10. TIIT, BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 191G. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright, WIS, International Newa Service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus r ' k COOOWOW1N . f7Z . (TuMioM.fi. Dtft -ri SOW -V tFTHE DOOR CLL sT ! CWT PORTf DOLLARS ' ?NC1 '7 nT IQUMWtLEO V r WtmW COLLECT-A HAT VV A OONKO vwlo comc in " 1 v ir-i I Si ' .meows toet S the ecu.!. I J r-- f T ?r l .ftssn? Vert 53 ML A rol SCOTS WILL PULL OMAHA TUG TEAMS Jack Print Writes from Chicago . thtt Ee Has Signed Up Tug . o'War Champions. WILL A MUTE OH THUHSDAY Jsck Prince, who promote the Inter-natlon-l tug-of-wsr at tre Auditorium re nM.v, writ's from Chicago that ha waa maoe ell arrangrmentj with th chsm plnnthip cih tttg-o?-wer team of that city to come to Omaha to pull the Omaha JDanlah and f!mmn trams here February S and .' rrlnce says he will ha in Omaha Thursday or Friday and will bring th ''nta Ith Mm. Th Hcntg are the ttig-of-war chaniplnna of the world, having won that honor tn open rnmretll Ion and will be defend ng tlirir title against the Omaha pullere. Tiie Panes wete th winners In the recent Omaha, event end the (Herman were runnersuo. f'rlnce derlarea both of these tnems will ri'e ahe PcoU a pull for their monrv and wl'l tnd an even chance for vlrt"rj". The German lum captained by Pete 1-och will pull the Foots at the Audi torium Peturriey nltcht, February 5, and the rne rotalnd by Kmll Talbot will p"ll the champs fluntlay tilaht. February . Poth pulle wilt be to the limit. The lnn)n:' teem rmtat pti'l the loaera five f.et in the flea even If it take all nlalit. No twenty-tnlnota time limit will eslet. Princa convey th5 newa that tha Windy iil Scot will rome to maha all primed for the event. They will brln their haa-plpera with them and Frlnea tha ha-t'lr!nf crew la the beat In tMa country. Tha Scota will ba enter l!ned by the local Clan Gordon aoclety while In Omaha. i New Bellovuo "Gym" Is Joy Forever with Its Swimming Pool In kpUc of the fact that the oun man Ht lifllcuc cfllfKo hava been enjoying the iu : $ i.jimHlum poo! alnoa Chrletmsa, th T,r! tofli their flrat plunge Frldny when ll! Itornlca Miller gave the inltlRl ln nil to 1 "i1 Ms rln in tha aquatic ait. Fo'low'na; the method of Coren, who taf-Hfe Vounff Men'a Chrlatian aeeo t'aiin and Yotina Women't Chrlntlan PFooipjion workera, under whom ahe studied et Settle Creek, Mich.. Mlee Millar tu8ht the (Irla to breathe properly fur e liuinlnit and to float on their backa. The pool la tn excellent condition, tha t-r lielrit heated by tha injection of sirm. jr in svvM feet, liirirer than any mo I n (hie vicinity. Frofeeaora and atu-i- iila ell are flndlna the plunra pleaa- nt .3 illt Ion to the collrge equlrment, and freq lent the pluea from early tnornlnf unl'l n o'rlork at nlaht. (ipeelal cara la Belnc taken to keep tha water In a, thor suirhly aanttery condition. Tim whole Kymnaaiuin la highly aatla fautory. Armlemy atudenta, collrga men . and arirlin play bnaket ball in apare mo menta, a-itdmv and college gymnantlo . ! aia h(ld there and profevnora toea tha medicine ball, pliiy volley ba l. indoor bane bell or term . The floor ia In ex cellent condition for baaket ball gamea and tha ehowera, Inrkera and drain(r oomi, with tha added feature of tha pool, mako the gymnaalum tha most K)puar a pot In tha college. PITTSBURGH COACH HAS DEVEL OPED MANY STARS. " CITY TOURNAMENT Bock and Tillson A Tr T.rkTrr in Tn rl finf COMES THIS WEEK XiM ad W MA MW4VM W Only Three More Days Left for Pin Tumblers to Send in Entries for Championship Event. Karl Bock and J. W. Tillson dead locked for low acore - In the qualifying round of the