New Want - (NOW in Cash Rate: H Charge Rate: 8 per lino One insr. .on 7$ jkt lino, Tliroe or more (consecutive) insertions Special Rates: Farm Lands 7 per line, each insertion All Foreign Advertising, under Agents or Help Wanted classification, I2t per word, one insertion. lVtf Pr word, three, or more insertions (con secutive.) (Count six words to the line.) No Ad Taken for Less Than a Total of 20c Or Less Than 10c per Day. Phone Tyler 1000 PKATII a AM n, ; K A I, TIIK i ST3fPK.Hs of 1be Erlcklsyers' I'nlon No. 1 of Nebraska are reiiucHlcd to meet at lodder's undertaklns; nsrlnra st 2 . m., Saturday, to allcnd tho funeral of Brother 1'oapoablM. . H. M. CALLAHAN, Pres. PRANPT .tohn Ct.. Wednesday, January 19. seed 7 years. Funeral services at residence, Pouth Tenth street, haltirdsy, January fa. at 1 o'clock Friends welcome IMease omit flowers. Auto servlce. MOMNK!TII hSU (KMKTKHIKS. MAUKOLFATM. ViHT bury your dead tn the cold cround In stormy weather when you can buy tomb In a marble btilldlnir at reasonable prtceT Tel. M A USOLKU M12,;iL.2l7i ri,7HIHT8. EATH'B.flor I s t a, lrnH Farn am 8t. t. oa CTiENUEKHON, 1SU iioufiaa. D. II Member Florists Telesraph 1l1. Assn. lIKKS BOHj)AI4IFajnnamBt; STbONAOHUli. l&ii Aiarney. Ajoug. KM. UlRlim A.SU UKATII". Births Joseph and Kllna Brown. MI4 Pouth Twenty-slth, girl;, Karl and Msy Blv, J11H Military avenue, boy; Mlirtln and Millie C'litil-k. North Thlrtv-Hec-ond, riouth Ude, Ikiv; William C and Alios Oagwell. 4" North rVrtleth ave nue, boy; Oscar and Frieda Fectiner, ;IMJ North Twenty -third, girl; J. W. and Amy Fltsgerald, 4.VU Franklin, girl: Joe. and Anna Hawley, 4,J Brown. Blrl; William and Besele Hlldebrand. I Ml South Nine teenth, bov: Waller and Irene Miller. 2":I7 Martha, girl: Tom and Mary Mnlchak, Wei V, bov; Michael and Nora o louiih lln. ?7ia H. girl: Michael and Jennie I'awnalnk, l North TI1I1 ty-fourlli. 8-uith Bide, girl: Kdward A. and Ivy May Wld man. l'tftVi North Heventeentli. boy; Michael and Anna Woll'sbaucr, 1714 South KiKbth, loy: Myron and Louise Kal- munill laiVi WIlllNIIl. bOV. Iieaths John Khutnan, 49, ll42 Poulh Slxleenth; Andrew Oachnrsky, XI, Wl-t 8; John J. Brandt, 78, t'CX) Houth Tenth; Iennard Waterman, K7, honpltal; Mrs Jennie Workuff, 7, VC4 Ohio; Margaret Williams, 47, hospital; Swan Nelson, ', 109 Vinton. Ready Reference Directory ACCOUNTANT. E. A. DWOUAK, 0. P. A. 43a-4ST Ramge BUlg. Tel. Doug. 740. AUVbKI tSIKU OV fcLl lk.. V. F, Bhafer aV Co.. lh-Farnam. P. 7471 AKllllTttn. Kvcrftt B, toda. 13 r-eiton Blk. P. KW. AI'iUHsHH. ft T. Dickinson. HlPagton Bik. P. IWH. ALIC'I lOMbKUS. fwwA Auction Co., 1115-HWO W. RIW, WAKC.H1US. B. h. mrrnF.fV 160 N. lth- W. BUAII AND IRON UtlUDHIB. rton-Mltche1l Co.. 27th nd Martha St. CHl0JAACTlO lii'INAL ADJU'MTi nn BURHORN. Wh and Farnsm, Wad aidil P. W47; PUmar achool gradual. I. 1, C. Lawrence. I rslrd Bldg. D. 848L TJR W H. XNOLLBNBEHCI, Suit U Wee 7W Tel. Tyler MM. "tuTROPUDUT. Carrie 3. BufotM.BILJ?.rTi CAINl-i AnO CONTRACTOR u-4ri Sen. 1904 Capitol Ave. T. 121 C. W. Heksnson. tWX. Lvnwth. Tyl. IWJ. tonriMKS. WKATR7CAL gowns, full dress suits, for wn N. ITih HI. J-bn Feldm.n. DANCINU ACADKatlki. PH WJCK ACAPHMT. HI " St. UHk.asMARl.NU. LADIES' Jacket remodeled In the latest aty;, u a Farnam. Douglas Kelater-g Dressmaking Col. 1I Clljr Nat. Terry Pressmair g college. Hh Farnam. VvtBI AND CLKANKRV. aTATJCPryClng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 6078. DETKt'TIVCI. JAMES ALLAN. 818 Neville Block Kvl "tal cured In all cases. Tyler 11. 0. : i)ffiN-riTs Vr. Bradbury. No pain. 818 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrbea. Dr. rickle. 724 aty NU Bank. Taft Tntal Room 16i Douglas. P. 211 DHL! tit. DRUGS at eut price: freight paid jn Jl orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mi- Cor.nril Drug Co.uOmahj Neb. KVlu'l'TUIMtt FOH WOMts. AOCORDION, lde. knife, sunburst, bo pleating, loveied bullous, all slsts and ' stylet; hemstitching, rn-uit edging; em broidery, beading, bi-aiiiing. cordiiu, eyelet cut work buttonholrs, pennants. I4eal Plestlng Co.. Dula block. iJouglss 1'. -- " KLttTHO.l lit. Tina ANender.54BeRldir Wed ttel i.LA-ClMlCAL HtPAlSlNU. CA HIIX, FLFJfTRIO CO.. Bee Bid. D. 8r?t. ' tll.Aii- AND TIN W OAi K. RAFERBTPOH. 