Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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: 1
Jewels of President Grant's
Granddaughter Strangely Vanish
But it it Flesh and Blood
and Only Symbol of
Unity. .
( r rom
Staff Corpfpondent.I
Jan. IB. (Special.) The
ciomooratic dove of peace has ljn found.
Yesterday afternoon It flew In a aort
of bewihlrred manner to the state house
and fell exhausted on the window slit i
outside the private office of Governor J
Morehead. The governor filled with com- I
1 RKflon for the almost helrleaa creature!
and with Joy that the bird had been
found and that It had chosen htm as the
man to sveeor it. opened his window and
took the bird to his bream. Later he
took It to the mansion and fill feed It
and nourish It until the time cornea that
It can once more brave the madding fuo
tions In the democratic party and make
The bird was a woting one, which may
house at such a, time when there ap
pears to be little chance for It to find
the olive branch. But coming to the of
fice of Governor Morehead Is taken by
many to be a notice froirt porno high
power that he la to be the man. who
will restore harmony to a badly shattered
party. It is taken to be a notice to the
Kovernor that he is' the man who should
run for United states senator on the
democratic ticket and thus be In a pol
tlon to bring together the widely diverg
ing factions led by Senator Hitchcock
and William Jennings Bryan. The little
frozen bird was a pigeon.
Girl Would Go to
Jail So a Prisoner
Can Attend Funeral
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 16. (Special ) A young
woman appeared at the city jail today
and offered herself aa a hostage to that
W. I May. the man who abused hla wife
while she lay critically 111 at their home.
and who haa since died, could attend the
funeral at Beatrice tomorrow.
The young woman, who gave her name
aa Bessie Tomlln, did not know May, but
aid that she thought he ought to Be
given a chance to attend the funeral of
his wife, and she would take his place
in Jail and act us hla hostage while he
was gone.
yf T y, D
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wHix v. , :m
Woman.) &t&WjMiW
Buiinm Hen of Omaha Exprest
Opinions on Auxiliary of the
Commercial Club.
Fremont Firemen
,4. Uauaou w.y ijiaiIjjh : SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE RENEWED
FRlvMONT. Neb.
Mystery surrounda the ovUln of t'ie fire
which (lid damage ainoiiutliig to $',0 0 it
a vacant store building Adlolnlng the Ma
sonic hall shortly after midnlKht Friday.
When discovered the flnmes hud eaten
their way thro uh the floor of the store
room ahd were spreading over the rear
of the room. The Commercial c ib
rooms.' 6n the second floor of the Iml'd
Ing, wefc badly damage hy smoke. A
big mass meettns to discuss the new
hotel Jiad adjourned from the Commercial
club renins less than an hour before the
fire brdke out.
Several flrca of the last few weeks, tho
origin oi which has been ptiixting ftrein'n
and authorities, have resulted in an in
vestigation liclng mudo. State Klre Com
missioner I'liiK-.'ll has been here a number
of times nltbin the last few weeks to
confer with local authorities. Three
weeks aeo fire broke out In the celMuir
of the basement of the Hammond Print
ing company, adjoining the buildini(
where the) fire started last niKht. Tho
loss Friday night ii covered by Insur
ance. ,
Traebers t'ommlltfc Meet.
FIlliMONT, Neb.. Jan. 18 iSoeelnl.)
I Tho exeriKive committee of the fcast
Central Nebraska Teachers' association
I met at the office of County Superlntond
I ent J. M. Matsrn Saturday to arrangn a
program for the annual meeting here
April ti, and 8.
Three Killed in
Automobile Wreck
ALVO. Neb., Jan. 16. Three Alvo people
were killed and a fourth was seriously
Injured when Rock Island passenger train
No. S struck an automobile Just west of
the depot here this afternoon. The train
was late and waa making up time when
it went through the town. . -
The dead
K:DITH FORMA N, aged IT. ,
BKLLB FOUMAN. aged 20. ,
ALMA GODiiY, aged 19. ,
3. H. Forman, who was driving the car,
waa seriously injured about the body.
