THE HKK: OMAHA, KIM PAY, JAM' A NY 14. l:Ki REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED West. 4.W N. THIRTY -EIGHTH AVENUE " Close to school and cathedral; best Part of Omaha, 4 ruomi down. 3 up. Will finish .lil floor, build sleeping porch or kr rage. OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 11 Omaha Nnt.'l. ' Doug. 2715. gvenlngs Walnut 3rA or Colfax 15fi1. " Sort h . FRAIRJe' PARK 2M Ames Ave. Slreet paved and parked. 7 rooms and hath; beautiful shade; wide lot and street. $W rash. $:t 6 per rent Inter est. Will he sold for 3X) less than actual value to right nsrty. R J. Srsniu-il, rhona Dong. SW nr Colfax 8.M1. . Booth. NEAR HAXSCOM PAKTv"" $.i,r,oo Tivlturroom across front of house; cloak ftoiiel wnh mirror door; dliiiiiK room with Dutch windows, kitchen; onk fin ish; two bedrooms, battirnom and nun room on M floor; entirolv modern; Just completed; full basement ; corner lot facing east and south; located near H-nsoorn 'ri"htons first. nflO cash will handle this. C. (J. CAN LB ERG, . $12 Rrandela Theater Pldg CAN UK HOUOIIT RIOHT. Beautiful 7-room cottage; strictly mod Urn; nlc larica lot; three chicken houses; rood Karate; fine shade in front and back vard; fine nelnhbornood. 5817 Routh rid St. Phone South ISIS. f rX-ROOM. modern bunaalow finished In oak, beam celling", built-in bookcase?, plata rail, heautlf ullv papered. Inrirc ce ment basement, large fruit cellar nnd ooal bin. Rogers' furnace, east front lot. 40x127; 1516 S. St.. phone D "('. M larrllnneoua. 70n CAPH. J0 PER MONTH. A aplendldly built 6-rooni house, all modern except furnace; paving all paid; hnuM is rented at $16 per month and rent will take care of payments until poaaesslon desired. PAYNE INVESTMENT m, I. 1781. 6th Floor Omaha N'afl Hank. REAL ESTATE-INVESTMENTS 100 FEET :T24TiI STREET XEAU FARNAM Will sell or g;vc long time lenso on favorable terms. Located right for a sure advance in value. PRICE. GLOVER & SPAIN W9- City National. roue..W2. RtAL ESTATE IN VE8TM ENT.S ARB SAFE. Tou cannot always bank on storks and bonds, hut real estata. If boiiRht right, will not only be absolutely ante, hut will advance in value. Omaha la arrowing tremendously and will continue to grow. Come in and sea shout a home or an Investment In real rstutc. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., t. 1781. ftth Floor Omaha Nat'l Bank. I REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED Sonth. LOT BA RdAlN Slst and Oak, facing eaat boulevard, lxllf, corner for 'ti:; see me at once. Tcbbcns, 606 Om. Nat. Bk. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES EXCHANUKH 2.00O ACRE RANCH. This fine ranch located near Atkinson; i of the land tillable: vjo A. In cul tivation. fiO A. in alfalfa; excellent im provements. Including- SO white-faced cows, 40 thoroughbred sows, automo h 1 2 norst-s mo 11 winter iced. Prl-e $35 per acre. Ita a bargain. Will take Mun; no(l clesr moixTiy in ix huniic for part payments. IJ V. "Ill)' "M PANT. 1.16 City Nat Pk. Bldge. Done 4!V WANT a good farm In oRHtern Nebraska or western Iowa of around ilW) acres, tn exchange for cash and one of the beat ! general tarina ana Hearing orchards tn Floda. tood soil, pure water, splendid climate, churches, hools. many north ern and western people. What have, you and what is it worth? Address Ownift, K 493, Ree. FOR EXCHANGE So acres In the best Irrigated country: 7-room eoncrotu brick house, well finished; other build ings good: 6. acres alfalfa: owner wants well equipped garape in central Neh. W. II. Smith. Wheatland, Wyo. ' FOR E.NCH A N'T; e. An VI aero and 2"-acre tract In cen tral Florida for good Omaha property. CHARLES 15. WILLI ASISUN. f07 Taxton Hlock. Tel. Douglas -W- r REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Sooth Hide. 0. OMAHA property, 4613 S. 23d. John Johnson. FINANCIAL Real Kalatt Loaaa, Mortaage. 8 TO 6 for loans on bent Uaaa city residences In amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam Si. WE are ready at all tiroes to make loans on first-class city j property and eastern Nebraska I farms. Rates on request. UNITED 8TATES TRUST CO.. 212 8. 17ta St. OMAHA homes. East Nenraska farm. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha National, rhone Douglas $71 3. $1'4) TO $10,tt5 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bidg.. ISth & Faraam Bta, MONEY on hand for city and tarm loan. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bhlg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. 