all modern a-room iww wrnr, aisi ana Cass tt T. D. WLAD. IlO aV Lath fit U.'.. t. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS IF an Investment of 4c a day would make you $ii, would you invest it Aak us for particulars YV. T. KMITII CO., U. $. City National tank IJldf. REAL ESTATE-WANTED WaNTLD To buy on monthly tMiymenta, small store room, with living rooms above In Central school district. i'hoa Red 74. Save bluer for close-In resiJriK. S to 10 rooma. What have you? R II LANPK.RYlH". Tel. D. RX",. jivi Neville Block. WANT Omaha residence for M.0i equity ill 1W acres In Montana. 31 N. 2M St. FINANCIAL Real Rat"Loaai, Mortaaaiea. WI are ready at all times to make loans on flrtt-claai city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO' til 8. 17th 6t i TO t tor loans on beat class city residences In amounts $2,0u0 up; else farm loans. Reaaonable commissions. PKTKRS TRH18T CO.. HUg Farnam St. OMAHA homes, taat Neoraaka farina O'KKKFE URAL ESTATK CO fll$ Omaha National. Phone Douglas $711 MONEY TO LOAN, for V ears.on Im proved properties. SMOPEN A CO.. Doua. 4246. UAliVlN BKOaMI' pa. $10 TO $10,0UU made promptly. F. tX v. eaa. Wead Bld(t.. ISth & Far Farnam Bta, WONET on hand for city and term loans, H. W. Binder. City National Hank HUH. FARM loans, 6, eastern Neb., or west ern Ia. Toland Trumbull, 44H llee Hd. CITY property. Larue loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. .' Btate Bank Bid. ilTY and farm loana, $, OW, $ per cook J. H. Dumont Co., 41$ Slate Bank. tof CITY LOANS, C. Q. Caribors, $KW v U Brandela Theater Bldg. ft qj, "MONEY. 11AKK1SON & MORTOX u 91 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Abatracta ot Title. Q UABANTEE $Tr ta : cheapest. Room 7t ratteraon bldg;. D. RM7. KKlili ntle guarantee and Abstract Vo.. a modern abatraot office. $05 S. 17th St. Tel. D. MK. office In Nebraska, Brandels The. Storks aad Bonds. 1 ( 1 M I." UIMI.Itir.lIH In. .... I U r-1 V"-"-"' " on eacn invested now in its " UUARANTKKU 1'HKFKRREU SHAKES, You share In the SURPLUS PROFITS also, making a total earning ot 11 per cent to shareholders who Invested 4 years ago. Ask tor our No. B "NEW WAY" booklet. It tells all about It. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., Fls. Agts. 8. W. Cor. 17th and Douglas, Omaha. $l,800-5-YEAR 0 TER CENT FARM MORTGAGE FOR SALE. A customer wants to borrow $1,S00, frtviiiK mortgage on a 10-acre farm with k-room houae, barn and chicken house, W mile from good R. R. town in 1 lodge county, near Fremont, valued at $H,AM. See us promptly If von want thia. J. H. DUMONT AV CO.. 416-1$ Keellne Bldg. Tel. Pong. 690. 1,MA 6-1 LAH b fbH CENT FARM) MORTGAGE FOR SALE. A customer wants to borrow Sl.SnO. giving mortgage on a 10-acre farm with 8-room houae, barn and chicken house, 'i mile from good R. R. town In Dodge county, (near Fremont), valued at $8,000. See us promptly If you want this. J. H. DUMONT A CO.. 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phon Doug. 660. FARM AND RANCH LANDS California Lands. A LITTLE farm, f0. Easy terms. Cali fornia imports carloads of chickens and eggs. Here's a chanoe for poultrymen. My 2-acre tracts are lust blir enouuh for ohlckens and are close to town con veniences and market centers. Write owner lor run iniormallon. P. B. Gos, Sheridan, Placer county. California. o Florida Laadi "NO MORE SNOW, LAGRIPPE AND RHEUMATISM FOR ME." "No more snow, la grippe and rheu matism for me," is the way one of our Florida customers writes. Instead of shoveling coal into the stove or fur nace and feet! to the live stock, tho Florida farmer Is planting and har vesting crops that will yield returns unhoped for by the northern farmer. The largest cattle and bog farm In the United States has just been estab lished in our vicinity. 25.000 acrea Is being fenced Into fields and pastures with 62-inch hog-tight wire and 6,000 acres will be put Into cultivation this year, 1.000 acres Into Natal grass, the grass mat transformed tttiuth Africa Into the greatest cattle country In the world. Our lands ara eoiiaJlv adantjut to trucking, small farming, large farming inu BiucA-miiDg, Write at once Xor full Information. BENSON & CARMICHAEU 642 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. stlaaeaeta Laadt. 