He said at the hospital that the car went
dead on the track. Pieces of the ma-
chine were found 300 feet away.
Jewels .worth worth $2,000 are ..being
sought at San Franciaco by Wella-Fargo
detectives, following their disappearance
from a trunk shipped from Over brook,
Pa., to San Francisco by Lieutenant
Commander William P. Cronan. Moat of
the Jewels belonged to Mrs. Cronan,
granddaughter of General U. 8. Grant.
The trunk was sealed at the time it
was turned ever to the express company,
and' the seals were still Intact when It
was received at San Francisco.
The loss of the Jewels will not be an
Irretrievable one tj the wife of the naval
Depart meat Orders.
WASIMNOTON. Jan. 1..-f Special Tele
gram.) William F. Oorhridge was ap-
IKilnted postmaater at ( nugwater, yo.
Civil service examination will ho held
on February W for postmasters at I,ea.
hara, inx, Uiafmo, Neb.
Annual auhrcrlptUms to the Uuieau of
rubllilty are being renewed at tMa time,
and some Very compllntentMi y t feivnces
to the work of the hire:. 11 ere bring
inc'uded In the leitcrs a coinp ityir.g sub
scriptions. Harry S. Wetlnr, vice pit.'iiiciit of the
Htihnrdson Iiu con,r. and former
president of tho Ad club, ;:
"In making our annual t iption to
the Publicity Bureau we to con
gratulate you and compliment yon tipun
the spiel did work accomplished rturlnu
the j ear. You have not only given
Omaha a gie:it deal of good advertising.
but on have secured a laigc number
of conventions. We hope yon will be
equally successful this year. Tlirte la
no subscription we make that Rives i
more satisfaction, for we feel It Is not
only helping; Omahn. hut saving n
money, for without the Publicity Hit
leau there la no doubt we would have
to spend more money for conventions
than it Is now costing under the present
arrangements. It Is only another pv
dence of what system and co-operation
can accomplish." .
It rirlnas ItrsuMs.
V. L. Waller, president of the l.lninget
Implement company. ei)e;
" take pleasure tu renewing our
subscription to the Itureau of Publicity.
We are charter members of this bureau
and have never ceased to consider It by
far the most valuable funcibm of the
Commercial club. This bureau Is eco
nomically and efficiently administered
and haa done more than anything else
to make Omaha well and favorably
known outside of our own territory. The
fact that tho work is continuous and
alwaM stisresslve is what brings the re
sults." C. C. Oeoige, president of George A Co.,
"We have be n a subset-'.her - to -the
Publicity liuieau, we believe, since It
started. T .e hmesu. In our Judgment I
one 01 t!:e most Important' ilepsrtinenta
nf the 0'li,i-.icr ll O'ub. Snfl W have
'ied 'value n dvrd' for nil money ron
llutfd ly us "or t!il work.".
'I'hoi'Kh aMIIiated with the f'oiwei-chil
V i.a fl iNn." d
'liilependeiith-, ' fiiid -t b.tng rlse1.!.-y
Olrect subuM-lp'lons from bitslhe men.
The bui'fd will shortly Initiate n cam
paign for more funds, that- it may
' read'Vi its work and extend ill eftorls
along lines Intel down by the governing
committee. "
The presence of
agents of European
nations, buying
horses by the car
load for, war pur
poses, emphasizes
(the importance of
Omaha as a horse
with pneumonia attack f r0m half a dozen
CLKVIt t.AKK, Y. 1.. jn. ).-(Tlpe-' Attacked hy heart failure she
was disused In making pies In her home,
Mrs. Mehln,.a Clear Lake )
man. waa dead befora her rianghtrf rouM
sunn, ion aasltatue. The daughter was In J
the Hi per part of the house, x;y(ir arte i
,iear.1 a strange nulse In the Wtohen. I downstairs she found her
mother - t.nconst lous sitting In a rhtir,
death resulting a few momenta J,tcr.
