THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: JANUARY 23, 191(5. 9-A OMAHA LIVE; STOCK MARKET . GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cattle Pricei Ten to Fifteen Cents! Lower for Week Sheep Steady and Stronger. HOGS TWENTY UP TOR WEEK flMAHA. January 2?, 11. Fecelpts were: Csttte. Ho Sheep. Official Mony 8.4M 11.88 13.8(1 Official TueiulaV. T.tiTl 2a..V4 13,4!7 , Official Wednesday.... 7,?'59 an.) STt . Offlrliil Thursday..... t.222 JH.1T1 7. MM Offi.Mal Friday S.271 18.I92 ,m Estimate Saturday. .... 0 ,0"O Cash Wheat is Very Bullish and Pricea Move Up Two to Four Cents at Omaha. CORN HAS A SLIGHT DECLINE OMAHA, January . The cash wheat market was very NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Tradinf Dull, Irrefular and Alto gether Inconclusive. OPERATIONS ARE VERY LIGHT NRW TOnK. Jan. It.-Tradlng; In to day's two-hour session vil dull, Irregu lar and although inconclusive. Opera tions were unauallv light and narro I days this week. J2, 197 l,m Mots h.fc'i3 5Vi 3.0l sr., ui 8K.4SI bam da-a last week..2K.8."4 iam dayi ww ka mo 2i.N 97.11 Name day S weeks ao 19.21 1 89. .Snnwdumwfokniio lil' 70(f WHIM riaVM last v. .- 17 AO? . JQUi i iMiowinf tame mow tne receipts or cattle, hoga and sheep at tha Omaha Live Stock market for the year to date as compared with last year: 191. 131V Inc. Dec. Tattle 80 7R8 0.t?4 M t....J.lRl 171,111 ..... h'ep 15,08 l,Of Tha following table ahowa the average prloea of hogs at the Omaha live stock market for the. last few daya. with com narlaona - Pate. Jan. ... Jan. 7.. I Jan. t.. o. .. Jan. "J. Jan. 11. Jan. U. Jan. 13. Jan. ,M. Jan. 15. Jan. 17. 3an. 11. Jan. 19 Jan. -20. Jan. 11. Jan. 22 ISMS. I1915. !l!14.ll!13.19U.lll'1KH!'l5 7U8I IM SOW B a 74) 8 t T 2 8 0tf J 4! Sri T Ml 7 W t 11 ! S a WW T 3 7 14 11! - law IN 8 74 K4,l 9JHI 7 0i 7 14V T 17 fail 1 01 8 soi 70 701 ( 6 67 6 671 8U 74 72 6 6:, S 6ri 67 uit ml a i Hi 7 17 ih't ?4l 03 7 M S IS I T 121 S Jul 041 I I 7 Ml 7 W 8 oi 7 od! 8 7 11 8 07 7 ir 7 SS 4 7 1 8 2S S 21 8 27 8 181 7 IN I 8 151 7 7M 18 7 71 8 2S 7 73 8 18 7 Wi 60 I 8 42 b 13l 7 t 01 7 78 8 44 7 4 8 96 7 691 8 3k 7 61 8 32 ' 8 S9i I 8 33 biilllnh again today and prices ranged even for a week end. and leading stocks from 2'Hc higher. The demand for cash 1 wera relegated to romparatlva ohapur wheat was exrellent. and althouKh tha "V. thrtr plnre Krlnit taken Ky aurh re-elpts were very heavy moat of tha i apeolttloa a t'nlted Ptatea Indtiatrlal aaj-nploe aold very readily. (alcohol, corn products and other kindred Corn receipts were alao heary and tha iasiea. cash demand for thla cereal waa also Alcohol's continued activity was prim- very Kood. The bulk of tha corn eoirt amy ana to tha annmincemeni mai to" at ahout Ho decline, although a few cars of the better itrados were quoted at un- cnanitcd price. Oata receipts wera a trifle better to day than during the early part of tha week and the market ruled from un changed to Ho higher. Rye and barley war strong, rya sell. Ing Hfl higher and barley advancing cent. Clearances were: Wheat and flour aitial to l,499mo buahela; corn, 1,000 bushels; oats. 223.UX) buahels. Liverpool dose: Wheat Hd lower to zd higher; corn. Id lower. Primary wheat receipt a wers 1.S98.0W buahela and Khlpmenta 696.000 buahela, asalnat recelpta of 7fi8.noi) buahela and ahlpmenta of M2.O0O buahela last year. Primary corn recelpta wera 1.R2S.005 buahela and shipment 53&.000 buahela, ag.alnat receipts of 1,796,0cm biahela and ahlpmenta of 1.434,000 buahels last year. 1 Primary oat receipts were 7sS,M buahpls and ahlpmenta S55,floO bushels, airainst recelpta of B19.000 buahela and siiiuments. of 664,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECKIPT8. Wheat