Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1916, SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 15

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3 H
Council Bluffs
Social Notes
The marrlage of Tom W. Nason and
Wis Luc II Walraf took place Satur
day afternoon at the manse of the
Second Presbyterian church, the Rev.
Oeorg W. Ray officiating. Mr. and
Mr. Naaon are both well Known In
the city, the former having been born
here. They have taken an apartment
In the Takoma flata, where they will
be at home to their friend after Janu
ary B.
' The Monday afternoon meeting of the
'musical department of the Woman'
I club waa held at the home of Mra. C
IB. Walker, and waa in exceptionally
Interesting one. Taper were given on
Comes from Dallas, Tex., to 14 ve in Omaha
Hts Cornelius Riley
Tfichitcl 3iu2 Cordons
each of seven American composers, each
Illustrated by some composition, and
one on 'The Future of American Music,"
by Mra. W. J. Leverett. Vocal solos were
given by Mrs. J. 'w. Beardsley, Miss
Rose Friedman. Mrs. John Vltamvas and
Miss Velma Mlchener. Miss Marguer
ite Sharpies played a violin solo. Miss
A'lrglnla Mulholland a piano solo, and
the Mlsaes Mildred Bur.ia and Florence
Senior gave a piano duet. Especially
enjoyed m-aa DeKoven's "Recessional,"
sung by Mr. Walter Jenkins, and a trio
composed of Mesdamea Robert Miullis,
J. B. Marshall and J. W. Beardsley.
Mrs. Dollle Burges was In charge
of a most interesting program given
i by the art department of the Councft
Bluffs woman's club Monday at the
.library. The. subject was "Westmln
I xter Abbey." whose history was reviewed
I by Mra. M. B. Psnfor. She went ex
I haustlvely Into the part the abbey had
! played In the history of England, of
Its growth and changes of creed, and
spoke of the many famous people whose
last resting place It has become. A de
scription of the exterior of the building
was given by Miss Mollte Rice In
much detail. "A sketch of the Interior,
illustrated by blackboard drawings and
pictures.! was given by Miss rile. The
chapel of Henrj' VII. was described
by Mrs. Emma Ingalls. So Interesting
were tlie discussions that the hour grew
late before the program waa completed,
so the remaining parts will be taken
up as the subjects (or the next meeting.
The marriage of Mrs. EuCrctla
Blanche White to Mr. James X. 8herar
of Rocky Ford. Colo., is announced by
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. Smith. Tho wedding look place at
Ienver, Colo., January 6. Ml-, and Mrs.
Sherar will make their home at ltocky
The members of the March group of
the Ladles' Aid society of the First Pres
byterian church will give- a kenslngton
Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Cieorge Williamson.
The regular meeting of the board of the
Young Women's Christian association
waa held Tuesday afternoon, when ar
rangements were made for the annual
meeting of the association to take place
January Zi. Committees were appointed
to take charge of the dinner and pro
gram. At that meeting the annual re
port of the various officers will be
given, and the election of six new mem
ber of the board of director will be
Mr. W. H. KUlpack entertained the
Oi Tuesday History club Tuesday at 1 o'clock
jriu luncheon. She waa assisted by Mrs.
' A. W. Tyler. ' Mrs. Painter Knox and
Mr. A. B. Sipherd. The members were
seated at one large table adorned with
a centerpiece of polnaettiaJ. and the color
and flower were carried Into all the deco
rations. After tho luncheon the pro
gram for study waa taken up, the sub
ject being Bolivia, with Mr. J. J. Pplnd
ler, a leader. The club will meet on
January 23 at the borne of Mrs. Bplnd
ler. with Mr. C. O. Saunders as leader,
and the study of Bolivia will be con
tinued. Mis Adolphlne Nilius, daughter of Mr.
and Mr. Charles NUlus, and Mr. Adolph
Nolte of Dodge, Neb., were married Sat
urday. January 8, at the home of the
bride's parent. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. Mr. Davis. Mr. and Mrs.
Xolte will reside at Dodge, Neb.
The annual meeting of the Associated
Charities wss held Monday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. W. H. Dudley. The
election resulted In the re-election of Mr.
George T. Phelp. as president, and also
the re-election of most of those hold
ing office during the last year. Re
ports, were made of all the work of the
association. Including the Creche. The
president' annual address dwelt upon
soma of the cases of personal assistance,
and waa of much Interest
' At their meeting held Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Thomas Q.
