i TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY I'.KH: JANUARY 23, 191K. 5 A COLD WAVE MOVES RIGHT PAST OMAHA Mercury Drops on All Sides, but Fails to Make a Change in This City. COME WINTER RESORT, SURE Someone was asleep at the switch and the cold wave scheduled to ar rive in Omaha yesterday was shunted down over another line, leaving Omaha smiling in the lap of spring balmlness. Yes, sir. Colonel Welsh has a good alibi. The cold wave isn't here, but it shows its ice breath all around ua. In Kansas Cly the thermometer dropped 20 degrees. In Keokuk, la., it dropped 28 degrees. Out In Nebraska it dropped 16 degrees. Up north of 11s It dropped 4 8 degrees. Aivl in the miilut of this Omaha, tha well known wlaUr resort, registered a mere fall of R dctireca, which brought the temperature Saturday at 7 a. m. down only to 31 dczro-ja above trrn, "It Is the smallest c!rop ifn;nioroi1 at any point be tween the Ro.-Uy n.ountalns anil the Mis sis.1 Ipnl river In tho last twenty-four houis." aj the colonel. Why. up In western Canada It s S: be low. But wi.o i ares what It Is up In weston CnnalA? Xot while the sun is thlnlnp nn.1 ,lie l-lidn are twittering and fptlrr's : the sir ami Talm l!each li looxing enviously at Omaha. I.ct Vm irove down her- if it's too cold for cm up there In Canu a. Olcnrl 'clah v.ss greeted by mnny fii'iiiis Futtirday with tho query. "Wh'-ra if 'iiiii cold wave?" X.it a tl' Ulsccncorted, the good-!:a'u c d nsn responded In each inslance with n cnri.?!ntl:il whlrpcr thus: "Well, you sec. I didn't really thli.k the Cold wae wa so aure. but 1 set more money for talking cold wae."." "Nobo. y wai ti'iui" about It, an way uncus u xi-na Co ice men. Everybody was checvrul mil congratulatory that the old VKtwc wicj il.eclf in some o'hor unTction. ' Fair tonight ;,nd Punday. Somewhat ctlder tonight," la the good word now. Wonderful Blind Woman to Give Her Lecture to Omahans on Friday Night Two Pioneer Sons to Run for County Offices in Spring Two soni of pioneer Oma'ia families mve jiv.t fl'ed as candidates for repib Mcnn nomination for two of Douglas eoi r.ty's most important o:flc. Emmet Si lovnop, now deputy treasurer, who walilj to be treasurer, and Harry Q. Coi'nsman, now county assessor, who teels rromctlon to be clerk of the dis til. t co'irt. Hoth men have lived their entire lives In Omaha and Douglas county. Mr. Counsman was born In Omaha and is the ron of Jacob Counsman, one of tUt test known early settlers, and attended the old Cass school. He has been county assessor for one term, during which the management ot the office has marked an Increase of several million dollars in the assessments of Omaha corporations, aa a result of which they are now pay ing thousands of dollars more taxea into the public treasury than in former years. Mr. Solomon has lived in Omaha forty seven years, being 1 year old when he came here. He has served aa county com missioner, county comptroller and chief deputy in the treasurer's office. Bee Want-Ads serve hundreds dally. DR. W. 0. HENRY AND DR. ROWLANDS TO TALK "The Suicide of an Athlete" will be the subject of a talk to men at the Young Men'a Christian association. Sun day at 4 p. m., by Rev. H. C. Rowlands, pastor of the First Baptist church. 