Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily
On Trains, at Hotel
Wews stands, tc, so.
Gathering of Republicans at Lin
coln Refuses to Endorse Any
one for Delegate to Chi
cago Convention.
Make Speeches in Which Party
Harmony is the Watch
(From a Stuff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. (SpeclgJ.)
The democratic political thermom
eter suddenly dropped several de
crees below zero todady, caused by
the gathering of republicans of the
state, which the opposition hoped
would break up- in a jangle. The
meeting proved to bo one in which
harmony was apparent in copious
showers and the speeches made by
former antagonists indicated that as
far as the repulbloans were con
cerned there was no need of getting
together, for tho party was already
together and stronger because of tho
difficulties of the past.
The meeting was called to order by
II. M. Bushnell of Lincoln and on
motion of F. M. Currie, Judgo A. C.
Epperson of Clay county was selected
hair man of tho meeting. K. L.
Westerfleld of Scott's Bluff was se
lected secretary.
In his Introductory remarks Mr. Bush
nell railed attention to the petitions
which had been circulated over the state
and said that about .1,000 names wero at
tached thereto. Tho petitions called for
the assmbling togthr of rpubltcans of
the state for tho purpose of selecting del
egates to bo voted on at tho primary for
delegates to tho national convention, to
bo chosen from former members of the
two factions In order that harmony
might prevails.
Opposed to Choice- Now.
I. D. Hlchard of Fremont opposed the
plan as set forth by the petitions and
made a motion that tho meeting select
no delegates.
G. W. Wattles of Omaha, who was
supposed to have fathered tho idea which
insulted in the meeting promptly arose
lo his feet and In-a-strong speech said
he had discovered that the plan did not
-ict with, the approval' 6f rop'trblicans as
i whole and that thcro were many op
posing It. He said that his ambition to
bo ono of the . .rti'lngatos- recommendnd
amounted to nothing in comparison to
the welfare of the repuMtran party and
ho was now opposed to the meeting se
lecting any names, but thought it better
to listen to speeches by. ns many present
as would like to speak and have a general
nil around harmony meeting.
The motion not to select delegates cur
lied almost unanimously; two very faint
"noea" coming from sowhehere in the
house, but it was not discovered from I
vhom they came. v
Ross Hammond called attention to the
.'act that somewhere without was a re
publican candidate for the presidency,
Henry D. Edtabrtek of New York, and
moved that a committee be appointed to
aeort him to the meeting. The chairman
ippointed Mr. Htmmond, Crawford Ken
aedy and General John L. Webster.
Estabrook Talks.
Mr. Estabrook was received with a
turat of applajse when he mounted the
tpeaker'a platform and started right out
in a strong array of facts against con
tinuing the democratic party in power.
He said that President Wilson had said
the republican party had not had a new
idea in fifty years.
"Neither has the Bible or the multipli
cation table," said Mr. Estabrook. "Both
were founded on a fundamental founda
tion, always old." He said that Wilson
had receded from all the things he had
formerly advocated and had discovered
no new ones.
"We republicans should never again al
low our ancient and venerable enemy to
stalk rough shod into the position he now
holds," said he.
"Lincoln was assassinated because he
was a republlcun." said Mr. Sstabrook;
"Garfield was shot because he was a re
continued on Page Three, Col. FouFT)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Thursday;
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Snow and rain and warmer.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
It a. ni H
-SN-OW ?-!"::::::::::::::
ZjsX-i 10 a. in 22
VS1V-V- 11 a. in 23
7 'i -r-r--- 13 iii 71
I p. in S
a p. in '-'?
4 p. Ill -tl
n p. in :
M' i p. m .1
It. Ill SI
mi i. in 27
launirallic Local Hecord.
1311. 1915. 1911. Uia.
