m THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 23, lOlfi. 3 A A. I 1T1 4v Nebraska WAREHOUSE LAW ASSISTSJARMERS Railway Commission Report Filed with Governor Makes Favor able Comment cn Act. WORK OF THE YEAR REVIEWED (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 22. (Special. )-The first section of th annual rcVort of the State Hallway commission, filed with the gov ernor today, shows that during the year -01", fifty-nine licenses were Issued to ruhllo warehouse firms. The report In dicates there will be an increase this year. The commission believes the law is a I pood one and has proved very beneficial to farmers who do not wish to sell on current markets, but prefer to hold for better prices. However, the commission thinks that a state Inspection should be required. It cost the commissioners of the states which fought the advance rate cases .000, of which $17,000 was paid by the Nebraska commission as lis share. The report reviews the cases and declares tiie matter an Important one for Nebraska shippers. The commission also makes a review of the various cases before the Inter state Commerce commission in which Nebraska was interested, especially in the Order No. 19 case, of which a de cision Is awaiting. " Formal complaints to the number ot 871 were filed with the commission dur ing the year, of which seventy-one were telephone cases, relative to service; sixty eight overcharges, and the rest of a msicellaneoua nature. Four hundred and twenty-eight com plaints were disposed of, 270 being satis fled, seventy-seven dismissed because ot no cause for action, twenty-two no Juris diction and the balance miscellaneous. Thirty-three formal complaints were filed and thirty of- the number dis posed of. Over 8H0 applications were acted on, of which thirty-one covered stocks and bonds and 139 covered rates. On November 80, there were sixty-three cases pending In an Informal nature and forty formal, with sixty of various kinds. The expenses of the commission for the ypf r were (24,056. HAMILTON CANDIDATES GETTING INTI THE RACE AURORA, Jan. 22. (Special.) Every county officer of Hamilton county will probably be a candidate for re-election this year. From present prospects. It looks aa If each of them would have lively competition at t'e primaries. Already, a number of men have filed for sheriff and county Judge. It looks as though the offices of sheriff and county Judge will be the most sought After. County Judge Fred Jeffers has held the office for two terms and will be the democratic candidate tor another term. While the election will be non partisan. It looks as if there would be a democrat and a republican nominated at the April primary. A. R. Brownell, former county Judge, has already filed for the place. C. A. Coats, another former county judge, ia said to be contemplating filing for the place. Friends of Robert Chapman, former county commissioner, will prob ably file his name for county Judge. Lead ers predict that Jeffers and Chapman will be the nominees at the April primary and a hard fight at the polls is expected. Sheriff John F. Powell is finishing his second term, but he will be a candidate again. Ho has an opponent already in the shape of James Howard, who has tiled for the democratic nomination. W. D. Campbell has filed for the re publican nomination as sheriff. Perry Reed, a prominent farmer and Ine stock breeder near Hampton, will e as a candidate for state representa tive on the republican ticket. T. M. Scott, who has represented the county for several terms aa a democratic rep resentative may file for etato senator. His opponent will probably be Senator C. A. Sandall of York, the present senator. Former Representative Theodore G. Nordgren expects to be a candidate for lieutenant governor. He has not definitely made up his mind on the matter, but will probably shy his hat Into the ring shortly. County Clerk June J. Klumb is also hesitating as whether he t-hould be a candidate for a third term. He is the only republican among the county of ficers. His deputy Henry Nelson and bis former deputy Arthur Nelson will file for the place if he stays out. County Attorney C. L. Whitney, County Treasurer Frank McCarty und Ccunty Superintendent Mary McConnel! are Just finishing their first terms and will run again. They will have no opposition in their own party. J. W. Weedln will have no opposition for renomlnation for clerk of the district court. There will be no progressive ticket this year. The fight will be a straight one between the two old parties. SENSATIOIALSUIT FILED FOR MARRIAGE ANNULMENT HEATRTCE, Neb., Jan. 22.