1'r. W. O. Henry will address a men's ttoup at S p. m.. at the association, on the subject "Where Did Cain Get Hia Wife?" Larte reservations have been made for both the matinee and evening lecture of Helen Keller at the Boyd thea'.er net Saturday under the auplcs of the Teachers' Annuity and Aid society. Miss Keller Is the remarkable deaf and blind girl who has perfected her sreaking voice so that she can address large audiences. Phe is accompanied by her life-long friend and tencher, Mrs. Anna Sullivan Macy. Local auffrage organisations have taken all the boxes for tho evening lecture. In tha afternoon large line parties made up of eighth-grade students of Cass, Comi nlus. Lothrop, Tark and Central Park schoola will be held. The faculty from the Omaha and Council Bluff Schools for the Deaf have also made a large reservation and many physicians, special lets and others engaged In educational work have manifested great Interest In Miss Keller's lectures. Mrs. Mncy will precede Miss Keller's remarks with an account of her pupil's wonderful life development, telling of her acquisition of speech, her preparation for and graduation from college and her con quest over aeemlngly unconquerable phy sical difficulties and obstacles. This Is the first time Miss Keller's own life toy has ever been told in this city and her appearance will naturally occas'on great interest among those who have followed her career through mtigatlnes and news pa ners. Kxcepting newspaper -.'C ; end a pom mltlec of teachers, Helen Keller will not receive tellers during her vis't here. Clara B. Mnson. principal of Park school, received from Mrs. Mncy, teacher .if the famous blind womr.-i, a letter ex plalnlng that the demands on Miss Kel Icr'a time arc so many that It Is neces sary to decline many requests of per sons who want to visit Mlra Keller, who Is not very ntrong. BRIEF CITY NEWS Towntend'a for Mporttng Ooofls." t'ghtlBy rtxtnaa Burgesa-Orandesj. Hare Root mnt It Now ne-teon Frees. To Borrow Money on real estate aee J. tl. Uuniunl Co., Ke....o li us. Fagalco Sanoe The Pagalco club wl I n'erte.ln at a dancing i arty at '.hi Metropolitan lull Thursday evening. "Todays Movie noram" tTasaifltd secitoi, too;i. li tipreurs I:: The tee RXCt.CSIVfc.LY. Find out what the v. r'O'Js nioiii plcturo theaters otter. Songi and Stories Ml"s Miner anil Miss (.trace Poole will give a program of songs and sto.'is at Trinity Methodist church Sunday efiernoon at 3 o'clock. Spinning as Supervisor Fred Spinning, Instructor at Central High school, began his duties Friday evening aa supervisor of the Cnstelar school social center, suc ceeding J. S. Stewart. Horn's Auto Stolen Charles Horn, 420 South Forty-second atreet, reports to the police that his auto was stolen from Sev enteenth and Douglas streets. He offers a reward of J."iO for Its recovery. Bible Class Leaders Mrs. D. A. Foots, leader of the 180 neighborhood Biole classes of the city of Omaha, will conduct j her class for leaders on Monday after noon at t In the auditorium of the Young Men's Christian association. Banquet for Implement Ha--Johu Rocke ot the Meadows Manufacturing company. Pontile, 111., gave a banquet at tbe Calumet restaurant Friday eve ning to the travelers and office force of the T. O. Northwall compeny. More Help for the STeedy The Bee has received a box of clothing from "Mrs. L. IS. 8." of Nehawkt. Neb., wltli request that it be given to the needy. The pack age has been delivered to Secretary Doane of the Associated Charities. eat to Council Bluffs J. C. Neal, 2010 Webster street, was arrested Fri day Bight as a fugitive from Justice and later was turned over to the Council Bluffs authorities, where he Is wanted on a charge of carrying concealed weapons. Lecture oa Astrology The second free lecture on astrology win be given by Burd F. Miller at Theosophlcal hall, autte 701 Bee building, Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, and will lncluae stereoptlcon views demonstrating the truth of scien tific astrology in foretelling the future, and also the inmost nature of a human Helen Keller te&chcr Anna. Sullivj.it Ovi A A t - v i n : i . - . - ..V , I ivVj: 'le'if k'," , , o tj J.I iyfT ' '''W.J being. Myrtle Anderson Released Myrtle An derson, 114 North Twentieth street, ar rested on a charge of aiding and abetting the delinquency of Haxel Bennett, aged 18 years, waa discharged for lack ot prosecution when arraigned in police cojrt. Sr. Karedlth to Talk store Dr. George Meredith ot Ashland, Neb., grand chan cellor of the Knights of Pythias of Ne. braska will speak next Thursday evening to membera of 'Jan Hue lodge. No. 6, at Tel Jed Sokol hall oa South Thirteenth street. Wife Has Grippe and Five Children Have Scarlet Fever Probably few households that have been stricken by the scarlet fever epidemic have received such a parcel of hard luck aa has been vlalted upon Edward Greeley, ?21 South Fifty-sixth street, an employe of Foral Broa. Commission bouse. Greeley is quarantined with his wife, who la sick with la grippe, and their five small children, all of whom have scarlet fever. The little family has been quaran tined for ten days or more and are har ing a hard time of it, according to friends. DESPONDENT WOMAN TRIES TO TAKE OWN LIFE Helen Bowdlah, waitress, 1S13 Leaven worth atreet, drank formaldehyde while in a fit of despondency over a love af fair. Friends summoned the police sur geons, who revived the young woman. Wife's Mother is in Role of Detective in Hughes-Race Suit His wife's mother In the role of a de tective will confront Harry Hughes, for merly .of Omaha, and Miss Edna Race Of Chicago In the ,000 suit for alleged alienation of affections ot her husband, which Mrs. Hughes has brought in Chi cago against Miss Kace, according to In formation received from Chicago and verified by Mrs. Hughes tn Omaha. Mrs. Hughes and hor mother. Mrs. O. O. Mhinger, are living at tha Harley hotel. When told that Chicago dis patches said Mrs. Munger had plsyed the part of a detective by trailing Mr. Hughes and Miss Race to places ot gay entertainment In Chicago, Mrs. Hughes said: "Yes, that la true." Mrs. Hughes filed suit for divorce against her husband on grounds of de sertion and nonsupport last February, In Omaha. MMch publicity waa given to a dispute concerning the possession of a child in the district court. Mrs. Hughes In a law suit alleged that her husband had kidnaped the child. Mr. Hughes' parents live at Gretna. Want-Ada never shirk their work they will get results, If anything will. Bierman Held Up in Front of Home R. G. Bierman, 714 South Fifteenth street, reported to the police that he was held up Friday evening in front of hia home by two white men, who stole $5 and a gold watch. (ZheTerroYofGripis m gAfter Effects How will grip leave you ? You suffer enough while you have it, but the state it leaves you in worries you even more. The disease has an almost fiendish way of searching out the weak spot in your system, getting a hold there, and lingering for months. Sometimes it s the back, sometimes the throat, often the digestive organs. You are m pain all the time; your strength is little, and the joy of living ceases to be. Such conditions call for a good tonic. But it must be something more, for grip is a catarrhal malady, and the tonic must have special efficacy in catarrhal conditions. When you think of catarrhal conditions, you always think of Peruna. In Convalescence-PERUNA It's the one tonic for such conditions. Literally, thousands have used it with marvelous success after grip. Its seems to make little difference what part of the body is affected The trouble is a result of a catarrhal disease, and when this catarrh is overcome and a good tonic helps regain bodily strength, the patient begins to get welL There are many grateful letters, from