TIIR HKH: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANTARV '27, 1016. WOODUEH BANQUET IS A HAPPY AFFAIR Four Handrfd Members of Two Campi Hear Fine Tributes Paid to Their Order. MAYOR AJTD GOVERNOR THERE Almost 4 00 members of Commer cial and Seym or tiropi of the Wood men of the World held their second annual Joint complimentary banquet at Hotel Fontenelle Tuesday night. High orrirrs of the order and promt Bent citizens were speakers, and al though the affair was primarily one of feasting and mirth, several toasts eulogised the great fraternal order. Ren F. Thomas, consul commander of Commercial camp. waa toaatmaster. Other speakers Included W. A. Fraaer, sovereign commander of the Woodmen, (iovernor J. H. Monrhead. Mayor Jamas C. Dahltnan, Ralney T. Wells of Murray. Ky.. a sovereign auditor; Rev. J. H. Buxton of 8t. Paul's church. Council Nlnffs. and Carl E. Herring. Tha quar tet of Commercial camp sang several popular selection. Knterlalnment by aomo cabaret clrta and tha singing of on hits by the whole body of banquet ers preceded the apeaklnc. Telia raaay a tor lea. In tha course of a funny talk, Mayor I'shlman declared bt had never had so much fun In hla life before. Ha told a number of atorrea. Including one concerning- the pulchritude of Horerel;n Commander Fraser. and closed with pralae for the principle, snd work of the order. True fratemaHnm of humanity, and man s natural love of home, were em phsalied by Rev. Mr. Bnton. who die dared them to be exemplified In wood rraft. fSovernor Morehead spoke In favor of spendlna; money for the education and protection of the youth of the cation, rather than the establthner.. and matn tslnvice t.t great elan-ling- army. .'The real protection of the country, and its rrppartdnee for the future, lies m the jouniter generation, rather than In war plans." the aovernor declared. Patriotism la Brotherhood. Commander Fraser and Auditor Wells alo spoka dlxparaginitly of war prepar ed nrM and asserted that true patriotism lies In brotherhood snd protection of the hr.me, such as woodcraft provides. Hoth officials of the order declared that It had don a great deal for Omaha and Nebraska, that It Is for Omoha first. laat snd all the time, and they felt that Omahans and Xrnianksns are loyal friends of the order. Commander Fraser paid a tribute to Major Dahlman. whom he called "Hon mt Jim Pahlmsn. the greatest mayor Omaha ever had." and whom even hla Hsterest enemies could not accuse of 1ihuieaty. 'TatrlotlMm" was Carl K. Herring's ulijett. Ha contemplated what the t'niied States muat be and do. after the i;uioenn war. COIJHERCE CLASS TAGSHEHBERS Spirit of Jest Enters Into Ban queters Jut About to Graduate. PAUL SAMTJELSON TOASTMASTEB The graduating class of the High School of Commerce tagged some of Its members last night at a bsnquet held at tha Flatlron cafe. : Mlsa Julia Howard waa voted the most popular girl, and William Laraen the moat popular boy, and along the list ss follows: The biggest bluffer. I'sul Sane ueleon; tha pooreat bluffer, Ksrl Peter son: the most shy. Emllle Brown: the biggest Joker, Oeorge Berger: the most sensible, George Hanson, the handsomest boy, Virgil Vnlland; the most beautiful girl, txreta Iirsen: the best student, Oeorge Berger; the clsss pet, Mlsa Drum mond: the tiiarat student. William Fehrs: the class funser, Kdward Hol lander; the class flirt, Helen Crawford. Paul Ramuelson. president of the clsss, was toastmsster. Ileaponsea were aa fol low.: "Clses History," Miss Osrtruda Rodman; "Our Prophecy." Oeorge Ber ger: "Our School," Mis Marie Nemecek: "Our Poem," Earl Peterson; "Our Fu ture." Oeorge Hanson; "The Future of the School." Principal Ksrl T. Adams. The member f the class who attended were: Kdna Peltier lora Cheano Arthur I ervln Minnie Frey Julia Howard Loreta lr.en llexKle Mcicliea Cella Ne porta I , Karl I'eterson Martha Rictimond Paul Hamuelann- Anna Hhields Virgil Volland Oeorge Berser Helen Crawford Iorothy Iunn Oeorge Hanaon Irvln Janger Milton Irn barah Mlmkin