Indoor trolf tournament atarted yeaterday at Bill Clark'a Indoor lAllru mt 1417 TtariflTA. Roth nf theae tllav- GATE CITY EVENT THIS WEEK era turned In a thirty-two count. All matrhea In tha aubaequent rounds Only three daya left for the local bowl- era to get their entry In for tha annual city tournament which onena next Sat urday even'n on the Farnam alley. Thl affair la the chief loral tournament of thla tournament will be thlrty-eiK-hole matchea and the entire tournament muat be played off by next Friday. Two trophtea will ba awarded. Soorea in the qualifying round yeater- of the aeaaon inasmuch aa the wlnnera day were aa follows : are declared city champions, which title they hold until tha annual city tourna ment the following year. Tha Stora, last year's tram champions. BUI Learn and Walt Goff present holdera of tha doubles championship and Learn, whose hoggish ways alto netted him the Individual and all-event champtonahlps. will ba entered again thla aesson to defend their titles. An entry of eighteen teams la expected together with a proportional aet of doubles and elntlnf the fee will ba ft par son'a events will ba rolled tha samo aa those of last season's tournament. All aerlea will ba rolled across alx alleys, the an ma aa used In tha big Mlddiewaat C. A. Thomas 37J. w, Tillson K Frank nusaoll...mi FTel r Ouy Ma-nett 42' J. M. Ollehrist 56 Bar Wagner sg'A. o. Klriiols ?l Blaine Young JWI Albert Cahn, Jr...!! Karl Fock e w, T. Lawrence.. J. F. Anson 4H . W. Carder tT Ailan Farmer. ....47 J. P. Fradenberg.tt J. W. Hughes 391 L. P. McConncll II. H. Potter 42 Kd Xoyer M Drawings for tha flrat round of match playa are aa follows Karl Bock plavs Frank Russell. Al Cahn, jr., piaya J. P. Fradenberg. C. A. Thomas playa L.i. McConnell J. W. Huahea olays Ka Boyer, J. W. Tillson playa Ouy Liggett. )l. If. votwr piaya A. i. XNicnois. W. T. Juawrenee piaya red oo, I tournament recently held here. Tha (JflamDOrlEtin UUb 01 usual entry :ee or . per man in me OrnAHA BOXER WILL TRY TO STAGE A COMEBACK rti-d T.osan, South Bide boxer who two yearj ago was teuaidod aa m of the rou;lng elterwl jlit puga of tha country. let n!io was forced to abandon the funis for itevfTtil montiia tiecauee of etomach trouble, will ersay a comeback at fit. Jo- p!t Tut ay ultiht. Igan will fight ten rounds Kill Beimie Bembier of St. Jo- m h, Whether Igan will ablo to atand a greening fU'ht after Ma long illness Is considered speculative by Omaha friends. but in rasa tha Konlh Bide lad has re rmii end t as good aa he uaed to be -'iriMrr is ticketed for a laoing. BANDIT GETS HOUR'S RIDE AND THEN ROBS DRIVER Th unuHuat methoda pursued anl eriginettd by Art Hauser bra being copird, tha pollca learned last night when l urry V. Gordon, driver for tha tmoraon laundry, and William Kirk, an assistant n tha a agon, told of being roubed by a t-ndit of $3. They bad Jutt delivered a bundle Of linen t.j a home at 411 North TwentioOi atreet heu a masked tbug aprang on the run jjlng board with leveled revolver. II climbed invide. shielded from view, and mad the laundry men drive him about tii cay for ewer aa hour, while he plied them with tkMta acd questions. Finally la took l-.T.U tiom Gordon and S9 from Kirk and Sev4 out of tha ear and was !..'. k tue darknase. PITTffBUHX3H, Jan. 23.