Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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former President of Mexico Suc
cumb! After Illness and
V i
EL PASO. Tex., Jan. 14. General
VMorUno Huerta. former provi
sional president of Mexico, died at
his home here at 8:35 o'clock last
General Iluerta, who succeeded
General Francisco I. Madero In ex
ecutive power In Mexico City, and
later left Mexico, died of sclerosis
of the liver. He was surrounded by
his family when the end came. His
death was expected. Funeral ar
rangements are to be made tomor
row, It was announced at his resi
dence tonight. It is believed an ef
fort will be mado to arrange his
burial in Mexico.
A Profession; :.udlrr.
General Huerta was a professional sol
dier, and as such he had, up to the over
throw of Tresldent Francisco Msduro,
been known for his loyal support of
existing- governments.
Born at Chihuahua In 1854, he entered
the military academy of Chapultepec at
17 and passed through the full course to
graduation in 1876, when he was commit
ioncd -second lieutenant of eniflneors. !
Torflrlo Dial was aided In his organza- '
Hon of the Mexican army by Huerta. ln order to avoid striking a young
Muerta saw much active service. In ! ,tPr. ,1,0 suddenly dnrtod Into the street
Wl he left the staff and took command ,anK a toy wagon. Joe Euskirchne,
cf the infantry ,n the campwlen a.nt j jttlcv driver. living at JTOC South
the Taqul Indians. He participated In Eighteenth, drove his car Into the curb
nbseouen' YnqH cmpnltrr,s nnd alo In k,,. .nrt wim.m. lot.
afternoon and wrecked It.
After Pursuit Lasting Twelve
Years Omahan is Finally Cap
tured by Secret Service.
For twelve years George W. Rocho
escaped the avenging arm of Justice
Friday he entered tho Omaha fed
eral building in custody of two offi-
Demands of Poor Arc Heavy On Addams and Bliss
the Charity Workers of Omaha j Talk Preparedness
Extraordinary demands continue to be
mtde on the Volunteers of America and
Salvation Army for relief of the poor
and sick during tho bitter cold.
"It Is almost unbelievable the destitu
tion that we find ln some ease," said
Captain Kline ef the Salvation Army.
"We went out on one case today where
we found a wretched hut with tho wind
blowing through the cracks and a man
snrl wife mnA i h rv half. Mail phlMrn
cers, Who had bronght him from Los ; huddled together on a miserable bed with
Angeles. I almost no covers, trying to keep warm.
Th. .arret ..rvln f tho I?nltd of course we supplied them with coal and
. . . . . . . . I clothes
states bad followed on nis trail,
Jitneer Hits Curb
Rather Than a Boy
Maya Indians As a rewr-rd fop his In
dian service Huerta was given the rank
of brigadier general. -
Pat Iovn rtrnrro Itetielllon.
Huerta commanded all the detached
government forces in the state of Guer
rero at the beginning of the Madero revo- (
lutlon. Huerta led the army sent against 1
OroK:o and was In command at the battle j
of Bachlmba. For this service he was '
promoted to major general. Because of
n affection of the eyes he did not tako
part In the suppression of the first up- ,
rising led by General Felix., Dias.
In the second Felix Piss revolution,
which resulted in the overthrow of the '
Madero government, Huerta was' lmme- .
diately called to active command! as the
senior ranking- general then ln the capital. I
He escorted Madero from Chapultepec j
castle to the palace on the first of tho 1
ten days' fighting and was placed In en-
tire command of the forces of tho gov- 1
eminent. He directed the government !
troops during all the subsequent fighting. '
and the conduct of these operations led
to severe criticism on tnc part or Mu- j
dero's friends. I
Huerta was tho moving spirit in tho 1
consummation of the plot that resulted
In the seizure of the person of President
Madero and his brother Guslave.
. Becomes President.
