J TIIE BEE: OMAHA. RATI! K PAY, JANUARY 2 IHKJ 15 v A 4 FOR RENT-HOUSES Miscellaneous. - . J port st W't Farnam. r.. ,M Kmmrt St.. mod. ex. ht....$1 -r.. ?.'; Parker St., colored, mod.... ! i-r , Sbolhv Court, mm! hi IS r r, I r.HH TKl ST CO. Douglas R. p.n-.5-I- r,n N Pt. 1-oul flHt. $v0-f-room ,' 131S Pacific" St. ... A. WOLF, 514 arc Rlk. Douglas vt. HOI SKrt FOil RKNT. I'RKIiill, HONS CO., HKK Pl.bU. IHM'O. iyi Wirt CIIARLKS. rooms, bath. fW. Popploton Ave.. 5-r. and hath. $17. JOHN N. FRENZFR. Douglas ;4. FOR RENT-APTS AND FLATS Writ, ' tWf. rKv"KS ' S.TT'l IiKH'KV AVR NEW AND l"P-Ti-nTF. ONLY1 TWO LF.FT. $ rooms with 6-room accommodation; strictly modern, has two built-in beds; latest lighting fixtures; excellent loca tion! Tllf elv Hni'nrnlArl- t .. I..I.I....I fiorrp.es; $V1 (0 $40 ASTINV.S HKVriKM. 1M4 Harney PL 4-R.. "Ki ' Hiirnev. NKtv." enneii. nt" ineal. tlon; tins sun parlor, built-in bed; 17.50 summrr; $42. M) winter; sublease. HASTINGS St HKYDKN. 114 Harney St. A I'AKTMKNT. 4-r., Flo-t-es, 2ftth nnil Capitol Ave., $3.V$40 PFTF.RS TRCST CO., Douglas WO. ST. CLAIRE, 24th and Harney, i-room apartment. Call Harney 647. Snath. FtATS. S-r., 3111 Iavenworth St., mod. ex. ht l(t 5- r., Shelby Ct., clone In, mod. ex. ht.. 14 6- r., 1U2 8. loth. 2d fl., mod. ex. ht.... 12 3-r.. "? S. 2Mh St., near Lea v. St 13 rCTKR8 TRCST CO. Douglas Km. FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment, very desirable, the Chula Vista, 30th ard Popplotnn Ave, $42.cV. 3:2 Bran rieis "eatt-r Phlg. Dunn. r"l. WcmJDLVND. .lint an'l PewVy Ave., 6 room apartment. Harney IMS. M Iscellane4ua. MONTH FRKK RKNT. CLO.NK-IN APARTMKNT. .1 room and bath apartments, brick., mod. but heat, best neighborhood. $12 SO 'id $15. Call for appointment to sec them. D. E. BCCK. 912 OMAHA NAT. P3. &ZX. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Storea, moves, packs, ships, 8-horse V3ii and 2 men, $1.25 per hour; xtorage, $J per month. Sntlsfai'lon guaranteed. Douglas 433S and Tyler 2. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing, 219 N. lllh St. Tel. Douglas 394 or Hume)' 1037. f FlKEPROOic WAKEUOUSfci Separate, locked rooms, for house . bold i;ooda and piano; moving, pacUins and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. S06 B 16th Bt. D .UKlai 4lfi3 niJKLlTl' It V T.N I . 8F.RVICF. J- li 'j Phone Pouglaa 2S.S for complete list of vacant houses .tnd apartments; alao for Horace, moving. 18th and Jackson Sts. t r nraii xp. cor. movim l. V. 1LjHjU packing and storage. 1207 Karnam St. Douglas 4. MAOOAKU Van bloittge Co.: Moving ps eking, storage and shipping. I. 149. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROP'TY Stores. Lease for Sale Good Location ' REALESTATE . INSURANCE 330 Square Feet $30.00. The Bee Building Co. Room 103. WILL remodel space, 60 by 60, for lodge hall. Sd floor of Crounne Block, 119 N. Ifith St., to suit tensnt. CONRAD YOCNO. T22 Brandels Thea. Poug. 1571. bM ALL store room; very desirable:, rent, $l!0:- 1520 Case St. . CONRAD YOUNQ. 322 Rrandela Theater. Douglas 1T1. TV0 wholeitaln buildings, one with trackage. F. D. WEAU, 310 S. 18th St., W en d Bldg. llIODERN store near poatofflce; low renL O. P. Btebbins. 1610 Chicago. WANTED TO RENT l nf nrnlnned Hooaea ana Flats. VVIIY not rent that vacant property? We have dozens of calls to your one. Tele phone u.s a listing NOW. THOS. 1 MOARHY. Keeline Bldg. Red 4.144. REAL ESTATE-WANTED INThl.l.liiKNT and pervlslt'iil aUv-:"J-Ui will "sell" any salable real eatata, and toe largest number of prospective buyers can be reached through the lte.-tl Estate, and Want-Ad Guide to all of Orent-r n-nhH-THE WEE HAVE i'Ai mortgaeo on 5-rooni cottage. I'aved street, due In 1 year. Will take ii amonri or cheap lot. balance cash. Ifax 40. or 414.1 N. 4ith Ft. IIAVIO i Hu iu.yer lui' medium sized apni'tmcnl Iiou.mc property. Thomas Campbell. Krl ne building. Doug. 4yL'.1. ii.VVK nenrly new plnno, fine tone. Ptice, $. will exchange for cheap lo's or diamond. Colfav44.1. WANTED lu swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any i..M for and wet KoiuethiiiK you reully need. Write Room 104. lie lilds.. or REAL ESTATF INVESTMENTS ; BUSINESS INVESTMENT &75Q0,& - . 2Z 132. FEE T - ma I . - - - iCJli " - .... nt V L I U ' 1 & XT A good location for whol to the station! and retail diet! I ot ground go well located whlcl wholesale district. I'hlch price. Bee us at once. GEORGE & rhone D. 7C6. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Weal. MODERN HUC8E-J rvwms. basement, cloacta. pantry and bathroom; half acre set to fruit; hot and cold ater a, I over the bouse Phone Benson RJOW. ort h . El.EOANT hi. me. D rooms, atrictly mod ern: 2 fine large lots, with shaile. and paving paid; good location. Will sell reasonable or put In with some rash on good brick flat or apartment house Investment. TEH HENS, 06 Omaha National Bank. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED North. Pl'T $K TO l per month of your spare money In MINN E L.CSA lots. REAL ESTATE is the FOUNDATION of all wealth. It cant get away from you. and if you buy In a well located new addi tion, you will not cVy save but MAKU money. CHARLES W. MA.RTIN at CO., OWNERS. o Mlarellaneona. HEAL ESTATE. Fire and Oeneral Insur ance. Art Thatcher. 1217-18 City Na tlonwl Bank Bldg. Douglas 3vi. ACRE, good house," 7rtmodarn, 28 fruit trees. Phone Colfax 1062. REAL ESTATEEXCHANGES FOR EXCHANGE 80 acres In the beat Irrigated country: 7-room concrete brick house, well finished; other build ings good: 63 acrea alfalfa; owner wants well equipped garage In central Neb. W. H. Smith. Wheatland. Wyo. FOR EXCHANGE!. An -acre and 300-acre tract In Cen tral Florida for good Omaha property. CHARLES E. WILLIAMSON TelDouKjas 2107. 607PaxtonBlock. m ACRES, Holt Count yrNebrabka. Lays practically level, sandy loam soil, can all le cultivated. Price, $15 per acre. Eastern loan, $1,000 due In about S years. 