1016. i i : i i 1 r Neiv TJant (NOV In Cash Rate: n Charge Rate; 8 per line One insertion 7 per line, Three or raoro (consecutive) insertions Special Rates: Farm Lumlj 7 per line, each insertion . All Foreign Advertising, under Agents or Help Wanted classification, 2t? per word, one insertion. 1V per word, three or more insertions (con secutive.) (Count six words to the line.) Mo Ad Taken for of 20c Or Less Phone Tyler 1000 . i l l ! I. . . . li VlOIVA . , i.c 1 1 t uU d i. . r 1 . .. 'Ill II II - ..- u r. Al- ). e and Mm ..nes ilmy .f omaua fi'ld Liuia nf INl'"i. . i" iy . hune.Hi li .i-ti ti-no. ' r.inti llo,.i i.tm. ll-l .- .'li i'en'li. 17n.?" ii n. tn. tn "n Mn-jdaleliea rl,.ir. i, n pi interment O. riniil 1 a i.ull cf-meirrv, i t iin i iwfi. r y... aii'-.i J..n.ini jr l-.ri. r. I To. ! K i .ii'.i- Aiptimiiil l.'i'n; i. u ill n il ! 1. . Ji-; i--rv i'l. ; in In eiinn' I" ie i t... n ccm-t i. tin aha IkIkciT MnMlie Nj. 1 " 1'' iia Irf'f ic I ft ITIIH'.'-.J. .Me I Ol.Kl'.M. " "" V. :iv hi ty lira. .! In the culil wtotnrJ , Ji ..ti!:y ..t : 'ie'i ( u ' an ! i ' n inbli mriile b"im n; nt ren-onaha in 7 Tel MATISHI.I I'M in l. 217 FI.R1T. hA I tt'a nun it t.-fii.i"i hi. l ." L. 1. 1. ...-.i. '.w.n, . i-i'iai. U. i- t.Vi f'otl.t- T'l-tnti' -1 A an n l7T"s"" -..iirfitT t tr. f-. n"i.i ar A I 1I Mlilt'T ! X iiu n' i..uu 1 H. 1 .QSTFOUN D-R EWARDS jXAit. mi,.n'iu t.k i ce ati.o.i.f XAU.VVAY v;o.ViFANV. i eiB 'iia haviiig ion "ome uiilrle would do . l io cu,l . ihj office of tne iis ih A t otinell Hluffs fltreot Rallwa tviiiiony to fcriicrta.ii vvholliar tbvy left it hi t..v a.tevt cult. Many arih le eucn nsv are turned In and the oompany la saxioua to rest ore toem lu the rifchaul owner. Call i . ji. . IlA- T -.i . a. tie O twe n K u niirn a-id . t-reacnt mn. I.lneial to lis 19. itll UU nli at reel be- I mdjte, diamond rewarJ. Iteturn THE MOVIE PROGRAM . CMANGRD tAILT. Ar.swcrn luo qticsilon "Whro lo ko tonight." EM PI ESS, loth & DOUGLAS U.e.. ..u.' u-r.l...,l Nn t "A I'fXlW A nemo i.oiiianc. . ' .i .! Ka-anay. "T.to t 1 able of Fioia and AN 1 and a Horn? (irini. iflno.' Kcllc.Trl'nine Nil. S. I Jiiuriu'Vt " " 1 1 1 a V 4 U NAM ' 1J mi u.,.1, " . " -"-- 1'ho J'-'iicy tlnlf." Kaleiu feature. VltaKtaph Comedy. Five Centa. Program. Five Cents." rRINCES3. 1117-H DOUGLAS. William Rusell and Charlotte Burton In "The Hmugglera of hanta Cms,'' thrilling aea coast drama In four acts. Oeurae Ovey In "Around the World," cciiietiy. "A Sanitarium Hcramlile," clever comedy drama. ajMr1la. GRAND, 1TH AND BINNEY. Five reel of good pictures. LOTim6r7HTfira Flva reels of good pictures. oath. APOLLO. 2S24 LEAVENWORTH. "The hlaveiv Student." r-teel Vlaianay. "A City Rub..." Vllagraph. "Twice Won." Blogrsph. BOULEVARD, 35 eTTTEAV EN W'TH aondav contlnuoua'y from I p. m. Murla-I Oatrlcha mini " In The Circus Ro-1 iOHLFr JStiT LKltVEN WORTH." Robert Mantell and Oenevieve Hamper In "The Cnfalthrui w lie, r ox, i-reei comedy. ' " H est. MONROE. 2555 FARNaM. Mlgnon Anderson In "The Mill on the Floss," Mutual maaterpl-tore by Oeorce Flint, will positively lie shown today aaata lae. BESSE. 2TH ft N. The Taking of fstlngaree," a J-rrel Btlngaree atory, featuring True Board man. -Fate,'' U.o. "Utile llroan Ten." Mlna crpheush Hills of C.lorv." I reels 24TIIIM. "The Home- aleaders." tr. "The Necklace of Pearls." "The Holdup," featuring tleo. Ovvy. TT? s tar Features These are Special Extra-Reel r let urea tow appearing at tha following Theaters: X4VU AND N. Ths Taking of Stlngaree," a Stlngsree lory. LotLEVARD, 5 A LEAVENW'TH Xll'RIrJ. OSTRICHK in "The. Circus Ro- t. 'in IiX ci 37li T I rA N DD O U IT LA Si Mary Page.' piyxla No. 1 ilOS'IiOEl 5555 FARNAM. ilitnon Anderson In "The Milt on the )'ir." Wutual iiisater-piclur by Oeo. Flioi.s rniNCEsa; mm DOuaLAST Wi i ltnell snd Charlotte Burton in ll.e hii!ii:lei of Knits Crux." tlirlll Inn ' !. I drama m four S' ls liijULh r LL'AVKNWORTH. j:niitri AUnlell and O. nei leve Usurer ut -."toi I ii'alilil 1 Wife." Fok f.atJit" - Ad Kates Effect) Per Word..Each Insertion Less Than a Total Than 10c per Day. Ami )Oii Mill receive thr aame) iirt-ou m tic mi HioiiKh yon wrrn (Jrllterlng your WfUil-Ad to Till: IlKi: office in rson. --J LCST-FOUND-REWARDS IF tin; l.iM- i . i 1 1. mil n" ailtrnlMi II here, nu will .itrfl, wmrtr li If fnii.iij bv an hmet p-ron. Iteniaikahte rt niverlen ar hrubaht lin.il rverr liny luniiiith thla rulnmtl. TUV. l,Aff - I'fHifil lm find Inwl artlrlea are inierrnuNl in Imnoina that tha aula law la atidl III requiting them tn eevli lb oarlirr ttireuah a1vertliiiril enit nth-rwtae anil that a lailure to it tf ma can be provaa. In r.Uoa a a-van. Hnallv. l.o-T-A iM Hilii-l.alT cTinrainrng h emnll an rn of money. Has waa dropped Kililnv i iciiltiaT on' Farnam car or on Fitrnsm tnnr .I'.ili. Fltnlrr la welcomp to ki'i p the iiionev n reward for loav Ina the hnir nt lice tiff ice. l.t IS'l'-Whitc fn" hair" dog' wfth hla'i'k oar.". I,I!.ihI n ward If returned to Honylaa Kt.Tel. in!lliia krjl. a IHT- Frlduv, Let ween :id "and 1ilrd, TNI and Valley, brown mink muff. Call '1'yler :;LL'. l.lhera) jeward. i ' T-l'liciilar Uliimond pluplatintim. Ilcti.rn tn c. II. Drown Co. tind receive reward. FOR SALE M ISCELLAN I E0US Furniture uiid." lioaarbolai Oouals. Ft HI HA l.lf " ( 1 1 KA l'-"KiTahe" ""uprlithl Piano, fine condition, cost ft.'iO; acety lene ftaa tank; Inintley vacuum cleaner, almost new, H'; a linn hoiiachold goods. . 