Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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    10 A
tiik omaha sunday bef,: January 30, ioig.
Volunteers Make Decided Hit with
Rine-Temr-Old Lad Who
Needed Help
Little Totnmle, aged , Just thinks
be has about the grandest home In
the world now.
Up to three days ago he llred with
his mother in a little room, and It
tot awfully cold sometimes, and
sometimes mother would cry.
Thm mother bundled Mm up one
tnnrnlns and brought htm to thli fin
p'sce bre he ta now. There's a great
Mir ro"m, and. upstair there ar many
tflomi and lta alw.jrs warm and every
Vody'a kind to htm and he a-oea to achool
and haa nlre warm red mlttena to wear
and a warm little overcoat. And mother
never riiea. Oh, It's Just grand!
Tonimla'a grand home la the Volun
teer of America headquarter. 114 North
f ifteenth atreet. where the McCormlcke
are taking care of him. Hla father la
Dead and hta mother works to make the
lli'tng for both of them.
. Kt-.e ha relative, but they declined to
Cake rare of Tommle while hla mother
at work. They have enough 'little
Iroiiblea" of their own.
Then ah remembered the Volunteere.
Eh had attended some of their atreet
meetings In the summer and aha believed
thev would help her.
When ahe told her story to Mra. Mc
cormick of the Volunteer ahe won her
keart richt away. And little, smiling
Commie clinched the bargain.
fo the McCormlrks look after Tommla
all day, feed him and weah his face and
hands and get him ready for school.
And when he Isn't in achool he's explor
ing hla big grand horn, upstalra and
And. then. In the evening hla mother
cornea home from work and they ay
goodbye and go to their' room for the
Tommle ta auch a nice, good, little
boy, aay the McCormlrka. that It la
really a pleaaure to have him there.
Tommle ha his dream, too. Bom
day, when he'a a man, he aay, ha'a
going to be a Vol'a'teer" and wear a
alee auit like Major kOrCormlck and
Captain Fluher and play on the drum.
Dr. Willett Says
We Learn from the
. Stars and Children
Ir. Herbert U Wlllett of the Univer
llty of Chicago, who addressed the grad
uate at Central High school Friday even
ing, commented on the advantagea of
public achool education. He spoke of the
Interest one flnde In children and women,
becaua they furnish aurprUee to break
the monotony of the day'a work. Chil
dren frequently volunteer startling In
formation, he remarked.
While looking over aome eiamlnatlon
paper of Chicago grade achool pupils re
aently he observed the following:
In answer to the question, "What la
'he definition of the first person?" a
:hlld replied, "Adam:"
Another youngster, answering the
auestlon, "What is a buttress?" replied,
"A buttress la a woman who make but
ter." A child made this statement, "A great
iny people are put to death every year
y elocution."
'This goes to show that w can learn
from children and the atare," aald Dr.
Central High Grad
Proves to Be Hero
at Commencement
Now that It l all over, Paul BamuHson
of Central Iliah achool. one of th Janu
ary graduate, Is looked upon a a hero,
although hi rtlon t th commencement
Friday evening ns Just what a gentle
man should do when he happened to be
near by when a young woman faint and
needs to be carried to a convenient pine
for attendance.
Th aurnrlelng feature of th Incident
Is not that Mr. amuelon should hav
rendered first eld, but that he should
have been able to pick Miss Minnie Frry
from her seat, crry her In hi arms from
th front row of the auditorium of Cen
tral High achool, down through the alie.
along a hallway to the office of the
school. Ml Frey fainted during th ad
dress of Ir. Herbert U Willett. The
speaker stopped when he noted the young
woman leaning over In her seat. Phe le
a girl or more than ordinary wrigni.
While othera were thinking Just what to
do Mr. Bamuelaon had the prostrate fig
ure In hi arma and he seemed to know
Just how to carry a woman under auch
circumstance. HI respiration wa ac
celerated a little by the effort, but he did
not atop until be had Mlsa Frey In the
school office, where proper attendance
could be administered.