80-ACRE FARM FOR RENT. Southern Minnesota, well lmorovad. tiled, smooth; $$.60 per acre, or ahart rent, pen t-one, vyinaom, rainn. Mlssoarl Lsai, SOO CHOICE: farms for sale; 14$ acres highiy improved; so acres of choice land at $u per acre; to settle estate. Ed t-Tort. rcicnaroa. mo. 40 ACRKB Umber land. Dent Co.. cloae to town, $10 per acre. Writ for book let W. B. Frank. Neville Block. PI aw Torlc Iaaas. N. T. STATE, 1M) acres, good farm land, 11 miles from Bingham ton. CO acrea good timber land, nothing cut oft In thirty years. Town of Windsor. Price. $3,600. Address owner, J. M. Port, Che nango Forks, Broome county, N. T. Nebraska Lada. ALL THE TIME YOU WANT Owner of 240 acrea In Cedar county, 40 miies from ciloux City; will make ve,y liberal terms to first-class farmer who can make a reasonable caah payment; farm has about 180 acres in crop, Is well Improved snd close to town. Price, $100 an acre. What'e the use of renting? PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha Nat I Bamt Bid., Omaha 160 ACRES YOUR OWN TERMS" miimiui iarui, a jui lea rrom Ong lit Clay County; 20 acrea tn alfalfa and the balance in crop; 7-room houae, good outbulldinga. A firat class farm In a sure crop country. PATNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Omaha Nat'l Hank Bldg., Omaha." "WESTERN NEBRASKA"; Cheyenne Co. quarter, advertised last week. Is sold. Another across the road under forced sale, can be secured at $V. Great bargain, but must have quick action. GEORGE Q. WALLACtq KeellnBldg. 180 ACRES, best Cheyenne county wheat land; $20 worth of Improvement; HO acres now In fall wheat. 70 acrea ready for spring plowing; $1 bushels per acre liilo. Price. $6,3uO; $1 ftoo caah, $4 500 per ceo i, years. write Hugent da Longpre, Ige Pole, Neb. SPLENDID RANCH PROPERTY 1,040 acrea; northwest Neb.; 400 acrea cutlvated; 60 acres alfalfa: fine Im provements; bargain price. ". B. Relvaa. 316 Ramge Bldg.. Omaha. Neb FOR BALE Beat large body high grade milium iinum una tn neDraska; very Utile money required. C. Bradley. Wol- bsch. Neb. GRAZING Und in Wheeler County 14 ?T . 7; Iv " inmj JBAr. Uuunty ( terk. BartletL Nab. Wta stslat l-tada. UPPER WUCON0IN-.Bt dsr7I3 gaiMiral crop a tale la ta union asttUrl m,Dtm4: lauda for .1. T: . easy Utm Ask for booklet M oTwIU cousin Central Land UrauL s,oaJil7 Uoda for stock raiaiag. If mtv-t.!r7l f rult lands ajk forbookUt cnaxds. Ad rasa Land aad IndWrW 1 rf Roa Lliia Rail- ui. Wyolaar Laasla. FOR KAUIv-Wi acrw, mllea froTn" fheyenne, good weU. good soil. ,rUZ?l on land; for prices snd terms. wn7. owner, T. H Caliisun. ju E. lm ci um.e Wyo. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Teaas Ia4a. NviTlLE thlsno7thern;o(intry1a lit tha graap of old King Winter, everything froen i't. and a long wava ahcal to spring, don't yon think you oucht to be IntercKtcd In a country where tho farm- eta rinht now are plowing their field". The wilier of thla advertisement wh tliere on the Mh dav of January and sw thla vn y thing being done. Thla coun try produces a great variety of crops, ini'lipllng Inllin corn, wheat, alfalfn. and the products raised In NohraaHa, and Iowa. In addition, cotton, maiae, kaffir coin. Sudan arass. Fe4erita, anl other crops are mu-pr-ssfully rawed in llils country. It ta neither a mmintaln i"ii or a hilly country, or a barren desert, but a nice, level, plaina country. 1 wlih snod soil and Plenty of waler of best quality. It Is what ta known aa the South lMalna Country of Texas, belna; located In toe western part of the state, south of the 1'anhandle country, on the main line of the Santa Fe between i Galveston and (n Francisco. Our land Is near Slaton, the division point, a town of lm population. We cannot begin to tell you all the good things about thla country. If you live In or near Omaha, come to our office and see the bale of cotton which Just arrived and which waa raised right In tho country where our lands are situated; also see the sample of soil, showing a depth of three foet. Just aa It was dug from tha ground. We also have a large variety of samples of other products. It will be an Interesting display to look over. We can then tell you much more about this country and the unusual oppor tunities offered there, if you cannot rome to the office, writ lor descrip tive circular. SCOTT & KILL COMPANY. Ground Floor McCague Bldg! M t ace I la meows. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR BALKT Write a good description of your land sad send it to tha Bloua City Ca ) Jour nal, "lowa'a Mast Powerful Wsnt Ad Medium." Twsnty-flve words everf Fri day evening, Saturday morning and very Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ada oa twelve different days for $1; or 60 words. $4. at 73 words, $6. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 4,000 readers dally la four great alatea FOR any and all kinds of acreage located on or near car line, call C. R. Combs, 815 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 3916. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES "For Sal. FOR SALK First class Holatein cow; milking one gallon; fresh In May. Tel. South 311. 1 or san Johneon-Danforth Co.. 16th and Clark. BUFF Leghorn cockerels; also good young cow; fresh soon. Colfax 184. H"AY-$1.50 ton. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16. POULTRY AND PET STOCK NINETY pair of Homer pigeons for ssle. price $35. Lent Anspach, Cadama, Neb. ONE doien White leghorns; one doseq Rhodols2andReds;cheap.Colfa MO. Si XD grain. lOu lbs., $1.76. Wagner. $01N.1$ AUT0M0BILES-F0R SALE For Sale. REAL BARGAINS. i 1914 Ford touring cars. 1 1H13 Ford roadster. 