Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tnrc iw.r.: omaha. avtdxkspay, February
tit's Your Liver!
You're Bilious,
Headachy, Sick!
Don't stay constipated with
breath bad, stomach sour
or a cold.
Enjoy life! Liven your liver i
and bowels tonight and
feel fine.
, . , . t,. ..... ,,
Tonight sure! Remove the ller and
bowel poison which Is keeping your head
flliry, your tongue coated, breath offen-
' I
cur a i iu Riuiiini n mini. i'.mi i, i.ia,v .'ir
loti. sick, headachy, constipated and full
of cold. Why don't you fret a box of
Cascareta from the drufx store now? Kat
one or two tonight and enjoy the nicest
rentlest liver and bowel cleansing you
ever experienced. Yoji will wake up
feeling- fit and fine. Cascarets never
rrlpe or bother you all the next day I
like calomel, salts or pills. They act '
gently but thoroughly. Mother should
give cross, sick, bilious or feverish chil
dren a whole Case ret any time. They
are harmless and children love them.
A, Simple Bamsdy That Does Hot Tall
to BsIIoto the Worst . Colds,
' Grippe, Etc, at Onoe.
It's simple as A, B, C to completely
break up an ordinary cold In twenty-four
hours and the worst case of grippe or
lnfluenaa, In leas than three days. Your
eyes unnoio win viup lumuufc, jiuui
head wilt lose that sturrea-up iceung,
tne neanacne win auii. ine cuuk :i muu -
.. . - - ,,, , . . , , . I
. . , . - . . -
fht SKt nd yJ?Ur .ne" &Ji f 5iJ"
There will oe no depression, no head ring
ing and no bad after effects you'll just
be, as well as ever, that s all.
This remedy Js the original Bromo
Irfuc. Note the name thera are many
imitations -and substitutes. Bromo-Lax
Is the only sure, safe and certain cure
for all sorts of colds, grip, Influenza, etc.
Its a tonlo and a saieguara against
'deadly pneumonia. It is the only rem -
tedy known that absolutely contains no i
'quinine In any shape or form, and which !
'gently, but quickly opens the system and l
enables you to throw oir tne worst colas
at once. A cold Is one of the most seri-
tous of diseases. It's contagious and you
with a cold aro a nuisance to the health
and very life of your family and loved
ones. Stop It and stop It quick, sure
and safely with Bromo-Lax. This Is not
a new remedy It s been tried and proven
for fifteen years. Bromo-Lax Tablets
are sold by all druggists, price 23 cents !
a box, or sent prepaid anywhere on re
ceipt of price. Money back If It falls.
Made only by the Trib Chemical Co., 3M
N. Clark St., Chicago.
m Your hoHE
The man'
who ak
Bond &s
Ksplay except
icntvl judgment
fie know quality.
r s
' i
Committee in Charge of Semi-Cen
tennial for State Schools
Makes Announcement.
(From a Staff Correspondent
IJNCOL.N, Feb. 1. (Special.) The com-
mlttee having In chance the celebration
of the semi-centennial of the state and
Its entrance Into the union, have com
pleted the detail and request that all
people take an active part In making the
celebration a success. The committee,
1 consisting of State Superintendent A. O.
; Thomas, Rom K Hammond and l'aul Jes
, sen have prepared a general outline which
j sets out different date for the cele
bration by different department of (the
state a follow:
l'rr- elehrallon A rrans;enieas.
! The special tudv of Nebraska history,
the collection of historic data, man mak-
Imt shewing historic trail and place of
llr.tfrest In pioneer day, by all schools,
'the marking of places of historic interest.
Olf brat Ion In School.
i Celebration Fcbriavy 12, 1917. In all of
the 7,0m rural and village school of the
str.te. the urogram to Include patriotic
"onus, the Nebraska patriotic ode, brie,'
),stoI.y of lne Durohsse of Louisiana ter-
rltory, territorial Nebraska, the slate to- I
dHV rPad'n of ""-' on various phase j
of local history, storie of the pioneers,
brief addresses by local spcakcis.
In ( hnrrhra and Monday School.
