THK BEE: OMAHA, AVEPNES D A Y, .TANITAflY 191 fi. Woman's Work -V Fashinns -- Health Hints JJnnsphnJA Twins Advice to Lovelorn By Beatrice Fairfax Let lllm AlOBC. Tat Mint Fulrfiix: I am wwn wo man fnM riichln middle (. I have, net my Rffrctlon npon a pln(1t(l pntlrmnrt of my ftvjmlnlno. V r . both )Hturd rorl" enitstefl tit llternrT noik. For a tlm hn nhowrred m with Kttontlnnt and mrmwl to be a mch In ffMuntert a I. Now, hnwtver, he h turned to other vnunaer tlen I, and t fear that I will lone Mm. What, I do to regain his regard? MW8M.LC. Io not try to -n hrm bark. Juat ba dignified and centla, and If ha lovea you he will coma bark. If ha hei not yet reachad the point whejre h knowa hla own mind, let him no till ha does. If fit la to he lured away non. by a younger fara, ba tura that marrlaa would not eura him. .-.. ' , , , "rorothjr" wrltea ma a long letter, tail ing ma of her l:v for a roup man aha haa never mat It aoama to nia aha haa let a morhld fancy taka poeaeaalon ' of bar, and tnat In Juetlce .to heraelf iha hould ceaea to brood over tha matter.'' The Winter Stream Dreams Under the Ice By Nell Brinkley Opyriht, lull, lntern'1 N'awa Service. j;JSlsp itF'r" ;; nrw " ; J . ' I7n I It Hff B i V m.HW I T ' Ti ' . . - - -f , & Ot'.lH ( III I 11 1 -I I 111 1 1 I 1KI I II 1 1 1 U 111 111 I I ftha adrnlla hnn"!t It la foolish to ba en amored of aomeono aha doea not know. What chanoa hat ha to Judita of tfia uaUtiaa of tha young man until aha haa had acquaintance with hlmf K might not ponaoaa any of tha tfctotfa aha haa a(t nnoonacloualy endowed Tilm with. Aa aha . I yet but IS I would advlaa her to glva ovar thl,dream and content hereelf with. nml'laa ora and nrcupatlone till tha "troa' jflVii-e" cornea hoc way: then aha wliT laugh at what aha haw look upon aa ' mountain of woe. . ' -X Th3 Br Is Faiii:r to tho Pan- Old aaytng tile 'this are fraught wHb: I moat important meaning;. And what ) will aid tha axnaetant i mother In- (nuerrlng . hw haalth, fcari trangUk, bar kmoUI repr and tho al ' tenca of Taint! on l palna la aubjact of I t moment. Among ' tha rertimlaad tnlpa ti- apleodid . ram a d j ): knownr- ag - "Mothar! ; Friend." Applied to; the anaclea ll at ok In : deeply to make them , firm and pliant, it thut , llrla ' tha r'ln . ilfgnmanta that produce pain. It Hrhtna thn ! burden on tho narvou ayatam, induce calm, rartful nlghta of health-giving aieep and . make the dart tunny and happy. Get ' , bottle of "Mother'a Friend" of any dnursirt ' I and you will tlien realiio why it baa been S conaldercd true to Ita name In our beat horor Ibrouirh three generatlona. It la perfect) ? ' hannleaa but o effertira that once naed It la reuommended to all ezpoi'Unt mother by Ttbnae who want through the -ordeal with', ! aurprlalng eaaa. By writing to Braddeld Regulator Co, all Lamar Bldg, Atlanta, Ga: : you can hare a free copy of a wonderful turk book that unfolda thnae thlnga which' all eipectaat uothert delight to gaad .'Write "Bui all lost things are in the angels', keeping, ' Love; No past is dead for us, but only sleeping, Love," You are a tiny, gray mouse that may slip through the crack ' , of light that Ilea like a yellow aword on the threshold under the door, . The queer man who bachelora there year inland year out in a kind of cheerful loneliness gits at hla big, shining' table under the v warm circle of his lamp. The people who know him and smile at his crabbed smile know that he adds his bills (here and reads old ,- , Ben Jonson and the war news and certain books of limericks that .. . sing 6f the "Coast of Cororrandel, Where the Early Pumpkins Blow," .there;,, and wraps up his Christmas packages with Banta Clauses stuck on the corners there; that he reads and pens his business let , ters there. But who but the gray mouse knows that be brings out sometimes a faded old plush album and, unfolding its yellowing leaves with gentle fingers, opens hla heart wide, there on the dark old table top? . . Who knows that the ghosts come there? Lovely ghosts from the springtime of the wintry old man's life? But you, the gray mouse with tiny, black, bright eyes know that the winter stream dreams under the Ice! . Out of the pages of the old book as he turns look Quaint faces above odd clothes of a long-gone time. A dark, frightened baby girl in a plaid basque tiny pantalettes and candy stockings with the stripes) running round. A sedate boy with a sweet mouth and an old man's tie and his dark hair brushed away from Ms face like a girl's. A pale, pretty woman with shiny hair and buttons and a haunting something speak ing In her face in the language of kinship to the live old one bend ing above hers. And then a facel A mocking, lovely, girl face, all ringlets and flowers and drooping shoulders, with the pure that holds her worn with fingering. Her shining tintype looks out and up around the broken fan that was hers. The old man flng t s the . silken cord that holds its ring. A packet of brownish letters, with careful, shaded writing growing dim across the face of them, re flect their faded blue binding-ribbons In the pool of the table. And you, little gray mouse, In a warm corner, ponder