Waaasfdav TUE BEE: OMAILV. MO.VDAY, JANUARY 24, 1916. DR. EDWARD BRECK TO TALKJH OIJAHA BepTetentatire of flArj Leagu Before Ccmmfrciil and TTni rtriity Clnbi. OCX KAVT AKD WHAT IT MEAKS President Arthur C roltfi ot the Ne braska eertioa of th Navy learu of the Vnlled Put announce th comlnf of Pr, Edward Prctt, the field secretary of the leatrue Jtnd that ha will deliver two addresses In Omaha, tha first at th Unl eriity club at tha noon luncheon hour, Wednesday ef this week and tha eond, at the mim hour Thumdar at tha Com mercial club. rr. Breck 1a now on tour of th cen tral portion of Use Vnited tatea. deliver In lectures, th thief on of whkin la on "Our Navy and What It Meane." Ha ill he In Lincoln today and at noon will sreak before tha Commercial club of that city. At I o'clock in tha afternoon, at the Armory building he win talk to th student of tha atat unlreralty end tha following tnomlnf ha will be la Omaha, to remain tw day. la Hlfktr Canaenltl, It I srte that Pr. Brack I an actor of mora than ordinary ability, fore and eloquence. rpr in eltie where h haa pokes refer to htm and hi lecture In, th birbert terms and such wen as presl lent Drinker ef tha Iranian university and Prof. Tubfc of Bales eottec command Mm to th public. Dr. CI ward prck cornea of old colonial stock and of a naval family, his father riAvlne died for his country In th civil war at lieutenant-commander In th I tilled Hates navy. Edttrst'd at Oberlln, Amherst, Cambridge, in Knaland, Munich snd Lelpeic. the last nanv-d university conferring upon him to degree of doctor of . philosophy In ItW, h Km lived much of h'a life abroad aa utudent. Journalist, Jlhor end editor. fits publlahed wrlt ints. It t asserted, rover an astonishing amount of ground, from Anulo-Paxon literature through Germany poetry to bit Sam hunting and tha art of fencing. Always a keen student of naval matters, he volume red to so to epaln secret ent, when, at th outbreak of th Ppanlsh-Arr.erlt-an war, he was trai'.: furred from his position a American vie :onul goneral at Berlin to th embassy s atrlitant to th navy attach. eat Age at to S eal a. Refused at first, th doctor wa at last sent to Fpain when th destruction of Orvera's fleet mad It necessary to hav a perfect knowledge of th Spanish de fense, so that an American fleet throat enlng th coast of Hpaln might not op erate In tha dark. Dr. Ureck. dlsgulrcd as a German alien list, was very silcressful In gathering in formation in resard' to tb defensive con ditlon of Ppsln, furnishing th Navy de partment with plana and photographs of balterl, harbors, ate. Fired at twice by sentries whit photographing, h was at last arrested at Cadis and owed his life only to his Prussian passport and his German accent, for both of which th German consul vonched a genuine. !ne th war, Vr. Hreck has confine hlmsotf to lecturing and to - literature, and was on of th editors of th latest edition, of th Cncyclopnedea. Britannic. Ids bocks on hunting, fishing and nature, -Th Way of th Woods," and "Wilder r.es rets" er said" to. be standard ot thlr kind, while hi numerous maaatlna articles on thee subjects stamp htm tha Kfeatest authority In this field. , Gocthals to Leave , Soon for Capital PANAMA, Jan. IS. Major . General Qeorre W, Ooethal. governor of th tana son, and Brigadier 5enrl Clar ence Fdwarda. commanding th United Mate troop In th son, will leave on Monday for Wsehlngton. Major Goat-rat Oothals will appear before th ap proprlatlons committee of congress rela tive to th Tanama canal appropriations, hlle General Edwards will b called befftre th mlllury committee, presum ably regarding the funame canal troop 1n rrtneetlon with th general army re organisation plans. Lieutenant Colonel Jsy J. Morrow, will le acting governor, while Colonel C. G. Morton will b in command of the canal XVt'.kes during the abee-nc of Governor tJotha'.s ana General Kdwards. ,U-prtta pcBe, gc?ci.vbg g bg tbb DEATH RECORD Me. DavM Heir. Sir. Pv!d Keif of aiou City, formerly Mtiwi Jlrlle Or one of Omaha, died at noon Sunday at the Omaha Prrtbyterlan hos pital. In sdditlon to her husband and a 2-year-old son. Mr. Keir Is ourvlved by her parents, Mr. snd Mrs. p. Gross of Omaha. Th funeral will b held this afternoon at 1 o'clock from the realdenci