TIIK BEE : OMAIIA, SATURDAY, JANTAKY 13, lUlU. BRIEF CITY NEWS ;E. J. M'YANN WILL L MOVE FROM OMAHA Tewnsand's fop RportlBf QooS are Root rrtat It Now Brecon Praea. Xnveatmast, Doujlaa St. Cor., east of 14. Ask Luinont. Keollne fiMtt. Wow Boy la alsto. A son waa born to Mr. and Mr. R E. McLeester of Ral ston, Neb. Xsydea Builds U E. T- IIe ten haa etarted to build a lio.onn home tn Happy Hollow addition In Dundee. "Today Mori TroTr classified section today. It appears In .The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the va. rtout tnovlnt picture theatere otfer. Terdlot for Matter A Jury in district court haa leturned a verdict for the de fendant In the ault of the Xebraaka Mausoleum company against Thomas 11. M? Iters. alary la aisd Miss Charlotte Mar tin stenographer In the office of County Attorney Macney, haa had her salary raised from $5 to T5 per month by the board of county commissioners. She has served sis years In her prerent capacity. Danish sjistarnood Theater Tarty Fifty-seven members of the Danish Sis terhood attended a theater party at the Krug theater Thursday afternoon, when they witnessed a performance of "The Spendthrift." Mrs. Peterson had charge of the party. DlToroe ay Defentt-rKmmy Itlea haa secured a decree of divorce from Charles Flies by default, cruelty havlns been the alleged grounds. Petitions for divorce have been filed by Hosa M. Paulsen a (ain't Marlnus. Anna Skokar against Charles and Alice Eeamer against George. Hot Lunches for South Side School Children Served Serving of hot lunches for schoot chil dren til resumed Thursday by members of the touffl Omaha Woman's club, un der the direction of Mrs. N. M. Graham. The work of nrovidlnc hot lunches waa! begun last year and worked out so suc cessfully that tha clubwomen believa the lunch system will be self-supporting this year. Threa 'unch ticket are aold for 10 cents. Finds Heavy Demand for Hii Serv ices as an Expert in the East. MANAGER OF TRAFFIC BUREAU TO LEAVE OMAHA. Hot soup, bread and butter sandwiches, I outside cases still TO HAVE OFFICE IN CHICAGO E. J. McVann. manager of the traf fic bureau of the Commercial club, j has practically asked his traffic com-i mittee to fill his position, if they tee fit to do so, since he will be engaged 1 the greater part of the year with a ; big case before the Interstate Com- j merce commission for seventy-six coal ! mining companies of Virginia andl West Virginia. Mr. Mcsnn Is In Washington now In conference with coal mining officials In regard to this case, and will be there for soma time. It Is given on good authority that Mr. McVann plans on his return from Wash ington to open a law office In Chicago, and that his family Is to be removed to Chicago before very long. As yet the traffic bureau haa not ac cepted Mr. McVann'a resignation, and ha given little thought to the filling of his place, although it Is pretty well settled that this Is a situation that will have to be dealt with. Handles Big; Cases. During the last few year Mr. Mc Vann haa handled almost mora rate casee for big concerns In the east than he ha local cases. He handled the gen eral advance rata case on agricultural Implements for the Xatlonal .mptement nd Vehicle association. He handled big lumber rate case for southern lum- j ber associations, and handled a Mg coal rate case for the Southern Cotton Mann- j facturers' association, the rates affect- J ing the coal consumed by the cotton j mills. I These are a few of the big cases In j which he has been retained In the lasl I rniv v-r, rm mwtt , V... . in..tk.. .i.w I - - . .... niece, lutcvuri vtl'Tl j i n t Vi r Kin- - -. u .. I. . i-i . 