THE BEE: OMAIIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1916. Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings X The Aeolian Vocalion M' The Phonograph D Luxe Now on Display I ADB la a yartety of beautiful models Including tba on- veatlonal upright designs m w!1 art nek hi is r Illustrated. Prices Range from $35 upwards Moderate Monthly Payments 8 The Aeollaa VooJku, a Phonograph which Id th as quiatt simplicity and beauty of Ha appearance, the matchless purity and quality of ta tone, and the Artistic perfection of the means It offer for tona control, far transcends all hltharto ac cepted standards this, m far as description can, conveys an Idea of the New Aeolian Vocalion. Special faaturea that make the Aeolian Vocalion the treat, at phonograph, tba world has aver known: The Sound Pox Symphonctf c Horn Automatic Stop- Wonderful Graduola If you are interested la purchasing rhotioeraph, you would do yourself a grave Injuatlca by making any selection whatever without first hearing the latest and greattat Instrument of thla type. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 Farnsm Street.. Omaha. Neb. Esflitlte Aeolian Teratlo Plstribators for Ktrika, WcsUr lewa and ftosth Daketn. Desirable Territory Ope a for tollable Dealer. Hi. lft(iil irf.I.A.IMH' til r r - . e r . V a wut w a vve e w aiw .H NChare '"3 fr I flUlnj. 1513-1S1S DoujUi Street. . .ft,iy.t iif.'fmiJtnan jM IlJ) -ro fe WOMEN WORK HARD FOR THEJIHE ARTS Much Labor Connected with Stag Ing the Exhibit at the Hotel Fontenelle, OPENS WEDNESDAY EVENING Mr MHLLiriCIA Ffbr.mrr 1. Who la the tiredeat woman In Omaha? The averaxe unthinking mind would tudge her to be eome mother with a large family all Kick abed. It would on first thought eeem abeurd to say the tiredeat woman la aome amart matron who la supposed to devote her time to society. There are a full half aeore of them and a more tired little coterie of femlnin- jr m Maternity! Tbo . Uortl of IVords It la written Into life's expectations thai motherhood la the one sublime acoom- thee la anythlnr, no matter how simple, how apparently trivial It may leem. If It can aid, help, audit or la any way comfort the expectant Mother, It la bleaalnir. And enrb I a remetty called "MoUier'a Frlen.l." Vou apply It orer the BtomatU lunacies. It I irently rubbed on the an r face, and makes tho fntMrlr nlfMntt tUa rellerss the strain on ligaments, natural eipaaaiia take place without nndne effect npoo the nerves. And as the time ap proaHies, the bind has rone through a pe riod of repose, of (title erpectaiuTr. and this haa an aoqnestloned Influent upon the future eh! Id. That this Is true Is evidenced by the fart that three fenerations fit mothers kve used and rerommended "Mothej's friend." Ask your nearest dnurrlst for a bottle of thla splendid remedy, lie will ret it for you. And then write to Bradfleld Rea tilator Co, A7 Lnmnr Dldaf- Atlanta, Ca for a nwwt Interest I rif bfwik of Infnnnatloa to prosnertlvy mother. It Is mulled free. Write today. It la a book you wiU enjoy. iff mttn, .mi, It means so much THU NKliU 01" A CEMETERT I)T Is not a pleasant thinr to think about. But -when you are actually up affalnat it when your mind la dis tracted with aorrow and matters. It aeema, are balna thrust at you from every aide It'a re-assurlna; to know that the lot question may be very eaully solved. k rsprsenltlve of Wsat Lawn ia Miibioct to your Instant command. Ha will call with autoiuoblie. take menu tiers of tha family to select a lot In West Uwit atid otherwise rendr a alstanve and advice in any way he ean. Thla persona service la not based upon the prti-ed lot you buy. In caaa where financial etraes would ordi narily preven ownership In such a teautlful rernavery as West Lawn, we also extend tha courtesies of our easy purchase plan, l'hono us. lty never scrubbed floors nor hung out a blf family washing;. If an yttme thla week yau ehealA ea a woman with fatia-ua laa-ging steps, weary eyea. wan cheeks, and llpa white with exhaustion, you may safely put her down aa a member