of her parents, mi North Nineteenth street. , Violet (lerlrode Skew. Violet Gertrude Shaw, 5-year-old dauh ter of Xr. and Mr. J'Jdeon A. Khsw, died S.jm5y noon of spinal meningitis. Fu neral services will be held from the home! ii fouth Tenth street. Tuesday after noon' at 4 o'clock. Taweer Vtel4 Do, In an address the other rlsht Congress men Henrv Mrmkner ef New York re firl to the trite old eeylttg that "b--- rmift not L chootere." snd told tha f -ji sowing story: Oie aftrrnoun a sad-eved hob rambled up the ?rdin wlk of a suburban home smt rre!y tito.ied on the back door. "ljdv." mm he, In a leeirul vole to the women ho enewered hie knock, ' bain t had a thing to eat since lael week, if you would only gUe me aume bread vr " "Mary," euddenly Interjected the woman, ad?rl:i aame tnvlaible per son, "brln Towar out here at once. "All rtM. d.er lady." said the hobo In a reaimied voii-e, "even dog meat ta tetter than etarvin' to dneth." Phiiadel I til Tttegrmih. aa VIA World. Then you e,"VJi d-clpher these eunl .fortn (heracteie, profeorT" ' '. yf " ltuw tmereeting. And what do thess t,'.t aa?" Wtll iht one srwelis of a Chaldean -Uo abemKided wlm s..orx clam eiieila, an eli)tmt In Ayrin hijth lite, r, i'ufit of s raft iikg ta efflce. and a alnjr oeclnrea War." I'm ia eactly 1ke a freat peg cf today. 'lxutevlUa CourVer-Journal. lit Mfceralll ?. "Tfrn! TIUs la the tenth time you have ft.n Ufoia ni." eterniy said Sauit ; ; -!ied Prother Ramdiddv. " f i if V ts o, eah. hut t untr !. i i.f.-i iti ttt d 'leventh. I dnn t 1. .! la m Uiii e u,n a smart ' ' te i m Oiffunt Hut i.-i ft nrivi,yr, eo. I mnii to aive'sKMl "a was .uiub lib ral gal. TO TALK HEEE TWICE SUIISa COKIirO WIEK. T EDWARD BRECK. JEWS OF AMERICA PLA1TC0HGRESS BepretenUtiTci of Societies in Four State Meet tt Chicago and Take Fint Step. TO SPEAK FOS JEWS OF WORLD CHICAGO, TU.. Jan. 23. Plng cl!lnj for a congres that would rep resent all Jaws In America that would tk tp8 to icttla for all tlm the "Jewish .question" la Eu ropft god other continents, were be gun here today at a convention of Jewish orcanlzationg of Illinois, In diana, Michigan and Wisconsin. The convention wag the reault of a call Issued by a recent gathering of the Knights of ZIon and nearly a score of other organizations responded by sending delegates. Ther were thre sessions, ef today's convention. Th morning meeting was routine in character, heard welcoming addressee and a "keynote" speech, and aonpolnted committee. In the afternoon resolutions were in order and among them was one directing that tha Jew "ilk all other peoplea of th earth are in anT country and under any government en dowed with the tnallenabla right of enuallty before the lew with all other cltisens, or subjects of that nation or government." It pointed out that th and of th world war would be an ao ecptable time at which to settle th ques tion of discrimination against th Jws and that member of th race had provwd their right to such settlement '"by their unexampled sacrifice and suffering In th present war aa well a In tlm past" Th preamble added: "Until peace comes th Jews of Amer ica must speak for th Jaws of th world." Other resolution presented to the con vention dealt with the Palestinian ques tion and th problem of caring for Jew lh tmmtjrrants to the United States, es pecially the Influx of th latter that is expected. at the eloa of th war. To night's aesston debated th adrisabtllty ef prvmirlng a permanent eorurr of Jew ish organisation for th state ef th middle west. are question in front rank I (Continued from Pag On.) bora!rid'tmteinnTatei a motion to dls sharelng th ommltte from further con sideration of th YesoluUons, but a can rase of th republicans showed them &l not unanimously against such a move. 1 ph aa Mste Camtagr. fiometlm during th week Representa tive Humphrey of Washington, expects to make a speech aatllng th adminis tration's Mexican policy. It also Is prob ata that I "resident Wilson's reply to th eenat In whloh In a mass ef detail re garding Carransa and Mexico will b in cluded, will serve to arouse Interest ot eoogreea aean. tt Is probable now, that this rilv will not b sent to th senate until the resident returns from his w st ern tour. . ' . Interest still Is apparent at th