40: Hamilton, Wal. tTt l.MIUll TION. Lnglfib. rreoch InslruLtlon. X Lyrle Bid. Ad Rates Effect) Per Word..Each Insertion And yon will receive (he Mime courteous) ftrrrlcr. as though you wore delivering yrrnr Want-Ail to THK IlKK of fire In person. KKATF.HV4I. OBDF.Its. NoN-CNUiN cen.ent finishers; There will be an open meeting- at Irfibor Tem ple, Hundsy, st :.', sharp. Everybody Invited, flood speeches. Be sure and come. BEIIT MCTH, Pec y. MinniAUR MlF..9Rfl. Marrlsse licenses were Issued to the following couples: Name and Residence. Ae. Charles M. Hwed. Omaha .17 Rose rrtdlrts. Omaha It James K. Bbeard, Weeping Water Hasel I. t'offen, Wecplnc Water 27 L0ST-F0UNDREWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS BTRBET RA LWAI (XJM'AMI. Persona having Ins some article would do well to rail up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffa Ptreet Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles eacn day are turned In and the company Is ajiilous to restore them to tbe rightful owner. Call Doug. 4H. f'AUTV who found bag on No. lth St . Wednesday. Jan. 6, between and 10 p. m.. please return only bag and my dear Husband a plnlure. 1 am Heart broken. Call Tyler 1324. LoHT Homewhere around shopping dis trict, one Knights of Columbus watch charm, engraved II. J. I call Doug. S4t and receive generous reward. LOST Ijarae. red. dehorned cow. branded with an "O." Reward If returned or for Informstlonj-egardlng sameSo. SW7j THK law deals severely with persona who fsll to return lost property tu the rlirhtrul owner. HALF-I RHK If you watch the "For rale, Miscellaneous'' columns of TIIH BKK. you'll often see articles which are for all practical1 purposes almost as good aa new advertised for half the original price in Tlirc rJi.rJ. riXTDRES AND WIRING. DUE KIN Fleet rlc washing machines, electrio irons and reading lamps. 8ee tia first nr.'a cuming Bt. Tel. Doug. x. rilHHIBHI. AM KNEETER. laa Farnam. Red CU4, K. Flothols. 2S1H Leavenworth. II. 275. 1IISTOHICAIU COlTUsla;. THB largest stock of maaquerade and . v. f1 cosuime tn me country, Theo, Lleben Bon. 1514 Howard. D.411I J LI I ICI. OF I lltC rifiACiC. H. H. crIBORNK. sll Paxton Blk. Red. 740L Notary public; d position slsno. C. W. BRITT. 801 Barker Blook. LIVB ITOCil COMAtiailON. MART1V BROW, ft CO. Exchange Bldg. movinu PicriRta machinks. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Ho. tlun picture machine and film bargain. OCtLIKT. Eye examined, glasses fitted, m "- Or IcCarty 1111 W. O. W. Bldg" UITKUI'ATH fUVklttAk: JOSEPHIKE ARM6TRON-Q. 1 Bee Bldg. PATbINTb. D. O. Barnsll. Paxton Blk. Tel. Rd TU7. H. A. Bl urges, 6 K Brandels Theater Bldg, PLliMfeig IXfciANKU. yuwuicn. dyed. D. EUele. 11M aty Nat. PHlMiAU. KAllKB-BARNHAKT Ptg. Co. oualltv Iii'UiUnc. TeU Doug. 21K, Ij4 a Ulh ' CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUOLA3 r&t, DOLOLAS Printing CoTel. Douglaa (44. KtALU HtrAIHIAt.. Om. Btanuard Peal C . hU S. Uth. D, Sll. IlOU HbfAlHUU. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 2004 Fa-n'm. R. UH TKKL, CB1LINU. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, lit & is. TOW Klw sLPPLIa;; OMAHA Toweljuppl aw S. uth. D. 628. THtNK. AND SCIT CAski. FREIJNO a STB1NLJC. 1- r w m aVXH Bt. VAtCCM 4-i.SbAA.MS. ALL make. E. B. William a. 801 a iM Tyler loil. tA WAICU Ph.CIALtl. ' Chrtsttsnsen. 2d ft. Paxton Bk . 11 XVKDUINt. erATIONKHV. Wedding announcements. Doug. p r. WKDDINt, MINUS BRODEaAARD-S "lucky wedding ring" at lih and Douglas It nng- IHI AMi kimukl, ALEX JETE3' TlQUOR HOVSE. Uth and Itouglss. Bottled-ln-boiid whisky, koc. 81.00, II 2b, full uuart. Hai rt l goods. 8-00 to 84 00 per gallon. BUT your family liquor at Klein' Liquor nous. I N. in. Douglas Isa. JFOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Faraltare aad Itoaaranid IjooHa. Al l 'dl'NT of Icavlng-Tnt-will sacrifice prsctlcsllv new furniture; complete dining set, rugs, solid mahiutsny ilv rnnrt. Illns room furniture snd mls rrllsneniia Items. I'hone Ilsrney 29.J0 for sppolntment. FOR 8A I.E 11-fnet light osk office counter. S'llt- bl for stationery atomic; slmost new; a haraaln. "03 Brandels Bldg T't'IlNISH iN(T.Sfor afoiir-room apart ment for Bale; also babv bumy, bed and hlith chair; almost near. Harney 4078. T-'f, Io1re. Pl BA ROA1N8. Furniture. If; stoves, beds, spring, msttr's. l each; bedding rom forts, b I a nketa, 139 N. 24th. W. 10P7. AM, UK PA 1 R8 Water fronts, furnace rolls tp. Quirk service. Omaha Stove WermjrWorkalgia-lolwa. Tyler 20.. Poll PALE Mahogany library table; also mahogany library desk. Cheap. Har. 2211. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over justMke new.l!07 Cumlnc. D. ! TTRatTNO stove for sal rheap. 261)1 So. 2ft h Bt.. or phone Tyler 2'tsn-J. "" Plaaos, Masleal last nmnH. BEAUTIFUL golden oak piano, aa good aa new, worth 1200; will sell Psturdsy for lli'i. MTCKKI5. NK.nnASKA cyci.K CO.. Douglss 1662. $" In gold will be paid for the name of a prospective plflno or player-plnno buyer. ROBINS' V PIANO CO., 114 8. 18th St., Faetory Distributors Cab1aPlanos 8M) Edison phonograph on sale Saturday for 15. MICKF.IH. NEBRASKA CYCLE CD., IMh and Harney. Doug. KB, I V lcorC a blnet I ' h ono ar a p h, t "0. , t3BO per month. A. Hoane. IR11 DoUKlaii. More ! Office Klltarea. tKSKR, aafea acalea. ahowcaaea, ahelv Inc. eto. Wa buy, aell. Omaha Future Bl ply Co.. 414-16-18 H. ltth. Voug.ZJU lamer a KodaWa. flljkis developed free If purchaaed from t'noto urari nnop. i rre nina. tyu Jewelry, Ulasaonds, Watches. TjTa'MOND LOCK1CT, meh'a and ladlea' watches, reasonable. Friedman. 