of one of tho commit tees of the Omaha Fine Arte society. Talk about what the princes of the Italian renalssanra did for art wave seen their pictures, painted by their protegee, plump, well kept, luxurtoua looking eld chaps, who never knew what It was to (at out and h untie for art's sake until their heeds swam and their kneea bept under them. If any one thinks It Is any sinecure to launch and state and exploit an art ex hibition In Omaha, lust let that person sit for a few minutes In the balcony of the Fontenelle and see how tho women are working to wake the picture view a succeaa. I eat there for a short time yesterday and the ravagoa of strain and effort, particularly on two prominent matrons, waa strikingly noticeable. One Omaha woman, a dark, rich type of beaaty, with a touch of Carmen tn her cheeks and sparkle in her eyes, looked so tired and pale that I had to ask her If It were she. The exhibit opens tomorrow evening with a reception and private view but what la the reason that some of tha women are worked to exhaustion to make this thing a auocesar Are selfish ones eavlng themselves, even If the barka Of the willing camels have to break under the loada that otnere should help to heart Omaha Attendants at Wedding. At the marriage of Ml Helen Mar, daughter of Mr. and Mre. James F. May, to Edward F. Murphy, Jr., en Feb ruary at fit. Paul'a Episcopal church In Chicago, Miss Lucille Bacon of Omaha will be one of the four bridesmaids. Mlsa Margaret Murphy of Leavenworth, slater f the groom, will he maid of honor, and Mrs. Thomas M. Murphy of Kansaa City will be matron of honor. Robert O. Thompson and Carl Bloom of Omaha will be two of the uahera. Thomas M. Murphy, brother of the groom, will be beet man. Box Parties at the Boyd. "The Light that Failed" haa been a popular play with amart folk ever alnoe It waa put on tha boards first, and it would seem that It haa lost nothing in popularity with years. Tonight at the Boyd It shows Itself to be the one play ef Sir Johnston Forbea-Robertson' a rep ertoire which brings out society la full array. Tha box partlea of thla evening eeem to be the event of the day'a cal endar. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgeaa give a bos party for Mr. and Mr. Moshler Col petaer and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin XL Mora man. Jr. The W. A. Redlcka will occupy a box With Mrs. W. R Kweatt of Minneapolis, their housa guest, and the John Redlcka Mr. and Mre. O. W. Plainer give one "but how will it look under sunlight?" Your customers need never fear disappointment later in the color of a fabric, if your ptore ha Mazda Lighting, Under the clear, white radiance of Mazda Lamps the near fbt approach to eunlight they can select colors and weaves with, absolute security. Assure Customers of Satisfaction By Lighting With Mazda Mazda Lighting will make your goods more attractive and your store more beautiful. Buy. ers will respond to the better lighting; your sales will' register the difference. Omaha Electric Light & Povcr Company GEO. 1L HARRIES, Pres. Cemetery Office 50th and Center. 15th Mid Harney HOW TO GET RID OF DANDRUFF Thla Home Made Hair Tonic WIU Quickly Remove Dandruff and Ntope Falling Ralr. ' The following elmple recipe which you can nix at home, or have put up at any drug a to re at very little eoet will remova dandruff In a few nlghta. It doea not color the hair and la perfectly harmless, water ...m......, ...... .One-half Pint Bay Rum One Ounce Texola Compound ....One-quarter Ounce Glycerine ,. One-quarter Ounce A half-pint ta all yon will need. Rub It welt into the scalp at night and after r few applications the dandruff and ecalp eruptlona will disappear and tha hair will stop falling out and be soft and glossy -Advertisement. ( the largest partlea of tha evening. Thoao present will hex Messrs. mt Maodarnne) O. J. ingworeent Charles A. Orlmmel, H. O. Kdwaivtst FrfMik Ji Norton, W. F. tx-nny, U. W. Flatner. The hoHtese of tbo- popular Hoxle Clarke this evening will be Mrs. Luthor KoMntaet who will (tvs a