Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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State of Nebraska, County of Douglaa, aa:
I'wirht Williams, circulation manager of The Ilea
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everoee circulation for the month of December, 1916,
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DWIOIIT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Fubscrlhed In my presence and a worn to before
me, thla 4th day of January. irn.
ROBERT H INTER, Notary Public
' '
Hubscribrrs leaving the city temporarily
should hare The Dee mailed to them. Ad
drees vcil be changed aa often aa requested.
Any other aspiring favorite bobs In leash
Now la the time to trot out.
The Injunction la to temper justice with
mercy but sometimes it 's might hard to do It.
The prospects for law and order la Mexico
seem to improve only u the area of desolation
Congress would materially Improve the na
tional temper by reducing the output of talk
and speeding up on work.
In view of the rising cost of veal, the project
of substituting a June wedding for a feast of
fatted calf lines up with the economical needs
of the times.
Whenever the king of Oreece thinks of what
happened to his neighbors of Serbia and Monte
negro, Ms admiration for the man holding down
the Grecian lid mounts several notches.
Peace missionaries report peace sentiment
everywhere In their travels. Everybody wanta
" it. The trouble is that those who need it most
tie too many strings to their wishes.
When a state presents a favorite son tot
t president and one also for vice president, an
other difficulty looms up, for the constitution
in providing for the machinery of the election,
prohibits a member of the electoral college vot
fng for two from his own state.
Makers of feminine shoes manifest uneasi
ness regarding the color schemes for next sum
mer's wear. They appear peeved because dress
makers decline to lengthen the garments and
threaten to put out hand-painted boots that will
make a gown merely a matt for a scenic picture.
Talk about miracles! Here ta Mr. Bryan's
Commoner 'exploiting ex-Senator Joe Bailey just
berauHe he is opposing the president's prepared
ness plans. Presumably Roger Sullivan, or
even Thomas Fortune Ryan, could get a boost
In the Commoner now by openly siding with
Hryan. 1
, Mayor Mltchel cheer New York taxpayers
with the information that If they will bear the
present load patiently for fifteen more years re
lief can then be effected. It la understood, of
course, hat the mayor will not he responsible
. for fulfillment of the promise unless he is con
tinued on the Job.
On one essential at least our inland con
gressmen are a unit. A river and harbor bill
carrying M 0.000,000 has been whipped into
shape by the committee and appears certain of
touching the treasury before the preparedness
program emerges from the talking atage. First
come, first served.
The . Wall street syndicate undertaking to
place the Frisco railroad system on its feet
naively Informs the Missouri Railroad commis
sion that it will accept as compensation for the
service such aura aa may be determined by the
presidents of three New York trust companies.
Mlfisourlans regard the family arrangement aa
a unique version of the. Inspired exclamation:
"Wouldn't that Jar you?"
.iiT...ia m, m a ittia
Omaha la to have a Battle of Gettysburg p no
un na. a company for that purpose with ajO.OQO capital
being la procesa with these Incorporator: D. II.
Wheeler. E. Pterpont, D. K. Hamon. A. Montmerency.
W. i. Templeton. II. W. Wckle, C. Varocy. Harvy
Olr.ey. James Casey, A. L. tilrang, M. II. Goble. J.
K. Mat&el. O. O. Howard. O. C. Campbell, Hush U.
Clark and WUllam Wegulre.
Act in j Aaastatant urg-eoo A. W. Barber, at the
army hea uartera. has been ordered to report at
Fort p. A. RuaselL
A concert was clven at the opera house by the
Milan Italian Opera company. The aecond part of
the program consisted of an act from Faust. In which
th rolts were taken by Miliea Itoera, U Morse,
J'ardee. Manor Taaliert and dig nor Boloaua.
The local assembly of Knllit of Labor publlshej
r-olutlona adopted lu memory of Omaha's late
liinyor. p. F. Murphy.
lr. E. W. Lee U aeeking the return of a black
box containing rubber piping and a silver plated
air pump, lost nmr th bridge near Baunders atraet.
Mrs. E- Wakelty, Nineteenth and California atreeta,
wants a competent girl to cook, wash and Iron, tie"
man preferr.-d.
!rorgu Ksy has sufili itntly rvcovereJ from a
: !oi..ta ann l rtuin ta his pot of business.
Letting Oar Light Shine.
Slowly, yet Impressively, the attitude of
Americans In relation to the world war la com
ing to be understood by themselves, and In time
It, will be appreciated by those whoae interest
Just now leads them to harshly criticize us.