on the silent and smiling white memory that turns the pages for him thereafter; also you ponder on the glitter that lies on the meager cheek. of the warmly smiling old man. . NELL BINKLBY. Importance of Care of Skin to General Health .By WOODS HUTCHINSOX, M. D. . . rri I. The delicate and sensitive surface of our bodies was originally a free, wild thing rejoicing In Ha liberty, but we have reduced It to a cramping and at tlmea galling captivity. . The akin waa born for the open air, or, primarily, to be more correct, for open ater. and to cboke and strap and gag nd mummify It aa we do by our con ventional clothing is a good deal or a strain on It. However, It IS wonderfully good natured and acommodating and adjueta Itself to lta dally prison remarkably well. But IU patience has Umlts, and It simply cannot resist the temptation, when Ita handagea are thrown off. Its atraltjacket loosened. Ita porea open to the air and even-a -moderate amount e( light allowed -dally harness at night. . to klik up ita when he la turned out to grass. . This IHtte reaction from pressure and confinement, accompanied by a rueh of .Mood Into It and a complete change of tnaln In th. mlltinna fif dellcet tml organa and nerve bulba scattered all over Its surface, for the most. part gives us only an agreeable glow, a sense of re 'taxation and relief; but In extreme caaea It Is exaggerated Into tickling and Itching and burning. In a perfectly healthy, well lubricated skin thia glow and reaction will net go beyond pleasurable bounds; but in a skin which hast been either too tightly confined and pressed upon or la lacking In elasticity, or baa little tendency to shortage In natural faoa cream, these ciaeaa or aiacomlort will ooeur. oi minini inq constant is ima cnane in the skin after undressing that It la one of the laws of dermatology that all skin dlseaaes, accompanied by Itching or burn ing, ae worse at night and particularly Just after getting warm In bed. so that troublesome sleeplessness Is often tb It.. t Ik.l. olMtM. la fast, it was picturesquely remarked by one eminent expert, referring to the common origin of the two organs, that me sKin seemed to wake up as the Drain wanted to go to Sleep. The remedy, of course, for this annoy ance Is, first of all. looser, better fitting, more poroua clothing, particularly under wear, and generally rather less of It. More exercise In the open air Is also useful, because this both increaaea the amount of perspiration and consequently of oil deposited upon the akin, and be- oause It tones up the akin and keeps It elastic, so that it wUl not react unpleas antly to these changes Of tension and pressure. Busybodies of Life Difference Between Types Household Suggestions To wash brushes and combs put a teaspoonful of ammonia in a basin of hot water and dip the brush up and down In it, letting the comb remain In the water for a few minutes. In this way all the grease will disappear, and after rinsing In cold water both brushes and rombs will be perfectly clean. When cleaning a carpet peel a pound of potatoes, scrape them, stir the pulp In a pall of water, and strain. Wring out the cloth in the water and rub tha ear pet. rinsing tha cloth as soon aa It la soiled. Do not tread on the carpet until It la quite dry. To elean gold lace, crumble a piece of bread without crust and mix with enough jeweler's rouge to eolor It. Rub this on the lace with a piece of flannel and finally with a piece of velvet. When a tag cornea off a boot or ahoa lace press little melted black sealing wax around the end of the laoe and shape It to form a tag. It will anawer almost as well aa the original. Mildew on leather may ba removed with a little pure vaaeline. Rub thla Into the leather till quite absorbed, and then carefully polish with a clean chamois leather. By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. The consciousness of power over others brings the most exquisite loy to any human being. To be, able to regulate other people'a Uvea aeema a very desirable position to moat of us. Of course, all life la managed on this basis from the In stitution of an emperor down to that of a political boas. - But moat of us do not re eo raise the tyranny In our own natures for Just what It la. ' We call ourselves philanthropists and neglect to consider Just how welcome our philanthropy la. I know a girl who took her atand against her own family and aaalated her younger brother In making a marriage which to hla youthful fancy seemed de sirable. The girl had a wonderful feeling that she waa "playing Providence" most graciously for brother and hla sweet heart. She was a managing' young woman and stood out against all of her people for what aha considered very beau tiful and noble reasons. She Imagined aba waa actuated by a beautiful sentiment of desire to make others happy. She fancied aha waa the one person who could gvt the point of view of her 24-year-old brother and the girl her whole family deemed rather an adventuress. Slater glossed over the whole situation and, with a feeling of nobility, engineered a marriage which the boy would never have put through by himself. Two years proved It