THE BEE: OMAnA, MONDAY, JANUARY" 31, 1910. BRIEF CITY NEWS" "TiwiNit'i for BportUf 0o." fctrktU mtuw-Burtvn-Orandan. , T oot rrlat It Now Beacon Press. r. tek removed to 474 Brmnd. Tho. "ls. tornado, automobile, burglary In surance. J. H. Dumont. Kectlne Bid. "Toar Xorle mptB claaatflel section todar. It appear In The Bee KXCLrsrV'ELT. Find out what the va rious mortns picture theaters offer. Xeey Yon Money and valuable in the American Safe Deposit vaulu. til Sooth irth Ft., Bee Bid;. Hnxes rent It .00 for I month. Open from a. m. to 1 p. m. ' rolloe AskM to rial Velaon Omaha police hnve been asked by A. C. Han en, Racine,. Wis., undertaker, to locate Christ Nelson Omaha bricklayer, and tell him that Peter Nelson la dead. City Sail 1 rnmltraUd Every nook and corner of the city hall was tuml- fited Friday night. .Lingering fume of formaldehyde addressed the olfactory nerve of city worker in the morning. ew Orain Oompeay ft. Q. lived nail and C. E. Kern have joined force and have cone Into the grain commission busl nes, taking offl.-e In the Grain exchange butldlng. Madame Melba doe West Madame Melba was a wertbound passenger on Northwestern-Vnlon Pacific No. 1 enroute to California occupying a drawing room in one of the cars. She waa still sleeping when the train passed through Omaha. , Yacatlon at Uncle' Sxpeose Everett Pennett. Sua Parker street, left on an outing for a month at the expense of Uncle Sim. He is a naval reserve man and will go to the receiving ship at Nor folk, Vs.. .from which he will be trans ferred to a battleship for a cruise. Jovial Klg&waymen loot Cask Box Two youthful highwaymen, who. laughed they worked, entered the grocery of 8. Hsrmel, 2025 Fhrrman avenue last night and while one kept Frank McCall. clerk, .at bay with a revolver, the other robbed the cash drawer, which con tained only $1.78. ' tveave ' Star .' for Buslnes Alonxo Morris, one of the most popular members 1 1 the North Bros. Stock company at the Krug theater, has severed his connection there and has announced that he has quit the stage forever.. Henceforth ho Intends to devote himself to -the sale department of a big Kansas City Jobbing Seen in the Heavens in February: Father Rigge Tells of the Wonders firm. Exploding Coal Gas ; Ignites Kerosene; Home'is Destroyed An explosion of coal gas resulted In the explosion of a can of kerosene nearby in the home of John Bocca. 849 South Twenty-first, last night and - seriously scalded Bocca, who was asleep in bed with his wife and 4-year-old daughter. The oil became Ignited as It spattered the room, and the family, scarcely had time to get out In time to save their lives. Mrs. Bocca and her daughter were uninjured and were taken care of by neighbor. Bocca wa taken to the Lord Lister hospital. He Is an under cook at the Henshaw hotel. The house, was destroyed. By WILLIAM F. RIGOK. On the Sd there will be a total eclipse of the sun. A a total eclipse It will be visible on a line beginning In the raclflc Ocean near the equator and on the me ridian of California, then passing through Colombia and Venesuela in South Amer ica and some small Islands In the Wes' Indies, and terminating In the Atlant ' Ocean a short distance south of Irelan Wh the exception of the small sectlu of South America and the Island of Ouadaloupe, the track will be altogether on the oceans. The maximum duration of the total eclipse wlU be S minutes. : second. On account of the war there will be no parties sent out to observe the eclipse, not even from the United State or from South America. As a partial eclipse it will he visible over the northwest half of South America and o-er nearly the whole of North America, over the entire northern half of the Attantlo Ocean and a portion of the pacific Ocean, and at the time of sunset over a portion of the northwest corner of Africa, and over the whole of Great Britain. France and Spain. In the I'nlted States the eclipse will begin be tween S:10 and : o'clock In the morn ing, central time, end will end between 10 and 11:40. From one to five-tenths of the sun' diameter will be obscured. In Omaha the magnitude of the eclipse will be only per cent. The annexed figure will show us the appearance of the sun at :4l a. m.. when the obscura tion will be a maximum. N S K W are the cardinal points of the sun and are the same no matter whero we may be on earth,, the point N being- nearest the north star. This point N Is on ton at noon the left of it h.'nr. n-.. ,i I nf if . . i 1.1 w- -mr noon, me exact amount de-1 14. pmaing upon tne sun's position In the ! Sky. as well ... i.i ... I W. " fwuiun on esnn. '. f nm .1 f i . i . . .... . ' - v.inM me point win be on ' 1H. top when the eclipse begins, that Is. at 1 1 19 o'clock 6 minutes. 