THE HEE: OMAHA JANUARY 101C. WANT AD RATES. WAHT APS for tho enlr.i e"1!lo nnrt roach The Be Office Mota 11 o'clock noon. WAWT APS lor tho mornltif an tsunda titles aiuM .Mrh Tb Dm Oftioo lloia t: . SB. WANT ADS roeetriMl after theae krnir will inaa islr ft rat appoaraar anoor "To la.e I ciy" CASliTvATES. Oo tim. t nti a wrri. Two or mar rtsnisratlr (Imefl, 1 4 WU wwrrl, Mh lnnlon. HTn eoiiBtjtl time. 1 cnt ft wort, ath Insert Iva. CHAKUK RATKH. On tim. It rni m Him. Thn- rrxMcutlT tim, 19 ntt ft ft Iniwfttofi. rW-n ronaKutiT ttmft. I cntl l!nft, . h lDrt ton. ThlrtT vncltT ttrntft, 7 cftnti a Una. eh InMrilnn. CVunt tit Trtff4 wnrfli t th lln. Nft fltrttemnt Ukn for tr than cents notices. COraa of Thanla. rieatn. Funaral an tot Nolleo. in rn' Una rh toarrtloa. Minl num chora;, IS canto. Forties as.TOftlalnc In theae eelumric and having thstr enaw-ra aodreimed In cam of Tn Be. will filraao aak for ranla to or.abl than) to thalr laltani. a anna will ua 4allrH on rr.n.ntatton of card.. An ertlaeinont Innerta to ba run nnlll ItseoBtlnue. muat bo ototmo br wrltton order. Th Ho will not bo ratmnaihlo fr more than Ui flrat Incorrect Inorrtlon of anr ad aorttootnont. Tho Ho roaarwo tna tlahl to roet or ro. writ, all aam-tleamanta. Ton ui place year want ad In The Boa ij telephone. TELEPHONE TYLEK 1.000. DEATHS AnD FUNKR L XOTICM BAILEY Helen M., 2 yinriToT'l. daughter of Mr. and Mra. E. I., ISatley, 23) Dmwn street Funeral will be from 1 h residence, Monday lit 8 o'clock. Private. Body will be placed In a receiving vault at Forest Uwn cemetery. STRONG Harrv P., at the resldenre, 2420H South Sixteenth street. January IS. 1PW, a (red 62 year. Funeral from Crosby's chapel, Tues day. January H. 2 p. m. Interment In Weet Uwn cemetery. BATJMANN Mrs. Katherlne, aged, 73, Sunday January 18. Funeral from residence 611 Plere street. Tuesday. 2 p. m. Interment Prospeot Hill cemetery. FLORISTS. BATH'8. flortata, 104 Farnam St. D. 8000. 1 HENDERSON, 181a Douglaa. D. Member Florlata Telegraph l. Ann. HEfiS ft BWOHODA, 141o Farnam Bt. A. DONAQHUK. 163 Harney. Doug. 100L MONUMENTS AND CEMETERIES. WirT bury your dead in the oold ground In atormy weather when you can buy a tomb In a marble building at it reason able price? I'hone the MAL'80L.KUM CO.. Iouglaa 2175. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth George A. and Mar Williams, rS24 Konth Twenty-fourth, girl; Kala and Anna Hanrner, 'Mi Q, boy; Joseph and Anna Maga. t.2271 Bouth Tewenly-flfth; girl; Carl and Edith Tlvlln. 41H Call fomla, boy; ltoy J. and Margaret 1'ar en. lo!7 North Twenty-third, girl; John and Hannah Chlssed. 12. .8 Routh Fifteenth, boy; John and Helen Jlelinakl, 1.23 Hi nit h Twenty-alxlh. girl; Anthony and Catherine Keltyka, 402 )outh Thir-ty-eevenlh, girl; John and Eda Olenlk, 40:1 J, boy: inner and lena M-nucnimeier, hospital, boy. pltal, boy. Death John W. Reavia, 60, Twenty fourth avenue and Harney; Ha by Far rarn. 2, 917 Kouth Twelfth; Frank Meier, ZU, I'.-' Mouth Tweuty-flrat; Robert Wll lara !. I4 North Thirty-fourth; Mary Moi i, n. rl. hospital; Clarence Krickson, 24 days, 247$ Grand avenue; Mary Oloehna wlte, s, TZ7 North Thlrty-aeoond; Alva A. Keorscr, 47, koaiulal; Florenco lankowa, ?, 4.M0 South Forly-thlrd; Maxwell O, Hurlhnt, 1, CiM 1.; Mra. I.llllan Marrln, 24, 4723 Houth Twentieth; Jame Nellaou, 71, 1!T Cuming; Thomas Kllpatrlck, 74, Kino Chicago. Ready Reference Directory ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DW0KAK, C. P. A. ta-4TT Ram re Bldg. Tel. Dour 7408. ADVEH'llSINU NUVULTIEI. M. r. Shafer ft Co.. mn-Famam. P. 7474. ARCJI ITEt I S, Krerett 8. Dodd. 612 fax ton HIV. D. aOBI. Ai'IOHKltli, - a T. THcklnon. til Paston Blk. P. W4. AUCTIONEERS. I Txrma Auetlon Co". 1116-lt W.O.W. R.3283. BAKERIES. at M Ttr.EDF.R. W H. lh. WoS l7. TliASS AMI IRON FOUNDRIES. rslton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bts. I CHIROPRACTIC SPIN At'iUJU'MTI I DR. BURHORN, lth and Farnam. Wead ( Bldg. D. M47; Pfclmer school ajraduata. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 l aird Bldf. P. Ml. DR W. M. KNOLLENBERG. Bult lit. Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler UM CHIROPODISTS. Carrie J. Buford. 30 Pax. Blk. Red 4fS7. CAHrENTERB AND CONTRACTORS UtMtd ft Son. 1M Capitol Avs. T. 1831 C. "W. Hokanaon, 1606 I.vnwth. Tyl. 1191-J. ! COSTUSIES. l THEATRICAL gowns, full dres ults, for rent. H N. 17th HI. John Feldman. ; DANC1NU ACADEMIES. I FALL term open at Mackle's, Douf. M40. ! T 1ATXK ACAPWMT. Ill 18th Bt. I DRESSMAKINU COLLEGE. I DrM making, alteration, remodeling. 115 1 8. Har. 6M0. Ask for Mis Malon. "iJlDIES' Jacket remodeled In th latest atyie. 1911 Farnam. Douglas 28JS. Ksislsr's Dreaamaklng Col. 128 City Nat ' Te rryD re a ma k g college. 80th ft Farnam. 'dyers and cleaners. ! tTATK Pry flng. CoTiao N. Hth. D. 8071. ' DETECTIVES. i JAMES ALLAN. Ill Nsvlll Block. Fvl ' con' cured In all cae Tyler 113S. . DENTIST. j Dr. Uradburf. No pain. Sit W.O.W. Bide . Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickloa. TM City Nat Bank. ! Tfcft Dental Room. Ui? Douglaa. P. 1181 j ' DRUGS. , DRUGS at sut price: freight paid en J1 i orders; catalogue free, biirrmin ft so. Connell irug t'o ., Omaha Neb. i EVER a l UIMiKlBTl' ACVORDION. aide, knife. unburt. bei ' pleai:ng, rorered buttons, all ls and style; hemjtltchlng. point edging; em broidery. 4eadinK. braiding, curding. 1 eyelet cut work buttonhole, ponnama. , Ideal Pleottng Co., 20u Douclas block. ; tKoklaa lS4. j ELECTROLYSIS. I'loa AllenderCH Bco Bldg Red SS68. r.I.Et I Hit AL REPAIRING. I CA HILL ELnCTRIO CO.. Bee BIJ. P. W7TA j rtR.VACES AND TINtVORK. 1 UABCF.STROil. 43 Hamilton. Wal. STX THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DA1LT. Annmers tn qufntlon -Where) to go tonight." DorratowB). EMPKE8S. 1 5th & Douglas. Pelig-Trlbune. No. 4. "The Woman With a Itoae," 8-reel E aanay. "When Two Tlay a Game." Vltagraph. "Mttle Itrown Hen." PRINCESS, 1217-19 DOUGLAS. "Water Stuff." a clever comody-drama In 4 acta, taken from Charlea K. Van l.onn aiorv In the Fnturday Kvenlna I'oet. Stargaret Hlbeon in "Marta of the Junglca." a thrilling weatern drama In 2 act. And a eelectd Keyntone com- Aurtl LOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP. raramoimt Travel Pictures and four other rela. GRAND. 16TH AND HINNEY. I Itoela of Good Plrturei. Soatk. APOLLO 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Mr boat One," reel Mtagrapn. jlla Iat Wlah," lllograph. One good comedy . B01ILFF, 2B1 LEAVENWORTH. The Cloning Net. I'ntne ihm-i n...m.-r play, featuring Howard Katerbrook, Milan Mllford and Kathryn Hrowno 1 locker, one reel comedy. Weal. MONROE. 2f55 FAUNAM. True Hosrdnian In "To the Vile Dual." Htlhgnrea storv. In 2 reels. Kate PrU-e in vat tmgnn I cipt-h. ftoath Side. 8 ESSE. 24TH & N. Miss Tills Mllford and Edwin Arden In -ect Gold Rooster play, The Beloved Vagabond. Anita Btewart and Earle Wllllame in "The Ooddeaa. chapter 7. Thl ia 811k Stocking night. s tar Features Theae are Special Extra-Reel Pictures now appearing at the following Theaters: REB3B 24VH AND N. Blis Mllford and Edward Arden in The Beloved Vagabond. act. Anita rUfw art and Earl Williairt In The God dess, chapter 7 fiONROET 2555 FARNAM. True Roardman In "To the Vile Dust," a Ktlngaree tory. PRlNCfifct' 1217-10 DOUGLAS. "Water Htuff." a clever coinody-drama 1.. a. oia labon from Charlea K. Van lean's story In the fiaturday Evening Post. . KOHLW 2B?1 LEAVENWORTH. The Closing Net." Patbe Gold Rooster plav featuring Howard Katerbrook, Vtlls Mllford and Kathryn Browne Decker. . APOLLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. "My Lost One," featuring Nicholas Du iSaew, IJoroiny ivcii) biiu """" INTELLIGENT and persistent advertla Ing will "sell" any salublo real eatate, and the largest number of prospective buyer can be reached through the Real Estate and Want-Ad Guide to all of Greater Omaha THE BEt. BUILDING PERMITS. uiutt.Falrfleld company. MIS and M17 fnderwood avenue, frame dwellings, ai.B'X) each. " KIXTtMES AND WiniNO. DUKKIN Electrlo waahlnt," machines, elect rlo Irons and reading lamp. Bee tia first. 2221 Cuming St. Tel. Doug. 2Rl. FlltlllbHI. CAM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam. Red C331 H. Rothols. 2S1N Leavenworth. II. f73. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. THE largeit stock of masquerade and theatrical coatumo In the country. Theo. Lleben & Bon, 1614 Howard. D.4118 INSTRUCTION. Engllah. French Instruction, 805 Lyrlo Bid. JCSI11ES OF THE PEACE. H. It. CLAIBORNmTsTi Paxton Blk. Red 74UI, .Notary public; depoaitlon alenw. b. W, BRITT. 301 Barker Block. laVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. CO. Exchange Bld MOVING I'll i ;i; MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo- ' i"'"" macnine ana nun Darsaln. ocixiiTsT Eye examined, glaair fitted, pay as vou 5fJ!- Pra!iVarJJi:i W. O. V. Bldg OSTEOPATH FUitlUAM. JOSEPHINB ARMSTRONG, S16 Bee Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. II. A. Sturge. Brandei Theater Bid g. PLUMES CLEANED. CURLED, dyed. P. Elaelo. DM City Nat PR I VI mu. WATERS-BARN HART Pt. Co.. quaUty PrtnUK. TsL Puue. 8180. 4 &' l3ia fiu CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 8751 0JaiA8pr'nUn t-?.Tel.Douglas Wt SCALE REPAIRING, Om. Standard Scale Co.. UI s. lith. D. 2811. BUOU REPAIRING. Rarley Shoo Hep'r Co . 2004 Farn'm. R. 3444 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Cc - ompany, 110 8. IV TOWEL SI PI-LIE; " OMAHA TowelBupplyT 207 S. 11th. D, 628 TRUNK AND SUIT CASKS, " rREUNQ ft STEInTL. 1ST K.r. t Act vat . La.ANa.stai ALL makes. E. B. WUllama. Sua a in... Tyler lull. . lta WATCH SPEC I A LAS lo. rhrtatlanaen. Jd fl Pam. tk - ' rr. oia Wi,aU4u .; WEDDING UN,. ' BRODEaAARD's'-lucSr woddlna rirM" St 14th and Donglaa feta ltl AD 1.H41USI. A1.EX JETES, 9l-s a. ijth g,. TYlneo. liquors, cigar, plate dinner U U 1 Ive. HnNR POLIJCK ijorroft HOUSK, Utb and Caoltol Ave. Taacent luncE PUT your family' liquor ki,i's Liquor auus.. H N. 0,1 lm ' LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COI NC1L. HLfKFS 8TIIKKT RAILWAY COM PANT. Peraona having loet aome rtlcle would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Hluffa Hlreet Railway company to aai.erlaln whether they loft It In the atreet cara. Many article eacn clay are turned In and the company la njiiioue to rcatore tliem to the rightful ownera. Call Doug. 41. I.OHT In or about the lilpp theater. Sat urday evening, efwctacln cnac, conlalii Ing extra elan magnifying glaneci; great value to owner. Finder ploaHO call Doug K1, 222 N lth. IWard. 