Harrison, the Morning side chapter of St.
Paul's guild, completed plans for a chain
of teas to be given during the remaining
months of the winter.
The Phllathea class of the Bethany
l'rtifcvterlan church was entertained by
the Baraca class Wednesday evening at
the church at a banquet. The banquet
was a climax to a membership contest
In which the loser were to entertain the
winner. The occasion proved a very de
lightful one.
The Ideal club held the regular meeting
Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
B. 8. Terwilllger. An outline of current
events -was given by Mra. M. B. -Moon
and Mr. W. H. MvConnell, after which
the study of Japan was taken up. The
school system, from primary to univer
sity, public and private, waa the subject
of a paper by Mra Junes Hunter, who
also spoke of the old forms of education
and of the Chinese dominance. The
Christian school of Japan, and the
schools fo the unfortunate, were told of
by Mrs. Thomas Metcalf, sr. Tuesday's
lesson will be the condition of women and
girl in Japan, and the club will meet
again with Mra. Terwilllger.
The Book Lovers met Wednesday after
noon with Mrs. Herbert Woodbury. The
afternoon wsa devoted to the study of
"Henry Esmond." Thackeray's faacinat
ing tale. A sketch of the book was given
by Mr. F. W. Dean, and the military
career of Henry Esmond waa discussed
by Mr. Flicklnger. Mr. A. P. Hanchett
read a selection from "Joseph Addison
The club will again meet at the noma of
Mr. Woodbury on Wednesday.
The membens of the T. B. K. 'W club
entertained their men friend Tuesday
evening at the home of Mis Helen
Thompson. Cards and danolng furnished
the evening occupation, followed by re
freshments. Miss Gertrude Bulllvan will
be hostess to the club Tuesday evening of
thla week.
A "shower" wsc given Tuesday evening
by Mr. and Mrs. William Xolaon at their
home tn Omaha in honor of tatsa Eva
Timberman and Mr. Alvln B. Luess, both
of Council Bluffs, whose marriage will
take place her Thursday. The evening
-a ' spent with music and games and
slosed with a two-course luncheon.
The Flower Mission met Friday after
noon at the residence of MUs Cecilia
Wlckham; who waa aaaltited In enter
taining by Mtrs. George Wlckham. Mrs.
Jackson Day and 11 Us Ruth Felt. The
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Social Affairs
of tho South Side
club Is now meeting every week, Instead
of fortnightly as formerly.
Tho meeting of the Woman club of
the railway mall service, which was to
have been held Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. Carl Frahm, waa given up on A
account of the stormy weather. The
club will meet regularly February t.
The Council Bluffs chapter of the P.
A. R. met Friday afternoon t the home
of Mrs. C. G. (launders. The state of
ficers who were expected were none
of them able to come, but the meeting
was nevertheless a very enjoyable one.
The discussion of current events was
led by Mrs. Reed Flicklnger. A- very
ablo address was given by Prof. ' J.-11.
Boverldge, on the purpose of the D. A.
R. Tho afternoon's entertainment closed
with refreshments. The ladies who as
sisted Mrs. Saunders were Irs. Frank
Plmiey, Mrs. heed Flicklnger. Mrs. Sid
ney Smith. Miss Gertrudo Wheeler and
Dr. McCuskcy.
At the January reception of the Coun
cil Bluffs Woman's club, . which wa
held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Bell,
Friday of last week, Mrs. Mary Watt
of Audubon, president of the National
Baby Health association, was guest of
honor. Mrs. Watts told of the work of
the association. Riving detaila of the
baby health contests, which are being
held in many places in this country.
Plans were perfected for the contest
here, which is to be held March 1, when
MJrs. Watts expects to be present. The
musical part of thaprogram was given
by Miss Gladys Anderson, who sang
two solos. She was accompanied by
Mrs. Clarence Hafer. Mrs. Sydney
Smith and Mr. H. W. Clark assisted
the hostess In the dining ropm.
Social Items
jT yaa :, 2
fj anil'' ' 'f
2&S3 M&rgprel Ifyuslm
Society Notes
Social Circles
Mr. and Mrs. William Kindred left
Saturday for Storm Lake, la., to spend
a few week visiting friends and relative.
Mr. and Mr. George Gamble of Omaha
were guest of Mr. and Mr. W. B. Parka
on Sunday.
Mra, William Ambose and , daughter.
