Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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    F A
Seventh Annual Display of Omaha
Organisation Will be Held it
the Fontenelle Hotel.
Ti seventh snnual exhibition of tha
Omihi Hoclaty of Tin Arta at the Hotnl
ntnN. bjlnnln; with a prlvst
l"W for mrmbrri of th society Wednes
day evrnln, will bo a flttlna; cllma for
the moot nrcwful rr 'ha history
or the org filiation. fiirter th leadership
of Mr. Chr1s T. Koimts. th Fin
Arts society hss frown lar;r and hut
dor. murh more than r before.
'The enthtislssni of th memrrer and
th wonderfut amount of work end
iir;y put forth by women on all com
mlttees Is most enroursalns; for th fu
ture of th society," Mid Mm Kounta.
If thla eahlbltlon wtIS rT sprnsr..
plan to brln two mure art collection
to Omaha during th spring. Th Fin
Aria society do not aim to muV any i
money by th exhibits brought h'r. but
w feel that th epn of express, In
suranc and (tailor y ahould be met by
what la taken In by admission fee."
Mr. Unlleek Roso rhalrman of th
exhibition commute whlrh ha the art
display In chargs- Mm. Ron waa In Part
Frsnrlsfn laat jear and spent a groat
deal of Urn at th Panama-Pacific ex
position art exhibit and It I through her
effort that bo Interent'nj a collection la
being brought to Omaha.
KUhtr-Ftve Palntlae.
Th collection Include eighty-five
palming. Two of them, a Gainsborough
nd a Hogarth, are prlccle pa'nting.
,-In the Osjrden." by Frank Frtcaek. won
the Grand Prix at the Ban Fraud? x
poeltlnn. Of especial Interest to Omahsns I the
portrait of Ml Ada Hpratlln of Omha,
painted by Oeorge Rellowa. Ml Bnrat-
I In la a aster of Lea Rpratlln and the I
painting waa made on the roan! of Main I
last summer, when MIm Rpratlln waa via-'
Itlng In the artists' colony there.
I.Ik th return of old friend will b
pa'ntlratl by Flrjre Harrison, Kdward
Jluffncr, B. Irvine; Couae. Cliauncey
rtyder and Oeorge Kltner Itrown, for
work by the, artlata ar owned by the
Fine Art society and Omihnni, Including
Mra. Charles Kountae, Mli France
Ns.h. Mia. V. B. Caldwell ahd t.'. N.
a Mr. Ward purges la first vlct presi
dent of the society, Mta Kdlth Tob'tt.
second vie president ; Mr. Oscar H. Wll
llama, aeeretnury. and Mra. Ann nut F.
J nr., treasurer, Mra. William O. t'r
head th program committee, which
h thla aeanon brouclit to Omaha om
of th finest platform ieakeri of thla
country and F.ngland; Mr. J. K. Hum
mer la rha'nriBn of th courtesies com
mittee and Mra. (leorg llernard Prlna
f publicity.
Rosenthal Back
from Furniture
Buying in East
"Tou may y that during tha coming
spring there la going to be a heavy de
mand far fvmtttira and that tha out
look for trade la very good." Thua aald
1C. Krwenthat, buyer for th t'nlon Out
fitting company of thla city. Mr. Ion
thrj baa returned from en extensive buy.
in trip to tha furniture factories In
Michigan and the eaat. Relative to bual
net condltlona. he aald:
"All the factorlea report heavy buying
by the retail trade and prosperity aeema
to be general, but at no place visited
did I find It more apparent than, here In
"The furniture purchase that I made
err re the largeat In year. We are anticipating-
a good business and to have
ur stocks In shape, I placed heavy or
lera for Immediate delivery.
"In looking over stocks and talking
with those best posted. I find that period
turnlture for dining, living and bedrooma
la very popular and In good demand. I
sought heavily of thla style, besides se
curing a large number of copies of very
early. period furniture.
"While there baa been a tendency upon
the pari of tha factories to Increase prices,
. secured our Block at , about the old
"On my trip 1. tnt many buyers from
all sections ot the country and they all
reported a fine business outlook for the
coming year."
Omaha is After Big
Educators' Meeting
'Ttanaha business developed It per cent
tn jsii,"-lhia la th heading of coro
net little pamphlet on Omaha prepared
y the bureau ot publicity and being die-j-lbuwd
to every euperlntcndent, aaslat
ant superintendent and principal of
schools of towns and rides ofoverS.W
population tn the United Statea.
Thla 1 a next of the campaign the bu
reau la making to secure th 1W7 conveu- ,
Hon of tha National Itcnartmant of Bu- '
eerlntendenee. which la a conference of
tome 1,000 prominent educators n ad
ministrative poalliona in the schools of
the United Statea.
The health commissioner's fumigation
order and the recommendation of the city
counrO relative to exclusion of children
from motion picture theater have re.
BJlted in the closing of most of the out
itl houees. Some intend to keep oien
mi 5undays and Thursdays during the
Enforcement of the recent orders.
Tti manager of th Gent at Thirteenth
and William street atatea tha absence
of children la cutting receipts materially,
lie received t rlday alht and pnt
t.'. fur fumigation.
Three South Sitl motion picture men
met a ltd dctk-4 to cloaa except on Sun
day and -hursdaya for the ptcsent
othera are taking similar action.