1-OHT or Found ada In Omaha'n It and Found medium means the immediate I return of Ibnl article If advertlxed in 1 The Hee, the Lnnt and Found a)er. TUB law deals severely with personal; who fH II to return lost properly to the rightful owner. I l,OHT-Peil grape cluster lavaller, over i week hko. lteward. lNug1na 4'.4fi. La HT White Kngllsh terrier, collar and j tag; reward, n. Min nt. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Farnltnre alnrl llonaebolrl Gooda. FOR BALli Here In a. cinaslflcatlon that I of the utmost Importance to every reader, aa this column offer nme ex. ceptlonal opportunities every day and a small want ad will aell your article at ita full value. Phone Tyler 1000. FOR 8A1.F.. 11-foot light oak office counter, ault able for atatlonery atorage; almost new; a bargain. 103 Hrandel Hldg. BIG BARGAIN'S. Furniture, fi; sloves, beds, rprlnga, lnattr s, tl each; bedding - ,;""""r"!!L."nJ"':'''-ilL."'' J ALE HKFAIHH -Water fronts, furnace I colls, etc. (julck service. Omaha Move In solid oak. Have a davenport to ex Repair Works 12ik;-K DoiikIhs. Tyler 20. ; change, also quartered oak. Address OMAHA FJLLOW CO. Mattreases made ! over lust like new. 1"07 Cuming. D. 2167. : ROTAL Acorn hasehurner for Bale cheap. ; 818 8. 2Srd Bt. Douglas oWl. , - rianna, lnlcn Inatrumrntl. 2uiVlctor cahinii Phonograph, 13.60 per month. A. Hoaoe. 1613 Douglas. Ij In gold will be paid for the name of a prospective piano or player-piano buyer. ROBINSON' PIANO CO., 214 S. 18th St, Factory Distributor Cable Planoa. Store and Office Fixture. DESKS, aafes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy. ell. Omaha Fixture aV flupply Co.. 414-16-18 B. ltth. Doug. 2724. Cameras and Kodak. FILMS developed free if purchased from rnoio uran unop. 41s nee mag. Kept, u Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches. DIAMOND LOCKET, men's and ladle waicnea, reaaonabie. c ried man. 1211 Doug. I. amber and Hiilldlnw Material. HOUSE, aheda and fence lor sale, In goo 1 conunion ror t;c- aa lumDer; will sell cheap. Doug. 4S48. DRY kindling by the load. Harney 3725. Sewlne; Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell noedles and parti Of all sewing machines. MICKEL'B NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Jjarney Hts. Dong. Itl3. lypenrltrra and Soppliea. MIDLAND RIBBON & CARBON CO. I We make them in OMAHA. What?i Typewriter Ribbons! Supplies for tho. office. Douglas 2147. 22H Bee Bids. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3mo. for tX Oliver Typewriter Agency, Ww Farnam. TYPER WIThiRS sold, reuten repaired. Central Typewriter Exc. 1905 Farnam. RELIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co., car- bon paper and Inked rlbbnnn. D. 3242. RENT a "Remlimtun" not rust a tvoe. writer, low rem, uail uoujici 12. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 310 g. 18th. Bt. All make for sale or rent. Machinery and Engine. ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery, including shafting, belts and pulley. Everything In the beat of condition This Includes moulding machines, j Jointer, band saw, tttlting table saws, sanding and boring muchlnes, etc. plum ; Duiiglu 838 or call 1113 Harney St.. j George H. Iee Co. , V(iof SS 01 king Machinery. Coinpiete outfit for small ilunlm( mill, liu liid- , lug motor. This la a snnji if taken aa i It stands. Geo. II. lc Co., 1115 I nev St . Omehn. N'eb, NRW Second-hand motors, dynamos, i u" magneloa. Le Bivn Elccu L- Works, 818-20 8. 12th St. Billiard and Pool Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and howlimr alleys and accessories; liar fixture of 1 all kind; easy payments. The Bruns- 1 wlck-Halke-Culleiider Co.. 4V7-4W S loth St. Mlacrllaueona, FREE 1 lb. of OOo Gunnewder or ! Japan tea with every 10 lb. of beat Suo coffee, parcel post, St 12.75. Dave' Coffee Market, 1811 Leavenworth St., Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE CHEAP, Buslneaa College' Course. Full and complete scholarship In ont of th beat Omaha buainea school. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be aold very reasonably. If interested investi gate at once, because fall term begin soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particular inquire at the of lice of The Omaha Bee. $3.20 Golden Weat Whlaky, 4 full auarta bottled in bund, nrenald. Caokloy Bros., Omaha. COAI. baaket delivered. 81; Illinois wxxu But or lump j jQ per ton. Douglas 6181. WANTED TO BUY HALF-PRICE If you watch the "For Sale,' Miscellaneous'' columns of THE) RKE, you'll often ace article which are for all practical purposes alinoajl aa good aa new advertised for half the original price in THE BEE. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1804 Farnam. WANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living room above In Central school dlstriot Phone Red 78M WA NT El 100 carloads of rap Iron, ala metal and rubber. rite for prices. Ne braska Iron and Metal Co., Omaha. WANTED TO BUY Bakerv in good live I town of l.bOO. Address Cha. Maxwell. hlte Cloud. Kan. ANNOUNCEMENTS CnTROI'RACTIC If sick, regardless of the nature of your ailment, eblropractio will do for you what no other science ran. When all else fail try in and not tho dif ference. I od1ut th cause of SO-CALLED 'Ineursbie' ailment and all derange ments peculiar to women. Dr. W. IL KNOLLENB ERG Phone TylerlSSS. -Suite SIS Bee Bldg. Mechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings II E. SLOMAN. Phone P. S44C 4HBrande s Thostor. E N I N EE RING, plana and 'map draw Ing at low rate. See McEatbron, 6el Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. PRODEGAARD'S -Lucky Wedding Ring ' at lath and Douglas St. EXERCISE AT t.Al.CA.-Buaiiias man, SWAPPERS' COLUMN Al'TOMOKIl.K 7-P-eener. al-cy Under, (7 b. p Mitchell .special, 1.114 imd I, run 10.o( ihIIcj.; in flno ?.hMie; full ot .if extra casing; full electric equipment; mi ilrKMiit. iNiwerfiil car. swap for - pass, car in No. I abape. or 1-ton truck. or commercial pepcr. Ad'lresa s. c. MO, Hee. j ThavT, a newa-etand carrying full line' of magazines, periodicals, clKars, to. hncoo, candy, notions, etc. Stock and fixtures worth $4.. Will gWHO for a good 6-pasnengcr car. Prefer 1016 or '14 l ord. Must be In good condition. 8. C. f..-i6. Bee. OA OHTKK. Ilglitwelght, two-pansenKer, 1H1B mmlel, JjRt overhauled and fully equipped. Will swap for the beat 191 model motorcycle or motorcycle and aide car outfit 1 can get; but it must be A-l condition. Address S, C. 72ft, Hee, 'A M H !; K f, A " Kdlaon'a new diamond point cabinet phonograph; this machine with aaaortmcnt of records coat V) three months sko; will awap for good No. 4 1'nrterwood typewriter. Addreas c sss Mee. NEW Winchester pump gun and 1M shells, two pair hip hoots, 1 pair Mack intosh boots, hunting coat, hat snJ i-h' ll cst and hunting bag; all new. will swap for motorcycle, or what? ?. C. , Hee. DHSK AND CHAIR4-ln. roll top desk, In good shape, and chair, also in good ahspe; will swap for what have you? I want to get rid of this one and get a larger desk. Address H. C. K.'!. WANTED to awap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need. Write Room 1W. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler inuo. TVPKWRITKRS Remington No. 2, Dens more No. 2, both In fine shape; to ex change for poultry, cslves or what have you? Address 8. C. MO, Ree. DINING TARLE. suuare. In irood shape; swap for what have you? Table s. ' ?5s.Kc:e. BRAND new, high grade piano, tVi value; fully guaranteed. Will swap for ' . omana vacant, properi y tir good negotiable paper of eyual value. S. ('. Mu, Bee. , M" EDIHON Phonograph and 26 select 4- minute records, for typewriter:. afAo 1 Burton mandolin outfit, good tone, ex cellent condition, for violin caae and food flute. Address S. C. f2. Ree. ELECTRIC light cabinet, B4, IS c. p. lights, newly wired, equipped with ven large mirrors. Will trade for anything I can use. 8. C. 829. Bee. ALL furniture In 4R-room hotel; reaaon abie rent on building; South Side: will exchange for real estate; value $1,800. Address S. C, 603. Bee. 1912 HALLADAY touring car 80 H. P. In first clans condition. To swap for "Powers 6 A" or "Balrd" moving pic machlhe with motor. 8. C. 459. Bee. HAVE large sized library Table, beauti fully finished In fumed oak, like new, to awap for equal value. What have you? Addreos 8. C. 8:17, Bee. WILL trade my 4-cyl. riO-H. P. rebuilt racer for pool tables; this car is fully equipped and in good running order. Address 8. O. Mi, Bee. 1HI5 TWIN Indian, fire engine clutch; will swap for piano, moving picture ma chine, or what have you? Addie'S S. C. si2, nee. VICTROLA and recoida. mahogany cane, excellent condition. Want to exchange In part payment for buiblini; lot. J. 606, Hee. SET .1. C. 8. books for sale cheap or will trade for anything of equal value; In ; goml condition. Address 8. C. fiiS. Bee. I 11 A V K L. f Smith No. 6 model and No. 4 model typewriter 1 nucrwooq to trade. Address S. C. 841. Bee. FIVE-YKAR old mare, unhroke. with foal to lack, welirht 1.160: will mm for Ford. Address S. C. 84.1, lice GAS RAivUE, beda, soft coal heater or other furniture, to trade for chickens. S. C. 847, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. NEW No. 8 M. M. high power rifle to trade. Address S. C. S3', Bee. 44'to MAIIOUA.NI upright piuno for auto. I . S. C. 834, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For KEAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office TILE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 1400 BARGAIN. I must sell my news stand by Jan. 15, 1916; carrle full line of cigars, tubacco, candies, magazines, stationery, etc.; sood paying business. 