Miss Verda Ambose, who have bean
visiting Mr. and Mra. Lynch, left Bun
day for their home, In Fremont.
Thomas Faulk of Luverne, Minn., who
has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. William
Kindred, left Sunday for hi home.
Rev. C. A. Keller of Paotlng u, China,
was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. A. R.
Butter, Wednesday. In the evening he
gave an illustrated talk on China, at the
Presbyterian church.
C. W. Robinson left Sunday for Minne
apolis, where he will reside In the future.
Mis Hasel Reuben of South Side was
the guest of Florence friend on Mon
day. Later In the evening, assisted at
the Installation of officer of the Wood
men of the World.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Harrington re
turned Sunday from Pawnee City, where
they went to attend the funeral services
of Mr. Harrington' father, A. B. Har
rington.' George J. Hunt . of Bridgeport, Neb.,
waa visiting Florence friend last week.
Mrs. F. S. Tucker ha been very 111
the last week. Her daughter, Mrs. M
B. Thompson, ha been with her and
Thursday Mr. Thompson cam here to
spend the day and night.
Mrs. A. B. Butter visited friend In Dun
dee Thursday.
Wabash Promotes
Daniel McNamara
ST. LOriS. Mo.. Jan. lfi. Daniel McNa
mara, general passenger agent of the
Wabash railroad, ha been appointed pas
senger tratfio manager, it waa announced
today. He began his railway career a
a ticket checker on the Chicago,. Burling
ton & Qulncy railroad at Keokuk, la.
Later he was southwestern passenger
agent of th Burlington at Kansas City.
MARSHFIELD. Ore.. Jan. U Friends
were mourning today th death her of
Captain Alfred Mataon, who claimed to
have aaved th life of th lata Admiral
Robley D. Evans when a midshipman. In
th battle of Fort Flatter In th civil
war. He was 71 year old and had been
captain of coasting guard and harbor
steamers along the Pacific coast for
thirty years, retiring eight year ago,
A missionary luncheon was held Frl
day at the.mance.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller gavo a bridge
dinner Thursday evening.
Miss Mary Hume of Chicago, i the
guest of Mrs. J, H. Beaton.
Mrs. H. J. Barker entertained the "600"
club at luncheon and card Thursday.
Mrs. Koerner of St. Louis 1 the guest
of her daughter, Mr. A. S. William.
J. G. Crosby .of Lyons, spent part of
the week with Mr. and Mr. T. N. Crosby.
Mrs. V. a Batie of Washington, D. G-
Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. R.- E.
Mis Marguerite Rhode of Cheyenne,
Wyo., 1 visiting Dr. and Mrs. L. A.
The All Saints' guild of Dundee will
meet Tuesday at the hoine of Mrs. W.
G. Fuller.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Talmage enter
tained one of the bridge clubs last Sat
urday evening.
Mrs. A. Q. Elllck entertained at lunch
eon Wednesday for Mrs. Morrison of
Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Conrad gave a
birthday dinner Thursday evening, in
honor of Mrs. Arthur English.
Mrs. T. P. Clark and daughter. Helen,
have returned from White River, S. D.,
where they spent the holidays.
Mrs. J. 1L Beaton entertained at lunch
eon Wednesday In honor of Miss Olive
Raftree and Miss Mary Hume of Chicago.
The regular meeting of th Ladles'
Aid of th Dundee church, will be held
Friday, January XI, with Mr. J. J. Dodd.
The regular meeting of the Dundee
circle of th C. C. L.. wUl be held Mon
day afternoon at th horn of Mr. P. J.
Th next regular meeting of th Wo
man's club will be held Wednesday
afternoon at th bom of Mr. J. W.
Mrs. Van B. Lady entertained Inform
ally at tea Wednesday. Sh waa as
slated by Mra. A. 8. William and Mrs.
D. 11. ' FarrelU
Miss Martha Ayger entertained the
members of a former Junior Bridge club
and their friend at a dancing party
Friday evening.
A daughter waa born January to
Mr. and Mr. L. B. Compton of Island,
Idaho. Mrs. Compton waa formerly MUs
Rom Crosby.
Mrs. Julia Picks rd of Bait Lake City,
who was ' th guest for several week
of her sister, Mrs. J. V. Oresly, ha re
turned home.
Th Tennyson chapter of th Chau
tauqua Literary circle will meet Mon
day at the horn of Mr. N. Naiaon, etao
Douglas street.
