Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1916, EDITORIAL MAGAZINE, Page 2-C, Image 18

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Tb P rcbltBhlnr Cowriiy. rropriatof.
Entered at Omaha poetofflee second-class matter.
By mall
per yrar
4 on
4 "0
K jr rerrtwr
pr month.
Dally and rundy .
Peily without -n1ay....' ...
1?venin? snd ?n1y Z '
-.renins; without Sunday
R.inrtav Hre only We...
nily and Hunriay Hoe. three yeare In advance 11" (M
Nn'i notice ot chH"K of address or complaints of
li retitnrit- In delivery to oninlia Hoe, Circulation
Remit hr draff. npr or noetal order. Of1y two
rent noetare stamps received In payment ef email
counts. Personal check, except on Omaha and eestera
exchange, not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Pudding.
South Omaha 2XS N atreet.
Council Bluff 14 North Main street
Lincoln W Little BulMlnir.
t'hlcaito MI H'arat Bulldlne
New Tork Room INK, 2S Fifth avenue,
ft. tout S03 New Hank of Commerce.
Washlneton 73 Fourteenth St.. N. W.
Addreea oommunlcBtlrna relatlnir to new and edi
torlal matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
State of Ned' nek. C'mipty of Douglas, as.:
Dwlht Williams, circulation man(r, savs that
the averaee Hun-lny circulation for the month of De
cember. IMS. wn 47.H74.
DWK1HT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager,
fiubacrlbed In my prewenre and aworn to be for
ni this 4th day of January, ll,
itOBKltT IIUNTBII. Notary Public
Subscriber levying th city temporarily
should hve The lie mailed to them. Ad
dreg will bo changed often tea reqwested
Political keynote la midwinter foreshadow
summer platform and bot fall wind.
Mobilised health resource loeur fflclncy
and greater results for tba money expended".
Whan tba groundhog casta his horoscope
tn be time enough to fix the open action for
straw hato.
The road to Bagdad exhibit much of the
cemetery repoae of tbe Dardanelles route to
However, tbe colonel's trip to tbe West
Indies will not alter his plans for exploring tbo
River of Doubt.
If other patriots fail them, Nebrsska demo
crats might conscript Doe Cook as a guberna
torial "white hope."
Dig events occasionally lend a dash of gaiety
to moving life. A man weighing ESS is running
for congress in Georgia. i
Maybe thoa frequent changes of mind at
the White House explains why the judicial plum
continues "up in the air."
The mission or Colonel House to the warring
capitals baa not yet drawn a note Indicating a
tuning up of the concert of tba power.
Political preparedness Is not overlooked.
"Tbe swing around the circle" enables tbe presi
dent to determine bow far west tbe democratic
split extends.
Storms, snow blockade and floods spot the
new map of the country. The element are
bound to be Improved by getting tbe war spirit
ouJL of its system. '
The riverside sign: "Omaha, a City of Op
portunity," electrifies a large truth. Its glow
might be enhanced by a luminous companion
truth: "Do Not Judge tbe City by tbe Depot."
Minister Lloyd George say "the war I Just
beginning." In other words, "the worst I yet
to come." The prospect would be decidedly
Bloomy if th spectator took war bluffing seri
ously. General Carranxa' ego secures fresh air
treatment in bis intimation that peace la Mexico
makes for world peace. Tbe bearing of Mexico
on world peace rival the weight of a fly on the
A New York policeman ha been convicted
f assault for clubbing a reporter. A Chicago
detective captain has bees atnt to prison for
crafting, and Toledo sergeant bts been In
dieted for working an itching palm. Swinging
the club and reaching for easy money increas
ingly menace tbe happy lot of the policeman.
Service of thr, Betailer.
During the week a lecturer addressed a gath
ering of retail merchant in a Nebraska town
and comforted them with the statement that
they were actually performing a service to
society. This rame with something akin to
shock to the men who have, become accustomed
to being told by economists they art parasite
and barnacles on commerce. , But the lecturer
waa right. The retailer perform a distinct and
valuable service to society, and bis function la
as essential to well-balanced existence as any
other factor in distribution.