Corn. Oats ' (TATTLE Recelpta wera moderate, only S00 head being reported In and the market was nominally steady. For the week re ceipts amount to Si.W head, the largest week's run sinca the middle of November. Karly In tha week prices showed quite a little advance, tha demand being good and the trade fairly active. Later on In the week, as receipts became heavy, this advance was all wiped out and more too, the market closing lOQlic lower than a week ago. Quot&tinna on cattle: Good to choice beeves, t8.2o(38.7B; fair to good beeves, 7.603t.10; common to fair beaves, llfOj 7.40i good to choice, heifera, .Zbi.W; good to- Choice cows, t6.766f$.60; fair to ' goodr cows. 16.264)6.76; common to fair cows. I4.OOIB6.00; good to cholca feeders. S6.8&07.66; fair to good feeders, S6.403.0: common to fair foedera. 86.601 4.40;;. good- to choice stocKer. 7.0U'ij7.6o; fair, to good stockers, $H MQIMV common to ihir stockers 5.&O0.8C; stoclf heifers, 5.7h1k75. stock 'w, 4.7M6.2S: stock calves, S0.60Q7 60; veal calves. t7.00&.5U bulla. ' stags, etc. S4.756.25. - ' HOQS-For the first time this week hog receipts wera lust fair, about 118 cars, or 8.600 head, being on hand. The week a total la the largest in the history 6f the .'yards, amounting to 108,80 head, as against 7,0U last week, H7.118 two weeks 'ago and 4.8M last year. The previoua record for a week'a receipts was made ..the week ending February 17, 1912. when 102,784 head made up-the six days' total. r The market opened out early, with all 'buyers, including shippers and packers, willing to give lOo higher figures. Quite .a number of hogs were bought .on flrat rounds that were not much more than 10c higher, but before the close droves . sold at fully lac higher prices, and the -general market showed a full lO&l&o ad vance over yesterday Trade was active, wiili th exception -of a, bunch, or two of C4aunon llghu which no one . waaUd, everything had aold by :30. Uulk of the sales was made at a spread of 87.O0&7.26, with a few scattering lights under 87.00 and several-bunches as high aa 87.30, the day's top. . . S:' .At. i&s, Pr, N., lfta.......l4T St M 10. L ISO 10 1 00 u,L m ... to OiIcsko Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha Kansas City St, Louis .... Winnipeg .... 71 ..Jl .. 63 ..121 ..148 ..140 , .3J8 304 184 116 6j 161 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 8 hard winter: 1 car. 11.11; 8 cars, $1.20H: 14 cars, 81.20; S cars, II. UH; 13 t-ars, 11. 1H; 2 cars, (1.18H: H car, $1.18; 2 csrs, $1.17. No. 4 hard winter: 1 cars, $1.17; 8 csrs, $1.16; 1 car, ll.l&H; 11 cars, $1.15; 7 cars, $1.14; 1 car, $1.13; 1 car, $1.12. Pample: .1 car, $1.10; 1 car, $1.08; 1 car, $1.06. No. 8 spring: 1 car, $118. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, $1.20; 1 car, $1.18H- No. 4 mixed: 4 cars. $1.16: 1 car. $1.13. No. 2 durum: 1 car, $1.19; 1 oar. I1.17H- No. t durum: 3 cara, $1.16. No. 4 durum: 1 car, $1.16. No. 1' mixed durum: 1 car, $1.11. . . Rye No. 2: 1 car, 86c. No. 8: 1 car, 94c. No. 4: 1 car, 82c; car, 91o. . Barley No. 4: 1 car,"72c; 1 car, 660, He- jeciea:. 1 car, tide. Corn No. 3 white: 1 car, WHc. . No,, 4 white:- ears, &c, 1 car, 654c. No. t white: 1 car, etc; 1 car, 64c; 1 car, 63c. No. 6 white: 1 car, part old, 680; l cnr, 63c i 1 car, 61Hc No. 6 yellow: 2 cars. 64He. N0.-8 yelrew: S cars, 63c. Ho. 4 mixed: 1 car, 67c; I cars, 660; 4 cars, fifiWc. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. SCWa: 1 Car. 64c; 7 cars 64Hc; 4 cars, Mc; 1 car 61'. omnanv had received a very larbr" foreign order for its product. The stock rose and sael between 19. Its previous high record, and 160, closing at iS. a net loaa of 4 pointa. United Mates Si1 was tinder further preaaure., and Bethle hem Steel closed at 472. a loss of 18 points. War shares as a class were moderately higher, with more eubstan tlal gains In International nickel, gen eral motors 'and American woolen. Stocks of no especial designation rose from 1 to 8 points, but representative shares . particularly rails were Inclined to sag. New fork Central was trie aettva fea ture of the railroad group. Ha depres sion being attributed td adverse rumor regarding the prospects "t Increase In the dividends. Ht. Paul also yielded a point but with Central made tip eome of Its loss befnrs the close. Total sales of stocks amounted to 190,000 shares. Oeneral. news of the dsy bore hopefully on the outlook for spring trade, ana de mand for copper showed no abatement. The Leh4gh Valley railroad Issued Its December statement, showing. a gain In revenues of $367,000. Rome of the larger transportation systems are expected to Issue December statements the coming week, and Indications point to sub stantial gains over . the. excellont ex hibits of November. Itonds were stesdy In today's limited market. Total sales par value aggre gated $1.r,090. - 1'nlted States bonds were unchanged on call during the week. BUFFALO COUNTY CORN PROVES IF G01D QUALITY KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. 22 Speclal Telegram.) That the corn crop In Buf falo and Kearney counties has far ex ceeded the estimates Is brought out here today by the compilation of records of the purchases made here of that grain at the local elevator. More corn baa been bought at thla market during the Inst thirty days than In the previous five years, a . most remarkable record. Far better quality than was hoped tor hss been found, and even the lower grades are being eagerly bought. The large amount of additional money Sealed Verdict in Harvard Student Registration Case CAMimiTXJTA Mesa. Jan. IS.-A Jury which deliberate! for sixteen bourn over the evidence In a case connected with the alleged Harvard student fraudulent election registration returned a sealed verdict today, tt will be opened Monday. In this case, the first to be tried, Her bert B. Harris, a lawyer,' was charged with taking false oath and falsely certi fying to allow Wendell Townaend. a Har vard senior, to vote In Cambridge, al though his place of residence wss Co-hssset. YORK COUNTY FARM LANDS ' ; SELL FOR $117 AN ACRE m ' wassssas TORJC, Neb.. Jan. 28. (Spcclal.)-Oounty Assessor Harriett has Just compiled Statistics showing the sales of land In each township. In the county during tha last two years. It shows that farm lands In the count 7 aold at an average . of I117.XI per acre. The laad will probably be assessed at 75 per cent of It The taxable value will then be one-flft of tha assessed value. : Total number of acres of land "h&nsinf hands In the .oouaty during the two years, 18,218 acres for I.lS6,ra. Bridegroom Kreese Rar, SHENANDOAH, 'la., Jan, St. (Special. A frosen ear on his wedding day did not Interfer with the happiness of Glen Greed y. a Sidney farmer who drove to Nebraska City last Thursday to be mar ried to Miss IJsxia Winkler of Sidney. The thermometor hovered far below sero that day and the bridegroom was either unablo to protect his ear or did not realise that It was freezing. 1 brdught to the city by the steady sale of at mv " .1 I'.m. 7 oi Y , tt..: ft... n. 67. ..117 .. ..211 '. 7 Utt 7 15 7 20. -7 ? 7 M "r 40 7 10 77... ..IX J ... 7 11 U... ..! 20 7 M 70... ... 7 tt 70... ..164 ... THU ... ..m . 