1st. llHlliey IKIk. o FtllKT-1'I.AHa" funilturo for"sle. Tel. Hoiuh I0.',1. UK HA!lllATNrt. Kufnlture, atoves. Iieda aprlngs, mattr's, fl each; beddlnK enmforta, blankets. 1t;! N. t4th. W. tT7. A I.I. RKI'AlltH Water trout, furnace rolla. etc, Quick aervlce. timaha Htove Itepatr WnrVa Igivt-a liniiTlna Tyler i OM AHA PIMX5W c-O.-MaTTreaaes inadS over lust like nw 1:107 Cuming. D. lCl. cTcNNKit oak. chairs, davenKirt,"" Wilton rug. babv hugsv and bed. Kodite. lil'FFBT and hedTroom f urnllure, nearly new. I'nniie v. enater WW. LF.AVINtj city. risno aTnd VlcVrolov I T.vl. IKOi IM'l ftood oak buffet che.m. Il.4'.i:. Pianos aatl M aalcaV Tnairanteata. li In gold will be paid for the name of a prospective piano or piayer-plano buyer. AOUINNON PIANO CO., v (14 8. llth 8t, Factory PI"trlhtitora Cable Pianos SMITH BARNES upright piano. $75. Tyler 1M. rtFKD BROH. J.TW) mahogany piano. $90. Harney M. II.M per month. A 1 " Hoaoe. uit Douglas. Ready Reference Directory ACCOUNTANT). E. A. DWOKAK, C. P. A, Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 70. ADVtHTlHI.VO NuValLTlKSa r. ghsfer Co., mh-Famam. D. T474. HCAIllMC'ta. Fverstt 8. Pod 4. 11 Fan ton Bit. D. m. AituU.tMi. ttcklnsoa. HI Psxton BIS. C T. P. luo. AUtWUAatkUs. Ckw j Auetlon Co 1U6-M W O W. R.WH6. aa..a.4iUS. or irriTr'R ivm M 1Mb. Web am. inoTron roUSliiiK. p.ston-MlteheMJ7hsrartha8ts. rMmOPsVACilC ariNALAUJlJ'siTa DR. BUBHORN, lth and Farnam. Wsad SitU. U 647; Palmer school graduate. r C' Lwrenoe. I Palrtl Bid,. D. 4. 1 ii Hid Tel. Tyler 1H3. "Tii istopoim ' Carrie J. Buford. U'- p,)t- i am pkTVTkH aSlTc on 1 EXcT nl Lssar4 8on. XM Capitol Ave. T. Id C. W H oka neon t.vnwth. Tyl WW-J.. tutriMKi. THE largest stock of rnasqwsde and theatrical costuinso In the oountry. Tbio. Ueben Bun. 1614 Howard. D.U1 THKATRtcAl, gowns, full dress suits, for rent. St N. 17th Ht. John Feldman. ' DAiicINU AUUL I1LI. IB X.VTK ACADKMT, 111 8. lth 8t blttllMtklNti. j x Kelster's Pre making Col. City Nat. ferry Pmanmak colli-ks toth A Farnam. aYt-HS AND CXitANICRII. TATE Pry flng Co.. 120 N. Uth. D. Kfft "likiviLCiivfc:. JAMF.8 ALLAN. 81x Neville Block. Rrl Sence secured In all caaes. Tyler 11 LTkn t i r a. Pr. Bradbury. No patn. til W.O.W. Bide. pyarrba. Dr. Pick lea. 714 City Nat. Bank. 'Tsft Dental Rooms. ISi iKruglsS. P. tltt. UHttil. tRUUa at eut prices; frelrfht paid oa II erderei calaloguss free. Siiermaa 4k Mo Connell Irug CV., Oiuahs Neb. fc.Caf.1 IHuLVSlS. Vba AllenderrB.e tld7 Red 8aa " t-Ltt Milt 'ALUIPA1MIN4. rAHTl.LFI.EOTHIOCO . Bee Bid. D. 7 vuudi. ni'riik;i. OMAHA Towel Bupplj. J07 6. Ut!u D. Ml FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS PLAYER PIANO ROLLS 15C15C W want every Player Piano Owner to Visit Our NEW PLAYER ROLL DEPT. Location. Just half dnren steps fmm the street In the heart ef the shopping dis trict. K.IYISIf. Douaiaa St. Service: I'rompt attention by Intelligent ssles forae. Will sell all overstock roll for la cents. Just to get you In. A. IIOSPE CO., IMltMt Iiouslsa 81. tor aad Office Flatare. fESKS, r-a scales, showcases, ahelv Ins, etc. We buy, aell. Omsha Fixture upply414-Ila H.h. IouJTll For Sale or Trade IWi account McCaakey avatem. good as new. wnar nave you to trade? Phone 4"3. Council Bluff's Cameras aa Kodaks. P1LM8 developed free if purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 414 Hee Bldg, Kept P. Jeerelry, Dtaanaads, Wal(ka. DIAMOND UH.KKT. men' and ladies' ntuhn, reasonable. Friedman. i2:S Doug. BKODEGAARDB "luck? wedding rings'' at 11th and Douglas Bt. Renins; Maehlaea. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, aell needles and parte of atl sewing machines. MICKKL'8 NERRAKKA CYCLE CO.. Hth and Harney Sts. Doug. 1861 1irnrllrr and "applies. uTdla nd iubhon ca huosco. We make them in OMAHA. WbatT Typewriter Kibbona! Supplies for the office. Douglas 1147. 128 BeeBld.- fit' .NT an Oliver typewriter t mo. fur $5. Oliver Typewriter A aency. 