TIIK HKK: OMAHA. WKINKSDAY. KKm.UAUY 2, 1916. 9 MOVING AND STORAGE "GtODE VAX & STOijAUTT Storee. mnvf, ps-ks, ships; 3-hnre van and 2 men. fl " per hour; storage. 82 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed iouglaa 4:t3S andTvler 2.lo. gohdon Van vo. Parking, storage and tnov- inir. n. nth st. rnone Douglas 3s4 or IIarnev 19W. riREPROOFWAllEHOUS Separate, lurked rooma. for household good and pianos; moving, parking and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAOE CO., so Klth St. Douglas 41 M FIDELITY jitf? tTtKK Phon Douglaa 268 for complete list of varant housee and apartment; also for storage, moving. 16th and JacksonSt. T r RiVlVli Express Co. Moving. ". IMlttUU packing and storage. 117 Farnam Ft. Dou gl4 14. SlAtl(iARl) Van A Storage Co. Moving, packing, storage and chipping. D. 1496. WANTED TO RENT laluraUkia Mouses aaa rial. WE liAYb. many calls for houaea to rent. List yours with us. K. D. WEAD. 310 8. llitb St., Wead Bldg. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED V est. ARH you watching the construction ot my Well Built Homes? Phone Benson 122 for address and look 'em over. F fr. Trullinger. ortn. QUICK SALE Five-room cottage, moaern except heat; large lot, lined with shrubbery. A bargain, tJl cash, balance on small monthly payments, Price only 32,aoO. Located at 4107 N. 2th St. N0RR1S & NORRIS, y pee H in g. Phone Do 1 1 K 1 a a 4270. BUNUAUJW BAKU A IN. Five rooma, modern, full lot, good neighborhood, near tax. l'rice reduced from 8;',260 to 11.67"). fr D. WEAU, 310 S. 18TH ST. Wead Bldg. HALF-PRICK If you watch the 'For tale, MlKcetlaneous ' columns of THU UtE. you'll often see articles which are for ail practical pur pones almost as good as new advertised for half the original price in THK B KF. SIX-ROOM modern house In Kountxe Piece, oak finish, well built, corner lot. paving paid. W. 11. GATES. 47 OmahaVNat. Bank Blag. I). 14. PRAIRIE BARK titiO cash and $10 monthly will buv 7-room. new 2 story oak finish flrat story, fine anado, hedge and shrubbery; first class In every way. B. J. Scannell, Doug. 3tj or Colfan SOU. HALF A., within 6 blocks of car line; new 6-room house; full basement, elec trics light, well water. Thoa. L Mo Uarry. Keellne Bldg. Red 4344. CUMINQ, near 2"Jtb St.. 22 or 44. Must ne sola to close estate. Orimmel, 849 Omaha National Bank Bldg. NORTH front lot, loth and Slierwood Ave., with old 5-rooin brick cot .age, not modern; only I1.2.V). Tel. Doug. 'Ail. TTSN rooma, four apartments, cheap. Phone Colfax 1062 after 11 a. m. Sooth. FIELD CLUB HOME Only 13,500; paved street, choice lo cation, nice lawn; house has six rooma, atrlctly modern, closp to achool and car line; located on g. 3Mh Ave. us show you through and see for your- C. G. CARLBEKG, 813 Brandels Theater Bldg. NKAK K1KL.11 CLi:U. $i0 CASH. A good substantial, atrlctly modern 4-room houae and garage. Convenient to car, school and park; paving paid. A small cash payment, balance $30 monthly. Including Interest. Don't con tinue to rent when you can buy on these terms. PAVNB INVESTMENT COMPANY. ST7 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. P. 1731. Miscellaneous. WE have a number of good homes that we can sell on very eaay terms; that la, a small amount of cash down and the balance payable monthly. We also have a list of dextrable residence lots that can be handled on very easy payments. A. P. TL'KEY & SON. Tel. Doug. 602. lo07- W. O. W. Bldg. .COTTAGE AT AUCTION At court house, February 24. See W. II. ' KUBi-ELL, 631 Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED North. PUT 110 to $15 tt month of your spare money In INNK Ll'SA lots. REAL. ESTATE is the FOUNDATION of all wealth. Jt can't get away from you, and if you bur In a well located now addi tion you will not only save but MAKE money. CHARLES XV. MARTIN tc CO., OWNERS. o M lacel la ateous. THIRTY-SIX LlTS CIUSE IN, On car and pavement, walking distance, nice location, fine for coltagea or apart mer.ts. Rare chance for making money. W ill exchange on fair basis. Address L. t. Omaha Bee. WII.I, BI'lUl TO ORDER furnish plana free, furnish lot and help finance. If you are going to build, see me or phone P. ifM GEO. K EJNPBl'RO. S15 Paxton Bldg. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE OV."t;K ot five-room cottage near a"th and Ohio directs would exchange hia equity for some acreage, cither Im proved or unimproved. Mlunt put In ore cash additional on right kind of a deal. What have you to offer? SCOTT & HILL COMPANY, McCagne Bldg. Douglas 1000. 2t ACHES. o-roim cottage, barn, lots of irult tree.; adjoining South Omaha In f-'arpy county, no citv taxes to pay; only st feet from car line. Will con sider trading for home near llth and Dorcas. TEUHKNH. OMAHA NAT!,. BANK. O" Ni-.K of many new brick apartment house wishea to negotiate a loan on the property at 7 Interest for a term cf years. There la building and loan association mortgage on the property r1 .V' 1,11 'w aDout 11,600 tier yesr. B f)32. Omaha Bee. SEVEN lota in well built section for farm or residence. CAMPBELL, CRAIO. Doiiglss 4vl. Keeline Bldg REAL ESTATE, Fire and General IuhuFI ance. Art Thatcher, 1217-U City Na tion Bank Bldg. Iouglaa 301. Oo-ACRB ranch. Sioux county.' only 110 for clear Omaha property. J. A. Abbott! Room 4. Patterson Blk. TO EXCHANGE Clear 100 bhl. flour and feed mill, eastern South Dakota. Bog IKS. Independence. Ia 4A-ACRE cheap improved Colo, lis, for Income. J. A. ABBOTT, Patterson Block, Omaha. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Be at a a. room; AQ modern, in Benson, at Z313 N. &th 8v. Full lot. house about 8 years old Mortgage on it of 2.u60oo. payable a; 00 per month; make offer for equity You need not fear to make offer low enough. Th owner must sell and you will get a enao. H A. WOLF. tU Ware Blk. Doug ton REAL ESTATE-WANTED WANTED To buy on monthly payments, mall store room, with living rooms 0rve. Central aoheol district. Pkoa Ked ism. BUSY, busy door bell and a ai4 stream of replies after your "lEB Want-Ad has told its story. HAVE buyer for close-in residence. 8 to jv iuuiiii. n nmi nivi your R. II LANDERYOI'. Tel. P. 575. 2uJ Ncvr He Block. WANT Omaha residence for H.utri equity in 140 acres in Montana. 