In September, I'll, the unfortunate
woman had a atroke of paralysis, for
aonie tlmo had been able to be' about
the house, and occasionally was able to
alk to the business district, '
Htaos Henatnr Robert
111 at Madison and la threatened vwlih
pneumonia, according to word t-eeved
here, where the senator wag c,hedul.d
to speak tonight. The word cam in a
massage cancelling Senator LaFollMte'a
engagement. .-
j.n M-jiied states b e t w e e n .
officer, except for their association,
she ts. wealthy In her own right. Her
father, Jesse Grant, Is a large mine
owner. She and Lieutenant Commander
Cronan were married In 1913 In the city
halt of San Francisco, only a few mu
nicipal employes witnessing the cere
mony. ..- t
Lieutenant Commander : Cronan, who
served with Schley, and who once saved
his gun tvrret crew from death by thrmt
ing' his hand into the hreech-lock of an
eight -Inch gun, was divorced from hit
first wife in 1910. -. . ,
Dr. Coffee and Hiram Frankel Dis
tinguished Guests f Honor .
of the OrdeA
It wag a full day's program with
which B'nal B'rlth day waa cele
brated yesterday In Omaha. Dlstln- j day's celebration was, for the Nebraska
gulshed guests, leaders, in the B'nal I ds Rabbi Conn, John Alperson, Nathan
... . fif Bernste'n. M. Monhelt, Emit Cans and
B'rlth erder from Chicago and 8t A , M,cr McKiniev iod. com.
EDWARD COMMERCIAL CLUB' Pul were ln the clt t0 Uke Part,mlttee Is: Henry Monsky, Carl C. Katle-
ln the program and the speaking at man. Arthur Rosenbium. Edward Simon,
the banquet at the Loyal hotel in ?ln SugarnAn. lUrry A. Wolf.
, . .v ... .1 .Isadora Rees and Dr. Abe Qreenberg.
the evening, at the initiation or new ; Mg, Brn jvey. Mrs. Arthur b. rio
members In the afternoon and at the ; enbium. Miss Louise Bchocnberger, M as
lodges began, at Woodmen hall.
nanojart at Loyal.
At 4 o'clock sharp a banquet waa held
at Hotel Loyal where Isldor iSiegler and
Isadora Rees responded to toasts, and
Miss Esther Epstein spoke for the
women's auxiliary. Arthur Rosenbium
was toastmaster.
The banquet was ruahed through with
all neat dispatch, and by .shortly after 8
o'clock the program began . at Temple
Israel. The Misses Charlotte Abrams,
Cecelia Feller and Mrs. Blanche Monhe'.t
gave musical numbers, and Tr. Rudolph
T. Coffee, Rabbi Frederick Cohn and
Henry Monsky -spoke, t . '
The committee on arrangements for the
ST. EDWARD, Neb., Jan. 16. (Spec
clal.) The annual banquet and business
meeting of the 6t.' Edward Commercial
club was held Thursday night at the Odd
Fellows' hall. One hundred members and
Invited guests partook of the feast which
was served by the ladles of the Methodist
The principal address was by former
Congressman E. M. rollard, who talked
on "Agricultural Development of Ne
braska." A number of farmers and prac
tically all the county officials from Al
bion were the guests of the olub. "
The following officers were elected for
the coming year: Nels Haaselbalch, pres
ident; K. E. Fellers, secretary; H. P.
Knudson, treasurer.
FREMONT, Neb., Jan. 18.-(Bpecial )
Oscar Ballstrora and Clair. Millard were
sentenced to from twelve to fifteen
months In the penitentiary, and Joe Fer- followed
program and speaking at Temple
Israel in the evening.
The distinguished guests were Dr.
Rudolph L. Coffee of Chicago, superin
tendent of the social service bureau oS
the order, and Hiram D. Frankel of ft.
Paul, chairman of the propaganda com
mittee of this district. . The social aervlce
department of th,e organisation ' is the
newest feature of B'nal B'rlth work. Dr.
Coffee waa called from his place at Pitts
burgh to Chicago to take' charge of the
social service department of .the B'nal
B'rlth for the entire L'nlted States,
rropasiaaaa Day.