Highest yesterday - 31 .V. M
I owcsl ve.-terdav M 17 17 II
iun lomiicrs turc -1 4 'Si
l.lnlluHnn " -W
Temperature and precipitation de par
tun from the normal:
lLmal 1 ..nil ...l M i 111." 0
1'vMk, f.r Ihf. tla 1
Deficiency since Match 1. I! la . . . . . . .lu
Normal prveiliilatbin ft! Inch
w... n.lisiinn Mince March 1... .J7.W Inches
Deficiency since March 1 l .o inches
fiefictenuy cor. period 1H 3. 5 Inches
Deficiency !'. period lU .M Indies
liri.orla from stations T r. M.
Elation n.fKit ' ' . Temp. High- Baln
of WeMllif-fc. P. ni. t tail
llHeiilM'. I. P
I vrniKM't. i lui;il --' -'-
i . 4" 4k i hi
i .. J i,!,,, i.,n.Jv '
v....!. i.iu,i.. :t ;V.
tiinalia. i louii "-
llapi.t I'ity. clear 40 n . i1
Sheridan, cloudy 's- "
Sioii I'ity. cloudy
Valciil i'ie. clo'idv 30 T
"T" iin!icaie trace of precipitation,
s. 4 uiriau. Local fiuvulM.
Ed Lehmkuhl
President Ed Lehmkuhl Tells Deal
ers of Reforms Which They
Must Inaugurate.
President Ed Lehmkuhl of the
Mid-west Implement Dealers' asso
ciation. In bis annual address at the
opening of the convention in- the
Auditorium, advised some action be
taken regarding the alleged Sisal
trust, advised the implement retail
ers to put themselves at once Into
position to handle the tractor busi
ness, which is a rapidly growing
business, advised the retailers to Bee
that they have their territory care
fully defined by buying territory
with goods and goods with territory,
and told them they must be fair In
the matter of returning goods unsat
isfactory, as any unnecessary con
cessions made by the manufacturer
along this line must necessarily even
tually increase theecsfet 'goods to
the dealer.
President Lehmkuhl made his address
tihort, but full of points. Ho called at
tention to the claim made by the 'lane
manufacturers that under present Bell
ing conditions it takes SJ of capital to do
a dollar's worth of business. "Tho state
iiimit noes unchallenged, " he said, "and
if it is true, we' should welcome a more
efficient plan." ,
'Attention." he said, "has also recently
been CHlled to ti e newly formed sisal
trust. This Is an organization in the
south which has obtained control of the
supply of sisal fibre of Yucatan, where
it is produced. Since then there have
been several systcmutic advances in price
that do not seem warranted ty supply
and demand. I advise some action In this
"The farm tractor business demands
our earnest and careful consideration.
Many of the retailers have not been in
p position to handle It, and the result
is that the' manufacturers have gone
straight to the farmer and handled it
themselves. The dealers were not
equipped with floor sj.aee and all ncccs
eary to handln this buniness, which came
upon thrin suddenly. It has come to be
a greHt thing, and the dealers should put
thems Ives in a position to handle this
at once. A better understanding with
the manufacturer must be reached."
Must Buy Territory.
Touching the matter of territory. Presi
dent Lehmkuhl held that the only way
to be sure of territory is to buy territory
with goods. "Let us buy nnd contract
for territory at the time and In the same
transaction with our goods," he said.
"Follow two rules, buy territory with
goods and goods with territory. Always
arrange the quantities of each to suit
you and you have the vexing question
The convention opened formally at 2
(Continued on Fmo 8. Column 1.)
Fruit Jobbers
Elect Officers
MEMPHIS, Tcnn., Jan. l. T. D.
Turner of Oklahoma City was today
elected president of the Western Fruit
Jobbers' association, succeeding W. H. j
c..,.u r,r nnrlinKton. la. Other officers
al .
chosen were: .m. an. neu, oiircii"i
ja.. C. A. Kirr. Chicago, and Ixiuls
Kenny. Hastings, Mo., vice presidents;
A. R. Currie, Hutte, Mont; W. II. Orupe.
Iowa; II. J. .Stillmeyer, St. Ixiuls; C. I'.
Peppers, Kansas City, and Z. I. Kort,
Denver, directors.