6 per cent. What have you to offer for emjity ".' Address B 81. care Bee. TWENTY acres fruit and alfalfa farm, nearly Joins Grand Junction, Colo. Highly Improved. Price. $7.0"0. Clear. What have you to offer for It 7 Address (1 'M, care Bee. o eKHOM8, strlctlv modern. Omaha real dence. Well located, practically new. Want western land for my 2,0u0 equity. Addreaa M 3S!. care Bee. o 160 ACRES In western Nebraska for sale or trade for auto or Omaha property. Address Owner, K Itfi, Bee, FORTY acrea. Illinois land. Trice. $3.00). Clesr. Will exchange for western land. Address F 371. car of Bee. o REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee, DUNDEE ' Fine, strictly modern. 7-ronm house, large living room, with fireplace and l"llt-h bookcases; large dining room; finished In quater sawed oak; sun polvn:, iltilKly Mullen, finished ill white tnamel: 4 cheerful bedrooms, ono of them arranged for sleeping porch; nice bath: full basement. House excep tionally well built; Chamberlain weather strip on all windows and doora. One of the prettiest blocks In Dundee. Price $5,760. D. V. SHOLES CO., P1S-16 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Pong. 49 a DUNDEE BARGAIN Buy this fne vacant corner lot for a home or as an Investment. Price has been reduced to sell this lot now. It la a big bargain and to see the lot go to the norlhweat corner of bOlh and liard Sts. For price call CREIGH, SONS & CO., Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. OWAhK ot -rooin house and lot, l."x l.li. in Durdee, has removed from the city and wants to sell Immediately, so makes price $5,500. Ask quickly. F. D. Wead. 310 S. 18th St.. Wead Bldg. FARM LAND-F0R RENT MY FARM for rent, from March 1, next, 148 acres, southwest corner Hardin town ship. J. H. K. Kruae, H. F. V. 2, Coun cil Bluffs. Ia. THE for rent advertisements appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be. beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. HORSESLIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For Sale. ONE mare, o years old, wcigha 1,100, works double ana single; must be sold. Oreen, 3:'l S. 11th St. Thirty-two milk wagons for sale, cheap. jonnson-uanrortn co.. mtn ana Clark. HAVE good work team; will aell cheap to firrt caller. 301H N. 21st St. FOR SALE Eleven head of shoals. W, H. Simpson. Soth and Blondo. HAY-$7.50 ton. A. W. Wagner. &l N. IS. POULTRY AND PET STOCK SlXD grain. 100 lbs. $1.7i. Wagner. Ml N.M. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS LITTLE APARTMENT HOUSE CLOSE IN BIG MONEY MAKER We are offering and anxious to show you this apartment house, which hag four nicely arranged four-room apart ments, complete in every way. The building Is nearly new, with the best of construction, as it was built and Is now owned by one of the moHt reliable con tracture In the city. Call Douglaa 'H and we will be glad to show you this at cny time. HIATT-FAIRFIELD CO., 230 Omalit Nat, Bank Bldg., Doug. 438. . ...... 'c ' 1 ilHllJli f 1 ft i rt . : 'J' i h and Jobbing, bualnemg, conrenlent There are very few small pieces can be picked up at such a moderate COMPANY, 02 City National Bank Bulldin;. -5 v " t r fit i FINANCIAL Real Fatale 1-oaas, alert as WE arc ready a, all times to make loam on. (irst-clasi city properly and eastern Nebraska farm . Kg tea on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. IIS 8. 17th 8t 1 TO for loana on beat clasa elty residences in amounts $J.0u0 up; also farm loana. Reasonable commissions. PF:TKRS TRCBT CO.. 12 Farnam Bt. OMAHA borne. ht Nebraska farms. O KEEFE REAL ESTATK CO.. 0l Omaha National. Phone Douglas fn.V, $ii0 TO $10,000 made promptly. V. b. Wea d. Wead Bldg.. lEth St Farnam Wta MONRY on hand tor city and (arm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. CITY property! Large loans a apeclalty. W. H. Thomas. 2J State Bank Bid. CITY and larm loans, t. tS, lr cenU J. H. Dumont ik Co.. 41 State Bank. Tier CITY LOANS, c Q. Carlberg. Sl v Brandeis TheaterBldg. i MONEY. HARRISON MORTON. Storks anal Honda. UNCLE SAM oh stock at a sacrifice or 1 cent per share; advertised rrlca to non-stockholders. cents; ISOOQ shares, M. T. J. Co'tgh I In, Ed gerton, Kan, Abstracts at Title. WHEN buying real etats have us com pile your abstract. Guarantee Abstract Co., Km. 7. Patterson Big. D. !47. k' If li f "He guarantee and Abstraot A-1-uv', Co., a modern abstract office. 05 R. 17th St. Tel. D. 64)0. REED ABSTRACT tX , oldest abatraut offloa In Nebraska. H BraodeU Thea. FARM r'O RANCH UNDS Florid Laada. FREE TRIP TO VEllO, FLORIDA, Tuesday, February 1, to see the famous Indian nlir farma, where the luacioua orange and grape fruit are produced In abundance; nhore general and IntenSve farming la engaged In; where the possi bilities In cattle, hogs, poultry raising ant dairying ere almost unlimited; Mo growing days in the year; outdoor lite, bunting, bathing, fishing and hunting; good roads, schools and churches. We want you to see this country, where op poitunlty awaits you; where you can secure that farm and home on easy feaymenta. which may mean your very Independence. . Call or write for free booklet and complete plana for this free trip. HBUI'INU A IIEDDINO. 315 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Mississippi Laads. A TEN-ACRE FECAN Orchard costs $.100 down, balance $30 per month without interest, pay.ng you 4 per cent during Investment period. Onhsrd after maturity will pay you $J,ouo yearly. W. T. SMITH CO. Pong. 281fr. City National Bank Bldg. Mlsaoarl Lauds. CENTRAL MISSOURI FARM BARGAINS 125 miles southeast Kansas City; blue grass, alfalfa, corn land; chance to buy right. 40 acrea, partly Improved, tMj. Nice 80 acres, some lich alfalfa land, $1,000. Fine lUO-acre stock farm, HO sec ond bottom; buildings; price, tM per acre; best water. 