3i per ct nt profit: can he taken car of by wife while hua-1 band works: two living rooms in rear reasonable rent; good reason for selling. For further Information, call Colfax 1612. IF TOUR Bualneas College will Hand rigid Investigation and ia lust what It Is auvertlaed, or if you are looking to tart in business for yourself, you will he perlectly satisfied if you use the Business Chance column ol The Bee. When buying or selling a busine, phono Tyler 1000. FOR SAI.E Infants, children's and la dies' furnishing store at David City, N'eb., at a bargain; best location in town; doing an excellent buslneaa; want to retire. Box No. 3'6. David city, Neb. PICTURE shows, locations, leaaea, ma chines, repairs, supplies and accessories. See us first. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., , Balrd Bldg. THAT touring car may Ih aold with least delay through a BEF, Want-Ad, and runabouts and electric cara find ready purchaser through Bee Want- Ada. LIST your business with me tor quick results: buy, sell and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO. Room 2, Balrd Bldg. Tel. Doug. MJO. 17TII AND POUQIJtS STS MUST be sold at once, men' exclusive clothing and furnishing goods store in Neb, county rest town; must be sold by Feb. 1. Address Y 20". Bee. PATENTS bought. old, exchanged, pro cured; buy or aell anything. Merchants Studio. Buffalo. N. Y. THEATERS Buy, leaso or aell your the ater, machine and supples through Theater Ex Co., 106 Farnam D. IVj7. OFFICE for real estate or Insurance; same floor aa Bee office: 13x21 feet; $Ju, The Bee Hldg.. Of I Ice Room 103. TO " SELL" or buy a buaineo. call on Bunch ft Borghoff. Frcnaer Blk. D. 83D. TO GET In or out of business call on GANQESTAD. 423 Bee Bids. Doug. 3477. SEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains in established shuwa. D. .U BUSINESopportuniUeo. WIS Capitol Ave., Omat a. 8kTT63 S. 2)th, close in; heat, water and janitor aervtce, all for 83) Doug. Kiiai.a Kc)MlN'G HOUSE of nine rooms, wefl furnished, full of roomers. Will aell cheap a owner Intenda to leave city. 2201 Douglaa bt. Pbon Doug. 7964. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. COIOREX) man wishes position as rook, porter or anything he is capable of do ing. Phone Doi'gla '..)') and ask for room No. !l WANTED A Job that will pay board and room by able-bodied mau able to tend furnace or do anything. Address U 64,Bce: EXPERIENCED colored man deairea position a porter or ianitor. Best cf icIVrence. Webster 4731. EIGHT years' office experience, compe tent bookkeeper and cashier, aged SO, Phone DouglaeT790. RELIABLE, first-clas fireman will BO anywhere; references. Address Y Ivt, car Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED Fa mala. 1 N'T K i.f.l i K N f yo ii it g n A y" wa n t poat tion a ho.ieckeetier where theie are no children. Ad.lreea Odna Kckcrt, General iK'llvery, Omaha. Vdi'Ni. reliable colored woman" wanta general houeework; la cpcrcnced rook- .Pno.n8 J-uglaa and ask for room No. 7. POSITION wnnic.l as housekeeper by middle-aged lady In small Protestant family. I'hone lied K72, between and f o'clock. WHITE, woman wishes work In private home, hoarding house or hotel; go home nlgMs.Phone Douglas 3447. WANTED A noeltlon aa housekeeper or nurse by elderly lady. Address 22.i I lar-i mony St., Council Bluffs, Is. RELIABLE colored wotaan Wants work of any kind: scrubbing and cleaning especially. Call Douglas fiS72. LADY wishes position as genefal house keeper In small family. Mr. Fltzmyer, cnre general delhery. WANTED Position as nousekeeper with a small child. Address Box. 456, Ham burg. la. WASHING wanted: 2"ri a piece; shlrt walsts, loc; mending free. Harney 83..4. EXPER1 EN'CKl i laundry wotnt.n wants bundle washing; neat work. Web. Zl"7. COLORED MAID would like place as chambermaid or housekeeper. Web, 1491. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position; will jane any kind of case. Doug. i0m. l't Ts ITIi ).N wanted "aa h("'isekeepr.C'all In person. Leavenworth. COLORED woman wishes place as chambermaid. Webster 12H. LACE curtains and bundles carefully laundered. Webster 4283. LACE curtains and bundle carefully laundered. Webnter 4233. Cleaning and laundry work. Web ster 474". DAY work of any kind. Web. 69A Mary! HELP WANTED MALE Store and Office. SALESMAN Machinery, and graa engines, road experience necessary. .$125 and up Steno. and clerk $0 Typist hlller $40 WATTS RFF. CO., S3S-40-43 Brandels Th. SALESMAN Machine and gas engines, $126 and exp. ; salesman, card writer, $76; ateno. and clerk, $60; steno., $60; typist $40. WATTS REF. CO., 8:-4n-42 Brandels Th. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find " a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO., 1015-1B CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. HIGH-GRADE) commerteai positions. WEST. REFERENCE BOND ASSN.. 7i".2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Professions and Trade. WANTED A goodblacksmltrr Box 401," Peru, Neb TTrug Store Snaps. Job. Kneist. Bee Bldg. WANTED at once two (2) irood frame shaver or hide cutters. Good wages, steady work. Foster Robe & Tanning Co., 1C25-1629 Fifth St., S. E., Minneapolis. Minn. Salesmen and Solicitors. NEW SALESMANSHIP CLASS STARTS MONDAY, JANUARY 31, Y. M. C. A. WANTED Salesman to sell to grocers, general stores and confectioners in small country town; 25 per cent com mlHsion; $40 weekly drawing account. Crown Cider Company, 207 S. Commer cial St.. St. Iouls Mo. Dept. 4. WANTED We offer an exceptional op portunity to good salenmen to sell ; grocerle direct to the consumer. Write Harder Bros. & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Chhvigo. 