i HIE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: JANUARY 23, 1016. 11 A - v. sr . . i y -v - - z - HUDSON SUPER-SIX IS HIT JR GOTHAM Gay Smith Declares New Machine Was a Regular Riot at New York National Show." FIRST SALE WAS OF A HUDSON Hudson Super-Six Has Arrived in Omaha The super-six, the new seventy-! horsepower creation, the cur that created a hundred new records on the Sheepsf.ead Bay speedway, was the sensation of the New Tork Automobile show, according to word received by Ouy I Fmlth. the local distributer of the Hudson. "I have Just received a letter from the Hudson factory tellins; of the Rreat re ception accorded the Hudson at the show that seta the standard of automobile ex cellence all over the country,"' said Mr. Smith. "The ahow opened at 2:80 Fri day afternoon, the last day of the year, and five mlnutea after the Hudson recorded the first sale of the exhibition. The car that went so quickly was a beautiful white town car, . the Interior finish of which waa In white and black tripe. It waa sold to wealthy New Yorker, who bought It for hta wife. "The factory state that thl ear was among the most beautiful at the show, regardless of price, and there were cars there costing a high as $9,000. Each af ternon and evening the Hudson exhibit waa the mecca of thousands of admirer of motor ears, who volwi their praise of the beautiful white Hudson In the warmest term. "The factory tate that the new super elx motor created a furor, not only among show visitors, but in the auto mobile fraternity. Thousands of ques tion were asked about this smashing motor, which without enlarging tne cyl inders or adding to their else Increases the horsepower by SO per cent and the motor speed by 60 per cent. The six cylinders In the patented super-six motor having a, total capacity of 288 cubic inchea. produce more power per cubic Inch displacement than any motor ever made, excepting special onea for racing rttirrwMiM. "The first day of the show more than . .. e H.mnnstratlons were made for prospecta considering the purchase of a super-six. The car periormeu in ihe dense traffic of New Tork City and took the ateep hill leading to Fort George, a miniature Coney Island resort, on high speed without the alight est difficulty. Tiwm oil renorta received from show, thl promise to be the greatest - ll,iin--ffli' VX, yr m0-e I .SaBS"""""01'- " . Im Ml TluiJ ' m'iniii"ni'- ' .. .,. -M-.- I - unit Joi'""" "T f r ? f f T r , ,Bfli in i I - """' "HlMli Hi ill I 1 to procure the membership card ball ben efit which Is now enjoyed by all mem bers of the Omaha Automobile club. It surprised me to hear how well and fa vorably known the Omaha Automobile club la to the eastern motorist. While east recently I met seoretarle of many of the big club and they all thanked me for the reliable road report and touring Information given to members of their club while touring in the west. If the ssme old story, you've got to get away from home to see how famous you really are. Omaha molorlsta hav responded to the call for member with the reault that we are steadily climbing up to the top of the list." The Ralabew Rack Dry. The color of the license number plate thl year, they ay, will uck the rainbow dry a a herring. There are two western states which have very "eloquent" com binations, something Ilk lavender and pink and green and red. VOLUME OF AUTOMOBILE TRADE IMPRESSES STEWART 3. T. 8tewart, M, president of the J. T. Stewart Motor company, a consolidation of the 8tewartr-Tooer Motor and the Mitchell Motor companies, has returned from New Tork. He waa Impressed with, the volume of business transacted at both the rierce-Arrow and Mitchell exhibit at the New Tork Automobile show. Heard At the Omaha Automobile Club Some Record, Believe Us I "Just fifteen days after the club ent out the little reminder that the 1919 due were payable we find that nearly half of last year' membership ha already paid up for thl year," smiled Clarke O. Powell, secretary. "And, believe me, that I some record to be proud of. The Omaha Automobile club member en Joyed keen motoring benefit last sum mer, and that's why they ars coming back with a rush." California's Highway. "Over half of the 1,000-mile stretch through California of the Faclflo High way Is already concreted. The three states, Oregon, Washington and Califor nia, are building one of the most mag nificent highways ever constructed, and one which would serve the country so well In case of war. The highway fol lows the coast line from north to south. and for miles and miles hug the Pa cific' shore. Over $16,000,000 la needed to complete the road. Birds of a Feather. Someone asks why an automobile Is like a baby. We don't know, unless it s because most of the troubles come the second