dinner to- her party at her home before occupying' her box at tha Boyd. Those present will bo: Meesre. ami Mesdama "ti. ra,rk. Ur. W. o, BrWda, C T. Kevatse. I De Forest Bicharda Mr. a ad Mrs. George- Fajrne- will oooupy their boa with) their- guaato, who will be Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Haywood, aire. R. A. Waldemuth and Mlsev Mabel Smith. With tha Card Claba. M-a James Zlpfolt waa hosteee at the Paramount Whist club Friday evening. Prises were won by Mre. I). Lovejoy, Mrs. H. Keating, Mre Loree, Mr. J. A. FiWand, Mtr. A. Jeteo and Mr. O. Reye. Seventeen eeuplee were present. Mre. W. Lore is the neat hostess. Tha Lea Amiea Whist club waa enter tained Saturday afternoon by Mrs. h. B. Crouch. Trixee were won by Mre. J. J. Dlneen and Mrs. J. M. Gerhard. Tho club will be entertained Saturday, Feb ruary it. hy Mre. J. J. tMneen. Patriotio Society Elects. Mrs. Gaorge B. Eddy waa elected, to head the Memory Das- aaaodatlon of the local Wemu't Relief oorpa at the annual meeting held In Memorial hail. Monday. Mrs. Addle E. Hough la tha secretary and Mlsa Clara Peenan the treasurer. Misa Feeoan and Mra. Beelo tMKenbacher con stitute the monument committee, other committeea to be announced later. Comas Club Affairs. The Com us olub gava aa entertainment -or members and their huabanda at the homo of Mr. and Mra. J. T. THmmlc. Monday evening. The hosts and hoeteeses of the occasion were Mr, and Mra J. F. Dimmlck ana Mr. and Mra. Harry Bver aton. Mra. I M. Beard waa tha guest of the dub. Prise were won by Meav damea Ben T. Marti and J. W. Rood and Messrs. p. J. Laimoa and J. W. Hood. Tha next meet ef tho club will bo on Thursday afternoon, February 10, at the home of Mra. Charles Bvereon. Columbian Club. Tha Columbian olub will gtvw an enter tainment at Its hall Wednesday after noon at 1:30 o'clock. The hosteesee will be Meadamea J. J. Elktna and T. R. Simpson. Mother of Queen Returns. Mrs. R. C Howe, mother of Mlsa Marlon llewe, the reigning queen of Ak-Sar-Ben, returned homo thla morning' after a three weeks' visit In New Tork with her daughter, who la studying musia there, Mlsa HoWa la studying harmony under H In ton,, tha husband of Kathertno Good son, the noted pianist, who haa closed his studloe In London and Paris and coma to New Tork on account of tha war. Mra. Howe' a stay In New Tork waa a delightful one, theaters, opera, the Rus sian ballet furnlehlag moat of tha enter tainment. Miss How will probably not return until June, as her mualcal work will keep her until May. Prettiest Mile Affair. The woman golfers of tha Prettiest MJe club were entertained thla afternoon at the home of Mra. Milton P. Byrd. Assist ing the hosteaa were. Mesdamea Meadamea J. C. Ludeke. H. L. Cnln, Ray Ralnbolt, Charles Mortenaon. Wllber. Ida Flyan. Miss Smith. Thimble Club Meets to Sew. The Thimble club met thia afternoon with Mra. J. Frank Carpenter. Thla olub haa been sewing during tha season tor the Visiting Nurse association, making Infant clothea and other garments needed in dee Itute homes during etc knees. The work lnlshed thia afternoon waa twenty night-.owns. hi " r. "f ' See real estate columns for bargains ri MKDAV SPECIALS, 0 ) RUGS Our Annual Sale of Dress QLQVES CI1SVS S UIIV. J Axminster Rugs at Reduced Prices SLIPPERS 0x12 Hartford Axmin ster Eogm, worth 25, at $18.75 tkSxlO.6 Hartford Axminster Eatrs, worth $23 $10.75 0x13 Royal Axminster Ruga, worth 23.r0 $1U.75. 8,3x10.8 Royal Axminster Rags, worth $20.00 $15.75 EXTRA SIZED' RUGS AT RDrjCD PRICES ' From the Famous 4 4 Fox Footery1 WiH occur next Thurs day, Friday said Eat-wrday. Two Special Values for Wednesday L A L. Guaranteed Was habit Leatheretto Gloras, La white only. Usu ally sold at 65c to 85c, special for Wednesday, pair 49 See Wednes day night's About T5 doaen Women's Eld Glove, broken Knes from holiday selling ; whit and a few blacks and colors. Values to J1.23, pair.. GO t FORBES-ROBERTSON IN ROLEjOF HAMLET Great English Actor Delights large Audience at tha Bojd by His Splendid Performance. MAKES THE PRINCE HUMAN