Tim BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 191(1 10 14 I uf feat f fo ut when I you arc out of town. It it part of our aervice to our cuttomer. W ee a.Ur.r to eay elty Hi BATH T CrnnlmlFUrW FA UN AM 8TBEET, Phone Douglas 8000. 17 Count the Results Cnutinc the cost of akdveTtUinP to om wj 'coimting the results to another. Advertise la THE BKK, ud yw will count reeult. DR. POWYS AROUSES WOHENTUNTEREST Much Speculation it Caused Over Some of the Remarks at Hit lecture. WOULD CHOOSE ANOTHER NAME lr MKLLIFICIA Jaaaery Sl The etar event of today la quuil high trow. Dr. John Cowper rowya a pea lie thU afternoon at the Hotel Fontenelle. Mra. George llemard Prim and Mr. Charles T. Kountie were the guesta of the occaalon at the luncheon given at the t'ntverelty club by Mra. W. O. Ure, to the program committee of the Fine Art aorlety In honor of Dr. Powya. Ir. I'owya eeeme to have the uncon arloua faculty of getting women'a In tereet. and. after Mra. Print had kindly reaponded to all Inqulrlea regarding the learned dortor'a Intimate life that he tea married, that he had a child, a 1-year-old ann; that he was happy In hi home, that he waa not a grourh, and all that aort of thing now cornea up another question, yet unanewered. Thla question la. "What waa Mm. Powya' maiden name?" When the doctor waa In Omaha, laat Friday, he made a remark regard ng hildren and what aurnamee they might hooae for themaelvea If they wore given he right to decide what they mitiht be ailed throughout all their live-long live "But. Dr. Powya," aald a matron, ''you rt satisfied with your aurnamo, then la something ao distinguished about it. ' John Cowper Powya ahook hla head. No' he aald. "If the . choosing of my j surname waa left to me, I ahould take Crquhart." And hla eyea grew wistful at the men tion of the name and for the moment ho aeemed looking bark Into mlat of re viewing dream. Now, Just what doea Urquhart mean to tr. Powya, that la what eome of our matron would Ilka to know the optlm ate think, aa ootlinlsta ahould. that Mra. Powya must have been a MUa t'rquhart. Art LoYert' Luncheon. Mra. William O. Ure waa hoateaa at an affair thla afternoon of more than passing Interest when the member of the progTem committee of the Fine Art eoc'ety with Mesdamea Oeorge Bernhard Prlna and Charles Kountse were gueata at "a luncheon at the I'nlveralty club In honor of Dr. John Cowper Powya. Dr. Powya gave a short talk after luncheon on "Modern Amerlran Poet." The table waa decorated with Klllarney roses In French baaketa. Thoae present were: "-. trht O. Powya. Mendam" hf eadnmea Oeorge H. Print. Iennard F.verett, Charles Kounlxe. l.lnyd Osborne, Charles W. Ruxmll Frederick T. House, Osgood Eastman, William O. t're. Frederick H. C'le Misses Mlssea l,ld;i Wilson. Laura Scott Caroline Dodge, Temperance Delegation. Mrs. N. J. MrKltrtck, president of the Omaha Women'a Christian Temperance union; Mr. T. K. Brady and Mra. J. E. Ooodrlch, went to Papllllon today to at tend a meeting of the Papllllon Women' C'lr. Utlan Temperance union. A NEW TAILORMADE IS COMPOSED of green and gray checked fabric, trimmed iciih bands of dull blue kid. Loop sleeves are featured t Caa2 E3 IrTuril Entire Dressmaker's Sloe Bought From Adolph Gluck, 32 E. 29th St., New York Will Go on Sale Monday at .1 Fraeioe : l Hs Worth .This sale will occupy the larger pfitt of our main floor, and will bring sensa tional values in finished and partly finished dresses, t41ksj velvets, dress goods, laces, embroideries and trimmings. t '. , See our windows and Sunday's advertisement for full particulars. . . U ' ' ' " -sjs -.1 I WVii'ai'iuii7iWHi mam' i i .1 1, mi h-HMW .tia,... 