disastrous And like disaster attends almost all Instances where ons human being steps In and manages the affairs of another. It Is never fair to Insist on regulating other people's lives. It forces them Into an attitude of weak helplessness that makes them parasites, whether they are conscious of uncon scious of. it. . .. Being helpful Is another matter! ' It means giving aid where aid la honestly needed. It means answering a cry for assistance and letting aome one who feels the neceaalty of getting aome one elae'a opinion or of having their doubt fulness bolstered up a bit recognise tha fact that tha world la not a totally cold and Indifferent place. Between "playing Providence" and being callously Indifferent to tha needs of others there is a tremendous field of sympathy and ' helpful kindness. "Play ing Providence" la the aort of thing that patrnntslngly takes a square peg out of a square hole where It la comfortably ensconced, and insists on whittling It down to fit a round hole a notch or two higher up In the world. It means manufacturing discontent for the ehjert of your experiment If you happen to fall, and making a weakling who needs to be directed out of that ob ject if you succeed with him. On the other hand, being helpful means 5000 Large Bottles "Swissco" Treatment FREE H air "Svrxiico" Grows New Hair, Removes Color to the Hair and Stops All Hair It will not cost you anything to prove it and be ab solutely satisfied once and for all that "8WJHCO" is the most wonderful treatment that you have ever used or hoard of for the hair and scalp. . If you suffer from falling hair, thin hair, bald spots, brittle hair, gray hair, faded hair hair ruined by bleach ing, coarse and unruly, hair, dandruff. Itching, soie scalp, pimples on scalp, simply fill out free coupon here with and get a free bottle at once by taking It to any of the Bbermaa ac McConnell Drug Co.'s 4 6tores. No ques tions will be asked; simply hand the coupon to the clerk and you will get a bottle absolutely free. THOHK OUT BIDK OV OMAHA HKK OOUION FOR FREE BOTTLE. 60-rent and f 1.00 sire bottle of "Swissco" are on nale and recommended at all Drug and Pepsrtment Stores. Tuk nothing but "MWItXt." Dandruff, Brings Back Natural and Scalp Troubles Free Swissco Bottle Coupon Good for one Xerge Free Trial Bottle of SJwlasoo atals Treatment at the Hheruuin McConnell Iirug Co.'s 4 sturra, when name and a1dre la prufrly filled in on dotted llni-a below. TKOSB OUTBIDS OF OatAKA will get a free bottle by sending rents in siampa direct to Hwlsaoo Hair Treat ment Co., B78 P. O. Square, f'lnciniiBti, O.. to help cover expense of packing, postage, etc. Name Street R. F. D, City State (Give full adireis, write plainly ) Tola offer la good only tea daya. lending a helping hand to' some one who has sat all his Ufa In an Invalid chair, who wanta to walk and yet doea not know cults how. to . take the ftret step alone. It means aid. Comfort and the benefit of greater wisdom and advice. It means being gulda, counsellor and friend. It never means leading some one whom you have blindfolded or dragging some one forward In long strides when they have a capacity for taking ahort Steps alone. . . Feeling that you are a lady bountiful to a heavenrlike arbiter of deatlnlea may be rather pleasant for you but It Is mis erably unfair to any one elaa concerned. Don t be guilty of It. "Playing Provl donee" la Just play-acting to yourself; It la pretending that you are a noble; unselfish helper, when In. reality you are Just a self-centered boas quite Ilka the child who "won't play" unleas It can be president. Come lato on store aad gat one of the extraordinary bargaina la handaome Jewelry we ae now offering. Yo wb wear aad enjoy the artlole while pay ing for it la easy weekly or monthly payments as snits your convenience, 89 Ladies' "Dia mond King, Ilk solid S-old. Ixiftta "Perfection" Jsfl mounting. . . " S Month. ' JTo. Men's Dia mond ' Hl"i ' ron Teeth muBtln lk ' sell sole- QS ,ei.c a Week. fv a - v a 17.Jewel$r- 475 Ho. IS Ctonu. inara or Ha- - . r CuanuiueS 4uu I u-aia ; s i . Ill I a s e. , edjiiat- ' 4 I t tm- iff tars. I 6 c k- s torn .nly Hone, S1S.7S 11 a Month Ops Daily Till I T. I. Salvia; Till JO ( ill or write for llluatrt4 culo Ne are PhniM rtounlas 1444 sn4 oyr hIhoiu will call! n P" w1 B f1 The. National Or TIS" Jeeler'' THE OMAHA BEE -THE HOME "PAPER Don't Suffer Longer and allow yourself to become grouchy, upset, nervous and depressed. These conditions usually indicate a dis ordered digestive system, which, if neglected, may be hard to remedy. Remove thfc disturbing element ana put your digestive organs in good working order by taking They gently stimulate the liver, act on the bowels, tone the stomach purify the blood and regulate the system. These benefits are particularly marked by women at such times when nature makes special demands upon their vitality. They act promptly and safely. -', The next time you feel low-spirited and out of sorts, take Beecham's Pills. Their 6ure, mikl, thorough action will Give Quick Relief Special DirectioM of Valao te Women are with Every Boa SoM by dnaggiaU througa! the world. In bases, 10c, 1 5c