Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1916, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily Bee.
The Bee is the Paper
r ut fori f row ia Ve
absent or then a few says,
have Tbe See mailed to 700.
Oa TrJ. at motel
Hews Steads, eto., So.
VOL. XLV XO. 100.
Total Earnings for Three Months
largest for Any Similar Period
in History of the Cor
Thirty-Five Who Assemble at Call
of State Chairman Reach
Tentative Agreement.
Restored to Their Regular Dividend
Status of Five Per Cent by
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. United
States Steel common shares were re
stored to their regular dividend
status of u per cent today when the
directors unanimously declared a
quarterly disbursement ot 1 per
cent out of earnings for the last
quarter of 1915. Total earnings of
$51,232,788 for the three months
were the largest for any similar pe
riod In the history of the corpora
tion, exceeding the previous record,
made In the second quarter of 1907,
by $5, 729, OSS.
The statement or earnings, no less
than the action on the dividends,
was In line with popular expecta
tions, forecasts having rt. lined from
$48,000,000 to $55,000,000, al
though the latter figure was re
garded as rather . extravagant.
Action 1 nrmhidoirrd,
That some fair rate of dividend
would be declared was foreshadowed
in the recent decision of the corpo
ration to increase the wages of its
unskilled laborers by 10 per cent.
nd the offering of the common stock
to employes on the nrof it-sharing
plan at 85.
The corporation's financial position may
he Judged from the fact that It now has
cash In banks ampuntlng to SlOC.OOO.OOti,
while its surplus for the last quarter of
mi amounts to more than $23,000,000.
against a deficit of $5,600,000 in the corre
sponding quarter of the previous year.
In detail the report for the last quarter
of 1915 ahows total earnings of 151.232.788,
net Income of HO.S53.11S and surplus of
$1.3"0.692. These figures compare with
total earnings of S38.710.M4, net income of
S0,Wo.79l and surplus of $18,037,241 at the
end of the quarter immediately preced
ing. ,
Total Karalna 'or Tear.
Total carnlng-s for J914 were $130,351,296,
compared with $$1,746,518 In 1914. On the
basis of returns for the last quarter of
Wis,- and wwv orders fctrewfly Irr-Tiand, It
Is believed the steel corporation's am
ines for 191 will run into unprecedented
figures. - ...
United States Steel, common was the
all-pervading: feature of the stock market
with an overturn of about 122.000 shares,
or more, than one-quarter, of the day's
total operations.
A full state, congressional and
presidential elector ticket is to be
placed In the Held In the fall by the
bullmoosers, if the agreement
reached at the roundup of thirty
five local and state "leaders" at the
Paxton yesterday is to prevail with
a full-grown conference called for
at Lincoln, February 22.
The meeting yesterday ai called by j
Ptate Chairman Prank P. forrlck. Twrn-ty-seven
state bu'lmooaere took lunch to
gether and a !ialf d"en more strolled In
for the afternoon talkfest.
Resolution Adopted.-
The gist of thi accumulated sentiment
of the day wn finally boiled Into the
following resolution:
"Hccolved, T'ltt a state-wide confer
ence of the pronresstves be held at Lin
coln, Neb., Febrjary 22. 1916. for the pur
pose of selecting and recommending can
didates to be voted for at the state pri
mary, as follows: For national commit
teeman, for delegates and alternatives to
the national convention to be held at
Chicago, June 7, end for candidates for
i presldontlsl'electors, and that a full state
and congressional ticket be placed In the
field; and to trmsaet such other business
as may come betore it."
J. F. Hanson it Fremont is being men
tioned by the mnosers for governor, as
also is Harry Sockett of Gage county,
who ran for governor last time, but State
Chairman Corriek says lie does not know
whether Mr. Sscketl will ma We the race.
The rumor Is that Sackett Is ready to
call himself a republican again.
The progresal'es are In hopes of having
George W. Perkins at the conference of
February 22. They are not yet certain of
being able to set 1.1m.
Idaho Mooaer Drops In.