February ir.. 1917. Is set apart for ob
servance In churches and Sunday schools
of the state. Much interest may be j
;osVnd the e.tabTlWnK of eVlv
churches of the state. Much interest may
b" created in reminesences of the early
P" churchmtn.
r m
Nebraska day In the legislature; a
fuiniHl recognition of the admission of
the state Into the union by the state
legislature and by the Ladles' Legislative
General County Celebration.
March 1, 1917, general or county cele
bration to bo participated in by commer
cial clubs, schools, historical societies,
farmers' organisations, churches, women's
clubs. Daughters of the American Revo
lution, men's clubs, civic sootMlos and
such other organized bodies as may de
sire to participate. The following 1 a
suggested program from which events
may be taken:.
1. Moving pictures showing local
schools, local history and scenes of state
2. Dramatization of local and state his
tory. 3. Addresses on pioneer days and the
stirring scene which confronted our
fathers In transforming the wilds Into
a garden of beauty.
4. Nebraska, present and future, by lo
cal public, speakers.
5. Historical carnival or pageant cover
ing local and state themes.
6. County exhibitions and contests from
all schools. Spelling contests, ciphering
matches, essays ana historical contests,
comiKwltlons on local hlHtory, collection
of historic relics, and general school
7. The unveiling of pictures and statuary
in public libraries and in schools of lm-
111 uuuilw ItmiUKO Bllll ,11 1 1 W -'
. .. ......... i ..
pui lain buai iKiri nnu T. I i c liici.l u
mental in upbuilding the community and
whom there is delight to honor.
Commemoration by Mate Fair.
Monday, September 3, 1917, is set apart
a a special Nebraska day at the state
fair. The State Fair board will make
the state fair of 1917 a memorable one
in the history of the state. The fair,
Knelt win oe a commemoration ana ex
emplification of Nebraska's progress,
from its small beginnings to Its present
magnitude and Importance among the
states of the union. The formal program
win consist or puDiic addresses, patriotic
.music and Nebraska In story and in
Local Committee.
A special committee In charge of the
county celebration consists of the county
superintendent, tne mayor or tne county
seat or chief city, the Dresldent of the
commercial club. If there is In the
neighborhood a member of the committeo
or 100 he, too. Is a member of this com
mittee. This special committee as above
named is privileged to appoint such ad
ditional committees as may he conducive
to the success of the celebration.
Fairbury Teacher
Injured Coasting
FAIRBURY, Neb., Feb. l.-(3peclal Tel
egram.) Miss Eulalli Shaffer, a teacher
in the Fairbury schools. Is in a critical
condition at her home in this city as a re
sult of a collision while coasting.
Miss Shaffer was coasting down a steep
hill and her Bled skidded. Her body struck
the curbstone and she was paralyzed by
the Impact. Another accident happened
last night on the same hill when an
8-year-old boy collided with a team of
horsea Hundreds of young people are
enjoying coasting on this hill.
KKABNICT. Neb., Feb. l.-(SpecIal Tel
egramsCharged with obtaining money
under false pretenses, Orie M. Bowen, a
young Sherman county farmer, waa
brought to Kearney today by Sheriff
Funk, where he pleaded guilty to the
charge and was sentenced to one year In
the penitentiary.
The charge was made by the Citizens'
State bank at Ravenna, which loaned him
7j on the representation that he hid a
number of head of cattle on his place for
which he gave a mortgagM to the bank.
Bowen has been married but two years
and has a wife and little child. When th:
officers told them the man must face the
music the young wife clung to her hus
band until forced to give way by the
It was said that Bowen asserted b,e w is
obliged to borrow the money to take car.:
of other obligations. He will be taken to
Lincoln tomorrow.
Karmrra' laatilute at llowrlla.
HOWEI.LK, Neb.. Feb. 1. (Special.)
Tho third annual Colfax County Farm
ers' Institute and Induhtrial (how will be
held here February 4 and 5. The prin
cipal features will be a series of lectures
by l'rof. T. PuKslev. A. 11. Smith and
Miss Maude Wilson of the I'nlversity of
Nebraska utaff. There also will be one
address by luan Foroyee of the univer
sity and one addres by lVan Hahn of
he Htute Normal school at Wayne. II.
