TIIE BEE: OMAIIA, "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2G, VJ16. Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doing s,f SKATIHG COSTUMES HAYBEBRODGHTOUT , Society Folki Now Prepare to Spriaj the Los; Talked-About Pretty Tog's. BRIDGE CLUBS ABE RENAMED Br MELLiriCIA Jaaaary SS. Thsr will b skating after all. KM even th dancer at th Hoxle Clerk affair, when returning bom early this mornlnf, war too tired to giv the lea a testing with clipper or pump-to. Pome even took the trouble to hunt a puddle to make sure that the lea wan fretting to proper thickness. ' Again a shuffl of calendar entries there are going to all aorta of akatlng affaire this week, and the wlrea this afternoon are hot with their planning. Now, soma one t going to see the skating costume-M-if any hare been pur Chased. There were a few suppose to Theatre for to be held FmkhnShow BRANDEIS THEATER Monday, January 31st 9.(1(1 D M Tuesday, February lstuul m under the auspices of The House of Menagh 1613 Farnam Street may be. reserved without charge by calling at . the store. ', ;., . , As . the theatre capacity, is limited and the tickets rapidly, going, we suggest that if you are interested in attending, you make your reservations immediately. The House of Menagh 1613 Farnam Street 1 Madame Dale, IeIeM j 111 1 - " ' " flei&er Yam Demonstratioa Free lgasons every day this week In .Knlttlaa'. and Crocheting' by "Miss Btraoge special classes la 1 1 v Id ual Tnst ruction. Tllaa Strange use FTeTaher's Yarn, of whlcS we carry excellent stock of all kinds and color. a Few Ms .of W eiteifg Fine A -i-Beforo taking inventory, there aro several splendid lots of Women s Coats, Suits and Frocks, the Dest of this season's styles, that are here simply because they were so good we bought too many of them. After in ventory, we put our spring goods forward, so this is a last call. x r possess aurh rulta, and now, that a skat ing season cpena for atire and truly, the auapected onea will ahow that they hav them. Ct.r.seala' Party. Another affair of today that wag not en the calendar wti a christening party. And the position were Just reversed It was the eoclety editor who partlel tated thla time. The names of two after noon bridge cluba meeting on the aame day had to be rearranged. It did not eem fair to speak of a group of young matron aa "seniors" simply becauee they were married. It waa a caae not that one club la older. It Is that the other club Is younger. There are no auch thing aa senior cluba there aro Jun'.er club. The Latin races understand thee point of nicety better then we. A Latln Amerloan gentleman feel It Incumbent upon bl sens of chivalry to mak every woman be meets feel he withes to wed her, regardl of her eg or present matrimonial situation. Should the lady b In advanced years and a widow, the salient Americano doe not tell her that he wishes she were younger. But, ln stesd, gentlman imd cavalier that he I, he bows with hi hnd upon his heart Tickets the at the PJ II only aa Heavy WinterHDoats Worth to $25 Good Tailored Suits Worth to $32.50 Fine Evening Gowns Worth to $35 Afternoon Frocks Worth to $25 Choice at and tall her that he withe he were older. tht he rnljjnt marry her. Kensington Te. The Kensington-Luncheon club meet thla afternoon at a tea. Instead of the usual luncheon. The h ostein la Mrs. Walter R. Pratt and the guest of the afternoon are Mr. Harold Lease, Mr. J. W. Fisher and Mre. Woodruff of Loa Angeles, who I visiting her daughter, Mr. Charle J. Hubbard. The Straws' Turn t The University olub has cancelled its regular dancing party for Saturday even ing. The governor have decided to hold no more dance until the Lincoln birth day dance about mid-February. At the last University club dance, only half th usual quota of dancers were out. Too much akatlng. both lea and roller,, seemed to be the conclusion. Not that dancing wa Just on th wan, but th straws will need watching this season of changing social winds. Original Event. Mrs. Hom-srd Goodrich gives the first In-door golf party In Omaha thla after noon at the In-door Golf school. Prises go to