10 BRINGING TWO RIBS CRACK UNDERJCISSORS Charley Peter Put "Gentle" Hold on Training: Partner with the AboTe Keiulti. DIDN'T USE ALL HIS STRENGTH Jo Bterher may b able to spilt a aack of train br the employment of hla cele brated scissors hold, aa the story gos, but one Hana Brrka will step to the front and boldly testify that he'd Just at aoon take a chance on J. Bteoher aa he would on Charley ePtera. For Berk a knoweth to a certainty that Charley Petera haa acme scissors hold. A couple of cracked rlha offer mule cor. rnhoratlon to hla teetlmony. While ePtera waa working out with Perka the other day In preparation for hla bout with Paul Msrtlneen of Chlcaso at the Omaha Auditorium Friday nltrht. Fterka found hlmaelf mixed up with the aclaaora aa rpomoted by Mr. Fsters. Berka decided to wIkrIs out of It and atarted to wiggle and squirm. Tetera decided that Berka ahould not wlnslo out. 80 htf put a little preaaure behind the hold and, crack, went two of Berk a' a rlha. ePtera did not intend to Injure hi training partner. lie thought ho hail put on Just enough preaaure to keep Berka from winding- out. It waan't nearly aa much power aa he could put Into hla lean. But Juat the little bit of preaaure did the work and Berka, who ia a husky chap and Quite a wrestler, hasn't any paper rlba either. lMa't Ksert Half Ilia Mrenalh. "Farmer" Burn, who la tralnin Fetera, declared the Omaha boy didn't - " ""i I put half hla power In the hold he applied i i I I I n n s- CuCLa- 1 WILL -I KNOW KLNW ( f SHeHaTE ( ootfx , 1 frA I Sr T J T look MAN to DCLlvr J LIKE ?& TCLUHF.HTOJ Htionwe SW- SowikooT fcX. iITn- PV- to er.a, -if ne had, saia tne farmer, from blood poisoning la reluctant to throw "ther wouldn't be any more Berka. All up the aponge until after the Doane con hla tribe would have gone. Peters thought , fllct. Adama haa been warned to quit he waa using the eclssors gontly. If that playing for the season by hla physicians. Is what he calls gentle, what does he j U la probable that Adama will be allowed call hardf to play at his forward position, although I'nquestkinably Peters is a wonder with Kavan Is grooming Thompson for the the scissors. II Isn't as strong, perhaps, but hla scissors Is a terrible thing, never thetesa. Omaha fans who have never Been j him work are waiting anxiously for Fri day night when they will see him In action and can make a Judgment fur themselvea whether he has, a sctskors In the class with the iXxIge phenom. Donovan Orders Recruits to Report at Macon Feb. 22 NEW YOKK. Feb. 1. William Hono van, manager of the New York American league club, haa ordered the firat squad of thirty playera of that elub, composed mostly of recruita. to be at Macon, Oa.. not later than February 21 to begin their spring try outs. In the advano guard are seventeen pitchers. The regulars will report at Macon March L The pitching staff of the Tankeee a year ago did not Include a single left handed pitcher, but there are eight of them In the first squad now ordered to Macon. Among them are George Mogrldge from the tea Moines club, "Bltm" Love from the Los Angeles club and Thomas Blodgett from Omaha, McQill Answers Coffey Suits With General Denials DENVER, Colo., Feb. l.-Jamea C. McGill, owner of the Denver Western league club and the Indlanapolla Amer ican association base, ball teama. through counsel yesterday, filed an answer In each of the two damage suits brought by John K Coffey, formerly captain of the Denver team, and Lorean V. Coffey, his wife, charging McGIII with improper conduct toward Mra. Coffey. McQill In his answer denies all rhargra. Twenty thousand dollars dsmsges Is sought In each vase. BLUES GETTW0 MORE OF CHICAGO PLAYERS CHICAGO. Feb. 1. Two more Chicago players have been addtrd tu the roster of I lie Kansas City club of the American Association. They were Jack "Red" Mur ray, last year with the vld cubs, and barles Handford, with the Chicago Fed erate last season. Both are outfielder. The purchase prices was not announced. DILLON ACCEPTS OFFER TO BOX FRANK MORAN ! t IIICAGO. Feb. l.