1"6 Farnam. TYPFHWirKKS olj, lemeo repaired. I Si. 1.1 A NC't: Ribbon and Carbon Co.. rar- hon paper and mkedjinoona ijji ttKNT a -ReiniYigfon'' not j"uf a type writer txiwrenCallJDoiirfUsljC tVTTB Typewriter Exchange, 314 3. UUu ft. All makes for sale or rent. Marklaery d CatTtaea. V (Mil H oi kin Machine i y. Complete outfit for small planing mill. Includ ing motors. This is a snap if taken as li atanda. tieo. II. I Co., Ills Har- n. y Ht . Onviha, Neb Lamber aad Ballalai Material. lny kllidlltm l.v the luH.d. Harney Sig Prlatln aad Office Supplies. WAT EHH-llARN HA RT It T"t 'oTTJ uTl ty prlntingTel. Doug. I' 624 KX3th 8t I E NT I A I . IT In t In Co DO U O l.A 3 JTfrtT bOUOIAH Printing Co. tel. louglaa b44." Hlwrllaareaa. FOR SAI.H CHKAP. nuaineaa College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of ths heat Omaha bualneaa schools. Oood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold very reasonably. If Interested Investi gate at once, because spring term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for ale. For particulars Inquire at the of lice of The t inialia ltee ALEX J EXES' LlyUOH HOUSE, Thirteenth and Douglas. Itottled-ln-bond whleky, tbc. fl.CO. 11.21, full quart. Its net goods, f-.nf) to 14.00 per gallon. FOR HALF,-New and second-hand csrom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and ncccaaorles; send for cata logue); eaay payments. The HrunswIcW- Itelke-CoUenderJ'o.407 K. 10th Bt Klfl'.l'. 1 lb. of tWo Gunpowder or "UiJ Japan tea with averr 10 lha. of beat Snc coffee, taarcel Dost, at tx.TS. Iave's Coffee Market. Leavenworth Ht.. Omaha. Neb. WY high standard of quality will Vie maintained: 4 utiarta of Old Fontenelle wiilaky, .1.2Ti; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Doug, 712; 122-IJ4 N. ir.th St ilAHOUNH lighting plant, good condi tion; have Installed electricity; will sell . old lighting plant chuap. Address 8, O, Pitts, Alda. Neb. $3.20 Gulden West Whisky, 4 full ouarts bottled In bond. Drsoald. cacKiey nro urnana EVEIIY day has Us suuaiiliie for Want-Ad users. Mart ;oduy. Call Tvler vK. COAT. baskets delivered. (1; Illinois nut or lump, ti.M par too. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used deska, bought, sold anuiraoea. J. c. nnM. iao Farnam. WANTED To buy old ahelvea. Dour. 204. KVIRYTIIIt FOB WOMB. aivunijiu.n, cine, gnire. Sunburst, bog i.ifaiiiii, luvriwi duiioiis, all slses and '"""'ii; "nig, poini eaging; em. w.uinxi jr, ueauing. oraiaing, cording eyelet cut work buttnnhni.. Ideal Pleating Co. Zu) Douglas block. Douglas lflSU. "CHN AC KB AMI tlltttullhl, " i.tiit.'N...MA.N-ci,it,mey and furnaca ihmio tmugias 'tiS9. BABFRSTROH m Hamilton. Wal. T1 FIJtTllli; AND WIRING. DURKIN ??0 "ln machine lamna. ' eU. S11. r'VMHIItHt AM KNEKTER. IMP F.m.m. Re1 Rothols. iliLeavenworth H. fTtB. JlllKkl' U U H . , r. n n . . . . wvywiumn (aua JW ?RIT'rJi!Lrk.r"r,o0l( STOCK tOMMlasiOJ e""1 "ROS. A CO. Fh. Hi j Atf stf A - 8 '"rn Si.. 14tlf and T.. uou inciura tna.-i.in. ..i :" - "in mm oargalna. VvtUI'll Eyes examined, yes examined, glasses fitted u. o i KorAnn i-uTiVtuKir JOSEPHINE ARMSTKQNQ. !B Bee Rd I'ATiiN I . " a BaraeU. Paxtosj Blk. Tel. fUd tUT. -A- 8turgea. 6.W Hrandel TV...-- PIANO INSTHtCYioVT"-2121 Rfti?!.p',no Pi""" Positively taught In leasona. CJCuiiuug. Val I'LLMUs cLUANAiuT ' "-' CURLED, dyed.). Ei vm c N CALM KKPAlMlNtTH- ttm s. H.i. i. ... a . ' --' " ' r- 'stn. D. 811 UllU U 1 ....... 7 I . Harlsy Khoa Rep'r Co . 8004 Fam'm. R. uu Tfe.lkL CaULiNtYar CARTER Sheet Metal Com,. ,, r a a a aj- a w . . 1 1 - . rRELJNU BTrLEgjr,,,, ,L VACtCM 4Ck.AAk.us. " Al ia auikea C B. Wuiianj. u -Tyler 1IL M Utk. WAitu aptwciALiaiiT Christiansen. Id fl. Paxton Bk 18 v-r ... . v. ai .iioaal. Wedding announcement Ooug Pt.. c i BUY our family liquors at Klein's Utt-or lioiJa. N. I1.U1. DougUa iMa. ANNOUNCErViEWTS "llechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings II K. SI3MAN. 41S Prsnde s Theater. Phone P. fM. CHIROPRACTIC If sick, regsrdlesa of the nature of your ailment, chlropratlc will do for j you what no other science ran. When j all else falls try me and note the dif ference. I adjust the cause of 80-CAI,T,F.D "Incurable" ailments and ail derange ments peculiar to women. Dr. W. II. KNOLLENBERG Phone T)1er iny.. Pulte 311 PeeBldg. BRODKUAARD'8 Uicky Wedding Hlnra" at icth and Douirlaa Rts ExkUCISK AT T.M.C.A. Business men. SWAPPERS' COLUMN JJ HKKAKJJFKN H. & A. revolver, pair aprlng akatea, elxe 11; Remington re peating rifle; single-shot rifle; pair hip I'oota. alxe 9; new canvas shotgun caae; H liigeiaoll watch, new; one hunting case watch, 10-ear guarantee caae, with T gold chain, about 14 a lie, excellent timekeeper; want motorcycle, Vlctrola, pump shotgun, rolltop denk, Colt revol ver, mandolin, cornet, kodak. Address H. tr. !.. He. NO. 1 Bmlth I'remler typewriter, 12-in. WeatltiKhouse fan, Columbia cylinder phonograph, cabinet, UU recorda, re corder, IJn trunk. $.6 Tleglna mahogany mualc. 