11. Thomas. 228 Statu Bunk B!d. FARM and city loans at lowest rates. TOLAND A TRUMBULL. 44S Bee I Udg-o CITY and "farm aoana, 6. 5'j, 6 per cent J. H. Pumont ft Co.. 416 Slate Bank. 6 rtTV l.niN'l - II farlberff. S1U. O 11 RrtnilAii Theater RWltf. Sto-ks aad Bonds. FOR SALE Am) sharea of slock. Rank er Realty Investment Co., at $1.15 per share. Address B. Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. HKRfHEY li6 ACRES. Platte Valley alfalfa furtn, JS miles from North Platte, bi acres now lit alfalfa: ) acres in crop: I'. acres In hog pasture and 15 acres in meadow ; good 5-room house, new barn, granary, corn crib and chicken house; runnlni; water and paid-up wiiter right. Thla farm is a bargain at $luo an acre. It will make money for you. PAYNU INVESTMENT CO.. P. 178L 8th Floor Omaha Nat l Bank. a GOOD little stock farm four miles from Blair, Neh., all good bottom land will sacrifice for casn. K. Martin. Little Falls. Minn. 4TOR BALE Best large body of high grade, meidum priced land in Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wolbach. Neb Mississippi Lands. ASK THE MAN who owna one. what a 10-acre pecan orchard at Occ-an .--prings ray him. Easy monthly payments, without Inter eat, buys one. Prices low Freo sam plea. W. T Smith Co., D. 2al. City Nat. Bank Bids. Mleaoarl Loads. IT TH in the Ojnrks Farms all aiaee. WU1 grow anything. Writ for true boosiet. W. 8 FRANK. 2"1 Neville Block. Trias I. a nds. SALE OR TRADE. Irrigated truck farm. Rio Orande Valley. Texas; 40 acre, all under cul tivation. Good improvements. 2-8 City fat I baa Bidg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Wlaronala Leads. I'PPFll WISCONPIN-Hest dairy and general crop state in the unl.n; eettlera wanted; land! for ala at low priors on aey term. Ask for booklet S4 on wn. Cousin Central Land Grant. Excellent ' lands for stock raising. If Interested In ! frill lanrta o V e. t....i,t.., - cbards. Address Land and Industrial ! pept.. Soo Line Hallway. Minneapolis, Minn. M lapel la oenaa. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR BALE? Write a good description of your land' and send It to tha Bloux City Ca.l Jour nal, "lowaa Most Powerful Want d I Medium." Twenty-five words every Frl- 1 day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday fori one month, Hiving sixteen ad on twelve different days for 12, or to words. $1, or J.i words. . I Largest circulation of any towa news paper; i'0,000 readers dally In four great.1 states. 1 I'ar a!c. QOOfi, steady horse, Iiuckv and liurness cheap. Apply Cole, 54116 No. Ht. Colfax 433. Thirty-two milk wagons tor sale, chcau. Johnson-l'anforth Co., istn and Clark. HoKSK and wagonfor saieTyl.r 111.1. 1IAV-OW tun. A. W. Waaner. d N.I. POULTRY AND PET STOCK MXI grain., luo lbs. Sl.Ij. Wagnor. 0i AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE WHENEVEIl you are considering sell ing or buying a used car and you want full valuv for your money or you want people who are willing to my for what the are getting you will have no ra liret if you buy or advertise througn the used car column of The bat. Phuus Tyler 1000. 1 1H14 Hupmoblle coupe, elec. equip. J7W 11.U6 Monitor touring, brand new 7a 111114 ti-cyhndor Mudebaker touring. n0 1 llollier. (-cylinder touring tmO 1 1H14 Oakland touring 4JJ 1 Met, ro.idsler u0 Auto CU-aHng House, :;op Fnrnam. ir 3310. A L'TOMO BILE and Ventral Ininmnm I fire. thett, llnhlllty. etc ART I TH ATCH Ell, 1217-1S City Nat.IMoL 1 5-PASSENOER automobile, in good" 1 condition; very cheap. Call I). HK. I AUTOMOBILE M UTUA L, "iNSUKANCB CO.. Douglas 2X19. Aatoinohllea Wanted. ! WANTED To buy 1914 or 1916 Ford tour ! Iim car body. In good condition. Box 325, Keno-'aw. Neb. Aato LlTery and liaroaea. fnd" lustrial Parage Co.. iO Harney BU. Anto Repairing and Palntlngi. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Coils repaired. Raysdorfer, 210 N. ISth. FREE winter storage when cars are painted and repaired. Johnson-Uanfortb Co. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 2(Ji Far. U. 1 Aato Tires and ttnpplles. AUTO TIHKS REBUILT. $2.00 TO $6.00. DUO TIRE CO.. 111 Chicago St, MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HA RLEY-D A VIPSON MOTORCYCLES. bargain In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 7703 Leavenworth. 