THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 101G. 13 ! j TT-1T1 m ri . M . HH r r I : I I Y NKW mui. uix i liij 1 1 kj ; "Towos.nd's for Sportlnr Goods." Lighting- rixtirss Burgss-Grandea. Root Print It Now Beacon rreaa. Invastmant, louKlai St., Cor.. cat 24th St., ask liumont, Keclino Hlds. w ar. taking- up Lincoln T.l.pbons company, 6 per cent bonds, at par, intrr et and 5 per cent premium. Uino'In Trust Co.. Lincoln, Xeb. "Todays atovl. TTojram" classlft.d section today. It appeara In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what tha va rious moving picture theaters olfer. English ia Confined District Julgs KnKliBh Is confined to his bed by an attack of grip, with which he has been J contendinK tor the lust ten days. Ball Playar Wed a H. J. I'enry of To kamah, State Iobkiip base ball player, , whs married Tuesday to Miss Kdna V. I Sohroeder of the fmmc town by Rev. J. K. Toucher. Attorneys Sua Attorneys B. II. Dun- ! ham and Herman Aye have brought .- 1 1 i t , in district court against Kdwln H. Uibbs for $1,000 fees for the conduct of litiga tion involving tK.000. Held for Balling Liquor to Indians Jack McCarthy vas brought In from Thurston, Neb., by Deputy Marshal Mor gan on a charge of Introducing liquor on the Winnebago Indian reservation. He was bound over under $500 ball by Com missioner Sing'naus. All Apartments rilled The Peters Trust company Is elated at having at this moment 100 per cent of all Its apartments filled. The demand has been good during the fall, until at the present time they have not a thing left In the apartment line. Hold Ho Inquest No Inquest will In held In the of Mrs. Margaret Wil liams, the sanitarium patient who hanged herself while despondent Tuesday morn ing. Dr. David Williams ot Irfigan, la., the woman's husband, took the body to Council Bluffs, where It will be buried. J Gamble to Speak J. W. Gamble, presl- i dent of the Standard Chemical Manufac turing company, will address the claas In salesmanship on the subject "Psychology of Salesmanship" Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In room SIC of the Young Men's Christian association. All former mem- 1 bers of the Classen in salesmanship are , Invited to bo present. Theory that Wild Geese Spread Hoof And Mouth Disease (Correspondence of tho Associated Press.) THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Jan. 10. The Dutch government has decided that the combating of foot and mouth dis eose aniont; cattle by the slaughter of diseased animals will be abandoned, and some other method tried. The slaughter of cattlo Infected with the disease cost the government nearly $3,200,000 in In demnities In 1915, fnr the disease is wide spread in Tim Netherlands. Everywhere In the rural districts boards bearing tho nottre "Foot and mouth disease" are to be seen on the borders of pastures. Tho number of infected cattle slaughtered In the last twelve months was over -l.ono. The appropriation for tho payment of Indemnities to the breeders has been re duced to the almost negligible sum of J $70,000 in the budget of lMfi, but a bill has been introduced placing $N00,0UO at the dis posal of the ministry of agriculture ffr the purpose of trying other means than slaughter for dealing with the disease. The breedrrj ure to bo asked to isoluU . cattle suspected of infection while experi ments are tried in treating the disease i with soniu of the cures recently reported as having been discovered both in the United States and Switzerland. j in Leeuvvaurden, tho center of tho i Frieslarid cattle country, the greatest Inti'rcst Is displayed in the government's j Intention. Leeuwaarden Is the biggest cut- j tie market in The Netherlands, over 2ii,0o0 i head be'ng sold there every year, many I of which go to the British Isles and Or- j many. i A rccullar theory in regard to the i spread of the foot and mouth disease I was veeentlv Hftvanrpd tn thp T.epllWHnn- ! Xden Courant by the district veterinary surgeon, who places the blame on the ( flocks of wild geese which fly over the ! Netherlands on their way to and from