7 10 !.. Ul-.i' t 00, : SHEEP The market ' drew - the usual Saturday blank today.. Receipts for the week are ' 63,038 head, as against 48,962 head last week, 68.796 two weeks ago, and 38,481 the same days last year. Suppliea yesterday proved too burden some for the week-end trade, and after the bulk of the lambs had moved at about steady prices, , things weakened sharply, and quite a few weighty lambs, which were neglected early, as well as a: load or two of lighter ones, were un able to move at early -prices, most 01 , them not sailing at all. Adverse ad vices on the eastern dressed mutton sit uation were given aa the main Cause of the weakness. "' . . Up to the close yestcrdsy lamb values were fully steady with a week ago. After the declines Monday and Tuesday, rvalues firmed up on the midweek session, and Thursday recovered all the earlier break, dose was firm enough on the good light and handywelght lambs, but there was a weak undertone all through FridaVs trade on the weighty and unfinished kinds. Closing '.quotations put good to choice lambs at I10.wl0.8i, with fair to good ones. Including good weighty kinds, at $10.J610.0, ...... . , Feeder trade was a hit and miss af fair, for while demand was good, noth ing was offered most days. Lambs of feoder weights sold as high as $. on more than one occasion. The outlook for the coming week Is not very encouraging. More liberal sup plies can reasonably be expected, - and as the market has a decidedly top heavy appearance, Jn view of the clos ing advices on the dressed meat trade. It looks as though the vision of $11.00 lambs would, have to be. abandoned for the present, for under existing condi tions the trend of the market would. If arvthins-. be In the other direction. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice. SW.fiOi'.j 10.85; lambs, fair to good, S10.40trl0.6i; lambs, clipped. $.00 a. 60; yearlings, good to choice light, $9.00 f$.4fl: yearltmrs, fair to choice heavy, 88.O0fl8.76; wethers, fair to choice. 87. Oo T 90; ewes, good to choice, $7-Ooi2jtf.36; ewe, fair to good, $3.2a7.0Qi FIDELITY RESERVE CHANGES TO LEGAL RESERVE PLAN LINCOLN. Jan, 23.-Spectal Telegram.) fienator Walter V. Hoagland and President B. B. Baker ' of the Fidelity Reserve" Insurance company of North Platte,-came to an ' agreement -with the State Board of Insurance yesterday whereby the company; which they have organized, will change its plan from assessment to legal reserve. They compiled with the requirements of the board by depositing $30,000 in se curities with the board. 1 Officers of the new company are!- Burton B. Baker, president; M. Kieth Neville and Frank Pfelsteekor, - vice presidents; Charles F. Temple, secretary; Charles F. Spencer, treasurer. The president with Senator Hoagland, John J.. Hslligan, Fred Temple and Charles F. 8pencer, compose the . board directors. The office of the company was recently moved from Lexington to 'ortli Platte. car, 60c; S cars, 69c Sample: 1 car, 63c; 2 cars, 66c; 1 car, 66e; 4 car. 60c; 2 cars, w . i cars, Tic; h car, ac Oats No. 8 white: 4 cars. 47ic; S cars, 47Hc; 1 car, I7Hc No. 4 white: 2 cars, 47Ho; 1 car, 47c - ' Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 2 hard. $1.20fll.23; No. 8 hard, $1.16HW1.21; No. 4 hard. $1.111.17; No. 2 spring, $1,191 1.21; No. 8 spring. $1.17L18; No. 2 durum. $1.1761.19; No. 3 durum, $1.164il.l6; sam ple. 9rctt$l.l0. Corn: No. 8 white. 68'( 6Hc: No. 4 white. riM("6a: No. 6 white. (ta'.Ditfr;; No. 6 white. 6lti63c; No. 8 yel low, 68H"Wc; No. 4 yellow, ti(Vjfl7c: No. 6 yellow, 63Ha4Hc; No. 6 yellow, 61i2c: No. 8 mixed. 68(;8Ho; No. 4 mixed, 6M 67c: No. & mixed, 63fip6&Ho; No. 6 mixed, 69&63Hc; sample, mixed, 35c. Oata: No. , 2 white, . 48Hfa4$3iiCi sUndasd, 484 48Hc:, No. 3f . white, sjurffo: No. 4 white,. 47$i47Ho. Barley: Waiting. 