1 -' " ' ' O ' l lantra, ill I U 111 In Chicago and Washington almost more of the time than In Omaha. Up to the time Mr. McVann received his diploma from tho law school, a tittle less than two years ago, he handled his V; ,. A"" " " Edward J.T&Vkmt tie army received at Its various atopping places and on Its arrival here made one of the most picturesque local episodes of the war. TRAFFIC MEN KICK ON JOINT BUREAU Omaha Shippers Object to Estab lishment of Bureau for Collec tion of Freight Bills. RAILROADS FAVOR THE MOVE i eiaoii'nej ny tn rauroaas at mkmi City. Th Traffic club man say that In thst city th bureau waa Installed be cause the railroad patrons were too slow in pavlns their fre'aht bills. No such chaise ran he brouaht against Omaha shippeis, they declare. .lamie nlrlla. I'. .1. Krnst. assistant treasurer nf th Iturlln.Tton tallrtiad and clmltman of th railroad joint committee ihat proposes a freight Mil collection bureau for Oiits'ia. says In teply to th opposition that stnre the Kansas City hiiresu waa Proposed establishment by the "-. ' niPP.a na. lanrttrwril It n'iiHii it hat almnlm! railroads of a joint bureau for the;tri nectioi ., without working any collection of freight bills In Omaha j hardship on the hippte.. lie e no i., being via-prouslv protested and op- !nl'l"',, bureau for timahn may . . be made for some time. posrd by locsl patrons of the rosds. , A ,iro,,osM lo .. (hc Ull., f,.,u;u At tha regular meeting of the houses end' altevnn.-n at o'clock, in Dmaha Traffle rlnh an nrsaniottnn sicad of t.4.".. was also opposed b th- , , .. , ,, . ., , Traffic club meeting, as they said I' of traffic men of tho leading lui-,VOuM lievrnt ,,IPn, from lnMnil nraa houses iMtronilng the mil- i nronipt shipment mi oi.I.ms received In rends, the club went on record ash1' afternoon mull. However, membeis ,, ,, t, ,. , , 'snld they would use their Influence In being unalteraply opposed to the col-, . ,, , . . .. . , j delivering shipments to the freight lection bureau. The meeting was j houses as earl In the afternoon as pon- held Thursdny noon at the Coninier-! sihie. BRYAN ON PEACE BOARD ON SALARY Ford and Jane Addams Also Mem hers of Court Costing Half Million a Tear. ROW OVER ELECTION FORM Til K MAt'.t'K (Via London l,.(su. H. Tlie Fol d peace expedition hfts (f"cd to accert a nominal ion to the per- rhooslng the members of the permanent Ijoai-d maiked the election. tall It ( Mapirarr. After the slat had been drawn and of fered a--, the clioli nf Mr. Ford. Its sdort tlon being urged because Mr. Kord was the financial tweker of the party. John P. Hatiy of 5tn I'Vanclsco branded th scheme "as n conspiracy to railroad tli sn tpn without reference to th mem bora." II said -t wou'd be con.llred a fare? In the 1'nlled Stales. This flsn wea finally withdrawn and the method of populnr election adopted. This Listed all day. Jude 'rn n. I.lnd'tey of tener re elected the following Amerlcar members of the permanent piauent hoard, but probably will remain In Kurope Indefinitely in the merest of opposed hy two votes. tlal club rooms, following luncheon Ml llonn Time l.lmlt. The club members declare that the pro Officers of tlte Traffic club are: Ptesl jdent. K. C. Wilbur. M. K. Smltll & Co.. I vice president. I". C. Newciviist. Orcs tid- llh' liu t oi.ipauy; secretary. C. K. posed bureau would cut down the time ! 'ln' ,u Biscuit company. limit of credit now allowed in settlement of freight bills, and would greatly ln conven'ence the railroad pntions In other ways. They also assert that the scheme would Increase the number of overcharge claims to bw brought against the mil roads. A similar collection bureau as recently Th llerrlnaer tieta Job. Hock ford team of the P'Sce orp hans of the warring notloivs. bonrd lo sit In Europe indefinitely , The elf, t ion of Mr. Ford und Miss with tho nurnose nf usina all efforts . Addama ttas unanlntoi.s. lr. fl' van wn tn setlle the war: William Jennings ntjsn, Henry ( harles F. Aked and Mrs. Joseph FCR 11EfT 0F TRUNK rets oi rniianeipnta. Mamiy Hi. Klve other members will chosen tomorrow as alternates. ! MANDY BROOKS JAILED t-'aral I'ai I lone. I I'l k. KI7 .tones etr"et. chaiaeil be ' with the theft of ti mink from ltelmn.it , Urns., l:'l rougl;s street. arrest I ; mill pleaded guilty to the charge. She ' M'.