mi; omaiia .sunday .iantakv ::o. i:iu;. What is Going On in Society Circles 1 Social Calendar's Promise. Th Week-Rnd Dancing club will hold It rpnil r dancing party Saturday even ing at Chambers'. On Wednesday evening. M' Millie Ryan will entertain at Japanese te nil mualcale for pupils at her studio. Mr. and Mr. Charles Kountse and Mica Ida . arp are among those who will We dinner Thursday before the Subscription ownoe. Th Francn-Hclglan Relief eocletjr' meeting aet for Monday haa been post poned a week, when It will be at Mtv. Walter Fege'a home Ob Friday. February 11. the Omaha elub will Hive a d1nner-1anre, revival f the, affalra the club need to dive rat year ago with surh success. A leap-year box-lunch party will ba given by the Clnoeam Dancing Hub at the Scottliih Rite cathedral Thursday evening. Over 19 Invitation have been Issued for thla affair. Whan John Cowper Towya relurna .o Omaha February 11 for hla third lecture before the Fine Art aoctety ha will be entertained at1 luncheon at the Font nelle by Mn. Kdgar Moraman, jr., and Mr. Leonard Everett. Omaha Girls at College Promt. Mra. C. C. Allison goes to New Tork Friday to meet her daughter, Mlsa Grace, from the Manhattanvllle convent achool, and will accompany her to Ithaca for Junior week at Cornell from February (o IS, when they will be gueata of Mr. Joseph Millard. Id. at hla fraternity house, the Alpha Delta. In the same hnuae party will be Mlas Katherlne Qould of thla city, who goes at tha Invitation of Kenneth Norton. Mlaa Oould leave a week from tomorrow with Mra. B. B. Davis, who la to be one of the chaperons at tha Phi Oamma Delta, house party, which will Include Mlaa Retina Connell. who la to be Herbert Davla' gueet through Junior weak. Mies Alio Janotth and Mlaa Mellora Davis leave Saturday for tha east, tha former to Join the Chi Pal house party at Cornell the guest of Hamilton Voa of Milwaukee during Junior week, and Mlaa MelloiV Davla for New Haven for tha Junior prom as tha guest of Robert Daily of Beverly. Mass. Miss Josephine Congdon goes from Vis as r to Dartmouth for that colleas' or nlval week. February 10 to U. Miss Cong don will be Albert Slbbernsen' guest at Ms fraternity house, the Pal Upstlon. Mr, and Mra. J. B. Porter go east a week from today to Schenectady, N.' T., to see their aon, Faweett, at Union col lege, and Mrs. Porter will be ona of tha chaperons at tha house party at Chi Pal Iodic during Junior week at Union col lege. Mlaa Gertrude Porter will go from her achool at Tarrytown-on-the-lludeon to Join tha CM Pal nous party, chap eroned by her mother. Mlaa Marjorl Smith Is spending the mid-wlnter vacation from Bryn Mawr In Boston, the guest of Mlsa Elisabeth Mc cracken, formerly of thla city and now one of tha editors of Home Progress. Mlaa Elisabeth need, who la at Ml I Bennett' achool at Mlllbrook, N. I., was In New Tork last week to asalst at tha debut tea of Mlsa Irene Hunter. Mlaa Madeline Dickey of Kansas City was also f ona of th assisting girla at th tea, which ra given at Sherry', line Arts Exhibit Notes. Mrs. Charles T. Kountse, president ot the Fin Art society; Mr. Halleek Rose, chairman of the exhibition committee, and Mrs. J. K, Bummers, . chairman ot tha courtesies committee, will reoalv Wednesday evening at th privet vtaw which opena th