THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1916, 1 ! I i 1 i I i ! !l WANT AD RATES. WANT Al'J lor lit rvmim p1tflon must 1rctl TtM Itatt Uilict blo U u'ti'k BOVft. WANT A Pi tor lb mo: ning find Mindly iii . m. WANT Al'f rvivi ft.T 1V" h'lin Will mak first apprnc ndfr "loo i to oa-silY." CASlflUTKS. Two or more mnr ntvt ttm, I'fc caU a -ttr-l, nrh iMMirtton Mw rftacuuv im, 1 cnt a wort, cb luaartloa. CHARGE RATIOS. On tlma. 12 renla it Una. Ihr ronaacullre tlmm. I Btl tin, aarh ieaartion. Cevrn canaecutpe tiara. I cel.U t Una. Ilih In ninn. , Itiinv rjrrclltt timet. 7 Mill liaa. ears Insertion. Outtt alx srarafa vordt (a the Una. Ke aa'Htltrm.nt takra fcr lm tbaa ; ctutt. NOTICES. Cards ef rntiki. P-ath. rnral as. I-ed Kntis . id rni lin Hrb luaartloa. Mini man charta. (4 tenia. Partl.a ilTfM!n l the eolumna ss4 "iTtnt thif eneri aM-rirci In era of 1h Dm will pirn fsr cards to nslij il.m 'o rt thrir'S t hum will u 4lnfrfl 9ifA on i.reaetHatloo of card. n leva-Moment imert,4 to bt run urr.1 :cominuril must b stew b rlttaa ordar. Tbs floo -111 tint t re.enlMs for wore (bun th first Incorrect I'nasrttoa of tut ! tartlMrnaat. Too Pea r.rm tn rliht t raleet or rs writ all alrarturment- Too can place four want ad la The Baa It tataphoae. TELEPHONE TYLKlt 1.000. FLORIST!". HATH S. 14 Kwr.i:im I X.. lil..Nul,i-.Sl.'. I'oiiiiiii U. 12 a Member Florists Ti Iritrapli lel. Ass ti IlLSS t .S'AOHOUA IHj Kurnain Bt. aTTjaTjuiJe. ila Harney. Doug. l'l. XOMUKMTil ASD tKMETKRIKS. WHY bury your dead In the, cold ground In stormy weather when you can buy a tomb In a marble building at a reason able jirlce? Phono the MAl'SOLEL'M CO.. Douglas 2175. nillTIIS AND PF.ATII9. Blitha-Petcr and Lulu Telerson, Rllil Irfiriivctte. bov; I .re and Clara Askew, flt Marcy, girl; Gustof and Emily DhIiI ba.k, l.urt, girl; Peter and Alice Kanl, 5HIS Bint, boy; Hans and Martha Gloe, W Plantord Circle, lKy; Otlo ano Clara Hruln, Houth Twenilcth avenm , girl; Herman ard Iolly Hagcnuolts, Houth Twenlv-fourth, girl. Deaths-Margaret . Itooney, 8H, !02 Dodge; John oeg, 9 months, hospital; ratherlne Hmllton, 8i, 1".o7 Hnutli Tenth; Flitabcth II. 8haw, 57, V-M Frunklln; I. lsln M. Haqsen, 2, hospital; John GIU iert, 5o, J4M I'owlcr; Jamea L. Conistoik. , 4.i2 Bedford avenue; Joseph M. Miller. TI. hospital; Mrs. Bertha A. Beet, 31 2K8 801115 Tenth; Rose Oehler. tii, ;i. North Fourteenth; Loryne C. Oyler, ".. ltil.'i hoiith Twenly-nlnth: Nathan Mogeman, 2, 4n North Fifteenth; Charles II. Mack, fit. 171 Houth Twenty-first. William Mllke. Ml. 424 8oulh Fortlclli; Agnes Johnsnn, 23. 118 Chicago. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA & COCNC1L BLPFF8 8TRKET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona havlMc lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaiia ft Council Bluff a Street Railway company to ascertain mhetlier they loft it In the street cars. Manv artlc lea eacn dey are turned In and the company Is nuxloua to restore them to tha rightful owners. Call Doug 48. I.O.ST or Fot nd ada in Omaha's Iat and Found medium means the Immediate it-turn of that article If advertised In T'ie iter, the Lost nnd Found paper. 1. 1 S'T -' "t two ri'-i s in oii'-dcl with pearls, size Vi-dollar. Reward. Wal. 2301. Ready Reference Directory A I'l O IMAM'S. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 433-431 Luingc Uldg. Dl. Doug. T44M. I . .. law l"th-Farnam. D. T4i. l. F. Kaafer A Co.. Aitt IlITUt T. rverelt B. Dodd. U Paston Blk. D. 8081. Ati.ttK. C. T. Dickinson. Ml Psston Blk. P. 1804. .4 kt'i au ia Dowj Auct on t o lllMIW.O.W. R.. kk. j. p. RVD-R llile N. 18th. Wee Msta 4.VU HA .'ONUHllC. Psstbn-Mltchell Co.. 271 n snd Martha Sta riUKWPslAtTll'sVl.NAI. AUiU'Uft Pr BU'lHORN, isth and Farnam. Wead bldg. D. b47; Palcaer school graduala. Dr. i. C. Lawrence. I l aird Bldg. D. MO. DR W. if. KNOLLENBElia. Bulte 111 Bee Bldg Tel. Tyler loal tuiuupuuuri. Carrie J. Buford.Pa:Blk.Red iVurkliisisti A3iU tUsfUUTUHl Lsacard Son. IM Capitol Ave. T. 1431 ' r. W. Hokanson. V Lvnwth. Tyl. 11-J. LU9I V THFATBTCAL gowns, full dreaa suits, for rent. i"N. '7th 81 Feldman. UIKII8U At ADaCSHICS. PALL term open at kuackls's.' Doug. 1440. DE LUXE ACADKMY. Ill H. lath Bt. 1HKS(AKI.NU tUUsiUH. DressmaJtlng. alterations, remodeling. Hi B. jlh7 Har. SMU. Ask for Miss Malone. LADIEa' tacketa remodeled In the latest i style. UU f arnam. uougiaa .. Ke-S er's Dreaamaklng Col. ! . tty Nat. Terry Dressmsjt g collese. t'Hh aV Farnam. Ulfc-HS A.lCa!iAN'fc;at. 8TATE Dry flng. Co.. 1S N. mh. D. 4072. DKTKCTIVK. JAMES ALLAN. ! Neville Block. F.vl- fence as.'ureAi in au ( trier Oli.VVItll. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ill W.O.W. Bidg, Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckies. 714 City Nat Bank. Teft Denial R.wne, l'al Douglaa. D. Wt DHIOS. , DRUGS at cut trees. freiKht paid on $' orasrs; catalog "a free. Snerntaa A Mc-Coni-ll iiuK Co., Omiha Neb. lit KUVlllI"ti r tll WoME.N. