8 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 1910. HE CANNOT SLEEP, SO KILLS HIMSELF. I. J. Sanderfdd Cuti Ilis Own Throat in the Woodshed Be fore Daylight. IS CLAD ONLY EI KIGHTGOWJT OMAHA BOY GETS INTO TROUBLE IN CANADA Victor Klebba (below) and the soldiers and police who arrested him as a German spy at Sarnia, Ontario, during the holi days. Klebba snapped the picture of the group after he was released from jail John J. Sanrterfeld. ared BO rears, w aa found dead In a woodshed to the roar of hla home, 1722 South Tenth Hreet. yesterday, with hla throat rut and a butrhrr knife clapped In Ma rlcht fcr.nd. Ha had been mentally unsound for aouie time, and early In the morning, while tha rest of the house hold alepl. Is believed to have mado Ms way to the outhouse and roni mltt"d rolrlde. The body was found by M. J. Tlsrhler, a brother-in-law. living at the same afldreM. Randerfeld. -hj hnl been etnrl'ert foreman at the W'.Uow FprlnR ilt II ry, b. came violent heu at work onw thrcj weeks ago and was taken to 8U Cather ine's hospital. Hia wife, practical nurse, bud htm brou:it to the home after two seeks confln"mert In the hospital, end t p till several davs sgo csred for him. an Atarm t lock. He seemed Is bo Improving, so whn she had a chin r te do sonic niirelnc in the nclr hborl-.iod Mie left .-"nrdri fold l.i the rare of ier sister. M.iry Wi nni 13. j S was hla ux i-il custrm. Ban'er'eM .'.' the alsrii cbx-k for fi:.ti helots rotiiing' Friday riffht. and the family wm awak-I ened by Ita Interiiilttent ringing. Think The poller wore notified, but shortly aft erward Tlachler noticed the" door of the wootlshed ajar and investigated. The body of Panderfcld, t'ftd only In a nightgown and coat. aa lying on a pile of wood !th the head hai.g!ng over tho edits to ward the door, tho' throat deeply slashed butcher kilfe held In tho right, houe 1 nd a land. Un ner C'rcly haa tho body and will I o'o an Inquer'.. f anderfeld lied been I'l with a eoir.pl ca- j tion of disordcis lor aome lime, chief of, wnirh was In cmnta. Ilia wife had aev. , tral time a surprised him striking hla hmd ' 1 nd crying frr deep. lie asserted a few ! sya ago that he wished he might die. I Cr '. ci yi 1 3. 7 f 1 ' - A . 4 i ' ," ' iy Jr. ' ''. ' '"" '" -W' . L ' 0 , , 1;-, - - -' , , sr; elKndlng the holidays with relallvea In . j x a V, : ' . -V V- v , K 4 ..... l V 1 t e -f, . . . ...... a . x 1 BPWK;' , inorougniy ucHiicninv una rmrciunK - Three 3-Year-01d Scarlet Fover Victims Ponald Rom, t-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Roaa, ded at the family refildenee, 7771 Burt street, of scarlet rever. Ftnernl senlra. which will be private, are to be held this afternoon at t o'clock from Gentleman's chapel, with Interment at Holy Hepulrhcr cemetery. The J-year-old son of Mr. and Mra. John Corsu. US houth Twnty-fourth frrM, died Friday night of scarlet fever. Flmr F.. Teterson, S years of age, 2H3 California street, waa the third acarlet fever death reported to the health office Saturday. Koch victim waa a child S years of are. "CHAPPIE" WARNOCK IS VISITING FRIENDS HERE Belay there. Rangway. "Chappie" Wamock la back. Yep. He a been in charge of the navy recruiting aub-ata-tlon at Mom Falls. S. D.. for a coupla three months and Is Just' down for a week or so to see hla old friends. Rich Farmer Sent to Jail for Theft from Freight Cars At Fremont Friday John Kerns one of the three men arieeted on the charge of stealing from I'nlon Pacific freight cars, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months In the Dodge county Jell. The two men who were partners of Kerna In the thefts were ccnvlcted last week and each sentenced to a yesr In the peniten tiary. Kerns Is a wealthy farmer living a short distance out from North Bnd. Hla father la a retlrM farmer and Is rich. Last Call! Final Clean Up of all Suits, Dresses, Coats, Waists, etc The bargains are truly extra ordinary. For details aee our ad vertisement on page 2. JULIUS ORKIN, 1608-1610 Douglaa St. Philo'sSI Poultry Book 10c T11i ill thntit th be wtiT tn hindla rltT for the larirent profit anl how tn mfc a rfrwrfW