the south, where they migrate to escape the northern winter. He says that i in those places where the wild geese make a halt on their flight foot andj mouth disease often breaks out apparently j without cause, and he attributes its ap- pearance in the district to the carrying i of tho parasites by the geese, which ipread them on the soil. LEAP YEAR GIRL CHEER UP Judge Can't Accept Telegraphed Proposal, but Refers Suitor to Ilia Mother. This la a little Story about Miss Jose phine Huddleston, Chicago's prellimt model, and Judge Jacob M. Hopkins, Chi cago's handsomest and most baBhful bachelor Jurist, to whom Mis Huddleston proposed marriage by wire the first min ute of leap year. It also ia written to et the charming Josephine know that 'there ia hope." "I never received Mlfis Huddleston's proposal by telegram," demurely said the Judge to a reporter at the Hotel I .a Salle. "I was not in Dekalb, as was supposed, but in my room at the Illinois Athletic lub. Tho first I knew about being sought In marriaKe by this beautiful woman was when I read tho story in the 'hie-ago papers and nearly fainted. "I tremble when I think of marriage, ot in my bosom there is a longing tho lonrflng for some sweet girl to break th e cursed bonds of bachelorhood, to lovs, cherish and protect me. "I cannot give Miss Huddleston a definite answer, as I feel I am too young, but if she will get in communication with my mother, Mrs. Julia A. Hopkins, of Dekalb, anil mother will give her consent, I will waive the point of youth and In experience and make this lovely girl my bride." And the judge pulled out the tremolo Mop when he said "make her my bride," blushed a TWp rrimoii and murmured: "Ah, Joneplilne, .lunphine; If she win me I will lie no Napoleon." Chicago 14 raid. Advertiser anT rustomr profit Dy the Merry Meal. It was a .lolly VuU-lide dinner with a doi ior as chief kw- t. "Won't )ou some oysters, doc tor'" 'Thank you. no. testers often carry tM'hold i;nm." "Some celery, then?" S "None for n 1 suspc-l tht it trans mlts pellagra." "At least ou will permit mo to help you to nuno lobster?" " 1 'lea so hcum me. l'toniaiiK you know ." At this point the oilier diners began to fculp snil eii,,ke. and the t,o1et.s frnn t'caily Mu-iiHlrd Ihe t,utl-r lo hnni; on the tiaiiiiv and i lfciu . jllu I'ourier- Journal. ........ WflDa' AT CUUUUiri n iiujii iiunrv HI il 1 1 li r r I Til i I Ceaseless Haste is Maintained at Principal Munitions Manufac turing Plant. ENGLISH ANSWER TO KRUPPS" (Correspondence f tho Associated Press.) SHEKKIKLl), Dec 6.-An Aseoelated Press representative has today walked ten inies through the plants st lladflold & Vlekers on a tour arranged by the minister of munitions. Sheffield Is. per haps, as much as soy one place the lfrltlsh answer to the Krupp challenge. Sir Robert Hadfleld, who conducted the party through hla large shops, explained that Herr Krupp von Bohien was hla guest five weeks before war was declared. Now tho Hadfield plant la working day and night to counteract the Krupp In fluences. While engineers and metallurgists would find countless details to Interest thein In such a visit, the newspaper man merely grasps some notion of tho In tensity of output, the ceaseless pace, the driving power of this enormous establish ment, all running with one aim. It Is as If every blow of the machines, every turn of the shafts chimed In the chorus: "Our aim !s to kill Germans." At the lladflqid plant the Associated Press man was permitted to repeat the experiment conducted on the occasion of the kings visit five weeks ago, the dis charge of a ten-centimeter shell at a four-Inch plate, at an angle of fifty de grees, like the side of a ship. The king s shot pierced the armor; the correspond ent's did not. One of each allotment of shells is thus tested. And there are acres! and acres of shells completed and awaiting shipment. And new factories aro in process of erection. Here at the Iladlleld plant, the homo of manganese steel and other notewor thy Inventions, all tho Ingenuity and ca pacity are narnessed to the munition work, and at