-.a sentem-eil to Ihirlv risvs In th" Th le id will he composed f an eiiial f.oi nts- lall. number of menihe.a ti'oin be aii.ins jr ry P,t cili.re.l. rharK.d with sleal neutral countries and vlll reman In The j ln(, , Ikx of rrne, from a Merchant 11. an or Stockholm with the financial ,riT wagon, was sentenced to thirty hacking of Mr. Kord. Ka.h member will ri,vi , ,.u(lnv Jr recelv a salary and the emir expenses esgu haa signed Howard lerrlnger as ! ' the board probably will ammml to team manager. j .VKi.'iO yearly. Lr. AUed announced that he would offer his resignation from bis Snn Francisco church. Lively dlseuss'ons among the members of the expedition over the methods of Ml I mi. I'lesiilent K. W. IHcI.erson of the Cen tral league announce" lie will have an en tirely new staff of umpires. To Hetrr llen fklet. WASHINGTON. Ian. M.Atorney Oemial tlregory today formally an nounced t'at the government will re-try lli five furnier Mew Haven directors over whese guilt or Innocence (be federal grsnd Jury In New Vork disagreed. crackers and anotner not aisn mo a "i the menu. Mr. A. K. Sherwood Is su pervisor of the lunch room. Assisting Mrs. Graham In the work are Mesdames Waiter Nltsche. Clyde Rells, Roy Dennis end E. R. Lee. aa a traffic bureau man, and turned the fees for auch work Into the bureau's coffers. After he was admitted to court practice, he asked to be released from this abllgation. and a new salary basis waa agreed upon, which left him free to accept outside Tinplate Industry Prospers m Wales ch,caBvnd i !now said to have definitely (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) LONDON. Jan. 12. The Wales tinplate industry waa never so prosperous as now Large orders have come from France where the plate Is used in making bombs for trench warfare, and tho demand for tin In England la above normal, aa cant have taken the place of glass Jars and bottles to a Urge extent In the drug and grocery trades. An entirely new lino of work has also been built up tn the manufacture of tin boxes, a branch of the Industry that bad been captured by Germany prior to the War. Germany bought Welsh plate and returned the manufactured boxes to Kngland, ' duty free, a well aa to the British colonies. England has now built up plants for tin box end can making and I rate cases for his own personal oractlc. (During the laat year these case have I grown to such volume that ho has had to spend even mor lime than before In so that he Is decided he must sever his connections with the bureau here and remove to Chicago. ; j Filipino Governor Given High Praise WASHINGTON. Jan. 14.-High praise of' the administration In the Philippines of Governor General Harrison t Included In a special report on the islands by Brigadier General Frank Mclntyre, chief of the Insular bureau. General Mcln tyre made a personal study of conditions last fall and his report has been sub mitted to the president and congress. "The high motives which prompted General Harrlsin'a acceptance of his office." General Mclntyre says, "have Intends to keep up the present work In j guided his conduct thereof. He has la the days of peace. Some difficulty la j bored unceasingly, and as a result of encountered now In supplying the enor. j theae labors he has gained the admiration mous demand against the handicaps of high priced steel and the acarcity of acid, on which the government munition works naturally heva first