318 N. 23d St. FOR SALE-BUSINESS PROP'TY $11,000 Xonr 17th nml .Inckson (.round 6Cxl33. with double frontage on 17th Ave. and isth St.; good Im provements whlrh will rarry the In vestment: well rented to good tenants; located for sure Increase quick. 0 lover & Spain, tvi;gla :r.g, 1!-Jt Clt y Nat. Laaae for Sale Good Location for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE 130 Squire Feet $30.00. Room 103. f, : ? 7 LUSItH'SS XrUIifltV 1111 CKUIllf Ul ' 37,6no 22x1:13 feet, with one-story brick building, near 12th and Harney Sta. George & Company, Phon T. 756. SOJ Citv Nat. Rank Hldg. SPECIAL. BUSINESS OKFKK. Orocery, meats anl hakery. Pales Ifin.ono per year. Cood, largo hulldlng and stock. Irlce. iZ-WO. Will take fair residence- In part. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BL.DO. REAL ESTATF INVESTMENTS A Good Investment Is hard to find. By experience we know a good substantially built building and value. We can show you n new brick apart ment, near 28th and Howard, finely equipped, that will net nearly 10. Me dium priced. Don't delay; we can prove our Judgment. Hiatt-Fairfield Co., Pong. 498. 230 Omaha Nat l Bank. IF an Investment of 33'4c a day would maka you I2.S0O, would you Invest it? Ask us for particulars. W. T. SMITH CO.. P. CT19. City National Bank Bldg. BIG SNAP. 78-R., modern, up-to-date hotel In the heart of the city. Almost new; price Sk.uco; 116.000 cash: t.ainnre long time, J. B. ROBINSON. 442 Bee. Douglas 8097. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loa, si ortaaaea. WE are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska (arms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO, 213 S. 17th SL KOR SALE A real estate mortgage, 8900, draws 6 per cent Interest, se cured by trtroom house and other out buildings; two good lots covered by In surance for Vl.tM). Non-taxable; runs a little over 4 years yet; property la worth IJ.OUO.V Address Lock Box 408, Blair, Neb. 8 To t lor loans on best class city residences In amounts U.000 up; also tarni loans. Reuaonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St. OMAHA homes. East NeDraska farms. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1818 Omaha National. Phone Dou g laa 871A GARVIN BB0ATWKuV lo0 TO HO.oOv made promptly. K. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th & Farnam fits. HONEY on hand for city and I arm loans, H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. FARM loana, 6, eastern Neb., or west- ern la. Toiand at Trum pun, nee nqg. CITY property. Large loans a apeoialty. W. H. Thomas. l& State Bank Bldg. CITY and farm ioana, I. oVi. 8 per cent J. H. Dumont A Co.. 418 State Bank. . aaL CITY LOANS, C. C. Carlbwg, tU 12 Brandeia Theater Bldg. RW, MONEY. HARRISON & MORTON, m Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Abstracts ot Title. OITARANTFIK! Abstract Co. The UUilViYlX.IYEj be(lt abstract la the cheapest. Room 7. Patterson Bldg. D. 2l7. k' i'1 If l fife guarantee and Abstract ivx-ixkj-ii Co.. a modern abstract offioe. 806 6. 17th St. Tel. D. 8487. REED ABSTRACT CO , oldeat abstract offioe In Nebraska. 20t Brandeia Tbea. tooks aaa Boads, HOME BUILDERS. Inc., paying nci on each 81.18 invested now in Its ' " GUARANTEED PREFERRED SHARES. You share In the SURPLUS PROFITS also, making a total earning ot 11 per cent to shareholders who invested 8 years ago. Ask for our No. H "NEW WAY" booklet. It tella all about it. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. Els. Agta. S. W. Cor. 17th and Douglas, Omaha. 81,uO-6-YEAR PER CENT FARM) MORTGAGE FOR SALE. A customer wants to borrow $1,800, giving mortgage on a 10-acre farm with 8-room houae, barn and chicken house, i mile from good R. R. town in Dodge county, (near Fremont), valued at $8,000. Bee ua promptly If you want thla. J. H. DI'MONT & CO.. 418-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. S&0 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Laads MAKINO MONET WHILE TOU WAIT. There will be planted In our aectlon In Florida thla mouth 10,0u0 to 16,000 acres of Irish potatoes. These potatoes will go to market about the time the northern farmer Is planting and bring prices unhoped for by iiliu. The pota toes will be followed by a crop of corn or other field crops. Our lands ate equally adapted to trucking, small or large farming and stock raising. The largest cattle and hog farm in the United Slates Is being developed In our locality. No one crop country can begin to compare with it. A place to live as well as to make money. The superb all year round cli mate should add years to your life. BENSON A CARMICHAEL. 642 Paxton Block. Omaha. Neb. Minnesota Laads. 280-ACRK FARM FOR RENT, bout hern Minnesota, well improved. tiled, smooth; 88 80 per acre, or share rent. Ben Cone, inu( ndom. Minn. Mlaaoarl 1-ands. 40 ACRES tiinoer .mid, 1 Nut Co., clone A 1 n till n.r .r. V rt m. 1. 1. et.W8.Fank. Neville Block. New York Lauds. N. Y. s'l'A'lfc, 1M uurrH, guoU iai'iu Isnd, 11 miles from liinghainion, bo acres good timber land, noiiuiig cut off In thirty years. Town of Windsor, l'rice. $3,500. Address owner. J. M. Port. Che nsngo Forks. Broome county. N. Y. Nebraska Laads. CENTRAL NEBUAiKA FARM CHEAP. " . . .o.u W n ii m VCljr tlllU JW- acre farm 2 mii.-s from county seat In central Nebraska, and wo think lis would be wi.ling to exchange it for Omaha property. The land is all level; has fine sandy loam soil; 3u acres being a.lttlla. with plenty 01 lame and wild hay and running water; .t) per acre Is Uiv price and it la worth the money. I'tXZ INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th H. Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 171. 