1kx. 3 dot. classy record, oil's 4xi-plate magaxlne camera, one - Mj txu-vlew lena, $,b Washburn mandolin, one banjo mandolin. Will trauo all or part. Want printing preas or pool table. What have you? to. C. Mi. bee. aPAiRilnoman' spurs or ciimbera, rain coat, e. urana new; I'.ver-Keady safety razor. H bladea, never um-il. Want Mandolin, rolltop deak or. what have lira? Addreaa 8. Kto. hee. tToAII'Lt-rrK. camping outfit, 7x7 Pyra mid tent, cooking uterudls, covera, pi. lows, torch, W-foot flah seine, campers' hand axe, etc. Want typewriter, cornet, Vlctrola, or what have you? Address tf. C, H.I4, Bee. POHI electric hand warmers, run off of magneto or batteries, new; Ftird comu tator and wiring, emergency light. Want SiixJ or a1 raaing, Vlctrola or any thing I can tine. Addreaa S. . KU, Hee. fiOAUSriCH. lightweight, two-paasiiKer, IHls model, lust overhauled and fully quipped. Will swap for ths best ltlt model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can-get: but It must be A 1 condition. Addreaa 8. C. 726, Bee. AM HKHtiLA"-fc.dlaon'a new diamond point cabinet phonograph; this machine with assortment of recorda cost $S0 three months ago; will swap for good No. 4 Cjiilerwooil typewriter. Address K. C. KTW, Bee. ANUF.I.I'H Plano-Ilaver fcablnet style) In perfect order, with 19 rolls to ex change for F.dlann Dlamond-Dlso pho nngraph nr anything I can use. Ad dreaa H. t'., Y. ?l. Bee. WII.I, trade my rebuilt racing type roadster fur diamonds. This car Is In good running order, fully equipped, newly painted, and a classy looker. Address H C f , Hee. EDISON HOME, two and four-minute. same sa new, fine large ?ot) music box with music, all In fine shape. Want motoreyele or good small car. Address S. C. PI'S. Bee. PAIR of lamb, wool lined suto-drlvlng gloves. Russian leather, brand new; cost $10. For what have you? 8. C. 32, Hee. 8TKVKN8 single-barrel shotgun and leather caae, nearly new. Will trade for a revolver, Coll or Smith 4 Wesson, police model, C-lnch barrel. 8. C. 6fil, Bee. IAVE 6-year-old Jack, l."4 hands hlKh. This jack Is registered and sound. Will swap for cattle, horses, mules, or what have youT 8. C. 871. Bee. ALL furniture In 46-room hotel; reaso"n- awe rent on ouiiding; south blue: win exchange for real estate; value 11,800. Address 8. C. 6"S. Bee. IlAVE 6-year-old bay mare, unbroke sn3 sound, with foal to best Jack In Ne braska. Will swap for automobile. 8. C. H6, Bee. SKATES, almost new nickel-plated, cost 1.1.60; not ordinary skatea. Will swap for anything- useful. Address 8. J. 644, care Bee, SCOTCH collie dog, one and one-half years; good watch dog: very prettily marked. Will trade for chickens, or hat have youT 8. C. 060, Bee. fill TWIN Indian motorcycle, free engine clutch and In A-l condition. Will swap for piano or an auto. 8. C. 70. Bee. 12 PLAYER piano rolls, will trade for Overcoat, slue 3, or dlso records. 8, C. 664. 4 REFLEX inverted gas lamps, cost 12.76 each, will trade for a good revolver or a n y t h in gIca nu ae. 8. C. 662, Bee. RXTESEN-l'NCH Weatlnghouae Osclllat Utff desk fan. Coat $18, for small Vlctrola or what Jiaveyou? H. C. 7ii. Bee. CEMENT block machine, been used on one Job only. Will trade for furniture or ruga. S. C. 663. Bee. F"HAVK a fine bunch of Buff Orping ton pullets. What am I offered. Address B. C. W7, Bee. ET of small stock and dies, vise and pipe cutters for what have you? 8. C. 73. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains sea the "Automobile'' classify cation. fc.lM VUTROLA. 400 piauo. for auto or anythln g of equa I value. S. C. 37, Bee. TWIN X motorcycle for stock of gro- cerles or Vlctrola. Address 8. C, 669. $l40equlty In standard piano to trade for what have you. S. C. 667, Bee. HAVE a good 46-H. P. Olda to trade for a food Ford. 8. C. 868, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES Of ficiT For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office THE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 NEW HARDWARE STORE. We have a new stock of hardware, oils, varnlbhea, and some new, iip-to-d ite wall paper In best location In Omaha, in modern building, almost new: 6 large living rooms above, with garage. This belongs to a widow who cannot run it and wishes to dispose of It at once. She will give good terms on It or might consider some good clear Income for part of It. B. . R. K. MONTGOMERY. 754 Omaha National Bank a COMPELLED to sell. May consider city property or land In exchange for one of the beat picture snows In umana. lo cated rlsht down town and a money maker: worth I'.uOo. This will give someone a bargain for cash. Do not answer unless ou have got the stuff snd mean business. K. 3V7. EASTERN MANL'EACTl'RER. staple article of wide demand, a repeater and proven success, will establish branch factories In Nebraska and Iowa: in vestment secured and profits guaran I tee ws fac teed. If you have I On to tl.uno and ant to own and manage one of these lories on royally basis, write ma quick. Mkuitger, C uai, Omaha Bee, Omaha. Neb. AN ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants stale manager to open office and man axe salesmen. New, hixh-clasa article: LAi to ta) .apltal ne.