THE REE: OMAItA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1916. U Nebraska REFEREE TO HEAR STATE OIL CASE AERIAL SQUADRON OFF FOR MANILA The first aerial squadron of Fort Sill has been assigned to Ma-' nila, where the first aerial squadron for foreign work will be established bj the United States army. Supreme Court Appoint! W. Morning- to Inquire Into Ftcti of Controveny. M. AGREEMENT REACHED ON FEES Frnm a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN. Jn. (Special Tflesram. oil rompsnl"- will pay tern for Inspec llon to the state oil cnmmllnner. ac roleins to an order lasuod by the au prorne court thia afternoon after a con ference In which W. P. Mclliiah repre sented the fltandsrri Oil company; Amoi Thoman reprearnted all other eotnpanlc Interested In the auita whlrh have been bronchi except the Manhattan and Na tional OH companlea. Attorney General Reed the etat and Arthur Mullen the oil commissioner. After paying out of theae feet the ex pense of mnntrtn. the department Com missioner Herman will turn the remain der Into the c-fflre of the clerk of the district court to be held pendlnu the aet tlement of aulta already brought, both In the Doualee county dlatrlct court and the eupreme court. The court appointed V. M. Momlns of Lincoln a rcfetw, who wlirinreatlpate nd report to Ihe court In a!ty daya hla finding. Terrible ae la l.earasler. Acrordlns tf statements made by Pep tity County Attorney Lower of Lancaster county, who haa been Investigates the cane. Anna Ilerc-ock of Dallam, a girl of iins-l mind, haa been taken to the Fratrlic Institution for the Feehle Mlnded because of Illicit relation with her two brother. Kdward and Joaeph, also, fctble-mlnded.. The Investigation dlacloae that the girl haa given birth to two Infanta, both of which were fed to the hoga, and ahe la row about to become a mother for the third time. The two brother will also be; taken care of. One of them la 40 year of are and the other J. The girl U about JO. I ' , ' Dr. Faat im llaallaga. Dr. W. 8. Faat, uperlntendent of the Bratike Institute for the Feeble-Mlnded. hag been appointed auperlntendent of the. Masting yium, to aucceed Dr. Baxter, removed for alleged dlaobedlence of the order of the State Hoard of Control. No accessor to Dr. Faat ha been elected. The boaid met thl afternoon and talked over the matter with the auperlntendent, end while the aalary la the ame he la now receiving. I2.400, It will broaden hi flc'.d and for that reason ha decided to tnUa the place. The board ha alway considered the doctor the mot efficient uperlntendent at the head of atale Institutions. -t . .. . ';'-,, r v " 'gr"'i-.-' i- t ':r. r v. rj f - - 0 Oi- i . It 4 .4. n Many Convictions Check Horse Thefts I her husband, and tame to Omaha about six years ago from Nebraska City. ! Funeral services will be held Sunday eft- o'clock from Interment In (Jentleman a West Un emoon at I chapel, with cemetery. BEl.l.B FOITUTI K. S. D. Jan. H.-j Mr. Mary tmeada. (Special At thl term of co'irt In Butte AVOi"A, Neb.. Jan. It (Special.) Mra. county which baa Just closed. William ytmty Am'enda. rued 7. died at her home Mem. William Iren. Charlea Crsgo "! .ou,iir,,t of town today. Mr. Amend a rlonoc fr inia vicmuy. nnm Frank Erlhoff were ronvlcted of horse eteellriK. In Monde county at the last term of court Joshua (Joffey. William .1 Bryan (Juffey and R. ('. James were con victed of horse stealing and resolved sen tence from elthtecn months to five yei 'it In the state pcnltntlr . In additoin to the above some si other convictions have been secured on the same charre and the result haa thrown a f bill Into the horso thieve of this entire aectlon and the authorities believe they will soon rid the country of all of them i' vx-, h-iy I'm W ..-j vA i ZtT.SUTTQrt ' & LT. C ATV (f YtC&i HYMENEAL ii Mr. Wlllinm Henderson and Miss Flor ence Morlarty of Omaha were united In marriage Wednesday evening, January Iff. at I o'elo k, at the residence of Rev. C. ". Meek, pastor of Castelar Presby. Icrlan church. Mr. Albert K. Henderson und Mis Fannie VS. Mitchell stood with tho bride and groom. Advertiser and customer profit by tha "Classified Ad" habit. resided ncsr V' for about forty years. Three ong nd r.e daughter aurvive her. t'. ,rln-olft. C. fJrlswoM. colored. aRod W yesrs, died at his home, nil North Twenty-third street, of tuberculosis. He I urvlved by hi wife end mother. Funeral ervlces will be held under the ausr1cei of the Knights of Pythias and will be conducted from the Oreve Methodist ehtirch. Twentv-second and Seward afreets. Sun day afternoon at 2 ) o'clock, with Inter ment In Forest Un cemetery. ebraaka feaaloaa. WASHTNOTON. Jan. 21 (Special Tele sram. (Nebraska pensions granted: Susan It. Brown. Bestrtce, $12: Katharine Mniititel. Sutton, 112; Thebe E. Mc Hride, $12. Rank Changes, IVAHHN'lTON. Jan. ?n.