-Next fall the Unveralty of Pittsburgh puts the resi dence rule Into effect, necessitating the development of a good freshman font ball team and "Andy" Kerr has been engaged again to coach tha flrat year men. In Prof. Kerr FltUburgh has a man who has developed more real high class varsity foot ball than Bpeedy Kush, TSuppke of Illinois and ether men who have graduated from the email school coaching jobs to those of the big varsi ties. Ai coach of nttsburrh Central High achool and previous to thut Johnstown, Pa., High achool, Kerr made a wonderful record in foot fall coaching clrclca and developed a winner each year. After graduating from Dlcklnaon college he became a member of the Johnstown High school faculty and coached all their thletlc teams. Kerr made such a great record at Johnstown that the call came for him to become a member of tha Pitts burgh Central High faculty. He acueptcd In 190a and. haa bean there ever since. For eight yrara he coached their teams and did wonderful work. Last year, Pitt signed hint aa freshman foot ball coach. aa well as varsity track coach. - Ha attll teacljca mathematics In Pittsburgh Cen tral and coaches tha Pitt boya as a aide Issue. ' Here are some of the men Kerr haa developed: Frank Oltck, captain of 1814 Princeton varsity; Jim Kunna, captain of 1D1 Cornell varsity 1 Jack Llndway, rap tain of V.t9 Pittsburgh varsity; Ken Mc Cutcheon, guard Cornell varsity 1913 and 1!U4 and captain of 1914 Cornell cham pion track team; John Lyons, end. Uni versity ef Michigan varalty 1914; Roy Leventry, tackle, Cornell; Wll'.lem Ken nedy, guard, Luhlgh; Edward Martin, end. Ptsnn Htate; Ktan Ewlng. quarter back. Pen a State; Erto Meadow, quarter- Itfkck, Pittsburgh; I. Bhaplra, guard. Pittsburgh; Karl Oaes, Cornell back field man; William Barnet Penn Etate half back; Webster fayler. F ft M tackle and captain: Robert Martin. Andover half beck; James Rebout, guard, Penn State, and many othera. Among the Hat of men he developed are seven varalty captains. team event will be charged and In the doubela and singles tha fee will be SI per man. The tournament will be rolled under the auspices of the parent body. the American Bowling Congress. An ad ditional dollar per team ia charged aV duea to the congreaa. Teams wishing to Game Next Year I.mCOLN, Jan. 23. (Special Telegram.) Information reaching Dr. R. Q. Clapp, aeoratary of the Nebraska Athletic board. from the registrar of Nebraska Wesleyen BURNASCOS BEAT THE COYOTE FIVE Visiting University Tossers Find Store Team Too Strong for Them. ENDS THIRTY-ONE TO TWENTY The University of South Dakota met defeat at the hands of the Burgeaa-Nash Saturday at the Toung Men'a Chris tian association, SI to 89. The collegians while on tolas aed on team work played a strong acjgresfllvc game and were at all times tagging at tha heela of the Biirnascoa in the matter of point getting. The South Dakotans were a little off on locating the baaket, missing . many op portunities of ahovlng tha ball through tha hoop. The content while alow was continually enlivened by spectacular shots from difficult anglea of the court. Tony Vidal, crack halfback of the Coy otes and performing at the pivot atatlon. for the visitors, pulled off some brilliant work during the fray. Time and again Vidal dribbled down the floor and waa only prevented from hooping the ball by the excellent guarding of the Bur naacoa. Vidal waa In evidence at all stages of the tilt. Although playing center tha lanky toaaer caged three baaketa. Mc- Kenna as left forward waa also In evi dence duplicating Vldal'a feat of three baaketa. Captain Oble Meyers waa In the calcium for the locale, with alx field goala. The lineup take part In the big national tournament unlvereity today, indicates that Chamber- held In Toledo during March must enter i. wewaaKa atar. win oe oeciareo. the city tournament to become eligible. Entries close Wdsssday night, January !8, at midnight and muat be In Association Secretary Cain's handa by that time, aa none will be accepted after that date, (iate City Terey, The annual date