seventh annual exhibit of th soclaty. Assisting will bo snem bers ot th exhibition and courtesies committees. From flv to eight women, member of th Fins Arts society, will be present every dsy during th exhibition front 10 In th morning until 10 In th evening-. An added feature of Interest will b a group of informal gallery talka. be ginning Saturday, with Mlsa Gertrude Young, who will apeak at 4 o'clock. This will be, followed by another on Monday, February 1, at the aame time, by Prof. Grummann of Nebraska uni versity, and th next day Mr. Raymond Wyer. who ha already lectured before the Art society 'this season, will apeak both In tha afternoon and evening, and In th afternoon of th following day, Wednesday. Th Fin Art exhibit wilt also be th Inspiration for a series of teas, Mra. 4. K. Summer being th first on to begin these teas. Sh haa asked ten or a doseq friends to have tea with her at th hotel Thuraday afternoon, following a visit to th exhibition, and Mr. Charlie Kountse follow with a similar tea Fri day, and Mr. George B. Prlns Baturday. Th following weak Mra Moahler Col. petser, Mra. Halleek Rose, Mlrs. Ward Burgas and Mlsa Jessie Millard will be tea hostesses to some of their friends. Nash-Hamlin Concert Parties. Tf. FrancssNash-aeorr Hamlin con cert thla afternoon at th Boyd theater will bring out th mualo lovers of Omaha in full fore. Mm. O. W. Megeath will be hoctesa to a box party composed of Mra. Jo!- W. To wis, Mrs. C'harlea Squires, Mra. Hoxt Clsrk. Miss Marlon Tow I and Miss Mary Megeath. Another box party of th afternoon will be given by the Joseph llaidrlgea, whose guests will be tha OH ford Wolfea of Oounoll Bluffs, and Mr. Benjamin Smith. Tha William A. Redlrks and tho Will Burns with Mr. W. R. Bweatt of Minne apolis, will occupy a box. Another box will ba oocuplrd by Mrs. Herman Kountse and Mrs. Jerome P. Mac, Mrs. Ben Gallagher and Mrs. Paul Gallagher. Mr. J. 3. Sullivan and Mlaa Nellie Wekely and J. M. Metcalf and Miss Mary Munchhoff. Reservation have been taken by: Mudames Meedsmes " T. Kountse. t.tonard Rverett. r,, i, Aiorsiimn, jr.; 11. 11. I !. U. W. Wat Ilea. J. E. Rung, C. Georse, C. F. McOrew. Flnyd KmlUt, U Mors, 'Mary M.-Shan, Nona lrl'ise. GHrg Kedlck, . C. Hedlc.k. V. Merrism. R. O. Harris, W. J. Foye, Mue l.'liasbeth Rooney, Mule Bell. Klaie Psusiian. Jeuti Kenndy tilunore, Mr. W, 11. Koenig. Ecyd Theater Parties. Mr. and Mr. Ward Burgess will glv a bos party at the Boyd theater Mon day evening for the Forbes-Robertson performance. For Tuesday evening all th botes have, been engaged. Mr. and Mra U. W, ptatner hav two of tb lower hoxt, and th utbers are taken by Mr. Luther Kountse. Judg and Mr, w. A. RedUk, Mr. and Mra. Louis ash, Mr. and Mks. Gcorg Iayn. Mr. - w N . i? X ( N f&& -.7 ' : ) f ,, , . ,1 I ' , " ' t J , ' and Mra. II. P. Wtillmore and Mr. and j-" "ox. . , ZT"? J " Pait Festivities. The Barara class of tha First Ilptlt church gav a aupper Friday evening In tha church parlors for the I'hllathea class. Prof. James Msstera of the Omaha High achool gave a talk and the presi dent of th Baracas. Mr. C. R Vesy, re plied. Among the musical number given wa "Annie Laurie," by Mlas Ethel Bolomon, accompanied by Mr. H. VV. Thornton. La Salle Club Dance. Th La lalle club entertained at a dancing party at 