After performing this task Mr. Pamiirt
aon returned to nl aeat and resumed his
Interest In the commencement program.
Bad Stormi in Nevada Mountains
Came the Annulment by the
. Union Pacific.
Trains Nog. 2, the Overland Lim
ited, and 10, the Ran Francisco
Limited of the Union Pacific, all east
bound, are annulled, and at head
quarters It Is not known where they
are or when they will arrive. Short
trains, however, are being made up
at Ogden, Utah, and tomorrow they
School Board Now
Planning Buildings
to Bo Erected Soon
Members of the Board of nducatlon at
luncheon dlcusned In an Informal manner
vartoua featurea of th building program
to be carried out with money received
from aale of $500,000 bond laat fall.
The board aeems to, be unanimous In
the opinion that new schools be started
next spring to replace the buildings now
used at the Park, Clifton Hill and Druid
Hill altes.-Additions .will .be. provided at
Franklin and Lincoln arhoola and Central
school will be remodeled and enlarged
for uee by the High Bchool of Commerce.
This la part of the-program outlined
In a statement presented to voters when
11,000,00? bond were . authorised at an
election laat May. ...... ,
Dan Cupid Makes
Inroads on Omaha
Teaching Force
Whether or'not leap year has anything
lo do with the cae. th fact remains
:ht sis publlo schools teachers hav re
signed or hav announced their Intentions
to abandon "single bleMedneas."
The superintendent regard th altua
don a an epldemlo and h know not
when it will end.
The name of th teacher who hav
wpHulalod to th wile of Daniel Cupid
re: Janet Wallace. Central High; Sarah
Ban borne. High School of Commerce)
Kdn Fulton and Hulda Madaen, Houth
fide schools; Lucille Brown, .Kdward
Hoaewater; Edna Dodge, Beals.
Several other teachers have been ob
served in be wearing rings they never
wore before and on flngera which arouse
the Interest of their Irienda.
New Teachers for
tho Public Schools
The superintendent of publlo aohoola
announced the following changea begin
ning with the second semeter next Mon
day morning i .
Beule 8nydr will erturn to the ancient
Unguase department at Central High,
ifter an abeenoe of al monlha
Annette rlierry of Brown Park school
nd Bessie Howard c.f Farnam school will
b advanced to manual training work In
the elementary aohoola.
Orac DuBots will be added to th
household art department of Central
High on account of Increased attendance.
Josephine Hughe of th Herman de
partment In elementary achool will sue
reed Janet Wallace at Central High.
Catherine Cone of Ashland, Neb., 111-
school will have charge of the sewing de
partment In th elementary arhoola of
th Routb fide, succeeding iCdna Fulton,
Alma AxeUon of I-smont, la., will be
a'lded to th Latin department of Central
High school.
Spigle Funeral to Be
Sunday Afternoon
Th funeral of Henry Splgl. th Omaha
pioneer, who died Friday morning, will
be held Sunday afternoon at t o'clock
from the residence of Mr. and Mra
Barney Harris. 611 Bouih Thirty-first
street. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will offi
ciate and interment will be at I'leaaaat
School Nurses Will
Make Sunday Visits
Pome of the visiting nurses of the Board
of Education will work Sunday, that
they may complete their visitation of
absent children before opening of the new
semester Monday morning.' The plan is
to have, all children examined at the
schools on Monday. Absentees or now
entrants must present ' certificates of
health before they will be admitted.
One of the nilrses facilitated her work
by using a bora and buggy.- " - -
February. 11. haa been appointed by
the national ooard a "Jubilee month'
ror tne. rouns? women Christian asso
ciation throughout tfae'land. It I fifty
yeara sine the, first . Xoung ., Women
Christian association waa organised In
the United KtaUa-and they have been
years el marvellous growth and of the
very manifest guidance of Uod. The lo
cal association la planning aome Interest
ing event for the month. A general plan
of the month, as made by the special
committee. Is as follow: First week
Membership week, with several banquets
for groups of niembers; second week,
Publicity week, when 'members will try
to present the work In a many places as
possible; In the third week, which Is His
torical week, they will present the his
torical pageant prepared by the national
board, and the last week will be divided
into days of giving and days of prayer,
with a closing birthday service March 3,
will come through on the time of the
It Is asserted that the annullment of
the three rrark train Is due to terrific
storm and floods In the mountains and
the valleys west of Ogden. A snowstorm
of great proportion ha been general
through th Nevada mountain for sev
eral day and It I presumed that the
Southern Pacific that delivers Noa. t and
10 to the t'nlon raclfle at Ogden la
blocked again.