-essary. Yoa hand! own money. Will pay expenses to Chi cago if you are man we want. Addreaa bvcretary, 101 Republic Bldg., Chicago. FOR SALE Pool hail, f . . siuiiiama tables, electric piano, tea box. cigar and randy case, wall case, safe, roll-top 4ek. all In good shape, and good bual neaa. Will Invoice about U. Will sell for just what it would cost aw. About half rash, balance will pay lor self. Located in a Neliraska city of U'l. Addle Y. 2i. lira. FOR SALE Infants, children's and la dies' fumUhinj store a. . vi1 City. Nib., at a xrjain: b.s; cation In lon'. doing a ei.ellent business, wsnt to ru:lie. Box, No. Dai id City, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR 8AI.K On eaav terms or 1'sse to a responsible party. r-room. -story hrlek, Marcy Pt. I have Just fln- Ished remoilellng and It la In perfect shape. It has bath on each floor, steam heat, electrl and gaa lights. The location and building are Just right for famllv hotel, boarding house, light housrkeeplng or hoslptal. r li. tllbbs. r-'t Harney, Harney 1..9J. Our Nebraska farm mortgages are not af fected by European wars or panica. Amounts " 4 to ljni. We lol'eet all Interest end principal free of charge: -i yen, in the Nebraska farm . field without s loss Is our record KLOKK INVESTMENT COMPANY. 301 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg , Omaha, Neb. i o tXXD BI'SINEHS FOR SALE. Fine location, iiermanent two atory building on corner. Orocerles. meata, bakery, property and bualneaa for :'2,ftoo. Will lake some real estate. A fine thing for a mnn who can handle It. W. T. IRA 11 A M. Hee Bldg. COMMERCIAL College, fully equipped, " oolng a good business In a city of &.noi. in me tnnm popumtia part or Iowa. This college ran tie made to pay from 110,00 to $12.Ko a year profit. We have no use for it. W III sell it at t '.oot), on eaay term. si'WaH liRtis., iua Plymouth ildK. Mlnnrs polls. Minrt; LA1U1E Buhuioan picture show, doing good business, In thick populated dis trict, for sale or trade, Addreaa Mr. Morris. 4C1 N. :4th 8t. I'hone Colfax r. PICTURE shows, locations, leases, ma chines, repairs, guppllea and accessories. bee us first. OMAHA THEATER SUFPLT CO.. Halrd Bid g LIST your buslnesa with me for quiea results: bur, sell and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO., P.oom 2. Balrd Bldg. Tel. Doug. .0 17TH AND DQUOTjAH 8Tft WANTED State manager and county men for big seller. Come to Room 3, Patterson Bldg., cpposlte Omaha Na tlonal bank ond se the "Wlrsard" work. 11" R(m7MS all full. Income close to ti6 month: 1510 caah; 10 rooms, all full. In come llio a month. Both bargains; close In. Douglas 4:i02. rX)R SALE Complete outfit cigar store fixtures, including Isrge cash register, beat In the city. Must be sold Immediately. J. C. Travia. 42 Bee Bldg. Douglas Ji07. FOR 8 ALE On account of alcktieaa, 4 year leaao on the Brown Park Mineral Springs Baths, South Omaha. O. P. Con- jannon. o STORE" building near lS-room school, $soi down; no competition. Address O 006, Bee. VARIETY store. Inventory about $1,200; live business, live location. F 60S. Bee. YVANTED Party wltbTilVOOO. third InteiC est in hi g business. 0 68. Bee. THEATERS Buy, leas or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Ex. Co.. 1408 Farnam. D. a7. CFFlCE for real estate or insurance; same floor aa Bee office; 13x21 feet; MX The Bee Bldg.. Office Room 103 FOR SALE8-room rooming house, sll modern, steam heat. Income a month. 1817 Jackson. Phone Red 4443; DOOTcm wan ted; very dexirable location, with no Investment. Writs Nugent da IvQngpre, Lodge Pole. Neh. TO GET In or out of business call on QANQESTAD. 4B Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. E B Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains in established shows. D. 3630. TO SELL or hnv a business, call on Frenser Blk. D. 331. Busch A Borghoff. OOod rooming house: 1 rooms; 2d floor. 4rH S. 36th, South Hid e , OOOD hotel for sale. $7S5 ' A. T.eake, Elmcreek, Neb. o. B I'd IN ESS CHANCES. Candy store near large school; living room rear. $. Address J 637. Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. TOt-NcT DanXah man of 28 with experl ence wants iiosltlon as house or yard man or would like to bo chauffeur In private family. Reliable and honest. Address Johnson, 324 N. lBth St MARRIED man, 40 year old with IS yeara' experience, wants office work, bookkeeping or collecting; references furnished. Call WebBter 2673. COLORED Wants porter work or can take care of furnace. References fur ii tah etl Phone Douglas 806. Room No. 1. COLORED man wants position as porter? Can take care of furnace. Can furnish references. Douglas 2306. Room 1. WANTHD-Posltlon as watchman by gentleman 46 years. Best of references. " Benson 142. YOIINO married man wants position as chauffeur, can drive any car. Phone Tyler 29N. ' WANTED Position in warehouse by man, u years, call Benson 143. Female. Uiir irsfc.D, educated young woman wishes position as managing house keeper, where servant la kept, or com panion to Invalid; no objection to going out of town: references exchanged. 