Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 13

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
VOL, XLV NO. 31.
Younger Set Will Miss Her When She's Gone
Social Calendar
Calendar of Club Doings
Omaha Woman's club, Y. W. C. A. audi
torium. 2:30 p. m.; open program by art
Child Conservation league, Dundee circle,
Mrs. P. J. White, hostess.
Association of Collegiete Alumnae, music
section, Miss Elitabeth Fry hostess, 4 p. m.
Chautauqua circle, Tennyson chapter, Mrs.
N. Nelson, hostess.
Nebraska Anti-Suffrage society, Mrs. E. P.
Peck, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
South Omaha Woman's club, literature de
partment. Library hall, 2:30 p. m.
Dundee All Saints' guild, Mrs. W. O. Ful
ler, hostess.
Omaha Woman's club, oratory department,
Y. W. C. A., 10 a. m.
Business Women's club, Y. W. C. A., 7 p.
m. ;'.
U S. Grant Woman's Relief Corps, Me
morial hall, 2:30 p. m.
Mu Sigma club, Mrs. Morris D. Hussle, hos
tess, 9:30 a, m.
Dundee Woman's club, Mrs. J. W. Marshall,
hostess, 2:30 p. m. -
Association of Collegiate Alumnae, story
tellers' section, Miss Mary Phllllppl, hos
tess, 4 p. m.
Omaha Woman's club, literature depart
ment, Y. W. C. A., 10 a. m.
' Visiting Nurse association, board meeting,
city hall, 10:30 a. m.
CUo club, Mrs. D. W. Morrow, hostess, 2:30
p. m.
Woman's . Club .of . Railway Mall Service,
Mrs. M. II. Blackwell, hostess.
Omaha Suffrage association, Mrs. Thomas
Brown, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
P. B. O. sisterhood, chapter K, Mrs. F. E.
George, hostess. .
Omaha Slory Tellers' league, public library,
4:16 p. m.. J
Omaha Woman's club, home economics de
partment, Y. Wf. C. A., 10 a. m. '
OTnaha"Woman'8 club, tousle departra
Y. M. C. A., 2:15 p. m.
Benson Baptist Missionary circle, Mrs. E. C.
Fuller, hostess.
Malva .' White Shrine, Masonic Temple, 8
p. rd. ' '
Political Equality league, High school audi
torium, 8:15 p. m.
omaha Society of Fine Arts, Hotel Fonte-
nelle, 4 p. m.
W. C. T. U. of Benson, Mrs. . J. Whistler,
Child Conservation league, North Side circle,
Monmouth Park school, 2 pm.
P. E. O. sisterhood, chapter B. N., Miss
Clara Mason, hostess, 10 a. m.
Association of Collegiate Alumnae, drama
section, Miss Ora Ambler, hostess, 10:45
a. m. '
City Central Suffrage committee, Mrs. Mary
Carmack, hostess.
THE Keating-Owen bill which is concerned
with child labor, has been discussed in
loea women's club circles during the last
week and it has been strongly urged that
every' effort be exerted looking toward
the passage of a national child labor law.
Nebraska is particularly fortunate in an ex
cellent child labor law witn very little of child labor
conditions with which to contend. At the last meet
ing of the social science department of the Omaha
Woman's club, the Keating-Owen bill was unani
mously endorsed.
At the meeting of the club proper, Monday,
Mrs. C. W. Hayes, chairman of the legislative de
partment of the Nebraska Federation of Women'e
clubs, will present the subject and will urge all
women to call upon the congressman from this dis
trict to support the passage of the bill.
By in vitiation of the Asheville N C.) Board of
Trade and the North Carolina child labor commit
tee the annual child labor conference will be held
in Asheville, February 3 to 6, the National Child
Labor committee has announced. The program for
the meetings is not yet complete, but many promi
nent .speakers have already promised to appear,
among whom are Dr. Felix Adler of the Ethical
Culture society. New York; Homer Folks, chairman
of the National Association for the Prevention of
Tuberculosis; Lillian D. Wald, bead of the Nurses
Settlement, New York; Florence Kelley, secretary
of the National Consumers' league, and Stephen S.