fnr c tht will ral l-lb. bnllm la ) mk. SVnd I" nt in eimn n4 fl ama ana drrom of popl InltrMrtad In "Olt T an I will lnd the PI.IIX) SYSTEM BvIOK toetpel b r Inm mell with Informelloa about ml STea 0a.br Chirk and Broodrr offer. Oulocue Free. R. W. Philo, SIS X,aka St., Blmlrw, . T. Have Vou Selected a Piano or Player Piano Word has been received that Victor Klehha. a former Omaha altiger, waa ar- Ing It strange llat his brother-in-law did I rested at Camp Manila, Ont., Can., while not turn off Ihe alarm Tlachler Invesll-j taking pU turea of the prison camp thera ceiod and found h had left the house, and held on spy charges. Klebba waa Myrtle Moses. Is scoring a tremendous hit with the Chlcsgo company and gives flna promise to being one of our leading American prima donnas. She recently aana; Buaukl In "Mltdame Butterfly" and waa accorded a tremendoua ovation. (landing the holidays with relallvea In 'ort Huron, Mich., Just across the river from Harnla, which la a Canadian mili tary hnae, and wlahed to get pictures of tha German priaonera. II-j was arrested by patrollng sentries, who Immedirttely placed blm In the commanding major hs away, but returned the next morn- j Inir and took up Klrbba'a cnae. After thoroughly iii(Htlcning and searclilng Klebba. tho council ordered him released end CKcortod to tho ferry boat, which broiiRht lilni back to ''terra flrma." Young Klebta waa very cordially treated and renmrked that he would surely have enloyed a longer visit. These complications on tho border arise t ? i t s . jue ocaa man a native 01 uermdny At,Uy mnA lrpme car, u pracuced by and came to Omaha in J. tieaine nia rnll,iM ...thoriiica. Threa dava aldow he la survived by one daughter. Margaret. He waa a member of lhi j leutarher l-nndwehr Vereln, the Ktaga and the Fraternal Aid union. I Foreign Postal Money Orders Are FallingOff-Why? "This I) era now Euro pel war," aa Aba Kablbble would say. Is playing tha deuce l h tha foreign money order business st the local postofflce. Tha reason, thereof la tha fact that In ternational exchange has been torpedoed, ehrapneled, polson-gased and machine gunned to pieces. The further leatnn la the faot that the banks readjust their rtTcea for Interna tional exchange dally, while Uncle am lets hla stand as they are In times of fence. Suppose you wmt to send aome money to tha old homo back In Russia. At a lank you can send an order for M rouble at a price of 33 cents per rouble. At tha postofflce moasy order window you have to pay D2 cents per rouble. Some differ enceovltch. Isn't Itskl? Or, It you want to send 100 marks back to the dear fatherland. At the banks that sum wilt cost you about til. which V'r.cie Barn'l quotes regular peace prices of How about It, FchmalsT Even on a pound sterling, with the Dunk of England and all the power af the British Ilemplro behind It, the gov ernment Quotations are about 30 cents higher than thoae of the banks. My, ord, old chapt They are Isaulng about ten foreign money ordera a day at the local office now. They war averaging about fifty, (lie a day last year at this time. before Klebba'a arrest a shrapnel fac tory at Hnrnln was blown up, making a tighter rein around the town. Klebba at lulled voice here with Millie Ryan, leaving here for Chicago three yrara ago. It will be remembered that he returned to Omaha In June, 1914. aa a soloist for tho world famous Paullttt n Victor Klehha. i 2 47 chorlaters, conducted by Father William V. Finn.- He waa also once employed In the editorial department of The Bee. Another former Omaha alnger. Miss Don't Suffer Needlessly An eminent Dhysielan states that fully Ko, of all diseases have their origin In stomach trouble, so If you auffer from dyspepala, indlgeatton. bad breath, belch ing, sour stoinacn, uncomiortaoie feeling of fullnena after eating, sleeplessness or tired feeling, you should promptly seek to aid your stomach In performing the functions that nature intendea. Delsy often results In a rapid undermining of the entire system, resulting In the utter wrecking of health. However, whenever the atomach can take care of food and properly distribute