1211 loug. I.amber aad Balldlaa; Blaterlal. RT kindling t,v the load. llMrney 37a. Marktaery aad ICaglaes. W(iui) Working Machinery. Complete outfit for small planing mill. Includ ing motors. This is a snsp If tsken aa H stsnds. Geo. H. Ie Co., 1116 Har ney 8t., Omsha. Neb FOR quirk sale, one deep hydraulic well firming macnine, nearly new, com pletely equipped, for one-fourth original cost. Address V211. Bee. NIljW Socond-hand motors, dynamos, msknetns. I.e, tlron lilectrlc Works, 318-20 S. 12th St. Ktnlsg Machines. SEWINO MACHINES We rent, repair, sell neadlea and next of all sewing machines. M ILKKIj 8 NERRAHKA L'YCLK CO. Hlth and Harney Bts. Doug. 1I. Typewriters and 'applies. llIDLAND RIBBON A CARBON CO. we make them In OMAHA. What? Typewriter Ribbons! Supplies for the office. Douglas 2147. XM Bee Bldg. RTsNT an Oliver typewriter il mo. for 13. Oliver Typewriter Agency, lWFarnam. TTPKRW1TKR8 sold, reuten repaired. central Tyiewrlter Bxc. 1906 Famam. ftkLIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co.. car bon paper and Inked ribbons. D. 2242. RENT" "Remington" not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 12X1. BUTTB Typewriter Exchange, 816 S. 18th. Bt. Ail make for sale or rent- Mlacellaaeon. FOR SALE CHEAP. Business College Course. Pull and complete scholarship In on of the best Omaha business schools. Good res son for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will be sold Very reasonably. If Interested Investi gate at once, because spring term begins nan. There are a variety of course for ale. For particular Inquire at the of fice of The Omaha Bee. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILT. Answer tbe question "Where to ko tonight." Dtmltai. EMPRESS. 15th & Douglas. Sellg Tribune No. R. The Devll-in-Chlef, 8 reels Bellg. The Fable of the Two Philanthropies Bona, Ea's. ChickenB' Vim. GARDEN, 1318 FARNAM The Buried Treasure of Cbre," 8-reel Pellg. "A Boy at the Throttle," Kslem comedy. 8 cents Progrsm 5 cents. PK1NCK8S. 1817-1 DOUGLAS. Wm. Russell and Charlotte Burton in The Thoroughbred, 6 vivid acta, the first of the wonderful De Luxe Mutual master pictures. And a selected Keystone comedy. North. GRAND. 16TH AND BINNEY. The She-Devil. Mutual maaterplcture tn 8 part. Budd Ross in a Casino comedy. The Red Circle, episode No. 6. LOTHROP, ami AND LOTHROP. Chapter No. S. The Goddess. Also Bheldon Lewis nnd Nell Craigln n s-rroi uretriiv siory. Haaards of Helen. 1-reel. Ik. ROHLFF, aSIl IKA'"XNWORTH, The Boundary itiners, h etory or the N. w. mounted ponce. One-reel comedy. APPOLO, 2824 LEAVENWORTH". "The Ancient Coin." Kalem. "Wasted Uves." 8-reel Vitagraph. "Minnie, the Tiger." Kalem. West. MONROE. 1 565 FARNAM. Henry B. Walthall, "Birth of a Nation. star In "The Woman Hater," "She Took a Chance." Vita com. Hearst -Pel Is news. toatk Bid. BE8SE. 24TH ft N. Sellg-Trlbune No. 4. "The Prisoner st the Bsr." 8-reel Essanay. "The Red t Ircie." featuring nutn upland. grpheum; 2 4Tinoi: "The Warning." featuring Henry Kelker. Qtat Features v These are Special Extra-Reel V J Picture bow appearing at tbe following Theater: tlESSE Hie Red Orel." UTH AND N featuring Ruth Ro- land. GRAND. 16TH AND BINNEY The Red Circle." episode No. i. tea Hiring Ruth Koiand LOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP. Karle Williams and Anita Stem art In "The Goddess," Chapter No 8. LmPHlEUal. 2 4TU AND M. "The Warning." featuring Henry Kelker. FIUNCESS. 1217-1 DOU0LA3. Wm. Russell and Charlotte Burton in Th Thoroughbred, 6 vivid acts, the first of the wonderful 1 Lux Mutual master. pictures. ROHLFF, 251 LEAVENWORTH. The Boundsry Riders, a t ry of th N. W. mounted police. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS .M laeellaaeoaa. MV high standard of quality will be maintained; 4 quart of Uld Fontenelle wh sky. 112.".; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mull order house, Doug 71!2 ; 122- 124 N.lSthSt. FOR BALE Near ana :eoond-riand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alleya and r,-nrlt; aend for ceta loue; esar pavmenta. The Brunswlck-Halke-Poiiender Co., Ti P. loth Bt. VlH'P 1 lb. of no Gunpowder or x "iJij japan tea with every 10 1b. of beat coffee, parcel post, at 12.7. Dave's Coffee Market, Mil Leavenworth RtOnwhi. Neb. $3.20 Oolden Meat Whisky, 4 full auarta bottled In bond, ore paid. Cackley Pros,. Omaha. COW. t boskets delivered. ; IUlnola nut or lump, 85.50 per ton. Douglaa rill. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold iVANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, wtth living rooms above, in Central school district. Phone Red 74. 'I un. . 1 . , , f rnilinil. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings 11 rhone P. T444. E. 6I3MAN. 415 Brandela Theater. CHIROPRACTIC If sick, regardless of the nature of your silment. chlrnpratlc will do for you what no other science can. When sll else fails try me and note the dif ference. I adjust the cause of BO-CALL1T.D "Incurable" ailments and all derange ments peculiar to women. Dr. W. II. KNOLLENBERG I'hone Tyler Pulte 1112 Bee Rldg. EK'O IS EK R I NO. plans and msp draw- Ing at low rates. Son McKathron. M Oiiisha Nat'l Bank Bldg. BIUjKicdAARirs 'Lucky Wedding Rings" at lth and Douglas Sta EXERCISE AT Y.M.C.A. Business men. SWAPPERS' COLUMN TWO pool table In good condition, ex rept cloth on tops; will trsde for nearly anything 1 can use. rtwapper win nave to pack and ship to himself from forty miles esst of Council Bluffs, on Rock Island road: all extras, such ss balls. racks, cues, etc., go, too. 8. C. 848. Bee. AUTOMOBILE 67-H. P., -cyllniier, 7- psssenger, electric light and electric starter, Mitchell Hpeclm, un lO.ftW miles, a good looking, powerful car. In good order; swap for diamond or piano plaver, or up-to-date 6-psssenger car or 1-ton truck. S. C. 80S. Bee. ntAVE a new-tand carrying full line of magaslnes, periodicals, cigars, to bacco, candy, notions, etc Stock and fixtures worth 4fi0. Will swap for a food 6-poasenger car. Prefer 1816 or '14 'ord. Must be In good condition. B. C fc. Bee. B.OAD87KK, lightweight, two-passenger, 1IS model. Just overhauled and fully quipped, will swap for the best 1815 model motorcycle or motorcycle and aide car outfit I can get: but It must be A-l condition. Address 8. C. 728. Bee. "AM BEHOLA" Edison's new diamond point cabinet phonograph; Mil machine with assortment of records cost 160 three months ago; will swap for good No. 4 Underwood typewriter. Address H C. MB. Bee NEW Winchester pump gun and 100 shells, two pair hip boots, 1 pair Mack intosh boots, hunting coat, hat and shell . vest and hunting bag; all new. Will swap for motorcycle, or whatT 8. C. 820. Bee. BRAND new, high grade piano. $375 value; fully guaranteed. Will swap for diamonds, Omaha vacant property or good negotiable paper of equal value. 8. C. 846. Bee. $46 EDISON Phonograph and 25 select 4- mlnute records, for typewriter:, lea Burton mandolin outfit, good tone, ex cellent condition, for violin case and good flute. Address 8 C. 828. Bee. TrAVI3 good -ton capacity Commercial car, in good running order, to exchange for late model Ford car. Apply Court ney tc Co.. msln office. F 616, Bee. DESK and chair. In good order, 844, solid oak, roll top, chair nigh back; want larger deak; will pay difference or what have you? 8. C. RM. Bee. JDD1NG machine, cost 8376 new; excel lent condition; win trade lor pictures; bookcase: automobile or, what have you? Address 8. C. SM. Bee, ALL furniture in 46-room hotel; reaaon- able rent on building; South Bide: win exchange for real estate; value 11.800. Address 8. C. 803. Bee W1LI. trade my 4-cyl. ijU-H. V. rebuilt racer for pool table; this csr is tuny equipped snd In good running order. Address 8. C. 844, Bee. IAMILTON Piano, 6 years old, walnut case. In good order except case is hair checked; for diamond or what have you?. 8. C. R7,4, Bee. 1400 UPRIGHT l lano and 1200 Victor cab inet talking macnine. win iraao either or both for auto, or what have you? Address 8. nio, wee. U HAVE a 6-paaaenger . touring car. body and top In fine condition, to trade: a good oak trunk body. Address 8. c. Ki. nee. GOOD high grade Krus piano, will trade for building material or lot. Address 8. C. 66. Bee. CAB RANGE, beds, soft coal beater or other furniture, to trade for chicken. H. C. 847. Bee. WILL swap nio dining room table or roll top desk for library table, a. C. 66.1, Bee. IAVK shotgun and rifle, will exchange for roll-top desk or small safe. 8. O. U9, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain see toe Auiomooue ciasaiit. cation. Ll N I NG table, 4i-liich. solid oak, Tn good order; swap lor wnat.' . Sot), Bee HAVE some farm implements to ex- chan ire. What have you? S. C. 851, Bee. f HAVE fine diamond stick pin; will exchange ror gooo piano, o. v. "u". nrr LADY'S Swiss watch; cost 1'X; solid gold case. What have you. 8. O. 8. Bee. 140 equity In standard piano to trade for whet nave you. o. . . ... ..r. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office THE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 WANT business opening In Omaha for a man with 16.000 or over. ompeeni experienced man who wants something well established ana not a prospect Want an opening for a young, active man, well educated. Utile experience. Can Invest XM to to.fcx). vv.nt a. lumber, a rain and coal busi ness In eastern Nebraska. Party will pay part cash and wants to put in some good farm land. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., lol-l City National Bank. 8400 BARGAIN. I must sell my new stsnd by Jsn, It, Itlt; carries full lln of clgare. tobaooa, candles, maaaslnea. stationery, etc.; -.wi na Tina business. 85 per cent profit: can be take care of by wife while hus band works; two living rooms in resr: reasonable rent; good reason for selling For further Information, call Colfax 16:1 OlAVE on hand one of the finest cafes In the state for sate; uig uusineas: owner hss better rhences. Tel. Doug. ;:. or w rite 1 C siampoe, P. O. Gen. lel.. Omaha, Neb, BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALK Pool hall, five Brunswick tables, electrio piano. Ice box. cigar snd candy esse, wsll case, safe, roll-top desk, all In good shspe. and good busi ness. Will invoice sbont $.fn. Will sell for Just what It would cost new. About half cash, balance will pay for I self. Looted pi e Nebraska city of ' 14.01. address Y. tl Bee : ESTABLISH FD manufacturing buslnes requires services of a mansser able to Invest IIO.OOO In business. This will In terest any man who desires a financial connection, and do not care to Interview others. B S42, Omaha Bee. RALBSMEN. Fslesmen that want to make per month or more call at our demonstra tion. H2A Famam, and ask for Mr. Youn g. Tou wll I be convln cefT FOR PALE Infanta, children's and la dles' furnishing store at Iavld City, Neb., at a Nar?aln; best location In loan: doing an excellent business; w-snt to retire Box No. 3HS. Pavld City. Neb. PICTURE shows, locations, leases, ma chines, repair, supplies and accessories. See us first. OMAHA THEATER SLTPLT CO., . Balrd Bid g. ClBT your business with me for qulea results: buy, sell and axchsnge. HELIABLIS BAROAIN CO.. P.oom 2. Bslrd Bldg. Tel. Doug. 220. 17TH AND DOUOLAM BT. , THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Ex. Co.. 1408 Farnsm U. IV'7. A PLAYER piano snap. For a quick buyer. Used less than months. In perfect condition. Address P :M. Bee. OFFICE for real estate or In-urance; same floor as Bee office; 13x21 feet; The Bee Bldg.. Office Room 108. TO KELL or buy a business, call on Busch & Borghoff. Frenser Blk. D. ttlt. GET In or out of business call on OAjj(jE3TAD. m Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477 FOR SALFfallor ahop, with Hoffman press. Prices reasonable. Ty. r.'7-W. 0 Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains lnesta bllshed ihuwi. D. 20. Wanted-ps rty with small amount of money. Big profits. Address f,.T), Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. SINQLK man, 8 years, American, tem perate, years orru-e and road ex perience, will accept any work offered. Highest local and outxlde references. Charles P. McKeand, 1 Douglas St. Douglas 355. CITY salesman with years' experience in caning on groceries and tiaKories would like to make connection with some reliable firm for J918; references furnished. Wehste r27S. . ABLEBtjDIED Christian young man, will work for board and room; have five trades: good msthematlclan; will work at anv honorable work. Call W. . B.. Harney JB48. ALL around worker, colored, with ref erences, want work a cook, house boy or any other kind of work. Can furnish references. Call John Johnson, Red 6815 . POKtfON Clerical, bookkeeper and type writer. Satisfactory reference. Ex perienced in automobile work. M-634, Bee. YOUNG man wants night work of any kind, or will work few hours during day. O. W. Johnson. Phone Red 429 SITUATION wanted by strong young man In gsrage as repair man or taxi driver; any make csr. 2215 Howard. JOB WANTED House carpenter InTstore or office building by competent me dian tc. Phone Harney 3SH9. FIRST class plumber wishes situation; can do steamf Ittlng. 6036 S. th St., Omahs. Neb. Will Hsrdy. COLORED man want a Job as porter, houseman or butler. Phone Har. 1606. Female. YOUNG, competent man wishes Job aa Janitor or sawing wood, between 10 and 4; sober and reliable. Call Harney 8J4, or address 509 8. ath. STENOGRAPHER wishes to do house work for room and board. Address Stenographer, 748 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. WANTED Position as nousekeeper with a small child. Address Dox 466, Ham burg. I. WANTED Position by young lady ste- nographer. Experienced. Call Coltax HI. EXPERIENCED laundry womnn wants bundle washing; neat work. Web. 2167. WANTED At once, sewing by the day or piece. Miss Molumby. oouglas 44. COMPETENT colored cook wants place in private family. Phone Web. 5499, RELIABLE colored woman wishes work as housekeeper. Red 639S. LACE curtains and bundle carefully laundered. Webster 42!. WOMAN wishes work as housekeeper. Webster 7324. , BUNDLE i-ashtng cheap. Webster 4S07. Cleaning and laundry work. Web ster 4745. DAY work of any kind. Web. 6826. Mary HELP WANTEDMALE Store and Office. NEEDED AT ONCE. I bookkeeper, exp. lumber and job bing men, 176. Bteno., rapid accountant, 80. ldser clerk, good penman, 830. Steiio., blight young man. 840. Shinning clerk, furniture, exp., 875. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN., INC.. Orlglnstors of the Reference Business, 7M umana rBi. rana runs- 9TKKIK1RAPHER IR. R.) STENOGRAPHER M BOOKKEEPER (Beginner) ....15 THB CANO AGENCY. &I0 BEE BLDG WANTED Chore Job work on farm; wages, 810 to 115 per month: experi enced man. Address Tim Nolan. Gen, I el.. Omslut. fiKPR. 75: steno A bkpr.. 875. WATTS REF. CO.. 838-41-42 Brandels The. Professions and Trade. WANTED at once two (2) good frame shaver or hide cutter. Good wages. steady work, r oster 110 do et Tanning Co., 1625-162 Fifth bt., S. E.. Minneapolis, Minn. TTrug Store Bnaps. Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. alesmea aad Solicitor. NEW SALESMANSUIP CLASS STARTS MONDAY, JANUARY 31, Y. M. C. A. YOUNG MAN WANTED to sell advertising space. Some knowledge of advertising will be con sidered an advantage, but any good live wide awake young chap can land tills place. Small salary with ex cellent chance for advancement. State all particulars of past experience In first letter. Address K 632, The Bee. WANTED A good, steady, gentlemanly salesman to handle a Ward's wagon in every county; no experience needed; you furnish team, we furnish working capital; only ambitious men need reply For full particular writ promptly to Dr. Ward Medical Company, Winona. Minn. o ire house. buyer builders' hardware and tools; also an experienced stove salesman and three experienced hardware sale. men. Address Box 4 AS, Dee Moines, la GENERAL sgents wanted in every county in Nebraska. Small csdHs! re quired to handle agency. No competi tion. Don't answer unless you mean bustnes Aditreas j-im. nee. fiALFSMEN Salesmen that want to make 1600 per month or more rail at our demonstra tion. 1824 Farnam, and ask for Mr. Young. You wiU be convinced. 'VANTF.D We offer an exceptional op portunity to good alemen to sell froosrie direct to the consumer. Writ isrper Bros. A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Chics go, 1IL Trswte lekssls. SAVE $25 SEE OUR 8PECLVL HOLIDAY OFFER. IE u i suriiu us? scnooi you can hold your Job and at th same time get your automobile education If you euro'! I it tbe NIGHT CLAPS OF NEBRASKA A t'TOMOBI LB SCHOOL. : LEAVENWORTH. KKD Ul. HELP WANTED-MALE Trade aeaonla. MOLEU DAUBER COLLEGE Lesrn the barber trede. We give you I more practice In one month thsn you get In a small college or a shop In one year. Prepare now. Write today for partlrulsrs. 110 8. 14th St., Omahs. Neh. UUOU ' HBN WANTKD to learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric stsrtlng system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. MM Famam Wt. Omaha. Neb. LEARN TUB BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tul flon. Including set of tools; wsges paid; electric maasare, hydraulic chairs: cat slogue free. 1124 Oouglss Bt.. Omaha Kllaeellaaeoas. MEN 18 or over, wanted as railway mail clerks. Ssmple examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 L, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names of ambitious men. 1 to 45, wishing to become Omaha mall carriers. Commence I7 month. Address Y 1W. Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS y trial cor. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neh HELP WANTEO FEMALE Stores aad Offices. EXPERIENCED laboratory girl. 40 to 130 Saleslady, city, salary and commis. Stenographer, $R, er. tfo. WATTS REF. CO., 83S-40-42 TVsndols Tbe. CASHIER HOandBd. BOOKKEEPER ' THE CANO AOENCY. W BEE BUI HI, Professions ' aad Trades. A BUSY, busy door bell and a et?:iy stream of replies-after your Want-Ad has to:l Its story. EVERY day has Its sunshine for IlKK Want-Ad users. Start ;odny. Call Tvler 1f00. ONE fireman and stage hands; must be capable men; apply Krug theater at once GIRL to learn hairdressing. Oppenhetm Parlors, 236 City Nat. , (aiesvromen nnd Solicitors. AN OPPORTUNITY" For two well-educated women, be tween 20 and 40. capable of handling a high-class educational proposition. Rail road paid. Salary and commission. The right person can make 1200 a month. Reference required. Address E 5-8. Bee, giving phone. . Household and Domestic. GOOD girl wanted for light housework. This place in more of a home to a girl who really needs one. The work Is very light and wages fairly good. Now, If this look good to you, address G 617, nee. GOOD girl wanted for light housework. This place is more of a home to a girl that really needs one. The work Is very light and wages fairly good. If the ad looks good to you, address, Q-ol7 Bee. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework; private family of three; no washing; best wages paid. Tel. Harney 78. im not can alter 6 p. m. FREE! Ads for servant girls will be run 3 day free of charge. Bring, send or phone your ad to THE BEE office. Phone. Tyler 1000. WANTED Experienced maid for general housework; good wages: references re quired. Mrs. Thomas Mcfhane, 141 N. 41st St. Hr. 2241. COMPETENT cook and housemaid; could use husband and wife; highest wages paid. Mrs. J. Mahoney. 812 S. 37tti bt. fnone Harney mi V ANTED All round, capable and willing girl for general housework; excellent wages. Write Mrs. Ralph Duff, Ne braska City. WANTED A white girl for housework, one who can sleep at home; must nave good reference. Apply at 3217 Pop- pleton Ave. W A NT K.I lnol maid for light house work In family of 3: no washing, itet- erences. Miss Cochran. . D. 1614. WANTED Reliable white girl for house work; must be good laundress; no coon Inn: wages 17 per week. Apply 3408 Dewey Ave lYAiN i bi' viri ror general niiiiflowiu no washing; small family; wnue gin preferred, can Bit jn. mh m. A oli-1 for neneral house 1. . 1 T f IJ n lr n IRIS worn, guuu "an w u. a ',.! ,,..11 ttAnA I'.IZ WANTED Competent white girl for gen- 1 1. t, II . 11., lift XT era 1 nouorKvrK, moan aiuiii.. -v . 8th St. Harney b. WANTKD Oirl to assist with houi work and care 01 small cniia. i-nons Harney 75(8. WANTED A good cook, with satisfac tory references. Apply to Brownell Hall WANTED Middle-aged lady for house keeper; German preferred. Tel. u. map. WANTED Girl for general housework ill family of 4. Har. 3319. jgfiO uoage Pt. WANTED Girl for general housework. 6118 8. 89th Ave.. Bo. pine, ao. tax. RELIABLE colored girl went general housework. Call Webster 4reo. Uacellaneo- YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit th Young Women' Christian Association building at St. Mary' Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. WANTED Competent teacher, to live wtth family and teach two boys the 7th. 8th and 1st yesr in High school;, state experience and wages wanted. C. J. Hyshsn. R. R. 3, South Omaha. EDUCATIONAL AFTERNOON SCHOOL OPEN 3 TO 6 P. M. Resding, writing, spelling, arithmetic, English, English for coming Am., short hand, typewriting, bookkeeping. Five days .per week. 86 per month. Enroll for pert or full time, for one or more sub jects, afternoons or night, or both. Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS, 17TH AND HARNEY STS. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reason for sell fag. a variety of courses In a reliable Business Pchool, one of the leading busi ness colleges or Omaha, win be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are conaidering taking a course imesugaie tins at once, since Bprlng Term begin soon. Call office Omaha Bee. DAY SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every dav Is enrollment day. Book keeping. Shorthand. Stenotypy, Type writing, Telegraphy, civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, 18th and Hsrney Sts. Tel. D uglas 156o "THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Voung Men and Women. bat ui day morning class tn typewriting. lone C. Duffy. Or ner and Manager. 804 8. 18th Bt. Omaha FOR sale, tlte following scholarships m a first-class Omaha Ruetnesa College: One unlimited combination business nri shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course, v. in t sold at a discount at th office ef The Omaha Bee. LEARN to dance at the DeLux Dancing Academy; classes Mondsy and Wedne day; 6oc per lesson, or 8 lessons for U; private lfons any time. Phone South or Doug 4310. feCHooL OF .MODERN LANGUAGE. Apply Mon . W ed., Frl. mornings, Vfi Lyric Bldg. Ssmple lesson free. 1. 874 JT TH1H-. e. or loui-line ad in the For Ssle, Miscellaneous column of THK BK1C will sell i ur M furnlturs end household goods. I'hone Tyler NOV.'. PERSONAL P1LFS, FITULA CCnKD. Dr. V.. It. Tsny cures piles, fistula and other rectsl diseases without Burgl es! operation. Cure guarsnteed and no money paid until cured Write for book on rectal dieea-es with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 20 Be Bldg- $3,i. at TO PBNSION INVALIDS. The ladles' Home Journal II. M The Haturdsy Evening Post II. M The Country Oentleman II 00 . SO subscriptions each month till April earns that 3,vi for The Inva lids' Pension Assn. Your order or re newsl contributes Fc. Urgent. 1"x needed In January, rhone Douglas TK! or address, GORDON, TUB MAOAZINE MAN, Omsha. Neb. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th Bt. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our tiavelers' guide at the Union Stst'ion. THE Salvation Army Industrial hums so licit your old clothing, furniture, mag sxlnes. We collect. We distribute. . rhone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. SAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE, 70 South lth St., aecond floor. Hot tut baths, shower, genuine Swedish mil sage, chiropody, manicuring; graduate. Hours 10 . in. to 10 p. m. PERSONAL Alice, if you want to see your mother slive, come nnme immedi ately. Her life despaired of unless she ran see you: wire your answer. O. F. t'oonrad, 1010 Asbury avenue, Asbury Park. N. J. RTIPTITlfM Sucessfully treated li U 1 XUIvJj without ,' surgical operation, call or write Dr. W ray ft Matheny. 