'Chambers' academy, Tuesday evening. Those present were: , Mlnnes MlKRCft Cecelia Noon, Julia Johnson, Ruth Kddy, Alio Carr. Ann Verdgren, Margaret Knsllsh, Mona Roselter, Ruth Gentlemen. Fthel Hlierry, Marlon Hurke, oil Callahan, Mary ('Ulre Hwlft, Ktlicl McCultough, Margaret Cullen, Vera Harrv. Mildred Huth, Kmily HimnRenberr. Inea lnnv Iu Cottmyer. Fannin Kolilnr, Jrsce Jone. 1- whr Gertrude McCauley, Jennie Hall Alma Johnson, Wlnirreil Cole Klla Klnser. Mary Morrison, Kther Connolly, Helen McCaffrey, Msry Mooer. T'llllnn Hngrew, Agnes Weaver. Katherlne Goodall, Ruth RNmtolph, Tres Morlnrty, Hens Sherlock, Nora I'HillnK, Katherlne Martin, Grnce I'ummlngs, Tres Mulr'Khy, Maile Mnrlftdge, Velln Jennings, Helen Maildvii. Leota Frankenberger Clarlsna t'lny, May Walsh, Lucille McTee, Ills Dolcn, Blanch McOeary, Mariraret Hoffman, tella M. Spragu. Clara Bohman, ' Mera. Jne Adams, Harry Raemuaaen, Ralph Coke, f. C,. Murphy, P. C. Murphy, Charles Lovejoy, J. Huth, C. J. Wolford, Bob Bums, I'aul Wslsh, Will Cullen. Murunn Heafey, P. McGnvern, Frank Gumming, Kil Hwohoila, K. D. Whitehead, A, H. llewnlua, J. C. Itefrrgler, . M. Palling, Bill Brcnnan. Harry Cuminlnga, l-yle Hoffman, " te Lyck, Vic llnniianoon, Roy Hurna. 'arl iinnjnmln, Maurice Grver, 0. Bennett. 1, awrni-e Bushman, Art Cullen, Gorald McVreary, James ('. Hartnett, I'ennla T. Cullen. N. Peacock. Kteve Mulvihlll, Bob Green, Meedames F. J. Cullen. Pauline Ryan, Maritarct Coulton, Lucille Rrown, Father Rylen, Margaret Morrison, Hess I'helsn. Dorothy Fleming, Margaret Black, May Itlack, Ada Itlark, Alma Dol.n, Kntherlne ('a raw, miuired tiroH, Marie Watt. Gertrude Rylan, rsnnie nc nmita. Fay Chamberlain, M":ti. Cyril Holhroolc, L. Werrlck, F."A. Hubbell. J O. Whitney, Hugh Graham, '. J. Asuman, F.d O Ncll, Frank Colllna, John llalplne. Dr. C, Ander, It, Nelson. W. M.Cauley, Tod Israel, A, Ilogle. Ralph Wilson, Hhee Ryan. Hndy Walter. Kid rfc hnl!, Kinery 1'lanck. Paul Moor. Jerry I, yum, J, W. Hoffman. Harold Johnson. J. Kelly, N. Mi honey, Kd t'oetnllo, 1 Mct'rearv. V. Black. Oharlos Flood, m. rowier, Martin llolhmoke, May Owens, n C. Parks, Dick Hutch, V. Kendrlck. C. Smith. Mesilnmea D. Cullen. J1, C llarinett, sr. 1 St. Berchman's Graduate Affair. Mlsa F.tlxaheth Redman la hostess this afternoon at her home at dinner to th graduatea of St. Berchman'a academy Tha dinner will lie followed by a musical program. Mr. Slgmund Landaberg will play. Mlas Isabella Mailman will give violin solo. Mis Henrietta West aing and Mis Helene Murphy a piano aolo. Th guest will be seated at small tables, dec orated with narcieaua and pink carna tnlna In small glaas vases. Those pre' ent will be; M isses Henrietta West, t'lalr May. lRahella Madman, Helen Murphy, Asnea Mtinliman, Gladys Tnte. liretta Man, Dorothv Fleming, Ruth Wheeler. M Uses Mart ha Gaines, . Ksther Connolly, Vivian Foley, F.IWahelh Redman, Kathleen Mcl'iann, Helen Murphy, 1 .nolle llrown, Florenc McCrann. Cura Keellne, Honor Officers of Shrine. The member of the Malva White Hhrtn wer th guests at a very enjoy able party Thuraday evening at the Pratri Park club house. The hosts wer Mr. H. J. Blt'kler, th retiring presiding officer, and Mr. B. O. King, the presld Ing officer-elect. Th ball room waa In us for those who wlahed to dance, while card tablea