Trewbla West f Oadea.
Et of Ogden ther I no trouble, but
the weather Is cold. Impeding the run
ning of trains to Home extent. Tempera
ture through the aouthera portion of
Wyoming are 10 to degree below sero,
with a fight snowfall Friday night.
Farther north In Wyoming and along
the line ef the Northwestern and Bur
lington the coldest weather of the winter
la being experienced. It I accompanied
by two to four Inches of mow, but it la
not drifting. The weather Is so cold that
engine are unable to make steam and
consequently traina are one to aix hours
Iste In arriving.
Friday night Camper. Wyo., reported a
temperature of SI; Fhoshonl, : Hherl
dan, 32 degree below tero. At Bapid
City. H. I., It wa 14 degree below and
15 to 30 below all through the Black Hill
In Nebraska It wa not so cold, but
up In the northwest comer of the state
around Alllanr and Chadron. 10 degree
below sero was registered. Up the Hk
horn valley'and" up through the sandhills
temperatures went to below. Else
where In Nebraska temperature were
from i below to 10 above.
Mr. and Mr. A. J. Gray of Omaha were
arrivals January 20 at the Hotel Snspp In
Excelsior Spring. Mo.
rn Oalnes, proprietor of the Merchants
hotel, haa returned from New York, wher
h went on business.
Village of Elkhorn
Sues Power Plant
The village board of Elkhorn ha?
started mandamus proceedings In district
court In an attempt to compel the Platte
Valley Power company to furnish elec
tric current to Its cltltena without
alleged excess charges.
A franchise waa granted by the village
board last February. On November J,
according to the plalntlffe petition, the
company rendered bill to It patrons
charging 2p cents for meter rent and on
lecember 1 asked payment of 25 cents for
"readiness to serve."
Many "patrons refused to psy these
charges and on December W the company
cut off the service In many homes, the
petition allege.
A court order require the company to
turn on the current or how cause why
it should not do so.
Stops Tobacco Habit
in One Day
Sanlta Ham lnhllhce FVe Ttnolc
Showing How Tobacco Habit Can
He Itaninhed In From One
to Five Pnys at Home.
The ndera Sanitarium, located at 9
Main St., 8t. Joseph, Mo., he published
a free book ehowtng the deadly effeot
of the tobacco habit, and how it can be,
banished in from one to five day at
home. ,
Men who have used tobacco for mora
than fifty year hav tried thl method
and say It ta entirelv successful, and In
addition to banishing the dealre for to
bacco ha Improved their health wonder
fully. Thla method banlahe th desire,
for tobacco, no matter whether It Is
smoking, chewing, cigarette or nuff
: As thl book Is being distributed free,
anyone wantlne a copy should send their
nam and address at once. Advertisement.
The well known thermometer began an
other cold day1 work at the weather
bureau with a registration of t degree
above sero at 7 a. in. today, which la Just
4 degree above th same hour Friday
morning. In the Interval It had ventured
up to a torrid 10 degrees above at 11
o'clock Friday night.
The anow la about over for the present,
aaya Colonel Welsh, who predicts, "partly
cloudy tonight and Sunday. Not quite so
cold Sunday,"
A. H. Stewart ha come to Omaha in
be manager of the Aetna Llfi Insurant-
company, succeeding the late John Dale.
rred Dal will continue at th head of
the accident and liability department of
th Aetna. Mr. Stewart comes from
Denver, wher he haa been for th last
rifteen yeara with the Aetna. Prior to
that time be waa a train dispatcher on
the Union Pacific
Fponi Piles
lead Tot free Trial Treatment
No matter how long or how bad go to
Tour drugirut toilay and g I a M vent
box of fyraoilU Ju Treatment. It
The United State court In the Omaha
dlvlalun wiU be reopened for business
February 21. Judge T. C. Munger Is named
as th trial jucge.