60 to Bombay, India, to Replace Jesuits Interned by British Rev. Father Fsriell. . J., and Father Rarrett, K. J. were recent visitors at Crelghton college. They were enroute for Hombay, India, to replace (iermau Jesuits who had been Interned by the HrltlHh government. M. Xavlcr's colloge where they expect to tttc up their dutio.i, had been under . manaKement of Jesuits from tho Oerman mission. With the re moval of the Herman fathers, it became necessary to if lace them with men acceptable to the government. Theno of course would have to cmnti from neu tral . countries. llenc from the United States. Fathers Farrell and Barrett of 1 New York were commissioned to gu there. Although traveling with as dispatch as possible, they do not rxpoct to hiiIvo at Hoinhay before March V Stockmen Look for No Loss of Stock i Live stock agents of the railroads ope rating lines into tho rango country to tho weal and northwest are beginning to re ceive numerous telegrams from men with whom they have been doing business for yenra. These telegram Indicate that tho cold spell will not result In any serious loss to the cattle and sheep misers. Cattle and aheep are in prime condi tion, assert the rnllroud live stock men and aro able to withstand the cold. There was not enough snow to cover the range to any great de; til and generally w hitt there waa blew away. LATE VICTOR CALDWELL HONORED BY ASSOCIATES The stockholders a nd directors of the j United States Notional bank adopted al Ilie nnn'J-.l meclc ',' 1 1 n ting the desth of VI- tor R. Ca'dwell, who I died December 26. The stockholders and directors resolved that In the death of Mr. Caldwell the bank suffered an li re- parable loss, and that In recognition of i his services a bronr-e tablet with an an- propriate Inscrlotlon to his inemnrv be Tlared permanently In the lobby of the ! new banking house. PETERSON PRESIDENT OF The anm Stone which President, N. J. Peterson; vice president, Charles I'eterson: secretary, !'. M. Cur son; treasurer, A. V. Johnsn 1. YOUNG CHAP STRUCK BY TRAIN STILL UNKNOWN The body of the young fellow, about. 22 years of age, who was struck near Avery on Saturday night by a train. Is still at the Brailey ft Dorrance undertaking establishment, unidentified. The cloth ing worn by the man is of good mitjertal and bears the mark of a Sioux City sh .p. SON IS MADE GUARDIAN OF HIS MOTHER BY JUDGE Bernard 3. Iaxrkin. South Side, ha been appointed guarlian of his mother, Mrs. Elisabeth II. Larkin. She has just re ceived $15,000 life Insurance money from the estate of her late husband, Bernard J. Lerkln, sr., and waa adjudged by Pro bate Judge Rryre Crawford to be Incom petent to handle the money. HORSES LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES innual meeting of the Ideal Coin, nt , ,". I"!l""''n . ., . . !:. ,:,, m To vearlinn. tH.2V.rS 26; wethera. 1 P111 " ot r,3 higher money for most of company was held January 12. at : Vl YuU-V- V': 1 si'-.vS'-'i v- -. i $ 7f.,7.7i; ewes. f, Mi'7M; Blocker, aud I elr hoga and gave a loc advance on a ' .. . . ' 1 ' ynn t. -No 1. 1 S't 1 .'."; No. -. I f,.e.i,.r ii uo.i "j few occasions. Hulk 0 sales wua nwule the following officers were elected- ! $1 OTkfil.l .. No. :i, rkc; shipping. ;a "-v '- ; at a spread of to t7.i. with tons at GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET i ? Receipt of All Grain Are Forty Four Can, the Lightest in Many Months. LASH WHEAT IS UNCHARGED OMAHA. January 13, 1916. V)n account of the severe snow storm and cold weather the local wire houses had trouble In getting the option market from Chicago. Tha receipts of all cereals totalled only forty-four cars, tha lightest It has been in months Tha IraHhiir was also liuht with onlV a few cars to sell there was vet y little bti)'lh and selling. - I na rasn Wheat was quoieo uncnanaea to higher. The corn sold lSc higher to ic lower. the poor grades of corn selling ai mr box. Ornpefnilt : !, 4la. M. IM per lower prices. ihox; fls, w. W.7S per box; CWnvater. all Hats wera liffl'.c higher. .sies, 14;;. per box. trapcs: Malaxaa, There was no rye or parley rcponeu sold. t,'learancea were: Wheat and flour equal ,to 9K.( bu.; corn, JMQ hu.. oats, TTMi't lb,i .....,. hi higher, corn, 2d higher. Primary wheut receipts were jrs.tvw bd. and shipments 7.ntm bu.. against receipts of l,l.fluo bu. and shipments of 'i4l.) hu. last year. . . lrimarv corn receipts wsra Tb One, hu. and shipments 4.V.000 bu.. aalnt re ceipts of l.M.yiXW bu. and shipment of 1,ll.fl"n bu. last year. Primary oata receipts war 2i. bu. and shipments 5S7.xi on., afcalnst re celpta of Msi.Oio bu. last year. CAR LOT RWEIPTS. iiata 1 Wheat. C n Omaha 16 27 These sales ware reported today: WHEAT No. V'O. ! hard winter: 1 car, $l.l"Vt; 1 car. $1.17. No. S hard winter: I car. li lt; ! cars. $1.1 .MS. $ cats. $114; J cars. II.IJ. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, II 11: l hi, $1.10; 6 cars, $l.0H; 2 cars, $l.c; 1 4- cars. $1.07; 1 car,; l-s car. $14. Sample: 1 car. $1 ft!; 4 cars, $1.02. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1.11: 2 cars. $t 10; 1 Car. $l.0S. Rye-No. 2: 1 car. Mc. Corn No. 4 white: I car. V:; 1 car. K,e, 4 ear, c. o. 5 wnite: 1 car. wt,c ears, "ic; 2 cars, c. No. 6 white: 1 car. 6.1c. No. 4 vcllow: 1 car, ic. .No. 0 yellow: 1 car. M"4C; I car, flSWc. No. ( yellow: 1 car, rtc No. S mixed: 1 car, , ff'c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 68c; 1 car. Wjc: $ cars, (Sao; 3 cars, 67c. No. n , mixed: 1 car. t.c: 2 care, 6..V': 1 car, 5i'4C. No. 6 mixed: I cars, 62'c. 2 cars, j f2o. Sample: 1 oar. Wo; 1 car. 6.1c; 1 car, file; 2 care. 'ic. Oats No. 3 while: i cars. 44c. No 4 white: 1 car. 44c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 hnrd, fl.lSMI.IKi: No. 8 hard. $1.121 US: No. I 4 hard. $1.0,11.11: No. 2 spring, $1 .IVa 1 .17 . No. 3 spring. $1.13S 1.1.1; No. S durum. $1.14 fi'l.W; No. 3 durum, $l.1Sfl'l.14; samnle, S c fj$l.3. Corn: No. 3 white. 6s'7'.itWiV; No. : 4 white. a7HI!l'V: No. 6 white. KTJhf'iic; No. white, 621Tiic; No. 3 yellow, CMfTOSc: No. 4 yellow, 07i9c; No. 6 yellow. S',lf 7c; No. ( yellow, 64ti6.'.c; No. 3 mixed. ' HW: No. 4 mixed. (K,4l4c; No. S mixed. 64fl;Aie; No. 6 mixed. l"4)c: sample, fc&ii3a Oats: No. 2 white, 4f''ti 4.r.'.e; sUndard, 44fNoc; No. 3 white. 4414 fi-44So; No. 4 white, 4.1VaH4". Barley: Malting. Vrf70c: No. 1 feed, 67M?c. Rye: No. 2. 92(01130 ; No. 3, 91ft12c. Chloago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokera. 815 South Sixteenth. Omaha: Article Open. Hlgh.l Low, I Close i Ves y. V heal I Mav.l July. I Corn. Muy.l July. I Oats. I 1 28 V 1 21WI l' 797,' 4S1 1 2S4l 1 22 1 27m 1 21 1 2R1, 1 '.SA i as! i 2u'A 3$ 8fit4i7SSA Sm 7VSA I May. July. Pork. 50 4X WVS'tSViA 4VVI 4S'4B IS 16 IS 00 49 S Jan.. May. Lsrd. Jan.. May. Ribs. Jan.. I May. IS 20 19 60 IS 25 IS SO It 15 19 00 19 62HI 19 lA 1 10 2H 10 70 10 V2'-I 11 00 I 10 S2"4! 11 00 10 en I 10 so 10 82l 10 SO 10 624 10-S2 I I I 10 52',! 10 SO I 10 SO I 10 47'i I 10 87l i H Bid. A Asked. I ... I CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS I ratnres of the Tradlaa; and losing i Prices on Board of Trade. j CHICAOO, Jan. 13-IIIghest pricea yel ' on the lVl'i crop were 'scored In the wheat market today chiefly because of I the cold wave. A reaction followed, i however, inn the close wa unsettled j at ' ffi-S.c to "iWiiC net advance, with i May at $I.2V'S. and July. $I.2IS'T it. tuner leaning staples too, an aiiowou trains. Corns, "a'u-'c to Vtft-He; oat, -'i to T' . and provlelona 2'nc to 15c. Top prices of the day n wheat came shortly after the opening. The severely cold weather lias brought about ac tive buying, which waa increased by prin iuctiona that the Arctic temporaturv would continue for several days, and would increase the likelihood of cxten- dot line of s to 10 points, with May selling lve damnge to the winter cron. Resides, at 7 07c and July at 7.i6e, or shout 2". to advices were at hand that British Im- ) 27 points under the high level of last. Uon port roqiiiruments promised to he larg- j day. There was further scattering; -i- than expected. There were also hull- Ihiuldiitlon on this decline, but offerings Ish estimates current as to the amount I were pretty well taken, with the price, of of domestic farm reserves. However, a I May recnxerlng to 7 14c. while July sold pause waa very noticeable in export d" I up to 7.""n- In the late trading. The close inn nd. and It waa suhl that Enzlisi , aas steauy. I to 2 points net lower, rinlea buyers were refusing outright to follow i wore I4.250 bagi. January, tWc; Febrti- the advance. Uberal selling by Innu-x ensued, and at times the market ap peared to be leaning to the bear aide. Just before the close, good support ing orders for wheat were encountered, and In the final dealings a lively rally was taking plaoe. Increasing cold and renewed fear, of damage to the winter crope seemed to form the dominating Influence, notwithstanding that it would perhaps be aeveral months before ac tual damage could be confirmed. Corn like wheat touched a new high prion level for the JS15 crop. Reports were received that drought had injured the Argontlna crop 25 per cent. Cold weather nutting down domestic receipts) tended further to lift the market. OATS Trade broadened considerably. Buyers seemed disposed aa much as pos sible to give preference to oats instead of corn. Provisions responded to a spectacular edvunoe in the hog market. Sneelaliata denh-d reports that cash provisions sales -ir ii ir isrgrxi on recora. Caul. -t-m . .''