Wise of the Free Synagogue, New York, as well as
Owen R. Lovejoy, A. J. McKelway and E. N. Clopper
of the staff of the National Child Labor committee.
The general topic for the meeting is "Safeguarding
. American Childhood" and special attention will be
given to the Keating-Owen federal child labor bill
which has Just been referred by Speaker Clark to
the house committee on labor. Local child labor
problems will be studied and there will be discus
sions of the effect of child labor on health, educa
tion and Industry, and of standards of factory In
spection. To make tbese discussions of wide Inter
est the National Child Labor committee has Invited
all state health, factory Inspection and school of
ficers to attend and has asked the governor of each
state to send five delegates.
Additional Club News on Page Four
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the popular members of the younger set,
is here pictured with her very special ,
friend and companion, Jolle Coeur, a
Pomeranian. Miss CalUban. who Is a f"
of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Callahan
of Dayton. O., left Saturday evening for New York
City, where her wedding to Mr. Quentln Twachtman
of Greenwich, Conn., will be celebrated Thursday.
Miss Callahan was accompanied by her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. de Forest Richards.
Not for a long whlU baa marriage taken from
the circle of Omaha young women so charming an
acquisition as Miss Callahan has been since she
came here to live with her grandmother, the late
Mrs. W. P. Callahan.
The wedding of Miss Callahan and Mr. Twacht
man, who Is a son' of the well known artist, John
H. Twachtman. will take place in the chantry of
Grace Episcopal church, one of the mobt delightful
and impressive of New York churches, at 4 o'clock
Thursday, tollowlng' which there will be a dinner
oaie hotel for the wedding guests. The wed-
dln wiU be arolI but a few intimate
- fHnniisi tf tViA Krlrla'a narnntM from Do. V ton and
BonJe Omaha friends ho are In New York City have
been bidden J.o the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum of Philadelphia and
their daughter Katherlne, who formerly lived in
Omaha, will also be among the wedding guests.
Mr. Alden Twachtman, brother of the groom,
will be the best man. but the bride will be without
attendants. Other members of the groom's family
who wll, wltne the ceremony are his mother. Mrs.
Jonn Tvuhtmao tn(1 hl, ,uters, Miss Violet
Twaci,man and Wg .uters, Miss Violet Twachtman
and Mrs. Richard Pell of the New York family of
Where the young couple will go on their honey-
moon Is being kept a deep, dark secret, but on their
return, they will occupy the residence of Mrs.
Twachtman in Greenwich. Conn., while she is
spending the winter in the south. Miss Callahan
has many friends in and about Greenwich as she
attended shool at Westovei-ln Middlebury, Conk
(LftuM r&Tluhun Kail tnn Hoon nAr p fttA train
pulled out of the station last evening snd that was
that she bad to leave her "Jolle" or "Sweetheart"
"Jolle has been my very dearest pal and It
breaks my heart to leave her, but I am going to
send for her as soon as I can," she exclaimed,
"Jolle" tma been m. freauent traveling coniDinlftR
of Miss Callahan when she was bound for a certain
destination, but since her plans Include traveling
rbout so much, It was thought beet to leave "Jolle"
In Omaha for awhile.
The regret of the younger set is most keen that
their charming companion is to be taken from
Omaha by her marriage, but the future Mra.
Twachtman has promised her friends that she will
make frequent visits to Omaha.
Paaerewskl concert parties at tne Audi
torium. Madame Padorewski's sale of Polish dolls
at Hotel Fontenclle. .
Bridge Luncheon club, Miss Irene McKnlght,
Thursday Morning Bowling club.
Crelghton Mixer dance at Fontenclle.
Banqaet by Deborah Franklin club at Rome
Tuesday .
Mr. ard Mrs. Thomas Kelly In Irish folklore
recital for Omaha Social Settlement at
. Hotel Fontenelle.
Box party at the Boyd, given by Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Burgess. '
Thimble club, Mrs. A. W. Carpenter, hostess.