Huerta took office as provisional presi
dent on February 19, 1313. Three daya
afterward Francisco Madero, one of his
brothers who had been arrested with him
and Jose Maria Pino Suarez, vice presi
dent under. Madero, were assassinated
while riding undertguard from the palace
to the penitentiary.
Tho crime aroused a storm of Indica
tion throughout the United States. In
many quarters there were demands for
Intervention, but President Taft, who was
on the eve of leaving office, decided to
take no action which might commit the
incoming administration of President Wil
on. President Wtlson refused to recognize
Huerta, though recognition had been
granted by Great Britain. At the same
time the Maderistaa rallied under Venus-
itun Cnf .. , -.v. n-- of i -iaiiula; and
Francisco Villa declared against Huerta.
Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson was re
Called. In August President Wilson sent
John Llnd, former governor of Minne
sota, to the Mexican capital as hid per
sonal representative. Mr. Llnd presented
certain' proposals to Huerta, chief of
which was .that the provisional president
should .resign and permit a national elec
tion at which he would not be a candi
date. Huerta peremptorily rejected these
proposals. .-
The Mexican congress grew restive and
one senator attacked Huerta in the cham
bet. He promptly disappeared and when
his colleagues demanded an investigation
Iluerta marched a body of troops into
lth hall of Congress, seized 110 deputies
and threw them in Jail.
His next step was to call an election at
which only Huertlstas were allowed to
vote, with the result that he was declared
president, with General Blanquet, vice
American warships were dispatched to
Mexican waters and a large number of
.troops were concentrated un the border.
j The constitutionalists advanced from the
north, defeating the Huerta troops in bat
tle after battle. .
In April a party of Americ an blue
Jackets was seized at Vera Cruz an1
thrown Into Jail. Huerta refused Presi
dent Wilson's demand for a formal salute
to the Stars and Stripes as reparation.
On April 12 American bluejackets and
marines landed at Vera Cruz In force and
I occupied the city after some street fight-
Ing in which a number of Am ricans were
anerwara a mediation proposal
was made by Argentina, Bralll and Chi'e
and accepted. Conferences -were held at
Niagara Fails, but brought no
I.envro Mexico.
Huerta resigned July J and left Mexiop.
He went to the West Indies and later to
Spain. In April, 1915. he came to tsa
1'nlted States. He left New York oateu
aibly tor San Francisco. He was arrested
la New Mexico June 7. charged with try
ing to foment, revolution in Mexico. He
was released on bond and rearrested at
El Paso. He was held in custody until
he was permitted to go to his home in
El Paso because of Illness. His illness
grew more serious and his death followed.
He was indicted the day before his death
by a federal grand Jury at Ban Antonio
ton the charge be wag originally ar
rested on.
IT. Bosens. 141 South Seventeenth, the
only pasHenRer, was slightly injured
when he was thrown out.
steadily, unforgettingly, remorse
lessly for twelve years. All over the
1'nlted States Rocho fled. He went
Irto Canada. He traveled into Mexico
and the little republics of Central
Everywhere hovered over him the dread
shadow of vengeance. Pay and nlitht hs
m-aa pursued by the fear of capture, tho
horror of prison walls.
And after twelve years of this hell on
earth he was captured In Los Angelea.
j Now he Ia here to answer for embez
I rllng government funds while he was a
clerk In the money order department.
W'lifti hn fit..! K a m K mlnnnH hta M" 1 1 rt .nil
four small children. The wife went
bravely to work and has raised the chil
dren. She keeps a rooming and boarding
house at Eighteenth and Davenport
She has recovered from the cruel blow
and she wants nothing more to do with
A pitiful figure was Rocho as he sat In
the marshal's office. Hie face bore evi
dence of his twelve-year fllicht.
"I'm glad it's over." he said. "All these
years I have feared it. Day and nlaht
the horror of capture was upon me. The
"I have thirty cots fixed up In the base
ment of the industrial home for this
emergency and they are all occupied free
of charge every night. 1 am also provld-
secret service never slept. It seemed to
keep me In sight no matter whore I weat.