A resolution was adopted urging a con
ference between officers of tho associa
tion and officers ofthe express com
panies after a committee had condemned
methods of express companies In handling
Colonel E. M. House
Will Go to Paris
LONDON. Jan. 19. Havlns concluded
his conference with prominent British of
ficials Colonel V.. M. House, personal rep.
resentaltve of President Wilson, will de
part for Purls tomorrow. Colonel House
talked ith all the prominent members
of tho cabinet, as well aa a number of
financiers and business men.
In Paria be will be the guest of Wil
liam G. Sham, American ambassador.
He will remain there until Sunday, then
,u to licrilo for a week.
GAPn '"ZJ:
Mexican Chief Formally Proolaims
Chihuahua Rebel an Outlaw
and Declares His Life
Unconfirmed Report Says Cavalry
men Made Prisoners Aeross
the Line.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 19. Gen
eral Carranr.a telegraphed tho Mexi
ean embassy here today that he had
formally proclaimed Francisco Villa
an outlaw and authorized his execu
tion by any rlUten of the republic
who might encounter him.
An unconfirmed report here from
Dotialaa. AH , that .vn a.h..o,.
cavalrymen had been capturedd
Mexican bandits.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1?. ATter heated
discussion over tho Mexican situation
tho first meeting; of tho senato coniniltn.o
on forelim relations, adjourned today
without taking action on resolutions pro
viding for intervention op sending: troops
to aid Carransa in protecting American
c.ltUens, Tho supject . vi ll bo taken up
again next Wednesday. Senator Ktone
declined to forecast the probable attitude
of tho committee.
Senator Uorah, who urged speedy
action, has decided to make a canvass
of tho senato to determine what support
would ' be given an effort to consider
proposals of intervention, should the
foreign relations commltteo fall to act cm
resolutions before It. Tho opinion pre-
vatiea that none of the intervention reso- i them comes voluntarily into a Brit
lutlon would bo reported at present and iMw nnrt
that a majority of tho committee would
uphold the president In his determination i
to give tho Carranza government a chance
to demonstrate its ability to establish
order ln Mexico.
The data called for In Senator Kail s
resolution regarding the Carranza gov
ernment and its recognition was not be
fore the committee and Chairman Stone,
who saw the president earlier In the
day, could not say when It would be i
ready. The committee did not consider
the nomination of Honry p, t'lctclicr as I
ambassador to Mexico.
Intervention resolutions wore still under
discussion when the committee adjourned
to attend a session of the senate.
"Senators Lodge and Sutherland also
urged action by the committee.
.Senators Clarke of Arkansas fchd Wil
liams of Mississippi, democrats, spoke for
leaving the Mexican situation at this
stage in tho hands of the executive. Tho
democrats seemed solidly In favor of such
a course, excepting Senator, l'omcrene.
who thought something should be done !
Senator Borah urged that a
resolution '
be adopted authorizing the president to
use the army and navy to protect Amer
icans and proposed that the president In
form Carranza that the United States
was ready to take a hand. To leave pend
ing resolutions without action, he arguod,
was to keep the Mexican people in the
dark as to what the United States in
tended to do.
New Treatment for
pTnq Pmqnninn' k
UClO JT UloUIililg lO
T n pi
rroving successiui
,TT,4 , ' .
in., jan. j?. uuitve mus-
Sell. Polish lfltwtrpr. uhn nnr1frwnt n '
transfusion operation yesterday when ljder., 8 quoted by the Social Democraten
was taken to the Cook county hospital!, MJP t,Rt prefer8 decl.,ve .cllon
f thA nnlnl nf HobII fpnm una nnluAti. '
lng, today was said by physicians to
have a good chance of recovery. Mussell
was the first human being in the Tnitcd
States to undergo the treatment recently
developed by a physician of the Chicago
department of health. The treatment,
which consists of substitution of healthy
blood for the gas-Impregnated blood of
the patient, was found successful on ani
mals, but had never been tried on a
human being In the United States. Doc
tors In charge of Mussell'a case ex
pressed the opinion that the transfusion
treatment will prove of great value In
treating cases where .ordinary methods
of resuscitation have proved unavailing.