-(Speclsl Tele The comptroller of the currency hsa ap proved the application to convert the Loxell State bank, Iovell, Wyo, Into the First Natoinal bank of Lovell, capital. A chapter liss been Issued the Farmer and Morchsrla bank of Alcester. f. D. caplal.- .. A. '.. Ofstadt la. presi dent and .1. A. Swebson. cshler. Tills Is s onverstin of the Farmer and Mer chant State Iwink of Alcester. ntl-lreparrlnesa Petltlaa. KEARNET. Nb Jan. 21.-(.pecial Tel eprnm.) rnltions against preparedness are bcina circulitcd about the city and a lar;e numler of business men are aim ing the documents. The party who la do ing the work 's not known. Local poll tlclana deny any knowledge of the origin of the petition. Oar Jltaey fitter Tata aad Sc. Don't miss thla. Cut out thl slip, en close with Se and mail It to Foley A Co, Chicago. III., writing your name and ad- dresa clearly. Yo will receive In return J a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar compounds, for cough, cold and croup; Foley Kidney nils, for pain In aide and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments, and Foley Cathartlo Tablet, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for con stipation, biliousness, headache and slug gtah bowel. Sold everywhere. Advertisement. DEATH RECORD W. A. Gross. W. A. Gross, aged Bl year, of Elkhorn. died at St. Joseph hospital -of atomach trouble.' He was a tailor and had been a fealdent of Elkhorn for ft , number of year. Funeral arrangemcnta have not been completed, Heafy and licafy await ing word from relatives. Mr. Daniel flapsaddle. Mra. .Daniel Clapaaddle, aged years. "died at' hen home 1911 Davenport afreet, after a short nines. She I aurvtved by Grand Prize, Panma-Peific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915 Baker's Breakf ast Cocoa The Food Drink Without a Fault Made of high-grade cocoa beans, skilfully blended and manufactured by a perfect mechanical process, without the use of chemicals ; it is absolutely pure and whole some, and its flavor is delicious, the natural flavor of the cocoa bean. The genuine bears this trade-mark, and is made only hy Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER MASS. mi. u. . pat. owp !!:f Notes from Beatrice ; ; And Gage County; . v- - .... j BEATRICE. Neb.. -Jan. 21. (Special.) The county board of upervlor yester day passed the annual expen bill, walch amount to $l.o. v. Thl 1 a Increase of only T0 over tie ' llmate of, last year. For the erection, of county tall the board will ral HS.OOO tht er, and the balance neoeaaary can lm taker oar of In 117. and 1M. Iat vear tlt.Wa) "wa used for ratlrlng court b.tuae bond, which Item wa omitted thla year, a the ramalnJnf SW.OOO does not fall due until 191$. HatUo U. Ur of, this city Thursday u.n suit for dlorc against ner nu. band, Ackey V, Uoy. charging Mm with nonsupport and desertion. Mm aks fof alimony and money for thg support of the children,- Carroll Arnold, a member of tha aero tatlc team of AmoUl Whit, which hag t8uri the aU'a for the lest el year plvlng exhibition at the covnty fairs, died her yesterday of pneumonia. II wa i yeais of g and. the son of Mr. and, Mr, t. .'A. Arnold of Talrbury. Hs 1kx-s no family except hi widow. In the $20,000 damage suit of Rexford liobbs of this city against the Burlington lompany for Injuries sustained at Helvey when hla touting car turned over on a Kurllngton croealtig near that' place, the attorneys for the company filed an ap lllciuton in the District court yeaterda asking for the appointment of three phy-ek-lans to make a physical examination f Mr. Dubbs.- His attorney objected and lae case wilt bo heard In the district iui-t. Uobba alleged that the crossing waa In a daneroua condition and 'that lie haa been permanently disfigured and Injured. The volunteer f!t.