Otlienj preaent were! Messrs. and Mesdamea Klmer Nufer Kdward I'lskach Cert rude Hodman Ida Hegelman rlwin Thompson Clara Weaver r mills Brown 1 Marguerite Danahy William Fehra Kdward Hollander Klmer Johnson Philip McIermott Mnrie Nemecek Walter Nufer Elizabeth Pofshl Robert Iloaensren ' Psullne Semersde Kthel Thompson Max Weselman - THIEF TAKES FUEL FROM SICK FAMILY With Three Children 111 with Scar let Ferer Mrs. Mary Kitzel Left Without Bit of Coal. ASSOCIATES CHARITIES HELPS During Tueeday night a thief broke ii'to the coaJsbed of Mrs. Mary Nlttef, 4 216 North Fortieth street, and stole a-II the fuel this poor woman had. She a nursing three children who bare aarlet ferer, one being In a serious state, and she has two other children at home. Mrs. Nltsel told Heath Inspector Mor srty that she does not know where her husband and H-year-old son are, the former having left home two months ago. She owes a month and a half rent and has barely enough food, to laat twenty-four hours when the health official called. , Secretary Doane of the Associate J Charities rraji not If lad and she at once ordered a ton of coal and provisions, with dl.-ectlons to rush deliveries. The Associated Charities are assisting twelve f.iii.!lee who have become desti tute during the scarlet fever epidemic. ROW BETWEEN SWEDEN AND BRITAIN UNSETTLED iyNION. Jan. I.-The controversy be tween t Great Britain snd . Sweden aver the holding up of mails by Great Britain snd retaliation by the stopping of Brit ish and Rulnn mall and the niacins- f f an embargo on v.ood pulp by Sweden la still unsettled, but negotiations are under way for mutual concessions. Allhough nothing official has yet tran spired. It la believed that licenses for tha exportation of wood pulp from Sweden will be granted In exchange for permis sion to Import coal f rom England. CAUSE OF MEN'S INJURIES NOT DISCLOSED BY THEM Police are trying to solve the mystery sir.Toundiiig the minor Injurlea of a Tom Murphy, vald to be a ituest Bt tha Savoy hotel, snd a Pat Barry, who says he came from Creeton, la., yesterday. Murphy had hern cut, apparently with a raxor, clear across the face, the In strument slicing hla tongue and making bis mouth aevrral Inches wider than na ture Intended. He refused to tell anything about his condition A policeman found him wan derlng near Thirteenth and Harney, where be had aMbJited from an automo bile, "h .., . Berry's left, thumb was missing. He aid he accidentally, chopped-It off with an ax while splitting kindling." vl( looked as though a raxor had taken It off. He could not tell where he had been split ting the kindling, and when the tls crepaneiea of hla-tale were pointed out. ho became absolutely silent. Both men are Irt ft. Joseph.' lionpltai, and efforts are being made mean while to learn how Miry came by -thrlr hurts. . , . . . , Karl K. Adam. Hcrlvens Misses - Cole Drummond Kather Buckley Morrlaon C'harleton Sorenson Mtta Csry Hnlght Mossers Richard Mulick O. K. Knlpprath Morey Volmer Harry Wilson Wood Mlssea- Ruth llolmel wden Hourke Hvlvla Wlstler Jeae Inma Plxton Anne Rash Hoti'likisa Messers linn Urunlg tllamever H. buford Walter Chamberlain Knott Colonel Welsh Promises to Get Reliable Groundhog for Omaha Next Wedneslay Is ground hog dsy. The near arprooch of this first harbin ger of the gentle springtide la of such Importance that we decided to Interview Colonel I,ulu Altltudlnoua Welch of the weather bureau. Colonel Welch received us courteously. He looked up from the map where he waa Juggling with the weather to ans wer our question. ' "I have taken steps." he said solemnly as befitted the great subject, "to secure a wise old round hog. one that we con rely on. Omaha deserves the beat there Is and an office so Important as this one cannot be complete without a thorough bred groupdhog so that we can know with certainty . whether the winter Is over or whether we are still to have S1 weeks more where he will get the animal, but he emphaalxed the fact that hea not going to get some