Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    TTtv. nrr. nritTA mmpcnn- tiit n. ,A. ,
New York City May
Rpp.nmo fhn Pup
Center of World
NETV TORK. Jan. M-Morc than 1.000
t"ra ar ttTi1lnf tha flrrt fur auc
tion aar hpll Kara. Tn all, ffl.ano aklna
ara to t Bold and thftr appraised
value Is $1 .SMl.WV.
The ftrat daya pat -ter4ar ral'wj
mora than l.-ciO.OOP. it waa atatM that
the attendance eceed4 the erotrd at the
fur aurtiona In Indon. and Horoimh
Prealrtent Mamie M. Mark. In owning
the auction, a II there waa nd reaann
why New Tork fould not become tha fur
Centr pf tha world.
Tha flrat daya offering rnnaleted
Chiefly of heaver. ottr. fleher and
foxea. Tha hlirheat price for tha day wee
1410 fof a ellver fox akin. Average prtcoe
Beaver, extra lare. 18.W; amall and
medium bearer, t&.i eouthern otter,
t-80; South American ottar. M ; extra
larica fleher. 131(0; medium and amajl
ftaher, wolverine.; rroat foi.
rel fox, Noa. l and x, $, and rad
fox, tSK.
Whan all ether waya fait, try a Baa
Boston Man Charged
With Larcony of Ono
Hundred Thousand
NEW TORK. Jan. .-Tha death of
hla wife, It wan learned today, led di
rectly to tha arraat hera pf Oeorae Oray
on a warrant aliened by tha governor of
Maaftachueeta. rharxln him with tha
larceny of cash and aeurltlea valued at
lino.noo from Fred Keheal of Chicago,
and "other peraona living In Maasa
ehuaetta." Oray waa arreated laat night after hav
ing been followed by tha police front a 4
undertaking establishment to tha ceme
tery, whera Mr. Gray waa burled earlier
In the day. and Tmck to the undertaker.
Oray waa Indicted In Boaton. charged
with ateallng the caah and aeeuiltlee. Ha
la 45 yean old, ; -
' ' . '. i
.Fhone your Want-Aa to Tha Baa.
; All the Hats, Shoes. Traveling
; Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks
1 1 will be offered for sale at an early day at an almost unbe
H lievable sacrifice. These parts of the sale will be a genuine
n surprise in the unusual high quality thronghout and the
astonishing bargain prices. ' '
Watch the newspapers for announcement of sale
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Tlals Unrivaled . Sal TBituirsdayl
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm """"""""""""""""""""B""" wmmmmmammmmmmmmmmm anMa"""MttxixixMmMHMMMMHnMMwaaHHnMaMaa(i
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..:'VI -f v'; ".i;-..t"..;i -'t A -
You Men Sure Appreciate the Real
; ;ri; . . f;;
Thin, in This Big Overcoat Sale
Thouainil cf man have bwn In our itore glncn Saturday nwrilng
to buy oyrrcoat. They have even com In "King-Peek artlea" of
from five 1o ten Vath, from georei of amall town In Nebraska and
low. Th "real thing" tha--vlua-te-.your-inoney la there.- Tha
atock cf orerooafg' and boys' clothing la an Immense a, but ira
would evUsa yoU to make j-our choice as early as possible.
n iff
What's the Use of Saying Much About These Suits! You're Going
to Come in and See Them Anyway and You Won't Need to Be
Told That Never in Your Life Have You Known Such Savings
Let us give you some idea of what a rauge of choice this
sale offers: ... ,
THE FABRICSInclude the best Scotch, English
and domestic weaves, in thousands of patterns, Worsteds,
Woolens, Rough Weaves, Mixtures, in greens, browns,
grays, tans, checks, plaids, new. broad stripes, all kinds
of chalk line, hairline and imperial stripes.
THE MODELS Are . distinctive and- original.
The smartest and -liveliest r we have ever shown. Iligh
waist lines and high chest effects. One, two and three
button coats, wide lapels and crescent, slant or welt
pockets; soft roll collars, new single and double breasted,
vests; also a supply of staple, conservative three-button
models for elderly gentlemen and semi-fitted models' for
men and young men who don't want the extreme cuts.
In, fact every conceivable model, new and practical will
be found in our stock. 1 . V
We have an extra large stock of stouts, long stouts, '
short stouts, young stouts, stubs, slims in all sizes. ,
These are the sections of the sale that you are looking forward to. The finest craftsmanship in the world and
. the smartest styles ever produced are represented' in King-Peck's stock of suits. The King-Peck store had a reputa-
tion for having all the snappy ideas that smart dressers seek and everything that critical, conservative ' mcri
might desire. Here are the fundamental values of an unusual sort; the best suits that can be made. Every suit ia '
,of the present season's styles, every suit in the highest class. We give you our assurance that the values at the
former prices are there in large measure. And this whole stock is going to be sacrificed in one of the largest
and greatest value-giving sales of men's clothing ever known to this section of the country. Man, you are in the
'market at any time for a suit when you can buy such bargains!
t?y . ..... -,rfOWeir.avtf).l. . . JJ.
' if
7 " " )
"Tawatoc; 1. 1 : ,
I hose
ana ana
!igh-Grad.e Furnishings
The sale of King-Peck's stock of Men's Furnishings will positively surpass anything in the way of value-giving we have
ever attempted. It will be interesting to watch .the men of Omaha and nearby perk up after this sale. Everyone will look
better, raore prosperous. Many men cannot afford to keep a supplv of the up-to-date, correct, stylish furnishings, and such
"-"7 oy " vv ahvau jj. wuviwuu, vy (julil6 lKJ u uj iui llitl XUbUXC YVXXXXC tl XX k ILlKJllUy Will U U.J U.U ilxllll 111.
0 '.jttiia in -
vawawa? VBBaaia faaawaaaf Mamflaaaf vaaaaaN
Medium and Heavy Weight
r Union Suits
All wool, silk and wool, silk and
worsted, mercerized cotton and combed
cotton, made by some of the best un
derwear makers Vassar, Madewell,
Ritesize, Cooper and many others.
Fine Wool Shirts and Drawers;
broken lots of ribbed, fleeced and wool
mixed shirts arid drawers. All sizes
made plenty of extra large sizes.
All the High Grade
Silk, silk and wool, silk and linen,
madras and corded madras, fino Rus
sian corded madras and satin striped
madras, wool mixed and percale.
m Negligee, dress and golf style
shirts. ,
Let us emphasize that there are. all
sizes in these lots, from 14 to 20, a
splendid choice. Plenty of extra sizes
for stout and large men.
Best makes of all
worsted, angora
and worsted
A wonderful va
riety of beautiful,
up-to-date patterns
exceptional bar
gains. "
Fine silk, lisle
and cotton hoee,
standard merchan
dise, well made and
good wearing.
Silk, silk and
linen, soisette, flan
nel, ' pongee and
' Silk, cilk "( and
linen, satin striped
soisette, corded
madras and flannel.
Fine dress and
street gloves in all
shades ; auto and
driving glove, in
tan and blaek. Both
fined and unlined.
All of King-Peck's Stock of
Men's Suspenders.
All of King-Peck's Blanket and
Terry Bath Robes.
All the linen col
lars from the
King-P e c k
1 :