the celebrated Vlekers es tablishment It is nearly the same story. Mini Shown Krrrr I'ropeH, Douglas Vlekers conducted the party through the latter plant, :ong famous for its part In the admiralty work. Every thing Is dono here from receiving the pig to turning out the fifteen-Inch guns like those of tho Queen Elizabeth. You can devote hours In a tour through all the shops, viewing all the processes, or you can sit In. the neat little theater provided adjoining the general offices and see on the cinematograph screen every process pictured. In these Sheffield towns the manufac ture ot munitions is not a new thing, ns In many of the new munition plants, and you can find many a wiseacre to remind you that there would have been no short age of shells if Sheffield's advice had been taken. But the complaints are over now and everybody Is driving, driving, rushing orders ut full energy to make up for lott time. It ia not all impersonal either. For ex ample, one engineer confided to the cor respondent that he was particularly In terested in studying the effect 'of the German shell fire on the Tiger. He had worked on Its armor and they let him go to see the result. "It was good armor; some armor, as you say In the states," was his proud description of the result. Huskin's observation about Sheffield, that It was a wretched picture, but In a lovely frame, did not hold good today"; It was as clear and bracing amid the workshops as out on the surrounding moors. In no -other of the munition areua Is there more activity. Shops are measured by acres employes estimated by thousands, and output by millions. Essen Is answered by Sheffield, Krupp by Hadfield and Vlekers. Tho munition aspect of the war takes on Its grimmest afreet kc re. "We make those shells at half the coBt of the shells for the American navy," said one fornion before an acre or two of twelve-pounders. "The war pressure must have increased (ho cost, hasn't it?" "I don't know," he replied. "Somebody is probably figuring on that. Our Job Is to turn out more, more, more." MONUMENTS TO COURAGE llHiMllenpa Overcome by KrntucUlan Who IMIril til Konr-Score Yrura. There died recently In Louisville, Ky., a remarkable old man, James Morrison Heady by name. Born eighty-three years ago in the c ity in v hlch he died, the son of a prosperous physician, he was a nor mal child from the physical side. When 6 years old a flying chip destroyed the sight of his right eje. When 16 years old he fell during a scuffle, striking his left eye on another boy's foot and becoming totally blind. Thereafter ho was educated in a blind school 'and became an expert musician. At 41 he lost his hearing so that he could no longer earn his living by hia music, put ho found a way to write music and books for children and the blind. Despite blindness and deafness he fought his battle cheerfully, far more cheerfully than many do who with out handicaps of suy sort. And he got a lot out of life besides a mere living. He rode horses, took lens walks about his tyitlve city, Knew hundreds of children, to whom with his long white beard he was the personification of a good fairy. To him, there war no blindness, no deaf ness at all. There was Inner sunlight, in ner music, "at evening time it was light," all the way to the shore of the Last River. Hu) lives are worth enshrining In mem ory. They are monuments to real cour age. Detroit Free Press. Suit and Extra Trousert $25, II, 35 and up NIfJDLL Hie Thilor W Jorrems Sons The Strange Case of Dy Frederick Lewis, Author of "What Happened to Mary" (Copyright, 1915. by McCluro Publications.) t HAPTKK I. Mary's voice called "Come In," and see In Daniels she smiled radiantly, her dnlnty negligee making her look almost elfin In her young beauty. "I don't like those roses on the blue dress," said the manager In his abrupt fashion. "It's a bad note. 1 think pale orchids would be better." "Oh, so do I," assented Mary. "They would be heavenly against the blue, but it's" to Into to get any now. Isn't it?" "No," said Daniels, "shops don't close for half hour yet. You can send Janet