Schreiber Takes
Omaha Welfare
Board Position
Chairman Sturgess of the Welfare
board yesterday afternoon received from
K. I Schreiber of Brooklyn, N. Y., a
message of acceptance of the superin
tendency of the board at a salary of
a year.
Mr. Schreiber states he can be here
during the early part of February. He
1h now engaged In child welfare work In
Brooklyn, lie nsu six years or experi-
encc in general welfare work In Kansas
City and will come to Omaha well recom-
mended. It is understood he will be ad -
vanced in salary, aa the work here be
comes established and be shows his fit
ness. Members of British
And French Cabinets
Hold War Council!CAVALH
IjOMON. Jail. 19. Members of the
French and British governments held an
other war conference this afternoon In
Downing street. France was represented
by Premier Brland and Jules Carabon,
general under secretary of the foreign
ministry, and Alexandre Miller, former
minister of war. For the British, t Pre
mier Asijuith, War Secretary Kitchener,
Foreign tw-cietary Grey and First Ixjid
of the Adnilradty Balfour, were present.
A number of French and British mili
ary and naval officers also attended the
meeting. Further plans for active preca
ution of the war were discussed.
Scandinavian Country First of
Neutral Nations to Make Re
prisals for Sea Inter
Tress of Northern Kingdom Much
Aroused by Seizure by the
English Navy.
LONDON. Jan. 1!. The on-i
( troversy between Great Ilrltain and j
' Sweden over the detention of malls !
has reached an impasse with both
j sides 6tubhornly refusing to allow
i its rival's malls to be expedited
, l,m,us" ln" P'iv4j countries.
i Sweden now is holding an enor-
4 L... .. L. A 1 f .
i mous quantity of the RnRllsh post
i destined for Russia, while mail is
' being taken from every Scandi
navian liner brought into Kirkwall,
Scotland. Swedden's action is the
first tangible reprisal measure by a
lltnron Protests Made.
Vigorous representations are be
ing made by the diplomats of both
countries. Tho foreign office here
takes the tlefinito stand that a par
rel, no matter what class of postage
It bears, is no more entitled to pro
tection than is ordinary freight.
Great Britain further claims tho
right to censor mails in transit to
other countries If tho ship carrying
Swedish diplomats declare that
since the SwcdiBh government for
bids the export of certain articles it
has a l ight , to hold up the British
parcel post and to seize such goods,
which, according to Knglish argu
ment, are not entitled to any more
protection than is ordinary freight.
LONDON, Jan. 19. The Polltiken
of Copenhagen, as quoted by the Ex
change tlegraph correspondent there,
says that anxiety has been aroused
ln Stockholm by tho speech at the
opening of the Swedish Parliament
by King Gastave, who urged vigorous
preparation of national defense ln
view of the disregard on the part of
beligerents of neutral rights.
Tho situation is a source of con-
j ccrn in Stockholm, the correspondent
"ays, on account of the seizure by
the British last week, of a large
quantity of provisions from the
Swedish-American steamship Stock
holm, from New York to Stockholm.
nrltlah HHcUrd Sharplr.
The action of the British authorities Is
criticised sharplv by tho Swedish Dress,
I which expresses the ' opinion that the
lne BC,r:a c"nuliue
Barded as anything like an adequate
! t0 ffecl ofJhe "to meet tk.
I relations between Sweden and Ureat;thera lg nj olhpr y
I l'rltain. Some of the Swedish news- ,,. ."
papers state that such acUons are worse
than an open rupture.
j HJalmar Branting. socialist leader
the Mrrnnrl ftwriliah chamber, who re-
a day too early rather than a day too
late, in order to save Sweden from com
plications. "It is noted that King Uustave In his
speech from the throne did not make
the usual reference to the good relations
of Sweden with foreign powers," the
correspondent adds. "Several interpella
tions on foreign affairs are expected dur.
inff tho session." -
Gardner Asks for
Probe of Own and
Bryan's Activities
WASHINGTON. Jan. lt.-Investlgation
of the motives of supporters and oppo
nents of preparedness was urged by Rep
resentative Gardner of Massachusetts.
reeentatlve Uadner of Massachusetts.