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Mrs. Carrlo Thoin of this city filed a sensational suit in the district court today asking for the annullmrtit of her marriage to Ir. Charles Thorn, whom she charges with bigamy. She alleges she wae married to Thorn In this city on June 12. 1910. and that he deserted her three months later; that he married three women after leaving her and was arrested at Outhrle, Okl., faur years ago and lodged In Jail. She alleges he killed a guurd and escaped, but was later captured and sentenced to twenty years in prison Hi (luthrie, Okl. After nerving a short time he wua paroled. J'lulntlff wants her maiden name, Curi io Knott lt d, restored to her. Li Thorn was b. in and brought up Hear Virginia, this county. Ho went un der the nanio of Montgomery. Srmri fr'Hi-nirra Fly High. SKWARD. Neb.. Jan. 22. (Special.) Mr. Calnes (JunneU, the newly appointed county agricultural agent for this county, has inaugurated a farmers' free exchange for the farmer of this county. Over I2.0UO worth of farm animals, grain and machinery has been listed already. These kings may be exchanged by the farm ers themselves. Mr. Gunnel has aUo installed a reading and billing club room in hi quarters In the court house. In the rural districts lantern si des of dairying, etc., are being shown at country school houses in connection with '' box socials." The teward county farmer is having the bet time of his life this winter. Nobraska Pioneer Iowa and Nebraska Editor Dies at Spearfish SPKARriSH. 3. P.. Jan. .-(Special.) At the home of his daughter in this city, occurred the deaih of Orlin C. Hates, aged So years, who was a pioneer newspaperman of Iowa. He had been failing rapidly for more than a year past ani. his death therefore was not unexpected. About ls07 Mr. Hates locate.l at DeWitt, la., where he owned and edited a newspaper several years. He served as postmaster of DeWitt and also was manager there for an express com pany. He left DeWitt about 1876 and established a new newspaper at Boone, la., which he conducted successfully for a year or more, and then located at Ksthervllle, la., where he established the Vindicator. It was while Hates was editor of the Vindicator that he coined the word "billiard" as expressing best the intensity of the fierce storms, which visited the northwest in those days. Mr. Hates was subsequently connected with newspapers at Kmmetsburg, la.; Mame, la.; Kwlng and Atkinson, Neb. RICHMOND'S DISCOVERY MAY NOT BE ONE AT ALL (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 23. (Special.) Henry Clay Richmond of Omaha, statesman, Journalist and all around boosfer, has made a discovery. It has long been known that Diogenes had been out with his political lantern, looking around for the perfect democrat who could be given the democratic nomination for governor without the selection raising any more political hades than already exists. That the Honorable Henry m the modern Diogenes is now apparent, for he an nounced while here that John E. Miller of Lincoln is the man who can get across with the nomination without In creasing the "harmony" which now pre vails to any greater extent. Mr. Miller is now regent of the Uni versity of Nebraska, and aerved In the house ot lords of the Nebraska legisla ture in 1909. However, Mr. Miller is the head of a big department store In Lin coln which does a big mall order business over the state, and some fellow who is always taking the Joy out of life hastens to announce that each retail merchant of the state, be he democrat or republican, will pull off his coat against the Lin coln merchant because he will be op posed to the mall order business being boosted through the head of the firm oc cupying the gubernatorial chair. Therefore it Is suggested that there is more work for the man with the political lantern. MIDYEAR HIGH SCHIIL COMMENCEMENT AT YORK YORK, Neb., Jan. 22. (Special.) York High school held Its mld-wlnter gradu ation exercises Friday evening. Follow ing are the names of the graduates: Felda M. Bellows, Olive A, Benson, Myrtle Broehl, Ixetta Burnard, Hazel C. Chapin, Dan Chllcote, Susie Eckleberry, George Forbes, Sophia Glasser, Irene K. Oross hans, J. M. Johnson, Helen A. Little, Harold McKlnley, Jessie V. Melton, Dora 8. Mohler, David M. Mohler, Ha roll Myers, Lena Myers, Ruby O. Nearlng, Helen Overstreet, Chester Quick, Eva A. Reynolds, M. Viola Samuclson, Ralph R. Fchlarb, Ruth E. Shiley, Blanche Stotzol, Florence Townsend, William Wolford and Nina Wood. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Thousands of Men and Trouble and Never Suspect It. Nature warns you when the track of health la not clear. Kidney and bladder troubles cauHCmany annoying symptoms and great In convenience both day and night. Unhealthy kidneys may cause lumbago, rheu matism, catarrh of th-j bladder, pain or dull ache In tho bark, Joints or muscles, at times have headache or Indigestion, aa time passes yon limy have a sallow complexion, puffy or dark circled under ihe eyes, sometimes feel aa though you hal heart trouble, may have plenty of ambition b it no strength, get wealc and lose flesh. If such conditions ore permitted to continue, serious results may be expected; Kidney Trouble In Its very worst form may steal upon you. ri-evalctiry of "Kidney Disease. Host people do not realize tlie alarming In crease and remarkable prevalency of kidney dlt ease. While kidney dinonlem are among the most common diseases that prevail, tlicy are almost the last recognized by patients, who usually con tent themselves with doctoring the effects, while Die original disease may cou.sjantly undermine, the system. If you feel that your kidneys are the cause of your sickness or run down condition, try taking Ir. Kilmer's riwamp-Iloot, the famous kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as noon sa your kidneys Improve, they will help'tlio otlur organs to health. If you are alrcndy convinced that Swamp-Root la what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at all drug stores, l'.m't make any mistake but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, and the ad dress, ningliHinton. N. y which you will find on every bottle. Rumple Siie ISotlle. SFECLAX MOTE You may obtain a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by en closing ten cents to fr. Kilmer & Co., Hlrighamton, N. V. This gives you the op iportunity to prove the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will a'o Be.n.J you a bock of valuable infonnallon, containing many of the thousands of grate ful letters received from men and wonie 1 who nay they found Swamp-Hoot t.i be just the. remedy needed in kidney, liver an 1 bladder troubles. The value and smr ce of Swamp-Root are so well known that our readers are alvlxe.l to eni lor a sajnp'e size bottle. Add resit Iir. Kilmer & "o., RinghaJiitoii, N. V. He sure to y you real this offer In the Omaha r-unday Hee. tie j Endless Variety Ready for You at Hospe's N Charge ft Fitting. Nebraska Notes from Beatrice And Gage County BEATRICE, Neb.. Jan. 3.-(Special ) The csso of the ststo against Fred Fteier a fimitp llvlmr nmr Plrkrpll. charged with assaulting Fred Pape, a neignoor, was heard in ju:e i.'iik court yesterday and the court put both the principals In the case un.ler a peace bond of $,"i0 each for six months. Oils, Hudson of Udell wan granted a divorce cterday In district court from llenre Ittliljton on the KrolltlJs of cruelty end desertion. She was given the custody or the children. 1 ir w s VWI Biinrr ntendent of the Institute for Feeble Minded at this place for the last three years, last evening confirmed the report that he had been appointed superintendent of the Hastings' asylum, to succeed Dr. Baxter. He will assume his new duties February 1. Forty head of thoroughbred Duroc Jer sey cows were sold ycBterdny by David Hoesiger, a farmer living near Cort land, and averaged Ul each. A petition was being c.rculated here teutenl:iv to place the name of A. D. Spencer of Barneston on the ballot as a candidate on the republican ticket for state senator. Mr. ispencer Is the present tenator from this district and defeated Julius Neunian, democrat, two yenrs ago. The annual meeting of the Wymorc Farmers' Lumber, Grain and oCal com pany, was held Thursday, when the fol lowing officers were elected; President, 1. W. Jones; vice president, L. N. Ad kins; seceitary. Q. T. Stephenson; treas urer, P. E. Tames. During the last vear the company handled s;i,000 worth ,f lumber and coal and .ws.i worm oi grain.. J. W. Gardner Is manager of the plant. H00 H00S WILL MEET IN IMAHA NEXT MARCH (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 22. (Speciat.)