11AL' 6fcL'l lu. I'likiTFAlilh " very choice 320 acres between Edgar and Schlckley. in CI;' county. Level black loam soli; 65 acres In alfalfa. Nearly every foot can be cropped io room ail modern bouse, good barns and outbuildings; small orchard. Reason able cash payment and liberal terms. PAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY Omsha Nat I Bank J!dg . Omaha.' ONE OF 1 11 K VERYBEST ranches in northwestern Nebraska for sale considerable lielow actual valu 2.UW a. Highly improved; too acres cultl valed, o ucrea alfalfa; good hay land splendid water supply; high-class prop erty in every way. Write or call C & C. Rlea, 31i Kamge Bldg., Omaha' FARM AND RANCH LANDS ehrak Land. t Al.l. THK TIMK YOU WANT Owner of 240 acres In Cedar counts y 41 mi es from pii.nix City; will make veiy liberal terms to first-class farmer who can make a reasonable rash payment.; farm has about lso acres In crop. Is well Improved and close to town, Price, 110 an sere. Whit's tbe u-c of renting I'ATNB INVESTMENT COMI'ANT, Omaha Nut I linn, inoV.. niaha WESTERN NEPnASK.V Cheyenne Co, quarter, advertised last Week. Is sold. Another a' rows tlie road, tinder forced sale, ran be secured at $VV Oreat bargain, but must have Quick action. OKOKtJK i. WAliliAPHi Keellne Rldit IxnRpr Lndite Pole. Neb. irin i7;D C iT.':; 7:--2..r.... weak, selling from ' to 1 cent lower, amn .1 weeks aito li T3 ftvill ?i..v. land- iV worth of r improvements- so : .b' hr """ receipts were very lUht and I fvtma 4 witks ago 1T.i?7 KX :7 ! .""re. Aowln f;flhwhea? T.creaa 'rM'?",!' T'.'iZ: """ 1 rT" ', '"-MS for spring plowing; 31 hush-la per acre H e fol rTwid n-VjThee k . in it,. I ,Th" f,''n,,"" 1!1R. l'rice. W.:..; L ano cash. M t decline and wa. M.n.J ..m-hJl,.! i i ?f. r",lr' h,,,' "" hW " ,ne Oinahs per cent. S veara. Write Nuaent da i!Tl. " w"" tuo unchanged a V l.lv ,st,H-k market for t he year to date 'AiiNan (TIFT Wheeler County. 84 7, Pr acre. lAWK AT THK MAP. County iera, r-artiett, ren. Texas ..e. WHEN you buy a farm, get It where It has a future. If you buy high-priced land you are just trading dollars, so to r peak. We have a land proposition that ought to Interest every farmer seeking to better his condition. Our lands sell at 830 to 8o0 rer acre, on easy terms. The aoll ia rich and fertile, the climate fine, the water supply pure and plenti ful; the rainfall has always been ample to insure crops. Until a few years ago there was no railroad through this sec tion of the country, but with the ad vent ot a main-line railroad It la now rapidly coming to the front, towna are springing up, and In a few years these lands will double and treble In value. We have personally investigated this land, bought some of it ourselves, and have the agency for a limited supply. These lands are located In western Texas, below the Panhandle. Circular giving detailed information furuUbe4 upon application. SCOTT & IIILL COMPANY McCague' Build In r. Omaha. Douglas 1009. Wlaeoasla La a as. t'PPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop atata in the union; nettlera wanted: lands for sale at low prices oa easy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wla consin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for a toe a raising. If Interested la fruit landa ak for booklet on appla or chards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Boo Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn; When you plan to sell that real estate what? 1,1st your property In THR BEE'S Big House, Home and Real Estate Guide. Buyers of real es tate are exacting usually. Value must be there, and apparent Price should be an Inducement, but make the information definite and you will get responses from persons really Interested In vour offer. If you run It In THE BEE. Wyonlsg Lands. Milt SALE bUj acres, 4- miles from Cheyenne, good well, good aoll, school on land; for prices and terms, writ owner, T. B. Calllson, 400 E. 18th, Chey enne, Wyo, It IseeUaaeeaa. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR VALET Write a good description of your land sad send It to the Sioux City l!a.) Jour, rial. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad stadium." Twenty-five worda every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and very Saturday evening and Stinday for one month, giving alxteen ada on twelve dllferent days for Mi or M words, 84, of 75 words, 86- Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 2uO.OW reaCera dally In four great stats a. FOR any and all kinda of acrertge located on or near car line, call C. R. Combe, 8J Brandeia Theater Bldg. Doug. Sl. HORSES LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For Bala. Thirty-two milk wagona for aale, cheap. jonnion-mnionn o.. letnana Clark. HAY-48.60 ton. A. W. W agner. 801 jCK POULTRY AND PET STOCK SINGLE; comb Rhode Island Red eggs for aettlng, 81. 81.50. 82. 82 for 16 eggs. Photo on request. Pnlllp Harper, David City. Neb. NINETY pair of Homer pigeons for sale, price 835. Lem Anspach, Cadams, STXD grain. 10o lbs.. $1.70. Wagner, WIN. II AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE REAL BARGAINS. 8 1914 Ford touring cars. 1 1913 Ford roadster. 1 114 Ford roadster. 1 li)ll Hupp 20 roadster. 1 M12 Chalmers 80 roadster. 1 1812 MaJtwell 36 truck. 1 11)15 Maxwell. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., 2216 Farnam. Douglas 883, 1 19)5 Lozier touring. 6-cyliudnr. $K50 . 660 . 660 3 191a Hulek C-26 touring 3 lfl.'i Hoick roadster 4 1:115 Krlt touring 6 1!H4 Kord touring g 1916 Htudehaker 6 touring... ,. 4.4) . 2. 6 . 60 Auto Clearing Houae. 2300 Farnam. D.8310 FRANKLIN -cyl.. with fine T-paasengr i limousine and touring body, good on dltlon. 800. Address SK Farnam. Hi 81. For gale. 1.000-LB. truck $126. Nebraska Bui ok Service Station. 1914 farnam. Phone Douglas 711. Aalo Livery aad Oaraaeay Industrial Oarage Co.. 80 A Harney gU. Automobile painting dona by experts- 20 years' experience in Omaha: work giiar anteed 1st class. Johnson-Danforth Co. DUPLEX tires last longer, are stronger and more durable. 30x34, 8.6u. Tij Farnam St. Douglas 4X78. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. -Plia pJlnwi. ...i-uui i.r, in pf , lath. Free winter storage when cars are palnU eg in'i iry." u viiiuvii-uanrorth Oo. Omaha Radiator Rep Co. 2ua Kar. U. ajftl AatoTlreaaBdaapBiloa. A THREE or four-line ad in the rZl Sale. Miscellaneous column of BEE will sell your old fumltura mnd household goods. Phone Tyler lUlx ACTO TIRES HAIJf PRiCre" Homer Hill, WU Chloago Kt. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES UAKLE -PAVlliBON ku'l'OHC XilUkJL Bargain In used machines. Victor Ho. -The atotorpyuie Mao " IM lMymZZ? LKtiAIi NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCK HOLDERS' MEETING. Notice ia hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders nf the bOL'TIi PLATTE LAND COMPANY will be held at the office of aaid Company Room 701 Flrat National Bank baildlna-' Lincoln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m.. oil the flrat day of March, A. D., Ul. Lincoln. Nebraska, i-euruary 1st. l!i C. If. MoRRII.U iTesident. W. W. TURNER, Secretary Feby ld3W. JOHNNY KILBANE BESTS HOMMEY OF NEW YORK PHII.ADELPHIA, Keh. f.