Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 10

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    TIIE OiLAITA SUNDAY mill: JANUARY 23, 1916.
City Commissioner! to Ask Fifteen
Physicians Eegurdinj Scarlet
Fever Situation.
mz sztuce foe makt cases
At an executive conference the
efty commissioners decided to call
fifteen physicians Monday afternoon
for discussion of the scarlet ferer
situation, and for the particular pur
pose of determining whether the city
would be Justified In declaring an
emergency to provide funds for rent
ing another hospital tor the care of
scarlet ferer patients.
The City Emenreney hospital on Doug
las street, and a small hoaplta.1 rentrd
by the city at Twenty-second and Lake
atrweta, hare bsefi filled to capacity, and
the health office reports there are ip
proximately seventv-flve other patients
who ahould be sent to an Isolation hos
PttaL As a matter of policy. Health Commis
sioner Connell will not 'disclose the total
number of cases In this city at this time,
and ever CoramldHoner Hummel, tem
porarily in charge of the health depart
moot, says hs does not havs this In
formation, but expects the full situation
win h disclosed next Monday morning
at the rerular meeting of the city coun
cil committee of the whole.
The health commissioner did not attend
the conference held, although It Is un
derstood he urges more hospital provis
ions. The mayor and health commissioner
discussed the situation during the after
noon. Dr. Cornell stated that the scarlet
fever situation la Improving.
West Ambler
Sooial Activities
A dangMer was born laet week to Mr.
and Mrs. Loo Eaken, Forty-sixth and
Marey streets.
Mrs. Oeorye Cole Is quite ill at her home
on West Leavenworth street.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Wrleth are rejoicing
over the birth of a daughter last Hunday.
Mr. L Zorn and family moved Into their
new home on May berry avenue last week,
Mrs, W. T. Hammond has been con
fined to her home for a week past with
Bernice, the email daughter of Mr. and
Mm. Grant Ilayea, has a mild case of
scarlet fever.
A daughter was born last week to Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Settle on Fifty-seventh
Miss Emma Wesenberg Is confined to
her home with grip.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hrotk have taken
a house on Forty-eighth and Iac1flo
streets snd started housekeeping.
The Grace Bale Plhle rlaes will nvet
Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock with Mrs.
K. K. llensman, 4'X 1 Center street.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ml!l-r have mived
bark to Omaha from Kansas City, Ma.,
and will make their noma for the presi-nt
with Mrs. Miller's sinter, Mrs. Carl
The West Bide Women's Christian Tern.
peranre union will meet Thursday, Janu
ary 27, with Mrs. John Oanls, Hick
ory street.
Miss Marie Jensen of Lusk, Wyo., for- J
marly ef Omaha, end Mr. Lee Marshall
of Little Medio! na, Wyx, were married
Tuesday, January IS, at Laramie, Wyo,
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall will make their
home at Little Medicine, Wyo., where Mr.
Marshall has a large ranch.
Mr. Taut Davie was quite III with the
grip last week, but la Improving.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn and family
of Ht. Joseph, Mo., are moving to Omaha
to live and have taken a houee at Forty
sixth and Marry streets. Mr. Dunn Is a
brother of F. C. Dunn snd Mrs. Dunn Is a
sister, of Mrs. I-emy Fraxell.
Mr. Murray 1!fh and family moved
Wednesday to Ottumwa, la., to live.
The Woodard company who have oc
cupied the Hart atore as a grocery have
moved their stock to Forty-eighth and
Cuming street and . will engage In the
sams business there.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Johnson entertained
at dinner last Punday for Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Johnson, Mr. Fred Johnson and
the Mlws Agnes and Andrea Nielsen.
Mrs. J. Hurt entertained at her home
on Fifty-eighth nd Hickory streets
Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. A. O.
Knight. Mrs. Glen Oerken snd Mrs. N.
F. Brewster.
The reception whlcn was to have been
held for Mr. I. H. Chenoweth list
Wednesday evening at the Jennlntra
church, and was postponed because of
t'.e storm, will be held Tuesday evening,
January 25.
Mrs. Joseph Fearer entertained the
Mothers Kensington club Thursday after
noon. The Mlsaee. Lydla, and Carrie
Wilder were guests of the afternoon.