K. Hrojei ky lit president of the associa
tion h.i.I A. H. Flla is secretary.
eere I old talrkly tared.
n 1 1 had a very sever
cold oi attack of the kilp as It may be,
;.nd was U'-ar'y ilcwn ri k In teJ," writes
". J. Metcalf. W.-allo-iby, Mo. "I bought
lu bottles of ('haiiiberbiln's CouKh
Ki-liK 1y and it was only a few days on
Id I was comuhtely restored to health.
I firmly that 'hamberlaln's
t'oiinh Hcnicdy Is one of the vrry lest
i.i.dii In s and will know what to do
when I have another cold." Obtainable
i' v i) ucrr. Advertisement.
Secretary of State Receives Docu
ments Announcing Plan of
Addison Wait.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Feb. 1. (Special.) Secretary
of State Pool filing mill turned out a
few filings this morning, while State
Treasurer Hall helped matters along a
little by announcing that ho had secured
filing papers and blank petitions to place
the name of Kdward Fallon of Falls City
on the primary ballot a a candidate for
supreme judge. Mr. Fallon always has
been a democrat, but under the judicial
primary law will have to be a nonpar
tisan. Ail. lis, n Walt, defeated by Secretary
of State Fool at the last election, called
on the latter today and filed his applica
tion for a chance to again run for secre
tary of state. Mr. Walt has been secre
tary of state two years and ha been
connected with public office In some ca
pacity for scveial years.
Norman T. Johnson of I'piand ha
Tiled an application with the secretary
of stste to have his name placed on the
primary ballot a a candidate for the
republican nomination a sone of the pres
idential electors.
Senator J. 11. Hulirman of Howard
county filed for renomtnAtlon on the
democratic ticket for the state senate
from the Klfjhteenth district. This makes
two democrats filing for that nomlna
t on, Keprexentatlve Tom Lansing of
tireeley having filed last week.
Hugo Schaad Dead;
Was Friend of Youth
COI.IMBIS. Neb.. Feb. 1. (Special.)
Hugo Schaad. worshipped by every child
In Platte county, and prorla lined the
most loyal lodge man In the truest sense
of the word, died at his home here Sun
day morning following a hrlcf attack of
apoplexy. Mr. Schaad. who was pant
i! years of age, was born In Aarwangon,
Switzerland, but moved to this county
when a child and lesldod en a farm north
of town.
I'ron retiring and moving to town some
ten years ago he secured a position m
Janitor of the First Ward school in order
to be In touch with the school children.
He was an expert wood carver, having
wrought almost miracles in this line In
the shs-pe of enislnes, steamboats, em
blems, etc.
lie was a member of Modern Woodmen,
Pons of Herman and Alaennerchoei', and
had always acted In the capacity of
Columbus' official Santa Clans, lie U
survived .y his widow and one son, Of.o.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Feb. 1. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Rev.. Mr. Afflerbaujli,
the street preacher who created a sensa
tion at the funeral of Miss Gertrude Allen
yesterday afternoon by a speech he made
at the services, was today arrested by
the city authorities on a complaint filed
by Rev. Mr. Schick, In his own behalf
and at the request of the family, for dis
turbing a meeting apd was fined VM and
costs, the maximum penalty.
County Attorney Cunningham also filed
a complaint before the commissioners
charging insanity.
In his own defense Rev. Mr. Affler
baugh stated that his conscience told him
he ought to advise the congregation of
the scripture he quoted and that when
God called him to speak he would speak.
After the fine was Imposed he hesitated
a long time whether to attempt to raise
the money or go to jail In default of
He finally decided that If the .Metho.
dlsts of this city and Jesus willed that
he go to Jail for what he had done he was
" yv " i i i , , i, r , ;,, ,7,1 iTiT hi , J
"All the Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps,
Shoes and All Boys' Furnishings from the
King-Peck $137,000 Stock
Go On Sale Next Saturday, February 5th
Sacrificed in the same sensational manner which has
made this the most talked of sale in the country
Hon; come other import
ant ructions of tins won
tlcrt'ul sale tliat lias broken
all records for attendance
and volume of sales.
These sections will create
still more interest for the
unprecedented savings
they represent.
. -r Maa
R AC lAuif ac nroirv i acttU
Every man who has not attended this sale as yet certainly owes it to himself to
come in and see the wonderful bargains in this immense sacrifice.