Colonel James M. Ingersoll of Pocatella,
Idaho, national committeeman from his
state, wandered into the conference, quite
by accident, as :e Just happened to be
passing througn On.aba on his way home
from the east. Colonel Ingersoll ventured
the guess that, next to Senator Borah
the republicans ot Idaho are for Colonel
Roosevelt. He says they are all waiting
to see what is going to happen to Borah.
Among those present from out In the
state were: Frank P. Corrlck, Lincoln;
II. Gordon Cross, Boone county; J. C.
Jenkins, Antelope county; George W.
Baldwin, Saline county; A. E. Allyn,
Adams county; C. E. Byars. Valley
county; W. T. Wills, Boyd county; J. P.
Gibbons, Buffalo eounty; R. P. Turner,
iDodge county; O. r. Mardis. Nemaha
county; J. C. Harph&m. Lancaster eounty:
Ik F: Rankin, .Law carter -oounvjn W. - c.
Crooks, Lancaster county; Will S. Jay,
Lancaster county; E. E. Gustln, Lancas
ter county: J. U Kennard, 'Lancaster
county; L. C. Lawson, Grand Island, and
r. B. F. Smith, Frontier county.
Omaha committeemen and sympathisers
present were: Nathan Mcrrlam, John
Lewis. W. J. Broatch. A. II. Blgelow. II,
"W. Morrow, Jake Kalev. C. IX Hutohin.
Republican Leader of House Makes i
Vigorous Speech in FaTor of
Preparedness While Both
Sides Cheer.
artillerymen ws ring it up in proper style by the side of a small 'bombproof.' ' The man
at the right A v keeper holding a watch. This is the way the men get recreation after
hours of s . service.
Remarks that He Was "Little Army
and Navy Man." but Isn't
Any More.
Thirty-Three Night
Riders Plead Guilty
NEW MA1RID. Mo.. Jan. 26. Thirty-
three defendants in the night rider trials
here pleaded guilty today, thus bringing
the trials to a sudden end.
All thirty-three were sentenced to six
months Imprisonment and paroled on
itood behavior. Two men who were on
trial today were allowed to plead guilty
and were paroled with the rest.
The aentencea of the eighteen whose
ces had been disposed of will stand.
The trials began January 17. The de
fendants wer accused of terrorising land
owners and tenants of southeastern Mis-
unri with the nbteci of securing lower
rent and higher wages.
More Arkansas
Convicts Escape
LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Jan. 25. Be
tween fifteen and twenty prisoners on
the Pula'skl county farm escaped from
custody today while repairing a road,
according to reports received at the
sheriff a office. Tho men ruBhed lute the
woods. Bloodhounds were sent in pursuit.
WASHINGTON. Jan.. 25. Un
qualified, nonpartisan supoprt ot
military preparedness was urged to
day by Minority Leader Mann In a
ringing speech on the floor of the
house. He was heartily and repeat
edly applauded by both sides of the
While It has been understood that
most of the republicans favored
army and navy Increases, until to
day none of their leaders had spoken
on the subject. Consequently, com
ing as it did, on the eve of the presi
dent's departure on a preparedness
speaking tour, Mr. Mann'a address
was regarded as particularly signlfl
cant. He remarked himself that he
always had been known as a "small
army and navy man."
Representative Mann baaed his plea on
the ground that it behooves the United
States now to prepare for any eventuali
ties that may come-as a result of the
European war. He declared that he saw
now Immediate danger of war and hoped
that peace might prevail, but that the
danger of the United States being drawn
into the present conflict or one that might
result from It was too great to be disre
garded. .
"I have much more fears In the end
of war with England than I have of war
with Germany," he said. That was his
only comment on this phase of his sub
ject. Later he declined to elaborate on
his remarks.
Time to Prepare,
Mr. Mann urged no particular prepared
ness plan. He said he favored a standing
army of 180,000 or 300,000 or even 600,000
men, better coast defense and "a navy
which will be able to defend us on the
sea. He promised to go into tnese ae-
tatls at greater length later.
Mast Provide Forces.
"I think we ought to provide these great
forces," said he In pleading for a non
partisan view of the question, "that It
ought to. be considered, an emergency
matter entirely apart froin .the., ordinary
routine or expense ot government, with
out regard to partisanship or party lines."