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating, coveted buttons, all sisea and iins; heinslil' Mliia, point edging; em broidery, trading, braiding, cording, elnt cut work button hoics, pennants. Pleating Co., l"JU l'uuUi block. Ix.iikUs l'C. 4 fcl.fc.C1 UOLtlii. 1 C oa Ai!enderv4 Bc-e'Bldg. Red Jf" l Lb( tUK AL llfcPAIKI.Mi. " C 'AH ILL FI.I"X"TR10 t'O.. P.eeBId I. S-7 H lt M IS A "all "l I Vwl ttiv. . KALLKSTROH. 4U- HamUlou. Wal. H'.i LOST. FOUND REWARDS DUCK Scottish terrier; ncy reward. Hur- l arallarr mi.l llonarhnlal l.outts. FOl 8A !)-Horn ix a omiiifi:M( ion trial In of iilmol )tnixrtnri' to everjr rrnrtT. aa thin rol'imn offTS nom fx (rptlonal nfiportunltli f fry day unci ft uniall wnnt ad will ell your nrtlcl t :m full valno. fhonq Tylor 1VW. ll-fool llRht nalc offlc counter, aull abla for atatlonery RiornB": almort nw; barRnlti. '.O't hrnn'lala Hl1 sr BAKti.MNS. Kurnlturf. V: rn en, r.'.o v ....; x' t 1 JT'nTjlil'v ater f roiiU. furnace ' colla. etc. Quirk axrvlre. dmaha Htove I ttenalr Work. r.-;- lioualna. Tyler . OMAHA PILLOW CO Mattreasea made over Juat like new. 1W7 Cuming. D.4 FI KXITI RK for 5 room; fell l y plooe I or In loin; rh"an. 2;20 South nth ' ItOYAL Acorn bn I'AL Accirn bnwburner for Bale cheap. I 8. 2.".rd8t. Douglaa 6501. PlaTnoa. M In.tri..ea. SIS $." In aold will be paid for the. name of a .roapertve pl-no or player-pin no buyer, i 214 S. 18th St.. Factory DlKiribuioM table plnnoa. UU'iii player rmno tor aiie: wtv rc.ivun able; good a a new Walnut ;0V'. I.MT Victor Cal'lnrt" piionograpli, $. I3.M permonth. A." Ilmw. 1S18 Dousiai. Store and Office Klatarea. DKHKK aafea acalea. ehowcaaea. ahelv. Ina, etc. Ws buy, aell. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. 414-18-U 8. Itth. Doug. 21U. tameraa and Kudaka. FII.M8 developed free If I'Urchaard from Photo Craft thnp. 4ia Tce Bleln. I-pt. D. Jeelry, llamonrt. Watehea. DIAMOND UX'KKl', in-n a and ladles', at'hes. reaaoiiable. Friedman. I2H Doug. i I.uiubrr and llulldlnti Material, HOl'PE, sheila and f ' nre for sale. In good condition for n .. as lumber; will sell cheap. Dong. 4MS. DRY kindling by the Ini.d. Harney 872n. Mewlna) Mat'blaes, SEWING MACHINES . We rent, repair, sell needles and psrls Of sll sewing lunch Inea. MK'KKL'H NFRRAKKA CYCLE CO.. l"th and Harney Kts. Doug. IIUJ. 1 ypeivrltera and Snppllca. MIDLAND RIBBON ' V CARBON CO. " - man" im. i V...IMI.. n nai I Typewriter Ribbons! (Supplies forvthe office. Douglas 2147. 'tis Due Bidg. RENT sn G.,ver typewriter 3 Mm. for VI. u Ivor Typewriter Aucncy, t "i t arnam. TTPErtWlTMi! soid, reiiieu repaired. Central Typewr'ter Exc. 190R Farnam. REI.IANCF. Ribbon and Carbon CoTciir uyjw I'm i cici uiini riiiuciiip. w, m.t RENT a "Bemlnaton" not Just tyt)e wrlter. Low rent. Call Dougl.ia V:xt. BUTT'H Typewriter ExchnngeT 31fl i i. 18thT ft. All makes for aale or rent. Maehlnery and r; a a I uee. ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery, Including ahaftlng. belts and pulley. Everything In the best of condition. Tliia includes moulding machines. Jointers, land saw, tltltlng table, saws, sanding and boring machines, etc. Phone Douglas 838 or call 1111 Harney bt., Gcorge!l. I.eo Co. . FOR 8ALB or trade, Powers motion pic ture machine: complete outfit for $12.1, If taken at tnce; a bargain. Addiees T. V. Mnscley, 1)1 Llttlo Ulds.. Lincoln. Neb. WOOD Working Aliiclilnery. Complete outfit for small planing mill. Includ ing motors. This la a anap it taken aa ll stands. (o. II. !e Cu., 1115 Har ney St.. Omaha, Neb. Milliard and Pool Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; har fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Thi Krane-wlrk-Halke-CollriHltr Co.. 4U7-40U S. 10th St KIXTURKB AND Willi. G. DURKIN Electric waahlng machines, electric Irons end reading lamps. Bee us first. 22?S Cuming St. Tel. Doug. 2Mf. FUHHIHUa. BAM KNEETKR. UM Farnam. Red 6SU. li. Rothols. 28s Leavenworth. II. H63. HISTUHlt Ai. lUSTtMawS. THID largest stock of masquerade and theatrical ooatumee In the country, Theo. Lleben aV Son, 1614 Howard. D.41I INSTHIITION. Engliaw, French Instrurt'on. 4 Lyric Bid. Ilk 114 KM UK 'lal fSUAt-ki. H. IL CLAIBORNE. 612 Pax ton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition alenu. C. W BRITT. $01 Barker Blook. LIVB STUCK IWMMllaalulT MARTIN BROS, at CO. Exchange Bldg. UUV1NU I'll ! tHti MAClll.Nfe.s. OMAIIA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tlon picture machine and film bargains. uciLiirs.' Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra McCartyjIUl W. O. vY. Bfd,. OSTEOPATH PUYSlllAAs': j JOSEPHINE AKMBTRONO. l$ Bee Bldg. I'ATalATS. D. O. barnelL Fax ton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Hturgea, i0Jjwb?lsTheater Bldg. PLLMbs ILlCAMwU. CURLED, dyed. I Klaele. 8 City Nat FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS .,"ATEiHS-BARNHAK'r . Co.. quality ellng. 11S Hinting. TeL Doug. .. Kt a lilh 8fc I C KNTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 1751 DOLQ1.A3 Printing Co.Tel.pouglaK044. bC ALU 'nirrAlul.u . ' 4DnuJ5tan'lardSele t o.. 513 S. Uth. D. mi "miubi Hii:PAiutu. Harley 8h-e Hep'r Co . foot Fain'm. R. Uu kTavL 4.fc;Li.iT ' C ARTKR- tiheet Meial Company. 