City Cnmrousstoiier Hsmrael, temporar
ily tn charge of th police and health
1'p.rUiMnta la the abaenre of Comrata.
oner Kua;el. had a act-to with Health
Cummlaadoner ConneH over th aunt
wary dlmil of Police Surgeon Kolta
!r. Hummel censured T'r. Cocrn, II for
'in this a'11"0 during the aho-nce of
Ms- K uL
" thl"k th doctor Bhoytd hv Ml
H''li' in the tout until Mr. Kne! bad
'trxl from the rai,'' stated Conv
vms., I.
Ifctzel 2Tay7Torri$oii
Manlcy Will Go to
Washington to See
Secretary Redf ield
It. II. Manley la to leave for Wa'ti
Ington Tursdsy or Wednesday of this
week to attend th conference of Com
mercial club men and business men from
all over the United Mtatea, called there
by Herrttai-y Itedflrld of tho Department
of Commerce. The confluence la to be
held Friday and Saturday, Mr. TUtdfleld
wiRhes to have a first hand talk w h
conimen'lnl representatives from all parli
of the United Mates In order to get the
tMil.te of hustnrse in all sections to help
him in shaping snm o. th pollrle of
Ills depsi Intent for III Immediate future.
While In Washington Mr. Muntey will
attend to various other matters for th
Commercial cluli. Me will seek to make
an Impression upon tue power thit
wield river appropriation, with a view
to getting a better Missouri rlver-snag-g!ng
appropriation than congre aet'tia
at present inclined to give. The propostj
appropriation of M,' line been cut dow n
in the recommendation of th army m
glneera to 115.000. Mr. Manley la asking
'or .,0Q0.
"certainly If wa had .'4ro here lor
snagging when there wa no navigation
on k.i rlrer," said Manley, "we ought
to have as much If not more when we
have estSMlfthed Xvcr navigation."
St. Joseph's Hospital
Cares for Many; Free
Patients Every Day
The statistical report for Crelghton
Memorial tit. Joseph's hospital for laat
year ahowa that 1,121 free patients were
cared for. tills work belna- an
Part cf tho activities of the Institution.
Tneae rree patients were at th hoanltal
18,140 ttayg In th aggresate. or an averastt
of seventeen days par patient.
Aalde front tha hospital work, there are
from aeventy-flve to eighty persons fel
every day, these being Indigent callers
who apply for food. It la said that no
hungry person has ever been refused a.
meal at thla hoopltal.
The following atatlatlc'al Information la
offered by tho Sister of th hospital:
Patients n hospital first of year 17
Patients admitted during year 4,414
Total i7m
Patients In hospital January 1, 1V1H,. :m
Fat lent a dlud during year yi5
I'ativnla discharged during year 4,ltW
Total , 4,&i
. Th Sister who ar devoting their Vvnm
at fit Joaeph'g hospital express gratltud
to th people of Omaha for many kind
nesses and remembrances during tha last
C. C. Weaeott of Plattamouth, secre
tary of tha Nebraska Retail Clothlera.
has just apent noma time in Omaha to
further th arrangement for tha conven
tion of thla association February IS and
I. Mr. Wescott aaya a rather remark
able exhibit, no showing at Dea Moines,
Is to be hero for thla convention. The
exhibit ahowa all tha various stares tn
the manufacture of woolen goods from
th raw wool to the finished garment.
Read Th Bee Want Ada. It pays!
Jay Hums, president of the National
Association of Master Bakers, leave
today for Atlanta. where he will
aiteud the meeting of the executive com
mit tee of that organisation. Considera
tion of mutters ' of importance- to the
baking trade now before congress will
be taken up at that meeting. They ti
alro begin to plan for tha national con
vention, which will be held tn Salt Lake
City some time In the summar.
Don't Suffer Needlessly
An eminent phvalclan atatea that forty
V, of all disease ' hav their origin In
stomach trouble, ao If you Buffer from
dvacepeia, tiulUsation. bad breath, belch
liia", 'ur atoinavh, uncomfortable feeliug
of fulmraa alter eating, aleeplraanea or
tuvd ft-eling, you should prutttimv seek
to aid your stomach In performing th
function that nature Intended, t !
ofien rreult in a rapid undermining of
th entire system, resulting lu tha utter
wrecking of health. However, whenever
the toiuah can take car ef food anj
proparlv distribute nouiishment to all
part of the txxlv a bealihv condition is
to result. Stomach urfereta shoolj
avoid harsh puratstisi-a. which iienerallv
erv to asxravai the trouble, and
prompt!- t. TARt.KK'8 STOMACH
TAhLKTK a trial. Being absolutely free
fmm harmful and habit forming drug
and ctiiinlng th tw-st knoun. , id nu
trailaer, romUnrd w ah pur, soothing.
irviiKthening and healing lnirlH-nt
c,.i,iifii ally cenibltied. their anion tills
ruiM. cannot help b'inif t-itefiiiMt to any
s'omseh sufferer. TAIiLfclt S MOMti M
TAt'l.KTS sr ikj'4 on a. ih.iiv aaru-
oi wiwian or t our tmi'y ..
funrtrd by I relabW diuulets. If iiir'
'inl'l tx,uie KsPtMii o i.e o it of lh,'iu
te III aiAJij 4vl Usui fji uu.-AU vf
Personal Gossip
About Omaha Folks
Judge and Mra W. D. McHugh are
going to California thla week.