the makers of the best scores and the meet adjourns to have tea at th Green room. The guesta of the occasion are: Mesdames Mesdames Walter Kllver, Rurd Miller. ' Allan Palmer. Raymond Brown. , J. B. Pulver, Roy B. Zar.hary, w. h. ne France, t'arroll Mulcany. W. O. Nicholson. Miss Margaret Davis. Girls' Club AfairT" The Symposia Olrla met Sunday after noon at th home of Mlas Dolly Lewis. j A song program wss given. Miss Isabel Radman gave a violin solo, accompanied Jby Miss Johnson; Miss Sarah B rod key, a PIANOS FOR RENT GRANDS ni UPRIGHTS, USI a month and up. Free tuning. Insurance, stool and scarf. Kent allowed on purchase price. rhone IHwglas 1023. Schmoller & Mueller PIANO CO. 1311-1813 Farnam St. .' In case of need f. -Bv-r ;jfr WEST LAWN affords iurpagB lhg advantages and a humanized service-effort that have won public appreciation. Briefly, these advantages are aa follows: 1. We Iawa la eonrralmttr clnas te the tat raaiautu smUob ot Omaha. Car Una ta atraoc. a Urte la Wot Laws are very roaaanabtr priced. A (unlly Int mar ba pumhamd by partus ton tba fot of a tingle grara ooljr. balaaoa an mur tarna, - I. Perpetual ran auaraataaS by truat hJ4 protliS b ua without eitra mat Let roa. . Speolal aaxtluoa far mamtora ef Modra Waa4nua, Miami. Hianlh War Veterans, WuMiu of tha World. I. O. O. T., A. O. V. W. and tbatr tamlllaa. I. Courtfar and triouahtful attaatlae wtwa It ta nawlaa moat, t'pon rquel. oar repraaan ltl will call with automobile to taka auoi bam ot I ha atrlrkaa timllr to Waet Laws to aalact lot. , Wa Inrlla Inqulrtra Yt teUphona or sutl. :meteB Oeinrtery Office 50th ct Center. l.Vh A llArney. In these lots are 200 assorted garments every one fresh and new this season's models and made of this season's most desirable fabrics. Cost has not been considered in any case. We have simply put a price r 7 p 7H 7 lWf ! : reading, and Miss Sophia Wlnestein gav a vocal solo, accompanied . by Miss Martha Wlnsteln. The club will nert meet fundi y afternoon, February i. Prairie Park Clnb. Th Pralrio Park club held Its regvlar week-end dancing party Paturday even.ng at their club house with the following present: Messrs. and Mesdames . . A. O. Korheford, O. . Ftrcup, P. M. Kent F. Keller. G. W. tiardner, C. C. Haynes, H. F. Wellae. C. D. Pennlnton, W. F. Reynolds. F.. O. flay. W. A. Smith. William Fxk. A. A. Wedemcyer, E. R. Bratnerd . j. tvanneil. K. c. Coney J. Iinafnllnnr. harle Molony, Willie C. Crosby. H. J. Hickler. K. A. Limke. U. H. Rhcam, Mesdames. 8. 8. Watt. Misses- 1 Ruth Key. O. Armstrong. Alice Wagoner, Messrs. E. A. Feeler. N. W. Nichols, Loula Nelson, J. K. Btttlnaer, H. E. Iiocekal, K. F. Hoyden. Mesdames. J. M. Morri, Dan Moore, Misses Kathryn Oow, Padte Latta, Ethel Weldner, Messrs. A. W. Htlllman, Albert Wedemyer, Postponements. The Tuesdsy Brlde club, which "Was to meet with Mrs. Ross loula this after noon, ha postponed Its meeting until Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Towl will be hostess, however. Th Junior Bridge club, to which Mms Harriet Mets waa to be the hostess of this afternoon, haa postponed Jts meet ing until Tuesday week. Today's Events. Th Prairie Park Needieeraft club held lta fortnightly meeting at Prairie Park clubhouse today. The La Salle club entertains at a danc ing party at Chambers' academy thla evening. Prettiest Mile Dance. The Incorporators of the Prettiest Mil club will glv a dance, Wednesday, at th . Prairie ParV club house to about 800 of their friends. $$ FOUR $$ RENTS A New Piano We Ifave a Dependable Standard Alade To Rent At $4.00 PER MONTH TUNED FREE Six Months' Rent Allowed To ward the Purchase of This Instrument 'at a SPECIAL LOW rmcE You Will Wish to Own it After You Have Used It a While. A. H0SPE CO. 1518-15 Douglas Kt, Fresh, Crisp Undennualins PI A NO Elaborately trimmed Gowns, Teddy Bears, Skirts and Combination Suits, some garments worth to tl.8. Special $1.00 pare: on them that we are sure will dispose of every gar ment in quick time. Sale of Mil f c ?ttu Presidents Elected by Two Women's Clubs Located on the South Side Tuesdsy waa a popular election day for the