nourishment to all parts of the body a healthy condition Is sure to reault. Stomach suffereia should avoid harsh purgativea, which generally serve to aggravate the trouble, and promptly gie TABLF.JV8 STOMACH TABLETS a trial. Being abaoluiely free from harmful and habit forming drugs and containing the beat known acid neu trallser. combined with pure, soothing, strengthening and healing lngredlenta scientifically combined, their action while mild, cannot help being beneflclm to any atomach eufferer. TABLER'8 STOMACH TABLETS are sold on a poalttve guaran tee of aatiefactlon or your money re funded by ail reliable druggists. If your drugglat should happen to be out of them, be will gladly get them for you. Advertisement. FROM OUR GREAT CLEARANCE SALE We wMi to Impress upon yowr mind that every Instrument offered In this War 1enrance Hnle la guarnnt?erl to be absolutely first rlaas In fTery particular, and any one of them v.111 give you lasting satisfaction. This Is the Most Important Piano Sale That Omaha Has Ever Known UPRIGHT PIANOS $175 Worth 300, on sale at. . . GRAND PIANOS $450 Worth 600, on aale at. . , PLAYER PIANOS $350 Worth 9550, on aale at. . . Compare these valuea with thoae of other atorea. It will convinces yon of the great saving we are offering. $5.00 SENDS QBE OF THESE PIARO BARGAINS TO YOUR HOME !UH Schmoller & Mueller Upright Piano. .8150 $oO Lurtwtg rpriirht llano S315 i40O Trber I prioht Piano Slr3 m."H Kurtzman Hquare Piano. . . $225 Mueller Upright Piano.... 9250 Norwood Upright Piano... $275 Wellington Upright llano. $300 Washburn Upright Piano.. $273 Fisher Upright Piano $.150 Sohmer Upright Piano. . . . $300 Arion Upright Piano 25 75 8 S 8 90 8110 8125 8138 8150 8148 $400 Steger & Hons Upright Piano. . . $1,000 ('nickering Grand $l,10O Stctnway Grand V $150 Schubert Player Piano $300 Cloiigh & Warren Player Piano. 8235 SlOO 8385 8105 8220 FREE STOOL FREE SCARF FREE LIFE INSURANCE We are exclusive repreaentatlvea for the matchless Steimvay, Weber, Hardman, Rteger Sons, Emerson, MrPhnil, I.lndenian & Hons, Schmoller & Mueller Pianos, nlso Aeolian Pianola Pianoa, Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.y 1311-13 fmm SL Headquarters for Aeolian Vocal Ions and Columbian Grafonolaa. Real Spy to Talk to Commercial Club 1 Y" Night School Finds Positions Four men attending night sohool at the Toung Men's Christian association sud denly were the reclplenta of rood office poeltlons, sa tha result of tholr member ship and good work In business clatsea. Educational Secretary J. W. Miller re ceived hurry calls for three good book keepers and a mechanical draughtsman from business men Interested In tho as sociation. If a sent four' of the associa tion night achool members, and tha men "made good" at once. They are still at tending the association classes at night and working In the daytime at their new positions. ... FUNERAL IF MRS' NELSON IS TO BE HELD MONDAY The funeral of Mra. N. II. Nelson. president of the Omaha Woman's club, will be held at Cole-McKay'a undertak ing parlors Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Dean Jamea A. Tancock of Trinity cathedral officiating. The body will 11a In atate thera from 10 o'clock In the morning until the funeral hour, guarded by members, of tha Wom an's club. Burlsl will be at rorest Lawn cemetery. The pallbearers will be: Cherlee O. Trimble. Ir. W. N. Dorward, Vr. 1'almer FlnUicy. Herbert riukara. w. U. Hhrlver, Arthur noyer, Edward J'heUn. Dr. A. O. I'eterson. If You Live Out of Town You will be greatly repaid by a special visit to Omaha daring this sale. 1 bO'' m I !ii!lit"!" m Don't Forget That the sale of Men's Over coats and Boys' Clothing is continued this week. . 