6Wi72c; i-o. t eea. oshwC ye: no. . H4(a6c: No. o. ,. .VUW5. , ;1 ' . Chicago Closing tMcea. fumlahkd TY Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stocks-end grain brotterjr815 South Sliteentrl. Omaha: . Article! Open. WheaTJ May. July. tjorn. May. July. Oats. May. July. Pork. July. Lard. I Jan.. .May. July, Ribs. Jan.. May.; July. 132-SlHi 1 25HHI j78kStt 634(ffH! 49T4X 20 60 20 60-76 21 00 10 m-sa 10 97HI 10 78 11 16 High: I Lo w. 1 83HH 1 zo in 20 TO 20 90 10 87H 11 00 10 76 11 17H Clo I11H 1 KK 1 32i 1 25 1 26 1 78 ' ' 78H T99 78H 1t.m 79ft 63 53fli53H 63U 49ftgft -. 49ft M 35 2000 20 60 20 65 20 60 20 60 10 40 10 60 10 00 10 76 10 77H1 10 7THI JO 96 10 76 10 78 10 75 11 10 11 10 11 07H 11 27H rcs'y. eewta .0 -v t INSURANCE COMMISSION WILL 3E IN AT TRANSFER ' ' ' tFrom a u-tsff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb. Jsn. 12-ipeclal.) 8tste Insurance Commissioner W. B. Kastham will go to St. Louis on January 28 ti meet with a committee fcomposed of insurance commissioners from the states affected by the transfer of the business of the Central Life Insurance company of Lincoln to the Central States Life Insurance company of St. Louis. The pienence of the Nebraska coin-initivloner-Is necessary as the policyhold ers of tlii.4 ntjta must be protected in the trenfo?. v Pa4aaslv Biaaaea. WAfclilNGTON, Jan. K,-(Speclal Tele gram.) Henry J. Octerettux haa Leen ul poinled postmaster at lloiivcr. Unite county. South L'tkota. vice W. B. Chil tuan, resigned. South Side POULTRY FANCIERS GET PREMIUMS AT FALLS' CITY FALLS CITY, Neb., Jan, 22. (Special Telegram.) At 6 . o'clock this - evening! almost aa much had been taken In as gate fees at the state poultry show as the show received last year at Hastings, The association la satisfied with tha eourteslee extended them from every source and they have been invited to return to thla city next year. The place of meeting has not been decided upon and will not until the board meeting in April. Sweepstake for the beat male and female In the c lassos given below were awared aa follows: I White Orphlngton, M. O. Sudder, Cen tral city, ieu. Iuft Orphlngton, F. E. Porter. Tork, Neb. Black Orphlngton, Ralph Lewis, Fall City. Single Comb RedsT C. Bonsall, Fair bury, Neb.. .- ... . Rock Island Reds, J. L, Davis, Emer son. Neb. Varied Rocks, E. Jewell, Pewltt. While. Rocks, F.. StrobeL York, Neb. Silver Wyaudottes, L. P. -Hubbard, Tonka. Ksn White Wyandotte. F. Smith. ' Single Comb Leghorn, Charles Rickey, Clarence, Mo. Brown Leghorn, L. P. Harris, College View. Neb. Buff Leghorn, L. P. . Harris, College view, ix co. Buff Cochin. J. C. Baughman, Mr. Baughman was also winner of the gold medal on the first Buff Cochin cockrel. and among the merchant. Exceedingly bullish prices are being paid for both wheat and corn, the latter bringing 68 cents today and the former aa high as 81.04. There are no oats to be had, the season of last year precluding the raising of good quality. Not In years, it Is said, has there been suoh a continuous stream -ofv farmers' wagons on the street as has been brought by the open weather and . the desire to sell at'top prices. t Mrs. Joania Satton. .-'KKXU.i. .M.u., Jan. 22. (Special.) Mrs. Joanna Sutton, who came to Dodge county In the early '70s, and located soon thereafter on a homestead near Hooper, died at the home of her daughter at Aurora. The body will be brought to Fremont for burial. She waa 83 years of agev Married Fifty-Six Tears. TABLE ROCK. Neb., Jan, 23. (Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Potts, a few miles southwest of here, have just celebrated their fifty-sixth wedding an niversary with a delightful slipper, at tended by near relatives and intimate friends. Ml .later Goes to Valley. FREMONT. Neb., Jan. 22. (Special.) The