Sir Johnnton Forbi-Robrtson and his own company In 'Hamlet," a tragedy bv William bhakeepnaie. In. five acta, find ten scenes; at tha Boyd theater. The caet: Claudiua (King of Denmark) Waiver Rinahom Ilamlpt J, Forbea-Roberteon Horatio, (Friend, of UiunleU.S. A, Cookson Polonius lLord Chainlwrlaln) lan Robertson I-eort-ea, H1h 8on Ueorue Mayoa Ghost of Hjunlet s Father. .Austin Trevor fort moras (Frinco of Norway Julian Trevin Courtlera Officers Gullderstern. Percy Harris HoM-ncrans Geoffrey Dunlop Oario Krlc A. lioas Marrallua G. Richardson Bernardo Richard Anloan Fraaoifico (A Soldier) A. hlricson Reynaldo (A Servant to Polonius).... C. H. thapnell First riayor J. Harry Irvine First OrnvedlKeer II. Athol Forde Second Uravwlljrger 8. T. Peaj-ce PrUtat R. Montaatue Grtrud (Queen, of Deorn&rkj Marion Grey Player Queen- Mnrjn Sumner Ophelia (DauKhtar to Polonius) Laura Cowie One of the paradoxical conditions for a satisfactory performance of the title role In "Hamlet" is that the actor must have come- to something of maturity ef years in order to un derstand the many moods and ap parent contradictions In the char acter ot the young Prince of Den mark and to have had great experience- of the stage or a rare natural aptitude that he may intelligently express them. It is almost equally a paradox that one who ' haa passed three-score In years, ant) has borne for more than forty years "the whips and scorns of time" should retain the capacity for tenderness and In decision of youth in such degree as to fully endow the character of Ham let with ha most attractive duality. Hamlet m. Toanar Mata. It la not la the philosophy, tha worldly wisdom or tho poetry of thla Prince of Denmark we find hie most appealing attribute, but in hia boyishness, the thwarted purposes of hla youth, and the aettlag of hla shoulders to bear a load of griet and bitter disappointment that might have overwhelmed, one even more Inured to "tha slings and arrowa of out rageous fortune." And thia la tho Hamlet ForbeavKoaertaoa seta before- us young man, full ot the joy of life, ambitious, gifted beyond, hia fellows, la lave with a beautiful girt, surrounded hy fMenda, and with fairest of prospects, who suddenly finds all tha current of hla life .turned awry, while he la brought to deal with a question ot conduct that haa proved fruit ful of learned debate for centuries. In a word. For baa-Robertson's Hamlet la human. Arrangement ( Teat. With, no departure of moment from tha text of the play, tha star haa proven hla virtuosity by certain eUsiona that reaUj add to tha strength of the drama, by reason of the fact that he haa in ao do ing removed certain tblnga ot negligible quality whose service is doubtful aside from the fact that they add to the length of tho written text. In oontra dlatlnotlon to the traditions of tn play as associated with "greatness," he has abandoned the cumbersome scenery made use of by Booth, for example, and Irvtng and others of lessor moment, and pre sented the play with almost Bllsabethan simplicity of stage dressing. , For thla tribute to the truth of his art, much thanks! It la also worthy of note that he haa followed closely, In fact rigidly, the se quence of the aoenea, arranging the text and determining the movements of the players with such ninety and precision that the fluency of the action la m no sense disturbed. Make h Kola Ham. In stating that Forbea-Robertaon'a Hamlet is human tn Its every aspect, criticism Is ended. What follows must be In the nature of a review, and pos sible comment on some of the more Im pressive features of the presentation. . Tha keynote of hia conception la sounded in hla opening scene, hla revulsion at the thought of his mother so soon wedilod after his father'a death, and to his uncle, against whom he naturally cherishes som resentment because of the usurpa tion of the crown, which feeling Is en hanced by an undefined aversion, later to become conviction after his Interview with the Ghost. His filial love revolts at the spectacle, but his yearning for hla mother