demand. Catholic Leaders Visit Friends Here Selection of a successor to the late Bishop Scannell is believed to have been the subject of a conference held in Omaha Wednesday afternoon by Archbishop James Keane. Archbishop Glennon, Arch bishop Ireland and several bishops. The conference was held at the late residence of the dead bishop. Archbishop Keane of Dubuque, la., and ArchbishoD Glennon of St. Louis, who and respect of the people of the Islands As g consequence the excellent state of law and order prevailing In the Christian provinces of the Philippine Islands is bet ter assured than it has been at any time in the past, while the penetration of schools and sanitary work In the portions of the Islands inhabited by the wild peo ple and Moroa, particularly th latter. Is beyond the most sanguine expectation of two years ago." MICHIMAS SAYS ROSSI SLAMMED HIM ON COCO "Hey. Jodge! Theesa mans hees geev me slam on coco an tella me hees cop," exclaimed William Michimas. South Side, last night when he entered headquarters tn Omaha on account of the death station to unburden his tale of woe. He of lliahop Scannell, have returned to their j waa dragging with him one Nick Roasi, aiao oi me Douia oia. Candy for Saturday Selling c Cream Pipped Br!l Nut, lb Old Fssbloned Htartf Walnut Tatty, lb. tao Home Mad (.'ream Von nut Squares, lb. le Inebrious Nut VUvlnltr. lb Sfto Delicious Cream f'hocelat Bitter t and SsIh 8tyl Milk Chocolate tew isttmininarrnrir ii i .......r..-,.., . i. -....-i-,.-. ,.-.j- iHfld-...... - ... -..-.M..,.-...as Victor - Victrolas In grt vartsty of stylas frm Sltte t Machine writ chargs prfH. tlila Department. IonBlaa It. 31 aturolay Is COAT 5tl a coat purchasers. CX$&f Icls direct from iwn, includui; the r Saturday ;vill be a day of splendid opportunities for We offer for sale at unusual reductions many new model our buyer in New York. These include all the new styles shown belted and flared models now so popular, in both a variety of plain tailored and fancy fur trimmed garments. An Exceptional Opportunity to Economize LWilW- .ZTJsi'W-.. ia"4i Tse.''S!a';sSl 1S5 ,sv4: :'" V Lot 1 Broadcloth Coats, Plushea, Corduroya, Duvetj-nfs. Vi cunas and Zibflinea. Worth to $49.00, at $22.50 Lot 2 Duvetynea, Plushes, Cordu roys, Zibrlines and Novelty Coats. Worth to $30.00, sale price '17.50 Lot 3 PerHiana, Plush, Zibelincs, Caraculs and Novelties in coats worth to $29.0(), aale price 12.50 Children's Coats, Dresses, Furs At HALF-PRICE Saturday Entire Stock of Chil dren's Dresses, velvets, ailks, challies and serges. Prices to $15.00, Satur day, at HALF PRICE Choice of our Entire Stock of Juni ors' and Children's Coats, in plushes, corduroys, velvets, chinchillas and nov el ties, both tailored and fancy fur trimmed styles; all new and desirable. Prices to $35.00, Saturday, at HALF PRICE Choice of Any Child's Fur Set in Stock, Fitch, Opossum, Civet, Conie, Imitation Ermine and Angora, at Prices to $25 HALF PRICE n.v nywhar "fp trial," Day! aasBnaBKaafaaaaasHSHflaaaWBaaaBViaaaaj 3 m i . s Well, go on." wrgei Officer Turner. "Jus set I tella yo! Ho's slam me on coco an' h' us: "He.i, .:. hit fo yo ot aJla de men? I wan toff po- homca Archblfihop Ireland of St. Paul and Bishoj, O'lVllly of Fargo, N. V.. visited friends in Omatia yesterday In company uiili Vnthpr Harrineton of this city. Among those whom they met wra Victor i s mans. Give to me de mon." . i I XVall aTA fT ' Rosewater. editor or, ine e. wnom inoy . " " .. 