119 a U TUVt.Ua. SlPfLlb... OM A HA Towel Bupply. 207 la. Uth. D. iU. 1KI.NK A.NU StlT CASUS. " '" FUELING 4t STE3NLE. ISug Farnam St. tALiykiai tba.A(.ai, ALL makea E. li. Williams, 9u$ 8. Uta. 'lyler Wll. Al7aa ai'btULitll. Christiansen. M f psxton Bk U yr. ex a. tea. Wedding announcements. Oougptg. Ce. HbUOIM. kiHl, 1 BRODEGAARD'S 'liick wedding rinse" at loin and Douglas Sta. 4U 1. 1 14 I oats. ALEX JKTES. 101 1 8. t'th St. Wlnaa. liquors, cliiurs Plate dliuuir 11 to J. lOo. HENRY POLLCK T.TvUOK HOU8S. Hth anJ Caoltol Ave. Tenynt lun-h. BUY your family hy-ors at Klein's L.UJcr bcus.. N. li'tn. DouUs IMS). THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. Answers tne question "Where to go tonight." loBtura. EMPRESS. 15th & Douglas. Bclln-TrlbutM?, No. 4. I "The Woman With a none," 3-reel E- I fnnay. "When Two Flay a Oaine." Vltajraph. imie urown lien. PRINCESS. 12 1 "l 9D0U0CasT 7. I ,t, :., T.,rv 1 -ret Ire. a thi II "J1 n"'. won(I - lirtung In Wronu." a clever comedy. 'tenrge nvey m jerry in .Mexiro. com. I . OTttPCIP fftll j i'l. ' j Uryn I'm Inter In rii. AND LOTHR0P. t.Alw.7'B " "."Ir ' "' K. Hnrrla. oath. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. I 'l VK HKF.L8 OF O'XiD PICTCKKH . AtULLO, ROIILFF, 2581 LEAVENWORTH. William Farnam In "The Broken Law," Fox feature, one-reel comedy. Vaeat. MONROE. 2555 FARNAM. Mlcnnn Anderaon In "The Mill on the Fl"s." a live-act Mutual maaterpicture with a great flood acene. loath Hide. i pl-sse. 24TH t N. .... , ...... ,, Tr ie l:rd,,,a . In h'lngi.iee." (To the Vile lrt, 2-re I Kuloin. He Got Himself a . I .' Itngrapli. "Thd FBil'iie,'' Blograpli s tar Features These are Special Extra-Reel Pictures bow appearing at the following Theaters: 1 UEasE True Boardman 24VH AND K. i In "Stlngarce," 2-reeI Kalem. fAjTIIROPl STTlfAND LOTIUTOP. MllTltri nreaenl- Mary Miles Mlnter In "Alwayg in the Way," Bv Chas. K. Harris. MONROE. 25u5 FARNAM. Mignon Anderaon In "Th Mill on traj rlors." fl"e-act Mutual maaterpicture. PRINCESS Tin-T&HbOtfGTAS. 'The Swret Wire," a thrilling mystery in four acts, featuring Harold Lock- vnon RO II LW! 2ToTLEA V EN W 0 RTlTT William Farnum In "The Broken Iw." Fox feature. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Mlarellaneous VliF.K 1 of 1c Gunpowder or A Japnn tea with every 10 Iba. of best 85c ci'feo, parcel post, at $2.1S. Dave's Coffer ' 'arket, Wll Leavenworth St., Omaha ..ol. FOR SALE CHKAP. Busineaa College Course. Full and complete scholarship In oni of the best Omaha business schools. Good reason for selling: perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will be sold very reasonably. If Interested Invest!- i gate at once, bona 'i a fall term beelns soon.' There sre a variety of coursas for sale. For particulars Inquire at the of Hoe of The Omaha Lice. $3.20 Gulden 'Svest Whisky, 4 full quarts hottl -d tn bond. Prepaid. Cackley B ros., Onm ha. POAI. 6"biiskts'ie,vcred. $1; Illinois ,jivu niJt or iuniPi 5. per !, Douglas Elal. ' ... A. 11 - WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used deaks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1304 Farnam. ANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living rooms above, in Central school district. Phone Ned 7S54 Wanted-ioo arlouda of scrap Iron, also metal and rubber. Write for prices. Ne braska Iron and Metal Co., Omaha. WANTED TO BUY-Bakery In good live town of 1.5U0. Address Chas. Maxwell, White Cloud. Kan. ANNOUNCEMENTS CHIROPRACTIC If sick, regardless of the nature) of your ailment, olitropraotla will di for you what no ot. or science can. When all slse fails try me and note tha dif ference. 1 adiust the eause of BO-CALL ED "Inci. ruble' ailments snd all Cerane metits iscullar to women. Dr. W. 11. ICNOLLENBERG Phone Tyler 13& Suite Sll Bee Bldg. Mechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings HE Phone D. $444. 8IOMAN 415 Brands s Theater. ENGINEERING, plana and map draw ing at low rates. See ldcEathron. sol Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. . BRODEGAARD 8 "Lucky Wedding Kings'' at itith and IHiugiaa Sts. EXERCISE AT Y.M.CA.-Busineaa men. SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTOMOBILE 7-paaaenner. alx-cy Under, M-h. p. M tcliell Special, U14 model, run W.wO miles: in fin i haw; full act ot extra raslnga; full electric equipment; an eleguni. powerful car: swap fur pass, car in No. 1 ehape. or 1-ton truck, or commercial paper. Address 8.. C. S40. Bee. I HAVE a newa-atand carrying full line of magastnea, period lea la. clgara. to bacco, candy, notions, etc. block and fixtures worth $45u. Will swap for a good 6-paseenger car. Prefer ID. I or "14 Ford. Must be la good condition. 8. C. soe. Bee. KoAlSI K.K, liglitweiglit. twu-paai M-ntier. lfli model, Jjat overhauled and luily equipped. VMll swap for the best 11S model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit 1 can get; but It must be A-l condition. 