holda him back from out break. This phase of the character la emphasised when he takes hla fare wall of Ophelia. And more than ever la It brought out In the closet scene, wher his tenderness to his mother triumphs over all other feelings. Again at the grave, and In his goodbye to Laertes In the final scene, he shows that the natural currents of hla soul were only dammed and not dried up, and that now and then they must burst through tha barrier of purpose he had erected. Not Mad Prlao. Nor doea any tings of madness, save what la assumed, mar tha clear outlines of tho creation. Forbea-Robertson does not consider Hamlet as belpg mad; per plexed he was, and uncertain as to how to proceed, but hla feigned Insanity la the screen for lila real Intention. No conclusion can. be plainer than, thia estimate of the star's view of tha role. The intelligent emphasis he put upon his reading of the lines will admit of no other. And. what a pleasure It waa to listen to the reading of the lines, not only by the great actor, but by those associated with him. Companies ot suob, even ex cellence of enunciation and clearness of diction are not more frequent than -angels' vlalta. Cast is SplendtdJy Kqrnlpp4, Misa Cowie la a charming Ophelia, and especially affecting was her mad aoene, done with splendid valuation of effect. Mr. Ian Robertson gives delloloua Hf to Polonius, on of the dearest of all Bhakeev pear'a creations, who taking off waa regretted by none mora than Hamlet him self. Mr. Rlnghana and Miss (3 ray ar well cast foe King Claudius and Queen Gertrude, and Mr. Cookaon la good tn the role of Horatio, A word ot apprealattv' gratitude must her be rooorded, because of tho manner in which Mr. Fordo plays the First. Gravedigger. Thla rol ta oom monly assigned to the low comedian of the company, and ha as commonly seises upon it as his one opportunity to evoke a number of laugtuy generally anhlsved by clowning entirely foreign to tha, part. Mr. Forde's Gravedigger haa respeot for his trade, and doesn't force hla, philoso phy nor his wit. and thereby provides an excellent example other Gravedlggera may well emulate. For the watte of that, the entir cast 1 worthy th tmportano of th event. Aatdloae la Batitwalavstl. Tho audlono that filled th Boyd hut night waa fairly reprssentattv ef th In tellectual: Ufa of Omaha, and th evident satisfaction with which tho performance was received showed now wonderfully tho actor and his associates suoooedisd. Re gret already expressed at the faet that Sir Johnston Forbes-Robert sou is leaving th stag Is the more kneo, after seeing him la "Hamlet." Tonight. "The light That Palled. Three Good Values From Linen Section $123 BHD SPREADS, $1.75 Large ska Crochet Spreads, plain hem and scalloped. Extra, heary quality, tf s Tory newest designs. Sale price. ,.viJ oyc nmwr.iiur.n DAHASX. tfe TO inches wide, KeroerUnd Table $3.00 LUN0HXGN SETS, I1.S0 23 HemsMehod LA4oheoa &etA-iM of cloth 64x54 Inches, and C nap Mas to match.. While they $1.50 Damask, t launders like linen, durable quality. A large as sortment of beautiful patterns. EaIsq price, yard. . Timely Offerings in Rubbers and Leggings Women's Cloth Rubbers, storm out, fleeoe lined. Regular $1.00 Taluea, all sizee, q, lien's Rubbers, all sixes; low and Crt high cut. Worth $1.00, special, pair. . O'C Women's and Children's Jerssy Leggings, fleece lined. AH sixes. Special AQr Wednesday, pair C auras Leggings for Men, worth to - p- 1X00, pair C Women's &0e OyergaiUra, all colors, i f pair... laC teeeeeeeee X . i now jo net Kta or ai Dad Cough A Honte-Msda Remedy ka Will D It dolckly. Cheap Kaaily Mad If you have a bad cough or chest cold which refuse to yield to ordinary reme dies, get from any druggiet ounce of l ine (50 cents wortii), pour into a pint bottle and till the bottle with plain granulated aiuzar syrup, htart tkinr Steaspoonful every hour or two. In H4 ours your cough will be conauered or very nearly ao. Kven whooping cough ia greatly relieved in thia way. Ike above mixture makes a full pint family supply of the