13 Motion Pictures of rrt hit t Hi MM-MI Implement hoi. O. W. Hon of the Holt Future Film company of Manhattan. Kan., took the picture last rummer at the Tractor how at Fremont under the direction ft the Twentieth Century Farmer, which pub lication itaired the big tractor demon stration. Three thousand feet of reel are hown covering the krtlvltle c-f th ahow from the day the Wallta Cub tractor ar rived In Fremont on Ita long croaa-coun-try run from Cleveland to the day the ahow hroka up and the tractor atarted chuaitlng out of town. A little drama la Interwoven to ld aploe to the feature. Mr. Holt baa aliown the picture at the Kan Artcultural college, and now haa calla for the picture at Montana Agricultural college, Wtcontn Agricul tural college, and other college whore the picture are wanted for their aduca tlonal value In the department of ancti cuitural engineering. Mr. Holt ha been aaked now to follow th circuit of the National Tower Farm ing Demonstration next aummer, nd tak picture for the demon?rtlon from the firm how at Pallaa In July to the wlndup In New York In September. escaped by the Omaha Automobile Show association this year at th annual motor car exhibit. February 12 to Kt, becue of the remodeling of the basement of lha Auditorium. Truck display r lo cated In the Auditorium basement and It ha been necesaary In the pat. to put In an additional floor for the heavy ve hicle. Put now a cement flaw which will hold the truck haj been laid In the Audi torium haaement nd the show will not b bothered. ho KVfim m- f Tvi-i Show Making a Hit Th movink rIctur? of the" tractor low ft Fremont have been mskinir a. TRUCKS IN BASEMENT AT COMING AUTO SHOW An CTpcnee of aome a lot of work and considerable annoyance will be Rnrkett Be !. Jesse nurkett. once a famous hitter In the big show and a prosperou. ueoe ful manairrr In tho minor league, will blossom forth a cout for th Cleve- The Men's Suits, Furnish- C Advise You to TIIK BEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, lOlfi. t ixr'-v yssSSTI We D n o ings, Hats. Shoes. Etc. will be placed on sale soon. The deeper ro Into these sections of the King Peck stock, the more are we Impressed with the extraordinary values you may shortly have an opportunity to share. Watch the daily papers for announcement. Attend This Sale A Mile of thin nature and importance does not ocfur often anywhere lesg often In Omaha, where prosperity la the fule.' A like opportunity may never come your way again. Our responsibility to you prompts us to advlne you to come and get all out of this sale that It Is worth to you. kll the IVlcti s Overcoats Etid Boys Clothingf f th? B H TT7 TTT T T TTTT TMTT IT 1 379(Q)(0)(0) Stock Go on Sale Saturday at a Sacrifice Without Parallel or Precedent in Omaha and Begin H D Qne f tne Largest and Greatest Value-Giving Sales Known to This Part SL Countay o D 0 n D D 1 U 0 Q D B 91 si: i m lli ! m isnlr . 1 U, 7 j M. ; '- Wli ; A ' m m :l mw III 111 J W W-,:: liiL ll a -'"ml it 4r OVERCOATS THAT EMBRACE EVERY NEW 1 MOD Ek AND FABRIC OUT THIS SEASON Short Box Back Coats; Form Fitting Coats for Men and Young Men; Conservative Chesterfield Models; Ulster and Great Coats; Shawl Collar, Chinchilla and Astrakhan Collar Coats; all kinds of Fur Lined Coats; Convertible Collar and Cravanetted Coats; Fancy Back Coats of Finest Cheviots and Scotch Mixtures from Hawick, Scotland; Coats for dress wear of Meltons, Kersey, Montanacs and Vicuna from Isaac Carr & Co., John Brooke & Sons, J. & J. Crombie & Co. of England; Imported Montanacs from Sedan; also finest grades Chinchilla and Irish Frieze Ulsters. - ' This tremendous sale has created a profound impression in Omaha and surrounding terri tory. People will come from almost every section within 100 miles of this city. And there will be a sale the likes of which they never saw before. You may have paid the same prices for overcoats before, but you NEVER got greater value for your money. You never saw a greater variety of coats makes, styles, materials, quan tity on sale at one time at such sensational prices. ' . The King-Peck store was one of the best known men's clothing establishments in this sec tion of the United States they were highly popular and best known for an immense varied stock of high grade clothing and furnishings for men. It is characteristic of Brandeis Stores to do big things and do them right. : This ' great sale will be a vivid example of what an enormous cash purchasing power together with merchan dising brains can do In giving the public the best values they ever had for their money. " tie. C n HOT1M1 from Tf the ilM lg-P .A Stock -Boys' Knickerbocker Suits More than half of the entire stock are Two-Pair-Pant Suits, in stylish mixtures, plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors, in splendid all-wool fabricsTPlenty of blue serge suits to be had, in splendidly tail ored models. King-Peek did an enormous business in Boys' Clothing. The stock is exceptionally large and contains almost every imaginable style and quality of Boys' Wear. We will put every thing on sale Saturday with the exception of the Boys' Furnishings, which we were unable to get ready in time. The sale of the latter will be announced soon. Every garment will be sac rificed. This will be a chance of a lifetime for the boys. Boys' Mackinaws from the King-Peck Stock, to fit any age 4 to 18 years. Rich plaid effects in different models. Reds, prays, browns, blues and greens; also a few plahTcoiors. Juvenile Suits from the King-Peck Stock. Velvets, Serges, Corduroys, Shepherd Checks, Worsteds and Fancy Tweeds, in all the new style effects. Ages 2 to 7 years. Youths' Long Pant Suits from the King Peck Stock. A very select assortment of styl ish model suits in nobby plaids and checks, in the newest colors. Plenty of Blue Serges alsoT Ages 14 to 18 years. mmL XmlmS ISmiiibS XmiiibiX ZniiI XkMunt EvsiI ICIIibiiiS i liacans H Hhwm ZImTIS SnSS SmmIHZ ESS Juvenile Overcoats from the King-Peck Stock. Ages 2 to 10 years. In all those splen did new - style fabrics, nobby swagger coata with button-to-neck collar or shawl collars; many are flannel or worsted lined. ' Plenty Chinchilla Coats In grays, blues, browns and tans, in any quality you may wlshu Big Boys' Overcoats from the King-Peck Stock. Swagger styles, belted back models or semi-fitting velvet collar styles, in smart nov- elty fabrics so popular this season. D D D D