In th parlors wer also In us. Th decoration wer In green and white,' th Prairie Park club color, and ven th lc cream served during th m termlaslon matched tha general color scheme. About thlrty-flv couples wer present Visitor to the South, Mrs. Frank F. Parmele leave Thurs day for th south. Mr. Parmele will visit with her klnfolk. th Payne ot Louisiana, and will be In New Orleans for th Mardl Graa. Later Mr. Payne expect to visit In Mobil and at other point along th gulf coast, returning horn th first week In February. Tuesday Musical Plans. Owing to th Illness of Miss Harriet Met? who was to have taken part In th program ef th Tuesday Morning Musical Tuesday afternoon at th Fon tenrlle. th program ba bad t be changed nUrly and Paul Reimer. a tenor from Berlin, haa been secured for Leaders of the Omaha Fine Arts Society X ' . ' J a T a recital. Mr. Reimer la well known In bt own country and I very popular in Lincoln, whr he wa In demand for mualcal at piivat houses. Mis Mary Munchhoff and Mr. Reimer mad a con cert tour In Oermany together. Befor coming over her Mr. Reimer waa a prtaoner of war In France. Gossip of Society. Mr. Herman Kounts I expecting her daughter, Mr. Jerome Mage, of Bill ings, Mont., this morning. Mr. and Mr. J. W. Woodrough, who are at present In Washington, will go to Schenectady, N. Y., for tha Junior week festivities. Mk-a. Woodrough' aon, Paul Beckett, being at Union college there. Colonel Harry Hale, who ha been sta tioned south and in Washington sine leaving Omaha several year ago, sailed this month for Tien Tsln, In China, where h ha been ordered to command th regiment of our troop stationed ther. Mrs. Wilson Austin and baby daugh ter, Evelyn, arrived Thursday from Pel ham Manor. N. T., to spend three or four wreck with' her parent, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McOrsw. This I Mr. Aus tin' first visit sine moving east to live last spring. Mr. and Mr. Henry Clark of Lincoln cam up Monday for th Hoxl Clark dance, and returned home Wednesday. Their two hoy ar still quarantined at th hospital with scarlet fever, but ar faat recovering and will probably be out again In a week or two. Mir. Helen Poppleton. with her aon, William, la at th Fontenelle. having given up her apartment at th Knicker bocker for three month to Mr. and Mr. John Hill. Jr., who hav Just returned from an extended trip. Mr. Poppleton and her aon leave Tuesday for Califor nia, with their mother, Mr. H. C. Smith, to visit her brother. Robert, In San Francisco. Y. W. C. A. Tea. Mrs. Palmer Flndly will be hoates Wedneaday afterm a 1 at th Toung Women' Christian association at a tea from S to S o'clock. A musical program will be given, with a group of songs by Mis. Hugh Wallace. Miss Haie! Kvans and Mlsa Dora JSaea. Th matron and girls assisting Mrs. Flndly will be: Mesdsmes Mesdames M. 1. t'nmeron, Genriie llllmore Georue Plainer. Richard farrier, . W. Noble. George Pane. we,rnw nyeii, Mlrniea Henrietta Gllmore Mlssea ) Howell. Marlon Carpenter. Nell Ryan. Jewish Relief Event Mr. and Mra. A. Terry entertained a meeting at their home Thuraday evening for th purpose of raising fund for th Jewish relief. A committee wss ap pointed composed of Messrs. M. Voger, L Wohlner and A. Terry. Birthday Party. Mrs. J. M. Peterson gave a birthday