400 acres, prairie, bal. timber; fenced, running water, fine pasture; $4,200; snap. 2.100 acres, Taney Co.. Mo.; all fenced, fine water and grass; price, $5 per acre. Get In line on these good farm bargains. List tree. Township map Missouri, lf cents, postpaid. Lotl, -'The Land Man," Bal timore, Kansas City. Mo. iJT'-i ACRES improved. 8Vi miles of talem. Mo.; 14i acres fenced. HO acres culti vated: lay fine; good soil; price $40 per aore. W. S. FRANK. Neville Blk., Omaha. 200 CHOICE farma for sale; 148 acres hlghiy Improved; 60 acrea of choice land at $65 per aero; to settle estate. Ed Crott. Richards. Mo. o Nebraska Laads. FARM AND COMMERCIAL ORCHARD FOR 8 ALU. 240 acres in southeastern Nebraska, i miles from county seat; 35 acrea in alfalfa, 60 acres In pasture with running water, extra large orchard of standard apples, balance in cultivation; Improve ments as good as any in the county, complete water system, 2-power spray era, tools and equipment of every nature necessary to handle the fruit buulness, all of which goes with the land with out extra charge. Immediate possession If desired. Write for full description and price i. H. DUMONT A CO. 4U6-IS Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug, W0, SWEDISH COLONY FARM. 155 acres in Hershey colony, near North Platte; apiendld wliool and church facilities at hand. This farm Is nearly all in crop, buy and alfalfa; good buildings, new barn, all fenced, 20 acrea hog tight. Rented for IHI0 to a good thrifty Swede. Owner ia forced to sell. Asks $lim an acre, but we will Hiibnill your offer. Write us. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 5th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 17M. WILL sacrifice on southeast Neb, im proved ltiO acres, convenient to good town; must sell before March 1; no trade. Write for particulars. J 631, Bee. Owner. 16J ACRES irrigated land, suitable for alfalfa, potatoes, sugar beets beets pay $0 to $t0 acre; near town; $46 per acre. Box 20. Chimney Hock. Neb. o Wlseoasla Laada. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state In the union; settler wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wla consin Central Land Urant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested ia fruit lands ask for booklet on apple or. chards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Boo Line Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. Mlicrliaseosi. HAVK YOU A FARM FOK 8ALB7 Write a good description of your land sad send It to the Sioux City !a.) Jour, rial. "Iowa's Moat Powerful Wunt Ad Medium." Twenty-five words aver Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every fcaturday evening and Bund ay for 0110 month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for $2; or 60 words, $4. or lu words. $. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 2741.000 readers dally In four great states. ADVKRTISK your property as though you believed its sale or rental to be Important, by keeping It Hated In the Big House, Home and Beat ICitale Uulde-THB HKE . AUTOMOBILES-FOB SALE 1 - MA Monitor touring Y-'M 2 lKli Packard six. louring 1,700 n-10lfi Bulck c-B.. touring t.jn i 11:114 Ford, touring 226 : i:j14 Stuiiebaker six, touring tiVi ii" IM13 Flanders, touring 2.V0 I A "to Cle.i ring House. i.Ol Farnam. D. 3310. I H EDl'CK TI It E KX FEN S li . Duplex tires are good for 2.0U0 to 6,000 miles' service; cost $2 to $6. Send uj two old discarded tires, or write and ask hWTT'PLKX TIRE COM PA NT, 2M FarnamBt. Omaha, Neb. CLASY-pass. auto, A-l condition; must he sold; I""; will demonstrate. Wal. 315 H. t.Het"hman, 42 Patrick Avn. 1,000-LR truck $U5 Nebraska Bulck Hervice station. 1914 Farnam. Phone Douglas 771 AUTOMOBiLE MUTUAL INbURANCB CO . Douglas WIS ills Livery ssi Garaaree. Industrial Garage Co.. 30 A Harney Its. Ant Repairing! aag Palatlas. Automobile painting dona by experts; 30 years' experience In Omaha: work guar anteed 1st clues. Johnson Dsnforth Co. Coo reward for magneto we can t repair. Coljs re I 'a red. Baysdorfer, 210 N. Uth. Fiee winter storage when ears are paint ed and repaired. Johnson-Danforth Co. f)inj"fala.1tator Hyp Co J"f Fsr l xef An(o Tire a and Sapplles. ACTO TIHK8 RF.Bl.'ILT. ! TO $3.00. DUO TUlk: CO.. leil Ltlcago St. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Receipts Ar Good and Iricei Re main Steady, with Wheat One Cent Up. CASH CORN SELLS UNCHANGED OMAHA, January 21. 191. Receipts of all gralra were verv good today and prices remained steadv. The wheat market was quite active, the bulk or the aales going at a cent advance, al though a few eara sold a cent lower. The demand, in general, for wheat was good and the sales were rather heavy. The cash demand for corn was quite active, but the market was a trifle weak and sold from unchanged to Ho lower. Data receipts were not very good and thla cereal sold at practically unchanged prices. Rye sold from Vfflc higher and barley was quoted at unchanKed prices. Clearances -vers: Wheat and flour, equal to 4K7,00 bu.; corn, 73000 bu.; oats, 2, Ono bu. Liverpool clos: Wheat, IVtSd higher; corn. 1ff:d higher. Primary wheat receipts were 1.1M.00O bu lir'L""".: ,,u. . ?teaV'U- him"" f . bu' 1 riinary corn receipts were I J.TO.onn pu. and shipments Mi, Out bu.. against receipts pr 1,6I,000 bu. and shipments of 7!.00 bu. ! last year. 1 Primary oats rrceipts were 714,000 bu. ' and shipments f.4(i.HKi bu.. siialnst receipts , pt 90f.,000 bu. and shipments of 6u0,00 bu. I last vear. CARIX)T RECKITT8. Wheat. Corn. Oa'ii tT1eago 4 31 Minneapolis $ .Duluth 71 Omaha w Kansas City 17(t :l 1 . 117 134 . ... t1 a w ... j hes sales were reporteil today : wheat: No. i hard winter: 1 car, $1.?0. No. S hard winter: 1 car (western Ne braska) $130; s cars. $1.1X; 1 car, $1.17V,: ar."-. U7; cr- ' 16i 1 car, $1.14 I car. $1.14. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.14; 4 cars. $1.1S; 11 cars, 11.12; 2 4-5 cars. $1.11; i. ar"' H-'0: cars. $1.09: 4 cars. $1.08. Sample: I oar, $J.oi; a cars. $1.0J; t car (si-reenlnga). 