1 1IM4 Ford roadster. 1 1911 Hupp 20 roadster. 1 1K12 Chalmers 80 roadster. 1 MM 2 Maxwell. Su truck. 1 1K15 Maxwell. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO.. 2216 Farnam. Douglas 86$. i-lV)6 Lozier touring. 6-cylinuor $50 11916 Bulck 0-26 touring 6S0 8 1915 Bulck roadster (60 41915 Krlt touring.... 44 61914 Ford touring $ 1915 Studebaker 6 touting 660 Auto Clearing House. 2200 Farnam. rvSSlO. 1.000-Lf). truck $126. Nebraska Bulck . Service station. 1914 . Farnaxa. Phone Douglas 711. A at Livery aad Oarai Industrial Garage Co.. a 4k barney iiji Aato Mgalrlasj aad falatlaaT."" Automobile painting dona by experts; 'it m.. a.m' aVnArilUlM In I lM1 . Via u ...... . anteed 1st class. Johneon-Danforth Co. v. it.. , pi. 1.1 uuuir and more durable. aOxSH, $6.$u, . at limiirlAs Axra liw rewr . m,iw w vwa repair. Colls re pa.reo. nayaqorrer, 110 N. 18th. free winter storage when cars ara paint ed and repaired. Johnson-Danforth Oa, Omaha Radiator RP Co. aiai Far. D. Kwf to Tires aad afaUas. A THREW or tour-lue ad In tha Tor Bale. Miscellaneous column of Tms BEE will sell your old furnltura and houaehold gooda Phone Tyler loouT NOW. " AUTO T1RE8 HALF PRJCE Homer Hill, 1611 Chicago St MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HARLE x -DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE. Bargain in uaed machloes. Victor Rooa The Motorcycle Mao." 2701 LeaTenwortb. LEGAL NOTICB. NOTICE OF sfCMTKHOiZiERg5 MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of Uta SOUTH PLATTE LAND COM PANT will be held at the of floe of said Company. Room 701 First National Bank building. Lincoln, Nebraska, at 11 o clock a. m.. on the first day of March, A. D., 1S16. Lincoln, Nebraska. February 1st. llt C. H. MORRILL, President. W. W. TURNER, Secretary. Feby ldSH. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaatatlsaa at the Day Coanm adltles. aa Vartaas NEW YORK. Feb. J.-FLOUR Unset tled. . WHEAT pot, weak; No. 1 durum, $1.45; No. 1 northern. Duluth, $1.62. and No. 1 northern, Manitoba. $J.MW. f. o. b. New York. Futures were weak; May, $1.41. CORN Easy ; No. I yellow. Ua, c. L f. New York. OATS Spot, quiet; No. $ white, 66Hc. HAY-uady; No. 1. $L22H1 26; No. $. $1.15. No 3. $100; ahlpplng, .,irjOo. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1915. 16U'27c; 1'.'14. bWtc; Pacific coast. 116. 12Kfl6c; 1914. 81&IO1:. HIDES steady; wogota, jKgBihiet Cen tral America. 81c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. $3& 34c: seconds, Wa-Ze. PROVISIONS Pork, unaettled; mess, $20.0ili0.50; family, $S.O0-'4.00; short clear. $l.60Ul.uO. Utet. steady; mess. $lii.;tfl7.0t; family, $1 WVu 19.00. lau-d, easy: middle west, $10.0uio.l0. TALLOW-SUMidy; city. Vc; country. $3Vac; special. c. Col Ira Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 1 CO FFE B The market for coffee futurea opened at a dHclln of from two to seven Dolnta un der a little scattered selling, which seemed to come partly from European sources. July contracts sold at 7.44c, and December at 7 06c during the early trading, but offerings were not heavy and prices ral lied later on private reports that ocean freight rates had been advanced another 2C per bag, and rumors that some of the Brszlllan ahlppers were trying to cancel contracts. July sold up to 7.6uo and December to T.glo in tha late trad ing, with the market closing at a net advsnce of seven to ten points. Sales were 47.750 baga; February, 7.$6c; Mbu-oh, 7 7e; April, 7.4e; May, 7 Mc; June. 7.64c; July. 7.6sc; August, T 42: September. T.67c; October. 7.7l; November, .7o; Deeam ber, 711c. Spot coffee, steady; Rio 7s. bS,c; Santos. I He Very few cost and freight offxrs were received and tha only quotation mentioned for Santos 4a waa .$0o. English credits. Tha acrttuU cables reported no chance In mllrels prices and a decline of Vsd 1n Rio ex change on liondon. fatiaa Market, NKW TORK. Feb. $. COTTON-rnttn market closed steady, net 1 point higher to z points lower. NEW YORK, Feb. 1 COTTON Spot, quiet: mUMIing unlanda, 11 Hoc; no aales. LIVEHPtXiL. Feb. 2. TTON Sp,r; eier: good middling. 7l, middling. tf. low middling. 7 JSd: sales, I. lit butca. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Caih Wheat Rallies and the Price Advances from One to Three Cents. ti.MAH. February I. Caah 'hea lll.4 !. an4 .4Bn,4 iront 1 to 1 cents Whni n,l enrn re- celpta were very heavy and the demand Tor tip tn of these cereala waa quite ao- tlye. ; om prices ranaeit from '.o to lc ' " her and. althnuah moat of the asm - ! it,. i7.rr'or.q".my- "p.otSame das I(sl week.fT:i I -AV i-uiiy 11a at a aiiosinniini 1 ' - j-Kirmiy win n i ions, I The demand for oats continued llaht and the reeelnt- were small, data fol- 'el corn and wheat In the sd-ance and ruled from unchanged to te higher Kye was practically unchanged and barley ranged from ItMc lower. Clearances were: Wheat and flour eunal to 1.00,000 bu.; corn. $,000 bit.: oats. 3.m bu. Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged to Hd lower; corn, unchanged to Hd lower. I rlmary wheat receipts were I.ohkiiOO bu. and shipments $3.00u bu., against re ceipts of Tun.oun bu. and shipments of 7W. i bu. laat year. Primary oorn receipts wwre TTT.flon bu. and shipments 732.000 bu.. agalnat re ITJL? J1' JAAOon bu. and shipments of 6.M.0P0 bu. laat year. Primary oats receipts were l.ra.OKO bu. and ahlpments bu.. against re ceipts of P29.000 bu. and ahlpments of 790,000 bu. last vear. CARIAIT RECEIPTS. vi mcagn in.1 Ml Minneapolis 2M Duluth 4.1 " "ha iwi jit .""? nt 1,1 64 Winnipeg M These sales were reported today ... '"'70. S hard winter: $ cars, $i.6; H-: Para. $l.n; tu, cars. $123: . a' Jpr- H No. 4 hard a oam, 4 cars. winter: 1 ear. $1 tS: t er ti 1 oar ai iq 4 cars $1.18; 6 cars. $1.16; cars. $1.1ft; 4 cars, $IJS; 1 car, (1 11 Sample: 1 car, W.c; 1 car. 90c; 1 car. $1.06; 1 car, $1 00. No. 3 l',u.r,um.: rT No- 1 durum: V. car, $1.17; I ear, $114. No. $ mixed durum: 1 car. $i.$n. No. X mixed: 1 car, $1.24. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1.12. Corn No. $ white: 1 oar, 704 o. No. S mixed: 1 car. 7rrt4e. No. 4 white: 1 car. 70c; 1 car. 6!Wc; 1 car, SHc. l.reIlow: ' c-r"- No. 4 mixed: 1 car Pc; $ cars Hftic: K cars. 6Uc. No. $ white: S cars. fin; car. 4c; 1 cars, 6Rc No. $ yellow: 4 cars. 7Vc; J cars, 47o. S ears. 6io. No. 6 mixed: I car, C6c; 1 car 66u.c; j r,rB gio: 1 car. Kmc No. white: 1 ear. 64c; 1 car. lc; 1 car. tc. No. 4 yellow: $ cars, 66c; 1 car, 62o. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 61c; t ears. 60; j cars, 60c. Sample white: 1 ear, B7c; 1 car. 4r. Sample yellow: 1 car, SOc; 1 ear, 66c. Sample mixed: $ cara (flint), 41r; 1 ear, 6lo; 1 car. 660. Oats No. $ white: 1 car, 44r; cars. 44c; 4 $-6 cars, 4V. No. 4 white: $ cars, 47c; 1 car. 46c. Bamnle: I ran Vt 1? ma . ... o- - t - 7a No. '$: 1 car.' Jc. Barley No. S: 1 car 7io. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. I hard, $l.s4Jfl.r: No. $ hard. $l.2iei.2S; No. 4 hard. H.lWrl.IJ; No. a spring. $t.r1fl.27; No. $ spring, It.tlfM.TJl; No. $ durum. tl.llWl.20; No. S durum, $1.161.17; sample. W"Ul.m. Com: No. t white. 70T70Vic: No. 4 white, 6RU.rfT0c; No. 5 white, ?nr: No. white, S-fcffWc; No. a yellow, 70itt TOUc; No. 4 yellow. ar7t)e; No. 6 yellow. 6MM7VV?: No. 6 vellew, tnmfUr: No. $ mixed. 70S770'ie: No. 4 mixed. HeRio; No. K mixed. 63l5We; No. 6 mixed. 59if4dc: sample. 4MTr. Oats: No. t white. 4M$ 40V c: standard. 4s'ff4cr No. 3 white. W4i,r; No. 4 white. 46M7c. Barley: Malting. RSifiTV; No. 1 feed. (a-S'6Sc. Rye: No S. 6H(ff7Hc; No. t. 9Mfic. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Pee by Lnran St Bryan, stock and (Tain brokers, !!' South 16th Ht.. Omaha: Article1 Open. I71ph Ixw. I Close. Ttiry. Wheat l84ff1,l 18 il 8ET44M 1 26l . ltBHi May. July. Com. May. July. Oats. May. JNity Pork. i tan 1 tS 1 STvf) 1 1 $4 1 S4H i ast 1 24 tovt mWifrV,' WO'arSWO 80V4I 4 BOH B1H 51ffM 61 Tt 4HW 48H' 47H! 47H 48 aO 47 80 6$ io ao ion May. to m aa 45 t 60 $0 46 ao 45 16 OR 10 tt 10 M 10 ao 40 ao 45 .July Lard. May. 16 tO-171 16 16 is-ia July. Ribs. May. .tn It 10 $6 10 io m-7 10 T 11 10 10 M 11 or 10 M-95 11 no 11 ns CHICAGO CHAIN A Nil PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Tradlwaj aad Cxaalaar Prleaa on Board at Trade. CTHJCAQO, PVb, 1. Bearish cable quo tations had a depressing effect today on wheat. As a result the close here, al though steady, waa 1H to 1V3 cents net lower with May at $1.SJ and July at $1.24H. Other grain, too, underwent a set backcorn, Tflo to ISifsHo, and oats p to lc. ProvUlons finished 10Uo off to an advance of $4o. Predictions of larger Australian and Argentina shipments to Buropa were the chief accepted reasons for tha downturn in foreign prices on wheat In thla con nection It was said a fleet capable of loading $.000,000 bushels had been obtained for Australia alone. At first, however, offerings hers were small, and tha mar ket rallied from an Initial decline. Some thing of an advance followed owing to signs of a little activity on the part of exporters. Then, reallxlnr sAles and liquidation set In, snd enough bear pres sure developed to fore a material de cline. Influenced by announcements that tha buying of cash wheat for Europe was to be more centralised than aver, and that virtually the entitle trafflo had been brought under tho direct control of tha various governments. Moderating temperatures that promised Increased arrivals, especially in the north west, tended to give amphasla to bearish sentiment regarding wheat. There waa also a more general disposition mani fested to consider that tha snow preten tion throughout tha wast and southwest would prove ample for the needs of the winter crop. Com eased off, mainly in consequence of favorable weather and as a result ot tha setback in wheat. Assertions that export sales In the laat few days amounted to l,0ri0,000 bushels failed to act as an offset Oats gave way with other grains. The break waa tn tha face of heavy buying on the part of a commis sion house which earlier had taken a free hand on the selling aide. Hedging by packers more than wined out temporary gains In provisions. The chief pressure waa on lard. Evaporated Applea aad Dried Frails NEW YORK. Feb. I. EVA PO RATED APPLES Dull and easy: fancy, $it4tHa; choice. 