41.T seconds. The moon then begins to Indent the sun st the point' IX. F. the point of first contact. At the mid- die of the eclipse, at 9:41, the point M will 24 on iop. Ana at Its close, at 10 o'clock . S F DIAGRAM SHOWING TATlf OF'THFJ MOON' S SHADOW ACROSS SUN'S DISC. the first, 10 hours 83 minute on the fif teenth, and 11 hour 9 minute on the twenty-ninth. In the following table are given the standard times of the rising meridian parsage, and setting of the sun and moon at Omaha during the month: I 8l'N. I I moon. I . . I IHIne.lNnnn . s ! FF,H I Mine fonth I (. I Hearse in Runaway : Stopped by' barman A runaway team, drawing;, a hearse, wa stopped by Conductor Ben Loplenof tho Dodge street line last night at Tenth and Howard. Motorman Joe Codlln saw the runaway approaching him and-be shouted to hi conductor and stopped the car. Loplen leaped -off and when the frightened an imals approached, sprang for the bridle. He managed to quiet them, and a pedes trian drove the vehicle to polioe head quarters,' while the street car men con tinued their run. A yet the police have been unable to locate trie owner of the hearse, as there is no. mark of identification, nor has a driver appeared. The . funeral vehicle was empty at the time of the runaway. Held Up While He ; Waitsjor Trolley 3. 3. Cameron, ' W16 North Twenty fourth street, was held up and robbed of 9 by two men while he was waiting for a Ouncjl. Bluff car at Thirteenth and Douglas street last night. , Edward Jensen and -Harry; Stevens; -ot Ccuncll ; Fluffs were. later arrested by Officer Tom Un?er and are being de tained, on suspicion of being "connected with the roDbery. .-.,' , 1 . FACULTY ENTERTAINED . AT W. E. NICH0LL HOME President W. r E. Nlcholl of Bellevue college and Mrs; Nlcholl. entertained a number 'of colleee professor at a dinner at their home Friday night.' Th table decorations were red and white In favor and spring - flowers. A huge bowl of red and white tulips served as a center piece. , , The guests spent th - evening remi niscing of similar occasions, which they have , enjoyed together. . Covers were laid for: - . v ' j Misses Mvrtle Hunter arah Ballev - . Berntce Miller Messrs. J. E- Krickson K. U Puis O. Schmledel 7 ail 7S7 7&T 7S2 7 SI 7.V 7rl 7 2X 7 77 7sm; 7 25 7 24 7 221 7 21 7 11 7 1 71HI 12 :r S 3S;..Tue. 12.3S 6 3!..Wcd 12 &S 5.4!..Thu. 12 .W 5 42!..Kii.. US? 5. 431. .Bat.. 1!.'.44 ..Sun. 12..-W o.4h ..Mon. 12 .IS ;,.4 ..Tvic. 1S.SRpS.47 ..Wed 12 .4R ..Thu li.JW R.4 12.3M.6.M Krl.. ..Hit. 12 . "N Ml. .Sun. 12.SS 6.M..Mnn. 12. as JM..Tue., 12.SX,B.57..Wed. 12.SS 'R.M'..Thu. 12.1H .6!..FTi.. 12.SS...Sat.. 71' 12.SDa.01i.. Sun. 7 l. 12.SS.0s'..Mnn. 7 I 710 7f 7 07 7 OH 70S 7 0S 7 0C ia.37'A04l..Tue 12.S7.0.0R1.. Wed 12.S7 0.OH ..Thu. 12.S7itf.07 US7i6.0R nsro.oo 12 ST' U36IS.U .Krl., .Sat. I 6 14 10 4R f S.21 .T RS 11 40 4 41 .3 7 34 12.4S 0.00 .S SOS 1 . 7 1 .4 SS2 2.K I.S0 .1 RRfi S.11 .J9 . 9 IS 3.M 10.40 .7 9 42 4 42 11 R2 S 1010 R 29 Mtrtn .0 10 60 S.27 12 R .10 11 1R 7 00 1 13 .11 1168 1M 102 .12 12 47 S.47 SM .IS 1.42 9 S7 4 4R .14 2 44 1 0.27 S20 .16 3.4 11.13 2 1 4.R2 11.69 S1 .17 RRfi Mldn 0 60 .IS 7.00 U 43 7 20 .19 90S 120 7 42.20 9 13 210 S03 .21 10.20 2 64 2 .22 11.33 8 42 9 63 .23 Mldn 4 32 9 24 .24 12 40 6 27 10 03 2ft 1M 20 10 60 .M 2 06 7 2 11 M .27 4 03 ISO 101 . 4 63 9 33 2.1S .23 -1 t . . . . . . - seconds, the nnlnt r .111 he on top, and tho moon will leave the 27 un at L. the last contact. If we hold th ! 