We have been told we are making bad friends
abroad, and that Americans are coming to be
generally hated. This is easily explained as
arising from the fact that we have so far prop
erly declined to become Involved on either side
ol the controverar. but have resolutely held
aloof from any action that might reasonably be
construed as showing favor to one or the other
of the combatants. Yet our participation la
the war has been notable and of incalculable
value to all the countries whose normal activi
ties have been suspended by the conflict.
For fifteen mflntbs we have been feeding the
deetltnte behind and between the battle lines.
Governments of Europe are too intent on . de
struction to heed the suffering of the helpless,
and to these Americans have come with food
and clothing and other aid, that their lot may
be made the lesa precarious and their misery in
this degree lessened. Along the battle line
American doctors and nurses, volunteers sup
ported by American funds, have ministered to
the human wreckage of war. Science and skill
and aympathy have done all that can be done
to ameliorate the desolation and destitution the
older governments abandoned to the care of
Providence that they might press on to furthet
devastating effort.
Along with this philanthropic work has gone
something of the spirit that has prompted It.
Beneficiaries of such generosity do not soon
forget It, and while the Innocent victims of the
terrible war may not waste time In analysis of
the altrulstio impulse that has brought them
aid from the land beyond their dreams, they
will call down a present blessing on those who
have provided for them, and cherish the mem
ory of that help always. . We may be making
conquests of new commercial greatness, may be
extending the sphere of Influence of our cul
tural life and may be advancing in every
attribute of human good. That remains to be
seen. What Is certain is that we have con
quered a wonderful kingdom of humble hearts
through the light of human sympathy we hav
spread In darkened Europe.
Von Papen's Private Correspondence.
. Some Interesting but not at all alarming
disclosures of personal opinion are furnished
by the publication of letters from the private
correspondents of Lieutenant von Papen, late
German naval attache at Washinjgton. These
captured letters are serviceable to the Allies
only as they may be used to foment anti-German
feeling In the United States. Outside of that
purpose, they have no value whatever. Th
language quoted from them Is not startling, nor
does it differ greatly from expressions publicly
made. Lieutenant von Papen was the personal
appointee' of the kaiser, and naturally waa in
close touch with friends of Germany, and par
ticularly with representatives of the German
government In America. It Is quite In keeping
with usual course of events that these persons
should hold and. express sentiments friendly to
the German cause, and that they wrote these
sentlmsnts to Von Papen Is not a cause for
special wonder. The United States Insisted on
the recall of Von Papen because of his alleged
connection with war intrigues In this country.
The information Just sent us from London may
serve to support the action taken by our gov
ernment, but aside from that is not of serious
Life Insurance Farm Loans.
The largest single golden stream capitaliz
ing farm development in the United States has
Its -source In the swollen treasuries of life Insur
ance companies. In ten years their aggregate
Investments in real estate mortgages Increased
two and one-halt times, ranking next to bonds,
In the opinion of the managers, as safe and
profitable securities. The total mortgage loans
of 14S companies on December 31, 1914,
amounted to $1,700,000,000, of which 39 pet
cent was farm security and 61 per cent other
real property. '
The importance of this vast supply of work
ing capital to the newer sections of the west is
show la a report by Robert Lynn Cox, counsel
and manager of the Association of Life Insur
ance Presidents. The most striking fact re
vealed in the report is the commanding lead of
the Mississippi and Missouri valley sections In
the favor of the companies, both In amounts
loaned and low rates of interest. In the north
western group of states Iowa, Minnesota. Ne
braska, the Dakotaa, Wyoming and Montana
the farm loans of the companies total $234,
118,000, or 64.8 per cent of the farm mortgages
reported by the 1910 census in these states.
The average Interest charge ranges from 6.16
per cent la Illinois to 8.S3 per cent In Idaho.
Iowa leada In total of farm loans, $139,511,000,
at an average Interest charge of 6.32 per cent,
and Nebraska aecond, with 162,390,000, at 5.34
per cent. Mr. Cox points out that the interest
late Is determined by land values, not by de
mand and supply, as is too commonly the case.
He neglects to state, however, whether the
moderate Intereat charge includes the commis
sion cost of placing loans, which usually awelli
the cost to the borrower.
The figures emphasise the magnitude of the
task of formulating a rural credit ayatem which
will cut the cost of farm loans and at the same
time supply the billions of dollars required to
take the place of private capital.
"Why not prosecute usurers?" asks Mr.