csOitol In the European situation, but no legis lative action la looked for. Embargo resolutions have been submit ted to th sub-commltte on foreign re lations and no report Is anticipated for some time. Other Matter Laa. With regard to legislation In general. both housea continue to travel slowly' notwithstanding efforts of administration leaders to speed up th , legislative ma chinery. Committees have been urged to work faster and sign of prograas are looked for during th coming week. Th Immigration hill, with Its literacy teat will be reported this' week. Feeling over this measure Is high even In tit commute and It presentation on th floor I expected to preclpltat heated ar gument. U. S. ABANDONS HOPE OF FIXING PERSIA BLAME WABH1NQTON. Jan, M. Th BtU de partment virtually has abandoned hop of determining what destroyed th Brit- Inh ateamshlp Ftrsla. sunk la th Med Iterranesn with a loss of at least tw American lives. Auatria-liunsary and Germany have disclaimed responsibility for th dlnae ter and affidavits of surviving peseengvrs era. Inclncluaive, but on avenue of in forma tion remains open. This 1 through the British office, which haa In Its po ' n affidavits from members of the new. The affidavits were turned over to a British consular representative at Alex andria. Egypt, and wera forwarded t London. Th Stat department haa not yet been advised that th document bar reached their destination. NOONDAY CLUB TO HAVE SOCIAL AFFAIR TUESDAY Th annual social affair ef the Koonaay chib and tadlea and friend is to be held Tuesday evening. January B, at the Com mercial club rooms at I o'clock. Alfred Bloom, chairraaa ef the aatsrtaiameatt oommltte. haa provided a elect ru us teal program. The annual banquet of th club, whkh Is a stag affair, la to be held sow time during th first, weak la March. Gov ernor George A. Carlson of Colorado la to be present at that time a principal speaker. V BASIS FOR ONION OF TDEAIIERICAS Declaration Prepared hj Laming, Root and Scott and Adopted by the ConTentioa. HOT TET OFFICIALLY BATJXIED WASHINGTON. Jan. Jl A tan. American "Declaration ef tha Rights of Nations," prepared bjr Secretary Laniin. Elihu Root and Dr, James Drown Scott and adonted In etecu- tire session by tha American Insti tute of Technical Law at Its recent convention held here tinder the aus pices of tha ran-American Scientific congress, wis made public today by vr. Scott, president Of tha Institute. Althouxh the declaration l&eka tha for. mal ratification of th twnty-on Amer ican republic and therefor Is not an official document. It framera believe that tt correctly sets forth th official view of alt th American common wealth. Before the Institute was called Upon to Consider It. the daeleretinn submitted to and approved by the au. thortUSa en Internetinnai law in Couth American republics. Including Ajn- naasaaor puares and Dr. Alojandra Al vares of Chile. It was unanimously adopted Xebniery by the institute, whoe" membership of 506 Is made up of fiv experts on International law from each of th twenty-one American re publics. Km bodies Eleaaenial IMakts. The declaration, tt ta eaM mxi.. the Inautute's conception of "only ele mental national rights, and will be fur. ther considered at tha next meeting of the Institute In Havana nest year. It contains five primary sections which were fashioned with th United Rtates Declaration of Independents In mind as a model and which read as follows I 'X Every nation haa tha Hrhi t i. to protect and to conserve Its existence; but this right neither lmpllea the right nor justifie th act cf the state to pro- m iucii er to conserve its existence by th commission nf nnuf..i - acia against innocent and unoffending states. "1 Every nation haa the right to in dependence in th sense that it has a right to the pursuit of happiness, and 1 free to develop ftself without Interfer ence or control from other states, pro vided" that In so doing tt does not Inter, fere with or violate the just right of other states. All Nations Are Kaal. ' F.verr nation is in v. law the equal of every other state oom- poemg me society of nations, and all states have th right to claim, and. ac cording to the rWtaraHn.. T j dene of th t'nlUd tttatea. to assum. "" powers or th earth, th sen arat and