Touching on the cost, Mr. Mann said It
would be millions now, but better that
than billions later.
,1" "Who
yr.l J"r""'
. . ..... -. t.
? . .rsai m
Sixteen French Aeroplanes Make
Long; Trip from Saloniki to
Important Cities in
Pighting; is Renewed on a L&rfre
Scale in Belgium and West
ern France,
Union Pacific Charges Interstate
Rates Because of Short Cut
Off Into Colorado.
President Heard Says Old Contro
versy Over Division of Range is
Near Settlement.
son, II. B. Day, C. B. Denny, Dr.
Henry, Goorgo Turkington and
W. O.
N. H.
Four Thousand of v
Turks Are Captured
lJNDOX, Jan. 23. Four thousand
Turks, Including fifty officers, were cap
tured by the Russians In the recent
battle In the neighborhood of Erxerum,
according to advices from Petrograd to
Renter's Telegram company. The Russians
are also said to have captured scores of
machine guns and enormous Quantities
of munitions. The Reuter dispatch says:
"The rout of the Turks In the battle
which resulted in them being driven into
Erxerum appears from later accounts
to have been even more decisive than
shown In the .first reports. Apart from
the Ottoman losses In actual battle, the
Russians captured during the pursuit
fifty officers and 4,000 men. They also
took s 00 res of machine guns and enor
mous quantities of munitions.
"The Influx of 120,000 Turks in Erserum
Is considered' to . reduce the defensive
power of the fortress.
"In the Pripet marsh region of Volhy
nla the Russian positions are stated to be
only four versts (two and two-thirds
miles) from Plnsk, ss successfud have
been the Russians In recent actions."
The Weather
Fixocaal till T P- m. AVednesday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Probably snow; continued cold.
I rntueratare at Omaha Yesterday.
Hours Deg.
S.S. Chamberlain,
Newspaper Man,
Dies Suddenly
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 26. Samuel 0.
Chamberlain, a newspaper executive
known from coast to coast, died here
early today from heart failure after a
brief Illness. I!e came here recently on
a visit, and is survived by his widow, at
the family homo at Chappaqua, N. T.; a
son who is a newspaper publisher in New
York, and a daughter.
Mr. Chamberlun, the son of a news
paper man, started his career on ths
New Tork WorM, and later became prl
vate secretary to James Gordon Bennett.
In 1SS5 he went to work on the San Fran
rlsco Examiner, and except for one year
was employed continuously thereafter on
the Hearst papers, for the most part as
an organizer Vnd builder.
Mr. Chamberlain was born at Wals-
worth, N. Y., September 25, 1863. He com
pleted his education at New Tork uni
versity in 1871, and entered newspaper
During his service with Mr. Bennett
he established Le Matin of Paris and re
malned with it as editor for two years.
i'ompa ratlve
6 a. m
6 a. m 1 1
7 a. m 9
8 a. in 8
a. m S
10 a. in 8
11 a. m 7
1J in , 7
1 p. m 7
2 p. in 9
i p. in x
4 l. in 9
5 p. m 9
p. m..... 10
7 p. in 1U
8 p. in 1
Local Record.
1911 1915. 1314. 1913.
lllshent yesterday In 1j 31 to
l.uwvil yeaterday 7 4 17 J:i temperature It S !l W
hreclpitalion 03 T .07 .0j
Temperature and precipitation depar
luiea trum the normal:
Normal temperature 20
lWu-i.-ncy for the day U
Total deficiency since March 1 71
N'nrma! precipitation 02 inh
Deficiency for the day 02 inch
Total ralofall alnce March 1..2S.0 inches
I tendency since Mtrch 1 1.78 inches
liefictency cor. period. 1914. ... 2.T7 incites
Jteflclency cor. period. li13.... 6.52 Inches
Reports froaa stations at T P. M.
Station and Btate Temp. High- Rain-
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall.
Oieyeime cloudy 2t 3u .4
Dwvenport. raining 34 48 T
1 waver, cloudy tt 3- ''
Moinea. anovinir IX .4 "
North i'latto. anowina.. 10 T
Omaha, Knowing 10 IV .'.