for some." He g-eve a curt gesture to- wards the maid as he spoke, and Janet, i whose own French name of Jeanette had been anglicised In America to the oddly Incongruous Hootch congnomen, broke n eagerly: "Mais oul! There in the little shop of the milliner at the corner. I can get les orchids there tout do suite." "Oh, of course, I forgot the little mil liner's," nodded Mary. "Better hurry, though, for I can finish dressing alone. jAnd Janet, get some dinner while you I are out, but be back In time to sew the flowers on. won't you?" "Cela va sans dire," said Janet re proachfully, and tipped away followed mnm alnwlv hv lAnlff1a who amia-ht in (odd seclusion behind the wings in the dark. "Humming a little tune Mary went on with her dressing, pulling on her smart street boots and sighing over their many buttons, and pausing ns she straightened up to give those elusive little feminine touches to her hair. Just as she was reaching for her blouse, however, another rap sounded. "Who is there?" she called, and In response the knob was turned and re flected In the mirror she saw Pollock's face. "It's David," he said, and she shook her head smtlllngly at his reflection. "You can come in only for a minute," she said. "I've got to get home and dine even If I am too excited to eat!" "I suppose you wouldn't dine with me?" he said, his rising Inflection mak ing a statement, and again she shook her head. "Mother is waiting," she said simply. "I ild you see any of the rehearsal. David?" "Yes," he answered, coming nearer to her. "You're wonderful In It, little girl. Tonight Is going to witness the greatest triumph that New York has seen In many a day." "Oh. David!" she cried happily, "that's the nicest thing you've said to me In ages." "You don't give me many opportunities to say nice things," he answered quickly. "You you avoid me as If I had the plague nowadays." "Don't be silly," she Interrupted a lit tle nervously. "I've avoided every one lately. I I've been so busy with tho play. Nora hasn't been an easy part to learn." David laughed. "The play!" lies coffed, his voice hoarse with sudden Jealousy. "It's not tha play that's come between us. Mary 1 it's Langdon. L-angdou with his smug airs and his blatant virtue. Don t you think I have eyes to see? Don't you suppose I know that your reason fir going home to dinner Is because Lan lon is waiting to take you there?" "You know well enough, David, that it's not Longdon that has come between us but you, yourself. You know only too well how I feel about-about drink ing how it almost kills me to see you In this condition. And yet time after time you come to me reeking with brandy why why " her voice rose to a high, shrill note, "you've been drink ing today!" "Nonsense," he retorted; then, seeing her shrinking, -he took a quick Btcp for- jwaid and caught her slim shoulders m. j a tight grip. "And if I have." ho breathed hoarsely, "who Is it that drives me to It? You Mary you, with your infernal coldness. You little snow girl-don't you know I'm mad for you crazy with the want of you? It's that that makes me diinV when you turn away from me. But 1 stop when you marry me. And you are going to marry me. you know! I never wanted anything that I didn't get. and you're not going to be an exception. Though God knows I never wanted any thing as I want you! And I'm going to JAP GIRLS WHO PLANT SACRED RICE ARE SOUGHT (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) TOKIO, Jan. 6. The Japanese virgins who planted the sacred lice during the recent coronation of Emperor Yoshihlto have received countless offers of mar riage from all parts of the empire and the young mjm who tended the sacred j rice have been invited by prominent rami- lies to become aCepted sons. Participa tion in the holy rites of the coronation is supposed to l e accompanied by many blessings and the young women and men who had to do with the sacred rice are very greatly respected. Many of the girls have already been wedded. Take Mall from Skip. LONDON, Jan. IB. One hundred and a fix a t,D real tutat natli anna In? rubber, weighing an aggregate of I . .v ..miMu r.uUlonn,4 t 1... t V I were taken from the Danish liner Fred erik VUI at Kirkwall. 