2S. diagram In such a wv th.t n x r. 1 29. are each in turn on top at the proper times, we shall know what we may ex pect to ee. inJng at th un' lf the oug clouds do not prevent, we must always r.l!f Ur .'y'" wlth ""ok Blass, especially when using a telescope. The best way to observe the -sun at any time is not to look through the telescope but to project the sun's Image on a white card held beyond the eyepiece. No dark glass is then necessary, and we may not only ourselves look at the linage with both eyes, but at the same time exhibit It to a circle of admiring friends. The Imago of the sun, however, wilt be turned about In a way that depend upon the kind of telescope we are using. Ordinar ily this makes no practical difference, because the sun' Image Is a true circle. In an eclipse, however, we want to be ure of the position of the point of first contact F, so that we may be able to note the exact second when the eclipse begin. If we are using a common spyglass, which shows object upside-up and right-Ide-right. the sun' Image will have top and bottom exchanged. Just as If we held the diagram with B on ton and then turned the paper over around a horizon- i Mar on the 17th. On the 6th and 43th tal. axis. . If wa remove the Inner pair I the crescent moon will make a fin or lenses and change our terrestrial tel e scope Into an astronomical one, which show object upside-down and right' lae-lert. our Image on the card will keep B on. top but exchange right and left. Just a lf we turned the paper over around a vertical axis. We may even dispense with a tel escope altogether. An image of the sun la formed on our card by any small bole In a piece of pasteboard, or even by the chinks In oiir window shutters, provided we do not allow the sunlight to pass through the pane. The Image will then be the same a lf we projected It with a pyglaas. , - If w practice our method before, the eclipse, draw our sun circle on the card, and mark the point of first, contact, we may be able to note the time of the be ginning of the eclipse within a few sec onds. A string with a weight hung in front of the card and casting Its shadow on the diameter through B. will ensure our holding the card properly. ' The day are Increasing In length by one hour and nine minutes during the month, being 10 hours long exactly on Misses Luelia Cartsr Jeanette Goodwill . Messrs. V. benjamin i Mesdames Churchill ST. MARY'S COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION TO MEET HERE Thursday evening .at o'clock the Omaha branch of St. Mary's College Alumni association will hold a smoker In the assembly room at Crelghton univer sity. The association wa organised at the suggestion ot E. C. Qulgley, National league umpire, on the occasion of - bia officiating at the Crelghton-Notre Dam foot ball game. Already the branch Is In a flourishing condition. LITTLE OLIVE MORTON ENTERTAINS HER FRIENDS Friend of little Oltv Horton were en tertained last Wednesday afternoon In koaor of her seventh birthday at bar bam, KM Burt street. Ten young friends of the UlUe hostess enjoyed the aftsr oon with, games and music.. . Best Trwataaeat fa (."reap. "I . have used Chamberlain' Cough Ksmedy la nay family for the past five years, and for croup I have never found its equal," write Bernard George, Nel son, We. Before becoming acquainted with this remedy Mr. George loat a child from an attack of iereua. Obtainable averywaer. AdverUseme f . Estabrook League Opens Headquarters ;InThisCity Today It is announced that the Estabrook league or Nebraska will open Iouglaa county headquarter today In the Omaha National bank building, with Franklin A..Shotwell, vice president, and harry O. Palmer, secretary, in charge. Jesse V. Craig, , president of the league, has moved himself and the state headquar ters to Lincoln, where he will hold forth In the Llndel hotel. . Secretary Palmer lets the public In on the big things In prospect thus: "We are going to carry on a vigorous peaking campaign In Douglas county. The speakers will be largely , old time personal friend of Mr. ltabrook who have volunteered to have a part In the primary fight." A proof of Its activity, the Estabrook league of Nebraska ha gotten out a stunning and costly prospectus, the title page having a crest of two clasped hands on which the American eegle In gold I perched, holding In it beak a band with the word "In Vnlon 1 Strength." The clasped hands, it is explained, signify the union of the Interests of east and west in Mr. Estabrook. On the side margins are cluster of corn. On the back page U a busy harvesting scene In a western