Rev. B. Hammarstrom of Wahoo has accepted the Invitation to take charge of the Baptist church at'Valley. Mr. Ham marstrom will move his family to Valley at once. owMfficwp Time Is ShortOnly 12 Days Left Era. Fred JB. Orabl. ; , ' y 1 " ' !. TABLE, ROCK, Neb, Jan. 22. Spe blal. Mrs. arable. widow of Fred TJ Grable, who -died several . years jilnee, died Wednesday at tha family residence northeast of here In Nemaha county. Funeral services were held today at the church adjoining her late home. he was 68 years of age, and Is survived by sev eral children. . Dr. Webster Merrifleld. PASADENA, Cal., Jan, 22. Dr. Webster Merrlfiefd. former president of the Uni versity of North Dakota and at one time a member of the Tale faoulty. died early today at his home here. He waa 63 years bid and had been in 111 health for several weeks. , Alfred F. Wllloaahby. FREMONT, Neb., Jan. Z2.-(Speclal.) Alfred P. Wllloughby, a native of Con necticut, who would have been 90 years of age bad lived till May, died at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. W. H. Fowler. HUMPHREYS' Humphreys', Homeopathlo Remedies are designed to meet the needa of families or invalids, something that mother, father, nurse or invalid can take or give to meet the need of the moment. Have been in use for over SIXTY YEARS. No. ' For Prlco 1 Fsvers, Cintstlona Inflamnutioas U 8 Worm. Worm rrar 15 I Col lo. Qrjrtnc and Wakofulnaai of lafaate....U 4 Diarrhea, of (tilMren mai Adult., th 1 Osuirha. Oolili. Broncbitli tt Toothacba, Kaeaarha, Nural1a U Hmutacha. Sick Htdah, Vanlaa SB 10 DyipapnU, IndlswtlMi, WHk stomach tt 11 Croup, HoarM Cough, LamujUla S 14 Bwrat, Eh-upttone Sft II Khoumatlam, Ijuaibaso ti It rvr ana A(u. MAlarta V 17 Pllaa. nuns or BlMdlns. B)xtarnal, Intaraal . . tt 10 r-aurrh, Influenza. Cold In Head .....In 20 Whooping Couch, (ft 11 A.thm. OpprH4, Difficult Breathing t 17 Diaordera at the Klaners K Ml I'rlnarr Inronllnenoe, VVMtlng B4 tit 14 (ore Throat, Qutrujr U 77 Orlp, Orippe, La Orlppa to Sold bv druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Medical Book Mailed free. HUMPHREYS HOMTA MEDICTNB CO., corner William and Ann Streets, New York. DEMOCRATS ARE URGING CANDIDATES IN WYOMING CHEYENNn, Wye... Jan. 3 -(Special.) -The first democratlo candidates for United States senator and congressman In the Wyoming election this year who hare been suggested are Governor John B. Kendrlck for the senatorahlp and for mer Governor Joseph M. Carry for con gress. They have been put forward by the Ijiramle Hoomerann, a domor ratio Paper close to the state administration. Kendrlck is a democrat and It ha been understood that he would be a senatorial candidate, but hot until 1918. Carey la a progressive who was elected governor In 1810 by a coalition of demo crats and proHrtelves. He served as United Plates senator In lv7. United Slates Sens lor Clarence P. Clark and Congressman . F. W, Wendell, holh republicans, are candidates for re-elootlon and It Is Improbable that either will be opposed for his party's, nomination. Pressing Prices lowered ON MEN'S ATTIRE Men's 2 or 3-Plcco Suits A A Cffiir Pressed -cxccHent work Y our First Duty is to your Stomach, vs' Uiis important orpan controls your health, your strength nm gon oral happiness. For auy Stomach or Rowel' weakness try "LIOSTETTER'S Qj Stomach Bitters Last Call! Final Glean Up of all Suits, Dresiea, Coats, Waists, Th br;alrt ar truly extra ordtnary. For details aee our ad vertlaement ' on page 2. JULIUS ORKIN, 1508-1510 Douglas St. 2fZg Is All Wo Charge for Prcss Ing a Pair of Trousers. . Now. mind you, wo CALL for as well as DKUVER your ' work, to ANY psrt of Greater Omaha, Florence or Benson. No risk or bother