111. MEN everywhere make $10 dally placing samples of new necessity with automo b.le owners. Orolo Manufaotuilng Coni lany, 1 xiuisvillH, Ky. y GENERAL agents wanted in every county In Nebraska. Small capital re quired to handle aneliey. No competi tion. Don't answer unless you mean business. Address J-399, Bee. Boy. 'OFFICE bov wanted; must be 16. Apply Cudahy office. South Side. Trade Scnool. YOUNG MAN. be a barber. I. teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools fur nished. 1 give you auual shop work. You have chance to work Saturdays and keep half the receipts. My stu dents in big demand. I have colleges in all principal cilius in U. ri. and Can ada. Call, write or phone A. IS. Moler, President. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Omaha. SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can't attend day aohool you can hold your job and at the ame time get your automobile education if you euro1! in th NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 24! LEAVENWORTH. RED 8110. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electrlo atartlng system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 20CS Farnam Ft. Omaha, Neb. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Cltv Barber college: low rate tui tion, including set of tools; wage paid: electric massage, hydraulic chair; cat alogue free. 1124 Dougls St.. Omaha. M larrllauriiaa, GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Thou, sands of appointments to he made. Free hook let telling w here they ore, what thev pay. with specimen examina tion questions. Nat 1 Co. Institute, 43') Seventh St.. Washington. D. C. MEN 18 or over, wanted aa railway mail clerks. Sample examination question free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 221 L, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Namea of ambitious men, 18 to 45. wishing to become Omaha mall carriers. Commence $7 month. Address Y 199. Bee. MEN for firemen, brakemen. $120 monthly. Experience unneceaaary. Railway, Y-185. care Bee. o AtjENTS AND CANVASSERS COAL agent wanted In every town; get a trial car. 1 . si. cox. mi. riatte, r.o. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Store tad Offices. WTN k Remington, Monarch or Smith Premier typewriter, free. Fnter Rem- ' ington accuracy speed contest, January 20. Particular for the asking. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., WTII AND DOUGLAS. STFNO. lout of tew lil jri6 S'enograpl er mi THE CANO AGENCY. M0 P.EE BLDG, Prolfaaloaa and Iran FREE! Ads for servant tclrls will be run 3 days free of chSige. Bring, send or hone your ad to THE BEE offt-e. I'hone. Tyler lots. ! - . . 1 ACCOMPANIST wanted for vocalist by ; the hour. I'hone Harney 2479. ask for. Mra. iwtnvine. , GIRL to l-m hrrtreaing. Parlor. li City Kat. Oppenhoim Salvoaaa a ad Sollcltora. EX P E R f E N C F D SO LI "1 T O R 3Tt 1 T A K E ORl'EIf FOR SKITCH; PERMA NENT WORK; STRAIGHT SAI.ARY AND CAR FARE. APPLY SAT. R. TYLER. FLA TIRO N HOTEL. HELP WANTED-FEMALE llonaeknld and llomeafir. THE Bervant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad ! REE until you n-t the des reit results. 'Phis spplle.n to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring od to The Beo office or telephone Tyler IO110. WANTED Good, clean SwediKh or lln. hernlsn maid In assist with general housework; need not be enllrely ex perienced. Harney .r:0. M24 Seward St. WANT E D N e at, reliable German or Ro hemian girl to assist with housework; would consider hlRh school or college girl. Harney 4,"$$. WANTED School girl to assist with housework for room and board: must be W year of age or over. Call Wal. WANTED Girl for ireneral housework German. Norwegian or Dane. I'hone I Walnut 1 V ANTE l Reliable white girl to assist with housework: Swedish or Danish preferred. Wal. 1W . "OH cumlng St. WANTED- Girl for aeneral house w ork good wages, good home; 2 in lamlly .Mt Fnderwood Ave. Wal. '42s. W A NT ED Good white girl for general ; housework. Small family. No cooking, 2315 S. 32d St. Har. 4Uil. WANTED White girl for general I housework: small family, no children. 2M0 Harney. Har. 6."19. GIRL for general housework: family of three; good wages paid. Mrs. H. N. Wood, K:4 Georgia Ave. WANTED Girl to nsist with house work and care of small child. Phone Harney 75"i. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework, Mrs. T. J. Dwycr, 1 larney 220. GOOD girl to assist in general house work; won't object to farm girl. 2.")2 Franklin. "WANTED Girl for genera! housework. Small family. Red 4757. 713 N. 20th St. WANTED Middle-aged lndy for. house keeper; Gorman preferred. Tel. 