-Johnny Kll baae. featharwetght champion, outclassed Packey Hommey of New York In a six round bout here tonight. Lew Tendler and Eddie O'Kaafa, two local bantams, fought six fast rouads. Tendler rooeired the popular vordleC Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 1. METALS Rx change quotas lead at $6 10 bid. Spelter hoi quowa. i upper, nrm; electrolytic, VlMt X. for second quarter delivery. Iron, xteady and unchanged. Tin, quiet; spot, 341.76. At I-ondon: Cop;cr, spot, 1.M 1m; futures. 4s4; electrolytic, not re ceived. Tin. spot. 154 lus; futures, is. Antimony, 1?5. I-ad. 3! 15s. S1. ter 1. ; GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET pa.v rv.. J. 11..:.V .J C.11. TT-. VBBll flllVHI IS UCB1IBU SI1U WV IIS V il chanped to Three Cent Lower in Price. CORN SALES ARE VERT LIGHT OMAHA. February 1. The rash mhest market m a lieaiHah '"I'ng- from unchanged to S -enta lower, The receipts of all grains wire very nam ana me demand for everything on nei was mnnerate Corn sales were llxht and the market Barley aoll at practically unchanged .... , Wheat and flour ; com, Sl.0 bu.i Clearances were: equal to l,77.(0 bu oats. 171,000 bu. LI verpool Cloae: Wheat, unchanged to rn unchansed RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn, tlats. ia lower; corn CA Chicago ... 44i 24M I Mlnneapolla 172 W 27 88 i mi van Omaha St. louls .. t... 41 12 Innlpcg 131 These sales were rennrted tnriuv W'heat: No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, $t.2.1H cars. 81 144; 5 2-6 cars. 11 14: 8 cars. 81. 13: 1 car. 81.L'4; (ti cars, 81.12: 1 8-6 cars, 81.11. RimnU k..l .r 9.K n-e II IT I car, 81.06; 8-6 car. 81.00; 1 rar, to.' No. 4 aprlng, 1 ear, 81.18. No. t durum, 1 car. $1.18. No. 8 durum. 6 cara. $1.17: 14 ears $1.16; 1 8-6 cara, 81.14: 4 cars. 81.12. No. 2 mixed. 1 car, $1.H; 1 car. 81. IK; 1 car. $1.18. No. 4 mixed. 1 car. $l.1. No. 1 mixed durum. 44 car. $1 17. Rve: No. 2. 1 car. 874o; 1 car. 87c. No. 8. 1 1-4 rare. o. No. 4, I car. Mo. Barley: No. I feed. $ cars. 6v f ample, 1 car. 66c. Com: No. 8 yel low, 1 car. 704c No. 8 mixed. 1 car, (K4c No. 4 white, $ cam, 694c; 4 cara. 60c. No. 4 yellow, 1 car. 64c. No. 4 mixed, I cara. 69c: I car, 64c; 8 cara. fiSc. No. 6 white, 1 car. 7c; 1 car. 664c; 8-6 car, 44c; I car. 61e. No. 6 yellow, I car, 4e; 1 car, 66c: 1 car, 6Sc. No. t mixed. 1 car, 66c; 8 ears. 84c; S oara. 634c; 1 car. 624c. No. 6 white. 1 car, 62c; 2-8 car, OOc; 1 car, 69c. No. 8 yellow. 1 car. 644)c; 8 cara. G4c. No. 6 mixed. 1 rar, 62c; 1 rar, 614c; 42 cara. 61c; 1 car. 6f4c; 8 cara. V: 1 car,69c. Sample, 1 car, 63o: 8 cars, 6c; 1 car, 674c; 1 car, 66c; 1 car, 664c; 2 cara. 66c; 1 car, 68c; 1 car, 46o. Oata: No. 8 white, 1 car. 48c; 6 cara. 474e. No. 4 white, 3 cara. 47c. Bsmple. 4 cara, 46c: 14 cars, 46c. Omaha Caah Prleoe-No i hard. $1.20 1.234; No. 3 hard,$l.Wil.2S: No. 4 hard, $1. mil. 18: Vo. 8 spring. $.121SjH26; No. 8 spring, $1.101.28; No. 2 durum, $1.16iif.!8; No. 3 durum. $I.I2dT'1.17: sample, Kofltl OS. Corn: No. 8 white, 6K4Crt4-; No. 6 white, 6447e; No. 6 white. 60if2e: No. 3 yel low, 7041704c: No. 4 yellow. (Wtt'ic: No. 6 yellow. 644fir14c: No. 6 yellow, 6, 644c: No. 3 mixed, 69W4e: No. 4 mixed. Wi4'ric: No. 6 mixed. Rrrjrwio: no. 8 mixed. ffffi2o: aamnle. 45(Rfic. Oata: No. 3 white, 4-VfN9o; atandard. 4H4it?'4l4c : No. $ white, 474fr48c: No. 4 white, 4(ff7c. Barley: Malting, -"ir7fte; No. 1 reed, lo'i 68c. Rye: No. i, 964174c: No. 8. 961MV. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by IOgnn A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 816 South .16th St., Omaha: Article1 Open. ITIrh i-u. nar.1 winter, 2 cars, 81 it; 1 car.i-"-81.22'; cars. 8122; 1 car. 21 SI1: 8 cars. H"n- 81 21; 4 cars, 81.W; 12H cars. 81.20; cars. "n- j 8118. No. 4 hard winter, t cars. 81. IS; 1 J? car. 81.174; 8 cars. 11.17; 6 cars. 81 .WHi; , J.,n- 2' 1 car. tl m 1 . .r ti iau.. k r.. ti m t Uan. 2 Yes'y. Wheat May. July. Corn. May. July. Oats. May. July. Pork. May. July. Lard. May. July. Ribs. i 1 SB 1 26 1 81 1 23 1 2W 1 MV 79S1T-4 T9-H 794 6H 47t 20 60 20 671 10 SO 10 474 10 90 11 074 !7!eWj 04 62 47 20 60-82 4KS JO 66 20 624 20 624 10 82V4 10 52-30' 10 35 10 40 10 96 11 06 May. 10 96-K July 11 00 CHICAGO CHAIN AND PBOVI8IOJI8 Featares of the Tradlagr a4 C loalna Prlcea oa Board of Trade. CinCAOO, Fob. 1 Huge export sales, said to aggregate lOuO.OK) bushels, brought about a decided upturn today In wheat, although at first the market waa weak. Pricea closed strong, Va'lc to 8$ 34c net higher, with May at $l.a4Wl.J6 and July at $;j86ltfL2l. Corn gained lo to lHflnVio and oaU a to 14ia4:. In provisions the outcome was a decline of I4o to 10c. Wheat more than recovered today all f the ground lost In yesterday's liquidating periods, and in the fresh weakness which Developed thla morning. Lower quotations from Liverpool and eatlmatea that the world'a available supply exceeds by 44. 000,000 bushels all previous records were Influential tn giving transient control 10- innuentiai in giving transient oommi 10 any lo ma ur. a uv vuihiji,iij iim uv- ctlne resulted in such an enlargement nf European demand, however, that pricea made an upehoot of nearly 6o a bushel above the lower point of the acsaon. Word of probable crop damage In Illinois and Missouri tended to help the advance, and ao, too, did the ' Oklahoma atata crop report. corn had tn dependent strength aa a re sult of reduced eatlmatea of the Argentine exportable surplua. The crop in Argentina was aald to be serloualy Impaired by locusts and drouth. Oata, like wheat, responded to a de mand from the seaboard. Shipping gales here amounted to 6311000 bushels. Weakness in the nog market Carried provisions downgrade. The bulge In grain waa something of an offset for a time, but tho effect failed to last. Chicago Cash Prloes Wheat: No. $ red, $1.8344 138: No. 8 red, $1.24: No. I hard, nominal: No. 8 hard. $1 .244W.81s4. Corn: No. 8 yellow, 78T94c: No. 4 yellow, 784 76c; No. 4 white. 