-Jsck Dillon of lu i isnapolls today accepted au offer to i.jx Frank Moran. the Iltt-tlmrgh heavy uelwht. ten rounds in Milwaukee next month. T. B. Andrews of sllluaukee, of fried 70 per cent of the ie-elpts for the match. l-rla M ine from Urmmd Islaaa. OoCEOLA. Neb., Feb. 1 !eclal Opveola High hool defatt-d Grand JMxtid Illvh school. It to A. The te.im voim cf In i ceo!a waa the feature. rnirt tit Gland Inland starred wltn five 1 1 Id tulall. AdvertiM-ra and custom!' profit by thm ". Unified Ad" habit. UP FATHER Sioux City to Play Central Saturday Ploux City Mich school will be (he next opponent for Central High at basket ball. The game will be played here Saturday night. Every time the Bloux have invaded thla city they have put a team upon the floor that haa riven the local the fight, of their lives. The team that represents Sioux City la said to be to exception to the rule and a real battle la expected. I The Bioux have played only one Nebraska high school (earn this aeason, this be In a the Norfolk team, and succeeded In de feating It in a decisive manner. Menefee. who will be remembered by many of the followers of the local for hla good work against the high aohool foot ball team thla fall, plays at renter for the Hloux City quintet. Two preliminary game will be ataged. A church league game will be played firat. and will be followed by an Inter-claaa game between the freshmen and sopho mores. On account of Injuries Clyde Smith, who haa been putting up a rattling good game at right forward, will be out of the game for aome time. Maxwell wilt be used at this position. COACH KAVAN HOPES TO TAKE DOANE'S SCALP Although three regulars will not he In the lineup agalnat Ioane college Thura day evening, Coach Kavan of the Unlver alty of Omaha doea not expect the loas greatly to Interfere with hla flippers tak ing the visitors In tow. In Iel,amatre and Oardener, Kavan haa found two play. ere with more than ordinary flipping abll- uy ana is using tnem In place of Bruce 1 and Allerton. viiin Aaama, wno ia enirering rrom a bad cold and who only recently recovered place. Ioane defeated Omaha on their floor two weeks ago and Unlvorslty of Omaha students feel positive that Coach Hchtse ler'a men will not duplicate the feat. WESLEYAN WINS SECOND FROM GRAND ISLAND COLLEGE LINCOLN, Neb. Fob. l.-(8pecial Tel egram.) Wealeyan won the second bas ket ball game of the etate championship series by defeating the Orand Island Baptists on the home floor last night, CI to II At the end of the firat half the score stood 90 to T. Hughee waa a great point maker for the locals getting ten field goals. Vlfqualn waa out of town, but Cosier played hla position In good style. The visitors put up the best game of basket ball seen here this season, every man playing a clean, ateady game. Only three fouls were called, two being called on Wealeyan.' The lineup: WB8LEYAN. Kline L.F. GRAND I..F B.K C LO ISLAND lUcharda ... Lowry .11. Taft ... Flynn . Q. Taft Anderaon ...... K.F. Hugh t Johnson 1,(1. Cosier HU R.U.. 8uls: Grulib for Anderson. heferee, Towle. ex-Nebraska STALLINGS TO MANAGE BRAVES FOR FIVE YEARS BOSTON. Feb. l.-Oorga T. Stalllnas haa signed a contract with the new own era of the Boston Kntlonala to menace the team for five years, it waa announced tonight. His salary, considerably in ex cesa of that which he obtained under the previous contract, la said to be greater than that ever paid any manarer .ir player, except posslLly Manager J. J. Aicuraw or he New York Natlonala. It Is estimated that the figure approxi tnatea f2Q,ooo a year. ALBERT CAHM WINS OVER R. J. WILLIAMS Albert Cahn. in defeating Robert J. Williams In the state billiard tourna ment how In progress, gave one of the prettlent exhibitions of blillarda ever seen in Omaha last nlaht. Cahn de feated Williams f'O to l.i lll.t average wes tVt and he made high rune of 17, Z and M. Williams made an average of 1 and made high runs of 14. 14 and 31 Art Sciple refrreed the match. Tonight Bel pie will meet Arthur If. 8 1 urges. orriarra ( Checker AeaavlatUa. 