One of the pet illustration of amateur
economist Is to map the course of any article
from producer to consumer, showing how many
hands take profit from it a it passe along,
steadily growing In price, until It I enhanced
t-everal times beyond what the maker or grower
received. This ia convincing until the listener
elves a little analytical thought to the proposi
tlon, and then the real use of the retailer be
come apparent. The "middleman" of today ie
an evolutionary product of the "storekeeper" of
other days, on of the product of a society that,
It it Is bo more complex, I at least more closely
interwoven In the relation of It several parts.
And the retailer who p.ovide roor of conveni
ence and I of greater assistance to tt comfort
of bi customer Is th on who gets the trade.
This, also, is a part of our modem life, a natural
trcompajniment of general advance.
And tt retailer 1 entitled to reasonable
:cmpenaatloB for tbo service be performs, and
!hla must come in tbe Increased cost of living.
It Is natural, and fto matter how much It may be
railed at by those who only think they think, It
,! prevail.
Upholding; Professional Standards.
The exhaustive report of the Committee on
Academic Freedom and Academic Tenure, which
bas gone into it subject with car and thor
oughness for th American Association of Uni
versity Professor, sets up a strong case against
the controt of professional teaching and utter
ance by the lay trustees or financial sponsors of
our colleges and nnlvereltlcs. The committee,
however, tnakea it plain that academic freedom
does not mean academic l'cense, nor that Indi
vidual teachers should be free from all restraint
as to their speech and conduct either within or
without tbe univeralty. "There may, undoubt
edly, aria occaalonal cases," It says, "in which
the aberrations of Individuals may require to be
checked by definite disciplinary action." But
it Insists "such action cannot with safety be
taken by bodies not composed of members of
tbe academic profession." '
If w understand th report correctly, there
is no dissent from tbe proposition that certain
standards must be upheld for university and
college teachers, but that the responsibility for
upholding them belonge primarily on the teach
ers themselves. This 1 very well so far as If
goes, and applies equally to other profession.
There must be standard of conduct and practice
for lawyers, for doctors, for engineers, for archi
tects, for specialists and expert of all kinds,
but they themselves ought to see to their en
forcement by self-discipline. Unfortunately,
they do not always do this, it being common
knowledge tbst shyster lawyers, quack doctors,
fake engineer and Incompetent architects, . as
wall a false teacher, are countenanced and
allowed to go their way without Interference of
their professional associates, despite the dis
credit they bring upon their calling. Sometimes
the members of a profession do not agree upon
what tbe standard should be, but more ususlly
their Inaction is merely th result of Inertia and
a desire to avoid unpleasantness. Reputable
members of all profession should understand
that Just so fr as they prescribe high standards
and maintain tbem will th profession be ac
corded a standing in th popular mind, aal Just
o far will it command th recognition that I
due from the public.
" Nebraska Needs a Kew State House.
. The Be ha several time in recent year
suggested th necessity of a new building for
tbe accommodation of th several department
of Its government at bur Nebraska state capital.
Plan for th new state bouse have now and then
been tentatively considered, but definite action
ha so far been postponed. Developments, or
rather decay, baa proceeded to a point where It
will soon be Imperative that something be don
to provide th building that i so sadly needed.
The present structure la more and more showing
th effect of time. It was not well planned in
th beginning, and It present dilapidation 1 a
reproach to a wealthy and progressive stat.
Our capitol building cannot compare In any par
ticular with the Douglaa county court bouse,
while many other Nebraska countlea have better
buildings for their officers than bas th state.
The time is propitious for th presentation of a
deflnlt project for a new stat house to the
people, Just a a business proposition.
Our National Pastime.
On pastime in particular is peculiarly Amer
ican, and is never out of seaaon. Several varie
ties of gsme of chance or skill, outdoor and In
door sports, have been denominated th "na
tional" pastime, but each of these is mor or
less sectional in it nature, or exclusive In it
devotees, so that it falls Just a little abort of
being truly national. On diversion does exist
in which all tak part, which know bo east, no
west, no north, bo couth, against which neither
winter cold nor summer beat prevails, and to
which no eight-hour schedule bas ever been
attached. It la th gam of talking about our
public affair.