Mra F. H. Richard and Mrs. Allen
Hopkins, both of Fremont, and Mr.
Frank Leard of Springfield, Mo., are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Brown.
J. T. Pickard hr s-one on a few day'
trip to Chamber. Neb.
Mrs. V. B. Oliver has returned from
Blair, Neb., where she was called by the
illness of her fat hoi.
Mrs. M. V. Vemor wss hostess for the
Woman's club Inst Thursday.
Mis Lt'na McG'.csson of Wood River.
Neb., Is spending a few days at the home
of her brother, K. A. McGlaason.
Mrs. F. Ebener has returned to her
home In Denver, Colo., after a visit at
the home of her sister. Mrs. II. O. Wulff.
The Catherine chapter of the West
minster guild will meet Monday evening
at the Preabytorltin church.
The German Lutheran Ladles' Aid so
ciety met last Thursday for a luncheon
at the home of Mro. William Janke.
Rev. A. J. McClung Is recovering at his
homo from a recent operation.
Mrs. H. O. Wulff entertains the Pres
byterian Ladies' Aid society next Wecnea.
day at a business and ctvial mooting.
Mrs. Thomas Manning of Perry, S. D.,
formerly Miss Kittle Devlne, of this
place, was a s-uest last week of Mrs. B.
S. Phelps.
Mrs. George Iradale entertained at din
ner last Sunday In honor of Mis Elsa
Bryan of Dunbur, Neb. i
Mr. and Mrs. II. c. Campbell enter
tained at dinner Thursday In honor of
Mrs. O.iA. Burler of Portland, Ore.
Rev. ,nd Mr. C. W. Nelson hav
moved lrtto their new home on Sixty
first and Main street.
Mr. S. G. Davis entertained at lunch
Monday evening for the Sunday school
worker of tho Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Frank Bonders and Mr. G. R.
WllJlams entertained during Ithe Isst
week In honor of MCss Anna Owen of
Owen, Colo. y
Mr. and Mrs. J. Tike and Frank Row
of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Sugar of Ktanberry, Mo., were recent
guests at the Ed Rows home.
The Sunday school worker of the
English Lutheran church, will meet
Tuesday evening, when they will be ad
dressed, by Rev. C. II. Low of Emer
son, Neb.
Mrs. J. J. Fuch was hostess for th
Aufweldersehen club last Tuesday at a
card party. Mrs. J. p. MfcCabe, Mr.
F. I Aurochs and Miss Laura Post won
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Burmelster kept
open house last Sunday In honor of their
golden wedding anniversary, about a
hundred callers were at the home, re
freshment were served.
Mis Edna KUllan left last Thursday
for Mount Vernon, la., to be gone two
George Btleger left Mbnday for his
home In Thayer, Mo., after a week'
visit In Lis old home.
John Sagar and family have moved
Into their new home on Sixty-third
treet, which was recently erected.
The social meeting of the Toung
Women' Kensington club to hav been
held last Tuesday evening was post
poned two weeks. .
Mr. Guy Kllllan left Thursday evening
for Rock Island. III., where he will be
employed this winter.
The Methodist Ladles' Aid society witl
be entertained next Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. F. L. Bumpus, Mrs. Cle
land and Mrs. Culver will serve th
Son ware recently born to Mk-. and
Mra Frank Kllllan and Mr. and Mr.
R. C. Raber. and daughter to Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Johnson and Mr. and Mk-.
P. C. O'Hsnlon.
Miss Mary Williams spent the week
with her irent, who live at Tutan. Nfb.
Mrs. Arthur Itelf of Grand lsUnd I a
v'sltor at I ha home of her sister, Mr.
O. F. Llndber. i'10 F street, this week.
The Adah Pleasure club will be en-;
tertnlned Monrtiy evening; by Mis Uer-j
trude Arnvtmng t th latter' home,:
Z3Z South Thirty-fourth street.
M s father Miller entertnlned th R. ;
L. H. dub at her home Thursday eve
iilns. The evenln wss pnssod playing
rrrd. Five hundred proved the popular ,
gum of the evening.
The P. K. O. society was entertained by;
Mrs. Oscar Mabery at her home, Htt
North Twenty-fifth struet. BAturday f
ternoon. A special meeting was rfcltcd .
and business of the orgnnlistlon taken
up. ' I
Mra. Gladys Van Ban; entirlslned at
n dinner pnrty Thursday evening. The i
pnrty cdns'sted of Misses Oathrine Craw
ford. Carrie Andreson. Ul1 Vnn Pent;!