The plan recently adopted by somo of
the Omaha schools of serving hot lunches
to the pupils at the noon hour Is being
taken np In the rural districts and the
primary room of Oakdale school Is serv
ing lunches for that school. The chil
dren will see let their teacher, Miss
Ourtha n. Long la preparing the lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wlsler entertained
at their home Monday evening when the
following guests were present: Mr. and
Mis. John Black, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Cockayne, Ray Cole, At Johnson, Al
Jorgenson. Jim Moore and the Miss;
Carrie and Helen Wlsler.
A new pleasure club was organised last
week and Is called the T-Nem-Esuma club.
Forty-seven young people have signed as
members and club meetings will be held
the first and third Thursdsy evenings cf
every month at the Woodmen hall with
a publlo dance the last Saturday In each
"Arcadia Court" Is to be the name of
a new residence addition west ef Miller
park to be platted by W. F amain Smith
and Harry M. Christie. Mr. Smith and
Mr. Christie have Incorporated a 150.000
company to purchase and develop this
tract. They expect to start grading and
the special Improvements in the spring.
The streets are to have double park
ways, one for tree planting and the other
for shrubbery. An elaborate entrance Is
to he constructed from Thirtieth street,
fronting 1 MCller perk. There are to be
about fifty: large lots In the plat.
Want-Ads never shirk then work they
will get results. If anything will.
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield
Resigns from the
Suffrage Committee
Mrs. XL M. Fairfield resigned from the
chairmanship of the City Central Suffrage
committee yesterday, sending In her
resignation by letter from her home,
where she ie quarantined with a daughter
111 with scarlet fever. Mrs. Fairfield's
reason for resigning la that her daugh
ter' convalescence will take her from
the city until next autumn.
At Fort McConnelL, on the chores of
Lake Houlihan, three miles west of Val
ley, the Fort MoConnell club Is enjoying
Its annual week-end roast pig feast and
house warming. Fred Busch Is master
of ceremonies and Chester Weeks baa
prepared the address of welcome to the
Invited ruests. Prof. Ryan's orchestra
la furnishing music. Twenty-five mem
bers of the Fort McConnell club, to
gether with nearly as many guests. In
a special car over the Union Paciflo left
for the lake. Ed Hennessey of the Rock
Island was In charge of the party. Hen
nessey Is supplying the vocal music
With many of the southern and far
western golf links open all winter, golf
has become an all-the-year-round sport.
Gibson Sella Fans.
Catcher George Gibson ef the Pirate
baa disposed of hla acreage near Mount
Take Iron, Says Doctor, if You ,
ITf tr rn. m mm aa
want rienty ot "Stay 1 here'
Strength Like an Athletcfi
Ordiaary aTasated Iron Will SCake Deli,
oat. Verveus, koadowa reople
00 fttrena-eT la Twe Weeks'
Time, In SCaay Oaaee. '
NEW YORK. N. T. Most people fool
ishly seem to think they are going to
get renewed health and strength from
some stimulating medicine, secret nos
trum or narootlo drug, said Dr. Bauer, a
specialist of this city, when, as a matter
of fsct, real and true strength can only
come from the food you eat. But people
often fall to get the strength out of
their food because they haven't enough
Iron In their blood to enable it to change
food into living matter. FVotn their
weakened, nervous condition they know
something Is wrong, but they can't tell
what, so they generally, commence doc
toring for stomach, liver or kidney
trouble or symptoms of some other ali
ment caused by the lack of Iron in the
blood. This thing; may go on for years,
while the patient suffers untold agony.
If you are not strong or well, you owe
It to yourself to make the following test.
Bee how long you can work or how far
you can walk without becoming tired.
Next take two five grain tablets of or
dinary nuxated Iron three times per day
after meals for two weeks. Then test
?'Our strength again and see for yourself
iow much vou have gained. I have seen
doxena of nervous, rundown people who
were ailing all the while, double and
even triple their strength and endurance
and entirely get rid of ell aymptome of
dyspepsia, liver and other troubles In
from ten to fourteen days' trme simply
by taking iron in the proper form, and
this after they had In some cases heesi
doctoring for monthe without obtaining
any benefit. But don't take the ol4
forms of reduoed Iron, iron acetate or
tincture of Iron simply to save a few
cents. Tou must take Iron In a form thst
can be easily absorbed and assimilated
like nuxated Iron if yoo want It to do
you any good, otherwise it may prove,
worse than useless. Many an athlete or
prlxe fighter has won the day slmplv tie.
cause he knew the secret of great
strength and endurance and filled his
blood with Iron before he went Into the
affray, while many another has gone
down to inglorious defeat simply for the
lack of iron.