7a"7Vc; prime, 6yi6Vc. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, Irregular; Callfornlaa, 4fTllWc; Oregona. TH4a. Apricots, easy; choice, lOVfcc; extra choice. HWllc: fancy. 12'11'c. Peaches, quiet; choice, 64c; extra choire. 6Vfrc; fancy, tfrs. Raisins, easy; loose muscatels, 7'f7ir choice to fancy seeded. 7HtWc; seedless Hfjllc ' Kaaaaa City Geaeral Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb t-WHEAT Osah No. t hard, f 1.201. SI; No. $ red. $lWi1.s; May. $1 ZPt; July. $1.1TW. CORN No. $ mixed, 73c; No. $ white 7$&7$V: No. t yellow, 72"S7$e; May. 74'Ao: July, 76ie. OATS No. $ white. W4f14o; No. t mixed, 4M4vc. . Leals Geaeral Market. T. I1UI8. Feb. $. WHEAT No. $ red. nominal; No. $ hard, nominal: May. $1 2&H: July. $1.214.. PORN-No 2, V71e: No. I white. T7c; May. TTSc; July. 77fl7H4a. OATS-No. t. tic; No. t a Lite, nominal. LlrerBal Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Feb. $- WHEAT floo. No. 1 Manitoba, 14a 4Sd; No. $. 1.1a Q No. $ bard winter, new, lis Id: No 1 northern Duluth. 14a Id. CORN d pot. American mixed, new. 10s hid. ' law Tarsi Meaer Market. NEW TORK, Fsb. f -MERCANTILE PATKR Va4 per cent HTBRUNQ EIXCHANOB Slxtv . da- bill a $4.1oi: daataod. U.n; cablas. 76T-1S. SILVER Bar, tra; Msxioan dollars 431c. BONDS Oe ernmest, steady; railroad, st ron g. T1MB IAN-teadys sixty and ninety days. JH'ft'JX per oent; six months, 24, 1 per cant. CALL MONEY-Steady; high. 3 per cent, low, 1 per cent; ruling rate. lC lr cent; laat loan, i per cent; closing bid, 11 per cent; offered at 2 pat cent OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Demand for Killing Cattle is Brisk and Trade Active at Ten Cents Higher. I rents Wio-her vcjiis nigaer. GOOD TRICES FOR BIQ HOG RUN 1 I I .it t'.i. I'll., i Itei einis i'.iii. tlnirs Hheep. Official Monday 61', t Hi.iTtt 'rflchil Tucmisv Kslliuate edticsda v 1VI H.'.'iirt in . i??ii 1 Wi ! Three daa this wk.K.:l" it. ISO :-;.m' . - ianie days 2 ks. ao.:"..l M.HI7 4i.:i Is.'iiv.t 19. i'" tame. daya wks. ago.:';! ;so same days 4 wks. ago .2.1.0::, Same days last year..U! .KJ' Si'!r The following i. hi. annss tne receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at the Otnahe Live Stock market for the year U date aa compared with last year: VIS lltv. Inc. battle 1.14. ".M a, 4.'.S.'4 Hogs ui'u; V:1 iui IWL.44 sheep I17 TI6 xai,6N6 $8,S7a The following table ahowa the average prirea of hogs at the Omaha llva Stock market for the last few days, with com- riona: Iate. i 6T $ 1$ f lift l . I $ 4 $ 0! 7 1.. 1M I 3 ' 6 74 I :$ Z ! ! 1 1916. Jaa. 17 t K Jaa. 18. Jan. It Jan. 20. Jaa. 11. Jan. i Jan. SA Jan. 7 14. T 17-s, f 7. $ tan I f Jr TV 4 a $ ti "llr: III 7 01 $ $7 T (III a as 7 U', 6 671 IN 7 U I t u - 1 .-p til 7 W) $ 20 6 61 21 7 23 I $ 27 ta 1 ai l. a n. :!.. Jan. M Jan. X7. 7 7 I4 6 61 IM 7 6 oi 6 R? $71 $ M! 7 4( f w t itti a a i J i il 6 ml 7 4! x o Jan. J0.I lTl$ll7WJilMl , "' J i 2 ? Pi i 5 Jan. 4. 1 t ens, - m lam i - Feb. 1.) T UfJ 6 711 T svU ! J ) Feb. t I I tW t 7V $ ( ( 6 Wi 1 at t W -siihuay. Recetnta and rflstwvslllnn nl llva stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., tor iwrniy-iour noura enaing at o ciova yvsterasy : RJrXEJPTS CAIUaOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r s C. M. A St. P. WahaaH $ Missouri Pacific ... 2 Union Pari tie M C. & N. W eaat.. 7 O. At. N. W., weat.. 49 C, SL P., M. o... ta C., H. ft W., east.. $ C, R. A U., weat.. 23 1 68 66 M 16 6 $0 7 11 a a a 6 a 14 C, R. I at P., east Chicago O. W. Illinois Central Total receipts ,.2 2H 2 DIS1 'OWlTKJiN H E AD. Cattle. HogaSheep. Morris A Co iaO Swift and Company. ...1.1J Armour A Co 9,7 Curt ah y Packing Co LOOK Schwarts 4k Co J, W. Murphy ... 4.646 bol 6.. 04 6.S. 7,57 1.210 4.403 a,6i6 1,671 1,140 Lincoln Packing Co V. B. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant L.. Hill A Son F. R. Iewla J. B. Root A Co J. II. Bulla U F. Huss Rosenstock Bros F. U. Kellogg Wertheimer c Degan.. 11. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild A Krebs.... 27 6 11 146 66 m 44 76 na 1 Uo 1 u Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 127 Christie 14 Meyers 11 Huffman t Roth U illgglna Bauer. Jonea A Smith M Banner Broa 20 John Harvey 41 Denula A Francis 16 Kline 27 Jensen A Lungren .... 