Ilepreaentative Tavenner of Illinois, to-
day before the house rules committee.
Mr. Gardner's pending resolution would
embrace organisations and individuals.
Including himself. Representative Tsvsn
ner and William J. Bryan.
"Mr. Bryan, of course," Mr. Gardner
told the committee "has a perfect right
to make money out of his crusade acalm-t
ir epareaness if ne inooees to no mo.
However, if bis speeches are paid for.
the public is the less likely to put fait.i
i his accusations, especially when be
(himself refuses to make good when tin y
are challenged.
"With Mr. Tavenner and me it Is dif
ferent. We are hansomely paid to legis
late for the country. If we are making
additional money in our campaign fur
and against "preparedness" our con
stiucnts are entitled to know that fac.-'
KL, PAS(J Tex.. Jan. U.-Six bandits,
believed to be Mexicans, were attacked
and pursued last night by United States
cavalrymen stationed at Doyle's Wells,
fourteen miles south of Hachlta. In a
brief skirmish one cavalry horse was
killed, but no one was hurt, according
to a report brought to Hachita by a man
named and received here.
Three soldiers ami a number of
milling men, residents at Doyle's Wells,
are said to have participated jn the Skir
mish. The bandits, according to Ijet, re
treated into Mexico.
This picture, taken on the Italian front, shows an Italian
embracing an Austrian "3C5,' one of the heaviest shells used
in the war, which failed to explode. The shell weighs more
than half a ton.
j. i " - o:iiiwswii mm, mm, wwj.j 11
Iowa Senator Would Have Manu
facture of War Supplies Taken
Over by Government.
" "WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Elimi
nation. o.( private profit aa an Influ
ence for war by government manu
facture of all war munitions was
urged ln tho senato today by Sonator
A. B. Cummins of Iowa, republican.
He pleaded for prompt adoption of
his resolution, which would authorize
a special committee to inquire into
the most feasible plan for acquiring
and constructing plants to supply
the army and navy with all arms,
ammunition and equipment, includ
ing ships, and to report on the legls-
necessary iu prevent private
manufacture of such products.
I "I agree that war may come to thin
' Piiiinirv" Kitna t -it liiminlna iliiflun1
-but if it comes It must be tho reault
, .m ,.., .....
ful scoutko because
ay of defending our
rl vllisatlnn nllp inut II til innn ami mil1
j hom)r . d(j not Umt v n
! or corporation which may profit from
' ..... ....
'.. .
i u-ar wni in lnrirn wsir
I do assert
! that all such persons
" "ot ,?lpe'ent f ,h"
versus which may lead to conflict, and
I inasmuch as they cannot be removed
j from the Kreat panel of tho republic,
they ought to be removed from the busi
ness out of which the Interest urows.
Would Take Profit fro ill Mar.
It ought to bo made Impossible, so
far aa the power of the government is
concerned, for any man or corporation
to make money out of war.
I In thin critical moment what Is the at
; tttudo of the makers of arms and muni
; tloiio'.' Without exception, so far as I
I know, they aro insisting upon tho most
comprcheuslvo program which It is pos
i slhle to conceive, and they are employing
(Continued on I'ago TwoCoiuliin One.)
Butte Police ftaid
Alleged Pool Rooms
I BUTTE, Mont., Jan. 19. Thirteen cltl-
! xenB f Butte aro to bo 'arraigned here
today on gambling charges as the re
sult of raids by the police on aliened puol
rooms lute yesterday, where li was
charged betting on tho result of horse
races was permitted.
Tho raids followed the chaiKiim of
forty-niiio Informations in ihe dintrict
court by County Attorney Canning.
Among the men arrested were employes
of tho Western t'nlon Telegraph com
pany and the i'oxtal Telegraph Coiupuny,
who were charged with transmitting mes
sages for the use of bookmakers.