'Ever try having an Extra Pair of Trousers with your Suit It means double wear for the suit. liKSlDKS- THAT KXTItA PAIR OF TKOrPKRS WILL K V. K P YOl' LOOK ING i-1(i:asi;d and comimhtaulk AM. Tllfc: TIMK. We will include the Extra Trousers with your suit order this weeklor the price of suit alone. a-2U 8. 15th Kt Mary Page Pictures by Essanay have you. Mary, say that you love me." "Let me go, Dave!" she cried, twisting In hla grip. "Let me go! You you have been drinking. It burns me somehow I I." A strange light, half terror, half frenxy, wu growing brighter in her eyes as his face drew nearer and reek of the brandy enveloped her. But he only drew her closer. "You're going to promise to marry me tonight, Mary," he muttered against her hair. "But I want you to promise In-fore you know before you know everything. I want you to promise me now Mary Mary you little, little love." "Let me go! Let me go!" she cried, her face livid, her voice a moan. "I'll never marry you! I don't love you I shall never love you!" "What, do you know of love?" he panted. "You are only a child! I'll teach you," With a muffled seres n she struck at him, struggling against his tightening arms; and inflamed by her nearness and her opposition aa much as by the liquor he had drunk. Pollock swept her sud denly Into hla arms. In that moment Mary knew an almost indescribable terror. Scream after scream rang out from her creama less of protest than of frenaled horror; cries that even Pollock's heavy hand could not smother and which brought Daniels on the run from his hiding-place in the wings. Quick as he was, however, another was swifter, for Langdon, too, loitering at the stage en trance, after calling his taxi, had heard those despairing screams and to him they were fraught with terrible memories ss well as present fears. He hurried to her room; Mary's door gave way with a crash as he leaped against It At sight of him Pollock let Mary slip from his arms, and something closely akin to exultation leaped Into his eyes to meet the fury of Langdon's a primitive exultation at the chance to express an implacable hatred with blows instead of futile words. There was savagery In I-angdon's face too, and to Mary, crouch ing In a corner, her . lacy negligee torn and disheveled, it seemed inevitable that they would kill each other in the brutal struggle that now began. The thud of their blows; the sobbing of deep-drawn brenths; the sharp c-x-climatlon that told of a blow driven home all these were like the hideous echo In some blurred nightmare to Mary. If only she could cry out If she could only wake and find It was not real! But her stiff cold lips could not framo tho cry for help that she felt ought to go ring ing out through .the silent theater. She cn'y crouched lower, moaning In fear. . (Continued from Yesterday.) Fob1 IPSBes Get a Free Trial of Pyramid Pile Treatment That Hoi Saved a Vast Number from the Horror of Operation. Until you have seen what Pyramid Pile Treatment ran do for you, no cae can be called hopeless. Letters from people Remember Pyramid-Forget Piles. who believed their cases hopeless fairly breathe the joy of the writers. Test Pyramid Pile Treatment yourself. Klther get a box price 6oo from your druggist or mail the coupon below risht war for a perfectly free trial. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. 638 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyramid Pile Traatmeot, la plain wrapper. Name Street , , Vlty Ptate 221 FOUiTSVEGO!. For Weak Stomachs Inactive Bowels BUT FIRST-STOP USING Physic Pills Mineral Waters Drugs Oils Enemas They can neither curs ailments nor prevent them. They are unnatural In action and their effect Is to weaken the body nerves and brain. Fruit Vigor is dilterent-not a medicine, nor a luxury, but a vital necessity. Its fruit-derived elements are the naturalcorr active for disorders of stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, and its vitalizing upbuilding