Itnptd City. liudy a ."I
rilxridan. cloudy 14 .ul
Mm: ky. iiowing t li T
Vhlf iitln.-. cloudy 4 I T
"T" lndiculea trace of precipitation.
ladicjlci tow sero.
U A. WKLSil. Local Forecaster.
Sultan's Yacht Hit
by French Torpedo
LONDON. Jan. 25. A dispatch to. the
Exchange Telegraph company from Ath
ens says that the sultan's yacht Ertko
groal. according to reports from Constan
tinople, was torpedoed In the Bosphorus
by a French submarine In the latter part
of December. The veasel was seriously
damaged, but is still afloat.
The same dispatch statea that Field
Marshal Baron Kolmar Von Ier Golts
has been appointed commander-in-chief of
the Turkish forces in tho Caucasus.
The Turkish imperial yacht Krtkogroal
was built at Flnwick in 1K03. la 20S feet
long and has a displacement of 900 tons
and armament of eight three-pounders.
Bryce Asks America
To Help Armenians
LONDON, Jan. 25. Viscount Bryce
formerly British ambassador at Wash
Ington. today asked the government of
the United States to take ateps to send
relief to the Armenians who, lie states,
have been driven by the Turks Into the
deserts of Hyrla and Mesopotamia.
German Aeroplanes
Bombard Dunkirk
Nebraskans living in towns along
the main line of the Union Pacific
west of the point where the road en
ters Colorado, runs five pr six miles,
and then comes back into this state,
are up In arms over an advanci
made In passenger rates. The rate
has been increased since the Inter
state Commerce commission per
mitted the roads to Increase their in
terstate and not their intrastate
rates. .
From Omaha to Pine Bluff, a distance
of. 47s miles, the. Union Paetf Itr runs
through Nebraska, with the exception of
five or six miles. Just west of Julesburg,
where the line swerves to the south. The
fact that the read runs into Colorado and
then back Into Nebraska gives it a legal
right to charge the Increased rate from
all points west ot where It enters thia
(ate after having come out of Colorado.
The application of the increased rate of
4-10 cents per mile was commenced Jan
uary 15, and since then every person from
Raltor the first station in Nobraaka on
the Union Pacific, main line west of Julos
burg, Colo., has been paying 2 and 4-10
cents per mile If they rode east.
Increase of at Dollar.
Take from Sidney to Cheyenne county,
for Instance. From there to Omaha Is
407 miles, and the distance is through
Nebraska all the way with tho exception
of five or six miles west ot Julesburg.
Under the old late the fare into Omaha
was 19.14 on the 2-cent-per-mlle ' basis.
Under the new plan of charging, it is
19.78. ' . .
Following are some other chsnges that
the Union Pacific has applied In the way
of advancing rates from Kidney: To
North Platte la U4 miles and the rats ap
plied Is $3.01;. Lexington, 192 miles, 14.43
Kearney. 228 miles. 15.20; Grand Island,
200 miles, 16.30. And a corresponding In.
crease applies on tickets sold to all other
Nebraska points west of the short stretch
where the Union Pacific, runs oft Into
Colorado and then back Into this state.
Boycott the Road.
The people of Eidney have not only
complained to the Nhraska Ptate Rail
way commission of the action of the
Union Pacific, alleging a direct violation
of the Nebraska law, fixing tho rato at
1 cents per mile, but they nave levied a
sort of a boycott against the road and
are working night and day to divert east
bound business over the Burlington.
Although Sidney people coming into
Omaha over the Burlington have to go
to Alliance and then down UhoukIi Grand
Island and Lincoln, a dlatanco of sevonty
flve miles v farther than over the Union
Pacific, that lias become tlirlr route of
travel and the route over which they shin
and receive their freight.
LONDON, Jan. 26.-A British official
report from Dunkirk states thst two
aeroplanes dropped bombs on Dunkirk
about ( o'clock thla morning. It Is added
that a German seaplane was forced to
the water by a British machine north
eaat of Nteuport about I o'clock thl
Lord Beresford Says Navy Could
Have Ended War if Given Chance
EL PASO, Te., Jan. 25. Market
conditions and the relation of cattle
men to public lands and erasing were
he principal topics discussed by
nwlght B. Heard, president of the
American National Live Stock asso
iation, in his address here today at
the convention of the association.