enual atetinn .vi.w . . v i ' i. ii v ji a lawa Of nature and of nature's Ood en- line mem. "i. Every nation baa th i.t.t .a rltory within defined iiii.it.M.. ..a xrclae esclualv Jurisdiction over this "na an parsons, -whether na- w loreign, round therein, ". Dvsry nation entitled to a right jr the law of nations is enUUed t have that right rpt4 and protected by. all other nations, for right and doty are cor relativ. and th right of one Is the dory of all to observe." s Wlthla th Pswaaaft!., The preamble to the r.iMi. Ing th declaration reads as follows: "Whereas, The municipal law of civl Used nations reeoanlaea and right to life,' th right to liberty, to vhloh the Declaration of Independence cf th United States adds the right to the pursuit of happiness, th right to legal quaiuy. in rignt to property, and th right to th enjoyment of th aforesaid rights, creating a dutv on the nart f .. cltisens or subjects of ach nation to ob serve inem; and, "Whereas, These fundamental ri-M. thus universally recognised, are familiar to the peoples ef all civilised countries; and. 'Where. Thss fundamental - rivt. can stated In term of international law and can be applied to th relation Of th members of th aoclatv of nettana. on with another, just as they hav beea applied in th relations of cftlsen or uhjecta of .th state forming the Bodety o .-sat ions; and, Klsfcte taat Art Kataral. ' 'Whereas, These fundamental rte-ata of national turisnrudenoa. namely the right to Ufa, th right to liberty, th right to tne pursuit of happiness, the tight to equality before the law. th right to property, ana tne right to the observance A Food Seventeen years ago a food wa3 originated that combined the entire nourishment of tho field grains wheat and Jbarley with ease of digestion, delicious taste and other qualities of worth de signed to fill a widespread human need. Today that food has no near competitor among cerial foods in form or nutritive value, nor has it had from the start. Goape-Nuts on the Breakfast Menu builds and maintains body, 'brain and. nerves as no other food does. Ready to eat, econom ical, appetizing. "There's a Reason" JOIN THE THINKERS' CLUB thereof are. stated la term ef Interna tional law, th right of the natkm te let and to protect and to conserve It ex istences th right of mderwndenoe and th freedom to dvlop Itself without In terference er eontrol from ether nations; the right of equality In the law and be fore the law; the right to territory within denned boundaries and to exclusive juris diction therein, and the right to th ob servance of these fundamental rights; "Therefor, Th American Institute of Tntematlonal law unanimously adopt at It first session, held in th city of Wash ington, In the United fltetes of America, on th th dsy of January. 191. In con nection with and undr th auspices e( th second ran-Amrican Scientific con gress, th following five article, to gether with th commentsry thereon, to be known as the Declaration of th Bights of Katlona." Then follow the articles of th Declaration. MAT PUBLISH MEN .. WHO MIL TO PAY UP (Continued from Tag On.) even apeak to them or give th commit tee an audience." Btaeaaam Waatt ta Qatt. Mr. Ztmman ashed earnestly that h be no longer elected to th board, as he said he had been ngagd In this kind of work for over twenty years now, and if 1ctd again, must surely decline to serv longer. Isidor Zlegler, member ef th board ef directors, declared th name at those falling to make good their promises should be made public, and also held ther Is n good reason why lists of non Subscribers abould not b published. "Th Commercial olub," he eald, "publishes lists of what It calls prospective mem bnrs (that Is, men that they believ should belong to th club, and who do not be long). So far as I know no one has ever taken offense at having his nam appear In this list of prospects, and I think w would profitably publish such a list of prospective subscribers to the charity fund." Master oa Hand. The secretary's report tor th year howed receipts of t.