1 . . . ha known for many years and whose "Thees fella he s bat me some more on father, the late Edward Rosewater. was w also a warm friend. ArcnDiwiop ireiana and Blehop O'Reilly left for Chicago last night. Credit Men Plan to Reorganize the Body I'lnns for tha reorganliatlon of the Omaha Credit Men's association were made last night at the regular monthly meeting, held laat night at the Lrfiyal hotel. . The reorganisation has been proposed in order to permit members lo take up the activities of all of the branches of the national organisation. J. H. Rexten was appointed delegate to the tanking and currency commit tee moeting at Chicago. January it and John Duff waa appointed to represent the Omaha organisation at the adjust ment bureau's meeting, in the same city, at the same time. Roeal waa held aa a auspicious charrter and Michimas as complaining wttnesa. AUSTRALIAN ARMY GROWS AS IT MARCHES ALONG (Correspondence of the Associated Tress.) SIDNEY, Australia, Jan. 11 The "snowball army" which Captain Httchen of the Qll'gandra Rifle club started with a handful of men. who set out from Gil gandra October 10 for a 32ft-mlle march to fldney to enlist, attracted to Itself so many other patriots on the way that It entered Sidney with a total of M3 men, who have been accepted for the service. The enthusiastic reception whli-h the lit- The Savings in Our Big Fur Sale Are Amazing Come Saturday-Brandeis Furs Are Guaranteed fcr Correct Faihion, Quality Value and Lasting Satisfaction Including All Extra Pant Suits BOYS' SUITS, $3.75. Two pairs of pants, fully lined, with each suit. Ages 9 to 17 years. These suits are greatly reduced. EXTRA MACKINAW VALUES. Many in the lot were $5, and a few $6.50 values. Ages 13 to 17 tfJQ 7? years. Choice. PO I O A SPLENDID OVERCOAT SPECIAL. Chinchilla coats with caps to match, gray, brown ahades; different models to select from. Special Saturday Corduroy knickerbockers, all sizes. $1.00 values. . .75o Flannel shirts, regular 41 rut t 7Ka V,a.uu ,..-., wv blue and $3.85 Flannel blounes, ages 9 to 16 years, 75c values 45c Sweaters, worth $1.50. special Saturday $1.00 Extra Values in Warm Underwear; and Fine Hosiery at Special Prices -Womsn'i Ptirsi Thread Silk, Fin Cotton and Silk Lisle Hosiery. In black and white. Full fashioned, double wide carter tops, hlrh spliced heels and toes with double soles. Saturday. S pair for 11.00, o ( or each pair OOC Men's. Women's and Children's Woolen Hosiery, sorae fine cashmere with silk heels and toes; plain and ribbed tops, double soles, heels and toes. All sue, np Worth to 50r, pair OC Men's. Women's, Misses' and Boys' Medi um Fine Cotton and Lisle Hosiery, soma full fashioned and seamless; fine and heavy ribbed; spliced soles, heels and toes. "Black Cat" Brand. All sizes. Worth -t f 25c, special, pair IOC Women's Silk and Wool Union Suits, For est Mills Brand. Some suits worth to 13.98, broken sites. at $1.98 medi- 59 c Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits, urn and fleecy lined. Broken lots and sizes, worth $1.00 Broken Ijots and Sites in Children's and Boys' t'nlon Suits, in part wool and all cotton. Worth to $1.00, pjQ ssle price OaC Children's and Misses' Fleeced Vests, Ankle Pant, to .Match, 35c vslues. all rises, garment Cotton 25c ARNOLD MARTIN BRINGS SILVER CUP TO CAPITOL (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN. Jan. 14 (Special. ) Arnold Martin of Pawnee county, who Is an ex pert in raising- farm products and who won several prleea at the international soil produces exposition at Denver, called at the office of Governor Morehead today and left a bl silver loving cup. The oup haa the following Inscription: Interstate Boll Products Kxpos tion. Den ver. Mis. Won by Arnold Martin for Ne braska." British and French Attacks Repulsed BERLIN. Jan. lt.