Twenty of Thirty-Three Members
Gather at Lincoln to
LINCOLN. Feb. 1. (Special Telegram.)
State Chairman Walter Oeorge resigned
his position at the meeting of the repub
lican state committee tonight and J. l
McNlsh of Wlsner was elected In his
Place. E. . Beach of Lincoln was elects 1
vice chairman.
No action was taken by the committee
on opening headquarters or on furnishing
the machintry of the committee to candi
dates for delegate to the national con
vention by way of alstance In securing
signer to petitions.
i From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., FeS l.-HSpeclsl Tele
gram.) Over twenty of the thirty-three
members of the republican state commit
tee were In atendanc at the meeting to
night. Tn Ik was heard that Chairman Deorge
would resign and another man le se
lected, but this finally died down and In
dications point to no action along this
There appeared to oe quite a sentiment
also against opening headquarters now
as It was thought nothing could be
gained by such action. Some favored
action toward assistance to candidates
for delegate to the national convention.
but this did not meet with much favor
and before the committee was called to
order It appeared that no action would
be taken.
Among those present were: The chair
man. W. A. tleorge; It. B. Howell, My
ron 1-enrned and Charles Clancy of
Omaha, 1. A. lleneaii of Broken Bow-
Messrs. Swanson and Boss Hammond of
Fremont, Jesso McNlsh of Wlsner,
-Messrs. Beach and Trimble of Lancaster.
.Messrs. Nordgrcn and I'erkln of Ham
llloii. K. M. Tollard of Nt-hitwka. Clar
ence Mile of Hastings, A. tlalushua of
McCook and several others.
It was generally I'tiderstond bv those
talking with ex-Mayor Miles of Hastings
that he would file for the republican nom
Inatlon for governor before the end of
the week.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. l.-(Speclal.)-The time
lias expired In which rwners of automo
biles should secure new number plates
for their machines, and those operating
without the 1116 plates are now subject
lo arrest and a fine ol $.V for failure to
comply with the law, which has given
them since the first of the year to make
the change. I'lates numbered from 1 to
70.00H have been received by Mr. Pool
and there Is no excuse for anyone run
ning against the law.
During the month of January the force
working under the secretary of state la
sued 46.290 plates, or an average of 1,780
a day. The Issues were is follows:
Renewal , ...c. .. ........ ..14,240
New numbers tj'iim
Motorcyclo numbers 2i6o
HASTINGS, Neb.. Feb. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) A total of fl,4iK of the fund of
$2,ono for the establishing of the Young
Women's Christian association has been
subscribed and the membership has
reached nearly 300. Termanent quarters
will soon be opened.
Veterinarians to Kansas City.
LINCOLN, Feb. I. (Special.) Btate
Veterinarian Anderson and Assistant Vet
erinarian McKIm left last night for Kan
sas City to attend a session of the Mis
souri VaHey Veterinary association,
which meets there today and tomorrow.
jTThe Date Is
February 5 fcfl
SeeFridiy Night's iS'
The Sale of Men's Overcoats,
Sllifc: nrw. PiirViicli.nrrc Pnnt .nnpr1
av M4 lituillllgw
Boxcar Situation
Given in Report
I Fro in a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, IVb. 1. -(Special. )-The box
car situation In NchraskH has been out
lined by the State Hallway commission I'l I
renlv I rt mn liimilrv tint bv thn Inter- '
state Commerce commission, which has
made Inquiries In an effort to ascertain
where the trouble lies In there not being
sufficient rsrs to be bad to move the
grain now housed for shipment.
The report sent in by the state com
mission shows the condition as It existed
at 5 p. m. January and Is as follows:
Orders for loading in next 24 heurs.. 4.0T
F.mpty at stations 1.377
Knipty In trains !
At stations to be reloaded l.TMt
Bad order, to be repaired 4!l
Cars loaded In last H hours Kn
ottier cars loaded In last 2i hours....