7ic. No. i spring: I ear, $1.1. No. I spring: 1 car, $1 17. No. 3 mixed: 1 oar. $l.lii; 1 car. $1.10. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.16; 1 car, $1.14;. 1 car. $ liSH; t cars, $1.07; 1 ear (poor), $1 No. t durtim: 1 car. $1.1. No. 3 mixed durum: 1 car. $1.15. No. 4 mixed durum: 1 car (poor). $1.10. Corn No. $ white: 1 car, fcW. No. 4 white: 1 car, Wc; I cars, SV. No. t white: J cars. .c; cars. 4e; $ cars (poor), mVfcr. No. white: 1 car (wheat mixed), ttr; 2 cars. 6.1c; t car (poor). 00c. No. 4 yellow: 2 cars, 67c. No. 5 yellow: 2 cars. V; 4 cars. tV.Sc No. yellow; 1 car. fi3c: 1 car. R2V.c: 1 ear. 62c; 1 car, 61c. No. S mixed: 2 cars. te. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 7c; 4 cars. OtvVc; cars, ooc; S cara. 0)c. No. i mixed: 11 cars, RHlc- 1 car, 65c; 1 car, 6"c: 1 car, 4Mrt No. mixed: 1 car. 4c; 1 ear. MV; 1 car, 6.1c; 1 car, KHc; 1 car. 62r; S cars, Alii a - .m r.l a ' 1 n r- ... 1 - fi'i,,. 1 ...... 2Mi; 1 car, 'WMic; i car, Sfte; 1 ear. uS1c; x cars. Mm-; j cara, w: l car, 47c; i ear. 45c: I cars. 40c: t car. 7c. Oats No. 3 white: 1 car. 47c; 7 csrs. 47c. No. 4 white: t csrs. 47c. Sample: 1 rar. Hr; 1 car, 43c. Rye: No. 3: 1 car, MViC No. 4; 1-6 car. 01c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 hard, $l.lyl.20: No. 3 hard, $1.1.1Mil.20: No. 4 bard. l. OTihl. IS; No. 2 spring, $1 .IH'o'l .in No. S spring, $1. 1411.17; No. 2 durum. $1 .17 I . . ... . . . .. . r-. . . . . iiji.is; no, 0 uuriim, si.m'a'i.ii; sample, W)p(n$1.105. Corn: No.3 white gSijtOMe: No. 4 white, taWe; No. 6 white. 34ir 1 fic; No. 6 white. tiidjMe: No. 3 yellow, KM, ' rime; No. 4 yellow. 66T7o: No. 5 yellow. I xJiHe: ino. 1 yellow, ai'itrrac no. 1 mixed. wnwc; No. 4 mixed. BfiViftiSie; No. 6 mixed, 64Hf65V0: No. mixed. KlHf&GS'jc; sample mixen, 4orrMc. oats: no. I white, 44T4WTe: standard. 47,tl4ie: No. 3 white, 47V47c: No. 4 white, 4ii(ff47c. Barley: Malting. Afi71c; No. 1 feed. 57N4c. Ryt: No. 2, MHiiWH-: No. 8. W'iiffwV. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers, $15 South Sixteenth, Cms he: Article! Open. I High Low. I Close.l Yes'y. Wheat! May. 1 Sntfl 1 3:,4 1 26 VI KW 1 2H 1 22! 1 25s'l 1 v,l 1 23vil 1 254 July. Corn May. July. Oats 7x14 !79m7"i 7 7$ TlvhV, 4!tl 7' ; B2S 49t, 7'xl 1 May. 53HH1 52N1 4'i44,f'al July. Pork I Jan.. May. Lard I July. Ribs I Jan.. Msy. July. 4!Hr 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 60 10 40 10 75 10 95 IB 50 lft 7tt 10 46 19 87-92 21 00 10 40 1 : 10 25-37 10 25 10 50 10 70 10 00-57 10 2V 10 70 10 75 10 60 10 W 11 26 11 00 10 ST'i 10 7B 1 10 60 11 10-12 10 11 27H 11 25 10 75 I 10 60 11 07U 10 O: 11 27HI 11 12'i CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Fea tares of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 21. Brisk Kuropesn de mand coincident with predictions that a sovere cold wave would sweep over the domestic winter crop belt forced the wheat market today to the highest prices yet thla season. The close was strong at 2T4V&e to 8'4c, net advances, with May tl.Tiy l.a., and July $1.2T.V Corn gained VHfTac to lo and oats S'cl-tic. In provl alona the oulcome varied from un changed figures to a rise of 6-'c. fctoept for a brief setback soon after the opening, wheat showed unvsrylng strength. Buyers found their first In centive In higher quotations at Liverpool, where there was said to be an urgent call for supplies, especially on the part of millers. Cable dispatches from Great Britain explained that contrary to expec tations the clearances from Argentina and Australia remained light. Meanwhile advices from Minneapolis said that for the first time In six months the govern ment of Holland was negotiating for American flour and that bids were also being received from the Italian govern ment and from London. According to the latest estimates the export sales nf wheat today, wholly aside from flour, amounted to fully 1,000.000 bushels. Reports were received that snow pro tection In much of the domestic winter wheat region had melted away, and that wafer standing In the flcldn threatened serious damage In case of unusually low temperatures. Corn resnonded to the wheat strength. Country offerings were smaller and east ern demand was slow. Osts showed Independent firmness. The reason was oemann at trie aeaonam. Provisions, although st first weak, ral lied because of the upturn in the grain market. A feature was said to be the excellent call from Canada. Chicago Cash Prices -Wheat : No. I red. Sl.tt: No. 3 red. $1.274tl.2!Vi; No. 2 hsrd, $1.&".ftl.2Mi: N"n- hard, $1.15'i81 2HV,. Corn: No. 2 yellow. 7'c; No. 4 yellow, 7274V4e; No. 4 while, 72-fr74c. Oals: No. 3 white, 6nfe1riM ';. standard, il'ii&Me. Rye. nominal. Barley. ujiV. Seeda: Timothy. $i .'.ixTW.OA: clover. $10 OfVrf 1 .50. Provisions: Pork. $19 0Ori??0 .00; lard. $I0.: Qlfl 4tV rlhs. 10.37V'O0 72H. B 1 "TTE It Firm; creamery. " 21f 30V4e. F.OOS lower; receipts, 2.070 rasea; firsts. 20i-'!ic; ordinary firsts, 2K''l11e; at mark, cases included. 24j2lic. POTATOF4 Higher: receipts. 20 csrs: Michigan. Wisconsin. Minnesota snd Da kota white, !Wfrl.f; Minnesota and I'a- kola-Ohlos. 90"-ol 00. POILTRY Alive, lower; fowls, 14Vc; springs, 14c. Kansas City 4.raln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan 21. WH RAT No. 2 hard. $1.1'"iil 23; No. 2 red. $1.22'tf 127: May. $1.22V1.23; Julv. $1 1SV CORN No. 2 mixed, ifKnTOVic; No. $ white. 70fr70iy;, so. t yellow. 714r7Trc; May. 74J'74c: July, 75'in. OATS No. 2 white, fcOfiClc; No. 8 mixed. 4SiCc. Bl'TTKR Creamery, Sic; firsts, 20c; seconds, JOe; packing, 1c. KH Firsts. 2!V; seconds, 20c. POI'LTRY Hens, 14c; turkeys, 17c; springs, 13c. 1 . . Liverpool Grain Market, LIVERPOOL. Jan. 21-WHBAT-Spot. No. 1 Manitoba, no stock: No. 2. 14a Id: No. 3. 13e lid; No. J hard winter, new, 13s 3d: No 1 northern Duluth. lis lid. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, 10s lod FIjOI'R Winter patent. 