$14.gg, and a total disbursement of $4,914.15. The reserve fund contain $1,000, which Includes a free loan fund of Jl.Ooo. The Associated Jewish charities finances all the various local Jewish charities and has taken upon Itself the collection and apportionment ot all moneys for both local and outside Institutions that formerly solicited funds here. Of the nearly S,000 collected and dis bursed during the year, only P.173.M went for office, administration, rent, phone, postage, printing, etc., or In th neighborhood of 11 per cent of the money expended. . Bssk Caaeel Not. Just whan the Jewish charities had de elded to make good a note In favor of the Nebraska National bank, signed by I. Gufstin. who died . before he could meet it. the Nebraska National notified tha organ (sat loo that they rieed not make It good, and thereupon sent the cancelled net to the deceased . man's deatltute family .Testimonial resolution .of appreciation for three members who died since the last meeting, were adopted, "Mrs. Bva Bredkay, Mrs. Sarah Sierrlam Oroes and Mr. Ettji Sugarrnaa. y . .. . Kloof Of . Th following efOoars were elected for th coming year; Herri Xetvy, president; Samuel Ravtts, first vice president: Mrs. Samuel Hobfason, second vice president; Mrs. B. A. Simon, third vice president) Mrsv IB, V. Lorig, fourth vto president; IL Friedman, treasurer i Menry Monsky, secretary, and Harry B. Ztmman, hon orary Ytoe president. ' Tw lrat the Grist. . . When roo feel a cold coming on, a few doe of Laxative Brorao Quinine will stop It and keep the system In conditio to prevent a spell of grip, There Is only one "Bronte Quinine." H W. Drove's sig nature oa box. S&-AdvrtiaemenU Two Boys Injured v By Bobsled Wreck isiOXTX CITT, la., Jan. . Tw boys were Injured, one srobebly fatally to night, when a bobsled on whloh they were coasting collided with an automobile delivery. Ralph MtConnvlil. aged 11, 'suffered a fractured skull and may die; Faul Mo Coon villa, his brother, aged , sustained a broken shoulder. Bud Crumertne, aged U, received a scalp wound. Th victims are boys ef Sioux City parents. to Remember Grocers everywhere sell Grape-Nuts. FLOOD SWEEPS OYER THE YUMA VALLEY Four Miles of Government teree Waibad ; Out and ' Whole Reg-ion Inundated HUNDRED BOUSES DESTROYED BttLETIX. YUMA. Arls., Jan. 23. With tha waters of the Colorado river reced ing, work of rescuing Yuma taller flood suferers was carried forward today by local authorities aided by officials of tha Southern Pacilo railroad from Tucson, Aria., who ar rived here with, equipment to sup ply the city temporarily with water, tas and electricity. It was esti mated that tha damans from tha flood would amount to mora than 11,000,000. Tha river fell feet this morn ing and continued to recede, though It wag still above the 33-foot stage. YUMA, Arlt., Jan. 23.Yuma valley was covered to a depth of from one to four feet by flood water from the Colorado river tonight as a result of the breaking of the gov ernment levees near here today. Tha city ot Yuma traa In darkness and without a supply of water, as the tlants supplying gas, electricity and water were flooded. A cltisens' committee was main taining onjer here, Mayor Charles C Moore having died of heart failure during the excitement that prevailed shortly after the levees gave way. Business houses on tha main street here were flooded to a depth of four feet by the water and many of the older buildings were washed away or badly damaged. Residents were sent to the hills back from the river. Batldlaa Disappear. Many ef the eldest building in Turn a hav disappeared beneath the flood water. It was estimated early tonight that at least 100 houses bad been de stroyed. The CathoIIo rectory was In danger of being carried away at any time and a squad of men were bracing It with props and sandbags. The building Is two stories in height and constructed ot adobe. A11 reports from- the upper Colorado river tonight stated that the water was falling, but the flood here showed no In dications of receding. The water tonlqrht was lapping against the girders of the Southern Pacific rail road bridge, but tho structure then was withstanding tne pressure. . Officials of the reclamation service es timated that from 150.000 to 175.000 oublo feet of water was passing this point early tonight the heaviest flood condition ever recorded her. , , ! .Wsikei -Oat. "J' At least four miles oi the government levee was washed out just below her and the waters have broken