The new Jury will be drawn next Wednesday.
Li ' i 1
, , '
TV rytwaaU SsaO Fi
will give relief, and
cures. A trial package mailed frv In plain
wrapper u you toua us ooupun below,
m a SiaU Trial
a single bog often
U Pyramid Hid-.. Marshall, Mich,
Kindly send me a Free sample of
Pyraa4 PUa TesstiBsat. la plain W tapper.
Cltr .
Wotei From thl Weckweir Dept.
The latest navsltv In lalies' dress acres
sorlos Is the Nsw Knit Collar and Cuff Sets.
In whits and rolore New Vandyke Neck
Frills ar very atyliah and pretty for the ehla
chin sflect.
? Hiss Strange Here Another Week
Ths many requests for Miss Strange's ser
vtre and advice have resulted In another
week's stay. Free lessons all next week In
Knitting and Crorhetln Individual instruc
tion using FI.E1HHIK8 TARN.
Qiiaiiitness Is Expressed in New Spring Apparel
New Frocks for Dinner
and Traveling Wear
We arw ah owing, many new ex
amples of the smart simple frocks
of Serge, Taffetas and Combina
tions suitable for wear beneath the
winter coat, for traveling and for
the dinner occasions.
$25, $35 to $75
s i i iii a ' t
New Frocks for Misses
and Small Women
The petite mlsa and the woman
requiring the models for the small
er figures will find a charm and
grace In our. showing of Taffeta
Frocks that will please. . A. wonder
full assortment of pretty prae-.
ttcal colors and combinations of
georgettes. -
$19, $25, $32.50,
$39 arid $49
Smart Suits for
Spring i$ herd Smrtorialbf, thml
it. By actual calendar coanl, it it
$eoeral month off at yet. tBut
Spring clothet have arrived, and the
winter uardrohe it beginning to look,
dun and dull at compared to the
fine feather prepared for the fine
,birdt of Springtime.
-Quaintncu it expressed in many
of the mart little gownt deoelopod
for Spring, and the tuitt are decid
edly chic Flare it a dominant note
throughout. Lace and embroider'
let figure in the trimmings, and rib
bon are to have a firm reign.
Travel, Sport and Dress Wear
The southern bound tourist, the golfer, the women who drlre a car, or
the one who wishes the smartest of dress for street or afternoon wear,
will appreciate the roost wonderful collection and showing of high class
"Tailor Mades" we have ever offered at this season of the, year.
-Taffetas, Gros de Lendre, Serges, Gabardines, Poplins, etc. - -
The smartness is shown In the new flare given the coats and the wide
circular cut skirts. Every good practical color. , ,.
$25,$35r $45, $59 up to$89
A Special Lot of
Silks Sacrificed
11.25 40-Inch Crepe Chif
fons in good range of colors.
$1.50 40 Inch Satin Stripe
11.60 40-ln. Printed Chiffons.
$1.25 40-Inch Printed Ra
diums. 11.25 40-Inch Plain Chiffon
11.25 40 Inch Printed Voiles.
$1.25 40-Icch Plain Chiffon
Values to $1.50, per yard i
Distinctive New
Models in Misses'
sod Small Wom
en's Suits
The many innovations In
the new suits for this sea
eon are not more pro
nounced than in the small
ladies' and misses' models.
Little touches) of smart
ness a t iece ' of braid
here, a touch of color
there, a few extra buttons,
a novelty collar, pretty
flared ripple coat, with a
new novelty aklrt all go
to make up the "out of the
ordinary" suit.
$25, $32.50,
$39 and $49
Garments for Palm Beach
and Southern Wear
Many of tho new creations have
been conceived for the southern cli
mates, and the one who contemplates
spending a few weeks at the southern
resorts should see the assortments we
have to fill the wants.