744P7H40. Oata: No. 8 white. 48fi0c; atandard. 614a. Rye: No. I, nominal; No. 8. 87c. Barley. 6s?lo. Seeds: Timothy, $6.5067.65; clover, $10.00 18.60. Provisions: Pork. $l.00ir30.; lard. 89 M: ribs, $10.124T10.7. B1TTTER Steady; creamery, ffV. POTATOES Unsettled; Michigan. Wis consin. Minnesota and Dakota whites. 2fi9se. POCDTRT aiivo, nigner; rowia. lwtc; springs, 18c. EcJGB Higher: recelpta, 81,189 cases; firsts, 29tf24c; ordlnsry firsts, 273-2X40; at mark casa Included, 24926c, HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatlowa of tho Day as Varloas Commodities. NEW TORJC. Feb. 1. FLOl'R Unset tied: spring patents, $6.7otK7.10; winter rttenta. $8.3a$.76; winter straights. 86.10(J 80; Kansas straights. 84.2Mj6.80, WHEAT Spot, strong; No. 1 durum. $1.47; No. 1 northern. Duluth. $1.64, and No. 1 northern. Manitoba. $1,664, f. o. b. New York. Futures were strong; May, $1.48. -ORN (root, firm: No. I yellow, 89c, c. I. f. New York. OATS Spot, steady; No. t white. 66 4 6c. HAY Steady; No. 1. $1,334" 26; No. 8, $1.18: No. 8, 31 00; shipping. 85340c, HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1916. 1627c; 1914. 60 c; Paclflo coast, 1816, 12fl16c; 1914. WflOc. HIDES Firm: Bogota, S1CS1VV; Cen tral America, 81c. LEATHER-Firm; hemlock firsts. 33f 84c: seconds. ViU'Oc. PROVISIONS Pork, unsettled; mess. lan.OrB'JO SO: family, $22.0i24.00; short rlear. 119 60713.00. Beet, steady; mess, r6.6O17.00; family, $18 6Ariit.0U. Ird, weak: middle weat, $10.10.10 30. TALLOW Steady; rlty, ,c; country, 8$4c; special. Wo. Liverpool Oral Market. LIVERPOOL Feb l.-WIHTAT-Bpot, No 1 Manitoba, 14a 6d: No. 8. 18a Ud; No. 3 hard winter new, l.w 3d; No. 1 north ern Iniluth. lis Id. CORN Spot. American mixed, new, 10s lid. Cottoa Market- rTEW YORK, Feb. 1 Cotton futures opened firm; March, 11.7c; May, U.Ciuc; July. 12.17c; Oct., U30oi Peo . U.84e. NEW YORK, Feb. 1. COTTON-Spot, steady; middling upland, lLWo; aalaa, Q6 halea. Cotton futures closed atoadyi March. 11.17a; May, UOto; July. 13.1e; October. 12.23c; iMcember, U.860. The cotton market closed steady at about 14 tn It points points ret hisher. LIVERPtKjL. Feb. 1. "OTTON-Spot, easier: good middling. 8ukc: middling : - - i AU, mlhn. 7 ft.. ftl-lu- 11.11 I I . Low. Close. 1 80hi PftV, I 224ll 15 1 26 7 80 78 804 4 51fr6J 46'k 4SS W 0 80 474 20 274 20 624 10 07H 10 20 10 26 10 S74 10 !4 10 M-86 10 8741 71 "6 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle in Good Demand at Steady Prices, at Lea.t Sheep Ten to Fifteen Higher. ; HOGS SUFFER FROM A BAD FALL OMAHA. Whrtiar-J I. I'M. Kerylpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Mteeo. j f 'tela I Mondav S.17C i estimate Ttiesdnv g.7i S li..- two davs this week.. 11. .lo" WSJ w J!l 1 1 S ,T -Tine ii!iva last week..l.S S'ime weeks ago ,. ! !" a I """ r: i"M' lSt.272 v; 4f 40 RU Hogs , wh; ifc; ' Sheep .lll.sl'7 iwi.'ws 24.43S i '"'lo'n ble shows the average ' K t" .I noS at the Omaha live etock i la'rlsko,n.-0r A f'W ri"1' , - I . retc. Tifl. !iivn9M.ii:ij:t.iii2 twn.'isi Jen. 15 8 87 8 18 8 07 8 Ttl 8 T2I 8 ' .. Jan. n Jan. IK. 16 , Jan. 18 .. Jan. 2. so t im 7 ifs 8 7V 7 W t, 01 T 7S 8 44 7 Hi 8 8.1 7 8 81 7 8r 8 ii I 8 82 7 V 8 os 6 !i 8 K2 8 I Jan. 21. Jan. 22. I 01V 8 6.., 8 21 s r, ti ; 8 til 8 IS 8 21 7 .11 6 S3 7 Wl 81 7 8.1 6 84 1 1 H 7 63 T 19 T M I 7 884 S 27 7 o 9 20 8 "5 8 81 8 6' 7 8 17 IH I 4.-. 7 91 I 8 4, ii lit 7 8 , i 7 a v: 7 8.. i ' 7 MS! 8 66 8 twt 7 ,Hii 7 Ml 8 08 j 7 6t.! 8 77 8 07 7 S3 6 Mi I 04 I s Tul 8 8117 SHI 021 7 Ml Jan. Z Jan. .tv lan. "I. 7 SI 1 8 27 7 82) 02 7 47 8 12 7 6-t', 8 711 I 7 6 I 7 2n 8 . JUL sunday. ItciMipia and disposition of live stock at the I nlon Stock yarda, for twenty four houra ending at 8 o'olock yester day: RECEIPTS. Ca 1 1 le. Ho ga. thee p. 1 1 ' r' a. c. M. Bt. F 11 Wabash 8 Missouri Pacific ... 4 I nion Pacific 87 C. N. W., east... 24 C. aV N. W.i west.. 66 C, ,st. P.. M. O.. 47 C, B. at Q , east.... 10 C, B. U.. west. SH C. R. 1. P.. eaat. 7 C. R. I. P.. weat 1 Illinois Central 7 Chicago U. W 7 Total recelpta ..271 27 .. 1 '4 "a 'i 76 4 II .. 12H 1 a 41 1 4 44 18 11 a 8 a .. 370 "4 DISPOSITION. Cattla.Boga.8hee p. Morris Co 6t 1,846 618 bwirt and Company.... $06 Ctidahy Packing Co 1,14 Armour A Co l.LH Hchwarta A Co 8.607 1 408 4.2H8 I 3 6.VK7 844 696 3, IMS J. W. Murphy Morrcll Lincoln Packing Co... So. Omaha Pack. Co.. W. B. Vansant Co Kenton, Vansant 4k L. 166 61 14 164 274 84 42 Ml 1 2U 90 92 101 hi till 68 In 130 48 II 27 7 18 a 86 22.1 a 146 196 620 1 nil & son F. 11. Lewis Huston A Co , .1. H. Root A Co , J. II. Bulla L. F. Husa Koaenstock F. O. Kellogg Werthelmer A Degen.. H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Broa Rothschild & Krrbs... Mo. A Hon. Calf Co. Christie Hugglna Huffman Roth Meyera tllaasberg- Banner Bros John Harvey I'ennla A Francis Kline 1 Jensen A Lungren Other buyers Totals .8.681 17.70$ CATTLF3 Recelnte were oulte liberal thla morning, 370 cara being reported. The total for the two daya amounts to 11.873 head, which la the smallest ot any recent week, but larger than a year ago by over a.ouo head. The market opened at least steady, that la buyers all seemed willing to pay steady pricea for the general run ot killer and feeder atock. Seller, however, were Inclined to hold back, with the hope of forcing prices upward, so that the early market was slow, and It was lata before a clearance waa effected. In tba end the great bulk of all the cattle eosamanded steady prions, al though It was possible to point to spots where the market looked a little higher and to other spots where If anything il waa easier. Quotations on oattls: flood to choice beeves. $7.75a.r; fair to good beeves, $.a&U776; common to fair beeves, $4.26d) 7.26; good to choice heifers, $t.2bftU6; good to choice cows, $6,0044.60; fair to good cows, $6.264.00; oommon to fair cows, 84 0tK(i5.26; good to choice feeders, cows, nutwa.io; gooa to cnoioe Teeners ".wiwi.w, isir w iwo ivmvn, .pa.w. , common to fair feedera, 6.oti1.40; good to choice stockers. $7.00ur7.4t: fair to good atockers 8.867.00; common to fair atock era. fb.COtied; atock halfere, $5.76fa4.76 stock cows, $4.7tp6 26; stock calves. 86.60 O7.60; veal calvea, $7.009.60; bulla. Stags, etc.. 84. 