wheat field and the motto "Peace by Protection, Prosperity and Preparedness." MANY PIONEERS ATTEND . FUNERAL OF HENRY SPIGLE Many old time friend were present at the funeral services of Henry Splgle, pi oneer retired furniture man, which were held yesterday afternoon from the home of ' his son-in-law. Barney xx arris, m South Thirty-first avenue. The floral offering were numerous. Babbl Cohn of Temple Israel ofrUted and Inter ment waa in Pleasant IIUl cemetery. The pallbearer were: Harrv Abraham A. Levy A Rubenstnln S. Kinkenateln 11 Bernstein Jullu fc"lle. Be Want-Ads serve hundred dally. ..Sun. ..Mon ..Tue. We may notice that on the morning of the eclipse, the Sd, when the moon la new, the times of sunrise and moon rise are nearly the same, but that by the evening the moon sets twenty min utes later than the sun. When the moon Is full, on the 18th, It rises when the sun sets. The new moon always rise and sets with the sun, and the full moon, always rises at sunset and set at sun rise. This Is true within a few minutes, depending upon the exact time of the day or night when the moon 1 new or lull. The sun Is slow the whole month on sundial time, the slowest of the whole year, the precise amount In minute being found by subtracting 12:24 from the time) given in the "moon" column. Taking seconds Into account, the sun Is (lowest of all on the 12th, 14 minute 24 seconds. On the 20th the sun enter Pisces, the Fishes, the last sign of the sodlao. ' The moon la new on the Sd at 10:04 a. m., in the first quarter on the 10th, at 4:20 p. m.; full on the 18th, at 1:29 p. m., and In the last quarter, on the 26th. at 3:24 a. m. It Is in conjunction with Venus on the 6th, with Jupiter on the 6th, with Saturn on the 14th and with picture with Venus and Jupiter In the early evening. These , two, Venu and Jupiter, the brightest planets, will be less than a moon' length apart on the evening of the 13th. They will set then t 8:66. , On that date Venus will run rapidly to the east of Jupiter. Mara, la due south at midnight on the 8th. Saturn I south on the 16th at 1:30 p. m. ' TIIE JOY OF MOTHERHOOD Words of Encouragement to Childless Women. . Motherhood ia woman' natural desti ny, but many women arc denied the happiness of children simply because of some curable derangement. Among the many triumphs of Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound Is its marvelous power to overcome such derangements, as evidenced by the fol lowing letter: Worcester, Mass. "I suffered from female il!s, and was advised to have an operation, but a friend who bad taken Lydia E. Pink ham 'a Vegetable Compound and who has six children, told me to try It ltbas helped ma so much that I am now well and have a baby boy who is the picture of health, and I thank theVetretahla Compound for my restoration to health." Mrs. Bert Gakvet, 20 Hacker St, Worcester, Mass. In many other homes, once childless, there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound makes women normal, healthy and strong. Write to the Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Jo Lynn, Mass., for advice It Trill be confidential. 101 Photo Engravings Made to Order T bey are used today Look st the aswapssers, SMgasnMS asd wmt of uuvvcb n a are sU UJaMnate y eacravlaaa. Tel a Ike stirpes tar waist) fee to as eogmvtns sad Mil to ya ae tarns ssade, Theft ear tetliiMs, log paoto sugraved platoa W also operate electrotype) ""'if. yuu usaer the as roof. Can furnish printing plate. rr TIT nr GAYETY IS THERE WITH HITS OF YEAR Maids of America Simply Sweep Away Audience at. Popular Burlesque House. MANY NEW FEATURES IN SHOW A real treat, a genuine record breaker. Is the attraction at the Gayety for this week. It is an un usual treat tor the patrons, of whom there was a big houseful last night for the first performance; and It Is a sure-enough record-breaker in .the ay of laughs scored and song hits registered. There is nothing slow or draggy about the "Maids of America." They are one of the liveli est choruses of the season, with real burlesque dash and "pp." The production offer a number of novelties: In fact, variety is one of its earmark. The costuming Is brilliant, and the settings, especially that of the second act. win a big hand for beauty. The company