- ift 1 r viiwT a , , . ' Re-elpts, 3.0X) head: market strong; n, WIIEAT No. 2 red. nnm nil C -i . . . . . ' . -A. . ,.., . x- . . . - reo:. 11.27; No 2 hard. $1. 2111;.: N'n .. nam, i.44'9l.Z2Vt. CORN No. 2 yellow, nominal: No I yellow. 73Ht75c: No. 4 white. 7;iSit741o. . 1 .- i-Hu. o wane, .)',,, '11 11 ' 'o7i. RYI-3-.Vo. I. 9c. HA It LEY 5i.7fle Tl MOTH Y-$6.iiiS IX) 'Li )Vi:R-tl0 ojK,y i9 (, PORK tlK.lf.'ol.ftia. LARD-tlo 42I'I0.62. Itjl;s-$10.52. tandard. 4KW KIRK t.KNK.RAI, SIARKRT j ((aotalloaa of the Pay oa Various Cninauodl Ilea. NEW YORIw Jar 13 FLOlMt ., Id lUU,w Jar" "- tOLH-I Irmly I held ! WHEAT Spot, unsettled: No. 1 durum 'tlAll. t I, Vrtrb- V'A 1 .1 j Oiiliiih, $1.43, and No. 1 northern. Maul Hul S-S'eady; state, common to chile., 1910 trop. I.i2i-c; 1S14 crop, 6ii!)c; Pacific coast. 1915 ciop. lHil.Sc; 1j4 crop, Mill), ill I iKS yuiet; Bogota. SC'aJlc; Central i America. l"tc. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts 2.4c; seconds. 3?'a37to. X'lt "f PROVISION! Pork, firm; mesi. $14 hfn 7J; family. $sl.tJ4J-2S.(; short clear. $ l 0 'ri'.M.utl. r.t-. f , steady; mess. tln.Wf.i 17 (; family. $H.i.i 1.".0. Lard, firmer, middle west. $10 rV.i lO.'TO. TALLo v r" 1 in ; city, country, 7'j special. HSjc. PCTTElt Si.-adv; receipts. CT. tul.s; creamery extr is, M score, x:-; i reatnery. higher ncorlng, '.ic; firs . 2V(j i:e. EtKJS Steady; receipts, 10 72H csaea; fieah gathered extra fine, r..u37c; extra firsts. 34o'(o ; lufli, 3."-i03'jc; seconds, 31'd Cc. I'll EES E Strong- receipts. V7 boxes; state whole milk, held specials, IS. ; av erage fancy, 17Hu7Sc; current make spo cimIs. Viiiiliir; avt-rave run. I1,'! lkA,c. PtjL'LTHY Alive, firm; western rtilck ena, lc; fowls, PVl lurkes, .0-; dresre), steady; fresh killed western chickens, 14 43 Sue; fowls. 14i 18Sc; turkeys. 24a2&c. 4maka Hay Market. OMAHA, Jan. 18.-PRAIKIE HAY Cboice ut'land. tlOOu; No. 1, laro9.S0; No. 2. $7.ft)n'i0; No. 8. $AOin7 00. Clioic midland, $K No. L; No. i. s low $7....i' land. $ 71, No. 1. 7 . On; No. J ; No. :t. $4 until") STHAW None on the market Choice wheat ta quotable at t00 to H choice 1 oat nr rve at t' X) to t! I ALFALFA Eighteen ear on the mar-' Vet. Choice, f 1 i 1.1 No. t. f 1 1 f..-v 11. SO; No. 1, J.KH1i).ii; No. J. 5.ctii. OMAHA (IKtnAl. MtRKRT P. EBP" CiTS-Riba: No I. Ih'pc: No. J. lK'te; No J, i:v. tolns; No. 1, 20V; No. J. ISo; No. .1, 14.-. Chucks: No. 1. ?c; No 2. Sc; No. $, S'-vC. Hound: No. 1. l.Vc; No. 1. 12e; No. $. 11r Plates; .NO. I, Je; Ml. I. XVtc,; r.o 3. 7C I- RI ITS Orange ;.rr"blo,,0rn,?-aUfor;,'.t rUbi ""J tlt"- orn I. lH,.n5 St '"VavJl." ornla Piinkist rav eis. Navel. sOs. $2.4 Sunklat Navel. PSa. lOOs. I." VI i.r 'California Sunklst Navels, 11.'.. $2.75 per 1. i a., .!!. v..,l. iNta ' i w' per box : California ftu'nklst Sfavela! '''" IMs. r-'4s, 50 i-r box. California i.s. ws. a. ni per pox. canromia Sunkl.t Navela, 17H,. ns. 21. tv. H 75 P-r box lemons: flolden Howl. J.KV.. s, t..fO per box; Silver Cord. MM per , 17 f, op rr ttananae: Medium Site bunches. $!.6ff1 Ih bunch; medium sle, Jumho. $?'iT?o bunch: regular sites. Jumbos, IIKoflJTR. bunch: extra large Jumbos. $..KVt 1?6' hunch; Mam moth Jumbos, $.1.6o!1 71. bunch. Cran berries, $11. 60 bhl., $4' box. Af'l'LEM (Boxes) Home Beauties, ta, $1.7B; extra fancy Jonathans, Washing ton. $200, Newton Pippins, $2.00; Arkan sas Blacks. $27i: Wsgners. 'J.2S; IVIIcl ous. S2$o. Oiimes' Uoldcn. $2 00; I-esr-malnes, 13.26. Staymen Wlnesapa, extra fancy. Washington, $2.00, gpttsenburgs, Washington, fancy, $2.60, HON BY Comb (24 sections!. $;'.7S cane; Airline, (2 dns. 6-os. tumblers!. $1 SO rasa. Figs: New, twelve 10 o.. fV case. Pates: Dromedarv. (SAsl. $2 SS case: tuf'd. walnuts, $1.83 box; fard dates. L'e Ih VEGETABLES Onions- Red. Me lb ; !j-ellow, litr lb.; Spanish. $1 7S crate I cucumbers. 12 00 dox 1 ennera SOe basket: ! cauliflower. $2.76 crate: brussel sprouts. f"e lb ; cabbage. 