-By Wlrelesa to Bay- villa.WA .tronif British atta.lc near Armentlerea and two French onslaufhts in th Champagne were repulsed hy the Germans, the war office announced to day, . . . , . CLEANSE THE BLOOD BANISH RHEUMATISM Rheumatism Due to Bad Blood Thousand! have been made well. People In the poorest health, suffer-In? from Rheumatism, with whom pain waa con stint. Who believed that their vitality was sapped beyond repair. It was proven to them that the cause of their troubl was the blood; that I'rio Ac d, the most faithful ally of Rheumatism, had gripped them. The poison in the blood haa sap ped its atrenjfth. The weakened blood had allowed poison and Impuritlr to ac cumulate, and all energy was gone. They felt "poorly," were Katies, pain waa ever praaent. with poor digestion and dyspepsia. They tried R. 8. nature's viuug lonw. a uvy up urns. 4 nia f compound of nature's remedies of roots ' and herba did what drugs failed to do. It literally washed the blood free from poieoa, and with the (low of pure blood eame back healta. strength, vigor and happiness. Get B. S. S. from your drug gist. Insist upon 8. 8. 8. If yours is a leu standing cj, writ for medical advice to Bwift Specific Co., Atlanta. O , bJt begin taking 8 8. 8. at one. pgjn $ 1 W. IMC Or HUKM "j I iff"' H aisi cat Half Price Book Sale We' have on hand approximately 1,000 volumes of the best copy righted fiction, heretofore sold by us at 50 cents, which we want to clean up quickly, and In order to do so we are going to sell them at Just exactly half price, or Art Needlework 19c S 25c a volume Pleas not th f&ct thst these are not simply books which "should aell for ao much." or "ralue so much," which is th usual wording of special sale advertisements; they are books that have been selling here In our own store at SO cents and up and are now reduced for a quick clearance to the nomlnsl price of 1t a volume. Stamped and Tinted Scarfs. 36c values... Stamped Pillow Cases on tub ing, day cases and seal- OC loped edge. Pair a3C Japanese Lunch Cloths, 60 and 63-Inch sites. $1.25 j f- values I OC Stamped Scarfs and Centers on natursl linen, II snd Cf $1.25 value OUC mm r m women s onoes Women's Dress Shoes, clolb and kid tops; straight Cuban or . $2.48 concave heels. Worth to $4.00 s Children's Shoes, th "Safety- First" Brand. Worth $2.00. Sixes up to 2, pair Panta .Legglns for Children, tn corduroys or black r Q Jerseys, worth to $2.;.70ii $1.48 Drugs and Toilet Articles Madam Talc's Tooth Powder. Sfti' all ....14 Jap Rose Tali um Pow- Sar. ran Ie I.U'-II Ka a Pow.lrr. II 0 box Me Mauaxii Jar'bell Pa-a Fawdar, Mb als He Palmar' Almond Maal, Its iaa I4e Moaar A Oallaat fU I'owdar. S&e alaa I fee . Halmollva Hoap. spaclal. tha iak a llr-KIa Talcum Pow dar, box tic Ualha Ka a C'raam. al....e TII Tollal Water. Tit ala tiut..4W- fond a fold I'r.ini. itr alta...ttc Canthrox fhimiwo, iO'i alia at.. ;! Ix.rtn'a Hrunatta houxa, apeial . . t.T,.' Auliry Ntalar' Dry Kuug, dux.. tpioroaa Kara Powder, afle ho. iOr Marcuarvtta Mylvl Itoute. ..)( . li s Madam lee l.ell a Hath Oil.Sit- 14 Mav l-'ara l'oder. box r l uiAinibar 1 ream, ap.. !ru ana. id' -Jaiseu Almond I.ollou. tjc aia.18 -Haara I narenteil Huap. epa., caka.l'J if I.latartna. II. air botUe Rromo Haltaar. ao alaa. apa. -bioatra Liniment. ;ic ana .. .s:t. .SiK .Itto tSs.ir.TS-- gj i Special Sale of Mani cure Articles Mentholatum, Ito ia. apa.tal ta Hal Kepatlra. 10c alae. Saturday Sit I.ydl Plnkham' Vasa tabla Compound. bot.Sle Bcott a Kmulalea. (I laa belt la Sat: Uanderme, itc ia Iwi tla ts Maaatta Talcum Pow. dar. aarlal, can lie Diamond I'e, all vl lor. packaaa a -Allrt k Preu PI- tar. ck 1 1 Pompalan tlla OH. ur.laK SAc Hubber Sheeting, 3-tn. wide, vara ... . , te Hwopllal Abaurbent l ot ton. I -lb. pka 1M Hrrc Acid. 1-lb. pa. kasa , . .t-lo kirk c'aatlla aWiap, pa.-ll, pound br....ll t-quai t r'ountala H r- lne. worth II eO O Cedar Oil Hour Poi- Ish, tto aia : -imirtrn l.ady floor OH. It alaa aw 1 UK (iKMlVE KAUU. Wlta T Pamaeaeeaa blailea. In rut Jut aa llluatrated: aold eerv -here at II 0. Spwetal Saturday ly, No' aiail' bVdar ruled