1 - -Jl I MAYOR DISCOVERS PRICELESS PEARL Maid of Seren Yeari it Away and House of Dahlman Open Juit the Same. AlfD DAHLMAN WEAES A SMILE t jpMmmi ni mi ii 1 aiuiiin 1 mm 1 . mi 1 1 1 1 M wi. ,,1. H II II 1 1 ill- City hall frequenters have noticed an exceedingly broad smile playing about the mayor'a Mpa theae days and have been pondcr'ng the whya and where fore. Now the secret la out! lie haa Juet discovered that he pos sesses a pearl without price, yossir that'a how the Bible describe It, ao we have been told. The pearl without price Is the mayor'a wife, Mra. James C. Dahlman. For, ao the Book of Booka has described the faithful and efficient wife who cares well for her home, mends the s.ilrts and dArna the aocka and otherwise looka out for the comfort of her lord and master. Thla la how tho truth became known. One SlnM Xevcn Years. Mra. Dahlman haa had the same maid, a perfect Jewel of a maid, for tho Inst seven year. She has been such a won derful maid Hint she hna relieved the mayor'a wife of all the circa incljent to the household. Just recently ahc went home to vIMt and haa been gone for aeveral weeks. Mrs. Dahlmnn decided to await her return rather than aeek a new maid. So the mayor'a wife descends Into the k'tchen e.icii day and cooka the mayor'a favorite dish; aweepa up the ashes from the mayor'a cigar; anawera telephone calla for the popular cowboy mayor and otherwlae looks after her lleire lord. This la sold to account for Mrs. Dahl man'a temporary abscence from social affairs, the Womnn'a club, the Wcllcsley coIIpro club and other nf fairs which knew her presence until her maid do-parted. Luncheon for Debutantes. 1 Mrs. H. O.. Fdwards gave one of the , prettiest affairs cf tlio day, a luncheon 1 at the Omaha club, honoring two of the , reason's debutantes. Miss Helen Infrwcr ' een and Mlas Marion Towle. Sweet por.a end atevla formed an attractive decora- 1 lion for the luncheon table, covera betna; i placed for: Misses . Helen Ingweraen, Marlon, Louise White, Marjorle Ilowland. Mesdamee O. J, Inawereen, H. f. Whitcomb. Chicago; Misses Mniion Kuhn, Helen Epeneter. Ixahcl VltiBonhnler. Harriet Mets, Mosd men John Towle, H. O. Edwarda. Skating Notes. Enthusinam for mornlns: skating; pnrtlea haa seized upon Dundee. Since Tuesday morning parties of maids under the chap eron a Ke of Mrs. Charles J. Hubbard and Mrs. W alker Lewis, have been sroina- to Lake George, west of Happy Hollow. ana skating until luncheon time. Amonjr the jrlrls who have taken up the healthful pastime of the season are: Misses . !!.,P Anntte Palmer. Doris Ferguson. Uladya Millor, Gladys Goodman. Friday Bridge-Luncheon. The Friday Bridge-Luncheon club met with Misa isllisabeth Bruce thia afternoon. Those present were: Meednmes J. P. Webster. Misses F.lliabeth Bruce Gladys Peter, Daphne Peter. Bo They Gather Like This Around Your Window? Then, why nott Your goods may be attractive, well dis played but have they ,the final requisite effective lighting? Mazda "C" Electric Lamps, in reflector shades, will flood your windows with brilliant light, advertising in a most appealing way both your goods and your store. Attract More Customers With Electric 'Window---Lighting . . . . . At night people are more at leisure, relaxed, open to buying suggestions. Call their attention to your goods most emphatically by means of an electrically lighted window display, and increased sales will bo the certain result The cost is slight; send for us today. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. Geo. H. Harries, President. A GREAT SALE OF USED PLflYEB PIADOS NOW ON AT HOSPE'S L .ill WW TP tJ,,.lX 11 n u 63? rr.t IfffrnJ! 