The act under which the arrests were
made was passed at the last legislative
session abolishing race track gambling
from Montana.
Japanese Fishermen Drift Across
the Pacific Ocean jn an Open Boat
WASHINGTON, 1. C. Jan. IH.-A story
of eight Japanese fishermen who drifted
all tha way across the Pacific ocean in
a small fishing boat, landing after twenty-four
days of hardships on tho British
Columbian shore, reached the bureau of
navigation today In consular dispatches.
The narrative tellH bow the fishermen,
caught off the harbor of Shfitioiiu. Japan,
III a storm that car
sel's main mast ami
led ana) their cs -
rudder, weie driven
eastward by ocean currents helpless and.
towards tho end of their trip, half
starved. The boat grounded on one of
f V ,J"'
i , . ..; x, I y jf
U. S. Only Once Prepared. When
France Was Told to Beat it
Out of Mexico.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Major
General Leonard Wood told the
senate military1 committee today the
coast line of the United States was
open to attack by any well-organized
foreign army, despite ita equipment
of forts, mines nnd submarines and
that the oceans formed no serious
barrier to invasion. He maintained
that in the country's presont state
of utter unpreparedness for war a
trained force of 1 50,000 men could
Inflict incalculable damage before
an army could bo assembled to
meet It.
Events of the European war demon
strated clearly, the generatl said, . that
tho sea was tho best medium for the
movement of troopa and he pointed out
that a force of II'I.OOO men, fully equlpepd,
bsd been landed at Galllpoll from a Bin
gle expedition of ninety-eight shlpB,
against submarines, mlnea and an under
water screen of barbed wire which
fringed every available landing place.
Obligation of Suffrage.
Emphasising bis conviction thst troops
cannot bo improvised to meet regulars.
General Wood said the fundamental basis
of any policy of adequate national de
fense must bo tho principle that with 'suf
frage goes an obligation for military
service. Such a policy was advocated by
Georgo Washington, he said, and If It
had been adopted Canada would liavo be
come part of the United States In the war
of IR1!.
uniy once in our History have we
been prepared for war." be added. "That
was Immediately after the civil war,
wnen we nan i,wjo,(jou trained soldier. Our
diplomatic correspondence with France
at that time concerning Mexico was very
brief. It required only one note, because
of our preparedness. France was told to
get out of Mexico, and it got out.
"There is not going to be any weakness
abroad after this war is over. You will
rina that more male children will have
been born than have been killed or ln
J u red.
"You will have ll tho gold, perhaps,
but it will not do you much good unions
you itlffen'it with iron." .
As to the Immediate needs of the regu
lar army. General Wood expressed the
opinion that tho force of regulars with
the colors should bo maintained at ,.'in.
Ono. Of these, he said. 20.000 equipped and
supplied for a year's time, should be
sept in the riilllppllnes; another 20,0ii0
in Hawaii, nnd l.'i.Oi") at Panama. Ho
urged that tho regulars should hate a
reserve system under which ln a six
years' enlistment, men would be trans
ferred into a reservo whenever their
company commanders reported them ef
(Coiitinucd on PageT TwoTol umn One. )
the small uninhabited Islands that dot
tho lint tub Columbian shore, where the
men remained until picked up by a pass
ing steamer.
Only one of the party, the owwer of the
boat, suffered any serious 111 effects
from tho trip. He Is now in a Prince
Itupcrt IiohihI.
The boat was of tl type common
t along t no Japanese const, fitted with
cooking utensils. It became water lotted
in tbu tnn that stripped It of sails and
after first attempts the Japanese made
no further effort to direct Us course.
Official Report from Paris Says
Story Regarding the Surrender
to the Austrian is
Rumor Comes from Another Source,
that Negotiations Hare Been
PARKS, Jan. (Via London.)
Tho following; official statement
was Issued today:
"The wireless news of the surren-
ler of tho Montenegrin army appears
somewhat premature. It la now an
nounced from another source that
egotlatlons between Austria and
Montenegro have been broken, tha
mnditlons of surrender lmposetj by
Austria having been found quite un
acceptable by Montenegro.
