Tim BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. .TANTAliY 111. WIS. BKIEF CITY NEWS "Twm('i tot Sport-aa; Ooeee." fclffhtlac IT-stis Burgeers-araadsav. Vot FTlmt It Now Beacon Pree. Froperty Cared Tor To rent property, see J. H. Durnont, Kcellne Bldg. "Todays Maria riofita" claselfled cilon today, it appeare In Toe Bee BXCLUSIVEaVT. Find out what the va rious movlne Dlcture theaters offer. Keep Too afoaey and Talaablee In the ! MIDWEST MEETING THIS WEEK American Pare Deposit Vaults, HS B. 17th 8t.. Bm Bldg. Boxes rnt for $1 for o-i, . , . . months. Open from a. m. to 6 p. m. i Sufh roaring:, chugging, ehurn- Bi- rarm la old Can Lincoln of j ,nE "nd thundering o! steam-and- I'aciflc Junction hat sold hit fine 8"7- gas-driven steel has perhaps never TRACTORS TO GIYE STEEL JUADRILLE Giant Power Machine! Will Be Massed in Basement of Auditorium. acre valley farm to Teter Langer of Council Bluffs, la. Th (ale w rnnilo by Toland Trumbull. 448 Mee building. Butter la Omaha la Thirty Cants The wholesale price of un-.er on r.i Omaha beeil heard at Fifteenth and Howard streets, as -111 be heard periodically Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the basement of the market remains the same as It lt j City Auditorium when the bie Mid week. cents. This Is t cent under the Wegt lmplement ghow , fc liilre fixea by the Elgin butter boar-I there for the coming week. ' Crawford Man Aee-eed John Said, 1 e big allow coming, and there Crawford. Neb- merchant, is being de- I w hundreds of Implements on exhl- h-.rfnli.rr nn rhurit bit Ion from hundreds of Implement corn er forgery. Me Is accused of passing a I P""1". ut the bl tractors, the great 'oiged check for 120 on the Novelty store "tep s"1"'" that lug plows and other nd another on T. I Combs, the Jeweler. Jfvy lmachl"'-y through the fields of Ob a lereonal Devil Or. W. O. Hnry I Nebraska farms nowadays will all bs apeaks at the Young Men s Chrlstisn . "". a-ianclatlon auditorium at 8 P. TO. todsy There concrete floors have been laid on "Is There a Personal uevn r ana nr. F. W. Evene, Council Bluffs, at 4 p. m. n "Jesus for Needy Men." Waterbaek Bursts While efforts were being made to thaw out a f rosin waterbaek In the kitchen range at the home of William 1 Musgrave, 2119 Plnk ney street, the waterbaek burst and caused some damage, but no Injuries. The fire department was cslled out In the confusion. Mr. Musgrave Is superin tendent of transportation for the street railway company. and all la ready to receive these Twen tieth century iron horses. Yea. there is to he a real noise there at times, for once every day for h period of a half hour they are to he given the liberty of making all the noise they can. They will charge forward sa though to rash through the walls. They will stop and wheel sharply to show their skill and axlllty. They will move ahead again, slow down, reverse and ateam majes tically backward like a pliocene monster at bay. quadrille nf tee Dosena of them, yes dozen in that great cement baaement, will roll, charge, churn and mingle in a grand quadrille of clanking steel. All this they will do to show their power and skill. Critical eyes will be upon them, as critics! eyes are upon a corral of pedigreed horses. Buyers' eyes will be upon them, and they must make good Every bit of the floor space in the Auditorium has been sold to exhibiting companies. Each year there Is more and according to astrologers, all things In the I more demand for this space, aa the physical world bear a certain relation to Impletnont bualneea in the mid went bo the stars, the run and moon, and that cornea a vaster and vaster enterprise, when these planets are in certain post- j The m sin floor is entirely devoted to Burd F, Miller , Explains Horoscope Telling of Astrology Burd F. Miller gave the first of a aeries of lectur.-s on "Astrology" st Theo sophteal hall Sunday evening, in which he demonstrated by chsrts the msnner of erecting the horoscope, and showed how. tions In the heavens there are always happenings of a certain character In the places in the world where the angles fall. He asserted that there were few astrolo gers who really understood the princi ples of planetary bodies, and that they were not to be telied upon, simply mak ing what money they could through the credulity of men. That most horoscopes were worthless and that the whole science of astrology implements and the basement entirely to the farm tractors. Wallace Headr Monday. Secretary James Wallace of Council Bluffs ia to open an office in the Audi torium Monday morning, where he will handle all the details of arrangement, and of the conducting of the show and convention. The convention of the Mid west Implement assocation is to be hold at the same time with the . Implement rested upon the understanding of the , ,ho. The sessions will be held on the