Messr. Russell rhlllp, Chester Arnold
and Joe Adsms, N I
Mrs, A. W. Mrtionald entertained the
members of the New C"ntiry club Thurs
day afternoon. Mrs. MolKmald wa as
sisted by hr daughter, Mr. Montgom
ery. Cards were played and prlxes Won J
by Mrs. Henry Murphy and Mri. Ilai ry
Bovd. '. I
Mr. nd Mrs. R. C. Vei'niilllsn enfer-
lalned a noinber of friends at tbnir horn
Saturday evening. A quiet o"'lhl ve-
nlng wa rwd. Those who wer pres- i
ent aret Mr. and Mr. F. It. Lush. Mr.
and -is. J. .1. Robb. Mr. and Mr. T. J.
Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. P-agbey
and Mr. andMr. C. L. Aldrich.
The music deprtrni-.i or the ' South
Side Woman club' was ntrtlned by
Mrs. A. J. Randall t her home. Mls
Louis riratton had charge of the meet
ing. The , opera "Alda" was reviewed.
Mis. Walter Hill read a pappr on the lire
of the - composer. ' Verdi. Mr. F. A.
Crcssy read from a paper of current
events, "! . '."''
The members of lhe':Fhilthean society
of the Swedish Lutheran church t
Twenty-second and K street, entertained
at a kid party t the home of Rev., and
Mr. Arlander. All member of the. so-(
ciety nmc to the party dressed In fh
lonahle altlr of youngster. The re
freshments Included ohlldren te,vrll
dnlnties. About sixteen young people,
were present . ' '
Mis Huda T. Medsen, daughter 6f Mr.
and Mr. A. Madsen. and Robert B.. Mc
Cold. son of Mr. snd Mrs. 8. t. McCold.
surprised their friends Isst Saturday by
slipping wy to Llncom. where they
were married. The ceremony w per
formed by Rev. B, O. Knoeh of Ihe
Swedish Lutheran church. Mr. McCold
was a popular tesoher of th South Side
snd Mr. McCold Is connected with the
local Swift Co. plant.
In Exchange for Your Old Grand. Upright or Player.
. Vl'll f i I.7-T-, V.'V Lit
No Lottery, No Guessing Contest, No Scheme.
We hav a beautiful 1550 Player Piano, with all the new pat
ented features, tranupoHlng tracker bar and other devices which en
able you to play exactly aa It you were playing by hand and pedaling
made easy. This player has the number concealed and none of our
employe can try for It.
Find the number of your piano on the plate Inside. Then fill
out and mall or bring the coupon below to our store In a sealed
envelope. On February bth, Ihe Judges will unseal the player,
open the envelopes and award the player to you If you have sent
In the number noarcst to the number of the player. If two or more
happen to have the same number that entitles them to the player,
the name of the plauo nearest the beginning of the alphabet will
get the player. That's all there is to the plan.
West Ambler .
Social Activities
A "For 61- or "For Rent" Ad placed
In Th Bee will accomplish Its . purpose
Superfluous Hair
Remov ft by th
only logical and prac
tical BthOd.
Mrs. T. W. Smith ha been quite 111
the last week with an attack of grippe.
P. L. Edgar returned Thurtday even'
Ing from Cheyenne. ' Wyo., wher. he
hd been for a week. ),
J. J. Qrabow and family hav moved
Into their now home on Forty-ninth and
Walnut atjeets. - '.'.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Roberta naa st
their truest last week Horace Hlggln
of Calgary, Canada. '
The Orace Pax Bible clas will meet
Tuesdy t 10 . m.. with Mr. B. O.
Drover, 6 Center trt.
Mr. Charles Black returned Sunday
from Des Molne. Ia., where the Spent
a week. Mis B. Black ha spent (he
holiday ther and returned with htr
Mrs. Joseph Rapp la eonflned to her
bed thla week with a sever caie of
grippe. . .
Mr. -Frank Cockayne entertained at
lunch Tuesday for Mir. William Vlker.
Mrs. F. O. Tninn and Mrs. IS. n. Drover.
Mrs. W.' H. Van Dusen entertained
Tuesday afternoon for her daughter.