cheep, second-hand ground hog that couldn't tell his ahadow from a hole In the ground. Nor did he mention where the beast will be domiciled. Of course, he can't be kept at the federal building for he haa to be on the ground so thst he can have a hole In the ground to come out of on the great day. He may be kpt In tha back yard up st the Mrrrlam apart ments, where the colon'l lives. "Let the people rest secure that th ground hog will be here and on the Job," aays the colonel. "The weather bureau cannot afford to neglect auch an Im portant matter. The people of Omaha have the best grounds for demanding a ! CONFIRM STORY OF AMERICANS SLAIN Thre from Chihnahua City Verify Report of Murder of Five from This Country. VILLA IS DEFINITELY LOCATED The colonel politely declined to state competent ground hog TEUTONS AND AIDES AT THE WHITE HOUSE President and Mrs. Wilson Give Second Diplomatic Reception v of the Year. BUXGAR MINISTER IS ABSENT WASHINGTON. Jan. 16. Presi dent and Mrs. Wilson gave their second : diplomatic dinner at the White House tonight with the repre sentatives of Germany and Us allies and the neutral nations present. The entente diplomats and the neutrals attended the first dinner last week. Count von Bernstorff, the Ger man ambassador, tbe ranking diplo mat present tonight, occupied a seat near to Mrs. Wilson. Austria-Hun gary and Turkey were represented by charges d'affaires in the absence of ministers. The Bulgarian min ister, Stephen Panaretoff, is in mourning for a son killed in the war and did not attend. All of the neu tral representatives were present ex cept the ministers from Costa Rica, the Dominican republic, Ecuador, Honduras and Peru. Other guesiz included Secretary and Mrs. Lansing, Senators Kern of Indiana and Clarke of Arkansas, Representative and Mrs. Mann, John Barrett, director general of the Pan American union, and several rela tives of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Depart meat Orders. WASHINGTON, Jan. W (Special Tele gram.) Civil service examination will be held on February 2. for postmasters at Marlon and Cornlea, Neb. The Postofflce department has accepted the proposal of Oeorge M. Adama to lease new quarters for the postofflce at Crawford. Neb., for a term of ten years from Julv 1. , EL PASO, Tex., Jan. 26. Three Americans, who arrived today from Chihuahua City, confirmed previous reports of the murder by Mexican bandits of five Americans between December 22 and January 9,' last. These were given as Henry Acklin, a rancher living south of Mtnaca; his son-in-law, Wallace Maiburn: Tom Johnson, a ranch hand; Peter Keane, bookkeeper for tbe Babrlcora ranch of William R. Hurst, and Bart Kramer, son of David Kramer, one of the Americans driven out of west ern Chihuahua last December. Francisco Villa, with a force es timated at 1,000 men, has been lo cated, according to advices from tbe south, In Santa Clara canyon, on tbe Santa Clara ranch of the Tezzasas family, about forty-five miles of Chi huahua City. N0RRIS HOLDS UP ACTION ON NEWLANDS RESOLUTION WASHINGTON. Jan. 26 Senator Nor rls. republican, prevented action today on the Newlands resolution for congres sional Investigation of railroad legisla tion, suggested by President Wilson on the ground that such an Investigation would be a long one and might serve to prevent some other Inquiry tnto railroad affairs. He declared congress was suf ficiently Informed to act and charged the administration with seeWng to poet pone responsibility for action. Your r First Duty is to your Stomach, as this important organ controls your health, your strength and gen eral happiness. For any Stomach or Bowel weakness try PnOSTETTEn'S IHJ stomach Bitters TODAY'S AID TO BEAUTY An especially fine shampoo for this weather can be easily made at trifling expense by slmpiy dissolving a teaspoon -ful of canthrox in a cup of hot water. Pour slowly on scalp and massac brisk ly. This creates a soothing, cooling lather that dissolves and remove all dandruff, excess oil and dirt. Rinsing leaves the scalp spotlessly clean, soft and pliant, while the hair takes en a glossy richness of natural color, also a flufflness which mekea it seem very much heavier than It Is. After a canthrox shampoo arranging the hair Is a pleasure. Advertisement. THE -THE HOME PAPER OMAHA BEE i SELLS GRIDIRON CLUB PLACE FOR TWO HUNDRED NEW , YORK., Jan. iH.