Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    4 A
mil 1
Retiring President. Trnct Sweet,
Tell of Work Accomplished
During the Tcsr.
At tht annual nvrtlntr of til Bidding
WArn.' n! Hn'intus' aaroolatlon of
nih at the hotel, tho outgoing
president. Krnest Hvol, made an ad
drees, as fill. .up ;.
"t'urlng the';yiJr-, . number ef ao
pllrxntx have been flilmit'Pil to mmbr
ehlp and oiio beloved mr.nber pa.teod
to hi final reward. Murti rout'ne work
baa been arcotnpllahed. A ear bO'ik
end router of members has been pub
llahrd and given . wide dl'irthution.
ttr annual tanqiipl Waa-given, at tb
TontpneHo hotel-on March '3.-when ad
flrenae vttv made by Thorns - ft. Kim
Jall. vie preldMit f tin. .mrriran In
stitute o Architects, and ,3J. 'Kaiidell
f rhirrt, "breald.-nt of th National
Aanoelatlun of ttuibiing Vltnsse. On
Ihta occasion the great architect recog
nised the vnlue of the competent bulg
ing mummer' oj"slitniiC3 !n planning,
and the fiimou tmnat,er explained the
pprfxilij- of ivtiprr,iiliu with a rom-
vetent tirf hltect.
Loading Players in "Belivc Me Xantippe"
. i
! Nebraska Students Will Present
i "Believe Me Xantippe" at the
! Brandeii Theater.
NissEUa Williams
Nzurice Clark
:r',,":'.-.-;:r,'';,'':INEAR COLD WAVE !
a CampalBn for a better tinrieratianitlne
and greater to-opcrntlon between aichi-
I munjiPi- tl.o country over.
I'Ml-'H'ii Wfrr Stir-sc'lUeii-'
lrlnted In pamphlet firm and mailed to
nil member of, the natiomil asset-teflon
'About August 1 tli( miitr of our
nunlclpsllv. owned water work 4 1M to
the tvRiiUr water billa an additional
heme of ' per "iiivim for rech iuti
lpe thnt any owner mUtit he prora.
Klvo pnoiith to lmr In. hit bulldlrif. .
ardlr of whMlior tl aald atand pipe
a tver uacd or whethrr It wa me
rrpd to maaur any water that mlht
uaod through It. The plain unfair
neaa of thla rhar cn be Patter ap.
prerlatod whpn attention la directed to
the fact that the up-to-date owner of the
well rlulpped and u-uallv fjreprnof
building would be penallird for Installing
npparatiia with which flrea mar be
'lueiichod In their Inrlplency, thereby
lo-nln the dnnr of treat Minflaiire..
iona with their attendant Inawea.' enftr
moua cnaumptlori of water, higher In
surance rntra, and higher tax levlea for
Hddltlnnal fire flshtlng apparatna. af-f-ctinK
the mndent home owner well
aa the owner of larfe building. On the
other band, the owner of thousands of
lowir bnlldlnga not equipped with atarid
Pipe, Homo of which, however, over
lurire nrxaa of sround. and bring enor
nioua rental, although real fire hatarda
and In a dilapidated condition, are not
saked to pay thla penalty to help rwell
ihe Water board'a aurplua. which al
ready nmounta to h'indteda of thousands
if dollar.
T Conteat fh (harAe.
The member of the a.watlon gfter
having obtained lonal advU. have with-
"-ia payment of thla charge,
further development.
"Tho recent proposed ependitur of g
larra amouijt of money far g nnw flrg
larm fj)6:d xrMye careful at-
tentiow The ,t-au,-vairno 'gnd IndeflnlU
Piumlwe of lower Ineuiance rwtea ahoutd
be taken for wltnt they are worth, gnd
definite rtgutva liuilxted npun. If the prop
osition la to be favored,
"The Oianhi anaoclation has been par
ticularly, fftforcd Vy fwring.-on of lt
mp mter Y!io-en for aetretary of the Ng
tiooal gfiKocloUOn, , with fieadquartera at
Omaha, while one-fifth of the total ad
'trctteeg Ht tho national convention t At
lanta were, tlven by Omaha member.
Tho National avaocintlon hg beon aptly
tied the' rnlveralty of Co-operation."
and. bearing In mind that the eeaentlal
Idea iimnlfi-l- ltelf In co-operation. It
becomea nticeaaary for effective co-opera-tion.
that we anould know each other.