1 1 A8TTNG8. Neb., Feb. 1. (Special Telegram.) I. T. Brooking of Funk was re-elected president and W. . W. Bran gaiten of Hastings was selected secretary and treasurer at a business meeting of the Nebisska Checker Players' associa tion which preceded the nineteenth annual tourney peer today. Tlie strongest recommendstlon any ar ticle may receive la a favorable word from the user. It Is the recommenda tion of those who hsve ud it that ntakea Chamberlain s Cough Remedy so popular. Mrs. Amanda Glerhart, Waynes field. Ohio, writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used in my family off and on for twenty years and It has never failed to cure a cough or cold." Obtainable everywhere. Advertisemeat. TJIF BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, HMO. Cnpyris-flt. 1!1R. Interna tional Ntwi Service, Just an Earful By Tad Willie Hoppe, champion billiard player of the world, wag playing in a tourney uptown one night and his opponent was tho boy marvel, Welker Cochran. The latter took a rap at the pills, made a run of eight and eat down. Hoppe then toed the scratch and hhiTHC- VOUWCr L H III and on went the champion. He had turned the 200-mark now and had consumed more than a half hour of time. Finally a guy in the gallery, look'ng down saw Cochran still seated and yelled: "WHAT DOES THIS YOUNG FELLOW 1)07" TRAITOR TO VILLA IS PUTJO DEATH General Tomai Arnelas, Comman dant at Juarei Till He Fled to Save Life, Executed. OTHER PASSENGERS ROBBED JUAREZ Mexico, Feb. 1. Gen eral Tomaa Arnelas, commandant here until be fled to El Paso to escape a sentence of death, at the hands of Francisco Villa, was taken from a Mexican Central passenger train at Laguna, north of Chihuahua City today by an armed squad and shot to death, according to local Mexican officials. ) Others Hot Moleated. Oeneral Gabriel Qavlra, Carransa commandant here, said tonight that no other passengers aboard the train, which left here yesterday, were mo lested, and that all arrived safely at Chihuahua City late today. Arnelas, while commandant for Villa here, made overtures to surrender to Oeneral Carransa before the "turnover" 6f the garrison laat December. When Villa heard of It, he Is aald to have dis patched Oeneral Medlnavietla to this city to arrest him and take him to Chihuahua City, then Villa's headquarters. Subse quently Villa telegraphed to Medlnavietla that he need not bring General Arnelas "all the way." Fie a to El Pas. A friendly telegraph operator revealed the portentous contents of that message to Arnelas, who promt ply fled to El Paso, lie waa granted amnesty when the Villa garrison finally surrendered and waa on the way to Chihuahua City to confer with Carransa officials when the train was topped and a firing squad took htm off and executed him. According to later reports from Chihua hua City, every passenger on the train, including several Americana, were robbed, but not otherwise molested. Ussat. Werrtck ....115 MISC. ACCTH. 1st. 2d. Sd. Tot. Wells an 12 1S Mi Taris a U l.'7 ) Spethman .. 1 V i'ia Condllng .. Jn XM H4 4 Totals. .. N KB. Refegler Voigt .... Swanson Hryant ... Krlebs ... Handicap ...175 ...171 ...147 ...13 .. Ogauder .... 214 Xli I7 6U Totals li 2 OMAHA BHOfs. 1st. 1. d Tot. Johnson .. U lii HO 4H hlorrs HS 1.V2 3 44 Ordbeck .. 1 14" 147 4.4 Utchinelster 214 IIS IS fM s2 t'aloa Paelfte Totala 774 7(17 73S till Mesrs Leagae. URBADN'Al'OHT JUMPERS. 1 t STot. 1 Arson 120 1M 17S 4tJ Hamadlne 141 1 f I Courteney ,i;. 147 l.'ai 4.4 UIhbkow ,...1 147 14J 4 Handicap ..10 10 Id ;o Totsls 7i7 7S4 K 23U0 Handicap IS 13 11 Totals .... SW T to Kit t.NUlNKKKS. 1st. id. Sd. Tot. Maon I ! !'J M Pickett .... I l.K !; 4il Ked field .. H H- 17 441. Harnuni .... 1 UU 144 f-S Ueckler .... Stt 140 iu b,v Total .... K.W 74 aJ5f.J PAtWKNGKKS. LI. 2d. Sd. Tot. dearie .... 14 114 41 Mania .... ll 17 l.l 46 Varwald .. 1U 1S i 47i Kanka .... li 1 l"W f-'7 Wieny .... Iu6 3tu3 17V I UK A U OWKALLi. I lit Tot. ! Tsui Ui 1m li.J 5 icotl 147 17.1 41,7 Phelps 14J lee Iu7 Meek 173 H.uid'.p ...ITS Totals . .77 CLASSIC Handicap !3 a a 6 1 ..loo .! .14.' ..1.4 .. l i Bis ford . M'tjsy M( iloilKsl Swanson hUHhnell Handicap Total 8-a 4i Tin & UrJNtHAU KKKIGHT. 