-' Dr" Jules Waterbury. widely known to the police throughout the country as a "confidence msn" pleaded guilty here todsy to nn attempt to swindle Dr. M. Allen Stsrr of this elty out of iWi. on a promise of procuring him a life membership In the flrldlron club of Washington. Waterbury waa recently arrestrd in Montreal and brought here. . ... Hospital Haras. PARIS. Jan. ?fi.-The Grand 'hotel at Wimereux, near Houlooae, whloh was oc cupied as a hospltsl by sixty wounded British soldiers, was destroyed by firs today. All of ttie wounded were removed from the .binning building without ac oldent. ' .,.' .i - -u. ONLY ONE WILL GRADUATE FROM UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Only one student will praduste from he University of Omaha'thi term! This honor falls to Miss Iluth relet, who en tered tho local college -inia year from lrury university, si lea l' ters plana to leach Schoola the fnllowli.K '"semester. While the young womsj. will be given her teacher' a certificate nest wrek. she will not receive her dlpfcnl,unt4l. J.ine with eii others. . ' i Exsminatlona are in force at Ihe school this week and wlif continue until Krlday. Kf'Clatration for 'tha saw. semester will commence January and continue until January. . The new .semester will a tart February 1. From present Indications the largeat rnldseason enrollment In the his tory of the school Is expected. Many of the Omaha and Council Hluffs High -hoot graduate have signified their In tention pf enrolling. ESon'-t UUV05 From Piloov land Tot rraa Trial Treatment Komatter how long or howhad goto) Tour drugsls today end get a to cent box ut fyramld file Treatment. It aUNS-SALOON IN A DRY STATE: SNOW PROTECTS DKNVKR, Colo.. Jan. M-Report were brought-to I '1st .-Set Attorney Samuel W. Jnhnann. of the First judicial district court todsy. thst a saloon Is being op. crated at Baltimore. Colo., a lumber camp In the mountains, in violation of the new prohibition law, effective Jan uary 1, last. The snow la said to be so deep that it may be some time before the authori ties csn reach the place. !t was not definitely known in the camp. It was aid. that the state had gone dry. BOMBS OF ALLIED FLYERS CAUSE DEATHS OF HUNDRED 1-oNIxjV. Jan. as-Allied airmen have ssaln dropped bombs on Monaatlr and Uievgcll and 110 persons are estimated to have been killed or wounded In the latter town. The Germane, on their part, have dropped explosives from aircraft on Dunkirk, where five persons were killed, and on the Areodrome at Nancy and fao Uwli a In Baccarat. Tie ryvaaaU SssSle Frees a Siosle Trial will air relief, and a single hoc oftea cures. A trial paekegemallod free In xilaltt . wrapper If yon send us coupon below. 1 JFKEE SAMPLE COUPON pyramid pnro oompawt, lit Pyramid Elds. Marsha!, lfloh. ri.il. il M. a. Vma mmwmtmti Pyreasrs Pile T abaca, la plain wrapper. Nana -,4t-. Street .......... ntr "tt.,.,. If t III I' t.EC!?E TO STCP CAKUFF This Home Ms. do Mixture Htopa Dan druff and Falling HaJr nod Aids Its Growth. Set U14 at a nasktag Vm Grie Cos) a It Wxausooa. for tbe, sever racking cough that comes with la grippe, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound la wonderfully healing god soothing. It eases the tightness ever the ihest, raises the phlegm easily a ad help the racking, tesrlng cough that Is so x bauMlng and weakening. R. O. Collla. ex-postmaster. Earoegat. N. J., aays: "Foley Hr.ey and Tar Compound soon stopped the sever la grippe oough that completely exhauated sne. It can't be ti " irlj .ry'be.AveriueBc.t. To a half pint or water add: ( , , Ray Rum .1 ei. Rarbo Compound '. a email .box Olycerlne ...'