1 It is not essential In buying a Player llano that jrou get a new one dccron we nave in our tore some of the bst "uvhI" l'layera ever thown In Omaha at wond or fully rlucel prleea. Here are a few uhlrh deiuon trate the mluca we offer: SPECIALS 1 BOllMHK Oak (KM-note), lMce waa $'0 $275 1 HOSPE, Mahogany. ITIt-e S!. $450 1 STORY t'laita, WalnuU ir.r.,w.ro...$45o 1 KIMUALU Mahoeany. sr.?...$5oo 1 WHITNKV, Oak. l"rce $500 1 HOarK, Oak. Price djpoe was $MOO, now. .. . J One doten rolls, scarf and bench free with each player. Vbaea Flayer Plaaoa bav all Veea pat la anea asoeUea oondu tioa yon eonld ao tU aam from aaw osm. Ta actio, tha strlnra, h toaa, ta ease la fact Trr thla' ta ta perfect aaape. At taeee prtoea they wUl aot be ta ou tore loaf. OOm aVaTD USM TaTlaC fLAT TXXst XT TOO Will BB. roa tut au oon. A. HOSPE CO. 1513-15 Doughs SL -ESTABLISHED U74 Six Big Special Values At m DrexeFs Sale of High Shoes For SATURDAY Special for Women $1.00 $3.50 and $4.00 values, 600 pairs broken lota; patents, dull calf and kid. No charges, de liveries or exchanges $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 values. Your choice of any colored doth top shoes la brown, gray, sand and fawn, In our stock Hanan and Armstrong makes. No charges or deliveries $2.90 200 pairs, broken lot of women's dress and party slip pers, $6.00 and $7.00 values. In bronze, patent kid, black suedeu, beaded AC and plain tJaC.iO 100 pairs, broken lots, party slippers, patent and dull kid. and black, white, blue and pink satin, beaded and plain; no charges or deliveries; $3.50 and $4.00 val- - a fl ues, at Ol iO 200 pairs, broken lots, house and dress slippers, $3.00 and $4.00 - values; no charges or deliveries h fe oi.uu price Special for Men 100 pairs regular $S and $4 values, in patents, button and lace. No charges, deliveries or exchanges. Priced f ap at only J 1 eiO DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam St. MnKflfl mM- Per) Wood, . Ualph I'etcr. Misses T.ouine. ninnlng. Elizabeth Davis, Mellora Davis, . Mary Burkley. Perional Mention. E. T. Heydej haa atarted ta Hilt 1st as $10,000 home In Happy Hollow addition. air. and Mrs. E. A. Sinner, whn hv. been alaylng- at the Loyal thla month, expect to reopen their home tomorrow. Mr. H. (J. Strohm haa a-ona t Rt Paul, Minn., where ahe will reside in the future, her husband, who la with an eastern railroad, having been transferred to tho Minnesota city. Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Elv havs mnv.H into their new home near Fifty-fourth and Harney streets. Mr. niv la a hrnther of Allan Ely, who formerly occupied the Drew home at Fifty-third and Farnam atreets. Off for Warmer Climes. Mr. and Mra. A. E. Dodda and family left thla week for an indefinite stay In Biloxi, Mlas. Mrs. Cora Robertson and her three mall daughters have gone, to Tampa, Kla., to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Hal McCord and aon, James, left last evening for Florida, where they will spend th balance of the winter. Mr. and Mra. Bam Werlhetmer and eons, Howard and Ham, Jr., left Thursday evening for California to spend the winter. They were accompanied by Mlas llaael Denen. who will make an extended visit to California. With the Bridge Playeri. Mra. It. E. Pavia will entertain the New Friday Bridge Luncheon club next Thura day. Mr. and Mra. C. 1 Jones will enter tain the Evening Auction Bridge club tomorrow. Four tablea of playera wlU he present, Mra. Roy Ralph will entertain the Sat urday Afternoon Bridge club tomorrow. Three tablea of playera will be present and Mra. N. H. Tyson and Mra. J. H. Shlnn will be gursta of the club. For the Hozie