8. C. 72S. Bee. "AlJlihKOLA"- Edison's new diamond point cabinet phonograph; this machine with assortment of records coat $uu mice iiiontn ..A 1. . u.rt" will - - a,.- .. No 4 Underwood tvoew Tiler Adrelya i EIG,T years' office experience, compe C W r. typewriter. Addrtsa j t(1t p,,. ,nJ C(,,nleri mgVsi jq. S. C. fc. Bee -.Mi. Vwci;:rn.p rrT. moan Pools, hunting coat, net and shell vest and bunting bag; all new. Wll swap for motor cycle, or whatT a. C. -0. Bee. DKsK AND CHAIR-54-ln roll tp deek. In good shape, and chair. ale In gotwl shape; v.111 swap for wet have youT 1 want to get rid of this one and get a larger oVk. AuJivai 8. c. WANTED to awap. Why uot advertise aoiiuthing that you no longer hav any us fur and get aouietbiu you really need. Write liooia li4. Lou Bidg.. or Tier lc) T PF-W Rl Kits (.-min a ten ,o. 2. Dena liiore No. 2 boih in flue sliaiw; to ex- Y i tisnge t-.i p.iv.lliy calvt-a or Muat have Juu? Addivss S t' e..0, l ee. j I SWAPPERS' COLUMN I'ININO TAHI.K. miliar-. tn iroo.) ahape: awap for what have yoti? Table I aolM oak. Have n rtavenimrt to e. rhanp"1. also rjuurtcred onk. Addtrsa 8. r. V. Roe. feRAND nw. hieh Krade plSno, fr.TJ value; fully KUMianteed. Will awap fori diamond. Omaha vacant property or! froon iieKotinijle faiwr of equal value, t.'. (Hi, H'-e. 45 KfilHON Phonograph and i" aelect 4 nilnuta record, for typewriter;, atio Burton mandolin outfit, po.d tone, ex orllcnt oondnlon. for violin case and ond flute. Addreaa 8. C. Kfi. Bee. KI.KCTRIC light cabinet. M. 16 c. p. llahta, newly wired, equipped with even largo mlrrora. Will trade for anything 1 run uee. 8. C. 829. Bee. ALL. furniture In 4A-room hotel; reason aMe rent on faulldinc; Bouth Side; will exchange for real eatate; value $1.8u0. Addrea 8. C. Vn. Bee 1S12 HALL ADA Y touring car V U. P. In f rat rlara condition. To awap for "Power A" or "Balrd" movlna pic machlne with motor. 8. O. W. Bee. HAVK larire aized library table, beauti fully ftnlHhed in fumed oak, like new, j to awap for equal value, what have youT Addreaa 8. C. Bee. S ILL tradci mv 4-cyl. ijii-H. P. rebuilt racer for pool tabl-a: tl.ia car la fully V'1 i'!"'1 """"J a"u i "minis uimi. Addreaa 8. C SK Bee. n ' IftlS TWIN In llan. ennlne clutch; will awap for piano, moving picture ma ' chine, or what, have you? Addis a 8. C. I 8t2. Bee. VICTROI.A end ri conla maling iny c a e, i excellent condition. Want to exchange i In part pajment for bulUinj lot. J. 5 5. ; lr'?. A FINE, lur e mammoth Jack, r lile cd, weight 1,100 Iba, 1.1V. bnnda high; aitre breeder; price, 31,000. Address t: 5"!, Pee. SET J. C. 8. hooka for aale cheap or will trado for anything of enual value; In good condition. Address H. C. 678. Bee. IIAVK L. C. Sml:h No. i model and Underwood No. 4 model typewriters to trade. Address 8. C. 841. lice. FIVE-YEAR old mare, unbroUe. al'li : u t i-ca a n- t Ti , foal to J.,-1;. weight MJ); will .ap lo : S,,,A ;'' 17 Ford. Address S. C. 8 '3 Pee 4'-j and cxp. ; salesman, card writer, 7o; GA.S jtA.NGK, Ixas, .-cut cjbI neater oi 1 otner furniture, to trade for chickens. ! C. 84". Hre. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. NEW No. 8 M. M. high power rifle to trade. Address S. C. 31, Bee- $400 MAHOGANY upright piano for auto. S. C. S36. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES Office FoA REAL ESTATE ' or INSURANCE ' Same f lobr as Bee Office THE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 $100 BARGAIN. I must aell my news stand by Jan, 15, ISIS; carries full line of cigars, tobaoeo, candles, magastnea, stationery, ate; good paying business, Jo per cni profit can be taken care of'bv wire while hual band worka; two living rooms in rear; p."o,?!?f , For further lnornmJ .aH C"" MOVING PICTUKI! THEATERS. Only show eaatern Iowa town 1,000; good monev maker and A-ood Miiiinmwnt: airdome Included in orlc. HnaD. Il.uu. I uniy snow Menraska town l.ouo, abso lutely making $250 net a month; even" thing complete; strict Investigation. $1 ,). We have twenty others. These are genuine snaps. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Room 2 BalrdUldg., 17lh and Douglas. IF YOUR Business "Colleg'"wiir stand rigid Investigation and la Just what it 4s advertised, or If you are looking to slart in busineaa for yourself, you will be perfectly autlafied If you use the Busineaa Chance column ot Tue Bee. When buying or selling a business, Phone Tyler 1000. FOR SALE Infants, children's and la dlea' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a lar.'an; beat locttlon In town: doing an excellent business; want to retire. Bex No. 1. David City, Neb. PICTURE shows, locations, leases, ma- j vauMi maiia, uyiriive ant, accessories. See ua first. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Balrd Bldg. LIST your bualness with me for qulek results; buy. sell and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO., Room 2. Baird H d. Tel. Doug. 3420. 17TH AND POUOLA3 BT. MUST be aold at once, men's exclusive clothing and furnishing goods store In Neb. county !.Vtnf-n:!I-,UBt b U by iD J.'