NTiTB Nutated Iron reonunenod above bv Dr.
Sauer. la one of the newer o Iron com
pound Vnlike the older Innnmnls Iron pmaiKta.
It Is eesllr amimliaied, a not injur, the teeth,
make (hem Mark, nor npaet the Momdii nn the
contrary, it Is a moot potent nmetr, n nearly all
forma of InillrjMtlon, a veil for nerroua, run
anvn oondltloua. The Manufarturera hare e-ira
sreat rotifMtmre In Nuxated Iron that they offrr
In forfeit 1100 00 to any eharltaMa Institution If
they cannot take any man or woman under M
who larks iron and Increase their atrenrth ano tier
rent or ever In four weeka tiraa provided the?
have no serious organic trouble. They also offer
to refund your money If it doe not at lat
double your strength and endurance 1n ten dM
time, it Is dispensed In this rltr by Ktwrmn.
Mrnnel1 Prvif Htorea and all other flrwas'a.
, For Bargains, or to Get. In or Out of Business, Road The
Bee Want Ads Daily.
Phi Beta Pi Medics
Have Initiation and
Food Now Members
Alpha Alpha chapter of Phi Beta PI
National Medical fraternity, located at
the College of Medicine of the Crelghton
university, conducted Its annual Initiation
for new members Saturday afternoon and
evening, winding 'ip a strenuous day with
en elaborate banquet at Hotel Loyal.
Beginning at the noon hour the "Nee
phltes," or new members to be Initiated,
were put through various stunts and tor
tures and compelled to ride the "goat"
continuously until the welcome hour for
the banquet arrived.
The banquet In the evening was one of
the most successful gatherings ot fra
ternity men ever held In Omaha, about
seventy-five members of Phi Ileta PI be
ing present, many of them coming from
distant points. A stringed orchestra be
hind a bank of ferns furnished music,
which was Interrupted quite often by tra
temlLjr and college songs from those
The toastmester for the occasion was
H. 8, Murphy, whose sparkling humor
end ready wit lent mirth to the oceasion.
The following toasts were responded to:
"Phi." by Dr. A. V. Hennesay, Council
Pluffs;' Beta,,'. by Dr. M. E. O'Keefe.
Council Waffs; "Pi," by Dr. Claude Uren,
University of Michigan; "The Skull," by
lr. Robert Retser, dean of Crelghton Col.
lese of Medicine.
The following are the new members of
Till Rota PI initiated yesterday: Dr. Rob
ert Retser, dean of Crelghton College of
Medicine, Omaea; James Egan, Taooma.
Hash.; J. H. Regan, Grand Island; l.o
ursney, fceneca, Kan.; Harvey Stapieton,
Omaha; Raymond Young. Johnson, Neb.;
. Lo DeBcher, et, Marys, Kan.; R. V.
MuUin, Omaha; Raymond Tremor,
Omaha, aad BmU ReldusUdt, Omaha.
Eighth Graders "
At Castelar to
Give a Class Play
Following Is the program of the eighth
B claae play at tbe CaMclar school for
next Wednesday evening at S o'clock: .
"The Art CmV a play. The cast:
Sfarold MoOulre..., 11. U Heinla
Julian 1-aev.lck. Una, X V. Inn-worth
TI.Bfttiore Wood. J. Z. Barton
tr",w.,n J- .....XI. A. Hamilton
Martha V.c:. M.Mra. A. U. Moderell
-, A. X. AVOIC
nwnUr........Mre. R. L.. Ranrtnll
f j r. i aire, Q. H. Heller
. I M. Carton
rred V. ef .,neyT ljllrrii
Iff4 Kj?"!ml' K- a Barlow
Altna Trejoal... ....H. T. ('aider
i"? i;:1 v; T- M- Morse
l.le lirikni., .......... Mrs. O. M. Andrews
The story of the play Is:
An ert club has twen ora-antaed. This ta
tha rut meeting. Mrs. Aadrewa. a cul
tured woman lu relued cireuiruitames
ln her weddlnr dre. takes a r,l. n..
from inr wall and wr.h c&ne in hand
ru-ru u tw tne t-iut) room ami preevnta
it at t0a meetlna. lira. Anilrami
rtnturee reflected larger lor the flret
llano Solo On the Meadow...... .IJchner
I.tlllnn Hueetcll-
Vlclla Solo Tin u mert ...Schumann
Theodore Wood,
llano Solo Meditation Morrison
leone t iixpenler.
rAHT 411.