4a 6d. St. Loala Grain Market. ST. IOt'IS. Jan 21 WHKAT-No. t red, $1.S1.Sf: No S hard, nominal; Msv. 1.274; Julv $1.HY CORN-No. 2. 74U-C- No. 1 white, T4'e: Mv, 774c: July. 77'frT7e. OATS No. I. 50r.'.c: No t white. 61c. M0T0RCYCLFS BICYCLES HAKL1S Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. I aryuln in used vnarhinr. Victor Roos, "To Motorcycle Zaau." 27v3 Laaveaworlu. I I OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Mostly Fifteen to a Quarter Lower in Two Days Sheep Steady to Lower. HOGS ARE STRONGER TO LOWER OMAHA. January 21, 1IM Receipts were: Csttie. Hnga Sheep. Official Monday I.4M U.M U.S31 Official Tuesilav 7n official Wednesday.... Offl. lal Thursday F.silmate Friday 2 ' Five days this week . .i.ff.w Same days last week . .:!.' Same ria a 2 weeks sen ?V!tHi Same days 1 weeks sen 1.iT7 paina nays 4 week so l.:l Same dava last vnr 17 The following table shnwa the receipts of rattle, hone and sheep at the Omaha Live Stock market for the year to dale as compared with last -r: 1S1. 1R. Ine Dec. Ca'tle (mmn r X r.lM .... Hots IVt ! IttlttJO U2.1H ! Hheen 1.'A.7J 1iA.7i1 t he follow-in t . 1 1 1 .1 ihoni ttie average ?!.?..!."f .." i'T ST.,0r iU Cm- late -r - i !? Jan. .. 1!I. il91o H914. 1!13.II1.I1!1I. 101" S 74T S SSI t 531 Ort 741 s 7 IC Offl T 00' 7 rtj 7 ll S 4 00) t ' S M 1 , ! ' J,"- ; x J' 7? T fl 4 66VI M 1 Ml T 141 ll I S 4 I a . ': . . , ,1 M! 4 tn ' s 9ui v en i ini 1 1 10. 5"V (C4j 7 0vVl I M T ?4i t ran m !Jan. 11. 70 I T 181 KH "N I I" ! I Jan. 1. TOlSfHl I IT I 7s " . Zt.bl 13.4SW an. SKrt SJ7 :vni 1H 0 lipTsiM 2.714 HI OS 4S,!-. (i.tWii U.MI KI.M7 M.ii'J 7ii.i41 n.".14 42 i40 1,1 ; Jan. u'. i Jan. 15. ;;IJan. 17. 'J.Jan, 1H. ;Jan. 1 I b, I H T W w 1 i.l " ' K S oi 7 00 7 , M ? W 7 1 7 17V 7 oi ri s 74 72 $ 1 T 11 !!!" $; S 07 S 7 IH IS; 7 8H 7 261 01 t 7 .44! 7 Ml (N 7 M 7 . .. . . j. ll2. , .ian. . Jan. 21. 62 S to 15 6 5K I 21 s r 7 wunday. CATTLK Recelnts were moderate for . a Friday, only eighty-four cars being re-j ported In, but the total for the five days this week amounts to 31. 6i head, toe largest of anv le. ent w eek and larger than a year ago by 14.000 head. At the, same time that receipts have been largo this week advices from eastern points , were very discouraging. Indicating a sue plis of beef In coolers, and markets ev erywhere were 10 to lower, this market being no exception to the rule. Buyers of oeef steers were very slow 1 In getting out into the yards, and it was; nMlvf, K.Wfw.K': butchers, avoriff wel along toward midday before anyg an; rows and heifers. $4 75f)6.tiS: stockera ... i n-l L "V, 1 1 1 -. T.-i feeders, $6.0HTi.lO; bulla, stags, etc.. terday and was lOtfl kj lower again toda., nf1wRecelpt, IR.rrt bead; market 51(1 roakhig prices for the two days safely, )lV lowpr. heavv, $.fc7.80; mixed. SH'Mtii 1om25c lower. light. $it.i.70; bulk of sales. $H.7o 1 v owa ana nenere were extremely now remely and dull, and they are around 25c or more lower thnn last week's close. The soft, mean weather made the feeder trade extremely dull, and prices on-the better grades showed about the same de cline as beef steers, while common and trashy kinds wtre extremely hard to move, Quotations on cattle: Good to choloa beeves, $.26x.76; fair to good beeves, 37.MHjw.10; common to fair beeves, $6.bOj 7.40; good to choice heifers, $K.24J7.00; gootl to choice '.'ows, 6.76tf.60; (air to good, cows, $6.iu.76; oommon to fair cows. $4 'A)SA.00; good to choice feeders. D.vhii7 . fair to good feeders. $rt.4O4.K0; common to fair feeder, ta btd . j1 . . . . 1 . . . . n w.w. iuwi 10 enmen siocaers. ii.wjii.w, fair to good stockurs. $6 7.00; common 1 '"'r Blockers H.yitr4.8;.; stock heifers, $ ?"''!; "lock o we. $4.5ili.2; atock $ M- V"1 r'v. $7.00r.&v; -"-. .. .iuwj.-. Representative sales: BEKF BTKKRS. Ns. . rr. Ne. A. Tr. II rrn 1:1 I lu t nr m t M 1 1114 TO 41 7f.4 I 74 It 1010 7 10 lino 7 u ii ms 7 as l 1071 T 40 II IM 7 U II HOI 7 44 II lilt 7 :.6 1 14I 7 M 1 1610 1 ;t U 1U4 7 K BTKKHS AND HEJ1FERH. 14 7 4 71 It Ml 4 U 21 f 7 10 4 1WI 1 u II I0"il 1 40 COWS AND HEIFERS. 4 140 IN COWS. I M4 4 U 1 IMS 4 4 .....loan I 04 14 Ml t It II 1111 M IS KM i 1 101 I M 10 ( Tt RM M 10 Ill M $7 U07 II) 7 lUi I 21 HEIFEJtfl. t 4M IN 4 171 I U 17 IA TI IT, I 14 3 I 4 00 . 14 If) 4 U 4 t It 1 , 411 4 40 BULLS. 5 two I it 1 ins 1 4 t lluo I tl 1 IMS u 1 1M4 I 04 1 llltO I ii CALVES, S 144 I IS I in 1 u 4 47 7 re 7 414 t 34 I IM 7 M 10 110 I oa 1 XM I M 1 Ill I M 1 170 I 74 STOCK KRH AND FEBDKRS. 1 124 I W 11 141 I It I tat 4 10 11 at im 1 44 4 71 U 74 4 M l M IU 14 Ml 7 0J 19 HI T M HO(58 Another good big hog run was on hand todsy, arrivals being estimated st j3 cars, or 1K.500 head. Total so far this week Is 09,583 head, being 35,000 larger than last week, 10 ig heavier than two weeks ago and more than twice as large an a year ago. Receipts so far thla week are larger than for any similar period In the hlsiory ot the yards, and with any kind of a run tomorrow a new week's receipts record will be established. Shippers were more active on early rounds today, buying quite a few hogs at prices that were ateady to as much as 60 hUrher. They made most of their early purchases at $7.0va7.16. As has been the rese every day inis weeg pacaera got off to a slow start. On early rounds (hey offered stesdy prices for some of the best hogs, but as rollers were pricing their holdings higher and buyers were not bidding on anything that did not have some weight only a few hogs had been sold 4ip lo a rather late hour. Before packers could get mucn action Ihey had lo come up to the shippers' level and first sales, which were mainly of weighty hogs, looked strong to in most cases 6c higher tlmn yesterday. Buyers were still leaving nut tne ngnt hogs, but ss the morning advanced corn net itlnn became more keen, and In the end most of the lights brought steady to strong figures, and in spots iney. too, looked as much as 5c higher. By noon a good clearance had been made, only a few loads of common mixed lights being left at that time. Oencral market wss steady to 60 higher thsn yesterdsy's sversge. Bulk of the sales landed at Si.9Cr7.10 with a good many lights at $ and under, and a good showing of the good bogs ss high aa $7 16 the day's top. Despite the fact that this ween m rnenns men im-n 01 the record variety, valuea show a net advance of a big nickel over last Satur day. Representative sa.es. No. u... 41 .. it... 13 .. Av. Pr At h. Fr. ....tr ... m ... Jo 1 4 tc, ....114 1 '! ...fit ... 