. A?dr,"X': Bee- PATENTS bought, sold exchsnged, pro cured; buy or sell anything. Merchants Studio. Buffalo. N. Y. THEATERS Buy. lease or sail your the ater, machine and suppl es through Theater Ex. Co.. 1404 Farnam. D. 1jj7. BUSINESS CHANCES OFFICE for real estate or insurance, same door aa Bee office: 13x21 feet; $A The Bee Bldg.. Oft Ice Room 101 TEN ROOMS, on Douglas; steam heated. flood money-maker. Reasons for sell ng. Douglaa TM3. TO SELL or buy a bualneas, call on Buach A Borghoff, Frenier Blk. D. 3313; TO GET In or out of bualneas call on GANGESTAD. 41$ Bee Bldg. Dong. 3477. BEB Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established shows. D. t2J. BUSINESS opportunities. Ave., Omaha. 1611 Capitol S-K., 603 to. 38th, cloae In; heat, water and isnltor service, all for loug. !. ROOMING HOySE of nine rooms, well furnished, full of roomers. Will sell cheap aa owner Intenda to leave city. Tl Douglaa St. Phone Doug. 7E64. MILLINERY atock. good location and business. In Omaha, exchange for resi dence, gee D. BUCK, 11 Omaha Nat I Bank. SITUATIONS WANTED Mle. RELIABLE competent miller. Is looking for position at flour mill or grain eleva tor. -4 years experience. 10 years aa jhead miller. J. Donda. 14u3 William. YOUNG man of good habits wlshea posi tion in store, clothing preferred: three yeara In bualneas for self; beat of refer ences. Addreaa Y 20 Bee. COLORED man wishes position as cook, porter or anything he is capable of do ing. Phone lHuylas ?3C and ask for room No. 21. P081TIOV wanted to drle Ford; experi enced. Ty er IU. W 1MTP TV & Inh'lh.l ' will rmw hnmril and room by able-bodied man able to tend furnace or do anything. Address! ' O 604, Bee. I WANTED Job aa house carpenier In store or office building y competent mechanic. Call Harney 3049. WANTEfS Work of some kind for etrong . ;'.1Vf;'7", '" i..Ap,.'ly 0,vil1 Malone. 2024 California SL. city. ' - t'twne Douglas ifw. experienced-.,o,Voi.ue wants poeit.on; ran put up goods. Ad dress V 2c 2. Bee. RELIABLE, f irct-clMM firemsu will go anywhere; references. Addreaa Y 2Ua. care Bee. t swale. LADY with amall-boy 'wishes position as housekeeper In country or small town. Keterencea. Mrs. Marie SpCDcer. General Delivery. INTELLIGENT young lady wants-poal-lion aa bo jsekeeiK-r whers there are no children. Addi-eaa Edna Eckert, General I iieuveiy, umalia. i Ol'Sil. re'lable colored woman wants general houaewoi k : is slao exocrlencvJ rov-k, Pb.- Doa.laa ZV and aak lor SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION wante.J a houaekeeper by mld.lle-aitefl lady in amall I'roteatant family. 1'hono i;eU t72. between 9 and Fi oVIor.V. W ANTl:l IVsnlon na hoiieekeei-er by I mld.lio-usrrt Indy. In email Protestant -. -. family. Mra. Ji. F. Went, Gen. L'ol.. nANTED-Neat. reliable (German or Bo OniHiia. limlan arlil to aelat with boueework; iWIMTB wo-nan wiahen work in private.. 1 I. I . . 1 . . . nH' 1 home nlKhta. 1'hone Douglaa 314 WANTED A position aa houaekeeper or nurae by elderly lady. Address 2i Har mony 8t., Council Hluffw, la. LAIY wishea jwifltlon aa (reneral tyiuae kecper In amall family. Mrs. Fltzmyer, rare aeneral delHery WANTKD Position aa nouaekeeper with a amall child. Addrcfa Box 4f-5, Ham burg, la WA8HINO wanted; L'lc a piece; ehlit. walwta. Kir; menclina; free. Harney Xi.-4. LXPERIKNChfbau7idry" wom:.n wants biiniile wnah'ns; neat work. Web. il"7. COLOKliD MAID would like place aa chambermaid or housekeeper. Wen. 141. PRACTICAL nurae wlshea poalilon; will take any kind of caae. Doug. C01X5KED" wnman" wanta" work as cuok. Beat of referencea. Call South :.T2. POSITION warned aa "houaekevper. Call in pvrac n. "JiJ Leavenworth. riAN'ST-wiahe. posPior, In c .fe or mov- Ing picture ano. Web. 21''. WAN 1 E D- H OV8 K CI.EA N I N G DAY WORK. COLFAX 373. OK LACK curtains and bundles carefully laundered. laundered. Webster 43. LACE curtains and hunulo laundered. Webster 4233. 'Position wanted m doctor's office. Webster 3(K.D. Cleaning and laundry work. Web ater 4741. DA Y work of any kind. Web. ti&zHT Mary! HELP WANTED-MALE slurra and Offirea. tin. WATTH RF.F CO.. 838-tiM Rrandels Th. HIGH-UKADK oommertcai positions. WIST. RFFERENCK A- BOND AS3N, 2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. PTENO.. J'10.00. WATTS RBF. CO., 838 Brand. The. Bldg. Profeaaloas and Trades. WANTED A trood blackamith. Box 401. Peru, Neb. Drug Store Snaps. Jobe. Knelst. Bee Bldg. WANTED at once two (2) good-Traroe shavers or hide cutters. Good wages, steady work. Foster Robe & Tanning Co., 1B25-I6i Fifth St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Saleauien and Solicitors. NEW SALESMANSHIP CLASS STARTS MONDAY, JANUARY 31, ' Y. M. C. A. 70fn Our Nebraska farm mortgages ' are not affected by European wars or panics. Amounts $400 to $20,000. We collect all Interest and principal free of charge; 20 years In the Nebraska farm loan field vUhout a ,08B our record. KIX)E INVESTMENT COMPANY. 