properties keep the entire digestive system in perti reel order free from ailments. Any first class druggist or grootr can gat rruu-vigur lor you i perar. or for a limited time we will send by pircel post one ai iuri aix jar i :.IX Stewart Food Company 524 Security Bide Chlcage Why Suffer From Migraine or Sick Headache? Dr. J.J.Caldwell says that thtiexeeedtngly aistreaalna dlseaie does cot shorten Ills, but does iiot appear to be curable, buffer ers from this affliction are condemned to undergo the periodical attacks every few weeks until they are forty years of age. after which the attaots are less frequent, and Anally disappear entirely. Palliative meas ures durtug the attack are all that It Is poislble to suugest, whUe car in the diet Is the bet preventive measure. An attack may olten be prevented by taking two antl-kainnia tablets when the Drat symo. torus appear, and one antl-kamnia table! every two hours during the attack shortens It, eases the pain and brings rest and quiet. Autl-kemnla tablets mar be obtained at all druggists. Atk for A.-K Tablets. Xbsy quickly relieve all Pala. . Advertising Is to business what Steam -Is to machinery. It la th great propelling power. VsJL U 3 'Store urgess-Wash Company. Wednesday, January 19, 1916STORENEW3FOR THURSDAY Phone D. 137. A Feature of the Anniversary Women's and Children's Winter Coats, Suits aed Furs At Exactly V2 Former Price Tt IS wpII that our storks were so plentifully complete for thla Anniversary Salo of ready-to-wear. And we announce Ha continuance Thursday for those who did not have an opportunity of sharing lu the value offered. A few examples: 1 TAILORED TaiUeur Suits, were $19.50, now $9.75 Tailleur Suits, were $25.00, now $12.50 Tailleur Suits, were $35.00, now $17.50 Tailleur Suits, were $59.50, now $29.75 Tailleur Suits, were $G5.00, now $32.50 Tailleur Suits, were $69.50, now $34.75 WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S COATS, 2 PRICE. Winter Coats, were $19.50. Winter Coats, were $30.00, now $14.75 Winter Coats, were $35.00, now $17.50 Children's Coats, were $5.95, now $2.98 Children's Coats, were $7.50, now $3.75 Furs at Price in Anniversary 1 Every piece of flnet quality, made from the choicest aklns. River Mink Coats, $95.00, now $47.50 Hudson Seal Coats, $225.00, now $112, Raccoon Sets, $40.00, now $20.00 Fisher Fox Sets, $60.00, now $30, Mink Scarfs, $17.50, now $8.75 Mink Scarfs, $25.00, now $12 Semi -Annual Sale of SHOES at 10 to 50 Under Regular Prices NOT a single stylo reserved. Shoes that combine fit, comfort and Ptyle. All the late styles conwtructed on correct principles at a decided reduction. CM Em Burrf ss-lfash Co, Bseond Tloor. Corsets Usually $3.00, Thursday $1.59 FANCY brocade corsets in medium bust, very comfort able, hip line, well boned, daintily trimmed, six hose supporters; regularly $3.00, special during Anni versary sale, at $1.59. Bura-ass-Kash Co. Saeoad Tloor, ANNIVERSARY SALE of SILKS Including Values to $1.50 at 88c THE season 's most popular weaves, patterns and colorings. 4 2-Inch Silk roplins, range of colors 36-Inch Princess Messalines, best shades 32-Inch Wash Silks, In stripe effects 30-Inch Striped Messaline Taffetas, etc 3 6-Inch P.lack Peuu de Sole Silks 3 6-Inch Plain Chiffon Taffeta Silks 40-Inch Brocaded Crepe do Chines 3G-Tnch Black Satin Duchess, rich lustre...... 36-Inch Plaids, In pretty colors, poplin weave. . . aryss-Wash Co. Main Door. Satin BED SPREADS Each $2.25 Slzo 78x38, scalloped and cut coi ners, for double beds, each, $2.25. Bed Spreads, $2.75 Size 78x38, satin bed spreads, scalloped nnd cut corners. Bed Spreads, $3.50 Extra large satin bed spreads, scalloped and cut corners, ea. $3.50. Burgrsss-Vaah Co. Main Tloor. ' SILK and COTTON GOODS, Worth Regular From 39c to 50c, in Our Anniversary Sale, at, Yard 18c LAlX woven striped tub silks, aa well us the new Jnequard ilesigus, iu every wanted plain shade. You will find just the -weave you want, the quality is the wear- resisting kind, during Anniversary Sale, bolts to buy lrom, 23c CilXUHAMS, ibi: .32-Inch ginghams, for pretty