ever the west main canal at several places, which) necessarily must flood the greater part, U not all, of the Turns valley, , Practically every house In the lower halt of that section was almost buried under the murky waters. It was believed that all th residents eeaped. No estimate of damage either in Yuma or the surrounding country could be mads tonight. Sure Murderer of Officer La Trasse CHICAGO, Jan. 23. The bandit who held up the offloa of Thomas Cook A Son here yesterday was the object of widespread but fruitless search today. Chief of Detective Bunt interviewed ad ditional witnesses, and was confirmed In his opinion that th man wanted Is Will lam La Trasse, a robber who broke out of the Kansas penitentiary a few month a ago. Ernest t Walsh, cashier, and Ed ward Stone, manager of the office from whtch the bandit escaped with IMO, Iden tified a photograph of La Trass a that f th robber. . Their 'identification was confirmed by that of others who saw th robber, who, when escaping, shot and killed Policeman B. A. Johnson. HEAYY FIGHTING III MESOPOTAMIA Britfsh Report that General Aylmer Attacked larks to Relieve ' Kut-el-Amara. UNABLE TET TO MAKE PROGRESS BERLIN, Jan. 23. (By .Wireless to Bayvllle.) Capture by tha Ger mans of an allied position 260 yards long to the north of Arras waa an nounced today by tha war office, LONDON, Jan. 23. Heavy fight ing ocenrred on Friday between the British army that Is attempting to reach Kut-el-Amara, Mesopotamia and tha Turks. The battle took place at Essln, terea miles from Kut-el-Amara. Tha British were unabla to drive tho Turks from their positions. Tha purpose of the Brit ish la to rescue tho original expedi tionary force, which haa been sur rounded at Kut-el-Amara. Tha following official statement on tha Mesopotamian campaign was given out today under .yesterday's date: "Sir Tercy Lake (th new commandor in Mesopotamia) reports that General Aylmer attacked the Turkish position at Esain on Friday. . Fierce flahtlnr con tinued through the day with varylna uc cesa, Th weather throughout waa atro cious, a pouring; rain rendering move ments of troop extremely difficult. "Owing to th flood It we Impossible to renew th attack on Saturday and General Aylmer took up a position 1,300 yard front th enemy's trenches. "Th weather continues bad with Inces sant rain. '.'The casualties are reported to haVB been heavy on both sides." Itrsnafleld for Coaefc. Holy Croea hea hall manaa-emmt a making an effort to secur "Kitty" Bran neia. ma oia national leaguer, a coach tor th coming season. Lash I Re-naraaed. FlllY TJiah. the former National la. anla Infielder, ha been r-engaged aa the 1916 coach of th Fordham base ball team. Headache Prom a Cold? Listen! "Pape'a Cold Compound" ends severe colds or grippe in few hours. Tour - cold will break and all grippe misery end after taking a doe of "Papa's Cold Compound" every two hours until three doaea are taken. It promptly open ologged-up nostrils and air passages In th head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, relieve sick headache, . dullness, . fevertshness. sore throat, s nee sing, soreness and stiffness. -. Xon;t stay ' stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Base your throbbing head nothing else In, the world gives, such prompt relief rPape'e , OolA Coiiv pound." which, coats only 25 cents at any drug store. It acta without assist ance," taste nioe and. oaese no incon venience. Accept no substitute. Adver tisement. ' SI a Th WarUTt Greatest Jsteraai . ttaokaoh. ; Rhaumatlam. Lumbago, Any Local Pain. M a ALLCOCri. Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. What Kind of an Oia Man Will You Be? SILL your final day. be bUexxl with yor will you aorrew fir th pro parity that you have iquanJrel? '"The State Bank ,f O l&hana 1 mana Hanwy py 3 nearest en saving accounts. Yau will not miat a dollar a two week now and soon it will grew inte s Huge sum far the day when yeu can na longer work, Start a savings acoeunt today. We alas pay 4 an Time Interest Csrtifw cat.. Safrta rwa Box fJ.OQ a aer and up. AU deposits protected by the Dspoaiton Cuaran. tea Fund of tli Stat of Nebrafka. Photo Engravings M&do to Order TMt'aM aaa Shea ever haters Ml anssst as saes at vera. loot at ta aownaepere, etaswaaae