larger and stronger than ordinary, and with plenty of splendid solo voice and clever dancer. But the main feature of the how, the paramount reason for Its emphasised popularity and undeniable worth. Is the headline, co-star team, Al K. Hall and ton rtarclay. Clajrty patrons last season found these tiro skilled comedians among the best on the circuit, when eah headea a company of his on ancl each wti a veritable whirlwind of continuous laughter. Their appearance together In dicates the policy pf the circuit's manage ment In constantly Improving the shows. Both are eccentric and talented funsters, but each Is entirely unique and Individual In hi style and methods. Working sep arately or together, as the case may be. they produce a spontaneous, continuous and side-bjreting assortment of con vulsive entertainment. A pleasing male quartet. 1M YVelrion, Joe Vard. Arthur Brooks and Harry 1-ang, la another Mg hit of the slow. They Sing a generous program of murh-ap-plsuded songs. Including a new peace song. While tho lights were out for some time last night, they held the slss to tho ilellsht of the crowd. A sontt In which Individual choristers "show off" la another much approved number. Harney Norton and rtuth Noble score heavily with meloMca and graceful dances, one of the latter being finished successfully last night In spite of a dark stage, due to the electric power trouble. Elsa Bostel. Mse Mack and Carrie Cooper have delightful volcea and w-ln much praise In their solos. The frequent Inter notations of funny "business" by Barclay and llall get such Insistent applause that the show la noticeably lengthened by the repeated encores necessary. Manager Johnson Is fumigating thor oughly every night, and the theater Is a fresh and sweet a en be for every per-formsnce. Box Office Receipts Of Keller Lectures Attached in Court Box office receipts or Miss Helen Keller' lecture at the Boyd theater yes terday afternoon and last night were at tached In district court late In the day by Frederick M. Wither, former booking agent for the famous blind and deaf girl, who sued her for I15AX) damages. Wllhey alleged that a contract provid ing that he should be booking agent dur ing 1911 and 191 receiving a percentag of recently, wa broken by Mlsa Kller. He asks ll&.OOO damages. The Teachers' Annuity and Aid associ ation, under whose ausplrea Mlsa Keller lectured, also was made a. defendant In the attachment proceedings. ROBBFR LOCKS BOOKKEEPER IN ROOM AND STEALS CASK After tying the hands and feet of Vln ley Heston, bookkeeper In the Oenrge Howell Coal company office at 1J Pouth Thirteenth street, a bandit of unusual muscular development picked him up and carried him to a back room, where he locked Mm In. at 4.30 o'clock yeaterday afternoon. He then turnod his attention to the cash, register, which he despoiled of 2l .Several hours later, other employes heard Heston call for help and they Cam to his rescue. Wsnted Pome Wants-Ads In exchange for lot ot answers, rhone The Bee. "Tiz" for Tired and Sore Feet Use "TU" for puf fed-up, burn" in?, aching, calloused feet and corns. Why go limping around with schlng, tiuffed-up feet feet o tired, chafed, sore nd swollen you can hardly get your shoes on or offT Why don't you get a X-cent box of "Tlx" from the drug store now and gladden your tortured feet? "Tl"' makes your feet glow with com fort; take down swelling and draws the soreness and misery right out of feet that chafe, smart and burn. 'Tit" instantly stops pain In corns, callous and bunion. 'Tlx" la glorious for tired, aching, sore feet. No more shoe tight nessno more foot tortur. Advertise ment. : . r&F PLASTERS ixttnuU JtasMMl. rijVv Baekaehe, I V. Reumtlm I -W' Lumbaare. I V Up 1 -Aryr Leoal i r I h ,n- I J I -J I .Mm I I ITVll . In consequence Tj7rfl.TJ J of the uicce of the New "Handy Volume" issue of N : The Encyclopaedia Britannica which we are offering on the payment of $1.00 down and small monthly payments we are obliged to give the following t Notice to torn e ruoHc shall be able to make prompt delivery sets of our new " Handy Volume" issue of the Encyclopaedia Britannie-a for only a short time longer. The demand has been bo enormous as to exceed all calculations. We are making deliveries from our warehouses in