201 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. - . . " ' " ANTED haiesman to sell to grocers general stores and confectioners In amall country towns; 25 per cent com mission; $40 weekly drawing account. Crown Cider Company, 807 8. Commer cial St., St. Louis Mo. Dept. 4. WANTED We offer an exceptional op portunity to gooa salesmen to n ' groceries direct to the consumer. Write , Harper Bros. & t-on wnoiesaie urocers, Chicago, III. 51 EN everywhere make $10 dally placing samples of new necessity with automo b.le owners. Crolo Manufacturing Com rany. lyoulavjlle, Ky. v GEN'F.RAL agents wanted In every county in Nebraska. Small capital re quired to handle agency. No competi tion. Don't answer unless you mean business. Address 3-XOt. Bee. Trade schools. YOUNG MAN, be a barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thorcughly. Tools fur niHhed. 1 give you actual shop work. You have chance to work Saturdays snd keep half the receipts. My stu dents In big demand. I have colleges In all prlncjpal cities In U. 8. snd Can ada. Call, writ or phone A. U. Moler. President MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE. Omaha- SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can t attend day school you can hold your Job and at the same tune get your automobiK education if you enro'l In the IN IUHT vbAna OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE BCHOOL. 240S LEAVENWORTH. RED 81ia OOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starting aystems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, fori Farnam SL Omaha. Neb. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trt-Cltv Barber college; low rate tui tion. Including set of tools; wages paid; electrl- maasage, hydraulic chairs: cat alogue free. 1121 Douglas St.. Omaha. H Ucellaneoae. GOVFRNMENT POSITIONS Thou, sands of appointments to be made. 1 Free booklet telling where they are. ' what they pay, w th specimen examina tion nuestlcns. Nat l Co. Ins l ute, 430 Seventh St., WasMnctnn. D C. MF.N 1 or over, wanted aa ixilway mall clerks. Saranle examination questions free. Frank'in Institute. Dept. 221 L. Rochester. N. Y SOUABK PROS TN SQUARE HOLES We find a position that f1s you. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO.. 101FMS CITY NATIONAL RANK BLDG. WANTED Namea of ambitious men, 18 ; to 4S. wishing to become Omaha mall carriers. Commence $67 month, Addreaa Y 198. Bee. ACjENTS AND CANVASSERS COAL agenta wanted In every town, gel a trial car. I . M. Cox. No. Plana, Neb. HELP WANTE0-FEMALE More aad Offleea. WIN a Remington, Monarch or Smith Premier typewriter, free. Enter Ityn Ingtcn accuracy speed contest, January .). Particulars for the asking. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 19TH AND DOUGLAS. STENO. (OUT OF TOWN) $oi.W THE CANO AGENcV. MBEBBUkJ . . . CLEKK. KHJOD PENMAN) $0. ) 1 - . .. . lreressloas aad 't raaes. ACCOMPANIST wanted for vocalist by l he hour. Phone Harney 2479, ask for Mrs. loinville. o GIRL to learn halnlrvKtting. Uiiciihelin Parlors, r Cltv Nat. aslraitaaiaa aod ollcltora. EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS TO TAKE ORDERS FOR SKITOII; PERMA NENT WORK; STRAIGHT SALARY AND CAR FARE. APPLY BAT. R. TYLEH. FI.ATIKON HOTEL. Ileasekold aod Uoaaeatle. THE Servant GIri Problem Solved. The Bee wlil run a tenant olrl Wanted Al 1 KEE until )DI gel tl-e desired reaulia Ihia applies to rvaidenia of Omaha, South Oioaha and Council Bluffs. Bring f 'I to Tie kica of. ics or tvlupuuus Tyler h".. HELP WANTED FEMALE -I llo-aehaM and Dome tic. AN AX1EU Oood, clean Svi elh or Bo- ir.'JU1'' a"I"tK - wi'I'.iCnrrfUR porlenced. Hamev ZJM. I024 Peward HI. i vtwuiu vnnmnt'r ma;n ai nw vr cuiitgw lr) Harnev 4588 . WANTED-Competent girl to aalt with houaework and 1-year-old baby. Good home to right party and good wages. Harney 3fl4. W'ANTF.D-Pchool -girl to aaaiat wfth houaework for room snd board; muat , be U years of age or over. Call Wal. WANTED Relinble white girl to asaiat with houaework; Pnedlah or Danish preferred. Wal. WO. 5"H Cuming 8t. WANTED Olrl for aeneral houaework; good wages, good home; 3 In family. n02i t'nderwood Ave. Wal. 342S. WANTED Good white girl for general houaework. Small family. No cooking, .'316 8. 32d Ht. liar, 411. WANTED White girl for general houaework; small family, no children. 240 Harney. Har. ol9. GIRL for general houaework: family ( three; gnod wagea paid. Mrs. II. N. Wosd. 1X4 Georgia Ave. TWWI. girl fr ?enera. houee- work; no cooking; amall family. S. 32$ St. Harney 4101. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework. Mrs. P, J. Dwyer, 4'" N. 39th 8t. Har. 2:0 . WANTED Good white g'rl to assist with general housework. Wo cooking, no washing. Tyler iliW-W. WANTED Girl to (uistst with house work and care of small child. Phone Harney 7fi58J GOOD girl to assist In general house work; won't object to farm girl. Franklfn. ' WANTED Olrl for general housework. Small family. Red 4707. 