Tuesdsy Bridge club, Mrs. Walter Roberts,
Tuesday Bridge club. Miss, Marion Kuhn
Tea for; Mlns Augusta MacQlasson, 3 to 5
o'clock, Mrs. John McDonald, hostess.
W. W. blub luncheon, Mrs. L. B. Scott,
Mu , Sigma meeting, Mrs. M. D. HuBsiev
hostess. (
Afternoon bridge for Mesdames Stanley
Hartman and Dexter Buell, Mrs. Harvey
MUllken, hostess.
Mid-week Drama Circle, Mrs. Milton Bar
low, hostess.
Wednesday Afternoon Drama class, Mrs.
Frank Colpetser.
North Side Progressive club card psrty,
. Druid hall. ...
Clnossm club dance, Scottish Rite cathedral.
Morning Glory Kensington club, Miss
' ' Artemia Cronemeyer, hostess..
Subscription club dance at Turpln'a hall.
Twachtman - Callahan wedding, Grace
y church, New York City.
Dinner preceding Subscription dance, given
. by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton.
. Subscription club dance, .Turpln's hall.
Dinner of Bridge-Luncheon clubTXiiss Doris
Qulun, ncstess. ,
junior i Class Complimentary rscltal at
Chambers' academy.
Dundee Dancing club dance at Harte's hall
Luncheon . for Dr. John Cowper Powys at
University club, Mrs. W. G, Ure, hostess.
Dinner for Hoxle Clarkes. Dr. L Roy
Crummer, host. .
Chatturk academy reunion at University
club. , i
Saturday, . ,
Dinner Dance at Hotel Fontenelle. '
Saturday Evening Bridge club, given by Mr.
and Mrs. C. O. Talmage.
a mx .
Aiicrnonn onage, Miss Marion Towle.
Spaldlng-Oodahy wedding, cathedral pt the
Holy Name, Chicago.
Week-end Dancing club, Chambers' acad
Qnuii i ana noi quantity would seem the
best phrase to describe the coming week.
There Is little promised, but what there
is In store Is choice, one might say rare
Monday Madame Paderewskl will sell
dolls in the Hotel Fontenelle and at the Auditorium
In her husband's dressing room. "Buy a doll and
save a baby" Is the keynote of the affair, and many
charming Omaha maids and matrons have pledged
their efforts to promote the sale. These dolls were
YnaHA In Daft- Yu W 1 1 . . .
..... UJ iuv maimers ana sculptors stand-
aniBnc wona. Tne proceeds go
to the Polish Victims' Relief fund.
On the day following the descension of Madame
Paderewskl and her famed husband into our very
midst, the always delightful Thomas Kellys will
give tneir folklore recital at the Fontenelle, Irish
song for the benefit of the Omaha Social Settlement
On Thursday, Miss Charlotte Callahan, a one
year girl, will be married. Aside from the Interest
attaching to the marriage of almost a bud, the wed
ding is unique in many ways, performed In thai
quaint chapel of Grace church In New York, which
is curiously called the "chantry" and the only one
cf its kind this side of the Atlantic. Besides this,
Miss Callahan by her marriage Is uniting a western
family with one connected with one of the oldest (
and proudest lines In the east, the Pells of New
York, a family which has given Us name to many
an estate and manor. Aside from being connected
with the Pells, the bridegroom, Quentln Twachtman,
la the son of the well known artist, the late John"
H. Twachtman.
On Saturday afternoon Is another wedding of
lively Interest to Omaha society, when Miss Flor
ence Cudahy becomes the bride of Mr. Vaughn
Spalding In the cathedral of the Holy Name la Chl-"8-
Another distinguished visitor of the week will
be Dr. Powys. who will lecture before the Fine Arts
society Friday.
The theaters have come In for much attention
during the week, and promises for the future are
alluring. For next Saturday night, for example,
we will have the Dramatic club of the University
of Nebrai? In avgreat comedy written by a Ne
braska author.
Additional Rodrty News on Heat Ffcg