White Serge Suits.
New Combination "Guern
sey Cloth" Suitg.
Pretty Oolflne Suits. .
Nobby New Cotton Mix
ture Suits.
$22.50, $25, $35 to $59
New Sport and
Dress Skirts
Extreme variety and
newness are the winning
features In the new 1916
skirts: variety of
materials trimmed In con
trasting bands, effective
suede leather trimmings,
flared bottoms, stitching,
fitted yokes, pleated In
box and side pleat a
$5.00, $6.98,
$8.98, $10
and up to
After taking stock we find soma
odd lots, discontinued Dualities and
materials we cannot duplicate on ac- VsU
count of conditions,' so we will price
thm tftT nillftlr Plnnn,
, A J n , . r-t .
i.oi u-incn i;aanmere unarmeuse.
$1.50 40-Inch Crepe de ChlneT"
$1.50 38 inch Black Chiffon Taffeta.
-$2.00 40-Inch Crepe Charmeuse.
An opportunity the quick
witted woman will seize to sup
ply her spring needs, so great
are the economies. Values to
$2.00 and all at one price, $1.00.
$2.00 33-Inch Matlaese.
$2.00 38-Inch All-Silk Bnltlng Tuswaha."
$2.00 40-Inch Printed Crepe de Chine.
$2.00 41-Inch Brocaded 8atln and Crepes.
$1.60 40-Inch Silk and Wool Poplin.
50 U 54-Inch Plain and
Novelty Suiting and
Dress Fabrics
Such weaves
64-Inch Black and White
64-Inch Imperial Sergea
64-Inch Novelty Stripes.
64-Inch Cascade Crepes.
50-Inch French Sergea
54-Inch Bedford Cords.
64-lnch Wool Plalda
And many other weaves,
worth up to $1.50. Specially
priced for Monday, yard
Sheets, Pillow Slips, Muslin, Printed and White Cotton Fabrics
32-Inch Finest English 8hlrtlngs,
beautiful styles and colorings; neat
figures, absolutely m Ql
fast Monday, yard.. J.S&2C
27-Inch Fancy Outing Ftannsl, ex
tra weight and warm fleecy nap,
both sides alike. Regular Sc f
value, yard OC
Dress Zephyrs, all the wanted
styles and colorings: neat checks
and stripes. Lengths to 20 yarda
Values to 104c Special evl
Monday, yard 72 C
The Genuine Lorraine Egyptian
Tlssus, beautifully embroidered and
plain figures; neat checks and col
or combinations, Kegular
26o value. Special, yard.
38-Inch Dress Percsle, full stan
dard C4x64 cloth. In all the wanted
sty lea light and dark Ql
colors; 10c value, yard..Oy2C
35-Inch Bleached Cambric, Muslin
and Longcloth, beautiful quality,
worth to 10c yard, 7yC
The Genuine Lonsdale Bleached
Cambric, 3( Inches wide, mill
shone, each piece stairiped. Regu
lar 160 value, Monday,
38-Inch Unbleaohed Muslin, ex
tra fine quality and weave, easily
bleached and laundered. Regular
8o value. Special Mon-
day, yard ,.. OyfcC
:. 9V2C
Extra Heavy . Bleached
Sheets, made from best grade
round thread sheeting, full
bleach ' and perfect wearing
quality ; 3-inch hems.