And so. when they got me, a burden Just
seemed to roll from my back. Now 1 am
ready t take my medicine."
Indictment la Itead).
ln the clerk of the federal court's of
dlce, dusty old files were opened and the
Indictment against Itorho was taken out.
There It was, signed by Irving F. Bax
ter, who was district attorney at that
time, and dated November 14. 1W4. It
had been, ready any day these twelve
yea re.
President Roosevelt was in his first
term when the Indictment was made,
Woodrow Wilson was only a collope
president. The Panama canal hadn't
been started. Twelve years a fugitive!
The Indictment charges Itocho with
embezzlement of money order funds on
two counts, one for JIS7.42, and the other
for $30. He wss placed in the county
jail to await trial.
Rocho was brought from Los Armeies
by Dolph 8. Uassett. deputy 1'nlted
States marshal, and "Billy" Matusklwlz.
lng about loo free meals a day to these
A boy came In to the store and pre
sented a note scrawled with leadpencll
on a scrap of paper. It read:
"Will you plaso give this little bey
some bed clothes for his step-mother?
She haa nothing to keep her warm In
and a little baby two weeks old. One
of jour wagons was here and said you
would give some bed clothes."
Over l' men were sent out t cut Ice
by t'apta n Kline, They make from U
to 25 renta an hour as long as this work
IhsIs. A number wore also put to work
shoveling sno.
In the last three days elxteon overcoats
! were given away at the Army store to
j men who had Jobs on the loe, but no
I warm clothing. They were also titled
I out with shoes.
sergeant-property clerk of the I.oa A
;eles police.
Bsssett will slsrt bark to 1-os Angde
nt once, w hlle Matusklwig will go on to
I'hlcaao to lelt. Hut before he goes
he will do some skating on real Ice.
"This la a great chance for me." lie
.ald. "I haven't seen any Ice for skat
ing purposes In twenty-nine years. 1
used to be a fine skater, especially on
VUrshal Flynn detailed Deputy Mar
shal Qlnley to escort Mr. Hassett to
Hanscom park and provide him with
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14 Two sides of
the military prepn'-edness problem were
heard today by congressional committers.
Miss Jane Addams. president of the
Women's !Yae Society of America, urged
the military committees of the house and
fenate to make no Increase In the army,
at least until the European war Is over,
saying the proiredness movsment was
due to panic on account of the war.
When she left the house committee room
Ma. lor (ieneral Mass, assistant chief ef
Fluff, resumed his statement as a mili
tary exiert in fevor of the administra
tion's army plan.).
ST. PAl'L, lMnn., Jan. 14 Secretary
of State Srhmahl haa received a tele
gram from EUhu Root saying he wss not
a randldate for tho republican presiden
tial nomination apd requesting that his
name be kept off the Minnesota primary
He t'oald Hardly u.
"About two years ago I got down oa
' my back until I hardly could go," writ
Solomon Bequette. Flat Kiver, Mo. "I
got a &0o boa of Foley Kidney Pills and
they straightened me right up." Common
symptoms of kidney trouble are back
ache, headache, rheumatic pains, sorenea
and stiffness, puffiness unqr eyes,
blurred vision, sleep disturbing bladder
troubles, and a languid, tired feellrx.
Foley Kidney Pills help to eliminate the
poisonous waste matter that causes these
symptoms. Sold everywhere- Advertisement.
Advertiser and customer profit by the
'Classified Ad" habit.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
Interest in This
ale Continues
Right through the terrific weather of the last few days buyers have been coining in to
take advantage of the bargains in this Sale. We hardly expected it, but the public is quick
to recognize the genuine reduced values we are offering.
Thei Assortment Is Xot Permitted to Be-
come Depleted. Xote TUIh Partial List:
Bala rloe.