1st. d. Sd. Tot. Vapor 14 ai 141 Htaarord ....ITS 1 4 lai 4. l-rummi . ..131 1 1:4 4-'l Towler 144 1-7 law 4ik. Totals started in nicely, pushing the ivories where he pleased and running up a score. He soon passed the thirty mark and everything was still. He got to fifty and there were a few bands that applauded. Mr. Cochran, the boy marvel, sat In his chair, drew n long breath and crossed his legs. Hoppe got to seventy-five easily and was still going. Mr. Cochran, the boy marvel, leaned his cue up against the rail and waited for his opponent to crack. Hoppe went on and on. He v. as up to 150. The silence was oppressive. On EXPECT GERMAN NOTEJERY SOON Further Communication in Luii tania Case Momentarily Awaited in Washington. MAY CONTAIN NEW TERMS WASHINGTON', Feb. 1. A fur ther communication from Germany in the Lusltanla case is momentarily expected by State department of ficials, It became known tonight, but up to a late hour It had nof been received. It was understood the new representations would follow She informal character of recent tages of tho negotiations and might contain a new set of proposals in lieu of those rejected a few days ago by the United States. Secreary Lansing said today that he had no confirmation of news dis patches saying that Germany's final answer was on its way to the United States, and "that the action of the submarine commander la not disap proved and Germany will make no further concessions." ' All Must Saw Wood if TheyWould Eat Captain Kline of the Salvation Army Industrial Home haa harvested a con siderable pile of kindling from the men who have received board and room lr return for work at hla establishment Those In need of food or shelter will br welcomed during the cold snap, with tin captaln'a usual kindly hospitality. "But they must saw woo(" he says. Sapreaae C'oart Recesses. MA44HINQTON. Feb, l.-The suprwm. court today recessed until February Tl. 1W' 110 341; IDEAL. SHIRTS. I 1! S Tot Rathke 14S um 144 4k Johnston ...110 11T7 lo 3P 742 714 21 ll VISION... 1st. Sd. 3d Tot. ...II 175 129 4J0 Harrington 1X 1W lf7 4"' Procop ...Ui 1H) ll Klrkham ..loT 34 Iim bS Totals ... a 7M MIMA TAYIX)BS. 1st. 2d. Sd To Oriham US X-! .M BnlhteM 135 12 151 4ri kirk 1M Ul 111 Pearson ....Uii l! 1:'4 4 Masllko 133 lJii l.V, .y Handicap ... S S 8 2 Totala 7 (T7 Su IUKAU MAl'KlNAWrt. 1st. i. Sd. Tot Psrker l 17 is 417 Xia 1 J6 11 147 ft 1M 4H 1J9 4-S ltd 44(1 131 .44. S la K11H 11N l.tt 1U C.rnell 91 1 11 S II Florke 141 141 II Si AVestergard 172 luS 148 41 Total 7 " 4I 2U.7 PKNN TIRK!. Int. Xd. 3d. Tot. 17o 1, 413 l.m ) 1:1 , lvi liU Ha 1M lot .! T7 7X ??i I'OVT Olwon 171 irv It v Kcht'ineyer 1M l.'a 147 Kosicke 14'.) i:n 174 4f Maver 174 lf.4 17'i Ml Buhinan ..lt 14 137 Totala TK7 s06 I44U S S Tot 1J V't 413 I7i l.t 4i 1 Ifi SxT 141 ILA 4.(7 l 14.1 4.. 13 13 TIRKS. 1st. Sd. 3d Tot. Haup ... Noone . . Minardi Stat nick Cuady . . ..li P-4 li IV ..144 IO lit 4 '7 ! Ul 40 ..I"! 1l ! M ..IA 1S7 1j7 1.0 ..7ii 7 7 rn .fei 770 7J21ll Totals. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus MOVIE STYLESHOW FOR MEN Custom Cutter Outline What it Proper and Plan Screen Exhibi tion! in Every City. COATS TO BE TIGHT AND LONGER KANSAS CITT, Mo., Feb. 1 Buttons will be distributed on men's coats this season according to the height of the wearer. It waa determined at the open ing aesilon of the annual convention of the International Custom Cutters' asao clatlon here today. The short man will have a one-button aack coat; the rnedlum- aired man will have two buttons on hla coat; tne tan man win get three buttons, and four If he is tall enough. This de cree waa embodied In the report of the styles committee of the association, which act forth the Innovations in men's clothe for the coming season. It is planned, the fashion committee announced today, to, show the styles of clothea for men in motion pictures so thst men In every city in the United States and Canada can know