Mr. W. A. Fraser and Mr. F. B. John
son went to Texaa Wednesday on bual
ne. Mrs. C. A. Hull la In Lincoln today
with her mother. Mrs. Holmes, and will
spend a few dsys there.
Mrs. I. M. Block of Atlantic. la., Is
spending the week-end with her parents.
Mr. and Mra P. M. Meyer.
Miss Kose Uattow of l-iiver. who hss
been the guest of Mrs. W. J. Greene, re
turned horn Friday evening.
Mra. D. M. Meyer returned home Sat
urday morning after vis ting several
montha with her daughter, Mrs. H. 8.
Cohn of Itochepter, N. Y.
Mr. snd Ml s. D. C. Bradford left
Wednedy morning for verl weeks
at Coronado Beach, Cel., where they
spent part of last season.
Mr. O. If. Thummel and Ml Btella
Thummel left Pnturdy for I"over. Del.,
to vlilt relative before going to Roches
ter. X. Y., to th wedding of Mr. George
Th'immel on February 9.
Vr. Kdwln flwoh waa called lo Chl
ceo lt week bv th lllne of her
mother, who, however, I better and on
the road to recovery.
V. W, C. A. "Vote.
All cle r eveured for th next
werk hm-aus of the juhlle artlvDIe.
Tlier will h resumed beginning Feb
runry 7. nd thnt w-ei will complef th
flint term. The second term will begin
the following, week, th 1tth. tt-ttra-tlon
may naw be made for secor.d term
Beginning with Mondr night of thl
IweoU wll he the relebrtlon of th fif
tieth hlithdy of the Young Women a
mistinn m"iiiinn In thla country.
T I coming week I to be "member'
weed," when there will be occaalona
siiltal l for everv member of th asso
ciation to attend. Monday night 1
"pioneers' nluht." when a banquet will
be erved for tho who were charter
member or very early members of th
oclaton. Tuesday night Is reserved
fir ti-e I'luh members. ny club, and for
th program ther will be tO"t and
music. Wednewlav afternoon I to h
given to a tea for all member of tha
Louisiana's Greatest Land Opening
Every Reader of This Paper Should Read Every Word of This Announcement
Here la an opportunity for investment that every city man, as well as farmer, should seriously consider, for it holds a promise of return for money invester
seldom if ever, presented to any public heretofore. r
Two weeks ngo we announced through the medium of farm papers and this newspaper that on this date the Long-Bell Louisiana Highland Farms would
be opened for settlement, and this announcement contains the important essentials to a complete knowledge with respect to this land opening.
Th baart of th Iutalasa Hlthlas farms,
1I annul CM mllrs south of Ksnsss t'ttr. Mo.,
en a atnaissi lin an M lulls lri th Oulf of
Th tssa now nffersd for sal eonstltuts a
hi of ton oiio arrss to h snldl durlna 1914;
n arlrltititnl hlork of arm b sold
Kuritif 1MT sni anothsr Inamlral tract In Wis.
A (lane at snr map will show rn how 4
mirshlr thM land il with rsaoact t all klnoj
of tranrportatlos, f
Tha soil of this ration la itnral soli, Tt ha
nni hss slac4 tbsr hy overflow, nor fcroaght
Sown or baswatsr from soma strsam. Th soil
has built itsslf a In snirsly natural nanaor,
7h haal r thl soil Is rich rlay subsoil,
snd th surtax soil Is a sb4t loam. All that
this soil nsoas to malt It Immonsslr vsluahie
Is I slsr ubo it ms who ar industrious and
will shltlvat th soil.
Tho t'llmat tn thla reals wnrrully rtck
tn crowing osaib!iltlM. Win as It Sass. slaty
five mils from tha Oulf, It Is th hoart ef
what is knows sa the man Salt of ins tuUIn
IHshlano Tne esrultsr aimosBhsrl ronolilo
whlfh prsvlls aver this rneion Is eaass hy
the provlmliy t th rich salt air f IS ,
whlrh VArnw eonstant stroaai of ur air ss
Brrtslinately one hundrs mile Inlaad. Thss
ssa hreeavs noorate as a eooltna Influsnos Snr
In the summer, an threw a warm blanket
over this rssion from Sorsmher until strh.
thereby safrauantln It from lbs ssysra stress
ef wselher 4u I si I taenia and sortkei wlater
The Kansas City Mouther Raltreag same
ihrourh the heart ef sur isn. reachin from
Kansas rlty, Ma, t Port Arthar. Tea., that
Srrt Oulf of alexia sort. Through Beaureaar
an Verne BsrUfcee, tn which tana-Bell Farms
sr located, the followln rellroMtts ran esst
and west or north and south: lk Cherlee
4 Noriher Raitreaa, lukeiena A t'a.ltt gall
mart, Oulf, Cotnraclo A Bant t'a Hsilro4 sn4
several rhsrterett ralhwana ef Imnber oomoenle
are avaiUbla threuk both t thess aarlnlisa.