esoteric, as well as the exoteric, side, and few can understand the deeper truths underlying it, Mr. Miller asserted. He said, however, that to the scientific as trologer, when he had the date, place and hour of birth of an individual, he could ' give the history of that individual from the cradle to the grave, show all the events of his life and know his Inner na ture better than the men himself. This, Mr. Miller remarked, he had proven many times, and gave some ex amples to substantiate his claim. He said .that the. National ; Astrological society was endeavoring to drive out of practice all of the cheap. Ignorant, so-called as- trologers and to bring the science again into general use in the every-day life of all nations. stage of the Auditorium. Freight Solicitors Give a Banquet and Cane to L, W. Blessig Forty freight solicitors of the various railroads gave a farewell banquet at the Rome hotel last r.lght to I W. Blessig, former agent for the Pennsylvania Lines, now to go .o Minneapolis as .general northweatern agent. J. A. Leary was Social Centers To Have Programs The following social center programs are announced for this week: Punlls of A. M. Borglum and Mrs. D, B. Welpton. Tuesday evening at Central Park school. ' . '- Punlut of Thomas JL Kelly and Jean P. Duffield. Tuesdiy evWnVsr Miller Park school. i Miss Luella Allen's, pupils, Wednesday evening at Kellora sahool. On Friday evening; pupils of Frank Mach and Slgmund ,tndsberg will offer a program at Caatular school. Pupils of the South'-Side High school wfll hold forth Friday evening at Mon mouth Park school. gome of these programs were postponed from last week on account of the weather. Appeal Made for Funds for the Poor A committee representing the executive committee of the Associated Chsrltlea toastmaater nd presented Mr. Blessig : W1U canvas Greater Omaha today with c. ith a handsome gold-mounted cane as , view of raising a fund of S10.KM to meet a token from the freight solicitors of j the increased demands on the charities Omaha, The freight men organised an associa tion during the evening to be known as the Omaha Freight Traffic association for a get-together social body of freight solicitors of '.he city. J. A. Leary was made president; Eugene Duval, vice pres ident; W. A. Leary. secretary, and Fred Kogcl. treasurer. The organisation is to hold meetings regularly once a month. The speakers of the evening, besides the toastmaater. J. A. Leary, were Charles M. Agnew of the Southern railway, H. O, Powell of the Illinois Central and John Mellen of the Chicago Northwestern. Street Cars Collide; No Persons Injured Street car traffic was blocked down town for nearly an hour early laut night when a Farnam car westbound bumped into a southbound Leavenworth car at Fifteenth and Farnam. Both cars were slightly damaged, but no one was in AGED VETERAN ENDS LIFE AS FINDS DAYS NUMBERED Because a doctor had informed him that his days were numbered on account of heart trouble. C. A. Barnes. 73-year-old civil war veteran, blew out hi bra ns with a revolver st his home, 3331 North Twenty-third, yesterday afternoon. He waited until his wife went out of tlie bouse before he killed hlms-lf. He is survived by three children. The matter was carefully gone over at a meeting last Friday afternoon and It was decided that a special effort would be put forth to meet a situation which the committee believes warrants this ap peal. - An unusual amount of sickness and unemployed men has Increased the calls materially during the last few weeks. Every day there are scores of calls for coal, food, clothing, shoes, medical and nurse attendance. Advertiser and customer profit by the "Classified Ad" habit. I f..HS;l .t.ii! 1 1 .Ml', 1 1 ti.iti II mm I urn nm &m IgirGir f - i -1 ti I Mb EG 'It? I utc $11 oo J LstaBk-i OOWHl you get immediate use of the most useful thing money can buy MM -ni.ii. ALLEGED COUNTERFEITER IS TAKEN TO SIOUX FALLS 6IOLTC FALLS, 8. V., Jan. 18. Deputy United States Marshal Anderson arrived here late today, bringing to the county Jail George Tate, who it Is alleged. Is wanted at Pittsburgh, Pa., on an Indict ment for passing counterfeit money. Tate broke jail In the east, and finally made his way to Mllbank. 8. D. While under the influence of liquor he let out some of the facts about his earlier life, which resulted In an Investigation, and his subsequent arrest, iie was taken before Commissioner Knight, and then turned over to the federal authorities here. Tate will be returned to Pennsylvania. THREE MEN ARE ELECTED OMAHA rum DIRECTORS Tnree directors for the Omaha club were elected last night to take the place of those whose terms have expired. The newly elected officials are: A. U. Kee line, A. P. Glou and E. M. Morsiaan. Jr. Mr. Giou was re-elected. Over 100 members were present. 