two largest women's clubs of the South Side, The South Omaha Woman's club held it election of of ficers at library hall. Mrs. Oeora Csr ley was re-elected president; Mrs. E. A. Boyer, vice president; Mrs. R. P. Fslk ner, recording secretary; Mrs. Emmet Dtmock, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. II. C. Vermilion, treasurer. For. the fourth time Mrs. O. F. Copper wss elected to head th Equal Franchise league of the South Side. Mrs. N. F. Reynolds I first vice president; Mrs. Ola Barrett ISmlth, second vice president ; Personal mention. Miss Harriet Mets Is quite HI at her horn with a severe attack of grip, com plicated by tonsllitls. Mrs. Edwsrd O'Brien of Norwich, Conn., who was expected today to be th guest of Mrs. William Coad and Miss Louise Dinning, has postponed her visit to Omaha until the second week In Feb ruary. For the Stapletons. A home dinner, followed by an Orpheura party will be given for the Daniel Stape tons this evening by Mrs. Ben Oalla- gher. The out-of-town guest will be the Hoxle Clark. The .Ward Burgeaae. th Fred Hamilton and the Paul Gallaghers are Included with Mrs. John Baldwin and Dr. Le Roy C rummer and Mr, Ben Gal lagher. , ' , , For Guests. Mrs. T.: W.-Mlksell gives a luncheon this afternoon for the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huff, who are leaving this aft'rnoon'for thelr homes. The party Includes Mr. and Mrs-, R. W. Bock, Mr. and Mrs. Man 3. Kgge and Mr. and Mrs. H. A.' Carey or Grand Island; 'Mi" ind Mrs. Sidles and Mr. Cartiaron Mclntyre ot Uncoln and Mr. and Mr.?. A. I Meldl of Crete. '.-. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pegau gav a din ner at their home last evening for the house party and Mrs. H. F.' Waller en tertained 'at lncheon in the afternoon at the University -club for th Lee Huffs' I house guests. - ,' ' In and Out of the See Hive. I Mr. W. O. Whitmore smd son, Burton. ; of Valley, will leave this week for Hot (Springs, Ark., for a few weeks' stay. . Mr. and Mrs. Max Ooldston hav gone on an extended tour of th south, where .they will spend th balance of th winter. They go to New Orleans and I thence to Florida, WOMEN EXPRESS SORROW i FOR FAMILY OF MRS. NELSON Expressions of sorrow for th loss of the Omaha Woman's club president, Mrs. N. H. Nelson, and sympathy for th bereaved family were mad at th meet- CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It1 Splendid! vnv iiuuuiu yuur U4iacu uua.,s will open, the air paasages of your head will clear and you can breath freely. No mora hawking, anuffllnsv blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at nltfht; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Oet a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic, heal ing cream in your nostrils. It penetrate through every air passage of the head, soothes the inf lamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes Instantly. It's Just fine. Don't (tay atuf fed-up with a ' cold or naaty catarrh Relief comes so quickly. Advertisement. 1,000 Overcoats All Styles and Kinds Half Price $72 to $2529 How You Can Remove Every Trace of Hair (ToUet Talka) A stiff past mad with soma powdered delatone and water, and spread on a hairy surface about t tuiautea will, when removed, take every trace of hair with it. Th skin should than be washed to fre it from th remaining delatone. No harm can result from thla treatment, but b sura it la delaton you get and you will not be disappointed. Advertisement. I OHO TO jflrs.Creoige C.Ckrlcy Dr. Adda Wiley Ralston, secretary; Mrs. Ernest Smith, treasurer, and Mrs. Oeorge H. Bllgh, auditor. Ings of the current topic department and the philosophy and ethics department of tho club which met Tuesday afternoon. Omaha Girls Honor Guests at Social Affairs in Buffalo News of a unique affair given under the direction of Rabbi Lou's J. Kopald, a former Omaha boy, who wss last week elected a member of the Board of Educa tion in Buffalo, N. T., has Just como to a friend here. It was a large New Tear's ball and entertainment, the pur pose of which was to act aa a counter attraction to downtown cafes and hotels for " the young people of Temple Beth Zlon. Rabbi Kopald's two sisters, the Misses Gertrude and Hannah Kopald of Omaha, who are now visiting in Buffalo, were honor guests, at thla function. The hit of the entertainment, was a sohg, "Kopald Kultur," aung to the air of "Goodbye Girls, I'm Through." It was: j; floodby my dear dansant-- - " " Fur Louis saya w can A- v.