summer. Alas, Our Liberties Are Going; I A ' motorist of Los Angeles has written ,et around this? By "this" we mean the law, not the girt. Beware, Omaha Motorists I Fake motor league hav been spring ing up so plentifully In the east that there Is a general uprising to stop the graft These fake motor leagues say they will protect your car against then, tne membership fee "fluctuating" according to the nerve of the promoter and absenoe of nerve on the part of the motorist. The American Automobile association In In vestigating the flock of vulture. An other graft game I that In which the promoter promises a big reduotlon on tires and supplies, and even gives a reference which makes you credulous. The refer ence Is always treated splendidly and actually given reduction, but only the reference name. Kansas Plans TtomA. We told you along In the wee sma months of last year that the bulk of overland traffic from the east is going either via Nebraska or Kansas, and It Nebraska didn't make a noise like a per manent highway, then Kansas would. Kansas Is Just now considering a state which would, make it a misdemeanor for person of the male persuasion to op erate an automobile and to encircle the waist of a female woman at one and the same time. How will these Instructors the automobile this country has congress to see if a law cannot be passed year - th.t I ,- i. . w.i..mo,in. fnr ever known and tne jnuin""- - the super-six will lead the way in num ber of sales for cars in us price u. Auto Manager Says Newspapers Have Always Been Fair "Frankly, my thoughts at the end of the old year and the beginning of the new turn gratefully to the newspaper men and their newspapers." says A. Q. Selber- Hng, general manager of the Haynes Automobile company. "The Haynes car has had In 1916 the most successful year In Its history. It I has made news every year of its ex- frnm tha time when Elwood Haynes completed 'America's first car.' Every time we have real news to give out we have given It to the newspapers. and thev have alway " treated item about Haynes on a strictly news basis. I do not believe hi and will not counte nance 'fake publicity. It la bettor for the public, better for the motorist and better for the automobile maker that nothing shall be printed about motor cars or motoring la general which 1 not actually new, and therefore' not only of Interest, but really helpful all around." bond Issue for $10,000,000 to build a per manent highway acrosa the state, east to west. They haven't done it yet, of course, but they are k,eener, we believe, to the advantages and benents of such a high way than ia Nebraska. . "Hey, Quit Breaklm Dat Glass P Officers Plats, Paterson and Lahey were given the club reward of IS for the arrest and conviction of person throwing glas on the streets. W wonder If the motorists of pmalia realise the good we are doing In helping to keep the street free of Jagged glass and consequent punc tures. There's a whole lot of motorists In Omaha who can easily afford a flve dollar bill every year for the support of an organisation that I "doing" and not merely "promising." Think It over, you motorists who have t.e spare change. and come on down and sign up. We'll welcome you with open arms. . eastern Clnbs Consult Omaha. "Our reputation la spreading like a ripple on a pond," said Secretary Powell Last week the Akron Automobile club and the South Bend club wrote us asking for particulars, and Instructions as to hot W Very Informal We don't believe in frill and formalities. Our battery service goes to the bottom of things, tell you in plain language what is wrong, and correct the fault. , Nebraska Storage Battery Co, 8803 T-arnam V Tel, Donf. 10. Free inspection of any battery at any time Omaha Auto Men Go to Chicago Show With very few exception the Omaha automobile dealer have planned to at tend the Chicago Automobile how dur ing the next week. The following have signified their Intention to attend: Joe a. Robert. John De Jong. George F. Reim, R. E. Davis, E. V. Armstrong, I j. E. Doty. P. C. Smaller, Charles Gardner. Charles Corkhlll, G. E. Doug las. H. T. Orr. J. M, Opper, C. W. brands. W. H. Head. W. G. Manley. K. J. McPhane. T. J. O'Brien, Lew Tray- tior. Carl Changstrom. II. E, Pelton, E. R. Wilson. L. A. Keller. A. W. Sidney, J. T. Stewart, Id.; W. L. Kllly, H. B. Noyes, J. A. Mclntyre, Lee Huff, H. E. Sidles, W. T. Wilson, W. E. Foshler, F. W. Baoon and F. E. Miller. I i Spaces for Omaha Auto Show Displays Spaces for exhibits at the Omaha auto mobile show were drawn Friday after noon. The numbers were all thrown Into a hat and the order of choice for space was determined bv the number drawn from the hat. George F. Relm was the lucky man and drew first choice for the Cadillac, Lou Traynor