Kt hools
Tea murh rannot be said ef th artiaals I
thla regt'i. 8eurer4 Ooanty, Lrfiuteutaa, Is
heati and shoulder In th Btsttsr ef achools
bar many of It thickly settle districts eC
the N'urth. The eshonl arstsm of this rsston;
Its msthod of haadllna scholars and the thina
Isuktit In Hi school room ar sources f aa
lonukroent t every northern man who para a
vl.ll lo thla ssHtlon. le Kidder Is tks oouatv
reul. Ths tllsh ttrhoet an4 Grammar Hohoei ef
thts town stands huth anion lb )Ueirei
Inilltutloea ol lb tolled Males.
nwlsi t th fsographlcal location ef thee
lands, and elimetie eeadltloaa, eres caa ha
siova for market st tlm when th ntejer i
f'ortloa ef the tana 14 ef the United gtete
s tdis. Kor a vest proportlo ef th cross
ecoeeOil en these lands, ther la a tarr
dstaand In ths rVmth than is raoehte of bs
ln sueplled at th present time. Thoa onion
tvts who will reconts thl faot, ud will so
In for BuBrlrtng lol nd rto-ithsrn markets, will
lear to thslr aatialaciio that bar la a basis
for a wry quick return.
Th ordinary Northern farmer wlt ksrs n
airttculty la gt'owtn tha sams croa la this
section of taulsian that he has bee ueus
toined t arew la hie ewa locality, an the best
pert ef thts knowlerla eomeo with the fact
that h msr frow two a4 Ihre aropa ajer year
oa the earns mod. Corn. ot. rye. the varloue
ktode et hay. potatoee aad other vecatahlea sea
he irnsa with a lame meaaure of profit In
thla very re!on. and at the eeme time ooe m4
plant few em nee and per trees, flea, STSBea.
en various klaa ef emltrolcl fruits so
wlatsr vegetahles In the tardea aec around
bis aeuaer In thla manner It sets to ssy
that srery month of the veer will be a pro
ducing wealb for uoa a farmer.
'a tile, Sh-ep, tings
Th South ta 1 great need of a Increase la
the cei tie shsep snd hog Industnr. fcsrh year
see grveter development I this kind ot etork
raising throughout the Mouth. Truly hare ta toe
rei, s of th h. This is ths nettv bom ef
the hog In America. Wit sonis degree ef cere
loot aeerly as Blu k as one needs to provide
I th North) a man engaged la stock raising
In ths aoutft will almost universally aucceed.
All of lite southern states have solved lbs
auestle. with respect t site, aad this tadue-
Suite 433 R. A. Long Bide.
Kansas City, Mo.
riease reaer ms seres to your Long-Bell Fsrms Colony. I
encloea f . . . . a my reservation remittance, if ths land you sllot rue ts
not satisfactory to ms In pries, or for any other reason, you agree to
return ths amount ot money I enclose herewith upon demand by me.
Name ,,
f tat . .
.SOlt- If ) ,.i hat. !! th iiorv tn th t owsi. rlt h a ltir or t-i-sr;-h
at sur expense ant tell u rtetlnitelv hen tlile niorev a III rtacit us,
auJ 1U ttiaes a itui vauoo nj buld to )vur order for ten daa.
t' .
I Kildrcd SUpp
association, from S to S. On Thursday
evening there will be a banquet for all
member of the anocUtion, and Friday
there will be a banquet for "mother
and dauahteta." when airls are urged to
bring their mother and mother their
daughters If on or the other Is a mem
ber. Reservation for any of the ban
queta should be mad at lent twenty
four hour abend of tlm. For the tea
there la no reservation necessary.
try tg sMng lTwavd at an eitormon tneress
each yesr, thereby proving that ahee raining
In this section Is an assured success. What
this section of the south needs, snd needs badly,
la mar dairying sad the raising of more dsiry
eattis. it Is strangs and almost unso
countaMa fact that th majority of dairy
produxa ar brought In from the North. A
man wu will rales dairy cows n ths line
of tha NorUwa dairy met ho, aa success
awaiting him. A this Isnd Is s ied. and the
dairying bust noes Increases, creameries will be
exabllebed throughout thess lands, and every
Impetus give to the upbuilding ef thl Industry.
Th eminent authority, Owsrg A. Whittle,
aaya: "A vast amount ef dairy product are
brought into lb South from Norther dairy
center, ess Wools milk sells 10 to H
cent par quart, cream from ll.M ta II. su per
gellon." aad th United (lutes Bureau t Ani
mal Industry glee "th Houth first place in
product Inn of dairy food at lowest rrloe." W
hav iso.nrjo serve at nutrltloua. wild, native
gcaa pastur. with getting season from sight to
Bin months, and tor wintsr pastur we - grow
Bermuda, bur slaver, isepsdeia, eata rys snd
ve'ehes. "Tb cheapest food for the dairy
e I u Beams." says C. W. Perkins, cro p.
delist of Ltfulalan. In Klmball'a Dalrv Farmer.