1 Can't Beat "Tiz" ! When Feet Hurt "Tiz" for sore, tired, puf fed up, aching, calloused feet or corns. Baa Hafcits. Those who breakfast at o'clock or later, lunch at 1! and have dinner at I are- almost certain to be troubled with Indigestion. They do not allow time for one meal to digest before taking another. Net less than five hours should elapse between meals. If you are troubled with Indigestion correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Tablets, and you may .. reasonably hope for a quick recovery. These tablets strengthen the stomach and eoable It 1 1 perform Its functions natu rally. Obtainable everywhere. Adver- You can be liaiipy-footed in a moment. Use "Tis" and never suffer with tender. ! raw. burning, blistered, swollen, tired, smelly feet. "Tis ' and only "Tis" takes the pain and soreness out of corns, cul- ! louses and bunions. As soon as you put your feel In a "Tis" bath, you Jutt feel the happiness soak ing In. How good your poor, old feet feel. They want to dance for Joy. "Tis" la grand. "Tis" Instantly draws out all the poisonous eiudatlons which puff up your feet and cause sore, inflamed, ach ing, sweaty, smelly feet. Get a 26-oent box of "Tis" at any drug store or department store. Get Instant relief. LaugU at foot sufferers who cora- 1 plain. Because your feet are never, J never going to botl.er or make you limp any mure. Advertisement. IS encyclopaedia' iTX7rir Britannica -iUv Has hA The Britannica Is a Utility like light, water and the telephone It will do for you efficiently what you cannot do for yourctf It is as useful as the other public utilities you depend on so much and as indispensable. Perhaps you say that you have got along without it for long time. That is just what your grandfather probably said about the telephone. Can you afford to do without it any longer ? Who would want to do without running water or telephone service after once having them, even if hit home had been without them for years before? Practical, everyday peqple who have used the Bri tannica say: " I I mo did tor f altnf wilkwt Iht nw BrilanmicaV Or they call it T most ujtfful thirti that tr cam into tkt houst." .4 Is iVtl IHtVaMiJ mm i - .aW ih'Vv 41 HE Him ilUX Mm 4 mm H i utit gladly tni you aaes( lm. SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO., Chicago. Please seed mc the lolloin I. Full Information stout the "Handy Volume" iuu ol tt new Fncyclopaedia Britannica, wmple pge bindings, prices, terms, etc. 4. The booklet, "The Part the Encyclopaedia Briunnka Plays in the AilatfaU Ambitious Wooics," wit-aaipWpifts sad lull inlurmetto. Ai4rtl. , . ....-- -jisXirn Z""- I W c"'v,,iA TTTl 0 J-- pVyT, A Many-Sidcd Service The Britannic differs from other utilities in being useful and necessary fn more way than any other one thing you can have In the house. It give you the benefit of the best expert sxMce in every- field and on every subject. The Britannica service make you more efficient. It helps yon do your own work quicker and better it is concentrated, stored-up energy, a store-house of live- valuable irJormatkm. a true "power how." Because It supplies you with the cneaea f aaving time, trouble and energy. The Britannica puts at ymrr servW espert advice as the telephone connects you with your physician. You need it for the unforeseen tma,tficy aa well as for the countless everyday thirujsHhat you know you want help on. AH the difficulties that can present theniaetvea to you are problems other people have had to meet. Men and women the world over have worked, each of them for years, scene of them their whole lives, to solve these problems. Their experience la in the Britannica for you to profit by. They art at your call when you have the Britannica. For i down and to cents a day for a few months you may own this wonderful service. It ia aa if for that small rum you could call by telephone the best authority or expert In the world to answer any question that came up, to pn you advice on any sub ject you wanted help oot Do You Want Help In Your Day's Work? You ran get it in the Britannica )utt aa many other people have done. For irmance, a North Qarolina cotton broker said that the article on Cotton was' worth the price of the whole act. A New York lawyer got just the information be needed in a lawsuit about iron and steel. He couldn't find it anywhere else or get it from hia client who manufactured car-couplers. A manufacturer of flavoring extracts learned from the Britannica enough about hia own business to save the. cost of the whole set. ( ni rrysaw tin assanoaW tMi sesf pk ptd t iessl Ism timtt si -at s jwa asss a-sr (As Areisaatce). Do You Want Help at Home? Planning a bouse or remodeling one, studying decora tion or ventilation, you get expert advice and valuable suggestions from the Britannica. Equally useful is what you will get from this same wonderful, all-around service on the care