W bar but on thing In common -th pro
pensity of boasting of our devotion to our coun
try and it unparalleled greatness. Oa this we
ars agreed, oa verrthlcg els we are divided
into almost ss many separate entitle" a w
number Individual. Now and again two or
three may seem to approach agreement on some
topic of publio concern, but It soon develop the
unity of purpose ia mor apparent than real. It
Is th on grand tribute to our Institution and
their efficacy that free speech and freedom of
thought I thus universally manifest.
This great national pastlm wa never mor
splendidly followed than tt Is Just bow, wba
th really serious question of practical mean
for defense of tb country against possible
attack Is presented for consideration. But our
devotion to tb (port rf talking bss one redeem
ing feature. Out of all th confusion comes la
tim action, and comfort 1 found la th thought
that la good season omethtng will be don.
Grind Opera and the People.
Do th popl want music of the higher
grade, such as grand opera? Two answers to
this question ar immediately presented. Ia
Chicago the ten weeks' season of grand opera
aa conducted there, baa Just terminated with a
deficit of 1100,000, which la cheerfully mad up
by subscriptions from wealthy muslo lover. Ia
Omaha a three-day season has Just ended, with
bo deficit, and with a well pleased company of
promoters and patron, who hop to see th va
tur repeated gala next season. Three days
ia Omaba is not quit qual to sixty days la Chi
cago, nor were tb operas presented her with
tb asm lavishnss a characterised tb produc
tion in th larger city. Nor did tb singers
who were listened to at th Auditorium here
take rank in public estimation with tb high
priced song birds who warbled for tb Chicago
ese. And, by that earn token, tb ticket prices
were not eo high, either.
Tbe Omaha teat i probably tb fairer, for tt
waa mad under condition that mor truly rep
resented th aspiration of th public for th
high class music. Th operas werw wall pre
sented, the music waa beautifully displayed and
th appeal to the Intellect a well as tb senses
wss direct and potent. It was at prlree th
people could meet, and, therefore, waa a auceesa.
And no musical critic In bis right mind will say
the difference in price was fully represented in
the d Iff err lie in the talent of the eingers.
y nenrom
TASTE for and appreciation of art la something; that
haa to be cultivated; amd the only way to product
art-lovers Is to give people plenty f oppor
tunities to sea an study raat work of art. Few
realise what has beea accomplished in developing the
artistic taate rt-ht here In Omaha by euch art ex
hlbltlona aa those that are promoted by the Society of
Fine Arts, which pursue it object with persistency
end with comparatively little ostentation. To develop an
art center takes time and must have something to
build on and, fortunately for Omaha, the beginning
of our art culture were laid ton ao.
The first art exhibition I Omaha that I remember
waa what wa called "The Art Ioe.o," conducted a
a benefit for seme church er charity, end hald In the
old Christian church, a, brick structure with larc as
sembly room, located en Seventeenth street betwen
Dodge and Capitol avenue. All the homes of Omahe'e
beet famllla were ransacked for art treasures, wntch
were borrowed and assembled and spread out to an ad
miring public. It waa In truth an eye-opener even to
our own people te discover, by this partial Inventory,
how many art possession we bad accumulated with
out reallslnf it The paintings and other pictures were
rather heterogeneous, and I have no doubt the hang
ing commit tea had its troubles, euch aa are en
countered by all banting committees, only many fold
Increased by the neceaalty of considering the feelings
and social preatlge of the owners of the borrowed
article as wall aa their intrinsic merit The exhibition
however, was not confined to plcturee, but Included
bric-a-brac, bronse, china, antiques, and heirlooms ef
various kinds. My recollection leaves me uncertain
whether or not a department was lert for patch-work
quilts and fancy needlework, but nothing that aspired
to be known aa art waa Intentionally neglected. ' One
of the features of "The Art Loan" as I recall, waa a
game of chess, played with living cheaaroen en a chess
board chalked out on the floor, over which two sets
of living figures, posed by boys and girls In costume,
ware moved about from square to square enttl retired
out of play, to correspond with the moves ef the Ivory
pieces In a regular ches game played by two of the
moat skillful amateurs. Despite Its crudeness and
entertainment features "The Art Loan" gave a notice
able Impetus at the time te the art activities of the
The art shlMtlea that gave Omaha greatest
publicity a art center, perhaps I should say
notoriety, wa th en that culminated In the mutila
tion ef one ef Bougnereau's best canvases by a mortals
erased fanatle burling a chair through It Th poor
fallow wa possessed with the Idea that the artist's
portrayal ef the nude was altogether too realistic. 1
was away from home at the time so that my knowl
edge of the affair la wholly from hearsay and from
the accounts In the papera, which everywhere put
Omaha on the art map with serious er satirical dis
cussions of this startling manifestation of apprecia
tion of great painting. "The Return ef Aprlng," xor
such wss the title, waa patched up and returned tn
the spring to tbe owner, but not without entailing a
law suit ever disputed responsibility for the damages.