party Friday afternoon at her home for her S-year-old daughter. Klola. Those present wer: M Isses Flnlse Peterson. Mildred Johnson, Vivian Klrby, Alice Hill. M lases Katherlne Keller. Helen Keller. Marian Herrlngton. Masters Masters- Frederick Peterson. Tod Herrlngton. Commerce School Girls' Affair. Th Travel and Domestic Science clubs of th High School of Commerce enter tained th Motor girl at a reception at tb Toung Women' Christian association x r X r parlor Wednesday afternoon. Th pro gram Included a piano solo, by Adelaide Zeller; vocal duet. Sylvia Whistler and Ruth Martin; reading, Georgia Nelson; vocal aolo, ESla Ren pens; piano solo, Gladys Callahan, and reading by Leona Shannon, ... Light refreshment war served. Tho present were: Masses MUsses Mildred Anderson Gertrude Rodman Fvanollne Rush Kthel Thompson Dorotnv Gibson Marie Nemecek Helen Donahue Georgia Nelaon Theresa Harrington Ieona Shannon , 1 Mildred Canry Father Zalkovtt Fi een Debolt Haxel Pierce Marie Hennlnger . F.mtlie Brown Mary Bourller Minnie Frey tiasel t oston Anna Kelner Julia I,eahy Klla Morton Leola Wanner Mary Peal J. Rae Dora Chesno Ruth Smith Helen Grant Gladys Callahan Elizabeth Pofahl Martha Rlohmond Fdna Baltxer Dorothy Dunn Helen Crawford I.orete. Larsen Clura Weaver Adelatde Keller Martha Byrne Ktta Fair Huth Nownea Nellie Finn Verna Drury W inifred Brownfleld Nellie Cane Helen Danlelson Fsther Jacobsen Fcho Koonts- . Cecelia Muvers . . , Agnes Norgsard Nellie fhrlntenaon Ktta Snltier II. K. Druirimond . Bessie Metches Anna Shields Ma Regelman Pauline Hemerad Cecelia Nepodal Julia Howajd Marguerite Dunahy Marguerite O'Neill Amilla Talbod Mary Glhb Mamia Flxa Hemic Lambert Marie Andrewa Nell Dudgeon Mill Nee'adek Dorothv Riley F.Ma Resneaa Svlvla Whistler Nellie Hoyt Tbomson-Barnum. The weddln.T of Mia Jannls Ophelia Barnum, daughter ot Mr, and Mra. Wal ter Mallory Uarnum. and Mr. Matthew Alexander Thomson took place Saturday evening at the horn of th bride. Dr. J, Frank Toung officiating. Preceding th ceremony the ao'ng "I Love Tou Truly" was sung by MIm. Virginia Barnum, slater of the bride, wnn also played th Men delssohn wedding march. Mrs. Judson L. Harkln and Mr. Alston Duane Barnum, -Blrter-1n-law of th bride, stretched the ribbons for th bride, who came alone. .She was followed by Uttl Ralph Thomson, nephew ot the groom, who carried tha ring in th heart of a callallly. Th clergyman and groom met th bride In th library, where th ceremony was performed under the marriage bell. The bride wore a gown of brocaded Ivory aatln combined with lace. Fhe car ried an arm bouquet of bride roses, fin ished with a shower of sweet peas and aaparagua fern. Only Immediate relative of th bride nd groom were present. Measagea ef congratulation wer re ceived from Messrs Truman B. Sablna, Fairfield.' L'tah, antl George S. Barnum, Perkeley, Cat., brothers of th bride, and from Mra. Walter Squires, San Franciaoo, Cal., sister of th groom. Shower for Bride. A shower waa given Thursday evening for Mis Mary Badeker. A mualcal pro gram wa given by Mrs. E. Klngsley, accompanied by MLs. J. Tsllnek. Those present wer: Misses Josephine Carew, Clara W etner, Marguerite Fllley, tdlth Murray, (ieneviev Davta. "enevlev IennU, Mary Durness, Messrs. J. Vellnek. K. Klngsley, B. V odor