'D. Sift, WANTED At once, competent cook. 101 So. 32d Ave. Harney 9SI. Mlscellfineoo- YOUNO women coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary Ave. and l'ilh St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. A RARE opportunity; comfortable liv ing; home sewing; plain cloth seams; any sewing machine; steady; no can vassing; no trlflers wanted; samples Kic; returned If not satisfactory. Home Sew ers' Co., Jobbers Sewing, Rehoboth, Del. WANTED Competent teacher, to live with family and teach two boys the 7th, 8th and 1st year in High school;, state experience and wages wanted. C. J. Hyshan, R. R. 3, South Omaha. WANTED Girl of 19 wants companion. Write Miss OR. Denman, Belgrade, Neb. EDUCATIONAL. GET BOYLES GREVT OFFER FOR THE MID-WINTER TERM Just Send me your name and I'll give you by return mall the greatest, most attractive otrer ever made by a repu a combination premlum-and-casli-reha to of for that will both make von mnn.v and save yu money. MID -WINTER TERM OPENS JAN- UARY 8D, IN BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Stenotypv., Touch Tyepwrltlng, Telegraphy and Civil Service preparation. Wrl'e, tele phone or call for big 114-page catalogue and last Issue of college Journal. BOYLES COLLEGE, II. B. BOYLES. PRESIDENT. 18th and Harney St. Tel. D. 1565. Omaha, Nebraska. STARTS M0N., JAN. 17TII , 3 TO 6 P. M. Reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, English, English for coming Am., short hand, typewriting, ' bookkeeping. Five days per week. $5 per month. Enroll for part or full time, for one or more sub jects, afternoons or night, or both. Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS, 17TII AND HARNEY STS. BUSINESS COLLEGE - STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For alo, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of courses In a reliable Business Fchool, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable aw a y below regular price. If, you are considering taking a course investigate this at once, slnco Fall Term begins soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class in typewriting. lone C. Duffy. Owner and Manager. 808 S. 18th St. Omaha. FOR sale, the following scholarships In a first-clas Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One -unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno graphlo course. VV ill be sold at a discount at the office of Ths Omaha Bee. LEARN to dance at the PeLux Dancing Academy; classes Monday and Wednes day: 60c per lesson, or 8 lessons for $2; private lessons any time. Phone South 3itQ. orouglllO. ENFIELD School course lu credit bounce for sale cheap. Address F 003. Bee. PERSONAL TOUNO women coming to Omaha a StrMigers are Invited to viait the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th 8t. and St. Mary s Ave., where they will be directed to auitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Ixok for our travelers' guide at th Union Station. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. H. Tarty cures piles. fitula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operstlon. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 140 Bee Bldg. THE Salvation Armv Industrial home so lieila your old clothing, furniture, nisg- siines. we collect. we distribute. I'hone Douglas 4136 and our wuon will !'."U",..Cl!.a,V-Jn,!'- our -,w nom - 1110-1112-1114 Dodge bt SAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE, 709 South lth St.. second floor. Hot tub hatha, shower aenuina Karili.h m.. sag, chiropody, manicuring, graduates. Hours 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. MISSES GRAY AND HUD. Electric baths, massage, chiropractic and manicuring. Aarlm nta for ladles t-rd gentlemen. 210-12-14 Palrd Blk, Lib and Imuglss. Douls 34S5. n tr 11 rn tr 11 i K, , 7 R U P T U R E t!?ZZ?t Z t'V! without a sore-teal operation." Call or write Dr. ray M Metheny. Beo Bids.. Omaha M El ' ll. Al Kl n,jt ana iuouui n Turkish bath for ldl-s and gentlemen, lady attendant for ludi: Swedish maasaga 191S .mnJSt DoiiKlaa 34.1?. Personal -Misae PlTplVs "ft" Mason, bath, electrio treatment. Open I a. m to p. m. Doug. 713. L4 Brandels Tli. VAPOR, TUB AND SPRAT BATHS Idua La Beit 7i S. 1SU tsl., Jd lloor Pt P. 7044. PERSONAL MISS WILSON, Bslh.n, 1 vi Farnam Ft. Rnorn 2. I 'none iMuclas STM. M. HRI'GM AN. Steam and ahower baths. Red R'kmii '2, Karhnch Blk. 2727 I RHEUMATISM treated auccessfully, re I suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 814 Ree Rldi. M US. STEELE, Mcrllcsted baths. 1721 Dodge St. COZY nnnicurlng tiarlois. hath. Fnrnani. Apt 7. Doug. 7S74. 1802 MISS VENETA. ri;h. Office massage and o. 171 h St. Icohol. SCIENTIFIC manxHiiC, Phone Douglas M72. :.20 Bee Bldg. MASSAGE Miss ebster, 618 Paxton Blk. I'oi.glas 3227. FOR RENT-ROOMS Fnrnlahed Hoome. HOWARD 2215 GENTLEMEN, if you want a nice room, either single or double, with nhe surroundings, ace what we have. We serve good board. -oTH ST., -M3. S. One nice large front room; also east room, large enough for twoi close in and well-heated. l " B 1 " NO. Elegantly furnished modem rooms in private family, to re- TJ neq people: excello nt hoard If desired. JONES ST.. 2424 Front room and hoard fur two. in private family; gentlemen preferred: walking distance. Dong. 8122. FURNISHED rooms with excellent board, suitable for two, also one small room, very reasonable. 