This art exhibit waa held In the store building at
Thirteenth and Harney, previously been occupied by
a wholesale grocery house that had shortly before
removed to larger quarters.
Omaha art levers have many creditable picture
In their collection which outsiders seldom see. I
referred not long ago to the contents of the old Col
lins house, gathered togsther from the nooks and
corners ef Burope, The Unlnger collection, aa every
one who haa seen It knows, Includes net a few real
gems, and several noteworthy canvasses hung en the
walla of Happy Hollow whan the ratrlcka lived thsre.
We have, furthermore a tolerably good start of a
municipal art gallery In eur public library building,
dating back to exposition days when the exposition
company bought several ef the prise-winning exhibits
In the art section and donated them to the city. It ?(
only a question of time when we will have a municipal
art gallery worthy ef the name, which In due time
will be the residuary legatee of whatever of artlstle
worth has been centered here.
It Is reassuring to be told that I hit th target at
least once In a while as la the following from the
Western laborer:
"Victor Ttosewster threw eut a hint last Sunday
for a reply fron readers of hie 'Views and Interviews'
.column In The Bee. I prefer that column to any
one In the paper. There la a something about it
that la different-he writs like he talk in that
column and It ia a lot more human. His few words
after the death of Jack Bonner, for Instance, if
Viewe and Interview' Interfere with editorials In
Th Bee, cut eut the editorial."
Small and Urge favor ar always gratefully re
ceived. Thanks, Brother Kennedy.
The coasting carnival wa a grand success, sur
passing the most sanguln xpsctUona. Aa Immense
throng gathered ea Dodge atreet, lining the track
from Fifteenth to Twentieth, watehln th a .iu.
by. Strings of Chines lanterns and eiectrio lights.
upnemeniea oy xne giar rrom Illuminated reel
dances, mads everything as tight as day and added
te tb splendor ef the seen. Fully f.0C8 people ar
said to have Indulged In the ride down the eteep In
cline, and ther wer hundred ef traverse and many
mor sleds, Including many that war brought over
from Council Bluff. Th accident wer few and
The beautiful four-story building en Dpugtas, next
to Itlmebaugh Taylor' hardware store, will be
occupied by th Omaha Oil and Faint company,
th wholeaale and retail business la oils, paints and
glass. The aotlv member ef th firm ar A. M.
Kitchen and it. 3. Waugh. formerly with C. r, Good
man. William T, Oody, better known aa "Buffalo But,"
wrltee te Oeerge Canfleld of this city that he ha
old a quarter Interest In hi show to an Xaigllahmaa
for 136,90. Cody end bl company will be her la
a few week.
D. It Goodrich, superintendent of the water works,
bas returned heme after a three weeks' visit to tbe
east much Improved In health.
The blockade on the Missouri Paeifte has at laat
been raised and the Omaha people detained at Weep,
ing Water since Wsdnasday. are regaling their friend
with accounts ef their experience. They gt to
gether and adopted resolutions of thanks te Conductor
Xf. J. Donavan for bts courtesy te them during their
A oung son wa born into the family ef . c.