Bryan In hla Commoner. Well, why not? Th
prosecuting machinery is all In the hands of a
democratic administration, with which Mr.
Hryan was officially associated for nearly three
years. Furthermore the laws againat usury In
Nebraska are quite drastic, and we have a
valiant and vociferous democratic attorney general.
The dawn of a bright leap year for man is
assured. Neckties wrought in the designs oi
rare porcelains or bearing hand-painted replicas
of the masters are coming out for spring and
summer wear, aijordinf sufficient decorative
effect to render the tribe skeptical of proposals
unaccompanied by a checking account.
Getting Together
The Open lor.
Kansas city fttr (prof ): The republlcane have
invited the progressives to "come back throuah .the
open door." The progressives have derided to-go
bark far enough to keep the door open. If the re
publicana accept the progressive' platform and name
a progressiva candidate, the progressives will go
hark through the open door. If the republicans dodge,
it la the purpose of the Cult Moose merely to hold the
door open for other progressives to come out.
Let nraraaea Be Byaoaes.
St. Louis Globe Democrat (rep.)i In short, the
coicnel's message reveala nothing of a political na
ture, commits neither him nor the committee to any
eouree of political action and la entirely free from
offenae to any one who. In hla Judgement, ought n
to be offended. It In another Indication that ha la
disposed to let bygones bo bygones, and to center hla
cnergiea upon an Issue raised by the circumstances
of the present ar, which can be made a party
question only In the extent of Ita application. Whether
this Isaue, which be declares should be above all
party considerations, and, we may hope, above all
personal considerations, will take him Into the re
publican party, remains for circumstances, or him
self, to reveal. It la significant, however, that the
date and place selected for the progressive conven
tion will make the aelf-extlnctlon of the remnant of
the progressive party easy and painless.
Wsst the Coloaet Wasti.
New York World (dem.): The colonel wants war
because President Wilson la trying to maintain peace,
and the colonel's only chance of getting the republi
can nomination lies In his oppoatlon to the president
If some mischance should plunge the country Into
war before tha national conventiona are held, the
colonel would be for tha peace at any price, especially
If he failed In Ms ambition to go to the front na
commanding general of tho horse marines.
Coadltloaal lalea.
New Tork Journal of Commerce (lnd.). The chance
of the national organisation of the republicans re
suming something like Its normal strength will de
pend upon the position taken by Its own leaders and
not upon surrendering to the dictation of those who
threaten to defeat It If It does not submit to their
leadership. What the progressives at the present time
seem moat likely to accomplish, or help to accomplish,
la what they profeaa most to dread, the continuance
of "the .Wilson admlnstration." which they say "has
repudiated the faith of our forefathers."
Chlnafylna- the t'oaatry.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican (rep.): Colonel Roose
velt'a letter to tha progressive national committee
hardly had tha encouragement for the grand new
party which the brethren might have desired. "Purely
partisan conalderatlona" are naturally rather to tha
fore in tha committee's Immediate Interest. But what
does the colonel mean by Insisting "that every man
who Is within our borders shall be an American and
nothing else?" It sounds rather like a change nf
heart In favor of "Chlnaflcatlon." Such a policy la.
deed would be going China several bettor.
A Leap Year Proposal.
Chicago Herald (lnd.): The progressive party
has Just made a leap year proposal to the republican
party In the form of tha declaration of principles
given out by. the executive committee on Tuesday.
The party promises. If not to be "thine forever."
at least agree to a temporary or trial marriage
under conditions substantially expressed In the fol
lowing extracts: "Tha surest way to secure
for our country the required leadership will
be by having. If poaaible, both the progres
sive and republican parties choose the same standard
bearer and the same principles. We pledge ourselves
to approach the consideration of the Issues involved
In aurh an effort without any tieaire to revive parti
san bttterneea." .
Twice Told Tales
he Caaae Back.
Backward and forward he paced, hla eyes wild
and rolling, hla face haggard. Aa the minutes paaaed
hla agitation Increased.
"Will she never come? Will she never com?
he walled wildly. "Already it is fifteen minutes past
tha appointed time, and yet she Is not here!'
He pressed his hands to his fevered brow, and
waited. He tried to alt In vain, and still waited. He
gated sadly through tha window, and went on
At laat! Ahl The sounds of little foot-steps en
the stairs. He turned to the door, eager, excited.
Tea. it waa she!
"You have come, then?" ho gasped, dlssy with
delight, aa he grabbed his hat.
Yea. the stenographer had come back, and It was
now hla, turn to go out to lunchNew York Times.