upon jour part and you have tha added ad vantage of having tha Job done at one of America's largest and ablest establishments, where EVERY piece of goods Is ' INSl'RED against Fire, Burglary or Loss, and where the high est grade of pressing Is to be expected. Call Tyler 3-4-5-Ask for our Order Pep'tLcarn how simple, easy and Inexpensive It is to bo a "Well Groomed Gentleman' When you call ua give us your name and address, tell us when you want the garment returned, and whether or not you wish pressing only, cleaning and pressing, dyeing, repair ing, remodeling, etc. Get the order clear at the start and there cannot be any misunderstanding under any circumstances. We want to give the utmost satisfaction and are devoting tha best minutes of our lives to accomplish "smooth sailing." After we presa your clothes please note how finely they nre delivered to you hung onhangera contained In sacltary, dust-proof bags. We compel you to admlra our work. Bretlsers Dry Cleaners, Dyers, Hatter and Tailors s Plant at 221 1-2213 Farnam St.. Omaha Receiving Stations at Brandelt Stores, Burgess-Nash Co. and Dresner Tho Tailors. 1515 Farnam Street. IFi YOU WANT TO GET THIS PLAYER PIANO A Piano. No Lottery fll No Guessing Contest . No Scheme Oon't From Pileo sand for rrat Trial Treatment. No matter how long or bow bad goto) your drugBUt today and get a CO cent box of yranild llie Treatment, it 1 J mm BEAUTY HELP You. can keep your hair at Its veiy best by washing It with a teaapoonfol of canthrox dissolved in a cup of hot water, afterward rinsing thoroughly with clear water. One finds that the hair dries quickly and evenly. Is unstreakod, bright, soft and. very fluffy, so fluffy In tact, thst It looks more abundant then It Is, and so soft that arranging It becomes a pleasure. This simple. Inexpensive sham poo cleanses the hair and scalp thorough ly of all dandruff and dirt, and leaves a clean, wholesome feeling. All scalp Irri tation will ' disappear, and the hair will be brighter and glossier than ever be fore. Advertisement Tke FyraasU Serfs Frees a SiagU Trad. will give relief, and s single box often' eures. A trial package mailed free la plala wrapper U you seud us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON ptbamid nnva compawy, U4 Fyrawld Bidg, UarsbaU, Mich. Kindly send tne a free sample of fwrwjtud Pile Tieataaaat, la pUtla wrapper. Nam Street Ptats. . Tra, frank, tlmaly nomouot oa New Tark etoi-k wrrlti. i. fxatfne4 la THS OLili UT liKVIFTM'. Publuh4 tr joka Mulr A C. H.I14 (or r wmpl. COriM. l Itroaitwar, Nw York dir. Heavy Hoisting E.J.BAUIS 1 21 2 Farnam SI Tel. D. 353 In exchange for your old . . ' Si'lfTATn Iffsiri 'IjMIHSii Upright, Grand or Player ' .tt$JJ mW rST ' mm. THE I 8IVUWV W Awaw Assures you this is a clean, legitimate plan to give avray a high class Player Piano Free Raise the top of your piano and look on the plat for the nun ber. Then fill out the coupon below and bring or Bend It to our atora In a sealed envelope. The person whose old piano la numbered ' the number nearest to the number on this $550 player will receive th player. That'i all there la to It. For all you know youre may be th number that vill get you thla fine player. OUR OBJECT To popularise the HOSPB PLATEll PIANO with the new patented features, transposing tracker bar and other devices, which snables you to play exactly as if you were playing by hand and pedaling easy and because our big tuning and repairing department wants the name and lo cation of every piano in this vicinity. A. HOSPE CO. 1513-1515 Douglas St. Established 1874 Bring or Mall This FYee'riayer Piano Coupon to A 1I08PB CO., Dept. B, , Omaha, Nebraska. My full name Is ; Street ..! City. State..... Name