We inu-t not only be nelfthbora, but
frienda end Intlmaiea.
"We mi:t. therefore, when opportunity
t.f feie, come toiretlier and familiarise eur
Kelvea with each olher'a proceea Af
thought in dealing with the varloua prob
lems which colic thely make tip our Ufa
work, t.'o-i ipe rat Ion ihould be ' the key
note to influciue our relatione with one
another ami lutlr our thoiighla and
ctkm." s
Chief of Ohadron
Police Is Dead
Thermometer ii Dropping Fait and
Blirtardy Conditions Prerail
in the West '
Another "near cold win"
gwooplng down On Omaha, according
to tba weather bureau.
Tha thermometer beaan to drop
arly In the day. It registered a
maximum of 9 above aero during the
Bight and stood at t aboe at 7 a. m.
By 10 a. m. n had dropped to 8
ahoy, and atU going down, while
the north wind blew.
"Know and colder tonight. Sun
day fair and continued cold." la the
prediction of the weather bureau.
North riatte bad below end Velen
Una W below Hi t i ni. Hgrre, Mont.,
waa the coMeat taton In the Cnlted
Htatee. with below. They're having a
real hot ape bp in Prince Albert. Canada.
They were ewelterlng at a temperature
of ( below ero. That'g warm for Prince
The gun began ahlnieg In Omaha about
to o'clock thjg morning after a. flurry of
now during the early pert of the morn
ing. .
l'a14 Wave toratn.
The cold wave- hag again tftrvck the
north weet end I moving in a aoutheaat
erly direction, aooordlng to the morning
report to thf railroad. Already It la
wen ever the Una an J In Kabraaka.
rrtday morning AlHanv reported a
temperature of k degrees above ie re. Thla
morning the temperature had dropped to
1 below. Nurrteroua ether potnU In the
wejfiern and northwestern portion of
the etate, where Friday the temperature
waa above aero, thla m-jfninj reported
I to S below, , . t ; ..?
All through eastern and "central Wyom
ing tl-e temperatures r::ned from to
M degree betow. where a frlday morn
ing they were JO to U above.
Light n6w were general over tbe
tate th'a ' morning and bllrrardy con
dition were the rule, lp throujh Wyom
ing and northwestern Nebreeka a twenty
to thlity-mlle per hour wind wa blow
f)lAf.HON', Neb.. Jan. (fipaclal.)
Tim t" IK-in I of Jamca O. JUrtaell. chief
of poll, w held Thuradey at the Flrat
I'hrttlon' church. Jama Orltn Hartielt
wa born at ManUato. Minn., August 16,1
!"". and tiled tt Hot Kprln, 8. P., Jan
wry 10. lie 1cjvc lila father. Bolomon
llarticll. wife, at fliat Mary C. yorUff.
of Albany. Mo.; daughter, Mr. Guy
Itomine, of Thaiiron: brother. Lewi,
l-'i an, Irwin end Hohert, and two
kister, Mra. KolHit Dlckaon. of Lo An
geiea, and lr. John Whetetone. of Kit-
d or, N. I). The tlk were lit chart at
Ureenwood cemetery Lieceaaed w ene
of the most popular men In ChaAron.
couutig bore wlih I.U father in IU
one of the flrat colnuiea, settling In what
la now I'twei county.
BEAtRICE. Keb., Jn. ll.Speelal.)
C!srnoe Glthenf. wanted here for break.
Ing hi parol en a forgery charge, and
who wa arrested at Wellington. Kan.,
wa brought b.ick to Beatrice Friday
afternoon by (sheriff Aotan and lodged In
the county Jail. G)thea paased a forged
tcheck for IS.S0 en Robert Harris, a mer
chant of HolmeeWlle, and . because his
wife and children were In straightened
rlrcumatance. ledge Pembertort of th4
dltrct court paroled fclm home with the
agreement that he waa not to leave Cage
er Jefferson ewintleg.
Broken Bow Man
Is Charged with
Deserting Family
DKOKEN HOV. Keb., Jan. ir,, 8.e
cla.1.) Ed Uoyer, a mason by trade, ha
teen bound over to the next jury term of
dlatrtrt court by County Judge Kord In
tbe eum of 1.M. Koyer Is charged with
denertlng hla wile and four children, hav
ing, left them Nem-mber , laaU Poyer
waa brought hero-from Seward where,
It I understood, he had commenced di
vorce procoodlnrf against his wife.