1 06 ....M4 ... 7 1 ... H, ... 7 It .. t" .. IM ...no ...3"! ,.tn .. :4 .. IM I M 4 "1 1 on 7 K T 10 7 IS 14 7. k; M. W. M. PIGS. I It BHICF.P -Sheep snd lamb supplies broadened out somewhat today, about ttilrty-alx cars, or H.IViO head, lelng re ported In. The five days supply of 62 714 head Is larger than for any recent week being 4.S'i larger than last week, a gain of a few hundred over two weeks ago, and heavier than for the correspond ing days last year by 14.MJ0 head. Advices from other points were not encouraging, snd first packer bids showed a somewhat lower tendency. Hellers thought themselves entitled to at least steadv prices, and asked higher figures right from the start, so early rounds were slow, almost nothing sell ing during the first half of the fore noon. After dickering around most of the forenoon traders finally got together In the end and handy weight lamhs sold at prices that although a little weaker on lper were fully steady considering that fleeces carried a round or more of water. Best here sold at $10.75. Packers over looked the weighty lamhs whenever they could, arid as a result noon found several loads of them mill unsold. The more de sirable weight lambs were shout cleaned up. and as orders were pretty well filled the late trade rroved very dull, with prospects that sellers might have to ac cept weaker prtr-a before they could clear everything. Kwes were In moderate supply again today, and aa a general thing gold In pretty good season at fully steady prices, flood heavy ewes made 17. r,. and a lighter kind sold to $7.30. Yearlings and wethers were again conspicuous by their absence. A big deck of feeding lambs sold at IS M, packers taking HO of the fleshy Iambs out of the load st $10.40. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, I0. .' 10 16; lambs, fair to good, $10.4ulO.&.; lambs, clipped, $u.00f 0; yearlings, good to rholoe light. $ "0 1 l yearllnga. fair to choice heavy. $ rtii ".'; wethers, fair to choice, $;.'(? 7 so; ewes, good to choice, i7.0097.3f; ewes, fair to good, M.-oT OO. Representative sales: No. ff7 fed ewes fed ewes m fed lambs 1W ewes 1 ewe $ feeder lambs 479 Mexican ewes 4X0 Mexican ewes Av. TT. . 90 7 an .9: 1 y .7? is o . 110 7 no . 110 1 .10 . 74 10 7ft ! . W 7 3fi, . M IV, OIICAatl LIVR TO( K MARKKT Tatlle Weak Mora Klran. F.aay Sh eea CMIPAOO, Jan. 21 CATTLK Receipts. J.ono head; market weak; native beef steers. $ti.3Mi.76: western steers. $6 Wf 1 ?S; cons and heifers, $;l.3nh.K; calves, $7 TMTIl CO IK MIX- Receipts. M.0T10 head; msrket easv; bulk of sales. $7.001'!. 40; light. $ 0 ti".; mixed. lw;.W; heavv. $." " f0: rough. SftKMfT.IO; pigs, I wv.. SIIKF.P AND LAMRS-Recelpts. .0i10 head; market firm; wethers. $7.00; ees. $,VMti.ir; lambs. $H.Afr1l 1&. !4. I.onla Lire Ktnrk Market. . . . . . . Uinta. -market a.d nTtlve bee? "sleVrs 7 .$S "vVl"!; s.VVrs snd Urs and feeders. IVflrtfrf.Sft: Texss snd In- Tilllllldlan ateera. .' IwngftO: cows and heifers. $4 niva H: native calves. $tt Onm 1 1 .00. IHXI8 Receipts. Tl.nv bead: market lower; pla and lights. $6 01-7 40; mlxe.1 . ... . . .- . anil ouicnera, s1.4u411.ov; gotai neavy, $7 4.VT17 W. PIIKF.P AND T.A MRS Receipts, l head: market steady; yearling wethers. (iiP.S; lambs, $.oiniio.H7; ewes, 0. (H7.M. Kansas City Live Stork Market. i ji ,s i i 1 T jan. zi. a 1 1 1 ,r re- eelpts, 6i head: msrket steady; prime fed steers, $6.2;4f0.2t; dressed beef steers. $.7rrt 25; western steers. $6 5tHS.50; tockera and feeders. $6.0iiflg 00; bulls. $; 5onJ 50; calves. S4.50T10.on. HOOS Receipts, 7.000 bead; market steadv: bulk of sale. $7 IOH7..1R: heavy, $7.Snrff7.IO: packers snd butchers, $7.Sf; Sr.; light, $7 0nf,7:m; pls. $'. IVu 90. SMKF.P AND l-A M HS Receipts, 4.rfl) head: market strong; lambs, $10 lof 10 V; yearling. $6..V4i9.2&; wethers. $7.2 t."5; ewes, 6.7Mf7.65. Sinai City Live Stork Market. PIOI'X CITT. Is., Jan. 21 CATTLE n 1.... ai k..j. ..i,.i i-..-ir. ..... (67 10. SHKF.P AND LAMBS Receipts. .700 head; market strong; ewes, S7.2A; lambs. Sx.uOtj 10.35. St. Joseph Live atoek Market. FT. JOSEPH, Mo.. Jan. 21 -CATTLR-Recelpts, 500 head; market steady: steers, $7.ooi.25; cows and heifers, $6V!tg.75; calves, $7.00friO.OO. IKXIS Receipts. 7.000 head: msrket steady; top, $7.40; bulk of sales. $7.1.V 7.s". BltFTFP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.000 head; market stesdy; lambs, $l0.in10.9). toVk In aight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western msrkets: 1 milt, rinas. oneep Omaha Chicago 2,000 18,0") s,ru 1.'0 4.0 0 4.0O 2 0v 2.6CO 1.000 boo M.floo 1,lVx) 2 1. ore 7.00 . ....... . ... . Ht t.oill. Kanaas City.. Totals K.flnO 120,000 22.500 HRW YORK (IKMCRAL MARKET daotatlona o "7 Virion Commodities. NEW YORK. Jan. H.-FLOUR-Held firmly. WHEAT Spot strong; No. Durum. ll.ttU: No. 1 northern. Duluth. S1.6CA4: No. 1 northern, Msnltoba, $1.56, f. o. b.. New York. Futures firm: May. l.40"t ' CORN Spot firm; new No. i yellow, lie, prompt. OATH Spot firm; No. S white. 66Hfirc. H A Y Firm : No. 1. $1.2-'WOl.2i; No. 2. $1.16; No, 8, $1,00. HOPS Quiet; Blate, common to eholea, 1916 crop, mtcifie; top, 639o; Padria coast. 1915 crop. uffliBo; uii4 crop, 1510c. HIDES Steady; Bogota, SOUfvtio: Central America. 30c. provisions pork, firm; mess. 130.00 fM0.60; family. $23.0Vrt 24.00; short clears, $19.6023.00. Beef, steady; mess. SlS.