Afl:1res, Dr. H. Holovtrhlrer.
l resenlalon of dllumas, V. Graff,
SvioerinWndent of si'hools.
iMrman song
I'mea sons.
l.Atul-iUtm of manual training work.
Toung people of the South High school
gave a splendid program of Instrumental
atd Vocal selections at the Munmouth
l ark social center Friday evening. The
auditorium of the echool waa filled, and
at the conclusion ot the numbers the
audience gave a rtalng expression of ap
preciation. The orchestra of South High responded
liberally to encores. MUrie tioatty,
aielva Creaaey, , Lucille Nttache, L'aille
Kt-'.i.ticU. livltn lK-nnla, Magna Horn
fctl LAicile Nowriis presented a pleasing
srrVs cf evvilutlotks In cnetumes as six
old;r glrU. The South Hlhh s liool
ecmg was given at the close of the program.
Out on a tour of tl.e system. General
X'aaaj-er Murphy ot the Mineouri Pacific
citit a portion of ruiuiday In the city.
Acconiienlcd hy tivr.cral Suurrlntendc lit
1 ilf he ent (ur the licit line,
looked over the Urniin! and liuipctrd
the work done ou the Locuet street Niu-
General Mliiiasrr Murphy averted that
tl.e .'l!ol il I'm i'ic has no M (ro-cts
;),Jr count. for tlila year, about
tUe CI.' coitlruiplated being the
l .il'itvJiance of the property and cor.
f ef work started last yea.
A Special Muslinwear Value '
Elaborately trimmed Oownw, Teddy Beam,
SkirtH and Combination Buita, some
garmerits worth to $1.93, Special;
UmM Imiml eUsS Va
IjL....,..- .,,1-- .,- yjm H -.s,s.a liiMM w njilang .ft 4 iSi "t---asl.i i.m a. ,i JFJ "qooT
..... ' . f
Free lessons every day this week In Knitting and
Crocheting by Mien Btraoge special claseea-indTv FduaT
Instruction. Miss Strange uses only Kleieher's Yarn, of
we carry an excellent stock of all kinds an5
Rniifrlit From Adnlnli GIuclc
32 East 29th St., New York
OR 0:
A tempting morsel of news is this: We purchased from Adolph Uliioky 32 E. 29th St., New
York, an entire dressmaker's stock from an establishment of high, reputation in the east for
the elegance and exclusive character of its merchandise. We bought thia remarkable stock at
a mere fraction of itn real worth, and will place it on sale tomorrow.
Its Worth
BaaawaaM aaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaBaaaaaaaa
Will Go On Sale Monday
Occupying the Main Floor
On account of the extraordinary concession in price at which we secured this stock, Omaha
women will find the most unusual bargains in the afternoon .and evening dresses, fully made and
partly made; laces, embroideries, trimmings, silks, velvets and dress goods.
on Bale beginning Monday, occupying the larger part of our Main Floor.
This entire stock
Afternoon and Evening Frocks, Suits, Coats, Wraps
Unfinished All-Silk Party Dresses
. at $5.03.
, In cream, pinkr blue, tan, black;
elaborately trimmed; embroidered
in gold and silver,' tinsel and beads.