those who have been benefited by it. and each of them treats of a different phase. Rely on Peruna. It will build you up. So effective has it proved that many now take It on the first appearance of grip symptoms, and these folks uuite in proclaiming PERUNA Preventive 1 1 i M' V&$ 81888 'fesS ttf .mIS af- ft m There is much good sense in this, for grip infection must find a weak place in your armor before it can harm you. Remove all catarrhal conditions, build up your bodily strength, clean all waste matter from your system. A good tonic will do this Peruna is an espec ially good tonic for Just such cases. Fight off the grip. It's better than curing it, even, but if it gets ahead of you restore yourself to vigor with Peruna. You should keep Peruna at hand, ready to check any symptom of cold or grip at their first appearance. Prompt nees may save you a long and suffering illness. Remember that Peruna also comes in Tablet Form Tae Parana Caenpaae, CoIussWs, Ohio The Proof at Hand Mr. Gentry Gates. 6219 First Ave., Test Lake, Ala., writes: " I ha a bad case of trip, I tried Peruna and U cured me. I can safely say It It a fine medicine." Mrs. George E. Law. 1)1 N. Franklin St BrasiL Ind.. writes: "I am satisfied that paruna is a wonderful remedy for grip, and I do meat heart Uy endorse and recommend If Mrs. S. A. Weir. 827 W. 15th St.. Pueblo. Col orado, writes: "There Is no better medicine in the world for colds and grip than Peruna, One bottle did more to relieve me of a bad cold and case of grip than any remedies that I have ever taken." Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South Sixtesavath Street , - FURNITURE DRAPERIES m Your Bedroom, Living Room or Dining Room Can Be Furnished in This Sale at Savings of One-Fourth to HALF Thin list of Items show tyHral reductions on aevrrnl hnndrod ilealrahle furniture pleoee Reaular Sale Price $117.00 3-riere Dining Room Furniture, in mahog any, consisting of buffet, chlua cabinet and serv- . In table $50.00 $26.00 Oolden Oak Wax Serving Tabio, ilaln straight lines, wide shelf below and Quartered oak stork 910.00 $27.00 Ladles' Walnut Desk, closed top, three drawers full width or desk 921.00 $100.00 Solid Mahogany High-Hoy $00.00 $7" f0 Mahogany Chiffonier, Colonial iiost do- . tlgn $50.00 $l..uO Muhogany Colonial Poat Dresser, eti-inrh . width 980.00 $110.00 Mahogany Chiffonier to match .. $05. OO $05.00 Oolden Oak Auto Valet $3000 $."2 00 Hair filled Ratty Chair. This large, luxurious chair at price Is a genuine snap $37,50 $100.00 Wing Back Rocker, upholstered in velour, specially attractive, at $00.00 $4 6.00 Tapestry Covered Rocker, not too large, hut comfortable $27.00 $60.00 Dowry Chest, solid mahogany, loose tray, drawer across bottom 930 00 $90.00 66-Inch Jacobean Oak Buffet. ... $50.00 $210.00 Auto Valet, Colonial scroll design, select crotch mahogany stock, at one-half price, $105 $67.00 Morocco Leather Settee $22.50 $54.00 Walnut Dreaser, new modern style, $3f).OQ $39.00 Golden Oak Dresser SIO.SO 4 -piece Mahogany Bedroom Furniture, constating" of dresser, chiffonier, dressing table and Bight table, worth more than $200.00. sale pHe for 4 pieces $07.50 Three-plere, hUh grade bedroom furniture to match. 462.00 Ivory Chiffonier $35.00 $67.00 Ivory Dressing Table, triple mirror, 46-ln- ches wide ?9'Q5 $44.00 Ivory Desk, open top &).00 $33.00 Fumed Oak Library Table $19.75 $16.00 Square .Tube Vera la Martin Bed, full width $7.50 $62.00 Satin Brasa Bed, square eontiatapna tube, 3-6 only $35.00 $120.