what the International Custom Cutters' association has decided upon as correct dress. Coats to Be Tlarher. Changea in the style of clothea for men was the principal topic of discussion. The committee on stylea reported that the form-fitting coat still would rule aa cor rect, but that it will bo longer and will bear a narrower lapel and narrower col- ' lar than the coats of last season. Spring coats will be akeloton lined, unpadded and will run to patch pockets, which will be crescent shaped. Vesta will be single breasted, cut lower and bear no collar ' and the trouaera will be narrow aa usual, I the committee point 1 out In Its report. ' In dress clothes there will be changes, ! too, the custom cutters decided. The front of thedress coat will be a little longer, the collar and lapels narrower ' and there will be an outer breast pocket. I The white silk vest should be "U" ahaped ! thla aeaaon, the committee asserted, and there should be a narrow braid on the i trousers. The coat to the dinner suit will have the outer breast pocket bound In a narrow strip of satin and the lapels also will be faced with satin. The vest to the dinner suit, as determined upon, will be of black silk, close fitting and "V" shaped. LItIbst Models Used. The report of the committee waa Il lustrated, the new styles being shown on living models. The convention will continue through Friday of this week and the afternoon session each day will be devoted to prac tical demonstrationa and discussions re garding cut and fabric for spring and summer styles. An exhibit and style show with 00 garments of men's ap parel Is being held in connection with the convention. Among the speakers on the remaining daya of the convention will be Dr. Stanley It. Kreba of Phila delphia and Frans Delner of New York City. Dress Warm and Keep Feet Dry Telia Rheiimatism Sufferers to Take Salts and Get Rid of Uric Acid. Rheumatism la no respecter of age. sex, olor or rank. If not the most dangerous of human inflictions It Is one of the most painful. Those subject to rheuma tiHin ahould eat leas meat, dress as warmly aa possible, avoid any undue ex posure and. above all. drink lots of pure wster. Rheumatism Is caused by uric acid which is generated in the bowels and ibaorbed Into the blood. It la the func tion of the kidneys to filter thla acid from I h A li 1 r.r.A . i . . . . . . i .mv 11 out 111 me I Drine: the porea of the akin in . means pf freeing the blood of this im purity. Ia damp and chilly, cold weather tie akin pores are closed thus forcing 'he kidneys to do double work, they be- ome weak and sluggish and fall to ellm- nate this urlo acid which keeps accumu lating and circulating through the aya- em, eventually aettling In the Joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness and ain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharamary about four ounces if Jad Baits; put a tablespoonful in a ,-lans of water and drink before breakfast each morning for a week. This la aald to eliminate uric acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus rid ding the Mood ot these Impurities. Jad Salta ia inexpensive, harmless and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla and la used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent llthla-water drink which overcomes uric acid and is beneficial to your kidneys aa well. Advertisement. AUDIT0niUM--JM. Tufl-O'-War CHIGAtiO KfXrTS s. )AXKH TTbTDAT tiKHMANH a. KWKPKS ATtTBDAT Prominent Insurance Man Falls Ten Stories CHICAGO, Feb. -. Little more than an hour after President Wilson had passed under a glass canopy at the entrance to his hotel tonight, the body of -Edward Ford Johnson, a prominent "insurance man of Chi cago, came crashing through it. Johnson fell or leaped from a room on the tenth floor. He had registered as from San Francisco, but a card case found in the room disclosed Chicago as his address. The president's apartment were on the third floor removed from the scene of the tragedy. WISNER SUPERINTENDENT IS SICK AT HOSPITAL Superintendent White of the Wisner