finest cough syrup that money could buy at a cost of only 64 cents. Kasily prepared in o niinuiea. run aireciions wttn fincx. ihia Pinex and Kusar Svrun nn. ration take right hold of a eoWk and give almost immediate relief, ft loos ens the dry. hoarse or tight cough in a way that ia really remarkable. Also quickly heals th iailauied membrane which accompany a painful cough, and atopa the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the persistent loose cough. Excellent for bronchitis, spasmodie croup and winter couch a. Keeps perfectly and tastes good children like it. Pinex ia a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Korway pine extract, rich in guaiaoul, which is so healing to tho membranea. To avoid disappointment. ak your druggist for "2H ounces of Pinex," do not aoeept anything else. A guarantee of abaulut satisfaction, or money prompt ly refunded goee wittt thla preparation, l n ruei m It, a; ae. ino. How to Rid the Skin of Objectionable Hairs Sorority Girls at Omaha Uni Arouse H Ire of the Faculty Sororltle of th Univwmlty ef Omaha have given up all hop of receiving rec ognition by th faculty. Just as they war on the point of seeurmg faculty sanction rivalry broke out among the two leading erganlzatlon, th Kappa Pal Delta and th Sigma Chi Omlcrons. In their Quest for favorable publicity aneat the rushing aeason th Kappa. Delta prominently displayed their Greek letter en the walla of the school. ' The Sigma Chi' a followed suit In larger and more graceful letters, wttn th result that Greek chlrography adorned all th rooms of Redick Kail. At chapel exercise th following day th guilty persons were given n Public reprimand. Attention was called to the fact that no person eould be a member of a sorority without breaking the col lege rules and a mandate laid down. that th school name should not o con nected with any outside affair unlesa sanctioned by th faculty. Co'ed are up In arms over th rul ing. They cannot see wny in m Sigma Phis, one of the young men fra ternities, should be allowed to exist when they are not. At any rate the rushing season la eft and tha young women who prided them selves on being the proud possessor of sorority pins ar not displaying the same as conspicuously aa befor. .There Is talk of continuing th dubs, hut not In connection with the school. Methbdist Forward Campaign Thursday RLahon Bristol. BlshoD Henderson. Xr. Cable of Council Bluffs, Dr. rilllman ot Dm afolnea and other prominent men in the Methodist forward movement cam paign will speak at the First Methodist church. Twentieth and Davenport street, atl day Thursday. A luncheon will b served from 11:30 to l:lw and a banquet will b spread at :S0. (A. Ids to Beauty.) A BtmpllfWd method ia her gtva for th cuick removal of hairy or" fussy growths and rarely la mora tha one treatment required: Mix a stiff paste With aome powdered daiatone and water, apply tohalry aurface and after S or I minute rub off, wash the ski and every hair has vanished. Thla simple treatment cannot cauaa Injury, but oar should be snrclaad t get real delaton. Advertl-menW TWENTY-TWO DEATHS FROM SCARLET FEVER IN JANUARY Out of a total of VK deatha la Greater Omaha during January, twenty-two war of scarlet fever. Thirteen were children yeara or under. Bcarlet fever deatha for the months by ages were a follows: .m, 1 year oldj four, 2; two, I; one, 4; two, 6: three, one. 13; one, II; one. 17; one, 18; one. 11 two, !; one, ZS; one, IS. FLORENCE ROBERTS IS BOOKED FOR BRANDE1S Selwyn at Co.. kav hooked Iterance Roberts tn "TV Eternal Uagdaleat,' by Robert McLaughlin, at the Braaoel tor three daya beginning February Si, Th rol of "Ta Woman" la on of th saact powerful that Misa Roberts has had In many yeara and her career ha bean filled with extraordinary role. 1 Seaethia (. Thoa v. ha hat aaty medicia should try Chamberlain's Tablets for aonatipa tion. Tbey ar pleasant to take and their effect la so agreeable and a aaturai that you 'will not raalia that tt haa been produoad by medicine. Obtainable every whre. AdvertlaemV