A Prayer ta Time at Battle.
One of the oddest prayers ever made waa that
of an old Virginia aoldler at Antletam. He was
lying fiat en tha battlefield and, to quote hla own
words, "the ahot and shell were going over me so
thick that tha whole firmament above ma waa lead
color,, I felt Just then that I was six feet long ani
pretty night four feet thick, and that tha chances,
for me were only two feet better lying down than
they were atandlug up. I made up my mind that
my only aafaty lay In praying. Oh, Lord, good Lord,'
I prayed, "please stretch me out as thin as a shoe,
string, with the pointed and towards the enemy.' "
Boaton Transcript.
Cllachlaa- Ararwsaeat.
A northern attorney, after acquiring a large South
Carolina estate, formed the Eureka Debating so
ciety to encourge free speech among the negroes or
the neighborhood. On hla next trip south he waa
confronted by a proud winner of the society's prise
"Now, what waa the subject of the debate. Bam?"
asked tha attorney.
"Do subject were, 'What is de mos' benefit to
mankind, aah, de sun or de moon?" answered the
negro. ,
"And which side did you uphold?"
"De moon. sah. I Jes' argued riat de sun shine
by day. when we doen' need de light, but de moon
It shines by night, when dat llaht certainly am
needed. An' dey couldn't answer dat. aah" Every,
body's JUagaslne.
People and Events
Only one 13th Friday in 19 li. The one hoodoo day
is Friday, October IX but the hoodoo will not apply
to leap year proposals made on that day.
A pair of home-made baby ahoea which have been
used by 100 babies In a stretch of 140 years have be a
presented to the Kentucky Historical society at
Frankfort by Colonel C. E. Merrill. Four generationa
of the Merrill family used tha ahoea.
Members of tha firat four claasea graduated from
a woman's college in Pennsylvania aldeatepped cus
tomary collage sifts and provided funds for a regular
course of atudy In fbw prevention. The novel offer
has been accepted.
OppoaiUoa to alien Industry la migUty cloae to tha
rioting point In one section of Minneapolis. A China
man acrapea a two-atrlng fiddle regularly between
midnight and I a. m. and has the music lovers within
earshot ao worked up that neighborhood neutrality la
Henry Oallant, a tt. Louis plute, dropped A0O to
a faro aharp, and yelled ao lustily that the aharper
and victim were caught in New Tork before a refund
could be effected. Uallant la under a ttu.Oue bail bond
to appear and prosecute, which makes him aore all
T v-rrt
The Whys af the WIm.
SCOTIA, Neb., .Ian. IS. To the Editor
of The Bee: I read with some Intereat
Hie letter of one Stephens Blttlck In The
Bee advising German sympathisers to go
to Germany. Well, why not Kngllsh sym
pathisers go to England? During the
Japanese-Russian war, almost the unani
mous sympathy of the people of the
Cnl ted Btatea was with Japan, aa against
Russia. Now. In thla crista, much of the
sympathy la with Russia, against Ger
many. Thla. according to geometrical
conclusion places Japan In advance of our
German citizenship.
My father was an American cltlsen. I
was born in thla country, being thus a
natural born citizen of United States. I
ran understand the German language, and
speak It some. I have never lived In any
country except this. But It geta "my
goat" to hear these fellowe call German
sympathizers hyphenated Americana. Why
not call those sympathizing with allies
hyphenated Americans?
We hear much about Kalaerlsm and
German militarism. Why don't these fel
lowa speak of Anglicism and British
navallsm. Does not Great Britain today
rule the sea?
If Blttlck and I were to travel on our
highway, meet a man carrying United
Ptates mall and rob him of his mail sack,
what would be the result? We would
both go to the pen, and surely we ought
to. But the allies have repeatedly taken
American vessels, carrying United States
mall off the high seas though bound for
peutral ports, taken what they wanted of
It, and the result waa the usual, "Wei
shall protest" Blttlck forgot thla.
Blttlck says, "Why don't these German
sympathizers go to Germany and fight
for that country?" Wall, why don't these
fingllsh sympathisers go to their adopted
country and fight Be honest with the
publio at least and tote fair.
A Memorial te a Pleaeev Faaatly.