This annual celebration day la made a
kind of propaganda day' on w hich time
special enthusiasm for the work Is brought
out and new energy Is, launched in the
movement. The celebration yesterday
big campaign for membership
Walvin Newman and Miss Sarah I-eaf
are the committee from the women's
auxiliary, one of the few foman's or
ganizations affiliated with the order In
this district.
guson to six months in the county Jail, i in Omaha, during which time a special
when they pleaded guilty Saturday . In membership committee put forth strong
district court to robbing merchandiae t f fforta with the result that sixty new
cars at North Bend. Sallstrom and Mil- members were initiated In the afternoon
lard were charged with a number of of-1 at 3 o'clock at Modern Woodman hall. In
fonses dating liack several weeks, while ' the Joint meeting of the Nebraska and
Ferguson confesed to taking part In only McKinley branches of the order.
one robbery. John Kern, arrested at the
same time, pleaded not guilty and was
bound over to district court at the pre
liminary hearing. ' He is out on bond. .
A highwayman .got'. 17.46 from Bert
Bchwammer, 2$) North Nineteenth street.
isst nignt at Eighteenth and Capitol
avenue, v . . ,
During the afternoon a robber of the
description given by - B)ch wafnmer. walked
Into an Oil service station at Seventeenth
and et Mary 'a -and 'held up Ray Lam
bert, the , clerk. . Lambert lost $73 from
hla, cash register. i
COLt'MBCS, Neb.. Jan. 16.-(Specia!.)
Taking advantage of a vacant quarter
block near the heart of the city, Charles
L. Dickey, secretary of the Coiumbus
Commercial club, has had the same con
verted Into a municipal skating rnk.
Zero weather quickly performed the
'reeling feat when the .ground was
flooded ind the electric light company
erected gratis a string of lights Illumin
ating the pond at night. Hundreds of
people, old and young, have been enjoy-
ng the opportunity.
B'nal B'rlth, translated to English
means "Sons of the Covenant."
The order Is Just a trifle over sixty-
five years old, and now has membership '
ln every quarter of the globe. The mem
bership is especially strong In the United
States, the European countries, and in
the Orient. It la organised for philan
thropic and altruistic purposes. Originally
there was an Insurance feature and a sick ;
benefit department, but these two have I
been entirely eliminated. ' !
nallda Hospitals. i
The order now does not conduct an In- 1
sura nee or benefit department, nor does '
j It do charity work Jn the way of direct
j relief, but it builds hospitals and insti- ,
tut Ions and maintains them for the cars -of
Its orphans and indigent. )
I In accordance with this policy it has
i built orphan asylums st Cleveland, At
! Isnta, New Orleans, a national hospital
, for tuberculosis at Denver, and- a big '
sanitarium at Hot Springs. Ark. J
I An Informal reception for the- twij
The Omaha Merchants ' Express, al
though the -victims - of- a colossal fire;
are 'In business on a greater and grander
scale than ever before.' The same able
staff. . the same ample- equipment, the
same efficient service'. ' The head office
(Douglas 172) is temporarily at room 7,
Union ststlon, 9th and Jackson "Streets
Other offices and phones unchanged. W.
8. Jardine, O. W. Johnson, O. F. West.
What Is the Oculist's
First Question?
BEFORE proceeding with the examination of your eyes he
asks you, "Is your digestion good? Do your bowels move
The Oculist knows that eye strain is frequently caused by a disor
dered stomach or by constipation. Any doctor will tell you the.
same thing.
Constipation throws the whole system out of gear. Us effects are
felt almost immediately in biliousness, headaches, blurred vision,
nervous 'depression, and other symptoms of auto-Intoxication.
Laxatives and cathartics won't cure constipation. They irritate the
bowels into action and give temporary relief, but at the expense of
upsetting completely the normal processes of evacuation.
A far safer and more effective means of restoring norma) , bowel
movements is the mineral oil treatment, advocated and prescribed
for years by eminent specialists both in this country and abroad.
Nujol is the purest form of refined white mineral oil. . It is not a
drug nor a bowej stimulant. It acts solely as a mechanical lubri
cant, facilitating the passage of waste matter and helping to restore
normal bowel activity. '
Nujol is odorless, colorless and tastetess. It is not absorbed by the
system, hence may be taken in any quantity without harm.