These are all finished but the foun
dations'. ;They are. actually worth up
to $25.00. To be sold at our dress
making sale" at
All the finished and' partly finished gowns, tailored
suits, dinner dresses in silks, chiffons many of them most
elaborately embroidered in tinsel, beads and lace trim
mings, in this assortment there are imported model
gowns that cost up to $150.00. . . This lot includes , many
evening coats and wraps.'. The material alone , used, in the
connection of the making of these garments is worth
many times the price of the entire garment. They go in
three lots, at
The Dressmaker's Stock of Quality Silks
we have offered remarkable silk values in previous sales of dressmakers' stocks, but candidly,
we've never had Buch high grade novelties at such ridiculously low prices. We have also added
to this stock all our own highest quality, exclusive patterns and this wonderful assortment will
be sold in three trreat lots:
Lot No. 1
17.80 40-lnch Velvet, embossed radiums,
floral and stripe combinations In mono
tone and varicolored effects
f7.R0- 40-lncu Chiffon Velours, In a splen
did range of colorings
$7.60 40-Inch Brocaded Chiffon Velvets,
In evening and street shades
17.50-8 Inch Gold and Silver Embroid
ered Tapestry Bilks for evening wraps
$8.6040 Inch Gold and Silver Embrold
Conelete of Values to
$7.80 Per Yard
ered Radium. Chiffons, Georgettes,
Crope de Chine, etc., etc.; many ex
clusive patterns In this lot
$7.60 40-lnch Printed Chiffon VeWeta,
In beautiful eoler combination
$4 69 40-lnch French Hand Blocked
fiadlum Failles and Crepes
$4.60 and $3.00 Cashmere Brocades,
M&tlasne and many other high claas
$2.60 40-lnch Crepe A r mure In a splen-v
did range of colors
$2.00 40-tnrh Charmeuse Satin
$2. Ri 40-lnch Crepe Charmeuse
$:V 40lncu lUdlums
$2.50 -3 inch All Silk Tussah Suiting
Lot No. 2
Values to $2.83, Yd-
f $2.60 36-inch Sport Stripe French Chif
fon Taffeta
I $2.00 33-lnch Very Heavy All Silk Rush-
tung Sultlng-
$2.95 18-lnrh Printed Crepes, Chiffons
and Marquisette
$1.25 40-lnch Crepe
range of colors
$1.60 40-lnch Satin Stripe Marquisette
$1.60 40-lnch Printed Chiffons
$1.25 40-lnch Printed Radiums
$1.25 40-lnch Plain Chiffon Voile
$1.25 40-lnch Printed Voiles
$1.25 40-lnch Plain Chiffon Cloth
Chiffons in good L()t No 3
Consists of Values to
$1.60 Per Yard '
All the Laces, Embroideries and Trimmings
Many of them art the latesf gold and silver laces, flouncings, bands, galoons, embroidered
nets, embroidered flouncings, beaded chiffons and iridescent trimmings. The most beautiful lot
you ever saw. Worth up to $10.00 a yard. They will go on sale in three big divisions on the
bargain squares:
Gold and Silver Lace Flouncings, up to T a fJ t
$7 lnohes wide I A-Ol lIO. 1
Black Net Top Flouncings, embroidered (Worth to $5.00, Yard
in colors
Novelty Colored Laces, embroidered on
silk maline and fine cotton nets
26-Inch Silver and Gold Lace Allovers
6 to 9-Inch Real Irlwh Laces
IS-Inrh Real Prlnooaa Allnvora
e;o i 0-Inch Radium Silk Nets
xs 10 so-incn diik iiiaoiiuy r louncings, in
. black and white
IS to 27-Inch Shadow Flouncings
Irish Laces, Insertions and Edges
86-Inch Silk Shadow Allovers, cream and
Gold Colored Silk Flouncings, metal
40-Inch White Silk Tosca Nets
40-Inch Fancy Beaded Chiffons, all silk
18-inch Point Liere Lace Flouncings
Lot No. 2
Wonderful Values
From the Dressmaker's
Princess Lace Bands
Gold and' Silver LaceaFlounoinga
Novelty uoiorea Lce Flouncing
12-Inch Heavy Venise Bands
18-Inch Veniee Allovers, white and cream
18-Inch Black and White Silk Chantilly
Flouncings "
it to 36-1 rich Fine Net Top Flouncings
42-Inch Silk Chiffons, all shades
Dress Goods Worth $2.00, Yard 95c
An extensive assortment of high grade fabrics, 50 to 54 inches
wide, lllack and colors in the plain and fancy weaves such as Gab
ardines, Poplins, Serges, Broadcloths, Fancy Stripes, Plaids, Home
spuns, Velours, etc., including many exclusive suit pat- QCi
terns. Values to $2.00, in one big lot Monday, per yard.. iOC
Lot No 3 Shadow Lace Edges and Bands
v ji I Cluny Laces, Bands and Edges
Extraordinary Values Net Top Edges whlte and cream
From the Dressmaker $ lOold and Silver Run Lace Edges
Stock A Venise Bands, white and cream
t j 1 36-Inch Shadow Lace Allovers
18-Inch Lace Flouncing
6 to 9-Inch Net Top Edges,
white ,
cream and
Special Corset Values
Stoat or Slender Models
Corset fitting service st Brandels
Stores la efficient and thorough and Is
applied to each Individual according to
her needa.