1uj lb : new beets, car rots, turnips. iVV) dos.; old beets, carrots, turnlpa. rutabagas. IV- lb.; lettuce, head, $100 dor..; lettuce crates, $4.0) crate; lettuce. Isnf. 400 dot.: celery. Jumbo, tc doi.; oelerjr. Michigan, 82.00 box; farsley, ,W dos.; radishes, Soc dor., 'otatocs: Red River Ohlos $1 "0 hu.; White SlnA K11 awAAfru.tittnAA- t.' n . $:;. tviH to hbl ; 'jerseva, $1.74 hamper; Southern, $1 (K) hamper. N L TS No. 1 peanuts, raw, Mic Ih.; No. 1 peanuts, roasted, So Ih.; peanuts. Jumho, Se h. ; peanuts, Jumbo, roasted, ''f Ih.; English walnuts, No. 1, 16' lh ; fillierts. lio Ih.; pei-Mns. 12V lb.; peacans, Jtimboes, I7'4jC lb.; Brazils. ISo lb ; mixed nut. !& Ih. POPCOHN-No. 1. rice, 40 lb ; 40o 1 lb. packages, $2.TiO case: Nebraska whttv owing to quality, 0Hti3ttc lh. uw i-;M,ANr;i)US ornpops. Korn- eites. $1.2" case: cornnons. kornettea. one half cases, $1.66 case; checkera. crarker 'ack, 1 hums, a.l.:0 rase: checkers cracker Jiick, chums, one-half cases, $1 7S case: raited peanuts, $1.2$ can; horseradish. $1 7." esse. Honey: Com 124 sections), 83.75 case; Airline. 24-a o. tumblers. $l. case. Flg: Dromedary dates, 3tt, N.c case; new, 12-10 us., S6c cae; stuffed date. waWiula. il.ib box; fard dates. Uc lb. Kansas City raln and Provlilooi. KANSAS CITY, Jsn. 13.-WHEAT-No. 2 hard. $1.15tfl.i; No. $ red, $1.20-a1.2.. CORN No. 2 mixed. 71-tf7l'c; No. 3. '7fr70e; Xo. ! white, TlirnV: No. 3, 6.H, 70c; No. 2 yellow, 7m?t,2c; No. 8. 70'to. OATS No. 2 while. 46tl4uV; No. 2 mixed. aSfijHOSo. Ht'TTEIt Creamery, 33c; firsts, 31c; seconds, 20c: iackers', 1c. EtPtS Firsts, 27c; seconds, 20c. 1VHLTKY Hons 13c; turkeys. 17c; springers, 13c, St. I.oele erala Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 13. WHEAT No. 2 red. $l..Wn1 33: No. 2 hard, nominal: Mav. I fi.2411 i.24V J'y- h.i"h. CORN No. Z, 74'in5c; NO. 1 white, 74V, l75c; May. 7SVc; July, 7S'4o, OATS-Ko. 2, 4."rttiH5Vic; No. 2 white, 4Sc; May. 4S'c; July, nominal. 1 Liverpool (irala Market. IVERPOOL. Jan. 13. WHEAT Snot. No. 1 Manitoba Ma 6d; No. 2. 13s 4'1; No. 3. lis 2d; No. i hard winter, new. 12a CORN Spot American mixed, now. ins u. Stlnneapnlls frala Slarket. CORN-No. 8 yellow. 7BVjc. OATH-No. 3 white. tiViW-c. I-'I")UR-Unchanged. BHAN Unchanged. (offer Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 13. COFFEE The niiirket for coffee futures was more or less unsettled by conflicting rumors with rofrroiii-p. to the lost and freight sit uai Ion tml.'o. An nHntiig decline wss mostly I recovered, however, snd reports that i ... , , i i f rnl ' Vi m t r. . vi - In hail arivincpH again yestcrdsv wrro taken as a further Indication of the Increasing scarcity ot , ocean tonnage. The market opened at arv, SS7c: March, 7t; April, 7.09c; May. 7.14 : June, 7.20c; July. 7.25c; August, 7.8e; September. 7 .Cc; October 7.4( ; Novem ber, 7.4re; December, 7.50r. Spot, quiet; Rio 7s, Sc; Ssnt is 4s, 9c. Sales were re ported of Santos 4s In the coat and 'rlht market at y.i.Oc, F.nklisli credits. Rumors of lower offers were Indefinite. The offl cfal csbles reported no chiinge In Bra Lilian mllrela prices. Rio exchange on London waa l-16d lower. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 13 - COTTON The ei.Hoii market was o't'et today, with prices sagging iff to 11.47c for March, under scattering linuldatlon, and with the close barely steady at a net loss of from 2 to 10 points. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 13 COTTON-Kpot. steady: good middling. S.Ud: middling. .20d; new middling. 7 80d. Sales, 12.000 bales. Louis Live Slock Market c iri-iu - i n o a t-to o. I tle oeei mrrrj.. I . nirr,-..,, 7-ra.rnnK sixers u-.. trjiut. ...... huvm. and heifers. H.Si'U 35: cows. $5.50rfT7.n Miockers and feeders, $5 0nr7. 36; southern steers. $5.2.V(S.W; cows and heifers, $4.U(ji 6.50; native calves, $6Jr 10.50. HOi IS Receipts, I0.MW head; market higher: pigs and light. $6.60:97.40; mixed and butchers, $7.2.'7.55; good heavy. $7.40 1 ?7.55. i SHKEP AND UMBS- Recelpta. 1 600 j bead: market strong: yearling wethers. law 11 .:;; lumns, VJ whiha'i ; ewes, $6.2f(f 7.2.1. Kansas City Live Ntork Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. I.l-CATTLPJ-Re-ceipts. 2,500 head; market steady to ion higher: prime fed steers, $8.e't8.26; rirvseed tw-ef steers. $7.iiiS 40; western steers, $1", :Xn6 5"; southern steers, $6 Oovfl i 7 o0; coas, $4 ti7.i); heifers. $6 flOrfl'j 00 ; ! ,,,0(.kerl tml ,rit.r, $6.aa '; bulla. $5.50 u6.a: calves. Shuutiilu t. I IKKIS-Hecelpts, 5,7iiO head: msrket lf- ' to 9io higher: bulk of sales. 