--ien-held a meeting Wedneaday evening and decided to hold a big banquet In this city soon to which Flie Commissioner Rldgell and others will I Invited. JUH'pn jvracv, a piunerr miurni ui tile Cortland vicinity,, dledj at hi home near Krapp wa born In Germany In IMA aud cam to Gage rounty In 187!. He I aur vtved by two daughter and two son. LlGHTNER OF St. EDWARD HEADS THE LUMBERMEN (From a Staff Correspondent,) LINCOUN. Jan. H. (Special Telegram.) w. Llghtner of St. Edward was elected president of the etat Lumber men's association; Fred C. Kretter of I'ausaae, vice presiaeni; c. c. tiau or i Untoln, secretary, and E. S. Clark of York, treasursr. The insurance department elected U. W Kligleaton. Bennett, prealdent; J, It. Mel ville. Sterling, vice president; B. K. Hall Uncoln, secretary, and E. R. Judkln t'pland. treasurer. .According to a statement made by Ni than Rogera, secretary of the State Hard ware association and a member of the I Nebraska Retailers' congress, $130,000,000 1 Is sent directly out of the tat to mail order house.' An affiliation of all r-J tall dealer will be made, according to Mr. Robert, to fight the mall order Louses. Dr. Kreb f Philadelphia was again the principal speaker at the session this afternoon, talking on methods of attraet-l leg the customer and getUrtg the bual-j .. lalered Ma a Dead. BEATRICE. Keb.. aa. tj-(peclal Telegram r-Otsg Haas mt OMsburf, Ksn.. who waa injured In an explosion t the atone crvsaer plant at Blue springs a week age while attempting to .-nu a lire win gssonne, mistaking III tfr ktroeene. died In a hospital here to He was St rears nf in mnt .. nusirkd. . The body will be taken to Olda- I tjft fur uittrnvnt. r Y ear iff. IT MEMJ me r n We are working like Trojans counting and measuring until our heads are in a whirl, and we are almost ready to parody Hood's Song of the Shirt, "Work, work, work while the cock is crowing aloof, and work, work, work till the stars shine o'er the roof measure and count all the day. Fold up and dig out and weigh, until we are ready to cry enuf, and wish for a holiday." As soon as this is all over we open up new Spring goods. Indeed, they are crowding us now, and before the old is well off, it's cn with the new. For instance, we have been forced to open up a shipment of NEW FROCKS, and they are just as sweet and cute as they can be. Made from silk, mainly taffetas, stripes, plaids and plains. Our buyer calls them Restaurant Frocks. What names they do get, don't they? And yet these are not named unfitly for they are just right for that after the matinee or other meal at club or restaurant Some real enticing ' Spring Suits have blossomed out ali:, in a special case all by themselves. But these things are not what we started out to tell you about. BUT Oifeit Kid-Oat Sale at .iGlroatrick's " SATURDAY, JANUARY, 22. y Pre-Inventory Shoe Sdle HUrt at 8:30 when the doors open. ' .," $2.95 and: $3. 85" day ot the Hdding out of odd lotg ot extremely ftn shoot md mainly, by "Biker" worthy, to bear, the . "KllpatrlcV" name- thle Insures correctness and distinction and' when we tell you that they are the lefl-overg of ; shoe ot this season'whlch Sold at I&.00. $6.00 and . $7.00, you will appreciate t1iesv,ue nd tIbk. ' We cannot promise" th beat 'service unless -joak com In the morning. , j r. , ;' ,' v' ; '. . SATURDAY AT 8;30 1 Great Rid-Out Sale of Remnants: Remnants or Wool Dresa Goods all kinds and col- org; light weight, medium weight, heavy weight, Poptlng, Broadcloths, . Wool Crepea. Brocades, Twills, Cheviots, Merges, Etc. Nothing common In ' style or mean In quality. Bunched in two lota re gardless of coat or AQg nnfl Qft ,hV former retail prict. .HivC ttUU - i70C yird , A f (QM Odd lengths from Waist . to' Dresa, At I7C which sold np to $1.60.- ' . f Mao Odd lengths from .Waist to ' Dress! VOC which sold up to. $3.50. Included will 6e remnants of Cloaking. IUreJyr do you get such a rbance. , . , Us many a long day alnce we gathered together the SILK ENDS And Now We Come to the GRAND PRIX EVENT, ...0. the Most Wonderful i m GLOVE SALE "Which' we have presented since the embargo of AugunjU 1014. If you .only had an opportunity to taU.wlth glove men. to read the glove reviews, to scan the letters which we receive almost daily, you wquld, value at Us worth this opportunity. Now it might be pertinent for you to ask If all ths is so, why sacrifice prices or profits, llero's ' the answer: SOME KIDS IMPROVE WITH AGE This is not true ot kid gloves. And the answer is .' the reason for this sale? for we want to place on your hands these gloves while they' are perfect and while we are sure that they. will, give you wear and satisfaction. 