"The king, the royal family and
the diplomatic corps are about to
proceed to Italy."
Selecting, Training
And Promotion of'
Workers Discussed
MINNKATOMS. Minn.. Jsn. 19. The
selecting, blrlnit, training and promotion
of workers ss a phssa of industrial man
agement was considered here tonight by
an "employment managers conference."'
called as a 'preliminary to the ninth an
nual convention of the National Society
for the Promotion of Industrial Eduea
tlon, which opens here tomorrow. Rep
resent nl Ives -if the Boston, New York
and Philadelphia Employment Managers
sssoclatlous; the Boston Vocation bu
reau, tho Tuck School of Finance and
Business Administration of Dartmouth
college and the Minneapolis Clvio and
Commerce, association took part in the
"It hsa been found that only a few em
ployers have bluo printed' the Jobs which
wero being filled In such a way as to
bring about a islr selection of competent
workers," said the official announcement!
of the conference. "More friction, waste,
disaffection and 111 will are probably bred
'In the failure to give this subject the
thought that it requires than come from
almost any other source."
The conference emphasized that trie
"overturn" in working forces of indus
trial plants each year constitutes a posi
tive waste, and those who attended thf
meeting exchanged views and experiences
with a view to eliminating this factor In
industry. ,
How to redu-o absenteeism. Improve
the physical qualifications of aspirant
for positions and use the theoretical train
ing of young men educated in the busU
ness courses of higher Institutions o4
learning were among the subjects con
sidered. The conference was) In charge
of manufacturers of this city, who oonstU
tute the technical education committee
of the Minneapolis civlo and Commerce;
association. Among the speakers were)
Howard 8. Person of Iartmouth college
and Charles 11. Winslowr of the United
States bureau of labor statistics.
The Industrial education convention
proper will start tomorrow afternoon
There will be a banquet ln the evening
and a general session and half a doierj
sectional gatherings Friday.
MINNEAPOLIS., Minn.. Jan. U.-tfYenH
erlck T., I'rlco of this city, convicted laa
Saturday of. murdering his third wife
Mary Krldley Price for her fortune, wa
sentenced to life imprisonment at hard
lubor by Judge Daniel Fish! in district
court here today.
The Day's War Nets
Part, today .Intra that lew. o
Montenegro's rrender may kar
hern prrsittire, aa It has been
learned from another aoarea tfcaf,
the Montenegrin wegottatloae TrltBJ
Austria have hern broken off.
M 1 1. IT An V OPERATIONS along: the,
various front In the European
Ikratrr of war have been rrla
lively nalmportaat alnee the
resaalloa of Ihe fighting; In Mons
tfirirs and the halt of the Roa
slan offensive In r astern Oallcla)
covered from hla reeeat IndtaposM
tlon. BtTordlss to nn oftlclnt
mannrit from Berlin last Snat
In, nil la lsh yesterday, a Bert
tin dispatch alalrs, and met Klnaj
Frrdluaad of Bulgaria there.
t.KttMAM CASUALTIES, as puha
- u --i , f,ua.
fflrlal Hats, total
illlad ansrregatlnJ
aaaoaaced la thj
llahrd la the official Hats,
St.BUa.TvM, the kl
BMK,U8, It wai
British hoaeo today,
that the Ottoman arnalra resisting
Itae Itasalaa advance la the Cau
casus have beea reinforced aa
haw checked, the It ass la aa alonsj
Ihe entire front. tla tho olhel
baad a Pelrorad official atatrj
meat elalma that the campalga la
the Caucasus la developing; favor
ably to tho Hum Lams, nka hav
taken atroac Turkish positions.
L1TTLK M5W LIGHT haa be 4
thrown apoa bappealaas 14
'ireeer, from ' wheace report o
Iroagly aaarrsslvo movemealf
on Ihe part of tho raleato pourrrt
have coma through Uermas,
' Londoa dispatch aat
the British forrlan office orlirtri
the German reports to be ant