7646.28. Representative aaloa: BEEF oTEKRB. He St. rr. . A. Tr s. 8x4 3 li 6 ies 4 M i sat a M a m in 14 loil T 00 1 trj 1 14 10 ion 7 ) 84.. M kl tn 84 ii!7 7 ii ' U T CO 18. 9f8 7 SI M...MM...JiH 1 li CALVES. U 31 6 is kl M IK n i H W IN li ill 7 li 8 IN IH t its 9 es STOCK E1U4 AND FEEDERS. 8 i-M 3 438 k 80 i 4 4 o 18 m.... 818 6 Oi M ? 4 10 17 it 4 i M 4 04 ) .,. JOM 4(0 li - 44 I Si U.. .......... MS t ii tl Ul I K H EIFER8. 8 in Ik 1 . at IH 10 til 11..... 414 4 00 II t4T 4 IS li ill 4 li I M It ( IS 4 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ii 111 is 11 n in HOOtJ Mldforenoon eatlmatea of the hog supply called for 864 cara, or 24,600 head, and aa ao many trains were late 'It was probable that this would be ex- . t vj 1 11 f iiwu. AMmt lur ui. wu Li 7 Is &.1U6 head, being 1.600 larger than last week, a few hundred larger than two weeks ago and more than twice as large aa for the aame daya last ysar, when a heavy storm rut Tuesday and Wednesday supplies almost to nothing. With heavy runs at other river points as well as here lower prloea wero Inevi table and shipper bad no trouble in buy ing such hogs as they wsnted on first rounds at lul0o lower pricea. Packers asked a big reduction In val ues right from the start, making early bids at prices that were close to c loer. By this time shippers who had filled their most urgent orUers were doing Utile, apparently waiting to see what course the packer trade took. Kellers thought packer were asking too much of a 1 eduction, but showed themsnlvea to be willing to trade on a lower basis, and, while the early part of the forenoon was quiet, movement started in pretty good season on a generally 16a lower has's, and practically all the hogs sold up to noon went that way. Later shipper purchases showed about as much of a break as killers. Bulk of the sales was mads at $7,469 7 flu. with a sprinkling of the good heavies on up to S7.7&. the day's top. There was a good showing of lights around $7 4i and on down. Representative sales: Ho. Aw. as. Pr. No At 8b. Br. o ... T IT 1st ... t U It 1 ... T in U 4 ... T 14 BH KEF Receipts were more moderate today, only about twenty-six cars, or 6,jh0 head, putting in an appearanns. The total for the weak to date of 16.293 head Is 4.60O larger than last week, but more than 10. AO smaller than two weeks ago and over 3,0uo lighter than for the same daya last year. There was a much firmer undercurrent In the trad today, but owing to the late arrival of so many trains market was lata getting started. I'p to 11 o'clock only about ten cars of th twenty-six reported had been yarded. Packer after waiting for a while for the balanoe of the re ceipts to oom In started In oa the meager offerings at their disposal and aoun cleaned up most of the lamSs that were In at prices that were fully ln16o higher than yesterday, paying aa high ad $102 for lamba thai while of deairabl weights were none too well finished. Later arrival of lambs reolrd th benefit of ail th early advauo and In snine cases more too, aalea being aa muoh aa l&iic up in spots. General market was anywhere from 100 to as much s a tl'iarter higher. R.t sold aa tiUh as ll''.4', and from the strength shown to wards the close anything of a good sort In the late arrivals mlntit sell to 810.5a Hheep were In very moderate supply, most of the offerlnKS being of f wes, ana ss demsnd vh good ptl'-es s ond a lfn 2nc advance. A good kind of fed western sold as high as 87 2.'. Nothing of feeilit weights was Included In the supply, and as killing demand was much broader today packers bought some lamls thst on a dsy like Mondav would have been forced to sell to feeders. Quotations on sheep and lambs: lmbs, good to choice, 8KV.TM1I M; lambs, fmr to good. 910 I"1i 10.3S; lambs, clipped, 8- 74 4i-: ; vrarllni e. good to choice Hunt, I" 74i lt; yearlings, fair to choice heavy. IT TtitigW: wetlicrs. fair to ch lcev 7 7 7r.; ewes, good to choice ll:ht, IJ.tiOi 7 :'6. ewes, fair to good, 8' 0 Ti7. t). Representative sales: No. s fed feeder lambs Ill Colorado feeder lambs . ''.l fed feeder Inmhs Ill Colorado feeder lambs Av. .. SI .. M Pi Ice. ! (V. 10 to ; p M ; lo l io :r 8 HO 8 01 . . M .. 77 . . 7! ,.1 ., 87 .. 86 ..lOrt .. 76 .. 92 fli fed lambs v" fed lambs M fed ewea "8 feeder yesrllnga 727 feeder lamba 181 feeder ewea 4s feeder lamba 1!2 feeder ewea 10 16 8 76 10 8 85 II ICltiO I.IVK TOt K MIRK ET Cattle Firm Hogs Weak heep atrona. CHICAdO. Feb. 1. CATTLE Receipts, S.iMt head: market firm; unlive b,ii steers, $ti 4tVuni; western s eers, $tl.tV'sf 8.20; cows and hoirera, $.l.20(iit.t5; calvea $i.M'li to T6. lit HIS Recelpta, 33,000 head; market weak; tvl' lower: bulk of sales. i'..lii II'", $;.4UJ.I: mixed. $;.M.4jMt; hervy. $7.rAftvflQ; rough, $7.iVtf7.70; plga, $.'.;.".1;i.90. S1IEKI AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market strong: wethers, $7.5oflS.16; ewea, $6.2!fl7.76; lamle. 10.90. Kanaa City Live Rtoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. I CATTLE Re ceipts, 8. Till head: market steady; prim fed ateera. $S. 4oti9.no; dreased beef steers. $7.0Otf8.26; western ateera, 3i 60fr.60; stockers and feeders. 360ir7.s6; bulla. s.ofis.nu; calves, sti.ftitji 10.60. HtHISRecelpts. 1.tki: market lower: bulk of sales, $7.6AU7.Ni; heavy 87 SOWS 96; f ackers and butchers, $7.7&(f7.9n; light, r.nusJI.HS; pigs. 3.6trri 90. SHEEP AND L A MIH8 Receipts, 700 head; market strong; lambs, $10 iUVfjlO 66; yearlings. $8.7Mf8.36; wethers, $7.3f 8.00; ewea, 8660(1)7.36. St. I.oals Lire atock Market. iv ' 1 10, mo., rtD. 1. . 1 1 l-jv ite eelnts. 1 TOO head- n.rl.l klk. n.n. beef steers. $7.60fl60: yearling 'helfera. M.60QV.86; cowa, 86.5Ofll00; Texaa and In- umn nmn, o. iu it. ti ; cows and neirera, $4.00fi6.60; native calves, $i).00H 10.50. Ill W 1 fl Duln. V I I . . 4 . . u - - V'V.i , ,,mv Ii.-Rii, ninrKn lower; pigs and light. $6.0Mt 18; mixed and butchers, $7.8i4j.30: good heavy, 88.16 t6.2t. SHEEP AND LAMBA Recelpta. 6.200 head; market atmnir: vearllna wethers ptOut.v.36; iambs, 8S.0ofrl5.70; ewera, $4.3649 .60. Rloax City Lira gtock Market. gTOTTV PtTV T. w-h rr. nwnnu, i,ii nean: market steady; na tive ateers 86.7Mp7.7K; butchers, $6.O07.u; cows and heifers, $6.2r.4: stnrkers snd teeders, $A.6of'7.10; calves. $7.0til.6O; bulla, lit )G8 Itei-eiitia annua m.rb.i 1Mi26o lower; heavy, $7.60(1(7.60; mixed! 