Clarkes. Mrs. B. F. Cnimmer and Dr. Le Roy Crummer give a dinner at their home thia evening for tho Hoxle Clarkes. Thoie present will be: Messrs. and Mesdames Hoxle Clarke, Herbert Wheeler. Mesdames Mesdames Herman Kountae, W. 8. Poppleton, Charles Squires, J. F. Gannett. Dan Wheeler, B. F. Crummer, Dr. be Roy Crummer, Mr. Earl Uannett Dundee Bridge-Luncheon. The Dunie Bridge-Luncheon met thr afteinoon with Mlas Doris Qulnn. Miss Gertrude Maythan was substitute for Mra. Daniel Edgerley. The members of the club are: Daniel Edgerley. Charlea J. Hubbard, Darwin H. Chesney, Herbert Rigga. Misses MlHsee Helen Cnesney. Doria yulnn, Olive Ferguson, Uladya Goodman. Omahans in New York. Registering nt the Hotel McAlpIn In New York City during the last week have been: Messrs. . Messrs. G. Hinrkley, S. V. Napier, Murk Leon, . H Menold, Joe L. Wolf, Joseph F. Byrne. Past Festivities. Mrs. D. C. Buck entertained the Swas tika club Thuraday afternoon. Mrs. W. S. Allen. Mrs. Van Housen and Mrs. I. Foley won prizes for tho high five game. Mrs. T. Mehrens will entertain the club In two weeks. On the Calendar. The Tuesday Keiis'ngton-Luncheon club will have a tea Instead of luncheon Tues day afternoon when they meet with Mrs. AValter Tratt. Junior Musical Club. In the recital given by the members of the Junior Musical club Saturday after- Miss Mary Leslie will play the "Ber ceuse" from "Jocely;" Miss Elisabeth Terrlgo will give Llsrt'a "Llcberatraum," and M'ss Virginia Flxley will have a double violin number, accompanied by Mis Dorothy Arter. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Armstrong will leave tomorrow evening for Chicago. Before returning they v 11? visit In Mil waukee, Wis., and Mollne, III. Mra. A. L. Green and son returned from Louisville. Ky., Sunday. Miss Mary Hume, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beaton, returned to Chicago yesterday. Mtea Claire Helene Woodard returned Thursday morning from a short, but roost enjoyable, trip to Chicago. Miss Frances Nash leaves this evening for Minneapolis, where she playa Sun-; day with tho- Mlnneapolia Symphony", orchestra. Mra. E. W. Nash, he-r mother, and Mra. L. F. Crofoot, her alater, ac company Miss Nash. DR. NICHOLS AT MEETING OF AMERICAN COLLEGES President W. E. Nlcholl of Bellevue col lege left Tuesday for Chicago, where he will attend three large national conven tions before his return Saturday, Dur ing tho day, Wednesday, he planned to . attend the seaslona of the Presbyterian College union at McCormlck Theological . remlnary, Wednesday evening the council of church boards of education of all tho Evangelical churchea at Sherman hotel, and Thursday, Friday and Saturday thn meetings of the Association of American Colleges, composed of representatives of all the collcgea In the United Statea. COLLEGE DRYS TO MEET IN FEBRUARY AT BELLEVUE Nebraska Intercollegiate Prohibition league will meet In Bellevue in February. Walter E. Webb or Bellevue la state accretary. s A Fair Picture An Artistic Frame Ne Charg. rr Fitting. Isn't It a beauty? Let HOSPE Do It. 1513-1515 Douglas Street. II" SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER DE LUXE A perfectly served dinner and rare musical program makes of this a most delightful Dinner-Concert. Served from six to nine at One-Fifty the person. Reservations may bo made by phone Douglas 1311. Informal The Dansant every "Wednesday and Saturday after the matinee from 4:30 to 6;30 under the personal direction of Mr. Frank U Tiffany of the "Waldorf-Astoria, New York. Service a la carte no charge of admission. "BUILT FOR YOU TO ENJOY." Hotel fTomrteiE A. BUBBANK, Managing Director. life 3,1