1701 run St. call Harney m MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position as housekeeper or manager of or phans home, feeble-minded school or ahenherd's home. For Particulars, wrlta Sirs. Morris, South 7th St, Harlan, la. j WANTED By refined middle-aged lady, Iiosltlon as companion or housekeeper; - must be nice place. Answer care Bee office, c..'ii Little Bldg.. Lincoln. Neb. WANTED By competent colored girl, work as chambermaid, Janitress or duster In furniture store. Phone Douglas 4446. Room 17; EXPERIENCED German lady wants to do housework In small family. Hanscom Park district preferred. H. 6450. EXPERIENCED children's nurse wants position; city references. Doug. 7708. creignton Home COLORED girl wants position waitress or maid. N. 6il. POSITION wanted by competent lady as housekeeper; good cook. Tel Colfax 40L WANTED By middle-aged woman, po sition as housekeeper In small family. Walnut 3476. RELIABLE, experienced child's nurse wantK position. South 1044, RELIABLE colored woman wants general housework or second wosk; good wages expected. Harney iSSC MIDDLE-AGED lady with experience, desires position for convalescent or Invalid. Webater 3214 EXPERIENCED colored girl wants po sition as chambermaid or In boarding bouse. Webster 76SC. FIAN'IsTTsight reader, wishes position in or out of town; excellent baritone voice. Red 6022. EXPERIENCED P. B. X. operator wishes position. Beat of references. Call Edith Tyo, Douglas7546. WANTED Dlsnwaahlng or chambermaid ork In hotel or restaurant. Doug. 6x, SVANTI'-D poilon. Housekeeper widower o r I iac tielor ty youn g laay. nee, i, ai. WAN TED A t once, sewing by the day or piece. Miss Molumby. Douglas 344. REI.YaTbLE colored woman wants cham bermaid work; Doug. '. COIXiRED girl wishes work as chamber maid. Tyler S0S1-W. Laaadry aad Day W rk. EXPERIENCED laundry woman wants bundle waahtng; neat work. Web, nil. LACE curtains and bundles carefully laundered. Webater 421, iff' N I t.E washing cheap. Webster 4.VT7. Cleaning and laundry work. W eb ster 47 DAYwork of any kind. Web. 6926. Mary. HELP WANTEDMALE Proresalaaa aad Trade. MACHINISTS, first class on floor to build locomotive cranes. Only erectors experienced on large work need apply. Lathe hands wanted on large lathes, also good plsner bands. Steady work. No labor trouble. New shops and fine working conditions. Living economical here. State age and experience whea renlvlng. Industrial Works. Bay City. Mich. THE for rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of Tha Be dally ranuot be beat for variety that lll pleas and fill tha needs of any one deau lug to rent. Phona Tyler lOuK HELP WANTED MALE rrnfeaaloaa aad Trades. WANTED A man to help bottle tdlet articles atonee: ITT Ieai en worth H. firug "store Snare, jobs. knel"t. Pee Bldg. Solleltor SALESMANSHIP STARTS MONDAY, JANUARY 31 Increase your efficiency; make mors money; good salesmen command their own salary; get to be a scientific sales man and be Independent. Call Tyler 1000, Mr. Miller or Mr. 8hsw, snd learn how. Y. M. C AJ7hspj! Jrney8ts. S A LE it" Ml A N WANTED Experienced candy salesrian for Omaha city trade; one who Is capable 01 seinng a wen known line that Is complete and per fect In detail: surety bond required; answer In own handwriting snd give record of employment, age, salary ex pected. O, M. Bee. O KAI.E3 ABILITY WANTED. Pioneer and largest concern In lta line wants additional men for Its national aalea nrtrnnlzntton whole or part time. You btilld a profitable local trade fur niching sanitary equipment to sewer less homes, schools snd factories; na tional advertising creates the leads you close the sales. Equipment best made: sella for $"0; commission attractive and field broad; representatlvea making 2.0uo to Xi.) yearly; rig or auto an advantage. Only men of standing sought; sell Ing experience desirable, but not essen tial. Here's your opportunity to make money; a permanent connection. Tell all about yourself; write Immediately. Kaustine Co.. 1U73 D, Ellicott sq., Buffalo, N. Y. SALESME-. wanting something essy to sell, write us at once; retail dealers can aell our bargain hoalery for 4o and c pair and pure silk hosiery for 15c and 1!V pslr. W rite for prices and samples. Second Hoalery Co.. Kansas ltyu M o. WA.V1 i.i I ne or two brl.'iit oung men about -'. enra of age, thoroughly sc qualnted with the city to learn the real eatate husineKa. Must he men of high class character. Address F-i?r7 Bee TO SELL, now and until June lat, card board fans for advertising to all classes of trade. Fine sideline. Karri s rfO weekly and tip. Fan lept. Kemper Thomas Co., tlnclnnatl. WANTED Salesman to sell to grocers. general stores snd confectioners In small country towns; 25 per cent com mlHslon; 140 weekly drawing account. Crown Cider Company, 2r7 6. Conuner clal St.. St. Louis. Mo. Dept. 4. o PORTRAIT agents wishing to work In- urprininm snouia write ror my new catalogue; expenses advanced reliable men and goods shipped on So days' time. Roberts, 1420 McOee BldtT., Ksnsas City. Mo. n SALESMAN To sell from factory to desler, glsss. china, white, giay and royal blue onamelware. Big commis sions paid weeHly. Small samples. Part or enure time. uve salesman can make 176 to I00 per week. Hcrthal Manufacturing Co.. St. Louis. Mo. o Vv'F. PAY $38 a week and expense to men wnn rigs to introduce poultry com pound. Years contract. Imperial Mlfg, Co., Lept. 