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. Feb. 1 (Serlal -The fol
lowing figures will show that a Isrge
volume of business was transacted in the
office of Secretary of Stale I'ool during
the month of January, the receipts for
the month showing a substantial Increase
ver the same month of 1!1B. The funds
were derived from the sources herein
Corporation permits t 17.10
Corporation penalties 1V.L
For filing articles of incorporation. 2,!MSi
For filing notary commissions IJo.iiO
For filing brands I.M
For filing cert's and transci Ipts. . . 11VM
Sale of statutes
All other sources 13 It)
.13.015. 11
FALI.S CITY, Neb., Feb. l.-t Special
Telegram.) Mrs. Harry Ford died at the
city hospital this t veiling. She was
operated on Saturday for gangrenous ap
pendicitis and underwent the second
operation. She was the wife of Council
man Ford of the Third waid and proprie
tor of a restaurant penr the Missouri Ta
clflc division. Both ore well known by
the railroad people over the state, having
been engaged In the same business at
Beatrice ami Wymoie. The funeral will
take place Thursday at the I'nlted Breth
ren church at 1 o'clock.
No Quinine in
This Cold Cure
'Tape's Cold Compound"
ends colds and grippe in
a few hours.
Take 'Tape's Cold (impound" every
two hours until you have taken three
doses, then all grippe misery goes and
your cold will be broken. It promptly
opens your clogged-up nostrils and the air
passages of the head: stops nasty dis
charge or nose running; relieves the
headache, dullness, fe viiahncaa, sore
throat, sneesing, soreness and stiffness.
Don't stay stuffed-tip! Quit blowing
and snuffling. F.ase your throbbing
head nothing else In the world gives
such prompt relief as "Pspo's Cold
Compound," which costs only 23 cents
at any drug store. It acts without as
sistance, tastes nice, and causes no In
convenience. Accept no substitute. Ad
vertisement. ELL-ANS
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
There are about H,0(H, hats
and caps which must
sacrificed; the highest
rrrndo ntltl lieal wnnrinnr
C3 v- - -
all the boys of Omaha II
should be outfitU'tl from W
this wile indeed there is J
a variety of interest. J
a aa a M w
i u
Asking Hero Medal
For Hastings Woman
HASTINGS, Neb.. Feb. 1 (Spec In 1 'Tel
egram.) -The Inmstes of Sulinvslde, the
old folks' home destroyed by file January
1. are circulating a petition addressed t i
the Carnegie Hero commission n."klii4
that n medal be given Mix MnrKHHt
Kealy, matron of the Institute, for hero
Ism she displayed In saving several of
the Inmates from the .fire. She carried
several old people out of the burning
building and lost all her belongings.
HASTINGS. Nob., Feb. 1 iSpcclal Telegram.)-Dr.
W. F. Fart, former superin
tendent of the Institute for Fceble-Mlndi-d
Splendid Laxative
for Elderly People
Hat Been Prescribed by Well
Known Physician for
Many Years.
TK Infirmities of ago are especially
manifest In a tendency to constipation,
an I call for treatment that will afford
relief in an easy, natural manner. The
rapid action of cat hurtle remedies and
purgative that shock the system should
be avoided, mora especially as the relief
they offer I only temporary and lsus
ually more than offset by their violent
Nearly thirty years ago Dr. W. B.
Caldwell. Montlccllo, 111., prcacrlbcd a
compound of simple laxative herbs Hint
has sino become the standard house
hold remedy In thousands of homes. It
acts easily and gently, yet with positive
effect, without griping or other pain or
discomfort. Mrs. Rachel Allen, Gales
burg, Kan., Is seventy-one yearn old,
and after using a bottle of Dr. Cald
well's Syrup l'epsin, write that It had
done her a world of good and that she
Intruded to keep It In the house always.
Druggist sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
A 25c Bottle of "Swissco" Hair and Scalp
Treatment to Be Given Away. Take the Coupon
to Any 6f the Four Big Sherman & McConnell
Drug Cos Stores and They Will Give Xou a
25-Cent Bottle Free
"Swissco" Grows Hair, Brings Back Its Original Color, Stops
Falling Hair, Removes Dandruff and Scalp Diseases.
LW 1
l.i 1
i . tw ia - S If W
?&vty V7'if J -sf
insssssiawwiisMwws.nans'SB'' . . ? iisi' wswwws .
- i i i - "' ' i in . i
"wissoo" Is Certainly a Wjndsr.