Fraak Howard genu aaya. In Klmhati'e Dairy
Vernier: "Per tha ms with th dnser to clear
th land and the aenee to atudy and apply math
ed of caltlvstls svitsd tn bhe condl'lon. ther
Is vsry promise of prosperity, health and hap
piness her la the Oaon Halt ef th rtoath."
which pplle. direct to Louisianaa Weatera
Hnh O. Vsa Pelt, editor of Klmheira Dairy
' Fanner, seye In that publication, et tha Louisi
ana mats Fair, ghrsvsport, November, lilt:
"Much a diversity ef fare rnes It not to he
sea at any fair la the North, see Anf
agricultural crop that caa ee raised asywksre.
aa b raieed ta Louisiana." see (jf
sweclsl Ictereet ta th dalryseaa were th most
beautiful samples ul hay, comprising alfslra.
ey beans, rowpeaa, clover, lespedeia, pa ill
tin and peanut bay. with tks peanut haled with
the stems. Among th grain wa ora as good
as could be raised In any part of th United
Mates, cotton seed meal, oottoa seed hulls, rlr
hy-oroduuts, eowpeta aad toy bee seeds and,
ysrttu slhar grains, thst were thsy lo b le,l
In oonjuautlon with th great striate ot
roughsgs would pcoylda ration most stimu
lating i great and economic milk and butter
fel production. s, s Ther Is Bo better
merkst earth tor farm product than ateer
that will convert these products Into 10-cent
beef; hog that will make them I -cent pork, sr
oows thst will maaulecturs thsra Into o-cenl
butler the pries In any ef th larae tewna
tnd cttle Uueuehout to Boutk sack aeaaoa of
th year."
M. t). Musn. Prealdsnf AmsrtraB Jsnasy Ost
tls Club, eeld at Lsulslsaa's nut Flr.
Xhreveport, November 10. itil: "Tou will find
It poseibl baosuas of your climatic conditions
and th character of th feed It Is eoesihl for
ys ta grow, ta breed, rale end develop as good
dairy cattle In Louisiana ai oea be bred In the
world. If you breeder will uka adrantac of
your eportunltles. you eaa msk It necessary
for breeders sf other section to com South I
eureka ee foundation animals for their herds
Tata la directly applicable ta th Itemed!) fit
litre of the lime-Bell rtrma In Loulaiana'a
Waaler Hlghlaade.
" Rainfatl . -
Ther la a general rainfall aver thla region
evenly distributed throurbout the trowing sea
eon, and th basis sf soil being clay, crop fail
urea dw I drought ar prauticaiiy unknown.
Self Drained Iavnd
Ye must not con fuss thl reals ef Louisiana
with wsmpe, hark water, stc. This Isnd Is
prsctloslly the highest I th atsl sf !xulnans.
It Ilea from 1M t 1st feet above th level of th
sea. Northern farmer visiting this section say
thsy never saw any land that la naturally a
wall drained. Here ar "natural draw." and the
rolling character of th land carry ratnftlia from
it la a Battral way and doss sot endenser Hi
to soil from wsahtng nor cauce erosions. Ts
wslk ever this land and e te dry sreeks la to
fear bow N state has Pullt her own canals
against th tlm whan rainfall 1 hastiest.
Health Condition
Th health condltlona In thl eertloa ar Ideal.
The deal rate of beasreasnt County la perhapa
lower tha that of any county la Illlnola. Ohio
ar Indiana. Tha lead Included tn the Oaon B:t
f tb Long-bell Louisiana Hlshlsnd Karma la
remarkably Ire from Ihel class f dieeeea wltu
wnk k wa are accustomed both North and South.
1 nnueetlonably the tempering effect of ee
hreeoae establishes this rood it too. Ths great
lumber companies have ft ret class hospital head
qusrters throughout Ihta aectlon, where the moot
modern appliances tnd lu.lruuiania have bee
SI. H. !SO. "tiatrma af Board.
K. J BANNIrTER. Preslleat.
V. B. Vt:tJiN, First V low-Pr,i a,nt
1. P. TriV.NT. terr,n-vti-l,reatdDl.
R. T. frMr:Y. Treesurer.
A. H. NAIRN. Secretary.
Suite 433 R. A.
Society Notes
Mrs. W. B. T. Belt la III In Clarkon
Little Kathorlne Peters Is ill with th
Ml Ad'll T)eems is suffering- with
a broken arm.
Mr. n. C. petrrs waa In Chicago on
'H'flneee last week.
Mr. and Mra. J. M. tow went to Chi
cago for a visit last ween.
Mla Mercedes Ceughlln left Monday
for a visit tn South Dakota.
Dr. and Mra. F. 8. Clark hav taken the
houee at W1 Davanport street.
Mr. ard Mir. William Iet are visiting
th automobile show In Chicago.
Mr. and Mr. Oeorge Brandela leave to
day to spend a month In New Tork.
Th Hnnde Dancing club will hold
a dare Tueeday evening at Harte hall.
Mtra. H. O. Kchonlan leave this week
to spend few weeks at Palm Beach.
Miss Bertha Pierce of Uoa Anaele Is
the guest of her sister. Mrs. E. T. Man
ning. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Adair have moved
Into their new home at 52ns California
Mlsa In hell. Mllrey Is spending a few
"ev In Chicago with Mh-s. Bentley Mc-O.n-id.
Th Toiinw Ladles- Bible etas In the
Dundee cntirch, met Friday with Miss
Lll Hoke.