sad otf eaanr Swttar s tsnuk la an ill I hay rssH aiaeU-alSW saavsvtaara Tel a ta earses lor whieb yea wk te see ensrevtnts snd w1 tall roe how to bare theot anwta Thai's oor t a m ns.au k- lo BOote eof rave plataa Wa also operate aloe t retype aitd etarootrpe plaaia aa4r Ua aauiae root. Cm f lira is It ay alnal ef ynDfuir paste. i T" IIP-' ft.. w 11 LCsl?sla9aW OELL-aAlS e- ." ITCHING ECZEMA FOR SIX MONTHS Face and Body Covered with Blisters. Started to Spread. Child Very Cross and Could NotSleep. HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "My niera suffered with Itrblna aosema for aearly sis months. Her faoe and body Wer covered with , Misters which brok open and started to spread, and a soon a one blister opened a few daya later mor eruptions would appear. Her face was a frlsht us look at and th child waa very erase and could not aleep night. "Their 1 used CuUcur Soap and Ointment and after astos two boxes ef th CuUcur Ointment together , with th Out! cur Soap ah ' wa tirly hld.1 (Slsjned) Mis Theresa Bete- sky, soi a Cortland Bt., Chiceao; 1114 Oct. 19. 1818. Sample Each Free by Mail With aa-p. Bkia Book oa request. Ad dress poas-card Caieara. IVt. T. Bee. Sold throughout th world. DEAD ON HIS FEET OOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cannulaa Will bring; new life and qulokly rellev that atorpd-op cotifrested feeling. They will thoroughly rleanse and wash out the kidney and bladder and srently carry oft the ill effeote of excesses of all kinds. The haallnsr. soothina- oil soaks rt-ht Into th walls and lining of th kidney nd expels the poisons in your system. Keep your klrldieys In good shape by dally use of GOLD MKtAI llaarlem Oil Capsules and you will have good health. Go to your druattist at one and secure a 'packag-e of thin time-honored, world-wide remedy. It is not a "patent medicine." It is passed upon by U. 8. Government chemists and declared pur before coming- Into this country." GOLl MUD A I. Is the pure, original Haarlem OH, Imported direct from tha " ancient laboratories In Holland, where It is the National Household Remedy of the sturdy Dutch. Look for the nam CkH.I) MRDAf. on every box. Accept no substi tute. Tour druirslst will irladjy refund your money If not as represented. Ad vertisement. . Vim CELIYEBY ECtlES MadetaTaiHomUaethatoealteayaar. Prientlt.M and apdalirarad. Hnadv to bolt ta ehatiti. Highly f-iahul laeaaaael haatden. Lettering aligtttly e t . Can-fed ta at quick ehlptiHwit, V. Ira .p-H-ft-etiwa at oar exponas. Ala Maul Oanwos J and bp. Write toear. . Columbia, rrm tanx comfmt. ' ' V 1U9 West lh Btreet. Ksnsss City. We. Weeks' Dreai-Up-A-Co!3 TaMds rw CeMs auid . La arlpp -25 Bocoodtha yrm osa afford to Instat and aa tha n St IjUlm Park Shntm I 4 aoM oy ds aragaiaaa ! vwhar. , n THE QMAIDt BEE- ; . THE HOLIG PAPES AMI'gKME.VTI. IN jpytn4 to ? wKuaussii mmwm mxwmqwm TWICE DAILY t?& Mat. Today Mere-a th eady aaoney ahow J 1, 000,000,00 I rv2iLL,iorj ::t. iDOLLARls D O L L Sa3 t 9 i , a o o , o o h . o"o1 mth ITW JKXXTOST I.BST1IH ux, Bint ateadows,- Otbaoa ft Baaney. are, Vruoe at. Olalr, Sob rem aad OODUIS OI IWIU MUJ. Dr SaaSori Itttrar the ehnoaar la enlasttas thla ohorua did tilmaalf proud, by tieca. If It'a (trie that roll Ilka to eaa In bur leaque, titan coma a runnlD' mt'vm not 'am. th.y're bare br tha flock. This show's title Is no miimomr. . I JOHNHON. Mrr. Oaraty. Svalaa aad Bnudny Matin, ISO, aso. aoe aad TSo. MATSTlSs tni 25c t' Ch ram If roe Itt. btt nanaoktsa. TICKETS AyC DAY MATIoTBa Saby Oarrla- Oasa.t la tea Xobby CONTINUOUS 1 TO 11 P. M. TODAY ONLY IinT W. aATAOBH "EXCUSE EV.E" A Fathe Oold Jaoostar Way. A 9aXU maa Car Vleaaatary of Brth at etirths la fiv otloa. Tomorrow, np to Sunday, Porothy Doaelly la "Madame X" -r-, . - rhoa 9n 4ti. WendevUla. Pally M.tmx, I H KTonr Ulant. l it. CICCOLINll Oihar Acta thla Wk M.mMl A Hnna.n Cla.d ' . - l i... m, I ValMLlaa al Ball. i Ka.ko. orphTra.W Vk,r p7i.r sum .ii7. ! "f?2 8aiarWr and Suaeairl. c Mslns, tua.aM.rwa aad 7 on. EMPRESS vias outaa tattostiuji ajtd raiOTO rx-AYa MARY PAGE TOBAT H.ZTIJT TO EUTII 10c- -ADSSiaSION- '10c Weeerved aata lc Extra Torpln's School of Danclns Twenty-eichth A Farnam. lw CBaaeea. I.lat your name bow. Private lesaoo aay tuu. KAJaJlaVT SliJ.