..U os. Theee are r II simple Ingredients that you can buy frm any druggist at very little cost, and irix them yourself. Apply to the scalp we a day for two weeks, then once every other week until all the Mixture I used. A half pint should be enough to rid the head of dandruff and kill Ihe dandruff germs. It stops the hair from felling out and relieves Itching and scalp dlseaaea. Although It is nut dye. It acts upon the hslr roots .tnd T. tit darken streaked, faded, gray hair In ten or fifteen days. It promotes the growth of the hair and makes harsh hair soft and glossy. Advertisement. Pimple Disappear There la on remedy that seldom tails to clear away all pirn plea, black heads and skin aiuptlon and that makes - the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you with semo, which generally overcome all kto dls eaaea Acne, ocseina. Itch, pimples, res he, black haada In moot casta give way to semo. Frequently, minor blcra lehea disappear overnight. Itching usu ally stop Inataatly. Zemo to sat, clean, eaay to us and dependable. It roots only Xc; aa extra large bottle, fl.ua. It will not stain. Is not greasy or sticky and la positively safe for tender, sensi tive skin a s; Jlenio, ' Cleveland. V - 1 i .1 SIMPLICITY i I w t r ! J )S ", , y.gri i "a It V" Jt r- I i -i r A e . . j.jm' t X - V" :'-" 1 l 5 - X V j : ? V i t , " V f i v 9 r -.. 9 4 4 . V i J 7 f . AVArjrMsim. ij4 u em ember TSiese About Five the Facts .Dort ACCESSIBILITY DURABIUTY ROAD ABILITY I DELIVERIES Tins been the keynote of Dort design. Not one extra ounce of weight haa been employed in.jts production not an added unnecessary part to be paid for, carried and not used; not one cent haa been spent for vanity or false pride of possession. The resulfj, we believe, is the most per fectly balanced motor car on the market. . , AVhcn designing the Dort Car, the dimensions and sizes of each part were studied with great care, the main purpose being to get just enough weight to givp strength, with ample provision for a reasonable margin of safety. Each working part of this remarkable car is available for easy adjustment if necessary. Kvery owner of a Dort realizes to the last cent on his investment in motor car servicepaying only for those dollars of value that will work for him. His pride of possession is based on his knowledge of performance rather than vanity of appearance. Thus he i9 insured a lasting satisfaction and a permanent return day by day on his invest ment. . . The weight is so distributed that the DORT "holds the road V at all speeds. Something that you seldom find in a car of the so-called light class. Ask for demonstration. On account of a factory increase in production to 1,000 cars per month immediate deliveries can now be made. See the DORT before you buy a car. FOSHIER MOTOR CO. 12th and Farnam Sis.. i i t if i t Fa O. B. Flint, Mich. Completely Equipped with Westinghouse Two-Unit Starting and Lighting System The) IVrt Five-Paenner Touring Car, sturdily built and absolutely dependable, rr presents the) most and the beet In liuht car construction- the) high-siieHyl-lonaT-stroke motor possesses wonder, ful power and flexibility. The dual exhaust eliminates back pressure. - the cooling; system Is most efficient large water Jacket completely surround each cylinder find each vnlre cage. This insures a cool motor under every condition of hard or fast driving. it bus the well known Connecticut battery type Igni tion, which delivers the hottest spark at low speed and on hard pulls. This means power when you need It, it has an Irreversible steering gear which holds the car to the road and means ease of handling. the long .Winch cantilever springs In the rear give great riding comfort and economy on tires. combined brake and clutch, automatic release of emergency brake; aeroplane fan, one-man top of genu ine niulialr and Italr. top holders, crown fenders, elec tric horn with knee button are "big-ear touches" which lift the Dort Into excluslveness. DORT MOTOR CAR CO. FLINT, MICH. Omaha, Neb. 11 it I eatijeCTgtM-JHMM i