86.tsil7 .US: ! heavy. $7.ori7.20; packers and hutcbera. PI. Jueepb Lite Hlork Market. ST. JOKKPH. Jan. 11-47ATTLB H celpts, I.UiO head; market steady to strong; steers, t;.aufyM): cows and heifers. $4 .myq. 8.75 calves. $t.r(i9.2R. I Ufa JS Iteceipla. 8,000 head; market 16c. tn ha- hluh.r- t..r, 17 Kl- KnlW uli Id. SHEEP AND IAMR8 Receipts. 1.000 head; market steady to strong, lambs, 9.7ir( IO.!. Mum I lit- Live Plock Market. SIOIX CITY. Jan. 13. CATTLK Re ceipts, 200 head; market steady ; native steeie. ta.iXnt7.7j; Blockers and feeders. tft't7; bulls, staks. etc., $o0u.26 IKxiS IU elpts. UK) head; market Steady ; hulk nt sales, $6 K'i7.00. SHEEP ANU 1-AMBtJ Not quoted. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 13 METALS Cop per, firm: electrolytic, $24 flu. Iron ateady, unchaiiKed. Tin. quirt. $41.00 bid. At Un don: Spot copper, 4.87; futures. ;U 16a; electrolytir, 114 Spot tin, 174; futures, 176 as. Antimony. 125. Dry t.oada Market. NEW YORK. Jan ll-DRT OOODH Cotton goods were firm today and cotton yarns were active Men's wear was active. Raw silk In china grades was higher; Japaneae grades, quiet. W nutiR on No .1. Itiir.iii0 Choi' OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Receipts Light Because of the Seterity of the Storm in Last Few Dayt. SHEEP PRICES MOVE UP FAST OMAHA. January 13. IMS. Receipts were: Official Mondav Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ..U.v, 4 17.912 OfflctHl Tuesday... We.tneay.'::.' I Thursday.... '"'r days this week . 34 5WB rt" week.. 17. same, dava 1 w..ek. 1 17,Sv) 14. 4 .. e$.l 7.l3 M.1 7.2.'H C.R11 ;.u S.OuO J7.74 42.M7 S1.4i4 33. W'l 4M7J fc;i.o x noil 1 nMm hv . 1 . , -.i "ma dllm 4 ZZtl "5" JS v 1 n J h" ""0 'V1 pr-''2 M.Kit The following )! 1 he recelnts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Omaha Uve Stock market for the year to date as compared with last esr: iw ivis Inc. Pec. fattla 4i,i.W 14.4.V ? 1M.22I 1"7.2) 4S.001 x-Uu heep U2.26 n.04 The following table shows the average pricea of hogs at the omaha live stock market for the last few days, with com parisons: Date. ISIS.'1. 'lt1t. 'I10.'1W- Deo. IH-o l)ec. jafTarv 7 u 17 07I 5 ? 7 701 i so. iV, 7 04! 7 Ml 7 06 6 s 7 e: 8 8S Dx-. 81. 4W 7 14; 7 Mi 7 0, ,, I 7 711 1 .1 Date. iniTil)5. 1 1D14 .', 1V13 1913.1 lSli.l10. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. l. 17 l 7 i 7 10 08, I I $4 7 171 7 Sl 7 0!i 6 0il 7 811 I 7 HOt 7 1.1. ft S C2' I : 7 W 7 M $ 7 H 8 M 7 0?t 7 sl o O' 7 76 $ 17 $ 74l 8 881 7 U $ 001 7 42 8 U 60V 4vl 4DH! 64 I 6 741 8 ,1s 7 U 6 UOI 7 4 ' 8 1 TiW: 7 W 7 Ml 7 111 I 7 1 8 oi-, !)i 7 V3, 7 14 6 19 I 13 1 3 yi (Hi 7 i6 $ 7 $7i ! 8 OS 7 24' 6 OSi 7 S2, 8 2.1 H7', 6 701 7 12 6 101 7 S IS K2'i 6 70 S iM, t Ui 7 7k 8 i1) 8 D'.'S! 6 rt!) 7 W. 7 02 H 7 7Si S In Sunday. Holiday. Receipts and disposition of live slock at the Union Biock yards. Omaha, for twenty-four houis endmn at 3 p. m yce tvrtlay : RECKlPTH-CARfl. Catl l. HoBs Sliecp. C, M. Si. P 2.1 Union Pacific 16 V. c N. W., east 3 C. N. W., wettt 4 C, U. A. g . east 2 C, B. c W . west 12 C, H I. ft P., east I C, K. 1. P., west 1 Illinois (Vnlral 2 Chicago Unat Western 2 Total r.eelpi 45 III 6 I 'list- .'.-51 i m. -n I- AD. Cnltl Ilocs 8 her i. 41D Morris Co . ;m 4i.7 717 Mwifl & romiKHi, Cudnhy Packing Co Armour & Co 8ch warts A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing. Co K &. B W. R. Vansant Co Ronton. Vansant ft L.. Hill & Son I-'. H. Lewis Huston A Co J. H. Root i Co Hosenatock Bros Wcrthelmer & Legen... II. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Christ In Hlgglns Roth Baker, Jonea aV. tnJlh... Tanner Bros John Harvey Kline Other buyers m; 261 3V2 I I vt l.ct 1,0. ,s ..i2 1. MIT 41 6 21 II 124 ;;h 3:i : 27 11 1 19 10 I 3S M 16; 2,526 196 3.915, Totals 5,0i CATTLE Receipts were comparatlvelv light, about l.otu head. Wednesday's storm having shut off suupllrs front the northwest to a considerable extent. Trade ; was a little slow tn starting on account of the uncertainty of the aire of the re ceipts, but once undor way prices were generally somewhat stronger than yes terday and best active at tho advance. Thla waa true as to both beef steers and cow stuff, the general market averaging right around 2z higher lliati last week close. In stnekers and feedera business was comparatively quit, although quiln a few cattle changed hands and at prices that looked somewhat stronger than last week. Quotations on cattle: liood to choice beeves, $6.un3fc.78: fair to good beeves, $7.25(1(8.00; common to fair Ueevea, 86. 