OMAHA. Jan. l.-To tha Editor of The
Bee: People who are Interested In the
breathing spots of tha city are hoping
that another and much-needed one may
be added to tha number, by municipal
purchase of the Caldwell and Hamilton
"A park" was one of the first objects
suggested for the ultimate destiny of
these combined properties. Nothing could
be more desirable for that quarter of
town, or a more ideal use for the
grounds themselves, which would lend
themselves to It so perfectly and with
so nttle comparative expense, their beau
tiful slopes already so well laid out and
cultivated for many years. For any
other pnrposea. such as the municipal
buildings .that have been mentioned, so
much changing of ' grade would be re
quired, and auch great coat to the city,
that It should hardly be thought of at
all. If expenae is any consideration.
Parks are health-spots aa well as
beauty-spots, and In both senses they
are the agents of public welfare. There
ia no park anywhere In the vicinity of
the Caldwell property. Every large city
has its downtown or central park; this
city has only Jefferson park, which is
but a remote and shabby apology for
one, though It serves Its peculiar pur
pose well enough. It would be an im
mense pity to lose thla splendid chance
of giving the city another improvement
of the kind moat beneficial te Us real
dents and moat valuable te its' own ap
pearance. It would be still more a pity te sacri
fice such a beauty-spot as this might oe
to the purposes of a police station or
even an emergency hospital. Think of
that fine air apace for the region, handed
over to the amoks prducers that already
polaon our atmosphere almost beyond en
durance! (In passing. It might be said
that the municipal Officers, welfare
boarde and all others concerned, would
do the city more good by enforcing ts
smoke ordinances than by any new pro
jects that they can Invent) A library
has been mentioned In connection with
a police station and a hospital. Startling
Ideal Would the patrons of a library-.
women and children largely be expect-d
to enjoy dally encounters with ambu
lances and patrol wagons loaded with
their sad freight and all the Incidentals
to tha program of those two necessary
but grewaome establishments? To one
who loves to make use of a library, the
Idea ia not tolerable. And It Is not te
be supposed that Omaha people wITJ
relish this novel "civio center" proposi
tion. It would seem that their View
should be asked before such a plaa Is
soberly discussed. -
If the city planning board has any In
fluence at all. new la a good time to
make use of It And If they have that
sense of the "fitness of things.- as re
gards city development which we ex
pect In such a boa-o. they will realise
that a park Is the one and only true end
for the beautiful Caldwell property, and
work accordingly. "Caldwell park!" or
"Hamilton park!" either one a splendid
name, and a memorial te a great pioneer
family of tha city.
Any worda from people who believe
In parks as a factor in city Improve
ment may help In that direction, and
uch people are urged net te wifhold
them. ci VIS.
Colore Maa with a War Record.
OMAHA, Jan. It To the Editor of The
Bee: The atate of Nebraska and city
of Omaha can boast of one aged colored
man that did good service In the employ
ment of Uncle Sara years ago. namely.
J. W. S. Banks, or Joe Banks, aa com
monly known here. He served many
years aa a valet at Fort Leavenworth.
Kan., for the following named officers:
Captain Mitchell. Major General Phillip
Reade. Colonel J. W. Pope, and as such
went with Oeneral Mllea to the frunt to
catch Sitting Bull after the Cuater mas
sacre. But when Joe Banks returned he
went back to Fort Leavenworth. Kan.,
and was employed aa valet for Captain c'
S. Illaley. Old Joe Banks Is now 63 yea,',
Prefers ( eavoattaa te Primary.
LINCOLN. J.. ,.x th, Ed)tor
The Bee: I want te aay that I am heart
ily In accord with the views quoted In
The Bee under a Lincoln data line re
garding the abolishment of the present
I am Irrevocably fernlnat" the pri
mary aatem. have always been and al
waye wU be. for by Ita uae the moat Il
literate and unscrupulous can have equal
"Tircgaa wiin me moat enlightened i
may be elected where be is unknown
against a man perfectly oulirtH
worthy of the office, and who unrf.e tK.
old convention ayatem could not reach
half way te first base. . i
Under the convention system a candi
date had te coma out In the open and hla
qualifications were well known, but un
der the primary ayatem It appears to be
different and moat anv sort of an la
dividual can win whether he has the
qualifications or not
The article In The Bee waa timely, logi
cal and full of good live thoughts and
will probably stir up the animals In no
uncertain way. Ijt ua abolish the per
nlclous primary system and adopt a con
vention system that will give ua good
honest government, and In rase we should
even then make a mistake we can rem
edy the same with the recall which aervea
as a penalty for the man who does not
do hla duty.
Ex-Prealdent Nebraska State Press As
sociation. '
Tips on Home Topics
Washington Post: You never know
what Invincible Ignorance means until
you meet a man who absolutely refuses
to agree with you.