713 N. 2Xh St. r WANTED Middle-aged lady for hotise- kec;cr; German prelerred. Tel. D. 8U1. wTVnTED At once, competent cook. 101 So. 3:d Ave. Harney HS1. G.RL ior gcnral housework; no i C Thone Harney S23I. WANTED Girl for general housework. fall Walnut 2W0. Mlseellaneon- VOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers sre Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Aaaoclation building at St. Mary's Ave. and ftth St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. A RARE opportunity; cororortable liv ing; home sewing; plain cloth seems; any sewing maciiine, siead; no can vassing; no triflers wanted; samples toe; returned If not satisfactiry. Home Sew- era vo., joDDers sewing, uenoooin, ue. WANTED Girl of V wants companion. Write Miss R. Denman. Belgrade, Neb. EDUCATIONAL GET BOYLE3 GREAT OFFER FOR THE MID-WINTER TERM Just send me your name and I'll give you by return mail the greatest, most attractive offer ever inado by. a repu table business training Institution. It's a combination premlum-and-cash-rehate offer that will both make you money and save you money. MID-'WINTER TERM OPENS JAN UARY 3D, IN BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLC In Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Stenotypy., Touch Tyepwrltlna, Telegra' hy and Civil Service preparat'on. Write, tele phone or call for big 114-pasre catalogue and last issue of college Journal. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. Br BOYLES. PRESIDENT. JSth and Harney Sta. Tel. P. 1565. Omaha. Nebraska. f.rn t t1Vi a.tfl'V T K V 1rpTT DlAtVlC !MUiN., JxYcA. II III 3 TO 6 P. M. Reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, English, English for coining Am., short- nana, lypewj-liing, nrannrepina. run dava per week. $5 per month. Enroll for .,ii V-. n. , -i,. ..... ....... jects. afternoons or night, or both. Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS, ' 17TH AND HARNEY STS. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For ssle, with good reasons for sell ing a varety of course In a reliable B slness i-ienool, one of the lead ng busi neaa colleges of Omaha, Will be sold very reasonable a via y belo.v regular prloe.. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at once, since Fail Term begins goon, can office, Omaha Bee. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young; Men and Women. Saturday morning class la typewriting. lone C. Duffy. Owner and Manager. 806 8. 18th St. Omaha. FOR sale, the folfowtng scholarships In a first-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and short i and course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno grapi lc course. v. ill t e sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee. LEARN to dance at the DeLux Dancing Academy; claaaes Monday and Wednes day; dOo per leaaon, or lessons for $2; pr.vste lessons any time. Phone South i.W. or Doug. 43i0. ENFIELD School course In credit aoltace for sale cheap. Addreaa F 603. Bee. PERSONAL TOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aasociatlon baildlng at 17th St and t Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Unloo Station. FILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. K Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit. your old clothlii,-, furniture, insg aslnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4i:io and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 110-1112-1114 Iodge St. SAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE. 70 South ltiin St., second floor. Hot tub hatha, Khower, genuine Swedish mis sge, chiropody, manicuring; graduates. Hours 10 a. m. to 10 p. ru. H IT P T II 11 K Succssfally treated operation. Call or write Drs. ray & M. teeny, MS Bee Bldg., Omaha. MEl'IOATED vapor and modtun Turkish bailis for ladles and gentlemen: lady attendant for Udica. Swedish massage. 1I Farnam St Douslaa S4i7. Persons 1V isses Staples isson. hath electrlo treatment. Open 6 a. m to p. m. Doug. 713. U Brandels Th. "VAlOR, TUB AND SPRAY BATH 9 Edna La Bell, .id 8. ltitlj Bt.. S4 tloor 7fi. NISS WILSON, Baths, laoi Farnam St. Room :. 1 noriB Douglaa $751. PERSONAL M. IIRI'OMAN, . Fteajn and ahower hatha. Bed uw- Rnom jn!. Karbach Blk. T - UIATIPf treated mirreaafiilly. r- suits gusrant'd. Dr. Bowser. 3 4 Bee Bldg. MRS. STEELE. Medicated baths. 1721 Dodge Ft. COZY minlcuriiig parlors, baths. Farnam, Apt 7. Ikitig. 751. 1802 SCIENTIFIC massage. Phone IMuglas 372. fi20 Bee Bldg MASSAGE Miss Webster, 61$ Paxton Blk. Douglas 32?7. BATH 814 Baird Klk.. 17th and Douglas. MISS VETS' ETA HA Po. lTlh St massage ar nd alcohol. FOR RENT-ROOMS Knralahcd Hooms, HOWARD. 2215 GENTLEMEN, if you want a nice room, either single or double, with nice surroundings, see what we hs ve. We eerv e good board . 25TH ST., 213, P. One nice large front room; also east room, large enough fot two; c lose In and well-heated. 2CTH St. U08 NO. Elegantly furnished modern rooms In private family, to re fined people; excellent board If dealred. JONES ST., 2424 Front room and board for two. in family; gentlemen preferred; walking distance. Doug. 8123. Fl'RN'lSlll' D rooms with excellent board, suitable for two, also one small loom, very reasonable. 