City tournament will be staged thla week, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday. The tournament la open to all lraguea rolling on the Morrison ineligible to participate In university athletics after this year. Chamberlaln'a loaa to the foot hall team next year will b a severe one aa critic generally agreed he waa one of the great est players on the gridiron laat season. The registrar's letter Indicated that Chamberlain registered at Wesleyan aa a full fledged freshman, and carried com plete college work for two years, aecur alley, .he Omaha f leagu EnVr. ? 7 T?li close tonight. Secretary Jake BUne Is receiving them and will alsa conduct the events, The big national tournament conducted by the American Bowling congreaa la now attracting the attention of tha limit his playing to two years on the University of Nebraeka. The Nebraska Athletic board will un doubtedly at a meeting next week de clare Chamberlain Ineligible for further participation In athletics. SOUTH DAKOTA. Spragxie R.F. McKenns L.F. Vidal C. Young , K.G. Collins L.O BURG ESS-N ASH. IaF Meyer R.F Hyde C Flndley L..O. ...... Amberaon R.O.. Howard TWO UNI MEN FLEE STIEMS HOUSE Athletic Directors of University of Nebraska Ordered from Home of the Ex-Coach. TROUBLE OVER THE RECORDS Ptlehm, ia six feet, five Inches tall. Dr. Clapp Is of moderate height and of slender build. Reed ia about his physical counterpart. Both men admit they left within the time limit. Mr. Stlehm, who waa In Omaha last night refereelng the South Dakota game, eald he would have a statement to give out concerning hla relatione with the uni versity board shortly. He would make no other comment. Bee Want-Ada serve hundreds dally. Substitute: Vauanase for B Drama. Field goala: McKenna S), Vidal t3), Toung (2), Collins, Hyde, Meyera t), Flndley (2). fprague, McKenna (2), Hyde. Fouls com muted: Boutn jjaxota, Burgesa-Naah, G. Referee: Stlehm, Nebraska, lime of halves: 30 minutes. Daadee Bests Yeakam, oowiers inroiignou( ine country, ine con-i'aann inir-f etmnreerlll testa which onen In Toledo. O.. March 4 Niftd. HUrr dUUUCdtdrUl. ' I . . . and continue until Maroh S4 will attract N DEFENDING HER TITLE the greatest outsme entry oi any lourna-. ment ever ataged, and ttua with a local jjrB. jr. w. Huff at Huntington's alleys entry of 800 teams pledged by Toledo c.i,lni,v .iiee--f ,.llv defended her title business men will bring the total .entry mKn champion bowler of Omaha or me tournameni io over wi warns, a me by defwitm, Mlaa Lucetta Miller, alxty three pins, in a five-game series. Score: Mra. Huff 175 1N 121 Jfls IM-JKK Mlea Miller 1ST 1SS 137 123 15S-74J A apeclal match between the Inde- pendente and the Cloak Department of the Nebraska Clothing company waa won la the tournament of tournaments. Us parttclpanta being from all parts of the United Btatea and Canada who are the pick of the bowlera from their respective parts. The wlnnera in the eventa of thla tournament are considered world's cham- plona and retain the title until the next the former. S.(E9 to 1.923, as follows: arsnuai tournament. nia season largo Gothenburg High Defeats Grand Island V: on your Waist-Ads te The Bee. W Mmi Uarti Moapltal.. l-i 1 i ! , ( .i I A. Jan. 13 UUa Mar- giyt V l in. AauahUr of tlie T-ilviit, f-;t I " to-iMii itrre t.4ttjr hi oa ,'i(,t,.:jr 14 t"). uti.lrrwnt lt 0rtlon tr i remittal .c au.'iiuiiia ami tutit lut.t. s. 7 i.. Dn.ma fc aucctful. GOTHENBURG, Neb., Jan. !. (Special Telegram.) Ootlienburg High defeated flrand Island High last night. St to 17. ftrand'a laland'a soorea were mostly made on foula and the game waa rough on both alilea. Lineup: OB AND TSLANTV I OOTIIENBl'RO. Smith K.F.IL.F Urnion li'ieitner ........L.I- .1 H.D rcin Hmith C.lf Kraxbertjer Knglrman R.IR. Clark bHilr ..L,q.iL.U... Llnbvrg GRAND ISLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE TRIMS HAMPTON (IRANI) ISLAND. Neb.. Jan. 23. (Spe cial Telegram.) Grand Inland Buskteaa college won at basket ball from Hampton High school. 