street and house dresses, blouses and children's dresses; neat checks, stripes and plain colors. A verv special value, from the bolt Thursday, at yard 15c i'lHc ZIOPHYKS, Oc Red Keal zephyrs, the perfect woven wash fabric that ia fast to the tub or the tun; new color ings and designs, as well as plain shades; Anniversary Sale price, yard 9c New Trimmed Hats for Spring, Three colorings. Untrimmed Shapes Made of hemp and satin lu black and colors, specially priced for Thursday's selling, at OHc, $1.40 and $1.08. ia - iBurgess Hours: 8:30 to 6 P. M. Saturday "everybody's store SUITS, , PRICE. now $9.75 Children's Coats, were $10.00, now $5.00 Hurgetis-KaRh special 13.50 shoes ,.$3.1B Hoots, pumps and slippers, $5.00 ...f!l.05 Poots, pumps and slippers, $6.00 . . . .$1.85 Boots, pumps and slippers, $7.00 . . . .$5.25 Hoots, pumps and slippers, $8.00. .. .$0.45 Hoots, pumps nnd slippers, $10.00. ,$N.OO Women's patent vamp hoots, $5.00. .$3.R5 Dull calf, rqtent kid boots, $3. 60.. $2.83 Women's satin party slippers $5, $2.50 inrant's kid nnd pat. kid, $1.25, $1.00 Child's calf and kid skin, $1.75, $1.45 Child's dull calf or patent colt shoes, were $2.00, now $1.05 and so on throughout the stock. 88c Yard Oo CIIEVIOTH. 6c Blue, brown and striped . Everett cheviots, a strong, durable fabric, wanted the year round; every yard worth 10c; sale price, from the bolt, special, Thurs- C day, yard OC 50c K LAN NIC I,, 18c 32-lnch wide wool flannel, colored woven Rtrlpes on light grounds; a bargain that will long be remem bered: from the bolt, 1 O at, yard IOC AMOSKKAU (JINt.HAM, Be An assortment of Amoakeag ging hams, in mill lengths; f Special, at, yard uC Lots,$l .98, $2.98, $3.98 JUST received a shipment of new trimmed millinery for Spriug l!Ufi. Hand made of braid and satin, in nil the prevailing shapes and new New Flowers A large assortment of beau tiful eprays and wreathes of flowers, very special. In the basemeut, at 19c, 2c and 8ttc. Co.-Sas.maat. - Nash Company Sixteenth and 9 P. M.I 50 , i&r 50 Vurrssa-jrasU Co. Ssoond floor. Mrs. Moulton and Staff Will Cut, Fit and Pin FREE of charge any material you may purchase at 9Sc the yrd or over. Mrs. Moulton and staff are from the well known Relator Dress making school and are experts In this character of work. XOTF: Special attention will be given all out-of-town cus tomers. Fittings will be given them the same day as material is purchased. Men's Outing Flannel Night Robes at 59c MEN'S night robes, made of an excellent outing flannel, values were to $1.00, Thursday, special, at ROc. Men's Outing Flannel Pajaihas, Thur.,$1.29 Outing flannel pajamas for men; were to $2.60, specially priced for Thursday, at $1,20. Bnrrssa-yash Co. Mam Tloor. Women's -89c Under wear Thursday at 49c Medium weight cotton under wear for women. Dutch neck, elbow uleeves and some knee and ankle length union suits. 25c Union Suits, 15c Women's union suits, low neck and sleeveless; usual 25c quality, -at, 15c. 15c Cotton Vests, 5c Women's white cotton vests, low neck and sleeveless, very specially priced during Anniver sary sale at Sc. Barrsaa-ITasb Co Main Tloor. at, yard, 18c. 10c 8.1TIXK8, 12 He For drapery purposes and for mak ing fine comforters; regular 19c quality; floral and fancy figured patterns, at, f r yard 1-'C HI,KA 1IKI JIL8MNS, 5c Standard, yard-wide Martha Wash ington bleached muslin; bolts to buy from during our Anniversary sale; no limit, at r yard OC I NBLEAfllKD SIl'SMX, 3,c 38-Inch unbleached muslin, stand ard weight, mill rem- Q 1 nants, at. yard 0 2fC $3.00 Wool Finished Blankets, Pair $1.98 P HETTY gray, blue, tan and - pink blankets that are extra thick, warm and soft. The best blankets obtainable for general use. site 68X&0, suitable for dou ble beds: regular $3.00 values, at pair. $1.H. $3.00 Kobe lllajiketa, $1.98 Nicely boxed, with cords to match. Poft. fluffy eiderdown bath robe blankets. Wool Blankets, $3.U8 Silver gray, all pure wool of the finest quality, size 70x84 blankets. Will bo sold subject to slight Im perfections, at, pair, $;).&. xurresa-Mssh Co. saaisDt. JIarney