Write for booklet The Rational Treatment of Constipation." If
jour drugg-iit hain't it. we will send a pint bottle of NUJOL
prepaid to any point In United States oo receipt of 75c money
order or stamps.
j. zpy
J ' ...jsi-ei (New Jersey! j.
i' i ' i' ' ''' ilSmi Bayonne New Jersey A ,
ISiik ..kt-.-s.-'I- !i
M JSLtSfrld 1 A 1 . : ;
!j W SsfrfeJ ! jttJS Pi.... MmmKP Approved by i . '
ii Mf . ICT5?g;r Harvey W Wiley. Director GorKJHootw.
i i r li BM I 'V : 1 keeping Bureau of Fuuds, bauitatioa
j; .pf rr"cs UiP h nd Health. ' U
nun niisjniiismiiiinsjsa' m f ' ; I
FRCMONT. Neb., Jan. 16-(8peclal.)-'
l iiemcn from Meat Point. Crete. Cedar
r.luffs. Dodge tind folumbu will Juin
the fremont tic let lion In making the
trip to the state convention at Crawford,
this week. The pert. v. numbering,
foitv delcgutca. i I meet at Freiucnt and '
go from here -n a special car over the '
Norihaeslorn. From Norfolk the North-!
western will run a special train made up
of the cars from Fremont. Humphrey ai d
via tors from Ft. Taut and Chicago was '
held at the Fontnrlle hotel In the fore- I
noon, frundny. At 3 o'clock the program
of tnitlut'ng the class of sixty new Omalia
members in the Nebraska and MeKinley ,
; Thirteenth and Douglas Streets,
is now under the management of Mr. Lou Rent- T!U W.n Jeni
trow, who will also continue the operation of JLUC VVinQSOl
Mr. R-entfrow announces that in his new undertaking he guarantees to Omaha
another fine hotel, newly furnished, remodeled and equipped with every mod
ern comfort and convenience possible. Popular rates will prevail. 1
With the change of management. The Millard Hotel may safely take its stand as
being second to none in Nebraska or the west.
Courtesy and Service are the watchwords of "The Millard Hotel. "
Ullllaw Keller.
TKCl'MSEH. Nib.. Jan. la. (Special.)
William Kelley, fut her ef t'ouiUy t'li-rk F. Krl'e)'. died at the family home
turt iti today,
iuxated inon
IncreMss strength of
delicate, n e r v e u s,
ruo- iown people too
par cent in ten days
In many -Instances
lft forfeit If It
fails ss per full ex
planation in ' larg,
aiticls soon fo an
pear In this paper
lrugslst about It. gurrman McOnnrU
Jru stores always carry it in stock.
Special Announcement: Mr. A. C. McGlone, bur steward, formerly in charge
of America's largest and most exquisite dining palace, "The Great Alhambra,"
at Sah Diego exnosition. has been entfacfed as head of "The Millard Hotel" culin
ary department, thus assuring such excellence of cuisine as few first class hotels in
America can boast.
Try Our Sunday Dinner
Missouri and Mon
tana, come to Oma
ha for the purpose
of buying horses.
Most of the horses
for sale from this
same wide territory
'are shipped to Om
aha. Many good
horses off city win
ter work are also
being sold now.
Springtime brings
activities in farm
ing, building and
other outdoor in
dustries. Get in
ahead of the rise in
prices which the
increased demand
may bring with
the advance of the
i . .... .-.
I The important ser
vice of introducing
! the man who has
horses to sell to tho
man who wants to
buy horses is per
f ormed by Beo
Want Ad3.
These Utile sds in the
Dorses and Vehicle col
umn have bj "horse
power" in this favored
market. Boyers and
sellers both testily that
f Bee Want Ads are
'true pullers.' "
Turn the Want
'Ad pages. You will
find the pick of the
Omaha market
jhorses for every
Telephone Tyler ICOa
t!J39Crb4r Cm(Ij Ma Wast Ad
' . ' .)