. . .Ktl tMH
... 18.00
. .. IN.5U
. . . 20.00
. .. 13.B0
... 14.00
S25.00 Mahogany Morris Chair
23.00 Golden Oak Library Tabla :
82.00 Rocker, uphoUtered, win back..
50.00 Mahogany Upholstered Kofa
21.00 Library Table, fumed oak
19.00 Toilet Table, golden oak....
24.50 Chair, fumed oak, adjustable back
32.00 Walnut, open top, lady's desk....
32.00 Fumed oak Cellarette, with glassware 17.fiO
32.00 Fumed oak Mining Table, 54-in. top.. 15.00
39.00 Birda'eye maple Dressing Table.... 27.00
16.50 Mahogany Chair, upholstered ln tapes-
try JSJ.OO
62.00 Fumed oak China Cabinet 80.00
42.00 Tapestry covered Chair 23.00
Rernlar January
ale irloe.
$20.00 Fumed oak Desk slo.oU
3.50 Baby Jumper, adjustable back and
foot rest 1.50
9.00 Fumed oak Rocker 6.50
Chair to match 0.50
33.00 Fumed oak Library Table, book rack
ends . ; 10.73
50.00 Fumed oak Bookcase 32.50
4.75 Maple folding Baby Crib a.OO
54.00 Walnut Dresser 30.00
46.00 Walnut Chiffonier to match. ........ So.oo
38.00 Walnut, 4 ft. 6-in, Bed 25.00
44.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, Colonial scroll. HO.OO
27.00 Mahogany Desk, open top 20.00
5.50 Colden oak Desk Chair...." '. . . 2.75
26.00 Cretonne covered Bedroom Chair.... 15.O0
$ 4 6.00 Cane peat and back Sttee, Jacobean oak iU.o
117.00 3 pieces of Dining room Suite, buffet, china cabinet
and serving table . 50.00
4 5.00 Mahogany China Cabinet 20. Oo
116.00 Mahogany Buffet -lO.oo
Entire Stock
Comforts Wool Blankets
At Clearance Sale Prices
RlnnketM That Were
1 2.75, $3.25, $4.25. $5.75, $6.75 and $7.50
Aro Now
$2.00, $2.45, $3.15, $4.25, $5.00 and $5.25
Comfort That Were
$1.90, $2.36. $2.85. $3.25, $3.85. $6.75, $7.76
Are Now
$1.45, $1.75, $2.15, $2.45, $2.90, $5.00, $5.75
Clearance Sale of Window Shades
All Odd Shades Greatly Reduced
AU Odd Pair
Sues up to 42-in.x7 ft. long,
Mounted on good rollers. Values
to 80c, for
18c Each
Sizes up to 54-in.x7 ft. long,
of best Hand Oil Opaque on
Guaranteed rollers. Values to
$1.75 for
25c Each
Shirt Waist Boxes
WVth detached, reinforced lids.
(Not set up, but very easily
24-ln. long, value $1.60, for 40c
30-ln. long, value $1.60, for 50c
32-ln. long, value $1.50, for Oc
4S-in. long, value $2.50, for 83c
54-in. long, value $2,50, forfl.OO
10 styles in Green, Brown
and l?ose
Values up to $15.00, for
$4.85 Pair
A Clearance Sale of
High-Grade Rugs
Bundhar Wilton, Trench Wilton, Whittall Anglo-Per-sian
and Anglo-Indian and Hartford Saxony Rugs that will
not be sold at Sale Prices for at Least Six Months.