81.60: light. $7.3Hf;.&0; bulk of sales, $7 80 HHEEJP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head. Rt. Joseph Live Stock Market. eelpta, 3,001 head; market ateady to weak; ateeers, $t.7M! Bo, cowa and helfera, $4 00 fj8 6o; calvea, 8600tf106n. MOOS Recelpta 10.000 head; market weak lo 10c lower; top. $7.86; bulk of aales, t7.70ttt'7.90. SHEOCP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 1,000 atonic la Blaht. Reeelnta r f live stnelr - I)., ei clpal weatern marketa yesterday: vaiiie. .togs, eineep. Omaha 26.500 Ploug City .... Chlraao 20.000 82.0OO f.ao 1,000 St. Loul Kanaa City . Total receipts 83,100 88,300 32,400 OMAHA OE.trKCItAl. MAftKBT BBBF CtTS Rlha, No. 1. 19c; No. I. 174c; No. 3, 13c. Loins. No. 1, yje; No. $. Soc; No. $, 16c. Chucks, No. 1, loo; No. 2, 8V:; No. $, 4c Rounds, No. 1. JJc: No. t, 13We; No. 8. 12c. Plates, No. t. 8c; No. I, 844c; No. 3. 4e. FRUITS Oranges: Hunklst, 64a, $2.26 frr box: 80s. $8.60; 86 and 100. 3?. 86; 112, 1.00; 126s. $3 26; lMs. 3sHs and $24. $8.80; 176s, $4.00; 200a and litis. $4.26. Lemons: Oolden Bowl. 800s and 860s. 86 00 per box; Rsd Ball, $4.60. Grapefruit: 3a, 46a and 64a. $3.7$ per box; 64o and 80s, $100; sxtra fancy, all sixes, $4.26. O rapes: Malagas, l7.60-trf.6o per keg. Bananas: Medium, Il 80 ftl.76 per buivoh: medium jumbo. $3 00 i860; regular jumbos. 83 toe 3 76: large Jumbo. $8.00(73.26; mammoth Jumbos, $3.6003.76. Cranberries, $9.lstfll.U0 per barrel, 84 00 per box, POPOORN-No. 1 rlc. 4o per lb.; 44 1-1 b. packages, 32 60 per case; Nebraska white, 244J340 Pr ! VEOETABLES Potatoes: Whit atock, 11.26 per bu.: Nebraska atock, $1.30 per iu.; Red River Ohio. $1.40 per bu. Sweet potatoes. $.1.60 per barrel: Ik-laware, $1.76 per hamper; southern, 11.60 par hamper. Onions: Red, 80 per lb. Yellow, $0 per lb. Lettuce: Hesd, $1 per doa; leaf, 40o per dog. Cucumbers, $3 per dos. Parsley. 60 per doa. Cauliflower. 83 tier crate. Celerv. 90o per dos. Cabbage, 14o per lb. Hrus ael aprouta, 30a per lb. Rhubarb, $1 per box. i'eppers, am per baaket. nhallota, beeta, carrota, turnips, 60 per dos. Old beets, carrot, turnips, pa'anlpa, 14 par lb. Rutabagoa, 14o pr lb. NVJTM Walnuts, l'.u per lb.; No. 8, 134o per lb.; black, 40 per lb. Pecans, 124o per lb. Almonds: Drake, 16o per Ib.j aoft shelled, 18o per lb. Braalla, lko per lb. Filberts, 16o per lb. Pecans: Large, l-4c per lb. Mixed, lao per lb. Peanuts'. No. 1 roasted. So per lb: raw, 80 per lb; Jumbo raw, 80 per iti.i roaatod, lOo per lb. DATE, FIOH Dromedary date. 36. $2.86 per case; Fard. 124c per lb.; stuffed, $1.3j per box. Figs: New, twelve 10-os., Vic per box. Miscellaneous Cider: Nehawka, $3.28 per keg. Honey: Comb, 34 aectlona, $3.76 per rase; Airline, 34 6-oa. tumblers, $180 per case. Corn pops, Knrnettes, $3.36 per case; per 4 oase, $1.66; Checkers, Cracker Jack, chums, $1.60 per case: per 4 case, $1.76. Salted peanuts. $1.25 par can. Horseradish, 81 7 per ense. I (olfrs Market. NEW TORK, Feb. l.-COFFEEV-The market for coffee futures opened at a decline of $ to 6 points this morning un der some further realising or suattered trade selling. Active months eased off another point or two during the early session, with May selling at 7. 80 and September at 7.63c. or about 8 to $ points under last night's closing figures, but the stock market waa firmer, offerings were not heavy and prices rallied, with May selling up to 7.44c and September to 7.67c. The cloae waa nsl 1 point lower to 8 points higher. Privet cable from Santo claiming that the smaller receipts were not the result of restrictions on shipments, but reflected smaller supplies In the interior probably helped the rally fairs were 30,000 hogs. February, 7.26c; March, 7.38c; April. 7.40c; May. 7.43o; June, 7.48c; July, 7.64c; August, 7.64c; Sep tember, 7.60c; October, 7.63c; November. 7.6aV; December, 7.73c. Spot, steady; Rio 7s. ko; Santos 4s, 4n. Cost and freight offers were delayed snd no Changs was reKrtad in the market up to the cloae of futures. The official cable reported a decline of 76 rels at Rio, but Santos was 100 he! higher and Rio exchange 1-ltid higher. VJva aerated Apple aad Dried Pralls NFTW TORK. Teb. L-EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet; fancy, 8SftS; choice, 7t7flH; prime. 8V'lSc. Prunes, firm; California, We; Oregon. 7SC0- IRIKD FRUITS Apricots, ateady; choice, 10'tc; extra choice, llrnse; fancy, 2HMo. Peaches, steady; choice extra. tWc; choloa. 6S-0; fancy. IHo. Raisins, firm; loose muscatel. TStlWdio; rholc to fancy, seeded, 7S'i7Vio: teedless, aak t'leartag. OMAUA. rb. 1. Bank clearing for Omaha today wore 11, lHM36.aO and for the corresponding day last yaar, 82,ra,. 4Mr.8. sU Market. NEW TORK. tb. l.-STJOAR-Raw, firm; oantrtfugaJ, 4 4fl)48o; mo I sow as, 3.8 tit. one. Refined firm. e.7im .... 8.0(10 .... 8.000 .... 1.700 .... $.700 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Various Explanations Offered for General Recovery of the Stock Market. WILSON'S W0RD1 NOT ALARM NEW YORK, Feb. l.-ln explanation of today a sudden and general recovery of the stock market from It a protracted pessimism various reasons and theories were offered, l'rlmaiilv It was declared the purixnt of President Wilson's recent axechea had been misinterpreted, that they had not been Intended to convey a sense of Immediate danger, hut rather to awaken a feeling of patriotism In latent nnsrtcrs. Halls and other Investment Isatie par. tlclpated less extensively In the rise than tlld certain of the apoclaltlea, but the nreadth of the movement left little doubt that Its lmpulee, n part at leaat. waa de rived from s.ibstanMal aourcea. l'nlted states Steel, which on th previ ous day fell to 794. Its lowest quotation In over three months, waa easily the leader, traaaictlons In that atock aggregating very (arse percentage of the whole. Steel rose to tC'4, an extreme gain of 14. Cru cible Steel was next In activity and ahead of l'nlted Stales Steel In the extent of Ha advance, rising 4 rolnta to 78. while other war aharea reflected more confident huvlng. Bethlehem Steel, on verv few aalea, rose 15 points to 4t. w.th a to" 6-polnt gains In oils, ropfiers, motors snd a score or more of muacellaneno tasuea. while In dustrial Alcohol rose 