At the anuual meeting ef the German assooietio
at Osrmanla hail, these director were elected.; Henry
Haubeas, Philip Andrea, O. F. Spetmaa, J, J. Froe
hauf, Job Baumer and C. S Bunneater.
Twice Told .Tales
Mas; lr.
At British recruiting meeting recently the
speaker, having get hi audience In a high eut ef
snthustasm by telling them ef th many brave deeds
performed by pur soldiers In Franee, suddenly eepte-t
a big, strongly built man at the bark ef the hall. "My
man." he rrted, "how la It that yeu are not at the
front T"
"Oh. It la all right," replied the burly yokel; "1
ran hear everjf word you say from her." London
Tit Bite.
. W. Howe's Monthly: I find amuse
ment In reading church announcements
In the Saturday papera; titlea of sermons
are nearly always funny.
t Lmils CHobe-Democrat; A Cleve
land minister says heaven and hell are
conditions of the mind. Christian Bet
en flats rather beat the Cleveland pastor
to doctrines of thst eon.
Brooklyn Kegle: A womaa mlaainw
worker aaya: "Wlien .our girls go to
universities they ere robbed of the funds
mentals ef religion." If that good eld
brewer, Matthew Vassar, could have
heard this he would hare reflected with
ewermleeeTiee that Veewar le atill a "col
lege." Baltimore American: At the flnlsll of
the "Billy" Sunday activities In Trenton
on last Sunday, which Included a morn
ing, afternoon and evening delivery of
"hot cakes off tbe griddle," the apostle
te the trail hitter had drawn upon his
vital forces to such an extent that when
he started te leave the platform after
the night meeting he could, apparently,
only keep from falling by clinging to the
railing. But Trenton, which listened un
moved during the first week of the Sun
day excoriations, pleadings and -warnings,
has wanned tip and Is "hitting the
trail." The score of trail hitters Is now
well up Into the thousands.
Kew Torkere are developing a serum
for treating pneumonia.
The electrie sand sifter will outwork
ten men, Is portable and takes up little
Prof. B. B. Boltwoed ef Tale haa sat
the duration of radium's activity at about
1.6&0 years.
A self-governing feature recently
patented makes the windmill available
for the generation ef electricity.
A gas engine taken Into the moun
tains loses about 1 per cent of its Indi
cated horse power for every 1,009 feet of
The slanting Instead ef the vertical
aystem of handwriting baa been recom
mended for the schools ef France by the
teaching section of a scientific society
in that country.
Experts in the employ of the govern
ment of Brasll believe that country can
utilise its own coal by using gas pro
ducers In 'connection with stationary en
gines and briquettlng it for locomotives.
Prof. TJlric 'Dahlgren of Princeton uni
versity predlota that the time will come
when the luelferoug subs tares of chem
ical composition, carried by fireflies, cer
tain fish and other animals wilt be used
for Illuminating house, eta.
' A new material for Insulation haa been
brought out In Germany recently made
of wood ehareoal mixed with paper
pulp and pitch or tar. It is made In the
form of plate and It I said to be just
aa efficient a th material which has
been heretofore used, made of cork and
much more economical.
More than W0 women are serving in
th Russian army. -w
, Aided by a favorable wind, which biw
persistently for several days, the cot
ton boll weevil In Georgia made an ad
vance of lto miles in a few wetka.
wheraaa it progress under normal con
dition haa been fifty mile In a year.
Ppokane, which ll la Washington,
which in turn is one ef the newly pro
hibition states, new delights itself with
a beverage called "carbonated Has." C.
F. looka and tastes Ilk beer, but is
free from alcohol. Also the barrel re
quire no government proprietary stamp.
Tea drinking among the allies has
shown an enormous increase ainoe tbe
war began, and la the last year ,the
consumption in England alone ha in
creased ovsr (,000,000 pounds, while France
Is drinking ten time as much as It
did before the war.