30 Bee Bldg., Omaha. MISSES GRAY AND HEAD. Electric baths, chiropody treatment, scientific massage. 210-212-214 Balrd Blk.. Uth and Douglas. D. 84.M. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish Dstns lor ladles and gentlemen:, lady attendant for ladlea: Swedish massage. 191! Fsmam Pt Douglas 8437. I HAVE practically new high grade piano innen ior neoi. want to sell at once a I have no use for It. Address O 6.V Bee. Personal Misses Staples ft Mason, bath. p. m. Doug. 713. 8n2 Brandels Th. VAPOR. TUB AND SPRAY BAT1I3. Edna La Bell. 709 S. 16th St.. 3d floor apt. D. 704. MISS WILSON. Baths, 1802 Farnam St. Room 2. I'hone Douglas 8781. M. BRUGMAN. Steam and shower bath. Red 2727. Room 202, Karboch Blk. YOUR furnace cleaned, 81; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglas 4684. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarant'd. or. Bowser, 814 Bee mo. MRS. STEELE, Medicated baths. 1721 Dodge St. As COZY mnicurlng parlors, bath. Farnam, Apt T. Doug. 7574. 1802 MISS rub. V FN ETA, massage and alcohol. Office 109 Po. 17th St. SCIENTIFIC massage. Phone Douglas 6372. 620 Bee Bldg. MASSAGE Mis Webster. 518 Paxton Blk. Douglas 3227. FOR RENT-ROOMS Knrnlshed Rooms. LANGDON COURT. 2244 WARM AND HOMELIKE rooms, single or ensulta for clean, respectable people. Special rate to permanent people. HOTEL SAN FORD. HOTEL HARLEY. ISth and Farnam. 80th and Farnsm. Special Rates to Permanent Quest. ISTH ST., 1137. N. EXCEPTIONALLY WARM rooms for hkpg. or sleeping; prlv. home.; fu rn. or unf urn; adults. 2631 HARNEY Newly furnished rooms; strictly modern; will serve breakfast; best of service. Harney 8198. FINE furnished rooms, clean and well heated. 17 up. 2916 S. 24th. Doug. 6496. FARNAM 2607 1-arge, warm south room, modern; private family; gentleman. NICELY lurmshed room, close ui; ail modern. S3! 8. 2d Bt FRONT room, private family, walking distance Call Red 7901. Unfurnished Room. THREE unfurnished rooms, with heat, light, bath, etc., furnished, 18. 2713 Dewey Ave. Call Harney 8234. .. PARLOR, dining, bedrooms and kitchen, heat, light and gas furnished. Web. 4013. CASS ST., 1921 Large, well furnished front roon. Nice and warm. Red mm. Housekeeping Rooms. ST. MARY'S, 202! 2 furnished rooms, first floor; ai bo nnrurnisnea; close in. Hoard and Room. WARM, COMFORTABLE ROOMS. Newly furnished, home privilege to the right parties. We serve good board. Call Webster 7172. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and House. Apartments. 8 ROOMS, 2717 Dewey Ave.; close In, furnished complete excepting linen and silverware; NEW; 832 summer, 135 winter. HAaTIN'GS HETDEN, 1614 Harney Bt. NICE "-room flat; all furnished. Will sell furniture cheap. Located at 111! racuio. Call Dou glas 6688. HELEN Apartment, 2464 Harney 8L, very desirable four-room apartment. Call Douglas 6790. FOR RENT-HOUSES West. FOR KENT. 8032 Homey St., mod. 10-room brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094: D. 1218. 2817 CALIFORNIA Fine 8-r. house with nice Isrge lawn. Call 8773 California. North. 3620 Lincoln Blvd. 11-room house, strictly modern, with hot water heat. Price liO. lwuglas 1M8, ; 7 ROOMS for 125 per month; close to cunt . , .r on paved street. 2120 Binney. Douglaa 2-VSi. 2iTH AVR., U3a N. tight-room house: all modern; hot water heat. Colfax it UiSGRANT ST., 7-r. com., modern. 8iS T. F.-Hall, 4:j Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. 3&o N. 2TH AVE. 5-room house, 110. Call Web. 40Q0. , New mod, bung. 27 A Manderson. Col. 128. Sooth. I-ROO.M home in Hanscom Psrk District. U3 Georgia Ave., with gsrage; nicely decorated, excellent condition; 815. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. FOR RENT 7-room moderDnoue. 119 T 1 1 mer boulevard. Ca 1J Dou gla s 699. NICE 5-ioom colt ace at 1907 Spring Bt. for 818. Harnev 1650. 6FK the Central Furniture Store's FBJE9 RENTAL LIST !Ulscellaaeoas. 16 002la Wool worth Ave., 5 rm. 825 Oil 2tiV2 Miami, 6 rms. j IA0O 27K Jackson, 6 rme- J 15 UZ:M Mason. 10 rms. , 30tiO-7o4 8. 31st St.. 5 rms. f m-230 N. 22.1. 6 rms. :U 50 Lk 8. 25th Ave., I rm. Ho 00 3610 Msson, rm. I4V 00 704 S. Wth, 7 rm. (iLOVER A SPAIN. Doug 3962. 919-20 City Nations FREE RENT TO FEB. 1. 6?j 8. into. St., -r., all modern house, well arranged for renting rooms; clce i 114 K. s-in oi i.-r.. an moa. house, Jk in the very dosi repair. :. N. Lth. b-r, all mod., apartmint. heat and water nirnl 'hi d, walking dt lance. f3.Vo. HASP BROS. Dtl G 1'5"3 V I