74 to 17. The line up: GRAND ISLAND. HAMPTON, neoeon Forward Weianl F. hnydar Forward lluiwn K. Knyder (enter , lruwn Wtnden ........ ...Guard.. FYehaver Butte Uuard Hum l.lecola Wlai freaa Beatrice. I.1NCOI.N. Jan. -reelal V-The Lin eoln Hlah 'hool baeket ball team so ired its e.oni vlrtorjr vt V n tmtur.lv light, iiuiin from the lipatrlce llih eliool five at the rity Toung Men a Ctnla tun aaaotjatloii, t to li. entry will be due to- the Increased Inter est In the bowling game and also to Toledo'a location right In the heart of tha bowling world. Ohio la considered the greatest bowling atate In the union and haa more bowling alleys and bowling en thusiasts than any other commonwealth. Thla combined with Ita central location will draw a huge entry from all the mid die weat states as well as from the east ern atatea. Chicago alona will enter ninety teams. This In addition to Toledo's huge entry will aufflce to build up a prise fund which will paas the $16,000 mark. When the other large cities of the country with delegations of five to twenty teama each are added to this the prise fund will be well over 138,000. Batrlea Close Febraary IS. The entries close February IS and muat be In the handa of Secretary Abe Lang try by that date to receive consideration, otherwlae they will be returned to the eender. At this early date 100 outside teama have entered and preparatlona are being made to send a galaxy of stare from all the big bowling centers. The total number of bowlers will number about 4.400 and they will roll- about 10.000 gamea before the curtain la called for on March U, Omaha's entry will probably amount to five teams. The Stora, local city chant- plona, who made such a splendid show ing at Peoria laat year, have already sent in their entry and will roll on tha laat two daya of the tournament. March 21 and 24. The Mets, Luxua and two Jetter'a Old Age teama will enter at an early date. All are atrong combinatlona and are INDEPENDENT?". 1st. Jd. Mrs. T5. P. Beson....l44 ll Mra. W. If. Gould Ms 1M Mra. J. R, Jameson.. ..143 12 Mra. A. O. Stanton. ...147 11 Mra. H. K, Hackett...U 148 Sd. 14? 11 1f5 124 Tot. 401 ass 421 n 3!3 Totala m CLOAK DEPARTMENT, let. 2d. Miss E. Relaley 107 Mlaa K. Pilling 127 Miss A. Nelson 124 Mlas M. Belaley I'M Miss O. Osborne 135 Handicap W 668 70S J0C$ DENVERv Jan. 28. Johnny Dundee waa given the referee decision over Stanley Yoakum of Denver at the end of twenty rounds here tonight. The men are light- weignta. Official Montenegrin Agent Denies Report Nation's Surrender ROME (Via Parts), Jan. 23. The Mon tenegrin consulate her issued tha follow ing note tonight:- The official representative of Monte negro declares that contrary to atao ments published in the press, there have never been either capttualatlon or negotla- tlona preliminary to peace with Austria." LONDON, Jan. 23.-KIng Nicholas of Montenegro haa arrived at Brlndlal on hla way to Lyona, according to a dia patch to the Stefanl bureau. Prince Mlrko and three of the cabinet ministers will remain In Montenegro at the reaueat of the army, which haa been placed In com mand of Oeneral Stukovttch. and will continue the fight in an endeavor to Join the Serbians in Albania and co-operate with their allies defending Albania with Ita base at Scutari. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 23. (Special Tel grRm.) There has been a fresh break between "Jumbo" Stlehm and members of the Nebraska athletic board, which culminated yesterday in Stiehm ordering Manager Guy E. Reed and Dr. R. G. Clapp out of his home. Three days ago, it Is charged, Stiehm went to his office at the uni versity and removed all the corre spondence, records and other data collected during the five years he was In charge of athletics at the University of Nebraska. It is claimed he took the scouting notes, the records of the foot ball players and other valuable material, Stiehm says he took only that material which be longed to him. Chancellor Avery yesterday sent Mr. Stlehm a note asking him to return the stuff and the coach did bring back a por tion of it. Some of it bad been destroyed by the janitor, but it la supposed this waa private correspondence. Among the male rial returned waa the Nebraska contract with Iowa for foot ball games, which haa till a year to run. Stlehm explained the ontract had become mixed up with hla property. Manager Reed and Secretary Clapp asked Stiehm to allow them to Inspect the data at the Stlehm home, but they were invited to leave. According to the veralon of the meeting given by Dr. Clapp and Manager Reed, the former coach, gave hla visitors threo minutes to get out of his house. Mr. 121 147 Ml 10 , 21 Sd. 124 1S8 111 7 IRS 23 Tot. S.3 4.13 S5 SIS 397 78 Totals 45 007 S70 1921 AMERICANS OF FORD PARTY IN COPENHAGEN COPENHAGEN, Jan. 23. (Via London.) Twenty-two Americana, members of the Ford peace party, returned here tonight from The Hague. The party experienced no difficulty In "passing through Ger many, but no one waa permitted (o leave the train. The party will remain aeveral daya. after which It will proceed .to Stockholm, where the mn!;era will stay until peace negotiatlona take place.' At Stockholm It ia expected that Henry Ford ami Miss Jane Addama wl'l Join the party, HERMAN E. SCH&.EFFER IS DEAD OF PNEUMONIA STATE ORATORICAL CONTEST HELD HEREJN FEBRUARY The atate oratorical contest will be held soon at Crelghton. Mr. Barr, who won first last year, will again represent Crelghton. Hastings college today entered for the contest, which probably will be held February 18. A GENTLE REMINDER Patron! x Home Industry and order As good as the best. Save Coupons and Get Premium ' Phone Douglas 1889. LUXUS Mercantile Co. Distributor. tarsi 5E3jt2ES!siBw3BB5S5sr3 BESSilBMNt STEAMER RETURNS TO PORT AFTER COLLISION NEW YORK. Jan. ,23,-The New York and Porto Rico steamship Braaoa. with 171 paasengera and a crew of 130 on board, arrived at Ita pier in Brooklyn at o'clock tonight with a jagged hole in ita starboard aide, after a collision late to day, twenty-three mllea southeaat of Scotland light, with the coasting steamer Suffolk of the Coastwise Transportation company of Boaton. The Suffolk alao re turned to port and anchored off quaran tine. The Braaoa came to port under ita own steam and officials of the company aald tonight that repairs probably would be completed so It could sail again for San Juan, Porto Rico, on Monday. Culled .from the Wire Herman E. Sohaffer. well-known Omaha resident for thirty-four yeara, and pro prietor of a saloon at Tenth and Jackson aura to make themselves heard from when 1 at re La. died of pneumonia Friday after- they appear on the newly conatructed alleys. Bewllaar Netee. Nelson and Hinkle are preparing to go aecond game. All of the Metropolitan leaaTue teama will enter the Metropolitan Handicap tournament. Tha Kaalea beat tha I,ooae-Wllea eon ad by one pin on tne last bail rolled in their to. Toledo, to win a auujiona meaai ani part of the 110.000 pot. It took Hemple and Moyna both to make an M aoore