Size 72x90 inches, each..69o
Size 72x99 inches, eaxh..65o
Size 81x90 inches, each..65o
Size 81x99 inches, each..69o
Pillow Slipa
Size 42x36 inches, each 12VjC
Size 45x36 inches, each.. 15c
Monday, the last day of our January White Goods Sale, we
offer dainty new white novelties for blouses, dresses, dancing
lrocas, iounaauon sups, etc., at a biz savin"
tj' l. i j , , . . . . e
White Embroidered Novelties,
40 and 45-lnch. From f r nr
49c to SttO
New White Novelty ' eyr"
Volle. 40-inch. Yard OC
Fine Quality Seed Voile. r
40-lnch. Yard jC
White Novelties for Blouses,
Dresses and Children s nr
Wear. 36-lnch; yard OC
40-Inch "Brandels Special" White
Chiffon Voile; 40-lnch. Per i r
One Special Lot of 38-Inch White
Gabardine, worth to 45c. 1 f '
Yard iyC
Longcloth and Nainsook Specitls
Imperial Longcloth
36 Inches wide, 13-yard bolts,
80c and SI. 19
42-Inch English Longcloth, 12
yard bolts 81.98
45-Inch English Longcloth, 12
yard bolts 82.59
Chlmosa Nainsook, soft and silky,
42 Inches wide, 10-yard tQ QC
box, Monday 0CO
Family Nainsook, highly recom
mended for fine undermusllns, 86
inches wide, 12-yard
Great Sale of Laces
18 to 86-Inch Imported Lace Alloverg and Flouncinjrs, many
suitable for entire dresses, waists, camisoles, etc., QQ
in white, cream and ecru. Regular 69c value, yard. eJaC
Fancy Wash Laces,
suitable for dress
trimmings, under
wear, etc.
Net Top Lace Edgea
Normandle Val Laces.
Cluny Edgea and Insertlona
Shadow Bands and Edgea
lie Values, Monday, yard
Gold and Silver
Lace Flouncings,
embroidered an silk
maline nets
36-lnch Silk Shadow AU
overa 18-Inch Silk Shadow Chantll
ly Flouncings.
43-Inch all Silk Chirfons, all
color a
1.50 and ll.SS Laces, yard
12-Inch All-Silk Dress Net, especially desirable for the
new party irowns. separate sleeves and blouses.
Kegular $1.25 value. Black and colors. Yard.
Our Linens
were purchased before present
conditions sent prices sky-ward,
Foresighted people will buy now
while they can secure these rare
low prices. i
Fancy Linens, 58o
' These are slightly soiled from
display. This lot embraces Lace
Scarfs, Imitation Cut Work. Em
broidered Scarfs and Squarea
hemstitched or scalloped ends.
Your choice. In the basement,
for 59c-
S3.98 Lace Clothg, $2.75
On. lot f Cloths trtmtuod vita
Mf .11 around, armwn work
twun and omfcrold.rod designs;
44 nt IS-lncb us. Slishtly
mussod and swilod T c)mb up
suu-kir. .h. et.ia
All-linen Table Cloths, $2.50
All .round doalsns. In to Irish
in.... ersity dis: sltbtl)r soil.4
..d Ao-cllod "dtsconunuod' Bum
brs. V.Iim. t. Il."4. al. prlc.
.'.. st-ea
25o Towels. 19c
ePttll blMrhtd, hmme4
tfoubio twUted ytvrm, tr t1.t4.vjr;
is 2tl44 tti-hBa. Karl. 3bt.
1 1
1 .
Rugs and Draperies
These are a few exceptional
rug bargains for Monday's
Scotch Wool Rugs
( Melrose and Aberdeens)
Size 9x12, regular $15.75
T":. $8.50
Velvet and Axminster Rags
Size 9x12, regular $20.00
and $22.50
values . . .
Size 8-3x10, regular $20.00
and $22.50 - n J f
values t)lUi f J
Size 8-3x10-6, regular $18
and $20.00
values . . .
All Extra Sized Rugs at
Specially Reduced Trices.
Bungalow and Novelty Net
Curtains, special for Mon-
pair . $1.00
About 48 Pieces of Eta-
mine, one and Marquisette,
special Monday,
One Big Lot of Real Im
ported Scotch Madras and
Duo Etamine; 45e OC
value, yard muC
Extra Special
All the one and two-pair lots
of Lace Curtains must go. To
clean tbem up Quickly, we hare
cut the price in half.
$2.00 Curtains, pair.
$3.00 Curtains, pair.
$4.00 Curtains, pair. ,
$5.00 Curtains, pair.