Mrs. A. Shandy. The guest wer Me
dame H. llowsey. William Vlckert and
Frank Cockayne, If. Doarn.
Th Ladles' Aid of th Jennings' Metho
dist church will meet Thursday. Janu
ary 11. 191, with Mra B. R Oantl, 48J1
Msison street. '
Mrs. O. J. Pickard ts-rtouly ill at
her home with pneumonia.
Mr. H. iW. Stewart entertained her
Sunday school clsss Saturday aftetsonh
at a party. The following guest were
present, Misses Eldora Oanta, Berths
Hensman',' Bertha Hartman. -Hthel Ham
mond,' Elsie Nelson, Olg Klmborg and
Henrietta 'Jackson. : '
n-lnr r Mail This Free Player Piano Coupon to
A.' 1IOMPK tX) iH-pt. 11. t
Omnlin Nebraska.
My full name Is.
City. State
Name of my piano
Number of my piano
Advertiser and customer profit by the
Classified ' Ad" habit. . . . .
You'll Do Better at Beaton & LaierCEQlJ
Your Inspection of a Big Line
of Rich
Oriental Rugs
Just Received
Is Respectfully Invited
Tho collection includes many
fascinating "weaves in muoh
wanted and desirable colorings sure to appeal to folks
who seek refinement and artistic enviroment in horn
Every Rug Fully Guaranteed
Price$ the Lowett That You Will Find Anywher
Beaton & Laier Co.
3415-17 So. 16th St. Phone Doug. 335
'Get the gnala
package. It contain
th original liquid kalrJ
remoyer, which acts I
quickly w!th certtlntrl
LNSiST UN aB4 hIut sjafety. I
nesun r immeftiai!
PACK AO B. and
Fold and recommended by hhernian c Mo
Connell Irug Co . Owl Drug Co., liar
vard 1'harmacy and Loyal fuamiacy.
Ohaa, Tits patrlck. Douglas args.
Ill So. ISta gt. Delnx Cigar gtor.
I Will Exchange Your
Talking Machine Records
Sigh Orade Cigar Caadlea.
January Clearance Sale Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry
Our great CbrlHtmaa md Holiday aales have left many odd pieces and broken lines In Diamonds, Watcaes.
wuim wv yimxm uu Btti lur juuuBrj clearance at greatly reduced prices Now la the
time to buy a handaome Diamond Ring, mud, Ear Bcrewe, Lrooch, La Valllere; Bracelet Watch Wri.t
Watch. Chain, etc. - fireat Iwgalna hl on our usual r treillt term). aicn, wnst-
..." foM
argarcltc Lcncn
Sd rioo Vattanoa lsu.
ITtfc aad raraam. Doogla TS1.
Omasa. Ve.
sufc. J
S Ladles' Watch. O tire,
hunting caie, finest gold
filled, assorted engravings,
guaranteed Zt years; flttwd
with Klsln or Walt ham
movement. Sale CI C
price 'T
Term l 91 (M a Koatk. .
Men' Wtce. guaranteed
accurat time-keeper a:
large lot to select from.
1'rlrea from 110 up.
Terms to Vnit Ton
. . A VAXiaZata.
Tl La Valllere. fine
olid gold. English
flnlh! l in, bril
liant Diamond. il
(In genuine Pearls.
Baroque Pearl drop;
It-Inch solid , M
gold chain
Tansai glOaMoata.
C68 Ladles" I)la
mur.d King. IK
solu goM. LortU
"Il f-vlton" Vjii
' gS a Mont.
11 SO Ear Screw.
14k il) gold: 4
flna brilliant Dia
monds. Very Ct A
spe'ial at. ,..
9S a Moath,
7 Scarf Pin. Solid
gold; genuine
rearl. 1 fin CO Cfl
Tirmji gl a Month.
Itl 8
earf Holder.
fin solid gold l
enuln CC fc
Vinui gl a Moath,
To. 4 Men's Dia
mond King, (-pron
tooth , mounting; lii
solid gold, Ron.aa or
rolished f c
finish. ......
HM a Wee.
Call or Writ fo Catalog sTo. so.
Bpotal Atteatloa Otvea to MaU OrAara.
National Credit Jewelers
Mala Floor City Katloaal Bank Block, 40 . ltk gu,
Omaha- Opposli Bargesv-Bash Co. pBrtm Btur.
T34 Round Belcher
Cluster King; 14k
solid cold: 7 fine dia
monds, set In plati
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