&OrrJ 17.00; family, $11 nmtj is w, ird, nrm; middle west, $10 RrvniarVi. LKATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. $30 S4c; seconds, $2ff33c. TALLOW Firm; city, Sc; eountry. TVs C80; special. Sc. Bun rtv nteany; receipis. .ou iiioaj creamery extras, tUv'Mc ; firsts, Z&332c; seconds, 2fiV(T.f7Vc. KOOS Weak; receipts. T.M cases; fresh gathered extra fine, tynxie; extra firsts. a(j51c; flrsU, 2flc; seconds, W.i it'-'o. CHlCKSIO Firm: receipts, 4 boxes; state, whole milk, flats, held specials. Win; stste. whole mtlV flats, average fancy, 17c; state, whole milk, flats, current make specials. 17H'Trl7ie: state, whole milk, flats, average fancy run, 1V tl71c. POULTRY Dressed, strong; fresh killed chickens, ltiVv0!7c; fowls, 1lglAc; turkeys. 2Vfr27c. IOITLTRY Live, weak; western chick ens, 16c; fowls, 12c; turkeys, 18i30c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 21. COFFEP After opening nlet st unchanged prices the market for coffee futures sold about S to 6 points above last night's closing fig urea on covering, reports of smaller Bra slllsn receipts and an advance in milrels at Santos. The demand was by no means active, however, the advance was partly lost In the later trading under scattered realising or trade selling. The close was net unchanged to I points higher. July sold at 7.20c early and reacted to 7-lHo. Sales Include switches, 24. MO bags. Quo tatlnna: January, g.Mc; February. S.93o; xi.ech. ftc: April. 7.03c: May, 7.(bc; 711c: Julv. 717c: August. 7.2lc; September. 7.2r; October, 7.31c: Novem )mt 7.'Vr; Dwember. 7 42c. Spot coffee, eas'v; Rio 7s. Tc: Santos 4s, '4c. The cost and freight situation waa atlll un settled, but It waa reported tnat nantoa 4a were offered at from I Hie lo 9.00c baaed on F.ngllsh credits. Offers of Rio 7s were reported in the neighborhood of 7 ie, American credlte. Owing to the holiday there were no quotations from Rio. The Santos" market was 100 rels higher, t 1 tlmaksl Hay Market. HAT Prairie, choice upland, $10.00iBi 10 50 It must be extra choice to bring $10 60- No. 1. $ 00rr,10.00; No. 2, $3fJ00 0i; No 3. $6 OOJrd.OO; choice midland, $9 H)fr 10 00, must be extra choice to bring $10.00; No 1, W.rXKuS.V); No. 2. $7.00911 50; No. 3. $:. OomOd; choice lowland, $ 00, No. 1, $KKuS.60; No. 2. SS.OOfUa.OO; No. 3, $4.0iiJ $00. . STRAW Choice wheat, $5.5?p10; choice oat or rye, $4.00ri.60. ALFALFA 4'holce la quotable at $1100 H3 00; No. 1. Ill.0nai2.00; No. 2. $.0JjU.OO; No. 3, $o.0O3-S.00. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. COTTON Spot, steadv: middling uplands, 12.3oc; sales, 1,010 bales. Futures opened larely steady; January, 12.10c; May, 12.26c; July, 12.tUc; October, 12 .ttc. Cotton futures closed steady: January, IZ.Hk:; March. 12 Slcj May, 12 66c; July. 12 tHc; Oetoher, 12 7c LIVERPOOL Jan. B. COTTON Spot, barely steady; good middling, S44d; mid dling SOW, low middling, 7.71d. Sales. 6,000 bales. Metal Market. vt.w YORK. Jan. 21. METALS Lead. $6.82i(6.90. Spelter not quoted. Copper un settled with rumored sales of small lots on spot from 26c to SOc. Large producers ask 4'tia'c for electrolvtlo for later deliveries. Iron stead and unchanged. Tin quiet: S!Kt. $41.60 hid. At London: Spot copper. 4:; futures. fx J5s; electrolytic, 11$. Spot tin. 178 l&a; futures. 179 6s. Antimony. 126. Lead. 31 6a. Speller. 90. Oil nad Rosin. SAVANNAH, fla.. Jan. 21 TURPEN TINE! Finn at 6c: sales, 60 bbls. ; re ceipts, 94 bbls.; shipments, t bbls.; Stocks, 14.529 bbls. ROH1N Firm; sales, bbls.; receipts. 7W bbls.; shipments, 1,401 bbls.; stocks. tv.Sfcj t,Dls. Quotations: A, B. C and D. $.40; K, $5.50; F. O, II snd I. V 0; K, rsnn; M, $4.40; N, $4 60; WO, $7.00; WW, $;.x. ' NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Shares Make In-egilar Recorcries from Weakness of PreTious Session. DEALINGS ARE MODERATE NBW YORK. Jan Jl. -Stocks made Ir regular recoverlea today from their weak ness of the previous session, but the movement was cautious and tentative at best. leallnga were moderate, with fre quent lapses into extreme dullness, but prices mere well maintained until the final hour, when leading shares forfeited a considerable part of the gain. Much or todays bujlng originated with the 11 inirrrni, wnicn pronaoiT reit im pelled to cover M cause of the firmness of Investment shares. Interest continued to Center around I nlted States Mteel hv reason of the ap proach of the quarterly meeting. Steel scours Indicated doubt of any dividend action, hut conservative opinion leans toward a partial restoration of disburse ments on the common shsres. Steel wss heavy at the oulset. but advanced a total of 1W points to M". falling back to 83 In the final hour and closing at M'e. a net gain of V Hrthlehem i'teel wss Inactive, opening at 470, a loss of t points, but closing at 44. a net gain of 6 points. Other war stocks were strong for a time, ma'erla! gains being made by crucible Steel, Gen eral Kleclrlc. Westlnghouse, New York Airbrake and Baldwin locomotive and the Motor group as a whole strengthened lo s marked degree. Metal atocks responded to what wss cslled a 'runswsy" market In the metal trade, with gains of I to almost $ points. Oils, especially Texas company and Mex ican Petroleum, made up much of yes terday's reversal, and Mercantile Marine preferred and fertilisers were In moder ate request at higher levels. Manipulative tactics were again re sorted to in several of the high-priced specialties, notably Cnlted States Indus trial Alcohol, which made an extreme ad vance of 2S to 1!, a new record, much pf the gain being made In the final deal ings. International Nickel. American oal Products and Cuban American Su gar, the latter also at a new high record on Its rise of 5 to 1i7. comprised the other spectacular features. Ralls made comparatively little headway. but showed underlying firmnesa. Total sales of stocks amounted lo 670,900 shares. Raltlmore Ohio was again first ef the lesdlng roads to suhmlt December earn ings, the statement disclosing a net gain of $y,n.om Rank clearings felf off slightly, hut local Institutions are likely to make a considerable cash gain on the week. Bonds were fit in, but without special feature. Total aales, psr value. H.XX.OOi. 1 nlted States bonds were 1 1 r. 1. k . call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Bates. Hllh. Lew. CIms. Alssha Oeltl I lv gll, M l.onA -tl- 1414 tn o 47, a,s MS 4.7ne u ) ms lino M4 tx mi, 16.100 KM1I 141 1MV 1i 14Vi Vl 1MV OM ink irtii i' s f?i 14. im rrn "H th am lft1 rShi ima, II. am in pvrii nait $.je w Kt, 44m tnO 44 470 474 foe '4 KH lit; 1 4l 1114 ant, 1111 M'A 170 1714 lilt ! II M M't l.!O0 HV 134, US', 14 1.1O0 00 M14 Ms .' lla 1. 