-; , , . The popping corks must go Our Louie tells us so,' ' Tho lights that shine so bright : - W'll see no more at night. . , . To the "T. C." we must go.- So long boys so long boys :. - We're reformed now, yu know. - Th song composed in honor of the Omaha girls, called "Th Girls from th Golden 'West," was sung to th tune of "Sister Susie's Sewing Shirts ' for Sol diers." . , , . , Louie's sisters came to dear old Buffalo to ahow us just exactly what west ern girls are like. They caused a great sensation and free from hesitation ' ' ' ' ' W agreed that they're the finest girls that came across "the p ke." Mrs. Aaron's front door bell is ringing, the Buffalo boys are coming there In great bl crowds and flocks; They stay till early hours, with Omaha's sweet flowers And don't go home till Mrs. Aaron winds up all th clocks. Many social functlona hav been given in honor of the two Omaha young women. "Y.W." to Observe Jubilee Week for An Entire Month "Jubilee Week" for the Young Women's Christian association is to be observed the whole month of February, th associ ation having been organized fifty years ago. Th Omaha association dates back to 1833. Januay SI to February 9 is dedicated as "members" week. The first day, Mon day, will be "Pioneer Day" and will b observed by a banquet for charter and early members. Tuesday there will be a supper for the clubs and organ'sed group and Wednesday from S to 5 o'clock, a tea for the life and sustaining members. "Every Member Supper" will be Thurs day evening and a supper for mothers and daughters, Friday evening. "Girl of Yesterday and Today," his torical pageant will be given under the direction of Mlsa Louise Curtis on Feb ruary 23 in the association auditorium. Mlsa Louis Holmquist, national secre tary for the executive department of method, will be th speaker at th Sunday vesper service, February 1.1. MRS PAUL HEAD OF STATE WOMEN'S CLUBS IS HERE Mrs. J. N. Paul of St. Paul, presldont of the Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, and Mrs. A. Q. Peterson of Au rora, the past president, have arrived from Lincoln and are being entertained at the home of Mr. M. D. Cameron, state chairman of civil servlc reform. Owing to th death of Mrs. N. H. Nel son, president of the Omaha Woman's club, no social affairs hav been planned for the visiting club women, but members of th federated clubs or state chairmen who would Ilk to meet Mr. Paul and Mrs. Peterson Uive been Invited to call. Th two club leaders leave Wednesday afternoon for Pes Moines to attend a conference of Stat preaideat. MILLER TO HELP SUPERVISE SCHOOL SOCIAL CENTERS Qua Miller, probation officer, has been confirmed by th city council aa subaU tut supervisor of th public school so cial Santera, under direction of th Re creation board. "For Sale- or "For Rant- Ad placed m Th Be will accomplish Its pur-os. MORE LIGHTS FOR BUSINESS SECTION District ii to Be. Enlarged More Lights in Residence District, Too, at Same Cost. ALL ABE TO BE MADE UNIFORM The proposed new electric lighting system, as prepared by City Elec trician Curran and submitted by Commissioner Withnell to the city council, contemplates replacing the present flaming arc district of thirty-five blocks with ornamental posts of the twin unit type, extending the central ornamental district to sev enty blocks, as follows: Farnamj Tenth to Twenty-fourth street; Douglas street, from bridge to a point teyond Twentieth street; Hlxteenth, Leav enworth to Cuming street; Harney, Tenth to Twentieth street; Fifteenth, Howard to' Dodge street; Fourteenth, Jackson to Dodge street; Tenth,' depots to Farnam street; Dodge, Fourteenth to Seventeenth street Ornamental Poata. The following rrovislons Is'sugpcsted for the district