II, K. Rips. Frank Simpson. Misses Vary Badeker, Frances Welner, Joata Hebert. Fleanora Murray, Uda Klehl. Lulu Badeker. Mesrs W. Mtedden. A. SKouniel, H. Morten. D. K Murray. A. Bcdeker. To Spend Winter on the Coast. Miss Hasel May Morrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Morrison, sorom penled by her cousin. Mis Mary Brown f Seattle, Waves February , t pDd Eidth TobiU the remainder of the winter on the Pacific coast. Miss Morrison expects to be gone about alx month and will visit at Seattle, Portland, Ban Franciaoo, Los Angelea and San Jos. . Dinner Dance at Henshaw. . Th Bon-Dent society waa entertained at a dinner-dance at the Henahaw hotel, Friday evening. Th club is mad up of a number of young married couple who hav been meeting a a dancing club thla winter. The guests wars: Messrs. and Mnsdsmea Harry Van ArnsuaJe Fred Lnrkin, W. 11 Bolln H. H. KnanD. Fred 1 vine, A. E. Hall, Joseph Keen an. K. V. Gray, Kay Rainbolt. Glenn Smtth, George Wright, J. O. Quick, A. V. Dresner. J. D. Dresner, Misses Paulina Bllsasaer, Verna Newe'l, Elisabeth Krueger, Messrs. Henry Kulha, William Cullen, Walter Bchopp, C. W. Dresher, John Fucha, G. H. Allwlne, 8. 8. Dresher, D. M. Wycoff, A. O. Engleman, EL D. Branch, K. Forbes, K. D. Allen, M Isses Weber. Bussell. Messrs. O. D. Hhary, Ha I ph. Russell. High School Teacher to Wed. Mlsa Sarah Mlnler Sanborn leaves to day for Texas. After short visit In Dal las and Waco she la to Join her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mra. Thomas A. Mln ler of Craig, Neb., In San Antonio, where sh Is to be married, early In February, to Mr. Walter Gerald Weaver, a lawyer, formerly of Waco, now of Alice, Teg. Mr. and Mr. Weaver will be at horn In' Alice after March 1. Mtos Sanborne was an active member ef tha Association of Collegiate Alumnae and taught In th High achool. Wedding; Announcement Dr. Roy A. Ralaton of Long Pin. Neb., and Mia France C. Frohner, teacher of the fifth grade at Lothrop school, were married Friday evening at the home of PRICES f 0T m 9 Dry Cleaning ,MEN8 Suits, S pieces. ... Suits, 3 pieces. . . . . .91.00 . 1.20 . JM . 1.BO Trousers Overcoat ristera . . . Sweater . . 2.00 .50 LADIES Tatlor Suits ... .f 1.75 to $2.00 Pklrts. plain .... .73 to l.OO Skirts, pleated .. l.ooto 1.50 Walats, plain . . . .50 to .75 Waist, fancy .. . .73 to l.OO Dresses, plain .. 1.23 to 1.50 Presses, fancy . . 1.73 to S.OO Jacket, ahort .. l.OO to 1JS5 Jacket, long ... 1.50 to a.OO Glove 10 to .23 W fMraaJr sstuAsrhWa r as sag. Wky set km Us BEST? IPantorium "Good Cleaners and Dyers" 1S1S-13-17 Jones St-, l"bone, Isouffla 06:1. Ilranrh Office, SO 10 IVnam St. South Side. 470H South 24th tiu N. B. We sponge and pre suits for (0 rent. Mr. and Mra. Albert Malum. 2301 Pratt street, by Rev. R. W. Leavltt of the riymouth Congregational church. Prettiet Mile GoiFciub. Tha monthly mooting of Um Prsttsaat Mile Ladies' Golf club will be enter-Uined iTuesdsy evening by Mr. Milton T. Byrd. i Mr. Vincent Haacall and Mlaa Lillian I Paul have charge of th program, which win be given following a business roeat i Ing. Asideting tha hostess will be: Miss Etta Smith. Hndmn Meedamee J. C. Ludeke. C. M. Mortensen. Ida Fltnn. II. H. Wilbur. Kay Rainbolt. E. L. Cain. Surprise Party. A surprise party was given to Mr. Frank Buckley