The Hoard of County Hupervior met
In regular seaon this week and reor-1
ganlced for the year 11. J. II. rhlllips1
of Anolmo wa elected to succeed him- !
self as chairman. Tho prcaent board !
comprise HunervlFor rhlllipa, Dewey,
Hayes, Walker, ninkenlee, Mills and
Schtierlngor. . ,
Frank Jenkins, oldeat eon of Hay Jen
kins, of this city, had hi leg broken In
two place by having a horae fall on him.
Frlenda of Sheriff Wllaon, who- has
served two tenn.i, are circulating peti
tions throughout the county asking that
hla name be j in red on the democratic
biillot for a third term.
' While exemlnl ik the Interior of tho new
Odd Fellowa' building, now in courae of
construction. George Ktrkpatrlck fell into
a pit and sustained a aevere fracture to
the l ight leg. Mr. Ktrkpatrlck la 73 years
old and a prominent farmer of the West
The University Player, composed of
students of the dramstla denartment of
! the achool of fine arts of the University
j of Nebraska, will present the four-act
comedy, "llelleve Me Xantippe,-' at the
Drandui theater, matinee and evening,
January 23. ,
"llelleve Me Xantippe" waa written by
Frederick Ballard of the class of 19f of
the University of Nebrsska. It wa writ
ten while Mr. Ballard was taking a mas
ter's course at Harvard during IMS and
was tho Harvard prlte play that year. It
ws slven a professional production In
New York City and on the road In the
least and wae quite a success. Tt has
I hover been seen in Omaha. .
omet.n Hoy l'la Lead.
I Maurice Clark, an Omaha boy who
graduated from the Central Hlgn school
In 1I!, playa the leading part In the play.
He I said to be quite-accomplished In
tho dramatic art and critic have ven
tured as far as to say hie portrayal of
the lead In "Believe Me Xsntlpre 1 enuala
the work of some of the best profeeslonBi
eotors on the American stage.
Mia Ella Williams plays the lead oppo
site Mr. Oark. Mis William la a Buf
falo, Wyo., girl and the only member of
the cast not resident of Nebraska.
The Nebraska dramatic department Is
a new department end little attention wae
given it until a year ago. Since that
time It has earned a reputation that hta
extended all over the country. Nebraska
Is the only state university In the west
which makee dramatics a pert of the
school curriculum.
fttudeats Arc Slaaagers.
The University Players are stsgmg the
production at the Brandela theater en
their account. Harold Campbell end
Maurice Clark of the cast are acting aa
business manager and are doing the
work with the co-operation of the Uni
versity club and tbe local Nebraska
alumni. Peats will go on sale at the
Brandela theater box offl e Monday morn
ing. The cast of characters and the students
who portray them are aa follows:
George McFarland. alias MacOitini.
a wealthy New Yorker. .Maurice Clark
William, bis valet Harold Campbell
Thornton Brown, a layer....Lein n dr
Arthur Hole, a detective. .Tidislsus cubjk
Dolly Kamman, the sheriff daughter
Mi Ella William
"Ruck" Kamman. a sheriff.... Mel Brown
"8lmp" Calloway, a bad man
DeWitt Foster
Wren WrlRley, a jailer. .Harold Campbell
Martha. Dolly's aunt Carol Kimball
Violet, "Simp''' sweetheart
Miss Ruth Henntnger
PpJJZO The Store That Saves You Money CECJEJ
415-17 South I6th St.
Phone Douglas 335
Price Cutting;
Time in Our
Infants' Dept.
Bargains in Coats, Capes, Dresses,
Sweaters and Furs.
Treasurer Hail is
Denied Rehearing
; in Ridgell Fee Case
(From a Staif Correspondent.)
. LINCOLN, Neb..' Jan. .-Speclal
Telegram.) The supreme court has de
nied the application of State Treasurer
George Hall for a rehearing in the suit
brought by Fire Commissioner W. 8.
Ridkell to compel the state treasurer to
py - warrants drawn for the payment
of expenses of tha commission. In the
original ault the supreme court held
against tho state treasurer, and the lat
ter aakod for rehearing. The court
denies the application, declaring that
"where a supposed act of the loala
lure and the constitution conflict, the
constitution munt he obeyed and the
statutes disregarded."