Mr. Heard expressed gratification at
his ability to "report that .there is
now a general disposition on the part
of the chief men of the g raxing states
tc co-operate with them 'in definite
form of federal control for the un-
Leaden of All Parties in Parliament
Endorse Statement of Policy
by Premier.
appropriated ,'' unreserved' .public
lands." ; '
"This." ha added,. "If carried out along
lines of good Judgment will eliminate for
all time the friction which has so long
existed between sheep and cattlemen. It
will also mean better breeding, the de
velopment of additional water supply
and the production upon the vast area
of public graslng lands of a great num
ber of animals annually."
Marketlaar le Bl Problem.
Mr. Heard urged the question of
marketing be given careful consideration.
"Conditions of the live stock Industry
generally during the laat year have not
been entirely satisfactory." he said.
"There has been general d'scontent,
especlslly among feeders In the Mis
sissippi vsllry, who complain of unstable
prices snd abnorma) fluctuations In ths
market plsoes. Investigation developes
frlst. a shortage of cattle In proportion
to the population, as campared with the
last three years and, second, that export
of beef products have revived.
The excess receipts at central markets
were less thsn 4 per cent over the pre
vlous year and should not affect tb
"It would seam that the beef market
of 1915 should have been stronger than
In 1914, but the average price tor' native
beed steVre In Chicago for the first ten
months ef'1915 was S.11 per hundred
weights, ss against IS.T9 In the corre
sponding ' period of 1914. '
"This abnormal situation should re
ceive careful -attention and we . should
have utmost team play between cattle
producva on the rsnch and cattle feed
ers on the farm, and the packer." .
EIj PASO, Tex., Jan. 2n. Manuel
Medlnavietla. former chief of staff to
Framiico Villa at Jaurci, was ad
mitted to the I'nlt'd States hy immigra
tion authorities, after the three days'
hearing. . .
LONDON. Jan. 2o.-The demand of the
preas for a more stringent blockade is
reinforced today by a letter from Ad
miral Lord Beresford of Metemmeh and
The conviction is gaining ground,"
says Lord Iteresford. "that had the stavy
been allowed -.0 act. the war would have
been ended so mo months ago. The gov
ernment has not dared to govern. If an
effective block ido had been declared In
August. 1914. no. rejection could have been
1 aided by Intern itional law, but there are
difflcultlea no, cviing to perininMlve and i
preferential it r einentu with neutral.
"Owing to nan, of dcvUiun and pio.ui t ,
action we are In a hopeless muddle, and
an Inextricable tangle. Unshackle the
navy, however, and the result will be
apparent In a few weeks."
Lord Beresford in illustrating what be
terms the mistakes of the government
says the report ts current that the fleet
was ordered this month not to Interfere
with German-Americans bearing Ameri
can passports, and that the effect of this
order will be to allow German reservists
once more to prjeeed to Germany.
"When ! 1I1U foolery to stop?'' auks
Admiral Hcresf ird. 'Van anything be
more heart-In --ailing to the men of the
leet ?"
Is measured in many
ways, but success in
trade depends on mar
keting your goods.
The successful mer
chant is invariably
the merchant who
stimulates his busi
ness with judicious
newspaper publicity.
Advertise inThe Dee
Sheriff 's Posse and
Bandits Battle in
Hills of Arkansas
MBNA, Ark.,' Jan. 25. The report of a
battle In nearby mountains between a
sheriff's posse snd bandits, alleged to
be members of a gang which recently
held up a bank at Ileavenor, Okla., was
reported to the sheriff's office late last
night. The message said one man had
been killed and three wounded, but did
not reveal the identity of either. An ap
peal for help was made and reinforce
inrnts left early today.
8TOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 2 4.