Policewomen are now employed In
twenty-six cities. Chicago, haa 21; Bal
timore, Los Angeles and Seattle. S eaoh;
Pittsburgh, 4; San Francisco, Portland,
Ore., and St. Paul, ( each, and Dayton,
O., Topeka, Kan., and Minneapolis,
Minn., t each. Fifteen ether cities have
one each.
There are many earlier record of hu
man affairs, but th first historian now
recognised as such waa Herodotus, th
great Oreek, who wrote In the fifth en
tury, B. C. The Old Testament and the
Book of Kings are also, of, course, among
the most ancient of historical work,
Workmen on tb Rouge river (Or.)
canal set off a blast and thereby unoov.
ered a burled treasure. The coin war
of th mtntag ef th fifties and ther
were sem Spanish celna among them.
How the money came to be buried or
when or why la unknown. According te
soma account ther was about 1500 and
to ethers about St W0- ,
St. Louis snd New Tork are hot rival
for supremacy ss th world' fur market
gait Lake City operates a municipal
cemetery and tb chief sexton want tsa,
HI te run It this year,
St. Joseph, which la In Missouri, sol
emnly forbid barb ring en Sunday. It
costs tt ed a judicial lecture for eaoh
Phlladelphtana pay tax on personal
property valued at SQi. 000,000. Th An
thony J. Drexel estate top th list with
Pes Moine Street Railway company
last week Inaugurated slx-for-a-quartsr
fares, In return for aa extension of ita
Sioux City sends out a midwinter call
for mor laborer for spring and sum
mer work In the building line. About
103,000 worth of buildings Is already an
neunced. Twin Falls, a thriving modem city In
couth -central Utan, stands en a spot from
which, twelve year ago, th primeval
sagebrush had not been removed. A
K,000,0oe Irrigation enterprise did the bust
Kansas City forged mortgage record
1 piling up. It t reported that tb grand
Jury ha found worth ef crooked
paper bad beea put oa the market by the
J. H. Chick Investment company and a
lawyer named Col via,
Tbe etreet lighting bill ef New Tork
City for isis wa lex. 000 tea than for
int. A goodly part of th saving U said
te have beea effected by the use ef nitro
gen filled tungstia lamp tn place ef are
A farmer with a bag ef xeeney and a
XAskermg for more blew Into Bait Lavk
City recently and confidentially told a
ehaaee acquaintance he Would like te buy
a bunch of fat mining stock. Fat saining
stock Is Salt Lake City's long suit The
farmer was aeaonunodated. The package
coat htm (36,000, and is said to be good,
fur wall paper or eouvenira. .
People and Events
A Kew Torker of ti, out ef a Job.
painted hie want en a eandwlch sign and
paraded with It on Park Row. Three
offer of Jobe rewarded hi enterprise
nd originality.
Barney Oldfleld le eetttng a bot pee
for speeders on a new line. At Kansas
City a phone trlrt who fixed np a long
diets nee call for him was tipped with a,
tmnar. besides Barney peylng (MS, for
the talk.
Some people think the good die yount.
Mrs. Mean Bear, Ponea squaw, under
scored her name by living to the ago of
10. Most of tbe TOO members of her Im
mediate family attended her funeral at
Ponca City, Okl.
"Big Tim" Sullivan of New Tork, who
died mysteriously in 1911, possessed an
extraordinary memory. The receiver re
ports his estate Is worth 11,001,277. sll of
which was accumulated without Ve'Hg
books, voucher or record of any kind.
"Big Tim" relied entirely on his rn.-u.or,,.
Another "Honest John" has come to
grief, though not a politician. A bank
ruptcy court at Tonkers, N. T., Is search
ing "Honest John" Courtney, furniture
dealer, for (110,000 ef aseeta which dissp
peered a few days before his creditors
were invited to take th remains of his
A legislative committee which Investi
gated the Public Service commission of
New Tork City has had Its bill investi
gated In turn, with anything hut pleasant
results. One of the discoveries, an item
of (170 for theater ticket, hidden in a
hotel bill, arouses a storm of jeers. New
Tork scorns petty political skates.