-Tho In dependent Order of Hoo Hoos for once was crowded off the map last night, bill will make up for It by holding the an nual session, usually held in connection with the state lumbermen's meeting, in Omaha In March. The lumbermen closed their three-day session here with a banquet at the Lin coln hotel. As soon as the feast was over they were compelled to move to the big dining room of the hotel to give room to the military ball which had engaged the rooms in advance of the lumbermen convention. This put the Hoo Hoos out of the running, us there was no ploce for them to go sufficiently largo to es cort the new members over the sweet smelling onion beds. Jn closing the convention the lumber men passed resolutions protesting against passenger rate increases and calling on the state department to use Its endeavors against the raise. The convention took a stand for thicker shinnies, made of better wood as one of the means that should be used to satisfy the customers. Commencement at Fremont. FREMONT. Neb.. Jan. 22.-(Special.)-. Ten members of the 1915 mid-year grad uating class of the Fremont High school received their diplomas Friday evening. Four of the members of the class gave irations. They were Miss Haiol Snow. Dale Mater, Stanley Johnson and 1- reiik Kanada. The other members are Clare G. Brunlng, Herbert J. Devrls, Gilbert M. Fulllngton, Roscoo Elmer Jackmun, Daniel Johnson and Amanda Ellen Molumby. Women Have Kidney f.; M DR. KILMER' III SWAI3P-R0 8 ROOT! Kidney, Liver & Bladder REMEDY. DIRECTIONS. NlTflVIM. lw r thfSM UspooDiuJ kW r r aiur rural utcl bedltma. Cbiidnrm 1m accordlnf to H May comnfje with "trial I dcM u4 iucntm to full 4mm nt auora. U ttt CM4I Would tnm 10 rwutr JfowrfM tMltmoaUla w to ttw rtt tluU it iua bwu tiwel Wllfe bruvM im rueti which twv Umm dMfnoard M until aW'4 oWutiM fcidisty, l.ivr, blxtrirr, and UrUiary littordt-ra, KbruniAtswi, ib itet.k and Jmou, ! ratrARi OMLV T DR. XltHXR fc CO., BINGI1AUTON, N. Y. I-' -f4 ,' 9r j ' i Sold by all Druggist. 7 'hWwui wwt"wt t -r - - J y - ' ---i. , ., , ..... . ... . .. , t '!.; ... " l .' fe . ft : Jit . i frV -. ' fuswiiiiiinisiiiinriWiW.i in of Picture Frames 1513-1515 Douglas Street. Nebraska Custer Citizens Again Agitating County Division t BROKEN BOW. Neb., Jan. K.-(Ppe. elal Telegram.) County division has again raised Its head and circulars are being distributed throughout Custer county, signed, "order of the committee vvluo'i states that the voters of Hergent have adopted a resolution calling for a "lines" convention for the division of Custer county to be held at Grand Island, January 31. The rail atatea that the only qualification necessary la that the .lelegates shall be voter of this county and favor division. Before the Board of County Supervis ors adjourned the official printing of the county was divided between the - T 7 DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 27 Years in Omaha. 0111-22 Woodmen of the World lMg. Phono 1. 1750. Itlh and 1'nrnnm 8ts.t Umahn, Hours 8 to 0; Sundays, 10 to 12. ALES 'J cember and the first part, of January were 210 per cent greater than for the corresponding period of last year. Which shows how truly we spoke when we said in a recent announce ment: " The more we put into our product, the more we take out in sales. II G OODWEAR A &f O N TIRES l Rubber Rivets. II Ml r'e Bratded Piano Wire It- C2 It I nn mii im i i i, I fice. Men only treated. Hundreds of the Most Prominent People in Omaha have been cured by. CaiVILLIfliY! CHEIQHTOH MAXWELL 408-9-10 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Parnam Sts. Phone Red 4390. Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. i Nebraska Chief and Republican, the two Broken How pspr- The W. O. Purcell lTlnt lng company of this city, wss awarded the contract for supplies. The city council Is getting after a number of cltliens, who have refused to ray their occupation tax and have Instructed the city attorney to bring action at once. ftr Faalnee for Primrose. PRIMROSE, Neb.. Jan. 23. (Special.) Trlmrose haa organised lis first volun teer fire department and has bought two new chemical fire engines. One of the engines has arrived and upon the arrival of the other one, the firemen propose to give a demonstration of their work and a dance and an oyster up per. Primrose haa before had no fire protection of any kind. Bee Want-Ads serve hundreds daily. Dr. Bradbury a Safe Dentist I am not low man on price, but high man on quality and service Quality and aervlce have created a monopoly tor me. The people call on me first because they would rather have my Judgment In the care ot their teeth than the work and judgment combined of a Dentist ot less experience. They