212 S. 25th St. Hotel sanford. hotel hap.let. 19th and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Special Hales to Permanent Guest. 19TH STlTs SoNOTICR'The locationT 3 blocks from business district; excel Jenth ojnecook I n g. Douglas 82S6. TWO nicely furnished rooms7 a II mod ern, close in; privato family, for gen tlemen. Harney 7143. "WEST Farnam, on car line, attractive, warm oom in home. Gentlemen. $15. Walnut 1401. FINE furnished rooms, clean and well heated. $7 up. 2!ilt S. 21th. Doug. bi'Ji. FARNVM. 2S22 Two nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam, gas range. NICELY modern. furnished room, r,V. f. d St close in; ail FRONT room, distance. Call private family. Red 7W1. Talking Housekeeping Room. CLEAN AND COMFORTABLE. 3 room, bath, entire upstairs resi dence; modem except heat, $10. 2511 Corby. Web. 6755. 3UJ ST.. 128 N. New modern house; 2 room and cloaet, furnished for light -housekeeping; private family;, reference required. Harnev r76. DAVENPORT. 2018 TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING RMS. PRICK FLAT. 20TI1 ST.. 312 N. Suite of rooms, with hath: nicely furnished; also sleeping rooms. 16TH St., 402 No. Two modern housekeep Ing rooms; steam-heated, gas furnished. OUTSIDE steam-heated apts.. furn. for light hkpg.: $i wk.: 2102 Chicago. T. 2S07. DOUGLAS, 1302 Two large suites, nis. ed complete. CKNISHNn roi m i ?rn convenience families or hoardlti eet class will be found In the Furnished ; im "" " , TWO large, well furnished rooms: laree closets; modern home; good board; in private family. Tyler 1709. STEAM-HEATED suite of room; also one single room. Excellent board. 212 So. 25th St. Douglas 31.18. S. 10TH. 1214 Room and board; modem, near depots and wholesale district. Phone Douglas 7078. Infnrnlnhrd Room. FOUR upstair rooms without heat, $12 partly modern. 112 S. 29th St. FOR RENT-HOUSES Weil. FOR RENT. 2G32 Harney St.. mod. 10-room brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094: P. 1216. 2S17 CALIFORNIA Fine 8-r. house with nice large lawn. Call 3773 California. North. NEW, 7-room, modern h.ouse, 3317 Seward. Phone Harney 4742. 3520 Lincoln Blvd. 11-room house, strictly modern, with hot water heat. Price $50. Douglas 1S18. Sooth. FREE KENT TO FEB. 1. 23 S. 19th St, 8-r., all modern house; well arranged for renting rooms; close in. 140. m s. atn St., .-r., an mod. house; Ing distance. $25. HASP BROS.. DOUG. 1653. 8-ROOM home In Hanscom Park District. 113ti Georgia Ave., with garage; nicely decorated, excellent condition; $35. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, W14 Harney St. BARNS 1314 l'ier-'e. wr. Doug. 2919. 7-ROOM modern house, 639 S. 27th St Harney 816. Look this over. SEE the Central Furniture Store's FREB RENTAL LIST Miscellaneous. 8036 SOUTH ICth 5-r. cot. part mod.. $9. 2520 U irt SI. heat. $15. 2004 N. 27th, $27.60. cou, mud. 10-r., all mod. house. RASP BROS DOUG. 1063. 8110 8. 29th St.. 8 mis., ull mod., $35.00. 819 N. 19th St., 9 rms., all mod., $36.00. 4 S. 36th St.. 7 mis., all mod.. $;i3.60. 2i2 Chicago St., 5 rms., mod. ex. lit, $i. 2902 N. 2Mb St., C rms., mod. ex. lit., $l. 2n5H Snhler St.. R rms.. part mod., $13.00. H1KKETT & COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg.. Doug. 6"1., l":a,8 N. 20th St., St. Louis flat. $'.'7.50 8-room, 659 S. 2th St. $S.00 6-room, 1310 I'acTic St. H. A. WOLF. 614 Ware Block. Douglas SfKM. 2"0 Douglas, modern, 8 rooms, $32.c0 1125 South 31st, modern, 8 rooms, JCD.oo. 2i South 4'st modern, 7 rooms, 22 fo JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGIAH 5.4. HOUSPP Pre,Ph 8on Bee BldgT '"uptpln all part, of the city. BEAUTIFUL 5-room buugalo w$30. Wob 1239. BARNS 1314 Pierce. rear. Doug. j3o; r-Url Htl.1 AK IS AND FLATS Writ, Jirick Flats Near Clarkson Hospital Very well hullt, pressed brh'k. two apartment buildinp. Rented cheap at $S4i a year. Price .0ii, terms. ( J lover & Spain. 1V20 City Nat Doug. 392. VERY choice 4 or 5-room rteam-heated apartment on West Farnam St. fiHN W. BOBBINS. 1V2 FARNAM ST. , JO North. iS N. 17TH-S-r.. all mod. apt. $15.50. RASP BROS., Doug. KM. ! , , ,-.v; r 1 r.-K K.1 Sooth. team heated apartment very desltable. the Chula 'lofo Hh ar-d Puppleton Ave.. 142 60. 322 Bran deia Theater Bldg. I mug. 1TT1. Mlacel la neons. WARM. COZT APARTMENT Fine spartment of four rooms and bath, nicely decorated; oak finish, aleain heat, janitor servi e. Everything lirst-clufs. See it snd you will take il f-COTT ft HILL CO. Dooglas I 9 Cl t SE-IN ai ar n enia 3-r., Nice l alion, $ ft 11 1 )'2 Omaha Nat. D. ::ja. 1 od ut rest, Bu k si to., xur Douglas 8541. Ilonr,! and Room. a that offer every mod and comfort In nrivata THE for rent ailwrtiaemcnls appeartn in rne ror nrni column or The Re . n u rinnflt tw. ,ab, , . . i . . . ' ' - . -" . ivi , Mt l ina u ll w U An. .411 IV. 1 a -.. . - ' ' nm or any on uooiriiia .0 renu rnona t. ., 1A..1 7"