got second for the Cole. Interstate and National; W. T. Wil son drew third choice for the Grant and Davis. H. F. Orr drew fourth for the Packard. Carl Changstrom drew fifth choice for the Alien and H. Pelton drew ..v.nth rhnlre for the White and tho Franklin. Omaha Branch Shows How Sales Are Made r The sales of water-proof clothes made by the Omaha branch of the B. F. Good rich company, according to W. 8. Ruth eiford, branch manager, were la excess of those made by Minneapolis, Chicago and St. Louis combined. Reo Quality Is Uniform Every Reo Car Is a Good Car YOUR REO MOTOR the motor that will go into your Reo into every Reo car is dynamometer tested. Perhaps you don't catch the full significance of that statement sounds like "shop talk" to you. ALL RIGHT, WE'LL EXPLAIN: And in the explanation perhaps we can show you why Reo quality is uniform why every Reo is just as good just as powerful, just as sweet running and just as low in upkeep cost as the best Reo we ever made. MOST MAKERS CONSIDER it sufficient to subject every tenth or every fifteenth and in some cases every one-hundredth motor to the dynamometer test. (Of course we are speaking now of those leading makers who have this expensive equipment. Many scarcely know the meaning of the term.) It is considered sufficient gauge of the accuracy of workmanship and the power of motor to test one "about every so often." IF THAT ONE PPOVES UP it is assumed that the rest of that day's run will average about the same. If it falls below the requirements in the test it is in like manner assumed that the rest are tdow standard and measures are taken to correct it in the next batch. MEANTIME YOU MIGHT be one of those to get one of those that didn't prove up. NO ; THE REO FOLK do not consider that kind of testing sufficient. It isn't sufficient, for example, that the Reo the Fifth we sell you "averages up." The Reo standard says your Reo must be as good in every respect as any Reo ever turned out of the factoiy a little better if possible, since today's cars ought to be better than yesterday's. AND SO YOU CAN KNOW-yyou can feel absolutely sure that the individual car we deliver to you, has, itself and its every part, passed through the most rigid tests. IF YOU COULD VISIT the big 30-acre Reo plant at Lansing, Michigan, as we have, and see the four rows of dynamometers with meters and other electrical equipment, you would exclaim, "What an expensive testing equipment!" BUT WHEN YOU DRIVE YOUR Reo car you will appreciate the economy of a testing system that guarantees every buyer tlffe utmost satisfaction for his money and makes ymi and every other Reo owner a booster for Reo. JONES-OPPER CO. A. H. JONES OMAHA, NKB. HASTINGS, NEB. DlstrlDHlors Kariara ana nozraera steorasie and Waster Iowa. Distributor Bouthsra and Western STebraska, 2 REO ,tlieKfth -nsyls ml ju A. w 1 .ppn "CTY" ri -$12,50 2SXE Another Maxwell Record rv.; st THOUGHTLESS or" prejudiced people are wont to assert that a ligM car is necessarily a short-lived car and that it can not stand up under prolonged hard usage. ( The Maxwell is a light car. It weighsT950 pounds and, so far as we know, it is the lightest car of its power in the country. ( The Longest Motor No-Stop Run in the history of the automobile industry has just been made by a stock Maxwell Touring Car, This record is authentic, the run being officially observed by the American Automobile Association , " For 43 days and nights this car was driven over city and country roads, averaging more than, 500 miles per day the engine never stopping, the car stopping only long enough to take on gasoline and oil. This remarkable endurance - record disposes fi nally of the theory that excessive weight means strength. It justifies the use of light weight scientifically heat-treated steels. And it shows that the economy of operation, consequent to the light weight of Maxwell Motor Cars, is not secured at the expense of sturdiness or durability.' The purchase of a Maxwell will assure you of the same rugged qualities, the same sterling worth that makes such an enviable record pos sible. All Maxwell cars are built of one quality and that is the very best we know how to produce. By buying a Maxwell you protect yourself and your investment. Osm cKasstsi fWra Vmif striae Two-Passenger Roaoster, . . . $6iS Fhre-Passsntrr Touriaw Car, . 615 Tooriaf Car (with All-Weether Top), . 73S Two-Passenger Cabriolet, . . MS Six-Passenger Town Car, . . 91$ Full equipment, including Electrle Starter and Lights. AU price V. O. B. Detroit MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN K z 1 : v: ETJCX C. W. Francis Auto Co., Distributor. 2024 FARNAM STREET. .U TKll VV.B. 1ST O U It N i: V ADDRESS WILL BE PHONE DOUGLAS 853. 3210.2318 PA11XAM ST. i