of babies and children, food, diet, cookery, rules for health, directions for first aid to the injured, study aids and supplementary reading for school boys and girls and for young men and women in college. Aa owner ol the Britannica. ho was bora in Denmark, says: "In my country instead ol 'cacyclcpasdia' we say 'familjebok,' that is 'lamily book.' 1 he Britannica Is aa Ideal 'family book.' " Improvements in Service Other utilities have been improved, cheapened and made more convenient by long and gradual processes, so that we hard), notice the change. The service of the Britannica has been improved wonderfully fast in the last few years. The- new eleventh edition with, more in it and of belter quality has been sold right along at a lower price than previous editions, and quality and quantity considered, at a lower price than apy other encyclopaedia. Now the jrnore convenient and compact "Handy Volume" issue of the pew edition is offered for 64 less than the FREE BOOKLET COUPON big-volume form. It I Three Times aa Easy to Buy and just as valuable because it contains every thing in the set that costs three times as much. The Utility is More Usable , The new Britannica ia the first encyclopaedia to appear In a form that is not repellent, awkward and in convenient. The word "encyclopaedia." like the phrase "unabridged dictionary," probably brings to your mind a eye a picture of a heavy,' cumbersome volume or shelf after shelf of such volumes. The "Handy Volume" Britannica, printed on India paper, tight, thin, strong and opaque, change all that. The volumes are only an inch thick and the paga is only 8 inches high and 6) inches wide not as big as a magaaiae paga, instead of being as big as the page of an unabridged dictionary. A "Handy Voluma" weighs only at ounce (r lb. 3 01.). That is a good deal less than the average weight of a novel. It ia about one-sixth the weight of a volume of the encyclopaedia printed on heavy paper and with the oM-faahioned, awkward, big pages. But everything in the big, awkward volume Is in the light, attractive "Handy Volume" which costs 6j ls. It ie exactly as useful because it has the full 100 of the contents of the bigger set, and much more usable because in smaller compass. - i 1 - i. i -i tSV ',1 Plenty of Time to Pay the Balance You make small payments for twenty-one months as little as $3.00 a month. That means only 10 cents a day for this short time. But you make no payment except the ?i.oo down until you get the set in your own k jj ft j "vi"- n twii yj my time jju arc using ine Britannica and getting actual value out of it. You run no risk. W'a take all the risk. Or, to put it another way, we don't see any risk. Ve are so sure that you'll be satisfied. But if there is any risk, it is ours, not yours. Our whole offer means that we have absolute confidence in the "Handy Volume" issue of the new Britannica. IliHV HARVARD LAW SCHOOL CAM BRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS Mo. IS, MIS Ceo dement The new form of the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia lMtannlca is nothlnt less than mar vcloua. To put that treat work In such small com pas and In ao. useful form Is of itself an achieve ment; to do so and yet maka a pat which I can certify la no more trying to pair of bad eyes than the original edition, is a landmark In bcokmaking. You are doing public eerrLce la putting thee ln dUpsnsabU volumes within the reach af tveryone. Yours very truly, Roscos Pound tai S tm An Incomparable Value For 150 years the Encyclopaedia Britannica has been the world's standard. It has always cost more than other encyclopaedias. Yet more copies of it have been told than of all other encyclopaedias published all over the world. It was always so much better. Now that its sujemacy is still more marked Now that it is published in such a compact and con venient and wonderfully usable form - Now that it is cheaper and more convenient-. It Is Yours for Only flDown 1H (Gitarautrr- yeur complete ana entire satisfscflon with the cements ef The Encyclopaedia Britannica and with the farm ef tbe "HANDY VOLUME" Issue. Te anyone shs Is net satisfied lor anv reason and returns the set within three weeks, ws guarantee te return, all he has alet (trwludlat shlapia cbarles). -Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Ws are sate thst yea will be well sstltned and we promise to feton 1 the nVst pay cat of ene dollar end anything alas you have paid se eei the Britannic account, and anything you pay (or ship pine charses en the boohs, if fw any rssMa within three weeks you send ike set hack. It ia a wise, wsy to spend a dollar. Spending fi.oo does not mean very much to you. You probably don't often ponder a long time over auch a small expenditure. Perhaps you often spend a dollar and have little to show for k afterwards. This time think