0ns II t4 1T1. 4.70A 1414 H' ' ivt, I. ISO 44V 4F.I4 lt.n OSi S414 7 ..... ..... W 1 T.lnS 41 4Mi 4;t, II 4O0 40 I II4V l.n 1744 TTI 174 1.4m 14 1:114 lis 14 I "0 47 44', 47S l.ive 9av M'4 ia 107 inaa 04 1.t So tan, 1H I. TOO 44 44 ' 4'a 110 , S.ion t4 ft , l.ane 7014 74l 7S Ke u4 1 is W.ono 11114 t'i 111 IU !l4 i;m 11 144 404 l4 i H i;i ten TI T14 754 1.PW 1104 1K I'S .too lio it in 1, no T4 T 7s ne un, 1114, m4j S.t'X) 111 H4a l4t. II'- 4ot l.Tntt Kirs u4 m, no 1T 1'i 17 1 na n 4i ns I. tea 11 11 H II no 11 V4 M4 II 4I"0 1H r1 lm l.tna rf n t 10 Una lWUj 1M 1M44. line env. I nau, ,' l.one tit M !W"4 , 4."e un urn ims 4 no tN MS , S4.sno I4( S Ton 117S 11TS 1I7S , l.tx0 1 TTTt 7TV4 , I, ana 01 014 an it.kw iih m i 74 4" , I Ono mil tsv, tn . 11 100 ns Tin II 4 Allls 'Kalmsra Amsnran Beet Sunr Amerlraa ran Amorl.sn ls-nnntlve American S It Am. S g R. eM Am Husar Rsftnlns Amerlrsn Tl. 4 l' Amerlran Tnhareo Ansronda 4pper ,. armison haMwIn Leeomrtllvs .... nsltlmm-a t Ohio Hothlrhem Hlsel BmeHlvn rtsplit Tr rsllfomla Pstroleurs .... Canadian Psrlfle Onlrsl lsistrisr rhMst Ohio Oilngn O. W Chlcagn, M. A St. r Chlrsan A N. W Chl.agn, R. 1. p. Ry., Chlnn (ppr (nlnrsi1a Fuel A Irna.... Yaclhle giml rnr A R. O. f4 rIMillera' Hemrltlss .... grte 41enerttl Rlertrln Oreel Nnrthem rf finest No. Or rtfs Onssenhslrs Kvplnrstloa., Illlnnla Onlrsl fntsrbnrmish One. corp., Inrelratlnn Coensr t Intsmallnnal Itsrvsstsr. .. Kansas city Boathara.... t-hlh V.ll.T ImIsvIII A NaahTllls.... Mevleaa ratroleara Mlsml rnfwar MlMunirl, K. T. f ... MlMiaarl Faclfle Natlnnsl niarult Natlnnal toil Ksvana Onpaer Now York Cantral N. Y . N. H t Nnetnlk A Wertera.. Nan turn Parlflo Paciris Mall PartflK Tel. A Tol Pennsylvania rullman Palar Car Har Ten. Crneer 'Ttssdlns iH sou hi In Iron A Rtaal.... MiMllhsrn Talne Smilheni Itallvav StnilatMliar CMmpany .... TannaaeM CVeer Texsa VMnnany .......... rnlna Farlfl Pnlnn raclfle M I'nlt4 ftataa Staal r. a. sii pM Ptah Cnpner Waatsrn Pnlnn Wept tnshoiiaa rilaetrlo .., Montana Power rienprsl Mntnra W'ahaa4i B M Total aalsa for the day. 170.000 sham. Dt'W'S RKVIKW OF TRADE Transportation raellltles Iaade. qaale to Meet Demands. NEW TORK. Jan. . Dun'fc fte-tew tomorrow will say: Requirements are go extensive that pro ductive and transportation facilities con tinue Inadequate to meet current de mands. Congestion of freight atlll pre vails at the seaboard and, though rail roads have made additions to rolling stock, domes! lo deliveries are Increas ingly difficult. This condition tends to further enhance the cost of commodities, while Industrial expansion Is checked at several points through Inability to obtain raw materials. Kxrept In Isolated cases there Is no evidence that high prices are as vet les sening consumption, and It la significant that the prevailing disposition la atlll to contract ahead. Many traveling sales men are aendlng In larger orders thsn usual and In some sections, notably in the southwest, forward business la de veloping with exceptional rapidity. All signs point to a very active spring trade, lamer expenditures by tha people are reflected In sleadlly Improving mer cantile collections snd the number of fsllures diminishes, the commercial mor tality being much lighter than a year ago. Without exception Important sta tistical records make highly gratifying comparison with those of earlier periods. Weekly bank clearings, $1,907 t.&4. New York Money Market. NFAV YORK. Jan. 21.-MERCANTILB PAPKR-:i'u3'i per cent. J5TF.RLI.Sa EXCHANGE - Sixty - day bills, $4.71 ; demand, $4.7i; cables, $4 7' HI lt KR Bar, isVSic; Mexican dollars! 44c. HON D8 Government, steady; railroad, firm. T1MK I1ANa-Flrm; sixty and nlnetv days, S42 per cent; six months, 2ft3 per cent. CALL MONBY Steady: high. 2 per cent; low, la ler cent; ruling rate, 1 per rent: last loan. 2 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cant. Closing quotations on bonds today were ss follows: V. S. rat. !. rag.... Hd'Mo. Pac. rv Is.... 45 do coupon W N. Y. ( Sab. 4....1U TJ. g. la. ras 101'aN. V. Cll 4Wa 104 1 do roupoa 101 N. Y. Ktale 4m....1U V 4.. res luN. Y.. N. H. A H. 4a ooupoa 110 ev. 11m Panama a roupoa . lomNa. Puttie 4s HV Am Kmallei 4a ...HO1 do ia 4.. I. A. T. A T. c 4u,a..lt7 O. g. L. rwt. 4a Kiv, Armour A Co. 4a .. 4VtPar T. A T. ta Atnhlaoa aea. 4a. H.l. A Ohio 4a... wwrann coa. 4 Ha I'k SiS do sa. im ,..102 l"li Readlns sao. 4a..... Kit tn h. 1. a. r. r. 4 71 Msgs. Pac. ev. Is 17 4'an. I'aiirir 1st.. (hem. aV lllilo 4e r. h. J 1. O M A B P s 4 l!4. to. Pae rat. 4s 01 C R. I. a P. r. 4a. s4Va. Rallwav ta lOi. r. a . rf. 4H .. m Ualna Panne 4s..... :s TV 4 H. U. raf m ev. 4a s. Kris aan V. a. Rubtstr 4S....1U3'. Va. Klartrle Ha...M4VI' S Aim I Is. JHI4 HMa lit. No. 1st 4Ha.... ".Wahsa 1st la III. Caa raf. K. C. . raf. ts U A N. uni. 4a. If. K. T tat 4i Bid. "Offered. Waal, t'nloa !.... It, SSWat. Kloc. ev. IS..1M Ausio-rraeh Is 14 7V 8aaor Market NEW YORK. Jan. SL SITO R Raw, firm; centrifugal, 4 T7c; tnolaaaeaa Auuc. Refined, firm. Sugar futures opened firm on commission buying and aupport from trade Interests. At noun price war x to s points liigocr. 1 i . r