213 S. 25th St. 21 ST Ft.. 614 No. Nice, large front room In rrivate family for 2; either for light housekeeping or sleeping; nice home. HOTEL SAVFORD. HOTEL HA P. LEY. 19th and Farnam. $0th and F.msjn. Special Rates to Permanent ests. 19TH ST., 118 So. NOTICE the location, 3 blocks from business district; excel lent home cooking. Douglas 828S. WELL furnished. comfortable, warm loom. Private home, close In. Reason atlo. For gentleman. Harney tlH3. 16TII St. 6irTs Flat , e egantly furnished rvonis; all new furniture; strictly mod' ern; for particular gentlemen. :1ST. St. Hi N. Pwo nicely furnished rooms in private family, reasonable price; nice home. D. tilOf. TWO nicely furnished rooms, all mod ern, close In: prlvato family, for gen tlemen. Harney 7143. " FINE furnished rooms, clean and well heated. $7 up. 2!1 8. 24th. Doug. 64H5. FARNAM. 2822 Two nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam, gas range. NICELY furnished room, cloae u; ail modern, m S- .-'d St 20TH ST.. 11 N. Mod, newly fur, rooms. llnaaekerptng Boons. CLEAN AND COMFORTABLE! 3 rooms, bntlt. entire unstntrs real- : dence; modern except heat. $10. 2511 oil rhy. A eb. 6755. :.! ST., 1 N. New modern house; 2 rooms and closet, furnished for light housekeeping: private family; reference required. Harney 6f7fi. 19TH St., V4 S. Two large front rooms for two people; close In and nicely fur nished. DAVENPORT. 2018 TWO NICE! FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING RMS BRICK FLAT. 2(iTH ST.. .",12 N. Suite of rooms, with beth; nicely furnished; also sleeping rooms. 16TH St.. 402 No. Two modern housekeep ing rooms; steam-hestedr gas furnished. OUTSIDE eteam-heated apta.. turn, for light hkpg.: $1 Wk.: 21"2 Chicago. T. 2807. DOUGLAS, 1302 Two large suites, fur nished complete. Douglaa 8541. 2u22 8T MARY'S Ave., modern house keeping room. Board and Hoeaua. FURNTIinD roema that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the hi 'fl eet class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler lu0. t TWO-large, well furnished rooms; large rloseta; modern home; good board; In private family, Tyler 1709. ETEAM-UEATED suite of rooms; alsn one single room. Excellent board. 211 So. 25th St. Douglas 3138. - 77,7, T ; .J t, , T l.nnrct- nndorn S. 10TH. 1-14-Rojm anil board. "(Xlern, I near deiKts and wholesale district. i,,- rinii.l.a TC.78 Two modem, well heated rooms, well furnished: board optional. Harney isyj. I'nf ornlshed Roome. STEAM-HEATED room for living pur posea In dowtown office building. Doug 2454. FOUR "upstair rooms without heat, $13; partly modern. 122 S. 29th St. FOR RENT-FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. CALIFORNIA 3110 5-room furnished house. Harney 40U1. FOR RENT-HOUSES "West. FOR RENT. JG31 Harney St.. mod. 10-room bride house. Hot water beat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094: D. Mil 2817 CALIFORNIA Fine 8-r. house with nice large lawn. Call 1778 California. Wort la. Up-to-date 6-r. bungalow; $30. Web. Has. NEW, 7-room, modern house, 3317 Seward. Phone Harney 4742. $630 Lincoln Blvd. 11-room houae, strictly modern, with hot water heat. Price 850. Douglaa 1818. Booth. FREE RENT TO FEB. L 422 8. linn St., -r., all modern houae; well arranged for renting rooms; close 114 8. 29th St., 7-r.. sll mod. house; In the very best repair; easy walk ing distance. $26. RA8P BROS. DOUG. 1M. l-ROOM home In Hanscom Park Dlatrlot. 1136 Georgia Ave., with garage; nicely decorated, excellent condition: $35. HASTINGS k HEYDTCN. 1614 Harney St. FOR RENT Beautiful new. mod. 5-roorn cottage, 2S54 Woolworth Ave. H. IP. FTV&-ROOM houae: modern except fur naoe. 623 8. 24th Ave. Har. 4365. 7-ROOM modem house. 639 8. S7th 8t Harneyall Look this over. 8KE t n central Furniture btore s FRSIU""" L, RENT L LIST FOR RENT-HOUSES Mlscellaneons. 30S4 SOUTH 16th, 6-r. cot. part mod., $. rn-id ,wirt St., s-r., cot., mod. ex. heat. $15. voni N. rth. 10-r.. all mod. house. $27.60. RASP RROS. DOUG. ll . : 8. th St.. 8 rma., all mod.. $'. 00. 1lc N. 19th St., rmi., all mod.. fSS.Oft. 4 S. SMIi St.. 7 rms.. all mod.. $ 60. :"4.2 Chicago St., 5 rms., mod. ex. ht, $30. 2'3 N. 28th St.. 6 rms., mod. ex. ht, $1. 25j$ Sahler St.. 5 rms.. faii. mod., $13.00. BIRKETT t COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldr.. D""g. . Yia SIR: weather bad for moving, nevertheless we r.ecd more houses. Get your vacant property on our list. Thoa. L. McOarry. Keellne Bldg. Red 4344. H Atitoa Crelsh Sons sV Co.. Bee Bldg. "' rrt' ot " cUy' BEAUTIFUL 6-rooin bungalow. $. Web. !?. ?"'"'l IVjualaa. n.ocern, 8 rooms. $32..". U2i Sru'K 3'st, modern. 8 rooms, $l.0n. Sou'h 4' st inoHern, 7 rooms, 821. f JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS M. FOR RENT-AP'TS AND FLATS West. VERY choice 4 or ferooin ateam-heate n St. JOHN W. U.iPi'INS 1m'2 FARNAM ST. -nlh. FlVE-RtJOM Steal.) heated apartment, lery deairable, the Chula Vista, BHh a' d Poppleton Ave , $42 Bo. ia Braa deis Theater Bldg. Doug. ISTL aai V. 1 JK