Ths frsr 2"ic Imtllo of "Kwlssco" lfnlrl
and ricalp TrrHtiiu'iit, If ust as rtlrccti-il,
111 Hstunish you. It In R MEW TmiiaT
MSMT, tho lutt ami best preparation
hrf'ire thu pulillc. It Is the rsult of I
years of InvcstiKutlon anil research Into'
the reasons why hu many of the hull' !
preparations have fulled In the vast .i
do the work demamlml of them. It .h I
marvelous In its action ami thousands j
navo rucoiveci amazing results Juki irom
the free boltlu we tiavn them for thi'
MecHiise you have not received any re
lief fr.iin soinethlnK" you have tried, don't
he f'juhsh enoiiKli lo condemn everything
elso. Vou will he (tioatly benefited by
the free hot tie we give you.
"WI8IOO" AO cents and 11.00 also
bottles Is for sale and recommended ba" I
all flriiKKlsts anil ilruir departments ev
erywhere. Those oiitHlde of Umaha who
eunnot call at Sherman Mct'onnell
Druu I'o.'h 4 Stoles, Cor. 1fith and l)ovlxn
Hts . for. 16th and Harney Sts., r?or. 24th
1.... .. U.. ..A? I. .0.1.
no'l rni iitnii fin., noil ui in loin i
will receive a tree bottle prepaid on
i receipt of six rcuft
III HtampH to help
Some New Books by LEE
There's no such thing as food luck or bad lurk lo dealing with poultry or boss.
II suoceanful you hsve done things right. If uasuireaalul, vou have done them
wrong. Lee he written two new books, one "Mostly Abut Pork," sod
soother oos, "Secrets of Success with Poultry."
These sre something new. They eliminate ordinary "hog snd chicken,
talk" snd Set down to bed rock on the element of luocea or failure.
I hey expoee pitfalls snd stumbling bkx-ki that
These books are tree 11 you ineulluo now many
Jv' fSl
lit' 11 f
01 r5S-
CcaersJ Distributor
u i i
at Bcnlrlce, today sin reeded Dr. M. W.
Hater as superintendent of Ingieslde
Slate asylum. Her announced that he had
no pinna for changes. In the staff, but
will make un early appointment of a
mat rnn to succeed Mrs. Baxter, who re
signed with her husband.
i From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. Feb. 1. - (Special. )-Ptale In
surance Commissioner Fnsthnm returned
last night from St. Louis, where he went
for a conference with the Insurance com
ml.xsloneis of Kansas and Missouri for
the purpose of Investigating the condi
tions of the merger of the Central States
Insurance company ,r Lincoln with the
Central State Insurance company of
Missouri. The three commissioner were
satisfied that the merger was all right
and gave It their O. K.
I, . it a.vw
l'epsin for fifty cents a bottle. It is a
splendid remedy and should be in every
home. A trial bottle, free of charge,
can be obtained by writing lo Dr. W. I).
Caldwell, 4M Washington St., Monti
cello. 111. '
Vw.:'i t
rover expense of packing, posts, et?.,
hv nddreaslns; direct to the H wissoo JIaIr
Treatment Cu., 6!t"j I". o. Siiuaro, Cin
cinnati. Ohio.
rsis BOTTX.B oovrow
finoit fnr un. bottle Hwimto onW, JLt nnf
of hhemi&n A MiTiHinrll lnm f-o.'a 4 storM.
Cur. Itlb and Porim hi... for. mih and H.e
h.r Ht... ('nr. 311h and Famam Sta., and COT-a
Norih Irtih Ht.. wti.n nam. and wMimm Is
pnnerlf ftlled In on dot lad llnM.
Ttioi oiitKtde of nm.ha will ..t a tr. bot
tla br wndlns So In at.nip. dlrai to Bwimcu
Hair Treiiliii.nt 'o , t!i;h P. o. Hquara, Cln
elnnall. (., to hnlp rAv.r aspen, of tasking,
puatHS, ate. TUla offar U sotd 10 days only.
R. T. I). ,
Illy mala...
Olva full addraaa, vrlta plainly.
oust farmers millions annually.
cnicsens or nogs you own.
3Ti Los Bulldlngr. Omaha, Nebraska
i iy.
n WslBhjBasJhsl m I M M I I
s co. ivtrl