Children's Winter Coats 2 to 7 Yrs,
"Well Made and Warmly Interlined,
in All Suitable Winter Materials.
Those not less than $ COO and up to $ 5.96, now.
Those not leaa than $ G.60 and up to I 8.S0, now.
Those not less than $10.50 and up to $12.00, now.
' S3.85
Infants' Short and Long White
Coats and Capes
$1.15 values, now. . . -S1.30
$3.&5 values, now $3,50
$2.50 values, now.
$5.00 valuea, now.
Children's Slightly Mussed White .Dresses.
$1.50 values, now.
$2. DO- values, now.
$3.95 values, now.
$5.00 values, now.
$6.50 values, now.
$7.50 values, now.
$1.95 values, now 81.35
$3.95 values, now. . . .$2.75
$5.96 values, now. . . .84.75
$ 6.50 valuea, now. ,
$ 7.50 values, now. .
$10.00 values, now. ,
Children's Bath Robes, $1.25 and $1.50 kinds, now. .
Infanta Sweaters, alses 1 and 2, in red only, $1 kinds.
Slightly Soiled Creepers, $1.00 and $1.50 valuea....
Girls' Knitted Bonnets, $1.00 valuea
1516-18-20 Farnam Street.
To raih money for tht ben fit ef their '
death fund the stag employe of tht '
city will elv a kll Tueday evening et "
Washington halt, a ther will bo a
company playing at each ef the Omaha
theater that night, ther will be a tsige
attendance. The advance ticket sal ha
been larg and th bey are alt looking
ler th time ef their Uvea.
Don't Suffer Needlessly
am a a a. . a.UI
. of all ae have their origin in '
stomach troubles, so If you suffer rrom '
, dyspepsia, liiuition. bad breath, belch. I
Ing, to'Jr :onacti, uncomfortable feeling 1
' of fuUneas flr eating, s!eule(nas cr 1
tired iceiiag, you aho jid promptly aek !
rrf oiml'.ijr ih
functions that nature Intenrtej. Ll.y
TllKUroltD. Neb..
A mass c.invi-nlt n
at the cJurt linuso here Thursday to
enlrae ni'ii for offices of Thomas
county. A full ticket ess recommended
to the votrs for their coini:ert'on at
Ihe tiriniary ebioflon.
Polluwlng1 the renuUr order of bu.
nes, reeolMlon w adopted commend.
Ing the sdiiini-irjiioo of Presl'tent Wil
r !! for his euc-etaful efforts in th
mslniepsnce of pesoe in the mldal of
the rhsts of ar en every hand, and
rmlorftjw h's 'Knd'd-'v for re-ele tloa.
A e c' i:d n""! u ?n as adopted with
an eiTii-lu'ttc j.iotc"! a tbliKt the efforts)
of i ml y.i'.'.fty m i;i.'!mi and Of
t'rg bji.i.- fj fir" p:piedus that
it ; U'l'-'M'd io.!J ultimately result
In isi.ii. lit tl.u grc;il ln.ii-y of evory
l- w! tc inlertst cf o.r ttJiitr'.
Iirur' luatliaie at Stella.
J-'Ti I.l-'i. ..'.. Jii. IV Btecial. Ar
u:i;i m riJ' ; i 1 U l:r- t.tade t hold g
ikiiuTi'' ii.i.itaiM at f fili Mm. day. Jan
unry M. - T. V. idia of th Cnixerslty
frin iil iciv o!i "Th Nature and
('are of O-ir .-oil'" and "The Boy grJ th
!'.irm.'' Ml I'ries V-.n of Ll-
tiiii ili on "Fractlcgj Hlo' on
1'i.ine J 'ie Miiiiking " and "The F-lticient
K itciieii.'" j
Advrrii..r and lu.lym.r profit by 1st
I ene, i result m a reo'd und, rrntnln or.