Detroit Free Press: A lady lecturer
says the war will make women a drug
on the market. In that event a lot ol
men may become dope fiends.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: You will no
tice that the theory that grippe Is tran
smitted by kisses waa not circulated till
the mistletoe season was over.
Indianapolis ' News: Without casting
the slightest aspersions on his persona
pulchritude, the suaplcton grows that
Senator Works never did think he'd look
well In khakl.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: A coroner's jury
has held a Chicago man for causing his
wife's death by "mental assault." or. In
other worda, talking her to death. And
It uaed to be supposed women had a
monopoly of It.
Chicago Herald: The only thing that
seems to fit the latest Mexican atrocity
la aomething In the Indignant mood of
MUlton'a mighty cry: "Avenge, O Lord.
Thy slaughtered saints whose bones He
bleaching on the Alpine mountains cold!"
New York World: The Increase of tHtt,
000,000 In the returns of the uoot and
shoe Industry is attributed In part to
war orders, but In larger part to the
variety of styles which women demand
In shoes. In the words of one delegate
to the national convention of shoe re
tailers. "Women have almply turned the
shoe business into a millinery business."
What the shoe manufacturers have to
apprehend more than a cessation of hos
tilities Is a return to long skirts.
"Are you sure the world Is heppier
end better?"
"Absolutely. IOok at the people who
used to make themselves miserable en
bicycles and who ate now riding in
motor cars:" Washington Star.
Bill I see some parts of the south are
still giving us trouble.
Jill How so?
Bill Whv. I see that Baldwin eounty.
Ala., has shipped care of cucumbers.
Yonkers Statesman.
"Willie," said the teacher of the Juven
ile claae, "what ia the term 'Ao used
"It Is used to make people believe that
we know a lot more than we really
do," replied the bright youngster. Chi
cago News.
Minister I made seven hearts happy
Parlshoner How waa that?
Minister Married three couples.
Parishioner That only makes six.
Minister Well, you don't think I did
It for nothing T" Albany Argus.
"Mv son." said the father impressively,
"suppose I should be taken away aud
denlv. what would become of you?"
"Whv." said th-e son. Irreverently,
"I'd stav here; the question Is what
would become of you?" The Boy
New York Mail.
O, why no you worry and why do you
It's doners to doughnuts that thing
mlht be "wusa." v
Pray what in the world are ytrn hoping
to gain t
When, by day and by night you simply
A laugh ia worth more than a river of
. teara;
An ounce of bright hope than a ton or
dark fears; , . .
A et-eer beats a groan by a hundred to
And growllng's a capital habit to shun.
To double your trouble and add to your
Keep talMng about them, ye, no matter
But would you get rid of your burden
of grief?
Forget that you have them, you'll roon
find relief.
If nobody had any trouble but you
Do you know what I think to you we
would do?
We'd encase you In glasa and write
"Here's a man
Unlike any other alnce mortals began."
If we never had storms, no rainbows
we'd see.
And a very great loss that surely would
Take heart, and take hope then and
seek to live so
That to others the light way to live you
may show.
TOME wasn't built in a daj. Neither
wag anything eke worth while. It
takes mo' than two years to "build
a tin of VELVET.
aQI 1,1,1 1 ws"-eiaw
TT takes that long ,
for the choicest '
Kentucky Burlcy
tobacco to be thor
oughly matured
into VELVET, the
Smoking ,
JffffJlyt insane d
Winter Office Comfort
Extremes of weather are the real test of an office
building. It is then that the little things count. This
building has not only a vacuum heating system, but is
metal weather stripped. The court provides wonderful
The building is always practically full, because of
its popularity, but occasional changes offer oppor
tunities to get.chbice offices. "While the list below is
all we have to offer today, there may be something
which will just suit you. If not, let us know your re
quirements and we will watch for an opportunity to
take care of you when the first change occurs,
The building that is always new"
Room 222 Choice office auite, north light, very de
sirable for two doctors or dentists;
waiting room and two private offices;,
03 v square reet
Room 619 the beautiful court of the building;
sire 135 square feet
Room 636 0nl ct on the 17th atreet
side of the building. Facea directly on
Seventeenth atreet. Partition for pri.
rate office and waiting room. Size 1S7
square feet , '.
Room 105 At tn- of tne "tli. oa the floor
opposite The Bee business office. BUe
170 square feet Would be specially use
ful for a real estate firm
Apply to Building Superintendent, Room 103.
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may he
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to he really succcessfuL