Mrs. Oiiy Tark of Decatur. III., was
th guest Is st week of her slater, Mrs.
W. R. Adslr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdfar Armstrong are
visiting In Chicago. Mollne, III., and
Mr. and Mir. A. E. Dodds and family
left last week for an Indefinite stay In
Biloxl, Miss.
Th Tennyson chapter of tb Chau
tauqua Literary circle, met Monday at
th horn of Mrs. R. E. Sunderland.
The Dundee circle of the C. C. L. will
net Monday with Mr. J. II. Beaton.
A talk by Mils Jessie Towne, dean of
Social life
Th einsllenr of eehool renditions throughout
thl regoln points mom clearly to another fact,
that her la a regies wtjers mankind builds
hla Burceaa upon "ths boms." The people who
are native to tha section are genial, whole
ouled, hospitable. Th society of th email
towna and farming region surroundln Ibis tract
50c per acre is the Reservation Price, no
matter what land is allotted you.
Pries Time
Per Aer Limit
113.00 Jan. SO to Feb. S.
14.00 Feb. to Feb. II "
10.00 Feb. 18 to Apr. 1 "
ls.00 Apr. : lo June 10
20.00 June 31 to Sept li "
SI.00 Sept. 11 to Not. I "
25.00 Nov. i to Dec. SI "
SO acrea la the largest farm we will sell to each man at $1100 per acre.
-You select your own land If our selection does not ttult you. You
ar allowed 90 days In which to make an examination in person
or through agent.. No sale complete until land 1 examined and
accepted by you or for you in writing. If land allotted you Is
not satisfactory, all reserration money will be returned to you.
How to Send Reservation
Select, for Instance, SO acres. Send us 440.00 as reservation.
You will be allotted the land for sale at the prices which prevail
when your reservation Is received. It not satisfactory to you, we
will return the 940.00 to you on demand. That is all you have to
do. First come will be first served. The $ IS. 00 land is the same
quality as the $25.00 land. You can select your own farm, if you
so desire, after you make your reservation.
Our Guarantee x
Send us your reservation and remittance of 50c per acre for
each acre you want to reserve, and we will allot you land at the
price at which same is being sold at the time your reservation
arrives. The only rule we follow is "First come, first served."
As mall comes Into our office it will be stamped with the day, the
hour and the minute and it will be opened in this manner. ,
The first reservations receive the loweet price land, the $12.00
land is the same quality as the $25.00 land, and those that follow,
follow in this order. We will notify you Immediately after allot
ment the price at which you bought. If this is jiot satisfactory to
you we will return every cent you have paid.
Long-Bell Farm Land Corporation
of taoS contact na aiea ana: woman of aa Una a
typo as ea ! foa4 anywhera la thla oaiiofy. ,
11 la tha unwrtitaa law of nw 'country that
thoaa who tHr ara of tho baat quality, an 4
wa tharaforo tin, that drawlo from all aavtlout
of tha tnttatl Eftataa. aa avarr naw locality
Ooaa, a aoUa.1 fabric la built u wha w unit and
worms can aalhtrr to thorn intaiMlloa and itioasv
Ing frtanata, vr-'-.a win alo 'bam a nawar aoc al
lift ot moat ozcvM'w... character,
Bwl jiI Xtotitew and Telephone
Rra.l froa HmMvmry and farm tolaphonoa ara
aow tharo. an1 can ho had on avar? farm th.a
cumpauy now throws opan for aottlcmant. For a
vary amall amount nor yaar a aHlar suay hava
local atid loot wliatajico nhana In Iiia hotna. whaia
ho may talk at any tlmn with hia naighhors ur
hla ralatlvoa. ,
Our Plan
Tho sot I tnl cllmato of tho leng.1tall farm a
lo Ha par i-ant iiht to tho utaa who bilnga
tha aamo efaaraa of parvoctton. It la our pur
pnao than to lot on It au4i rait bar ol mm.
Wa waat you to kaow that no will bo (lad lo
Long Building.
S 30 HOOtr) fftOM
lOnC But, FAftfl,
I. "awv-otu BY RAILROADS I i
l IS 30 HOOtr) fftOM
cistfas leesaaaasBiBSsesass l
e . a
airle at Central High school, will b the
feature of the program given.
Mr. and Mra. fhlrley Wilson have re
turned from a visit of several weeks In
Carthage. III., and Keokuk, la.
Mrs. Charles Hlckok and hr. Jo
Hickok of Montreal. Canada, mother and
brother of E. W. Hickok, are making an
extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hickok.
In honor of their tenth wedding anni
versary. Dr. and Mrs. Oeorge Sumner
entertained the followlrg guests Tues
day evening: Dr. and Mrs. Charles W.
rollard. Dr. and Mra. II. B. Lemer.
Dr. and Mrs. O. J. McMdillen. Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Everts and Mr. and Mr. H.
W. Plcrpont. v
The body of Mrs. N. H. Nelson, presi
dent of th Omaha Woman's club, who
dlrd at Clarkson hospital last Friday, waa
Take Iron, Says Doctor, if You
Want Plenty of "Stay There"
Strength Like an Athlete!
Ordinary raxated Iroa Will Stake Sell
cat. Sferrons. muadoem People
fOO" Itronger In Two Week'
Time, la Many Caaee.