outside that outlined: "Be yond this district the, lamps at present on wooden end Iron posts fed lrom under ground lines will be replaced by single 400 candle power unit ornamental posts. By this arrangement the uniformity of lighting is maintained throughout a wide area and wilt present a pleasing appear ance. Outside the ornamental district the present arc lamps will be replaced by th new type of candle power lamps bung from center suspensions or brackets, and additional lamps placed so as to meet the present requirements of the people resid ing In the outlying districts now in dark ness." Tho number of electric lamp will ba Increased from 2.S7C to 3.1S2, a 'gain of 7$8 lighting units. The cost of th pro posed system will b tl09,9M a year, sp proxlmately the same as waa expended last year. This win enable th city coun cil to take UD durlnir tha.veap anme nf tnc aenclt in t:ie llghllng fund. Work will be Marled on the new syste: j as soon as the wurcjl approves the plan. wmcn wm oe wunin a weea or iwo. Agnes Medlock is Recovering; Help is Needed for Family Agnes Medlock, aged I years, daughter i of George Medlock, 2831 Decature street, j who lost two children Sunday, from j scarlet fever, Is reported to hav a fair chance of recovery. Members of the Med lock family. In less than three years, have been stricken with smallpox, spinal meningitis, diphtheria, accident, and be side, losing their home In the tomada. have had two deaths and four sick dur ing the recent scarlet fever epedemlc. : '-'Although, this is not a charity case," said neighbor Tuesday morning, "it seem Strange to me that none of th charitably inclined folk who know how badly these people need help financially and otherwise, hav not mad any ef fort to aid them. They have big bills, groceries, medicine, doctor and other ex penses.' that are rapidly growing larger, and not a penny coming in. Thla is a chance for th Human society, or any other organisation,, or Individual, to do soma real good." Judge Crawford Will Not Ask Brides to Obey Their Hubbie Six hundred and fifty wedding cere monies irf which the brides hav not promised to obey their husbands, is tho marrying record of County Judge Craw ford, during th four years h baa been In office. "Do you promise to love, honor and cherish," is the question he puts to each half of th double teams which ha hitches. "Why don't you make th brides prom ise to obey," the judge waa asked. "They wouldn't do it anyway," he an swered. President Mohler ; Able to Sit Up and Transacts Business At Union Pacific headquarters It la an nounced that President Mohler is im proving very rapidly. He is sitting up, snd the probabilities are that he will be at his office today. President Mohler is somewhat lam from the effect of bruises sustained when 1 1 nn (h. at- Vf 111 ah 1 Q. but the pain has about all gone and hkaaaBaP' ia feellna fine. He has Imnrnvod tn uh ' a degree that he translated 40m railroad business that required his personal at tention. PLAT CF NEW BOULEVARD IN CITYCLERK'S OFFICE Property owners interested In a pro posed new boulevard from Fontenelle to Miller park may e a plat of th rout In the city1 clerk' office. Commissioner Hummel of the park department Intro duced an ordinance providing for th condemnation of varloua tracts of pro perty along th proposed rout. As sur veyed by th city and outlined in th I ordinance the route will be from Fon j tenelle park to Forty-third street, thenc to and through Irene place, east and north to Curtis avenue and Thirty-sixth avenue, ' along Curtis . avenue to Thirty fourth street, south on Thirty-fourth street to Ksnsas avenue and eaat on that avenue to Thirty-third street, and then along a circuitous course to il.e entrance of Miller park at Thirtieth street and Kansas avenue. SWEDISH SINGING SOCIETY TO GIVE ANNUAL CONCERN Th ninth annual concert of the 8wedih cinsma cuviciy oroen win oe held Tues day evening. February I. at th Swedish Auditorium. Th Ladle' chorus and Joel Mossberg will assist. Th proceed Willi be usjd to defray expenses of th Swe 1 1 i; 1 V v at in singers gatherta her ta Jmu. V