(Via London, Jan. 25.) Mainte
nance of neutrality In conformity
with the principles of International
law was the keynote of all the
speeches before both houses of Par
liament today, when debate on the
budget was opened. Leaders ot all
parties dwelt on the vital unanimity
of the Swedish people in favoring
firm and Impartial neutrality. Pre
mier Hammarskjoeld declared this
to be the' policy ot the "government.
but he added:- -f-.;
: "V repudlito the idea than our policy
means we will . not abandon neutrality
.'under any conditions.--It Is our fervent
desirq te keep peace, and It la our duty to
work for this end with all our might, but
we must also reckon with eventualities
in which maintenance of peace. In spite
of all our efforts, would mo longer be
profitable." '
Co-operates with Otfcera.'
Sweden, the premier continued, has en
deavored constantly to co-operate with
other neutrals, pattlcularly Denmark and
Norway, to promote common alms. In
these efforts gwtden has been successful
to a considerable degree, he aaid, adding:
'We regret thst these united efforts
for the rights and welfare of neutral
powers and for preservation, as men
tioned in th spuech from tho throne, of
the lnherltanco of international law
should depend on circumstances ever
which we have no control, and to Judge
which we have no right.
"But It Is our conviction that the suo
cess of such efforts .would be to the ad
vantage, materially and ideally, not only
of Sweden, but of other neutral countries
and of belligerents.
1 "The t present grouping of the powers
will not be eternal. In other circum
stances a' belligerent perhaps will be very
sorry that it baa for the sake of an often
doubtful '-and. temporary advantage torn
up treaties and provisions of Interna
tional law when it Is too late to restore
them." '''','''
Cialaa Woild Be Temporary.'
The premier admitted that certain In
conveniences, especially of a comniorelil
nature, might have been mitigated If the
government hal betn less schupulous In
regard to absolute and impartial neu
trality.. . . ,
"However, xperience . has shown us,"
be continuod, "that in view of the per
petual and raiild aggravation of the com
mercial war ono can depend for only a
short lime on tho rrecarloua enjoyment
of advantages procured by such arrange
ments. Other nmilrala also have learned
from eaerlence that conceaslons merely
give ris.' to fresh demands. When once
ene enters on the road ot concearinns It
Is easy to 'get further and further away
from real neutrallt." ;
PARIS. Jan. 25. The Serbian
towns of Monasttr and Glevrell have
stain been attacked by a squadron
of Trench aeroplanes, sixteen In num
ber, the Athens correspondent of the
Ilavas agency telegraphs. It is esti
mated 100 persons were killed or
wounded st Glevgell.
,AI1 the French aeroplanes returned
In safety. In some cases they cov
ered a distance of 190 miles.
Hatllra la llellea a Fraaee.
The I'm m h war office atatement on the
progress cf l out 11 1 1 lr- given out this af
ternoon,that Inst night there was
continued artillery activity in the Vtcln
Itv of Nleuport In Tlelgiuhi. The results
of this are described as favorable to the
German troops at one point penetrated
the first line of French trenches, but they
were st once driven out after a very
spirited fight.
in the Artols district yesterdsy evening
Herman forces attacked the Trench lines
over a distance of 1.M0 yards. The pre
paratory work consisted In the explosion
of a number of mines, followed by a
very violent bombardment.
The Germans were driven back to their
lines by the French fire, according to
the official statement. They were suc
cessful In occupying some craters, how
ever, but from most of these they were
later expelled.
tieriuans Deairoy rtfceral.
I1ERUN, Jan. So.-tVIa London.)-Th
cathedral at Nleuport. sys tho German
official statement lasued this afternoon. .
has been destroyed by German artillery
fire as It wss offering an excellent eb
scrvallort poat.
The cathedral was built In the fifteepth
century and restored In 1908. The church
hsd a massive baroque tower with a
root made of modern limber. It con
tained a Oothic pulpit, renaissance choir
stalls and rood loft and a sculptured altar
la the ha toque style ot 1630. .
,, . Kane Aaele. Bombarded.
PARIH." Jan. . The oily of - Nancy -warwaain
bombarded this morning by
long range, German guns, and this after
noon a number of bombs wore dropped
from German aeroplanes. The damages
from the bombardment were Inconsider
able and only two persons were wounded,
while the aeroplane attack la reported
to have been without result.