66 Other buyers too $87 Totals t.t7 21.66$ 6,169 CATTLE Receipts wsra quite liberal thia morning, 246 cars being reported In the yards. Thia brings tho total tor tha three days up to 16,306 bead, tha smallest of any recant week, but larger than a year ago by 1000 head. The demand for killing cattle of alt kinds waa brisk and tha trade fairly active at prioes that wars strong to loo Mtfhur than vaatardav. A laraa per centage of the reoaipts changeu hands in good season in the morning. Stockers and feadera were alao in good demand and they commanded fully steady Pr'cll, . . . t ... quotations on catus: uooa to c beeves. $7.75S.&0; fair to good beavaa, $7.2S47.7B; common to fair baevea. $.A'i 7.26; good to choice heifers. $6.2ttrt.76i good to choice cows, t6.0oO4.60; fair to good cows, I6.2&&4.00; common to fair cowa, $4 OtKirt.Io, good to choice fevers, $4.8ffj7.66; fair to good feeders, $6.40(.W: common to fair feeders, $6.bmS6.4P; good to choice stockers. $7.00B7.6&; fair to good stookers, $6 s.OO; common ta fair stock, ara aa.sOfriAd: stock heifers. $6.76iaf.76; stack oows. M.7bcm.: Btoaa calves. 64.60 477.60; veal calvas,i $7.t0JjXetf; bulls, stags. etc.. M.itKU.. Representative sales: BEEF dTETC R3. We 4.. I.. 14.. U.. .. 11.. 4.. .. .. U-. A. r. a A- r .. Til 6 M 1...... 4 4 44 .. 4U 4 ro 4- av i .. M T It 1 1 ..1IH13 7 bu - 114 7 M ..111 1 Sk 11. ust 1 u list 1 14 BTK1.R8 AND HEUFERfl. , 61$ 6 40 T. 4 U 6 4 U TU 4 il lit la u i4 1 ..... an T N 3 6U t 64 tiowa AND Hi&lraUiaV SB $ 16 U. aw i a HKlFtiRA Ill tn St.. . 411 6 10-..-...1044 111 J.. 7M 4 44 $.. .. 74 f 46 .. , i u ..744 4 .. 4U 4 44 H) IK CALVES. , w in mnnrr . -.. $ 1W M ....,.,..... IV 16 "fc't6CKERS AND FEEDERS. I ..... 6 444 4 414 4 44 4 411 4 u IM i ' I " n 4 n f im tut i o , hi 7 la HI IM 14 W J" HI IM l. 444 7 M rat 1 40 r,t hnaa. while not nearly so large as Tuesday a near-record run. made a good showing, estimates calling for tut cars, or 1.!M head- lptal supplies for the three days ara t4.W hand, being l.buo smaller than last week and a few hundred abort of two waeka ago. but nearly three times as large as tor the same days last year. Shippers had good broad orders, and while another car famine waa threatened bought rather freely early at prices that looked generally steady. Packers by talking very beariahly early weakened things a little for tha outsiders, snd latir shipping purchases wsre slightly lower. They bought a good share of their hogs at $7.isVr7.70, and rumors of V.n were thick, slthough all the reports lacked confirmation. Psckers up to mldforenoon appeared to be without definite orders, and with other markets reporting steady prices early, local killers' flrat offers of 6i10c lowsr prices looked so entirely out of line that practically nothing had been cashed up io a rather late hour. Traders dickered through most Of th forenoon, but bids weta improving grad ually all the time, anu while some of the fust packer aales might have been a little lower, prices were generally steady when the bulk of the offerings finally started i,i rnnva Once a tradlns basis was agreed on movement llveoed up aad by noon the tllg DUIg Ot Stun was III ym;mv.w Of course the close was, ss usual, slow snd weak on light kinds, but that was to be expected, fur after packers get their orders pretty wU filled they ran afford to be more particular, and it la tha light stuff that ia discriminated against. Taking yssterday a low close Into con aldaration values were fully steady. The bulk of the bogs brought about His same i prices ss yesterday, selling at a spread 1 of I7.40a7.4o. Quit a sprinkling of lights sold at $7.26 and under, and a good many heavies moved at $7-6607.70, while the top again reached $7.75. Bulk of th hoga Is row moving at prices that show a tVaiOo decline as compared with the dose of last Representative sales: Ha A. Ba. Fv. la At. Bb. . 4 11 ... T TB.U...I ... t Tr. ....... n sa TU e......n7 41 .Vt ... t 44 at S 44 Sal ... t T 44 IJO m a ... f 71 ii 1 PIOS. l 114 ... 444 SinSEP Supplies of sheep and lambs were of about tha same slsa as yesterday, arrivals amounting to twenty-six cars, r about 6 mm head. Ths total for the frst half of tti week is 22,64 bead, blng .i.ii lamer than last week, but H,i0 smaller lhan two weeks aao and a shortaaa of head aa oompared llh the snie days last year. Aged ptivcp were aKHin In moderate and nnthlna of top rlaaa showed up lirmand was hiirdlv so tiitrent as fur lainhs. ami 1"n l."o covered the advance n" ernes, nest on orrer soht to ?7 V.i. ami ,hP nm,nB (01, Pi.Prt t t; 511. , sales yeslerdnv Included a deck of real ,","rlv top? and riVedw ada",$T.l"hAa Mh ;as $ was alveii on yesterdav'a close i'nr a tieca or k.vmi Navalo yearnnus. tne I Price bclnir 1 hw hlirhawt svpr unlit nn th' ; mai Kei. a.tnoiiBh Ions have lieen iiuotaMv inigner than that moat or the time miring C.nss'Tne last two weeks Today vearllnas of li)falr weight and noie well finished .