3 Lots, 69c , $ 1 .09 and $ 1 .50 111 tiiU IJVC 1UL $1.25 and $1.60. and not - a pair or two, mind ye, but hundreds upon hundreds ot pairs. And the best colors and every popular 'site. In the $1.09 lot We think the last time was in the early fall.' " What an accumulation when we gather them, in Charm euses. Crepes, Foulards, Brocades, Stripes, (Jour-' geltes, Fancies; Indeed, most of the popular Silks are represented. Two divisions here also, t prices; OH. n-nA on. Pr aUU Ua7l,; yard Tn fVin OQ- lAf Are mainly XII bUQ Ut7t iuu although $1.00' goods a ; few' were inches wide; a In the 89c lot higher. These are nearly all 2 7 few 38 Inches. Are silks which sold from $1.25 to $2.25. This, let contains some exceedingly desirable, silks if you can get the length you want. You'll be very glad you rame, aa there Is such a choice. Early comers will be rewarded. THE WHITE SALE OF GARMENTS FOR INFANTS Children and grown-ups. nearing the end. New groupings at absurd prices to close out. $1.50 These are par excel lent. Soma sold at tl gn twit nnlv a. fsnv. Tha malnHt mlH st tl 7Zi and $2.00 per pair. The beat of colors and every elxe. LAST IT AUK liOXO, 16-button length, white only. Not every sire, but nearly so. We sold same quality at $3.50; these, at The dame who rules the fashion world hints white long gloves will be en regie whatever that may mean. ' . ' THIS SALE STARTS AT 10 A. M. Don't slip up rn the hour, pleaue. We cannot fit Saturday, but will gladly fit after next Tueeday. ALMOST AT THE END OF OUR 1 TETHER ON SECOND FLOOR FOR CHILDREN I FOR MISSES!! FOR MOTHER! 1! FOR WAISTS! FOR PETTICOATS!! FOR DRESSES!!! . A wonderful opportunity. If we could get the goods before you, so that you might really know -THK AISLES WOII.D NOT HOLD THE KLVEHS. COATS AND SUITS What an amazing month of selling we have had. You would imagine that lock, stock and barrel would be gone. Do you know, It is no light task, no easy matter to sell out entirely a vast stock such as ours. Almost always a few left. These we'll try to et rid of Saturday Coats which sold up to. 10 O'clock $15.00 , Dresses which sold np to i $15.00 .Saturday $2.50 Each FEW HIGH CLASS COATS LEFT Two Lois Saturday at 10 A. M. Some sold as high as $22.60, Some sold as high as $35.00, ' at V.' ANY SUIT LEFT Which sold up to $35.00, at Each. $12.50 Each ; $10.00 Which sold up to $65.00, $19 00 WAISTS, 29 CENTS 08S SI. 49; neither rhyme nor reason for quoting former prices. Differences would seem ridiculous. FURS WILL FLY Completely out, we hope, Saturday. Scarfs fl OO O I .a70 Which are worth up to $15.00 at Some ot Lynx, Fox, Seal and Jap. Mink at $5.00 One Leopard Set, was $65.00 One Tiger Set, was $45.00 One Hudson Seal Set, was $45.00. . One Mole Coney Set, was $60.00. . . One Seal and Skunk Set. was $65. One Seal and Ermine Set, was $S5. One Black Lynx Set, was $125. . . . One Black Lynx Set. wss $67.50. . . One Fisher Set, was $160 One Taupe Fox Set, was $150. . . .. One Cross Fox Set, waa $115..... Pick at $25.00 VA Price Children's, Misses 5 and Juniors1 Sales All the Hats and Bonnets, trimmed or un trimmed. (In the lot the fine foreign velours.) Two prices: 75c and $1.00 THE ODD COATS AND ODD DRESSES LEFT FROM LATE SALES Coats and Dresses suited to ages 3 to 15 years. Skirts for misses. It don't make 2 cents differ ence now to us whether prices were $5.00, $10.00 '-or $12.50, and there are some that were each ot , these prices. At 10 In the J- QQ Each morning at ' Jl.i70 FINAL CLOSING OF JUNIOR COATS AND SUITS Sold up, to $15.00. ' C AA Eac,h 'for ..'........i JiJ.Ult Sold before up to $35.00 $12 50 EaCl1 XONE EXCHANGED NONE FITTED PLEASE IiEAD THIS. Miss Flanagan, The Millinery Manager Whispered in our ear. Say the last word on Winter Hats tor Women. I don't care what price you quote let It be a price to clean off my tables of every hat if possible. HERE'S A TRY 8:30 In the morning, any trimmed Winter t Hat can be taken away at P That's loud enuf, is it not, and low enuf also? Do you know, we glanced at some of them found some pattern hats name of the artist who designed them sewn inside marked $20.00. Peo ple will hardly believe you it you tell them that she said. Oh, yea they will, we replied especially when -wa tell them that we can't see they were ever worth that price. It's in the name, she says. Well, at $1.00 they will be taken quickly and that's the important thing. Fine for skating; kind at CROCHET CAPS the dollar 29c Take it from your Uncle Fuller, you'll have many a chance to get ' your dollar's worth of wear before the birds begin to warble. Oh, Saturday is going to be a grand day, we. opine. I tl -wtBBMaBBMLtsss 1 .sr MM I .