A stirring appeal haa reached Washing
ton from Albany, La., a town on the edge
of th swamp land and snake briars.
"Doctors cannot cure snake bite." aays
the doleful message. "Nothing but whisky
will de it Where we can get whisky
take two or three days up to that time
the victim dies of snake bite. If you
send along a saloon would be obliged.
Send sum gin, toe."
Nature leave a lot of work for the
dressmaker to finish.
Judge a man by what he does and a
woman by what she doesn't say.
The absence ef soft water la some men'
excuse for drinking hard.
Most men would be content with their
lot if it wer a lot of money.
Age may not be garrulous, but It Is
ur to tell on a woman sooner or later.
When It comes to making angels of men
the minister isn't in it with the doctor.
Tbe patches that decorate the trousers:
of a calamity howler ar not en the
Next to the elephant - the white
rhinoceros of Africa ia th largest animal
To make friends of men show them how
to make money; to make friends of
women show them how to become beauti
ful. Chicago Newa.
"I don't want you to marry that young
"Why, father, he's rich."
"Tee. but he s running; through bl
"Well. It mnet be dllahtful to help a
man run through a fortune. And. Inetaad
of a troueeeau vou may arrange for a
diveme auit later." Louisville Courier
Journal. "Phe weiara too much Jewelry."
"Think so?"
"I do. No fun to hold a hand like that
Tou can art the esme sensation by hold
ing a handful of curtain rinira and a wrist
watch.'' Baltimore American.
DEAR fvh?.KAeioW,
I mi f FiAHCtF warij
HqKr. wjvou think- shc
Appreciates rr
Trig CW
"Did that alienist prove that you were
"No." replied the defendant 'but he
edmitted that he waa nearly ao before
the lawyer got through with him. Dal
las News.
"When I waa vour age I didn't dance
till 1 or I o'clock In the morning."
rw ' roniioH the vounaT man
who was being reproved, "maybe if you
l .. 1 Akll.4 a mnmwtM iA
much time and money now taking dancing.
lessons. w asningxon eievi.
F. L. Stanton In Atlanta Constitution,
It's the same old world, in shine en4
That God In the first sweet morula
Fame sweet stars in the sky above.
With light like the light in the eye yoa
Same old round e' the rosy years;
Same old eorrowe you see through teera;
Jame old road, and same old race
To run with a dream of the Farewell
O the wraith-folk riae and dare the sarlea
To match their lire where the lightning
And you hear the loud war-thunder beat
'Till they shake tbe graves at a war
king's feet;
And the paths of human life are crossed
Where the Rachels weep for their chil
dren lost;
Fame old road where the burdened raoe
Take teara and dreams to the Farewell
Place. f
And with right and wrong we press along
From night to the dream of a morning
Fame sad story of sorrows old;
Same sweet Joya that the heart would
And the wounded breast still sighs for
And rest comes sweet when God thinks
And we glimpse the light of the morning's
At the shining gates ef the Farewell
Oftl Natl Bid. Douglas teaS
Thousands of WIDOWS
Ar today enjoying it warm fireside owing to the foresight of the
husband and father protecting their loved one in the .
What about your loved emea? Are yon snre of a comfortable)
home for them after you are gone?
and the MARDI GRAS
The Ideal Way to See Them Under
the Auspices of the '
Third Annual Mid-Winter Vacation Party to the
Southern Metropolis will leavo Omaha Friday, March
3d, and Chicago Saturday, March 4th, 1916.
Includes several days' visit in New Orleans and visit
to the Vicksburg National Military Park on the return.
The cost is moderate and includes all expenses from
Chicago except meals in New Orleans.
Send for a beautifully Illustrated Booklet entitled
"New Orleans for the Tourist", and also Mardi Oras
literature. .
For tickets, sleeping car reservations and further in
formation address the undersigned.
' S. NORTH, District Passenger Agent.
407 South 16th Street, Omaha, Phone Douglas 264.
Persistence Is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may he
in other respects, it must be
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ly to be really succcessfuL