-- sid t rid and on this bnala a real d l:',.1X$ slrable bunch ought to bring In th neiannornoon or w . as me in'ng aTantis 36..H'"' '"J, j , '.J 12. ' j, ;,,4 j anything good In the mutton or yearling IZwi.. -V ii.r Li..i. .V; I so badiv wanted. I Nnthlna worthv of mention In the feeder line was offered. Lnle arrivals of feeders yeaterdav ao'd as high ns $0W. j Quotations on aheep and lamhs: lamha. I good to choice, l1ft viS W76; lamba, fair i to good, tin T.irlOOO: lamba, clipped. .75 'i40 Tcai'llmra. iiooil tn choli-e. Ilsht. fi nnfia si; fair to choice, heavy ; $ tioi,4.;.: welhers. fair tc. rliotce fTjv j i 7.M; ewes, gtod to choice, $7.:.JOi.60 ewes, fair to good, tv:.ri4T.xn. i iiepreeeiiinuv c rnira. liVed lambs 4'fl fed feeder lambs .. ?M fed laml '4 fed lamba A- . i e. to 46 1i ni 1 1 r i 4" feed lamba . 70 . 4 .11$ ,11 . S tTil fed lamhe .. , n,,lv. .,nha 7 i ini fwrs ' UH Nsvsjo yearling wethera j t llH'AtiO Mill TIK h cattle atrnna iinna nnk sneep Straag. CHICAOO, Feb. 2. CATTLE Receipts. IS. OHO head; market strong: fancy beevea. $!".", equaling the February record of 1HI4; native beef rattle. Ii H ft; weatern steers. $s,rviH.?o: row and heifers, $l.av HOi IS Receipt a, Ts'ooo head; market; eaives, xxixn?, i weak. ;TJloc lower; bulk. $7.6,VV7.W; light 7iti 7 1; mixed $7 M'fiT.sfi: heavv, $7.,'Vff 7.!; rough. $7.fiupl.5: nlga, $..7.'ir6.. SHEKf AND LAMBS I'eceiPts, 16.W0 head; market strong; wethera. $7.0MiS.25; ewes. $.Vkf7.0; lambs, $.76Ti 11.1.1. Kansas City Llva Black Market. KANSAS CITY, Feh. 2. CATTLE Ra oelpta, 6,i head; market atrong; prime fed steers, tn.frwfitl If.: dressed beef ateera. $7.00fis.0; weatern ateera. $6.60416 611; stock era and feeders. $H(ioar$6: bulla. 6.0IVrt6 60: calves, $6.fi0fi 10.60. IIOOS Receipts, 15.000 head: market lnm. hull. 1 . . . - u... , $7.60i97.90; packera and hutchora. $1,704 7TU; light. $7.WVjr7.76; plBs, $it.2M(7.O0. nur;r.r anh lis-Receipts, 7v head: market higher; lamba, $10.$Mf10,76; yearlings. $.TTjift0.40: wethera. 17.bui6i;,' ewes, $7.00i7.6il. M. I.aala Llva Stock Market. ST. IU1S. Feh. 1-TATTI.I.B.. celpts, 2,000 head: market strong; native oeei steers, n.rtwi n.wi; yearling ateera and heifers. W.WXffa af,: cowa, $B Rnf7.fl0; Texaa and Indian ateera, f'..Iffa8.M; cowa and helfors, $4.00tl,ftu; native calves, ItvOiiU 10. M. IIOOS Receipts, 7M0 head;, market lower; pigs and llshta, t,ooirr7.$ri; mixed and butrhers, $7.75j406. SHEEP AND LA MRU-Receipt, t.MO nesd; market higher; yearling wethers, 1 (Mvf J.S0; lambs, $0.00 10. H6; awes, $l.26 t7.S0. Sloax ity Live Black Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Feb, l-CATTLE-Reoelpts, $.500 head: market stesdy: butchera. $6.aW'7.60: corns and heifers. $4.40 (B6.76; cannera, $S.B0fl4 76; stockers and feeders. $6.40M.0: calves, $7.0O)6.O0; bulla, stsss, etO;, $R.3Ofr6.00. HOOS-Rocelpts, 14.000 head; market stesdy; heavy $7.607.70; mixed, H.&OrtT.dO' llttht. V 10t7.60; bulk, t7.S6fr7.60. SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts, $00 head. Bt. Joseph Llva Stack Markat ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Feb. 2 CATT7 J, iveceipis, imi head; market steady; steers, rr.fArf .SB; cows and heifers, $4.a $.60; calves. $6 OOfMO. On, ffOOB Recelnls. It BOA ,.-b.t 7Vo"dyi t0p 7i bulk "f sales. $7.701 flifETCP AND TJIMTtd-Rseslpts. $100 neaa, market higher; lambs, $10.16iail0.7O. Stock la Bight. Receipts of live stock at the flva prin cipal western markets yesterday: I I I M lfn. Ot.... 6.200 16.300 4.000 Chicago Sioux ar Kansas City ..... St. Louis Total ..U.flOO .. $.600 .. 4.. mo .. 46.000 14,000 16.000 7.M0 16.000 SOO $.000 .$3,000 io$,aoo M.$00 Oil aad Raeta. alAVANNAK, (?.. Feb. t.-TTTRPrTN. TlNrJ-Oulet st R6o: relp,. ffl bbls.; hl!!,V!.tB-J bli "X''s. 12.6.16 hhls. Ia2alhJr,! jj,r,mnt. 6,$10 bbls.j stocks, M.4M bbls. Quotations: A, B, f. D and ; It. $6.20; N. $6.76; WO, $7.; Ww! Iry Goods Markat. NEW TORK Feb. t-DRT OOODR-. Fine cotton goods were firm snd active today. Worated yarns were firm and lsces mora aotlve. Cotton yarns held firm. The largest producers of cotton flannels, dometa ami flannelettes hsve sold up their fall lines and withdrawn them. Bead Ths & Want Ada It paysl At--: .fti ' "iJj ',:' V 4 I fe' .MVt.V'';-' ' '' i get ready so she could come to Omaha with me. Yes, we are living in Cheyenne, but will be here a week. You Bet! Millard Hotel Our Favorite! Or, at least, was up until a year ago. Then on one trip we became dissatisfied with the service and quit. What are we doing in Omaha? Just shipped a few carloads of cattle to South Omaha and wife wanted to do some shopping and see Forbes-Bobertson Have to leave some money in Omaha, Lou because we get best prices here. "HONESTY - 0LEANLINES3 SERVICE" Is the motto of the Mil lard Ilotel Maaag-cmrnt, a hostelry whara any family can enjoy sil tho comforts of homo life .wtjla U Omaiu. We are close to both Union and B aril rig-ton Depots. MILLARD HOTEL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET For Time Threatens to Yield Large Part of Ground Re gained. CONDITION IS READJUSTED NEW YORK. Frb. J. For a lima today the market threatened to j Md s ery coi--slderahlo )iart of the gi-oimd retrained In the previous day's dealings, prices evincing a strong tendency to