It was announced from Paris on Jan
uary that during the throe preceding
days six persons had been killed and
ten wounded in Nancy as wo result or
a bombardment of the city by German
flfteen-lnch gone. Alarming rumors
having ctroulated as to the havoc caused
by the bombardment and ' consequent
panlo among Inhabitants, the prefect of
the depsrtment in which Nancy la sit
uated issued a circular discrediting the
rumors. On the day mentioned Presi
dent Polncare went to Nancy and passed
the entire day there. As a precaution,
ary-measure, the art. works in the gal
leries of the city were removed to
Troles. .flsfe conducts were issued , to
SO.OOO persons to leave the city on the
occasion of ths three days' bombard
ment. '
Lobeck Announces
He Will Run Again
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
' WASHINGTON. Jan. . (Special Tele
arom.) Representative Lobeck. conform-
sbly to the primary laws of tho state, to
day forwarded to tho secretary of state
of Nebraska his formal declaration mai
he will be a candidate for congress from
the Second district.
The Day's War Nevis
( holmette 1'laat Heaomea.
NEW OttLKANH, Ia.. Jun. 20. The
f'halinette plant of the American Huar
Hrftnlnv company. rood several weke,
resumed operations todsv. About f(W of
the l.ftO emplovca were put to work.
Three Thousand Britons Fall as
They Make Attack Upon Turk Foe
PERUN, Jan. 26.-(By WU-eles i'lv
tills.) The British force fc-olnu 1" tic
relief of the troopa surrounded by T.irki
at Kut-KI-Amara. attacked thn Tur!ln
positions nesr Menlarl on January HI, b..t
were repulaed after an engagement last-
ing six hours, according to an 0fflci.1l re
port Issued by the Turkish hadouvtt.a
staff. The British, the announcement
says, left about .W dead on the f eld.
The text of the Turkish headn darter'
report follows:
"Irak front: Kngagroenta continue at
the Kut-KI-Amara poaltlon. I?rltl
fortes coming from Imam All GherM
attacked on January tt the Turktuh posi
tions near Menlalie, about thirty-five
kilometers (twenty-one mUea) east of
Kut-KI-Amara, on both, sides of the
Tigris river.
"The engagement lasted six hours. All
!.. Prltlsh attacka were repulsed by
founts ettacks. The British were re
I .iltf-1 severe! mlllmeters to the esst-
v a 1 d.
Git the battlefield the Biltiah left
abo-it J.000 dead. The Turkish losses were
cc : ,j jratlvc ly slight.
General Aylmer (commander of the
British, forces), asked and obtained on
ay s lime in order to bury the dead.
"British soldiers tsken prisoner stated
thst the British column also hsd loal
tifls men In dead and wounded in the
preceding engagements near hheik Said
"The Turks attacked another British
drtachraent advancing to the weat of
Korna from ftftin Teflk, which cauaed
the British to retreat. The British left
XO dead."
parative laaetlvltr Belgian,
keavy flhl has lirokea oot,
wllh the Initiative la toe kaoda
of the (Irrmiaa. Tao Preea of
ficial report of today atatea that
after, a heavy aombardmeot tho
,,, launched aa attack with
Infantrr over a froat of l.BOO
arda near Meaport.
era herblaa towaa held hy the
Teutonic alllea, have haea at
tacked aaatn by a eo."aro of
French aeroplaaea. Bombard
meat of Xeacy, 1'rsset, hy the
l.erinana baa beea reaewed. Oa
the principal front the arreat halk
of the armed millions remain In
active, with oaly aerial hattles,
bis n bombardment and ax-en -alonal
Ihraata with small forces of
Infantry to break the meaotoay of
the deadlock.
troopa, driven from their own
land, arc falling hark throagh Al
bania, flferbtlng aa they Ap
parently the mala Moateaearrla
pcaaed to ealet, for the cable re
purl apeak of tho proaeat hoatllU
lira aa guerilla warfare.
HKPORT KMtlM foastaatlaoplo aays
1ke famoaa tiermaa field snarahal.
Baron Voa Urr tiolta, has beoa ap
pelated commander-in-chief of the
Tnrk.Uk forces la tho Caseust.
The field atarahal will bo opposed
by t.rnnd Dake Nicholas, who,
Mlth a reinforced army, haa re
cently woo serlea of wtexorle
which have broaght Broeram