last wxk. Moyna hooting- four frame tM Hemple alx. They had nine errors and one apare. noon, after an Illness of only a few daya He waa li yeara of age, and waa born In Germany. Hta wtdow two " daughters and a eon aurvlve him. The children live la the atate of Washington and are com ing for the funeral, which will probabl) be held Tuesday afternoon at the resi dence, 1131 South Twenty-eighth street Whatever may be your need. Want-Ad will get it for OU. a Be fair meat aad Satta Tie. t-TTTON. Neh., Jan. Il-fS peclal V Fairmont and Sutton High schools tlfd In a hotlv lontented game of basket ball on the Sulton fluor. V hen time was caliani the ure stood "I to 31 and was iWiared a tie hr th?i offliiala. Owing to the fart thi t lite Kali-tiioiit boys had to leave to rat.'k a tiaiii the same wss not played oif . t BELLEVUE STUDENTS BEGIN EXAMINATIONS TODAY Examinations In all elaaeea, except those ef President Nlcholl, which were given laat week, will begin to.lay at Hutlevue. The aecond semester will begin Tuesday. February 1. registration having taken place Monday, January SI, It ia prubable that a big post-exam party to celebrate the conclusion of examinations will be givaa at the cloae of the week. Banlr drafts with an estimated value of SiO.O-O and a small amount of money were in a mall pouch atolen and rlflod at Newton, la., after the outbound mall Kft the pjatofflce. A gift of Id 50. 0.I0 from an anonvmoua graduate Was announced bv Praiileiit tvtvl'.eton of Wellenlev college at Wflhh ! ly. Masa. The money ia to be used to- wara a runa xor a new iaminirMiun bullctlna. Judge Robert Ralston of the common pleas court of Philadelphia, widely known aa a jurist, eoloirr and writer oa legal topic, died at his home from complica tion of diseases resulting from an attack of pneumon'a. He was hi yeara old and waa elevated to the bench in 11. Own to uncertainty regarding the movement of alidea In Oalllard cut. tha Panama canal is not reartr to be re TWnvd or van a prediction as to Its f prospective re-opening o mane, accora ng to a statement issued at Panama by Ma tor General Ooethals, governor of the aone. A jury In the t'nited Ftates court at Philadelphia returned a verdict for the defendant in the suit of the Rluefieliis Ctewushlp oompenv against the t'nited Fruit company. The suit waa entered under the tiherman antMruet law and waa known aa the Banana trust ault. Millions of dollars were involved in the ItUaation. The Jury had the eae under deliberation alttce Thursday afternoon. Ortctnallv the action waa for the recovery of tlS.tmi nr.!, the ateamahlp Company al lestng that ita bualneas had been dam aged to the extent of IVrtmOU) and the law permitting: trinle damage, but the amount waa greatly reduced by a ruling of the judae that the statute of l'mita tions permitted the collection of damagra only from 16 to 1911. KANSAS fBVT7-3TT3TK V THREE Y TRAINS VIA MISSOURI PACIFIC Leave Omaha .8:00 A. M. Arrive Kansas City 4:00 P. M. Modern Equipment. Pullman Sleeper. Chair Cars and our own unsurpassed Dining Cars (Meals a la Carte.) Leave Omaha ..,.2:00 P. M. Arrive Kansas City. 8:35 P.M. Observation Cafe-Parlor Car. Chair Car, etc. Leave Omaha 11:15 P. M. ' Arrive. Kansas City 7:10 A. M. Electric Lighted. Observation Sleeper. Chair Cars, etc. Direct connections in Kansas City Union Station for all points South and West. Full information at City Ticket Office, 1423 Farnam Street, or Union Station. THOS. F. GODFREY, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. bassSbglSBBSaBBBsMBl-sBgg 'eJje.JJ " if . Wi M. , z w - 'v J IHU rSfNWBlJOOK kr1 tfi(;.fLiefitir 'aBSttarr-Vi xv GROTTE BROTHERS CO. Ceneral DiatrUMtota Omaha, Nebraska 17