city schools Is seriously 111 at St. Joseph's hospital. Frof. White's family and friends are greatly concerned over his condition. Wealthy Rancher Killed. BIO SPRINGS. Tex.. Feb. l.TA s Htv w?" E. WHa'.thJ ra,ncn m"n "f this city, was killed today In Ixivington. N. V hIEm1 V t0 K"dv"-" reaching here No details have been received. rur AYD n U . li6 T.DODGE Don't Fail to Attend Our Annual Pure Food Exhibit Now Going On Frew wimples. Hot Coffee, Chocolate, lloullioo, Hot Biscuits, ftalads, Macaroni, ricklc. Soups, Jello, Cookies und Cakes, Pancake Flour, Etc., Ktc. Everybody welcome. Our aim Is to demonstrate the high standard of our quality goods, at a saving of 26 to 60 on the high cost of living. 17 lbs. best Granulated Sugar, SI 4 8-lbs. sacks best High Grade Diamond "H" Flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, per . sack ... .91.43 10 bars Beat's-'Em-All, Diamond C or Laundry Queen White Laundry Soap lirc 32-ounce Jars Ture Fruit Pre serves 25c 28-oz. Jars Pure Strained Honey for 2Sc 6 cans Oil Sardines 10c Yeast Foam, pkg 3c 7 lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch for . 25c 8 lbs. best Rolled White Break fast Oatmeal 23c 5 lbs. Choice Japan Rice . . ,25o 8 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meal 17c 4 large cans Condensed AUlk 28c E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg 5c V. O. C. or Krumbles, pkg.. 9c Tall cans Alaska Salmon . . .10c 4 cans Wax, String, Green or Lima Beans 2Mo 4 lbs. Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Sauer- Kraut or Baked Becns for 28c Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup for 3c The best Tea Siftings, lb., 12,o Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, at, lb 20c Meat Dept. Specials for Wednesday 9 lbs. best Leaf Lard 08c No. 1 Steer Pot Roast . . . .12He No. 1 freBh Spare Ribs 10c .TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST. LEST YOy FORGET ALL OUR TRUCKS, TEAMS AND AUTO DELIVERY CARS ARE AT YOUR SERVICE. Phone Douglas 1889 and Have a Case of Sent Home SAVE COUPONS AND GET PREMIUMS. Luxus Mercantile Company, Distributors J. STECHER SHOWS 'EM ATJMSYILLE Uses His Scissors with Deadly Ef fect on Aspirations of One Perelli. FALLS IN RAPID SUCCESSION I-OL'WILLE, Neb.. Feb. " 1. (Special Telegram.) In straight falls. Joe Bteoher. wrestling champion, defeated John Herein. Italian, In a match last night, the first fall lasting four minutes and thirty seconds and the second three min utes and fifty seconds. Both falls wero obtained by the N braskan's use of tho body scissors and bar arm holds. Tho outstanding feature of the affair waa Stecher's demonstration of his wonderful leg power." 'Only once was the Italian free from the viae of the Nebraskan's legs and then only momentarily. Bteoher weighed in at 204 pound. Pcrelll gave his weight as 200 pounds. Reed Attach Itoosevelt. WASHINGTON. Feb. 1.-Renator Reed of Missouri in a speech In the senate to day attacked Colonel Roosevelt for hla attitude toward the Wilson administration and praised the president's conduct of for eign affairs during the European war. DOUGLAS STREETS BCTTER, KGftS, CHEESE AXD BUTTE R1XE. The best Creamery Butter, car ton or bulk, lb 31c Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, lb .3C9a Fancy No. 1 Country Dairy Table Butter, lb 27c Best Strictly Fresh Eggs, at,, doz. . , 80c Best No. 1 Storage Egga, at, dos. 22c 2 lbs. Butterlne 25c Good Table Butterlne, lb., 17 He Fancy Table Butterlne, equal to creamery butter, lb 28o Full Cream, Young America, N. Y. White or Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb 22c BOX APPLE SPECIAL WED NESDAY. Bushel boxes fancy Jonathan, Roman Beauty or Greening $1.65 Fancy Jonathan Apples, per bbl $3.50 THE VEGETABLE MARKET FOU THE PEOPLE. Wiseopsin Cabbage, per lb., 1c 15 lbs. best Potatoes 85c Fancy Denver Cauliflower, per lb ,7Hc 3 large Soup Bunches for ..luc Larpe Cucumbers, each, 10c and 12Hc Fancy Head Lettuce, head, 7 He No. 1 fresh Neck Bones, lb.. 3c No. No. 1 Lean Bacon, lb. 17Hc 1 Bulk Sausage, lb. .10 T7"T 1 ONI -si