78, Parsons. Kan. o MEN everywhere make 10 dally placing samples of new necessity with automo bile owners. Orolo Manufacturing Com- lan.v, ixniisvilie, t y , WANTED We offer an exceptional op portunity to good salesmen to cell groceries direct to the consumer. Write narper urns, a Co.. Wholesale Urocers. Chicago, 111. BELL advertising pipes; sample and par ticulars free. Japanese Novelty Co., Clinton, la. o AGENTS To sell Farm Journal and Poor Richard's Almanac, the most rapid seller ever offered. Sherlock Agency, til Flynn. Des Moines, la. o W' ANTED Salesmen, experienced, age A to 4.1, address, giving street address and phone number. Address T 226. Ree. WANTED Salesmen to sell our line of temperance drinks In small country towns; 25 per cent commission, 40 weekly drawing account. Red Cross Company, 206 S. Main St., St. Louis, Mo. Dept. T. 0 Stock Salesmen Wanted A few good stock salesmen to sell stock in a gilt-edge corporation. This Is an easy seller. For further particulars write Y 220, Bee. o WANTED One or two bright young men aooui io years ot age, thoroughly ac quainted with the city, to learn the real estate business. Muat be men of high class character. Address F-397. Bee. Trada gcnools. MOLES ' BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach it quickly and earn back tuition while learnln. Tools Included. Open to everyone. Write for catalogue, 110 So. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. SAVE $25 BEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. It you can't attend day eohool you can hold your Job and at the same time get your automobile education If you enroll In the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILB SCHOOL. 2406 LEAVENWORTH. RED 8110. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fine training work on auto and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COT.LEGE. XV"! Farnam 8t. Omnhe., Neb. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rata tui tion. Including set of tools; wages paid; electrli massare, hydraullo chairs; cat alogue free. U24 Douglas St.. Omaha. Mlscellaaooas. GOVERNMENT POSITION-Thousands of appointments to be made. Free booklet telling where they are, what they pay, with specimen examination questions. Nat'l Cor. Institute, 43U Sev enth St., Washington, D. C. o GOVERNMENT examinations; thorough instruction, t. Returned if not ap pointed. Psrticulars free. Civil Service School. Washington. D. C. o MEN 18 or over, wanted aa railway mail clerks. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 L, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names of ambitious men, 18 to 46, wlshtng to become Omaha mall carriers. Commence $17 month. Address Y m. Bee. CUNNINGHAM Labor Asency, 111 8. Uth St.: handles everything MEN for firemen, brakemen. JlJu monthly. Experience unnecessary. Railway, Y-ISj, care Bee. o AGENTS AND CANVASSERS ADVERTISE your property as thouch ?'ou believed It sale or rental to be inportant. by keeping It Hated in the Bis 1 Inime. Home and Real Eatate Guide -THE BE H 3CGENTS Large manufacturer wanta te llable men. women, lo sell guaranteed hos ery, underwear, shirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madi son Mills. 6S Broadway, New York. o AGENTS wanted for small household ar ticle which no housewife can resist. Sells at almost every home. Lawton Distributing Co., Loulsvlllfa Colo. o. HELP WANTF-FEMALE Stores aad Office. BOOKKEEPER, expd n0 Steno., splendid position ,i Steno., caahler 45 Steno., rapid, accurate 411 Steno., law. Insurance, small town..., 4 Steno.. good beginner 35 WESTERN REF". A BOND ASS'N. INC.. V.j Omana Nat. Bank Bldg Profesalvaa aad Trade. GIRL to learn halrd reaslug. Oppeuhsun Parlors. 136 City Nat. salHweae aad Svllrllura. WANTED 6 I've salesmen, men that wsnt to work and that can deilv.r the goods; steady employment to light rar liea; salary or c inniuwion. Call room 3..1. Paxton Hotel, Sunday or Monday Hours, 8 a. m. to .Jo p. u HELP WANTED FEMALE alcawomea aad flidtora. t ,' 1mnu''-t"rer will establish ac tive Im.1v of good address and ahtlltv In permanent, profitable hiiainesa in her aU.ri--.r IO " l"r month. Ex fTI'j fn'' "nnecesssry. All or spare lime. Occupation congenial to woman of refinement. For pait.culars address .arVr'n'lg.'lT- iloaaehold aad boatestlel W HEN the renting problem Is under eon-slderation-either from the standpoint of the tenant or landlord the Real Es tate snd Want Ad Guide to all of tlreater Omaha-The Bee la the beat medium for sure and satisfactory re- OOt'D girl wanted for housework. One inai woutrj appreciate a good home snd the very beat of treatment.. A right place for a deserving girl. Vi fsirlv good. Address U-f.17. care The Bee. Household nnd IiomestleT FREE! Ads for servant girls will he run a days free of chsrge. Bring, send or phone your ad to THE BEE office. Phone. Tyler l'. wwe. W ANTED By widower with child, neat clean housekeeper on farm; must be good cook, not over 35 years. Address M 4"2. Itcjv WANTED Girl for general housework' must be able to do good plain cooking' colored preferred. Apply Mrs. Dr. Hoa tetter, SOS 8. ?Hh St. Phone Doug. T7" WANTED A white girl for general housework, no washing or cooking. Phone Weoster 4M1 or address 2025 N. ISth Pt. W ANTE D A couple to take cara of the Negro Women's Christian Home at 80 Pinkney St. Call Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. W ANT E I Ulrl for general houseworkT good wages, no washing. Mrs. A. W. Oordon, Jackson. Harney 146S. WANTED Girl to nsslat with house work and cara of small child. Phone Harney 7uo8. eXpeIUENCMD girl wlsnes6sUTonas maid In hotel, city or out of town. D. 7Z19. WANTED Experienced white-nurse girl. Young girl need not apply. 