of My Piano , Number of My Piano ". heloa keen the body In good general health because it is a predlgeated liquid tofli requiring little effort of the digestive organs, palatable and of pleasing rVsa. a a lai sananiaVla 4 a Via mrtat A aal fa aiimatrh wKattit afirtiAW trtA m art rejected. Taken aa directed, it alda digestion, helps repair wasted tissues of the body, and adds to the power of endurance. That's why it invariably gives the system power to throw off and resist severe coughs, colds, grip, catarrh, bronchitis) and lung troubles. . "Get Duffy's and Keep Well" Sold In SEALED BOTTLES ONLY. Beware of imiUtiona. a lUll 9 - For Wines nlL4Uy O and Liquo rs Any of These Famous Old Whiskies OLD CROW OLD TAYLOR" CEDAR BROOK GREEN RIVER OUCKEXHEIMEB CLARK'S RYK ovr.nnoi.T : BUNNY BROOK (And Many Others) L(Q)(C Per Full Quart Bottled la Bond Whiskies, full quart 70 to SI. OO Caclr ley's Famous Grape Wine, per gallon..'. 91.25 Special Rule Now on Brandies, Wines, Champagnes, Etc ASK FOR FREE CHINA COVPONS. Writ for Our Big Free Catalog Let I's Fill Your Mall Order. CACKLEY BROS. cV Used Duffy's in Pneumonia v srsi b? a j I gqiaaj- u. n. Armstrong, tiricKcn with pneumonia on big Job, takes Duffys on doc tor's advice and recovers, " " "t haire used Duffy'a Pur Malt Whiskey for th paat 14 years aa a stimulant and tonle. I waa first ad vised to take it by my family physi cian, recovering from pneumonia, contracted when in charge of th electrical ' construction work of th Mutual Life Co. 'a building, N. Y. City. For th tljree years I waa Business Agent for the International , Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, No. Z, N. Y. City, I had no colds, which I had formerly been subject to when not taking Duffy' aa dl- jj ' rected." D. II. Armstrong, 96 E. D. H. ARMSTRONG " St., FlatDusn. N. Y. Duffy's Pure FJlalt Whiskey S--., , .... i" v , V - ! Ml . . '' i' I10TE Get Duffy's from your local druggist, grocer or dealer tl.OO per bottle. If he cannot supply too, write us. Vsefnl household booklet free. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. (This is Talk No. 13 of a 8rle on "The True Story of Real Estat.") Even the Renter Buys a House Only He Doesn't Get It What would you think of a man who paid his good, hard earned money for an article and then didn't get it? That's exactly your position, if you are a renter. There are families In Omaha who have paid, many time over in rent, the purchase price of the house they live In, But they are no nearer owning it than they were th day they moved in. Tak your own case. A few minutes' figuring with pencil and paper will show you the surprising amount of rent you have paid. Or hunt up your old rent recelpta and add them up. Enough to buy a pretty fine home. Isn't It? Yet. at the present rate you won't own a horn ten yeare from today. But why keep on at the present rate? There Isn't another thing you would be willing to pay for and not get. Why follow thla absurd plan with your home? Johnson, who works in the same office as you, owns his home Perkins, who draws a smaller salary, owns his Thomp son, who has a bigger family to support owns his. You're as good a man as any of tbem. Why should you keep on buying more houses for soma landlord? Put It up to your wife. You will find she has been thinking of thla very thing lota of times. Male her happy by announcing tonight "No more rented houses for us." ;. Established, reliable Omaha Real Estate firms ax offering splendid homes in these pages; many of them are payable "same as rent" Mak on of them "your homo." You are paying for a house anyway you might aa well own tt. (Signed) E. R. BENSON. C. F. HARRISON. O. O. WALLACE, Committee.-