Jan. 13. (Special.) i t he entire system. ir ililnj In th u.t.-r
of democrata me, I recking of health. Ho. vei. whnevr
, properly Ontrihut nouriehmnt to ail ,
pen oi in. uoa nriiny c.mamon i
to ijt. tomn h. iffr, u nld ,
gvoid hsi-ah i'Ui gulcea, which trnrriliy ;
Aerve to araste ih.i tio'ilde. and
piohiptfy g,e TAPLtR'fl STOMACH '
TA.BL.fcT" a trial, ttemg absolutely freo1
from harmful and pubit forming drua '
nd containing th best known acid new- ;
traliM-r. romliined ith pure. .thtne
airenrtlienln and healing m redinis
scenucily combined, their a'oon while i
Mid. eannst he'.p being beneficial te any'
atonmrh sufferer. TAPLER'fl "TOMACH 1
TAbl.ETS are an:d on a positive gj&tsa-i
of sstietaetlen or toui- money re-1
funded by eil reltahle druirgists. If your!
drtiiHl abonld happen to be out of them.'
be ul gladly get them for yoj. Advrr- 1 '
?isVri"WHimBMi ,
Concert Danssnt
Every Evcnlns .
f rem 10 33 p.TTIt
. , '
Atepneatedt Orchcstrt
Vlaiter te the
Ceeayssr (scte
rtea era si way a
imprMd with a
frames aia
which, confront
there at every
la every teem In
every Coodyeer
builcling.thcy sru
csuntsr the ums
mmS Pntmot
' out guoct nsme.
It hsnga en he
well of all the
O e e d y a r
throughout the
country, a n S I a
being adopted hr
tire deslera
everywhere e aa
ekrrsion of the
pint in which
their buaiiies is
We believe that
the subtle will be
iatrtd in the
analyst ef this
simple but atrik-
lag sentiment
which te pub
lished herewith.
Tbe Ceedreer
A Urea, Okie
ttolect IB
ur (boor)
CJL TRIPPED to th waist,
?5J his huge torso atream-
(n with weat, m work
man swing the heavy iron
core to an Iron table, and
wrenches off a tire which
has Just come steaming
from the heater. '
His rye falls on th legend
over his head, ana be
smiles. - .
Our good name la also his
good name.
Th two ar intertwined.
He will protect th on
while , ha . subserves th
His thoughts re thy
should be- chiefly of him
self, of hi little home, and
of hi family.
Their good name, his good
name, our good nam
hi good work will stand
guard over thm all.
Two thousand miles away
in Seattle, we will ear
th asm thought In th
same sitrp! word.
An irritating moment ha
arrived the temptation to
peak sharply to a cus
tomer, to fling a lur t
' unworthy competition.
Th salesman, or th man
ager, or whosoever it may
be, look up, and the quiet
admonition meet bis eye.
Protect our good name.
In a twinkling it smoothes
th wrinkle out of his
poit.t of view,
He ia himself again a
man with a responsibility
which be could not escape
if be would; and would
not, if he could.
Back two thousand mitea
again to the factories this
time to the ssperirosntal
room, n
An alluring chance to save
to make more profit by
skimping, by substitution.
No one wilt ever know.
, But the ilnt monitor '
repeat ita impressive ad
monition. Protmci oar good name.
What chance to compro
mise with consdsnce in
th presence of that vig
ilant guardian?
Thousand of men striving
to keep a name clean.
And keeping their ( own
clean in the process.
We Americans, it to eaid
make a god out of busi
ness Let tha slur stand.
Whether it be true er not
it is true that business is
our very life.
Shstl it be a reproach to
u that w try to make
businsa a good e It can
be mad t
W anaef not Joe your
good irill we must not
tarnish our good name.
You can call that anything
you like.
You can call it business,
or sentiment, or idaaliam, .
or nonsense.
It may be all of thaee.
It may even be that which
our national critics call
making a god of business.
But at least it give to us a
motive that is bigger and
broader and deeper than
It make thousands of men
happier In their work end
more faithful to fe
lt has made of this busi
ness democracy of united
thought a democracy of
common endeavor e de
mocracy of purpose and
e e e
And here ie the oddest
thing of all -.
Tho more we A'r tip to
tfua 'improotior' idomj.
the greater the business
Think of (hit bueineee,
please, in the light of its
great animating thought:
Protect our good SMune.
We ete thinking of you,
always, when we say it
you American millions,
and you million in th
old world.
We think of you judging
u by what we era. by
what we do, by what we
W think ef ten of thou
sands of hone in which
our nam can be made to
atand for that which ie
worthy and worth while.
Tho snore we Jabor toe
tho fetvre, the more w
profit in the present.
Tho more we etri vw for
eAereefar, the greater the
reward in money.
Tho more pqf into
oar product, the more we
take out in ealee. '
Perhaps, after ell, there ia
more than one sense in
which it is good to make a
god out of businees.
W think so.
And w think you think aa.