at hi s home Friday even were: Misses Mildred Madison. ' Lorene MoCurley. Margaret Kennor. Messrs Frank Buckley. Victor Carlson. John Kulakofsky. Ing. Thoa present Misses Loleta Wheeler. Haxel Smith. Irene KiKga, F-ether Buckley, Messrs. Wlllism Kngel. George Hook. Harry Wliltmer. Theodore Brandt. Stork Speoial. A daughter wa born Wednesday af ternoon to MV. and Mrs. W. E. Oehrle. Mrs. Oehrle was formerly Mlsa Happy Martin. Omaha Boy Sinps in Hew Tork. Th new reached friend In Omaha that an Omaha boy, Mr. John Ranlghen, waa elected from th Glee club of Cornell university to bo on of th Cornell quar tette sent to New Tork to sing t the luncheon given trustee of Cornell uni versity by Mr. George C. Boldt. Mr. Han Ighen wa also tha aololst of the quar tette. Th luncheon waa given In the banquet room of the Hotel Waldorf Astoria, and among th well known men present wer Dr. J. O. Schurman, presi dent of Cornell, and th steel manages, Andrew Carnegie and Charles M. Schwab. Personal Mention. Mr. Frederick B. Low I recovering from a surgical operation at th Im tnanuel hospital. Mrs. Paul Slsson expect to leave In a few weeks for Mechanlcsburg, O., to vielt Mr. and Mlrs. Hall for a month. MIks Gladys Goodman la expecting Mis Mildred Brown of Hampton, la., Tuesday afternoon, to be her guest for several week. Mr. Daniel Edgerley ha returned home from a visit to Nebraska City, where sh was th truest of Mrs, J. Donald Douglas. C. J. Lord, better known as "Duke" Lord, a popular member of th younger set since his coming to Omaha a faw years ago, left Sunday for Chicago, where he will make hi home In th fu ture. Mr. D wight Swob of Berkeley, CaL. passed through Omaha 8unday on hi way to Washington, D. C, on business, Mr. 8wobe wilt probably atop hr on hi way back a few days with hla par ents. Colonel and Mr. Swob, Mrs. D. H. Wheeler- waa called aast Wednesday to Riirllnrtnn. Vt Kv ih. j Illness of her mother, who haa been auf- rering rrom grippe and la threatened with pneumonia. Mr. Lou Marshall of Lincoln, Mlrs. Wheeler brother, also went to hi mother. Reserved Seats at Brandeis for House of FdsMonShoilo Monday, January 31st 9 D TUI Tuesday, February 1st l lrl have almost all been given out. Only a jew left for oar friends if you Call Immediately House of Menagh 1613 Farnam Street Mr. S. H. Acherman THE FASHIONABLE WOMEN'S TAILOR has returned from the east and is now showing the authoritative styles and ex clusive suit patterns for spring season 1916 in a great assortment Your inspection most cordially invited. 1730 St. Mary's Avenue, FLATIRON BUILDING. The Steinway Acknowledged by all Icallng artist and scientists a the standard piano of the world, will be used by Miss Frances Nash, Omaha's loading Pianist, ami Mr, George Hamlin, Thi renowned Tenor, who appear In concert at BOTD'S raisTEB, UITDAT APTEKNOOH, JAJTrABT 30TH W show a complete rang of styles both Orands and Uprights, from SSOO to Sl.afiO. Terms if de sired. Schmollcr Mueller Piano Co. 1311-131$ Famarn St., Omaha. Eaoluslv Stat Beprsssntatlves. A Send Flowers to Your Sick Friends Let flowers express your thoughts. They are go full 0 sentiment to bemvtiM: They are a most appreciated gift. JOHN H. BATH "nCTrsF7ori.f" 1804 FARNAM STREET, Phone Douglas S0UO. the Theater the Menagh 3- - -.cz 1. 1 . XT