4-M N. JSth St. Harney 668. W'ANTED Girl" for general housework: 3 in family; references required. Tel. Colfax 60. WANTED White second erences; $7 per week. girl; good ref -436 N. 38th St. Harney t. WANTED Reliable white jrlrl for gen eral housework. Apply 3408 Iewey Ave. WANTED Experienced girt for general housework; no wa shl n g. Harney 684 . WANTED Good girl for general houses work. Harney 2104. i20 N. 36th Ave. WANTED Competent floor maid. Apply flarkwon Hospital. WA NTBD Wh'te girl for general hotise work; small family; no children. H. 6618. EDUCATIONAL AFTERNOON SCHOOL OPEN 3 TO 6 P. M. Reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic. English, English for coming Am., short hand, typewriting, bookkeeping. Five aays per ween. o per montn. Enroll for part or full time, for one or more sub Ject. afternoons or night, or both. Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS, 17TH AND HARNEY STS. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVB MONEY ON-COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of courses In a reliable Business Stehool, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at once, since Spring Term begins soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. DAY 8CHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. NIGHT 8CHOOU Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Stenotypy, Type writing. Telograpny, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, 18th and Harney Sta. -ret. jjougtas 1566. THE VAN"SANT SCHOOL' STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. bat ui day morning class tn typewriting. lone C. Duffy, Ov ner and Manager. 806 8. 18th St Omaha. r"OR sale, the following scholarshlpaTin first-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographs course. One three-months' business or ateno graphlo course. Will be sold at a discount at tha office of The Omaha Bee. SCHOOL OF MODERN IANOUAGE8- Class or private lessons. Downtown studio. Phone Web. 6664. Paxton Blk. School of Lettering and Art. Tuition 110 per month. Doug. 2157, PERSONAL 83.000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. The Ladles' Home Journal $1.68 The Saturday Evening Post $1 50 The Country Gentleman o) 6t0 subscriptions each month till April earns that $3,000 for The Inva lids' Pension Assn. Your order or re newal contributes 60c. Urgent. 300 needeit In February. Phone Douglas 7161 or ad dress GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha. Neb. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and SL Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at tha Uuioc Station. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tsrry cures plies, fistula snd other rectal diseases without surgi- cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. HEALTH INSI RANCE Our Health and Accident policies not only cover health and accident disability, but also QUAR ANTINE. You need it. Why not now? K1LI.Y, ELLIS A THOMPSON, 8.3-14 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Phone Duuglaa 219. THE Salvation Armv Industrial bom so licit your old clothing, furniture, raag exlnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4l6 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. BAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE, 708 South Pith St.. aecond floor. Hot tub baths, shower, genuine Swediah mu ksge. chiropody, manicuring; graduates. Hour 10 a. m. lo W p. n- rERSONAL Alice, If you want to se your mother alive, come home immedi ately. Her Ills despaired of unless she tan see you; wire your answer. O. F. ('ooniad, 1010 Anbury avenue, Asbury Park. N.J. TmTP T I T Tf K Sucesafully treated IV U 1 1 UIVU without a surgical operation. Call or writ Drs. Wray & Mstbeny. 3"6 Be Bldg.. Omaha. MISSES " C.RAY AND HEAD. Electric bath, ibiropody treat-Mat. scientific massage. -1 0-2 12 -21 4 Baled Blk.. 17fi and l-.ug'ai. D. 84 MEDICATED vapor and modem Turkish baths for ladlos and gantiemen; lady attendant for ladlea: Swedian mrtt-gt. 1M8 Fsruam St, Douglas 9437. Neat girl Tor general house- f rlty references required; one I n go home nights. Call at tww I urt St. Friday or Saturday 1 Experienced maid for general nrk. No washing, good wages. 1 ices required. Mrs. McShane, HI sag t. Call Harn'y 2241. V I li 1 I if