react on comparatively small o ferlnas This con dition as completely readliistrd later. nowevrr. When the list, almost s wn' r'e well above h Khest iiuotatinn ( (, PH,y WMk. I ' I'" nal hour trading was mod etatc and Inure contracted, the leaders aside rrom United States Steel, consist ing of such mixed Issues aa Cruclidc steel. Mexican Petroleum. United States Industrial and Mercantile Marine pre ferred. It was the unusual character of these shares which gave early pause to Ihe market. !as waa heard of the effect, aneru- - (yi '""" IT aim oinerwise or i'resic;ent w II iiv. I son's sneei hcs. Loudon waa a rain a seller of Erles. Canadian Pacific snd some of the lesser metals, btt they were easily ahaorbed on advancing price. The more conspicuous sharca of the munition, group were enly fairly strong ai first, lot became mora active and al most buovant. In fact tha sola features of lOftV'he final hour, when Crucible Steel, to 65 ' Baldwin Incomotlva and Studebaker HA , ennwe.i gains or two to si points over j;. , yesterday's final figures. The rise wan y, . aci i. m anted by tho tiaual rumors of i more war contracts. M4.RKF.Ti I'nliure or the Ametican Smelting dl ; rectors to Increase tha eommoa dividend t was trmpoi-arily disappointing, hut all metals strengthened later en an Indies - Hon of an increased demand for copper ' io me luiurw. i ma, motors ana teas ata llnctlve Issues were three to seven points) higher, with a gain of It for Willva Overland at 218. A belated demand for shapes of the Independent steel com panies waa helpful to United States Steel, which made a maximum gain of 1 at M'. Ralls formed only a relatively small part of the day's dealings, with an un certain trend for some leading Issues, de spite the publication of additional favor able December eaminrs Total aales of tocka amounted to SHO.ono shares. Honda In general were straits', with a sudden Inquiry for local traction issues. Total aales, par value, aggregated 43.710.- 00A United Statea bonds wars unchanged on can, Number of sales and lading quotation on stocks today were: Salsa HI, lsns. Clnas. Alaska nM Allla-rhalmera Amrlin nset Sugar Amarlran Can Amerlrsji tteemetlve ... Amartrae 6. A B Am. 11 pM Am. Sugar ttsflntng Ameriraa Tel. Tat Amertrsn Tsharea , Anacnnila Copper Atchison Ilnlitwla Lnrnmolive naltlmnra a Ohio Bethlehem Hiss I 1.k Vi n .B I. so H i :t lUto Hint P4 1.4 tn lit 11.1H ao n iasl IMS Loo m 4i n rt.m na4 m ', l e iai vt iimi n.m ti4'4 ii ii IPS M t mrsnklra HapM Tr M S , 1 h ii aivk $m itsi ta isiirnrnia rilrnlsum 'ansitlan fsolfto Central ImiIw ttiasspaalis Obis rnlrsm O. W Ohlraao, M. 4 St. P fhti-ago t H. W I -hit go, R. I. A p. Sir., tit :6 it us 17 Vj . 4414 $.t nn 1.1(1 7,n lie , n. (4. 106 1S 17 4 i H 44 41V 71' 74 4ttlfio Topaar OnlnraAo Fast 4 Iroa..., Omelhl Ftssl Pea w S H. 41. it Plailllani' Mantrlllaa Brls ttsneral Pllsctrlo ( Oreat Nnrtharn pf4 Ilrsat Nn. Or ell , nitiigsalieim IDxplerallea., Illinois Central lataetmemigk n. Cor. Inaplratlaa Ooppse tntsrnatlenal llsrvastar.. Ksaaai City Boathars.,.. Lshirit Vallsr UaiUTlli 4 Nashvlil., Msitra Pa4eslum Mlsml Ceppsr , Missouri, K. A T. fd... Missouri rsrlfte NaUaaal Isa4 Hv4a Copper New Trk Cntn4, ...... N. T.. N. K. H Nnrtnlk A Wastara Nsrlhara Fwcirt Paeine Mall PaMtla Tsl. A Tel Pennsylvania Pallmsa Palas Ckr Ray flan. Oospar. RMdlng Hapunllfl Iron A Steal. Soathera Parirta .,,., Miihnt Kallsmy , Siuflshsksr Oompaay ... Tsnnssse roppar Tsxaa Cnnvpaay Unloa Psolflo tlnloe Parlfla pM Vnltsf Malaa Rtaai IT B. mi PfS Pish 0risr , Waat l tlalsjl WaMlngtions aMaatrls ... Montana fewer O-nsrsI Motor WahaSh B DM IDS D7t4 1 . 1T1 lit i. in in i so H 4 44 tw 24V4 i.m , u. 14 44 IT4 44 Vt 1.104 1,000 l 77 , H 14 IM ,. rm4 im h i.m at m 0 14H 14 14 41 6S4 4 1.7n 44, 1 MS km us u ivk joni imi4 iimi, I.HW SkH 7', 7S ut ut n tin 116, 1114 llK'i a u ut i I', I.PWI 1714 44 ll1 I, M 1714 la 14 l.(n M t3i M l.pns 7(6 7T ;s4 am 14 it ms l ine im lms l II l n.tnt MH'4 144 ire tins M M4 lion in 1T4 I. ion 14 M l.-JV. v atvi m am Bt.aW Ml 414 M4 am ii its' li ,Tn TH Tit tH n 44 4 M Hws 47 4414 " 74 44 l,a 1 1S !' latsmatloa! Marina pM. 14, Sw all 7S a Total aataa for ut aay, Laadoa BtaeU Market. LONDON, h, 2 Th government raised the buying prlcas of American rails following tba advance In Wall street, but buslnesa In tha American section of tha stock market was meager, although the tone was steady. SILVER Bar. $7d par aunoa. MONKT 4-4'g44 per cant. DISCOUNT RATIOS Snort Mils and $ months, IHCott Pr cant. Bask Clearlasra. OMAHA, reh. t Bank clearings for Omaha today wars $3,2T.SSft.l0. and for th corresponding day last yar $3,126.- 000.7$. Hello Lou! Glad to See You Tell Me Lou- When Did You Get Control of the Millard Hotel? WeU!( Well I Yoa surely are making some wonderful chaxiga here. I read your ad in last Thursday' i Bee while waiting for my wife to 11 lliv. 41 tot, S 43 it STti 1W 17', M4 4 v 1 4.H 4 174 Wit 4Ai ni 4S lim S n