also know that 1 give them something more than Just plain dental work. My best lead Is keeping up with modern Ideas, (creating many of them myself), making satisfactory treatments, finings., crowns, bridges or plates as simple as1 possible with a guarantee of ten years. Favorite Leader In the treatment ot Gum DtneaMon. A booster for your health. Will your teeth have the care this year? Send for booklet on unusual dentistry. Railroad fare for fifty miles allowed. on Goodyear Pneumatic Auto mobile Tires for. November, De Goodyear No-Hook Tires re fortified against i Rim-cutting By our No-Rim-Cut feature. Blow-outt By our On-Air Cure. Loose Tresdi By our Rubber Rivet. Iniecurity By our Multi ple Braided Piano Wire Bate. Punctures and Skiddinfr By our Double-Thick All-Weather Tread. Piles and Fistula Cured Without Surgical Operation or Pain. No Chloroform or Ether given. Writ ten Guarantee Given in All Cases. Pay When Cured. Carfare Paid One Way to Points Within 50 Miles of Omaha. Patients must come to the of- C(T3 The Store That SAVES YOU MONEY U Oj"ta 4-4"tv P- .Ps k 1 415-17 So. 16 th St. Furniture for FATKIim tr TOO iFATKIim tr too I I -zz Always a Pleasure to Show You Th well known Orlola Go IiANkett, ttaowa In tbree stylM, prlcd t 92?, 1 15?, '132 llcd lrnihiUtirs. in natural and brown finish, priced at ' 1 42? 1U? ' 1 552 C'olllll Nulklf, pood enB, built for uprvlce; without nood, J?275 nd $22? with ?075 "P hood. .- An ertra nice Ud Sulky In the natural fln'sh, 8705 1 at ..... ItiKh Chnlra n 05 P from . . See th now high chairs with BeamWt porcelain trays, In fumed and golden oak, priced at Mahogany Four Poster Beds -mm W a i i a w 49 Styles of Mahogany Dressers IVIce ItAoge $14.95 to' $165 That is the actual eount. If you need n new mahogany dresser you till cer tainly find one here that will please you 'perfectly, not Only In design, con struction and finish, but in alie and price as well. Come In and see the entire line. We will be pleased to show. you. Prices ranee from - 140i. 165?,19110 Mines Large Tapestry m Everyday Kitchen Needs Featured Aluminum Teakettle and Holler ?32 Little Queen, 3-plece aluminum Baking set, com- 8O50 plete for O - Aluminum Percolator Coffee pots, with. glass tops 8 1 65 and fbonlzed bandies. . . X Five-pint Aluminum Stew Pans, extra quality "1892" oq guaranteed ware, each OiC 7-Piece Aluminum Sets Exactly like cut. Extra fine ware, guaranteed for long service. Con sists of a large covered kettle, per colator coffee pot, Urge baking dish, stew pan, teakettle, double boiler and fry pan. 8075 Price, complete 7 Prli Payments Phone Tyler 1000 1 Phone Doug. 335 Little Folks u ii This Store Strongly Features 8m our comMnntion S175 rofkfr blKh chair at...r Tbe Btdwny CullapaJM Go. carts, shown in various stjles and sites, at wide price ran. Drop Klde Mfl CVIba. com plete with sanitary SC25 P springs O The Little Mother lUby Tender, a bis help to busy SO 50 mothers; price........ s , Ilnby Walkers 9125, 2t5, Onllapslble Nnrserjr Sett la. mahogany, well 81 15 finished, at Youths' Chairs, SOl5 up from lTory finished Reed Balnett, rory attractive, ?fi75 priced, at U ltrkln horses, velocipede! coaster waRons, etc., shown tn good to-rlcty at rery low prices. $23.50, $24-50, Up Vltatever you need In the way of a roahogany bed they can be supplied at Beaton & Laler's to every possible advantage. For Instance: We show 88 Mtyles of mahogany beds four pouter, Napoleon, Adnm, Bhcraton, Colonial and modern types, In full and ? sizes, priced from -I 185.2 ?235?1 H22 Covered Chairs and Rockers Beautiful Restful -Enduring You will find on Beaton-Laler's sales , floors In unrivaled variety. Not the cheaply built grades, but the kind with the best construction possible built of fine, high grade mater ials throughout and covered In splendid tapestries. Our ex tremely low prices make choos ing here doubly easy. Bee these big values, at 820.50. 828.00. 20.50, 831.50. S33.00. 830.78 ! 810.00. YOU MAKE MONEY BUYINQ AT OUR PRICES-lnvestittd Boaton A Laier 10-piece Handy Kitchen Bet, exactly like cut puta all the knlvea, forks and spoons needed In cooking at your finger ends and gives a place to keep grocery bills behind Si 25 shelf. Price complete. . . . 1 Large Folding Clothe! Rack A necessity these cold days for drying clothes Inside; well built of hardwood. Ex actly like cut. aq Price Ut C1J If You Wish and you will recslvr the sams courteous scrvlra as t'lcjjh you were delivering your Want Ad to THE BEE Office In Person