14 points to 104 and Cuhan-Amcrlran Sugar 20 points to I9. Altogether It waa a disastrous sea. alon for tho short Interests, whoa urgent covering of contract added to th day business. r Bonda were ateady. with further heavy trading In Anglo-French 6a at C4 to 84V Total sale of bonds, par Value, were $4.xii,00. l'nlted States bonda wr un changed on call. Number of aalea and leading; quotation on stocks today were: aaloa Risk. low. Class. Alaska Onld Allls-t toalnter American Heat ftuswr..., Amerlrsa t'sa Amsriesa Ijieomnttve ... American a. A H Am. K A R. pfd Am. Huisr Itotlnlnn Amsrtrsn TVI. Tsl American Tnttereo ....... Anaeenda Cnppar AtrMsnn Baldwin LonoRintlTe Halllmnra Ohio Balhlafcjeni Sisal ttrifciklyn Itaplit Tr fnltrnmta Petmlenm .... Canadian Iwelhn VntraJ lalhar t-haoapaaka Ohio I'kloia O. W Cklrsgo, M. a 8t. P fTllra A N. W rhlcaon. R. 1. a P. Rr.. Chine Copper , Colorado Fuel a Iron..., rraelhle gtaal .. fnar A H O. pfd , Klatlllara" sVeurttlaa .... Brla nanaral Blartlie , Oraat Northarn pfd Draat No, Ore etra Ousswihalm Exploration. Illlnola Oantrnl Intarooemifn Con. Corp. Inspiration Cappar , Intamatlonal Harvaster.. Ksnssa ftf Southani... IMch Vallar Iiulsvllla A NaakTtll.. Itevinaa Patrolaum Miami Ooppar Mlaraerl, K. T. M... MixMiurl paelfla National plarult National Uaail Narada Copper New York 'antral n. r , n. h a h Norfolk a Wealara Northarn Partfln Paelrta Tel. a Tl rannaylvanla rnllman Talaea Car Ita one. Ooppar iluaMllns iRapnbllo Iran a Rtsal... imn S4 84 84O0 tloe 31. XO I.SIM W.ee V.Sa t tti1 9S'a Tin net 114 Jt.-.' ia 1 1 ma in'i ltl. 8m 1 im l".S ll.ion M Mt Ml aim 10414 ni 104 81.100 lllta e 111) 8. n m 4M 4i ai asi 6 no it 8Tw i?n4 i?u tmm V SUM 4, Ml, 1.4' 4tta CI 44 CI os irs nt is'4 a.an 7 14 I " 174 US 11 Lao U II ItH i.4na 4J4 US dS M.0OI 71 74 Tl'a Il l.sr 414, 4S aa W.iai tn Mi 7 l.pn iwi4 isott, 1M41 isna 1II4 US44 Jll'i 4 44H 44' 1.100 7. in lo4 ns If 17S 414 444 44 u 3 so lias leva in l.KI KS M SH I'M tlS 7114 TO' 14 oS ITT 104 3. KM "i!fne M Xl'a 64 "ii" 115 7S am l.) 41 II 4 t.6l lfS 1o44 14 8.mn iu rw l.sn 1 17 ns ltL, lone iiju 1,14 ilr, s ia 11 8,e MS h os 14 M ll too 14 CS lis i.exi 774 1s 75V, l.sno ms K4 6ns 11. 401 s ssa, Ma 1.0M1 s ms is ! S 144 14.14 14'. rviutharn racttto southern Rat I war atudehakar Compasy ... Taanaasa Copvar Tanas Company ('nloa Paotflo t'aloa Paolrle pfd tlnltad Htataa Slaal...... V. H. sitasl pfd t'tsri CisBaf Waatara t'nloa Wast Inshooaa Rlaeuit ., Montana Ptmar Oanoral Motors I.ion US MS MS 4. led ll 1S IHk, U1S I. Too iit m MS I .Ul.im lVa s I. on 111 li:S in 440 7V 77 s i"S e S 8 1T.0OO 44 4S Wahaah B pfd... 8.KW t ns Intamatlonal Marino pfd. W Kid IH 7S Total aalo tar tbs ear. TM.eo shares. New Tark Money Market. NKW TOTIK. Feb. l.-MERCANTILB PA PfR- 8ni4 per cent STERLING EXCHANOB 8Ixty-clsy hills. 14.711.; demand. 84.78; cablea, 4.76 11-18. SILVER Bar. Ue; Mexican dollar. 43'4e. BONDS Qovrnmnt, steady: railroad. Stesdv. TIMR LOANS Steady; alxty lo nlnetv daya. 2S(UC par cent;.lx month. 2CJ per cent. CA1.L MONET Steadr: hlah. 8 nee rent; low 1 per cent; ruling rata. 1 per rent; laat loan, a per cent; closing bid, 1 Jr cent; offered at 3 per cent. closing quotations an bonds today were as follow! V a. rat. 8s. rag.... H147 a N. anl. 4a.. .. ic 4s coupon fl M. K. a T. 1st 4s,. 7' XI. a Is. re 1114 Ma. Is. eoa. lo. ...loo , 4e coupon ...101 Moe. Powar is av TJ. 8. 4s. raa innw. y. C. den. a....nrs ae eoanaa tl 1. T. pitr 4Sa 17S Am. Bmoltaes Is. ...Ill J4. T . N. H a H A. T. a T. a. 4SS..1WS . as m Ansle-Frearh 8a .... Vk Me. Pact fie 4a "', Alrktaoa son. 4s M 4a Is n Pal. A Ohio 4 in.0. g. U rsf. Is sis Hals. Waal nt. lo..1r'r. T. T 8a IftM, Con. Panirta 1M. 'Srann. ana. 4 Ha iht, Ohea. a Ohio a 4Sa 4S 4s son. 4Sa 10- C. B. a Q. i. 4s.... tHMRradlsg saa. 4s f.S c. m. a a. p. is .is n. u a a. r. r. aa , r. r. 1. p. r. 4s. sao. rao. t. is im C 4 f. nt. tm ... M't do raf. 4s ns P. a H. O. a .... 7'vaa. Rallwar 8k 1 -- rrta an. 4a W tnloa Paoine 4a.... ". en Eleotrtfl N....KMS Mo rr. 4s. t , (M. Ka 1st 4S STT. a. Rabbor ea....l:s III. ',. raf. 4a V. 8. atoal is 104', Int. V. U. 4S ISIS Wast. 1'nlon 4Ss. ... K CI. so. rmi. at.... NSWost. 8Uos. 8s. .Ill S Bid. f4Mal lasntltlM. Quotations furaUas4 Wr Borna. art 141 omaba Nallooal hank butldlni. ahor Co.. rituuao Am. kmaltora aocnrHlaa. pfi A Bid. AsVad. iS a 7 ais s ri, lot m; Ma ll Pi 11 M aa I' it n 11 m 41 VMitlnantai . m ., pro Douslsa HiHal Oa., hoaus ironUaallo) r . m. rw mtA Kalrmont craamarr. T par eaat pfd . . . . Katrmont Vaamarr. eom Kalrmont Craamarr, I p. e. guar Ooorh Milling I I , 1 H) aont p(d B.. Inoola Tal. a Tal., cora. 1 par eaat.. Mountain Htalas Tot. Tsl Omaha a o. n. t. r. pfi Oauba a O. a Hr. B.. pf4 Omaha A C. B. Bt Br , Ma parirto n a a. first pM , faurs Mill Oom pa or. pt4 aioui CUT Btork Yarda. 4 par eaat fd fnton Btork Tarda. 4 per eaat Bonds Douilas Sse. V, 8 p a.tt Lake!.. Dantar O A K. I 1st raf U Illinois Con. Hr. rof. 4a. IBM IMilaTllla O. a B. L. flrat Is. 1IU... Mneola Tel. A Tol. lo. 11 7 lac 7S pi it M 4 t is S inns ISO a Meeteaai imm. m rww wa, iwim Norwegian to. 113 Nabraaka fltr t'tlllttas is miha f. B. M. Hr. la. 1IM rnritio o. a a. to. 1143 Horkr Mountain Fuel la, 1N4, konno. . Had Clood. Nab.. 4SS, 1 Bwlft A C. Is. 1S44 Blou Mtr Tal. to. 1M4 WlihlU Union Block Tarda is. 1M... at S tS 101 To Quickly Relieve Sorenessand Inflammation Rub In a few drop of Absorblns, Jr. It I surprising how promptly It pene trates and aots how clean and pleasant It Is to us aad how economical, because only a few drop are required to do th work. In addition to being a dependable lini ment, Abaorbtn. Jr., la a fe, powerful, trustworthy antiseptic and germicide which double It efficiency and It ttsea When applied to cuts, bruise and ore it kill th germs, makes th wound sseptlcally clean and promote rapid, healthy healing. It allay pain and In flammation promptly. Swollen glands, painful varicose veins, wens, and bursal enlargement yield readily to th appli cation of Absorbln, Jr. Abaorbln. Jr., la sold by leading drug- J lata at 81.00 and 1300 a aotu or aant Irect postpaid. Liberal trial bottle postpaid for 10 la stamp. W. F. TOUNO, F. D. F. 104 Tempi fit. fiprtngfMd, Vaaa. mta US 144 li'i JS "S r.S 71 4U MS OS leiS IS s ;