Headquarters for Sleeping Com
fort Essentials
j : I J I
i Idt . u . . :- 1
, 1 iiiSM.niuaiuiLLuyaa-SisMij amiiu ' i naiinrST
The Kind "Made Where the Cotton Grows"
AllthoLtnamroftha I Cnarnl PAlf
"" pauses ex pare,
clean new eottoe, Untere, sad
lnoioeed ia aa attractive, fancy
art tick, olesely taftod: aai
made n la th rolled edge
style, thick, soft, elaetlo sad
a sruiy woaaer-1
ful value,
wyeMuoei a w est
t1Uis' WO rRAxnNJ
. no Hitautd
n ' rt-rttt-rr-n-in
Hsre'e wonderful eoll spring, guar
anteed (or 80 years of ervlce. Has
no peer for comfort. Supports ell
part of th body. Will not rust,
sgueak er sag. Be sore and see .
oasktxd ur iu azrza
VtQ AAadCl
Aa other flae mattress, ears,
fully bnllt of 48 ponade ef usu
blsaohd oottoa. Inclosed M art
tick, made up la hsavy roil
dge styl. Me rkn nw
for."..!: 5
4-Row Leader
A Joppa layer felt mattres.
"made la the lead where the
oottoa grow," from purs,
stspl cotton, eatra thiok, soft
ana elastic roil enge style, a-
oiosea ia xaaoy
art tick;
A BO-pouad layer fait mattrea,
hnUt of choio a took, tnolosed
ia specially fins grade art tick,
eioaaiy tnxtea wltk rolled edee
na auioasa iaes.
a.a exosptleaal mat.
trees for
Englander Spring
Xaglaadar apringa not only keep
year mattress from spreading, bttf
hold the bedding ia plsoe. They
make a eaaltary, oomfortable, elaetle
bsd that will not sag. aUiowa la
three styles. J01 gueraateed fog aa
years. Prloee
$7.50, $8.75, $12.00
With tabular and angle troa side
and link fabrlo tope, supported by
balloaie at either ead, ui styiaa
iZSi. $3.10. J3.45, $475
At Prices
raxaa fine, all
4 Wool bleak eta.
Oottoa alts,
keta, $1.10 ad
aa. 4xTB Oray
Ui wool uautti,
- I per aalr
ljg $1.90
A mattres that will outwear
many sold for twice the prloe.
Carefully built of pare, saat.
tary oottoa. felted into sort,
reaUlent layers, and iaolosed
ia fenoy bine art Uok closely
tufted with rolled edge and
stitched sides) S st r A A
prtor.?i!,:,!!... .515.00
Box Springs
Our Ko. 1 always proree satts
faotery, earef ally built te order
i with heavy oottoa top. Covered
la art Uok, dust ff r AA
v.rT.i... $15.00
Our Ho, A grade better than
the sTo. 1, ie maae up ia tha
rolled edge style sad eosared
ia heavy twilled. M A sy r
w .
Box Spring Pads
Built to your order, ef Xavper.
lal felt to matoh hoi sprlag.
$10.50-$12.75 up
m ru ti l ci it in in izirf r
lis ( . fi
Comforts, Too
AU oottoa fUlad a.,4l.-
area aad
etltohed a 4
tufted. Price
rang- from
$U5, $2.15
Bwddl&tf Bptsilftb Floor.
Good Pillows
Cost Less Here
OVB BAWirxsruaaraatael pure,
oleaa feataer pillows, covered la
??r. .$1.45
OVB JTfarjQ-.AU feather sinews,
coveree, ia saa
tloklng, per
XiHASBB miOWs-Oorered ia
xaaoy art
tiokiag, per '
BOT a T.Te 7-Poand, ell
fsathsr pillows,
per pair
leat feuUxer tU
lowa, pes pair
atzzBO utb ooosa oft.
anariaa-y pu.
Iowa, per
If 4
BCetal sheelate
ly e a a i t a ry,
aoieele ,
for aa
years. A. sprtagT
thaa will giT
yoa p a i f set
sWeptae eoaw
fort for Ufs
Ume, ead tn
price i
r piaow,
$2.00 I
I oft,
The Way Sagless Bed Spring, $8 j
. L
d0 AA
tpo.uu r
Z3 Pay a Uttle at a Time If You Wuh OEfL
Let The Bee get you a good job.
Situations Wanted ads are free
x '..'ij-.iind Ad'' habit.