Note this partial list:
Btfular Frioe. Bale Fries.
ii.'-uxl3-6 Bundhar Wilton Rug Uo.oo
82.50 lii-6x12 Whittall Anglo-Indian Rug 52.50
60.00 10-6x13-6 Mahal Wilton Hug 02 .50
68.50 11-3x12 Bundhar Wilton Rug 55.00
45.00 9x9 Hartford Saxony 35. OO
60.00 Cxi 5 Whittall Teprac Wilton Hug 40.5O
48.50 9x12 Bundhar Wilton Rug 3W.50
86.00 9x12 Best Body Brussels Kug 2.5o
29.50 9x1$ Seamless Axmlnster Rug.-. 22.50
20.00 9x12 Cross Beam Axmlnster Rug 12.05
16.F.0 9x12 Cross Seam Tapestry Rug Jl.t5
12.00 9x12 Cross Seam Tapestry Rug 6.05
19.50 7-6x9 Ten Wire Tapestry Rug , 13.50
32.00 8-3x10-6 Best Body Brussels Rug 25.00
60.00 8-3x10-6 Jlardwlck Wilton Rug.; 43JVO
$1.50 6x9 Bundhar Wilton Rug 25.00
if, 'jis 1 1 if
Sale of Brlc-a-Brac
HAZ.F FXZCa on MANY beautiful
lift and decorative pieces In this sec
tion Kurh ms
173.00 fire Rrreen $34.00
30.0ft Hoi Id Hrsss Desk Bet... 10.00
.26 lioxs Capital Brand Can
dles is
.11 Boxes Birthday Candles. .06
.10 1'lne Trees a
"Imarl" bowls in bamboo baskets
In three lots ,
50c, 91.00 and 92. OO
Orchard Wilhelm Co
414.416-418 South 16th Street.
WASHINGTON. Jsn. 1. Secretary
ln today announced thi withrii-awnl
nf ri,0fl0 scros of land from entry In
Montana North Pnkots. Of thl
shout Wo.toii seres Is open to entry.
Th- rcmnlndrr hns been 'patented or la
Included In existing- entries.
Will prevent it in most cases by re-.
moving dandruff, itching and irri
tation, the usual cause of dry, thin
and falling hair. Nothing better.
Samples Free by Mall
fulmira Mnp and ctMmnt snM errrlMe.
Ulxnl asrapM ot aialtad Iras vltk -. honk.
Addraa paat-ou4 "C'attcuim," IMpl I IO, Boatoa.
Ul UVCltUdl
While Our Great Semi-Annual
lai Price Sale?
Enables You to Save 5Qc ,0h" Dollar
The enormous variety of styles and
models that you will find at this sale
provides a selection to suit taste and
ideas for all ages and walks of men.
Society Brand"
"David Adler"
The character of these world known
garments is a sufficient index to
their superior worth.
"Whert in the World Is Thert Any Better"
$10 to $40 OVERCOATS
Specially prictd
at .
r-JK 56.00
VJV 57.50 II
'rsx$ 10.00
r-fiWAfK$& Uv.- Shfp .
'41 Wwty'' vsS&v'
11.50 jrrmde. .f1JI
$2.00 grade.. tiM
fS.OO s;nMle..lLS
14.00 rrde..r2JW
15.00 rad. .Wi
We offer tome very low
prices on Boy a' Winter
Suiti and Overcoats.
$3.50 Suits and
$4.50 Suits and
$6.50 Suits and (J fjr
Overcoat yOJO
$7.50 Suit and
$8.50 Suits
and Overcoats
$10.00 Suits and
Overcoats. . .
i Hoys Winter $1 -j
Hats and Caps. . f OC
Boys' Winter Underwear and
20 Discount
Boys' Winter )A
50c Hats & Caps OyC
Shirt Sale
Two Great Special
for Saturday.
Fine Madras and
m e r c ( r i i,e d silk
tripod, soft bosom.
fUV) VaL !.00 Val.
05 $1.15
Oating Flannel
Robes and Pajamas
50c qualities . . . .39o
75c qualities ...,50c
$1.00 qualitie . . ,79c
$1.50 qualities '.$1.15
$2.00 qualities .$1.35
$2.50 qualities .$1.75
Warm Cotton
and Wool
95c to
45c up
$1.50 to
Any 50c Tie
in the house
or -3