different cities over the country. But tho stocks on hand are being rapidly exhausted, and wo must beg the indulgence of our customers if they find their orders delayed. We began advertising tho remarkable offer which we are making on this new issue of the En cyclopaedia Britannica between the 10th and 14th of the month, and within a week the orders were almost 700 per day, andjby tho time this notice can be printed, will probably be 1,000 per day. Packing and delivering a thousand sets a day of a 29-volume encylopaedia, every volume of which must be packed so as to . come to the purchaser in perfect condition, is in itself a task of some mag nitude. But a much more serious matter is that these shipments will very rapidly exhaust our stock of the bound sets. Rush, orders were immediately placed with the binders to push deliveries at all possible npceil, Jworking night and day shifts. We Had 50,000 Sets Ready After we had made arrangements for this re markable sale, we did not begin advertising until the publishers had on hand 50,000 sets printed on India paper. The whole success of the "Handy Volume" issue depended upon the fact that it was printed upon the light India paper, which makes the volumes so easy to hold and read. But the printing upon this paper must bo done with especial care. Even this enormous printing can last us for only a short time, and we have already arranged with the publishers for the printing of another 50,000 sets, making a total of 100,000 sets, or 2,900,000 volumes averaging more than 1,000 pages each. These are, we believe, the largest 'single orders for printing ever made. They alone make it possi ble to furnish our customers with the complete new Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopaedia Brittannica printed on tho same lovely India paper as tie LigH priced Cambridgo University issue at one-third tho cost of the higher priced issue. We undertook the sale of the new "Handy Vol ume" issue because we aro are always seeking real bargains to offer our customers; something ; of superlativo quality; something that everyone needs; something that lendg itself to economical manufac ture in large quantities; something that reflects last ing credit upon our institution and means permanent satisfaction to our customers; something that can be sold at a price that, considered with its known quality, will instantly identify it as a BARGAIN. For this reason, wo arranged with the publishers to sell this issue on the narrowest margin of profit, both to themselves and to us, and to offer the com plete work, the entire 29 volumes, unabridged and unchanged, for a first payment of a single" dollar." Wo put behind every order our absolute guaran tee that this is the complete, authorized, unabridged Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which cost more than a million and a half dollars for its editorial preparation alone. And we further guarantee that any subscriber who is not completely satisfied with Ms purchase : when ho receives the volumes, may send them back to us, at our expense, and we will return the dollar he has paid. Your entire risk is limited to two ' two-cent stamps. In other words, we take all the risk . and. you take none. ' - The Result of This Offer . The new printing of this issue cannot possibly be ready before th first of June. If, therefore, you wish to make sure of the delivery pf your set before that time, your order must be sent at once. . Deliveries will bo made in the order they ar received, but we should bo extremely obliged to any subscribers who do not require immediate delivery if they would so mark their orders. ' If you have not a regular order form already, . simply send us your address with one dollar en closed and a set will be reserved for you, and delivered to you at the earliest possible moment. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND Co., Chkaso Sole Distributors NOTE.' Tbla announcement is written, tubgequently to Xhc sending- out of a tirg number of advertisement to the newspapers ot the country, and now too late tp recall. We wish o far as possible to forestall ail disappointment which might be occasioned ty delayed orders. If possible, write us today. To see sets of the "Handy Volume" i?sue go to BRANDEI5 STOI