Corsets in several good models are
on sale at special prices. Model fov stout
figure, made of Imported coutll, boned
with very best boning. Corsets for slan
der figures In handsome silk brocade,
pink and white. All priced JJ EQ
Corsets for Slender and Medium Fig
ures, made In fancy pick material, low
bust, long hips. Another model In fancy
stripe material, high bust, long hips,
with elastic band at side. J- Cf
Sale price leOU
Corsets at fl.00 that sell regularly at
$1.0. A good assortment. t1 (f
but lines are broken vleUU
Sheets, Sheeting, Muslin and Printed Cottons
Months ago we purchased, just before unprecedented advances in prices, enormous quanti
ties of this merchandise. These prices are based on the low cost to us at that time and not on
the present market prices. Liberal supplies should be purchased now.
94 Bleached Sheeting, good quality,
soft finish. While aeverttl bolts 1 r
last, Monday, yard XOC
38 Inch Durham L.' L Unbleached
Sheeting, very fine quality, soft round
thread finish; full piecea Regular f
price 7Vc Sale price, yard DC
36 Inch Bleached Cambric, Longcloth
and Muslin, lengths up to IS yards. From
the Sayleaa Uleachery. Regular
lOo value. Sale price, ) ard
36 Inch L'nbleached Muslin, good grade,
soft finish, easily bleached and A 3.
laundered, "c value. Yard.... AC
27 Inch Fancy Outing Flannel, dark
Our regular 10c value, yard
and light colors, extra weight. S7I
Extra Heavy Linen Finish Sheets
Our Special Leader, made from best
grade heavy round thread sheeting.
Very desirable for hotel or rooming
house purposes; will stand wear and
laundry. Hemmed ready for ua.
Slse. Actual Value, Salo Prloe.
72x99 In. 65 57o
31x90 In 69e 59o
31x99 In.. ......76o U5 O
-Fine Dress Zephyrs, beautiful styles
and colorings; neat checks and
stripes. Values to lOo yard
36 Inch Dress Fercale, Book fold. Full
standard 64x64 cloth, light and nj
dark colore- Worth lOo yard.. O 2C
36 Inch Fine Bleached Muslin, Fergu
son, McKlnney Co.'s best grade, adver
tiser A. A. Extra fine quality, soft finish
and very dependable. lOo
value. Yard
neat Per
mits, light
27-Jnch Comtorter Covering, neat Per
sian and floral deaigna Full bolts, light
and dark colors. Regular 60
value. Salo prloe, yard...
27 Inch White and Colored Outing Flan
nel, good quality; regular 7 a value. Full
bolts and remnauta. Per A"
yard 4y2C
Thousands of Yards of Light Shirting
Prints and Medium Colored Calico,
lengths to IS yards; Sc value,
Linens Are Scarce
and Rising in Price
Thm BiNaHr af bujiug your Hnra auppllra
mw la appannl. Hera mrm unu extra ccmmI tal
ara al prlrra nut as frt arfrt-tei by Ihf war.
All-Linen Damask, G3c
Full bleached, 70 incuea wide, in the
heavy Scotch make. In a variety of pret
ty patterns. Special Monday, yard, 08c-
All-Linen Pattern Cloths, $2.50
Full bleached. In a large range of round
designs; 70x70 Inches; superior quality
damask, extra heavy. Special, S2.50-All-Linen
Napkins, $2.25
One lot ot full bleached napkins. In the
dinner slse. Extra quality and satin dam
ask finish; 'slightly soiled from display.
' Monday, dosen, $2.25-
All-Linen Crash, l&o
Full bleachad, heavy Bcolrh toweling. II
Inches wide, with faacv colured bonlere. Spe
cial Monly, yard. l&e.
All-Linen Lunch Cloths, $1.50
Odda and enda of lunch clotha, full blearaed.
In the 4S-tnch alae. aWallopd auda. aliahtly
aulled. Kaira aiwviel. mtx. le.
Turkish Towels, 20c
SHU Bleache. double twtated, hemmed endj;
awe awi aiu. am mil incnee. JCach tSr