Xr.W YORK, N. V.. Most people
ooll!hlr seem to think they are going
o s-t renewed health and strength from
n-n stir"'!'1-"' "lclne. secret no
n or nsreotlc drug, said Dr Fur.
w -e:nllt of tri city, when. n mt
i of fr-t. rnl nd true strength csn
on v come from the food you est. But
people often fa'l to get the strength
out of their food because they hsven't
enousli 'rei l ele blood to enaMe It
to change food into living matter. From
fielr weskened. nervous condition they
know something is wrong, but they can't
tell what, SO they generally commenre
doftorlng for stomach, liver or kidnev
trouble or symptoma of some other ail
ment caused by th lack of Iron In tho
blood. Thl thing mv go on for year,
while the ptlnt Buffers untold gony.
If you re not strong or well you owe
It to yourself to mnk the following
test, fie how long vou cn work or how
far yon can walk without becoming
tired. Next take two five araln tablets
of ordinary ntixated Iron three times per
dar after ml for two week. Then
test vour strength again and see for
yourself how much you have gained.
matt witrrtlfn of 1nfl for nil who 5i.r tt
and will inTOfMlirst thlR company and Mm lands
anil who wtll tell ua about hla 1-llUr tfl pay
for avntl 4rtIrp hta sfarm, On and aftfir thla
data wa wtll rarelra appttrattnna, nuh1aH to our
rroptawio or rrial aftar an lnT?tigmtion.
Wo hava deldod to thla land upon tho
following tar-ma. and to relcaia a tuna under
tha follow! nil trma: v
Down Payment
Reserratlon Made After Time Intereat
Payment Inspection
1UI 80c per acre fS.OO per acre 3 to B jrr. t
per acre 6.00 fmr acre i to i yr.
per acre S.OO per acre i to 8 yr. t
pr acre 0.00 per acre I to S yr.
per acre .' 0.00 per acre 3 to 5 yr. 6
per acre . 00 per acre 3 to j r.
per acre 1.00 per acre S to Syr. C
A g'anco at tbia tavblo haa aanurad yon inat
hara la a unique opportunity for tha lair
miodad man to obtain a laxm homo at a moat
raoiatrliabla fiaura. Wa want, howavar, to im
praaa upon avary raadar or tbia puMfuatlon.
that lands throtishout thl sectloa of tlto Lodk
Ptl leoulsiaua Hialiland Iarm should ba wurth
IX an ar raw lor what it will prtxluvo andtr
Tha tnfluonco that tan1s to locraaao valuaa In
a naw racoon ara cousptcuously present here,
hut picture. If you will, tha (ruler poslbtIitita
for tha in tee tor, tha banker, tha maautacturera
aad the railroada, wtwa a.0oa or ,,) (.rrosn
ara engaged in tho development of their acres.
Tito prosperity of these anterprlsea will all ho
based on that aiuat aubstaatlal foundation
In glan Itig aver thla table, wa want you to
lonk at it with thla thought In mind- Wa make
only ooe rule wlih respect to tho first aroe
plai-ed on sale. Tbia land will ba opeue and
ready for settlement only by this rul: Flrrt
4; time first served. ' There Is not a aartlt le
of dt.feremw betweaa tha llad per aero land
ft. A. UiSli.
ft. T. IIE.VSKV,
A. H. NAIttV.
j. H FOftrsMAV.
r. w. nvLU
w. si. :;:.
Kansas City, Mo.
Suite 433 R. A. Long Bid?.
Kansas City. Mo.
Gentlemen :
Please send me your great book entitled, "Where Soil and Climate
Are Never Idle.' I bind myself in no way to buy one of your (arms, but
I agree to read your book.
NOTE If ) on waii t to know the
iKHiainia mr iiia n noumoiiieni you
pan ,r tha cumraercial asenctea auch
brought to her horn In Dundee, and
then taken to Cole-McKay'a undertaking
parlors Monday, where it lay In etale
during the day, guarded by member of
tha Woman'a club. Ivan Tancock of
Trinity cathedral conducted th funeral
services, and burial was in Forest Lawn
cemetery. t
The city commissioners held an Informal
session In Commissioner Jardlna'g of fir
and approved a sewer program for
the same having been outlined la detail
two weeks ago. Thla work win coat
approximately I17S.000. The maximum
available for sewer construction will bo
no,u) for the year.
I have seen dorens of nervous, rundown
people who were ailing all the while,
double their strength and endurance) ant
entirely get rid of all symptoms of dys
pepsia, liver knd other troubles In from
ten to fourteen daya" time alrnpty by
taking Iron In th proper form. And thla
after they had In some cases been doc
torln for months without obtaining any
benefit. But don't take the old forma of
reduced Iron, Iron acetate or tincture of
iron simply to save a few cents. Too
must take Iron in a form that can be
easily absorbed and assimilated Ilka
nuxated Iron if you want it to do you
any good, otherwise It may prove won
than uselesa. Many an athlete or prfasa
fighter has won the day simply because
h knew th secret of great strength
and endurance and filled hla blood with
Iron before ho went Into the affray,
while many another haa gone down to
Inglorious defeat simply for tha lack ot
KOTB-Nuiated Iron iMmiM aboT t
rr, Rauapr. is on of th newsr orasal Umi ejia
ponnfW. Unlike tb older tnorgania Iroa sroditots,
it Is Msllr smlmllt'od, ln not Inlare th tah,
make thorn blsrk, nor vpaet th stomach: oa tha
eontnare, It la a most potent moody, la nearly
all forms of tndlseatlon. a well aa for Mi-rona,
run-down conditions. It ts dlnpensad In this cAt!