over the expendi ture carefully. Because you will have a good deal to how for it afterwards. ' Oar Unparalleled Offer We specialize in bargains. But this is the biggest bargain we ever offered and we think it's not likely that well ever again be able to offer anything so attractive, such wonderful value. For t IjOO down you have the Britannica in your home. Use it and test it at your leisure. Any time in three weeks send it back if it does not prove to be what you expected it to be, and you shall have back the dollar and everything else you paid for the set (shipping charges included). If yes have the same esperience with the Britannica that avjst people ha, yeo will get back every cent you pay, in satisfaction, iaasractkas, rssKssd a-bitroe, intellectual end material re-users-tie. K yoe dea't feel yws'vs got your dollar's worth ene of tbe Ana few times yeVve used the Britannica il yoe feel that it's not going to bs worth whet yes) will pay, or if for say reason you're not ssUened sad return the est, we'll let yi have the dollar back. ' Too get all the Britannica for 11.00 down. The whole 29 volumes are shipped at one time. The complete set comes altogether". None of its usefulness is lacking. You don't find that the things you want to know about are in volumes that have not yet been printed and that may not com to vou for weeks or months. The wonderful library that 4 w Warss invested in before any returns came to it publisher that cost ovei ra million and a half hrfore a single page was printed ail yours to use and enjoy, for a first payment of only SI JO down, Prices and Terms of Payment A Printed ea genuins India paper, bound m red doth : li.oo with the order end oaty si payment of voe a month: or f S.S cash. A asu S107 I7. "'' ami eriu ml Cakj.. ss e iWm tieeMf .) Printed entsmime ledis paper, bound in brown Full Shoe. Morecco-Cralned : li.oo&ik ih-nnl-r . .. ?!' I!?"?? 'L'..ti 54 ' "'l of iM.7l.c-- wuk w pre ara t pnu tf Uw CsaWi af ia tkt itrrspondimi k,ndmt I K spatially recomrmnded to those who cannot afford the 1 or lull kvaat morocco. Bound ia strong leather of full thickrwss, grained like morocco te give s durable surface. Absolutely waterproof. CPrintsd os genuine India paper, bound in dark green 14 Crushed Levant Morocco. I1.00 witk the order and only 11 payments of I4 s month: or Ml.SS cash. N-ctrrtspend,.. k,ni,n. a a Cumkridi usut; if tktrt wrtt u MuU tail esoaj iv: s stmnt a SiU.it.) Same leather at "D" below; wuh cloth sides. 1 D Printed oa genuine India psper, bound in dark green Pull Cruehed Levsat Morocco: Si 00 with the order and only as payment of U.yt a month; or So 00 cash. (A msims Sim w . j---- (--- -w wj - nsa is (orrtipcntlint Siaeief.) A very handsome bindin of srnuii-, a-i.kia Leather, color sad grain sll are i?V iv.t kafrmrHI sin a-i ilt,'- sNlV-.st mi: iitliv C;fM- tst B ii -n kiii. 1 1 11 d !lt,'l Srais like cobweb tracery urshle and beautiful. lUr 5uarnnti?a- tbst ths "HANDY VOLUME" Issue Is suthortsod by the publishers of ths sew Encyclopaedia Britannica: that ths content are identical, page for psge (including every nap sod Illustration) with tbe Cambridge University Issue new eeUIng st three times ths price 1 thst the "HANDY VOLUME" Issue is printed ea tbe saass quality of Bdu papor. from newly snsds plates, and Is manufactured by the same printers and binders as the mors stponslvs hook; snd thst, because It is smaller, it is sa easier book to handle then the Cambridge Issue. Sears, Roebuck and Co. AUfrvi ere ard M I that iif rlerrsj ttnnt HU. Tkt fmfUf as, eesesy- sk,pmnl, s-iajtj Ut, laea t H jasprem Cascsfe ar AW yr, wauamr u Merer u a. ( i- pes. 60 Ik,, service, send your dollar, under our the big coupon in the right hand To test this guarantee, with corner below. For more information, send the coupon in the left hand corner. . . SPECIAL $1.00 COUPON .ML CHICAGO I us ll.ltl to I (D.te). SEARS. ROEBUCK. AND CO. Chlcaso. In accordance aith your published offer and guaranteea I "co Si 00 as first payment, for which send me one set of the Handy Volume ' luue of the new Encyclopaedia Bntvmica' I ith edition rxirucd oa Indie paper, aad bound ia the tTndine C hacked below: A t loth; 11 further ptymrnt of S3.00 s month. B Full sheep: si further payments u( Si. jo a month. C- I hree-qusrter crushed levant morocco; n further pay. nientsof $4 00 s month. D Full crushed levant morocco: tl further payments of S4 50 a month. I ill make furtlier payment each month on the same day as that ol this order, remittine the amount above for the number of montha there shown, Title to the book dues not pas to me until the amount is paid in full. (If you isrt to take advantage of the saving offered by our cash price, mark the binding wanted in the proper tpac above, cross out partial oaymcnt term and Mat hers ths mount anclosod). A'eau Aiiftt . . X' ears 1 i 1 54