1 TT! ir mm i 0 J Laj la fiifTUT iQ D A 1 A real spy yes, a real s,py. Is to appear before the Commercial club to sieak on "Our Navy and What It Meana," Thurs day noon. This la Edward Wreck, M. A., I'h. D. This doesn't mean that he Is a spy at present. It merely meana that he was In American spy service during the Hpanlsh- Amrrlcan war. He waa shot at twice by ten'.riea when ha waa making photo- giaphs of fortifications and defenaea In Ejiti. lie was captured later, and nar rowly esvaned the death sentence st the hands of the ftpautali military author It lea, xrhen he was oa'ed only by the fact that lie bad Pruaalan passport and a strong Prussian accent acquired uhlle studying tn the German unlversttlca aome cars before. It was when the destruction of Cevera's fleet made It necessary that the Amer icans have a perfect knowledge of Span ish dffrnwi so that an American fleet threatening the couft of Ppnln mlRht have some definite Infortnst'on tn guide It. that Dr. Brrck waa awljned to tha taes of going to Rpaln and making this secret sun'ey, after he bad volunteered to do It some month belore, hen the war first broke out. A German consul In Hpaln vouched for the gcnulneneaa of Creek a Pruaclan paa porta and hla German accent when he waa taken prlaoner, and thua aaved him from being shot as a spy. Pimp! 2S Go Quick, Sure 8 tuart's Calcium Wafers Quickest Mood Purifier and Skin Dea. tlfler L'ver Known. Trial Package Mailed ITIEE. Thousand of people throughout the country owe the beauty and attractive ness of their completions to Stuart's Cslclum Wafers. Wby not gain for yourself the blessing these have obtain ed? kln disorders except those caused by parasites-are also blood disorders. Turlfy GREAT WESTERN MEN TO HAVE SESSION AT PES MOINES Assistant Oenere! Frefght Agent I) Groodt. City Passenger Agent Bonor-d.-n and Traveling FreUht Agent Adams, all of tho Or.-t Western, go to Dea Molma Monday, whera Tuesday they will atiAnd the sanu il family meeting of west ern agents of the Great Western. It la expected that there aill be an attendance cf closet to ioa. The general effwers of the Great West ern will be over from Chliago and at In tervals during tho meeting will act as n'Ttsir.r. On p'cgram Is an auto tnouile ride, a U later party and a ban- ret. At 11 e tLfr.c int. ting at shirh tie tnetol i. fillers will talk the mayor if hi Mu.iita will de'lvcr a.i addicts of . i com. "Oood-aight Torever to PtmpUe aa Muddy Complaaioa. lutii'i CaJotuia Wafers Do More Tkaa All te face Creams Tut Togstaer! the blood, and at the same time you drive out the pimples. Muart s t aU luin Warera are conven ient to carry and pleasant to take. Get a 5"c box of your drugglat. Mall coupon below for free trial package. live Want Ads serve hUii'Jrcds dally. Free Trial Coupon P. A. ttaart Co., 81T taart lag., MsrshsJl, Kick, riend me at once, br triurn mail. a free trial package of bturt's (.'alciam Walcia. Sal Name, fctrett. f'HV SitMfl. We are now able to announce the readiness of the Men's Suits and Furnishings for sale next Thursday, January 27th. These are the largest and most im portant sections of the King-Peck sale and there is not a man in these parts who doesn t owe it to himself to come. The values in these sections are astounding. There is nothing we could say that would talk like the merchandise itself, with its price tags. Every man should stock up for the future a very small outlay will do it. . V O rWr fail tn lfPfn nnelrv-J nrtniir trm orrfat salr a. arW sasv sr Ot S Xaf tawa' f W W W SWSs Br Vs Sitga W sA wsse w vv eanesaay IM1 tie Mts irv x Bl "VW . f J If aW Jilt ) vyj. H I gwJSw SL. HsV HI I 1 ynwl VS. Nfi II v v u w "ev v ii T? h -n Lr nr.u A Willi x syf "V l en e -kjbw 'staaBaals M w MM PffMBsW ls1 sasssi w KB e. ST M r M r Bw HsW wm I f f la " IB sl sW II asv Bk IT M MM mm if f Evening Papers It was a revelation to us to see them crowd into our spacious men's store Saturday morning, accustomed, as we are, to crowds that mean business. But, best of all, was the surprise which awaited them. We dare say they all came expecting a lot for their money, but there was sheer astonishment and satisfaction written on every face when they saw the garments and the prices. The stock is too great to be sold in a single day. But at Saturday's rate we would be cleaned out in a short time. We would advise you to come in as early as possible next week, while there is still a wide choice of the best. Overcoats Clothing Is Continued Monday r ..mJ--r.r,r-.rrr.--r s"wftaaWTgafriSerISrttSi-inia KTWiAa I