br fUierman MrOnnrll Drui O., and all otboi
dmsibata. Adrertlaeniont.
an tha r Wi per arre. Tho dtfferanoa 1e H
tho man wh res da thla annottnoement. There
ara men who ara quick to act. These 'men e
tho flJ OO per aero land. There are otaef
men who are necessarily alow, and whoa they
sea tills land they wtll gladly oar ISevaa for
It. their only complaint being that they could
not sa It with thla nilnd a eye at the time of
reading thla announcement. Elsewhere fn thla
announcement wa reproduce our guarantee.
Tbia guarantee mean oaaotly what It aaya:
A man la free to abide by the terme of thla
announcement. The company that makes It ta
engaged in the work of building up a oem
ro unity which la aa large if not lej-terthaa
, the majority of count lea in tho North. Whan
all of lta lande shall hare been aol and aeUleo
upon, there will be aome la, 000 people placed
, upon lta acrea. It means Juat what It aaya--that
It will not permit tha wrong" kind of a
man t eooll tha right kind of aoli aad allmate,
and to otxaln thla cell bar of man at thla period
of ta settlement work It haa eee fit to opes
lu landa tn thla moat remarkable manner.
Time Is the Essence of Valise
When you clip the Mopon In the left hand oor
Ber ef thla page aad aend It with your rooervitloa
remittance to thla company, thla oompany will,
upon lta receipt, allot yon the heat Undo It ha
. available In the number of acrea that you select
up In M arre In the ft ret dae of sale, no
one will be permitted to buy more than M satos.
He can. If he ao desire a, make reservation
on an additional 0 aerea, and we will ertdeevrnt
to arrange- with blm for thla additional land
at a value that will be satisfactory to him.
Aa anon ao your selection, together with yotii -'
reeorvatlon remittance, haa been reosrred tn sur
office, we will send you a contract of allotment
end description of ths land we have sele-sted
for you, together with our written aad ei4mel
uarantee. that ws will carry out every featura
of our agreemeat with you, or on failure to
do ao, we will refund to you every cent you
have remitted to ns on this reserve t Ion. Tou will '
then be allowed K daya In which tor make a
personal examination of your land, or to psad
aome friend or relative to make the examination
for you. bringing with blm a letter from you
addressed to thla company, to examine and ac
cept or reject auch land for yon. THIS COM
mand an Investigation, not only of tbia oom
pany, lta landa and lta methods, before wa will
Issue a title or deliver po session of exur land
to any settler.
You will note that thla land la sold ttnoQ terms
ryvering s period of three to five years. Procn
lasory notes covering the unpaid amount due
from the sale of ths land will carry Interest
from ths date of acceptance at ths rats oil
per cent per annum, and after first pvjmaat,
immediate possession will be given.
There are no taxes remaining unpaid en this
land, nor ore there any com missions or sstra
charge of any nature- whatsoever. This Com
pany will give yon a full Warranty Dead and
Abstract of Tills wheo you hava paid for your
land. .
Send for Our Big Book
Send for sur great M-pege, profile I y Illus
trated book satlUad. "Where Soil and Climate
Are Never Idle."
Within the covers of thla book you will find
aa inetractlve data, aa complete a pictorial pre
sentation of thla section aa you would wiaft far.
Tt la filled from cover to cover wth a story
from the camera that will apeak rre to you
probably than the word a contained la tbia text.
This Company
Thla company la a elster tMneftieu sf ths
Long-Be II lumber Company of thts olty, which
hoMa first rank among A merles' a larssst lumber
producers. Yes may Invastlgats this oompany
through your bank. Pun's or BredetrssVs. ae la
any way you so dee I re. The fart that lta nams
Is connected with thla project ahould he suffi
cient for yon to lavsatlgais carefully the oppor
tunity It offera.
Ws want you. without further bee I tt lea, to
clip ths coupon to the right hand aids of this
page and aend It to ua without delay, ee thst
ws may place one of thess books In your banda
within three daya after the time wa receive ywur
request for It. If you desire auy relative or
friend to receive one of these books, elmply
write ua a letter, sending ths coupou, aad ws
wl'l be glad te send a book ts aach nssjsa alas.
We urea upon you to sand ua your application
at the first onportunlty for aa many acres as
you desire. You mar uae the table above for
making your remittance. If. however, you delay
and your application' la not received until tee
late, we will return to you your application aad
your remlttame and notify you that landa ee
leetied by vou for a carta in price has been sa
hsusted. We meaa exactly what ws say, aad
the only certain way of receiving any of tins
land at tha prices quoted In thla tabls will be
to sit dowa without further dslay and write thte
oentoanr. inclosing your remit lance and malUag
It the same day, If possible.
t e e e
commercial valua of th company atan'ttB
may reier to any bank, azTaaa
a Uan or Bradstru