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, specially well con structed of high grade mahogany 805.00 $60.00 Mahogany Hall Beat, high cane panel back and cano seat $35.00 $16.60 White Enamel Bed, 8-fl width, Just the thing for young girl's room $8.25 $60.09 Fumed Oak Bookcase. Craftsman style, lat tice doors, low and wide $35.!0 $42.00 Fumed Oak Ubrary Table, plank top, book: shelf, deep drawer and 36x60-lnch top, $30.00 Hartford-Saxony Rugs A truly choice assortment of Oriental, Floral and small patterns of these excellent wearing rugs at BIG REDUCTIONS $ 9.76 Hartford 22.76 Hartford 36.00 Hartford 66.00 Hartford 60.00 Hartford 4 5.00 Hartford 70.00 Hartford 05.00 Hartford 2 5.60 Hartford Saxony, 3-6x6-3 Saxony, 4-6x7-6. . , , Saxony, 6x9 Saxony, 3-3x10-6. . Saxony, 9x12 , Saxony, 9x9 Saxony, 10-6x12. . , Saxony, 11-3x16. . Saxony, 3x15 7.25 17.50 27.50 40.00 135.55 $02.50 $72.50 $17.50 SO Pattern Fancy Net and Madras 45 to 60 tnchesj wide, at HALF AOc Net Kent, 4ft-inch.ee wide, yard 255 60c Net Kent, 46-inches wide, yard 30 75c Madraa Ecru with blue, pink or yellow figures, per yaiil . 38c Over-Drapery Materials Values up to $1.66 per yard. Including many Sun fast Colorings. Yard 38c $13.50 Portieres, Pair $4.85 Bundhar French Wilton, Anglo Persian and Anglo-Indian Rugs, in Sizes 4-6x7-6 to 11-3x15 at Savings of From $5 to $35 Per Rug? Sale of Bric-a-Brac DK8K SETS $67.00 Bronse and Sterling Silver Ret $36.00 Gun Metal Set. $29.60 Hand Carved Wood Set, $15.00 $4.50 Green Brocade Stationery Holder price $2.25 533.50 BXB.UU Lace Curtains ODD PAIRS VERY CHEAP $2.76 and $1.50 Muslins and Scrims .05 $t,60 ana $.60 Nets and Quaker Laces .....$1.85 $6.00 and $4.60 Nets and Quaker Laces $2.85 Ana Many utners, Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South Sixteenth Street SAFETY FIRST APPLIES TO A NUMBER OF IMPORTANT FACTS IN DENTISTRY SAFETY FIRST in experienced, careful and considerate Dentists. SAFETY FIRST in material used and ten-year guarantee. SAFETY FIRST in knowing just what it is going to cost you. SAFETY FIRST, last and always is Your Own Health. Your system does not set the proper nourishment if you are unable to properly use your teeth. Tour digestion becomes impaired; In fact, your entire system becomes easily susceptible to any or all of the prevailing ailments and epidemics tbat are constantly seeking to destroy. It should not be necessary to publish these well known facts you knew It, now didn't you? But you are like a large majority of the people, "Negligent." The old saying, "It's like pulling teeth" to do something disagreeable, does not apply with our Modern Methods of Dentistry. It us talk the matter of your teeth orer with you All work guaranteed 10 years. See our Price List and compare It with prices you have paid for work elsewhere. Hllver Fillings 50t I Hrlclge Work, per tooth. .$4,00 White Crowns $4.00 IMatee, $5, and $10 Itest 23-K Gold Crowns, $4,00 I Treatments $1.00 We give mileage for fifty miles on Out-of-Town Contracts for . f 1 0.OO or more. McKENNEY dentist The Man That Put TEET in TEETH. 14th and Farnam Sts., 1324 Farnara. Phone Douglas 2872. iPBaui, Sanatorium This Institution Is the only one la the esntral west with separate buildings situated tn their ex ample grounds, yet entirely dls tlnct, end rendering It possible to classify eases. Tbe one buldlng being fitted tor and devoted to tbe treatment of non-contagious and noa-mental diseases, ne others be ing admitted; tbe other Rest Cot tage bslng deelgned for aad de voted to the eicluslve treatment of select mental eases requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. Jf'IMS III IIIU i. W1iaSISWSJUILSSMaiU.H II II 1 1 IlllI I MHUIIIItlllUlli'l BUiLf I l (tit I if I;H ' i "t" ii is Iff ?:w?r jeKNK - ' iliys For Bargains, or to Get lu or Out of Business, Head The Boo Want Ads Daily. , i . t