15 it 7.85; good to choice heifers. $6.2hf7.; good to choice cows, $!i.7i4cft.50; talr to good, cows. $u254io.75, common to fair cows, $4 OIVJiC 00, uod to choice ! 'eders. I6.s(''u7 )': lair to good feeders. r 4U416.KO, common to fair feeders. $7...'.o-f 40; good to choice Blockers, $7 tHKii 7. 60; fair to good Blockers. S6.35tg7.Oi; common to lair Blockers tS.rrtfr.rte; stork hellers, $5 7rVii6.75, stock oows, $4.75.i.26; stock calves, f).tis)'J to; veal calves, r,.( bulla, stags, etc.. $4.7536.25. BEEF STEERS. No. A. f No. A Tr 1 1 71 01) I i'U t 1 741 17 :o " j t net T is 1 'i 1 y 1 17 K) 1 Mi 1W 1 ft 7 HI 14 1.-U 7 '.0 tt H"6 7 U ItM 4 in KTEK.Hel AND HElPcKo. II tin 74 2J 7 a 14 14 7 10 7 7 75 HEIt'ERS. I 704 4 Ml 4 tx" DO) II r: it. I 4 4 4(1 t t 4 )l) CALVES. te 11- in 'it tr. t si t 1 aw ' " I 17 t h STOCK Elf. AND FEEDERS. I yv. tA mi ( ? 4 Ttl 4 2S II Jj 4 t! 14 4 W ' I II 741 S1" 17 -l l 1 a law) 4 a. 11 $ t ' 3 s; l 4 1 IIO 18 Yesterday's storm and the se- vere cold following It rnsulled In a light run of hogs todnv Only some seventy three cars, or 5,40)1 head, were reported In. and of thea tw-tnly loads were con signed direct to a packer from another market. Total for the week to date la 40.KH head, being 21,i0 smaller than Isst week and sllghtlv smaller than two necks ago, but larger than ror tne tame aas a year ago by nearly lo.noo head There really were not enough hogs on sale to make a market, and packers were naturally none too anxious to pay higher rirlces for the few here. Shippers started n good season, buying nearly everything they could use on a Its: higher basis. They made most of their purchases at H-tOw 7.00. Hellers tried hard to get the packers to fall in line wlili the shli per trade, but were only partly successful. Starting in with ateady bids killer buyers gradually raised offers to a nickel higher basis. Here most of them stuck, and while an occasional ssle locked 10i higher, big end of tho packer purchases were no more then a nickel m. One train that waa a little late getting In found things slow, and while shippers picked out a load or two and paid 10c higher prices for them, anything left f r packers would not bring more than a nickel advance, and a few sellers thought their last aales to packets little better man steady icr 17.0.7. Oenerl trs le waa the highest since the early days of November, i-a!ea reach ing t7 0o for the first time In over two months. Na. A. Sh. Pr Ms. Aa V Pr. 11 4U 4 71 Ill ... ID M IU ... Ill M 177 ... 4 IS (7 26 ... 4 t; k! 114 ... 4 40 11 IM . . 4 W It I4 ... I W. I IS! 11) 4 71 AS I H la) tS.i JM ) 1 Si 71 310 ... 7 (s PI OS. It 104 ... 4 SB SHEEP Receipts of sheep and lambs today were of very small proportions, only about thirty cars, or S.OOu head put ting In an aparance. The four days' supply of S7.7M head la nearly 6.000 amulh-r than last week and K0) lighter than for tha aante days last year, but shows a gain of more than f.t'io head over two weeks ago. Packers tried to hold pi Ices down to Wednesday's levels, but had little success, early sales of both ewes and lambs being all of li"- to. In most caws. 2&c higher. Top lambs reached $10.7:7, a new January high mark, and even ewes sold aa higli as 87. 16. also setting a new record for Hi fiat month of the year. Other la ml. a aold from $iu. 7u downward, and a pretty good kind of ewea reached 87.00. Several loads of lambs arrived late and r ackers repeoted their early performaiAp rving first to buy them at M h cm. I I but In the end palng Ii.c higher prices for them Lale sales Includvl Mexicans hi $iu.;s. and good fed westerns at $10. I'rli'-s on all kluda of fat sheep and IhhiIi are fullv higher than at the close of last week. No feeders of consenuenea were offeree), allhoiiah there Is still quite a bit of re quest for them. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to rholee. $10 aiwi 70 75; lambs lair to good, $10 .Kft-rtlD.iii; lambs, clipped. 89.'Kii 9 r; yearling, good to choice light. $x.75 ire jf, vearllngs, fair to choice heavv. rorsn. wethers, fair to choice. $70 7 7J: ewes good to choice, B VHi 7. 15 ; ewea. fair to good. $ nojf.!n. Representative sales: No. A v. fed lamha Hs SIS fed Inmhs 1v fed Inmhs 1 Pr. 10 10 40 10 40 2t8 fed Inmha ....SO 18 7S ciiir.tno live miiiK MARKET tattle Strsng Hog Weak Sheet) Strona. CT17PAOO. ,1sn 18. -CATTLE Receipts 000 head; market strong; native beef steers. $6 fifi.7:; western steers, t.& $90; rows and heifers, 83.SJ09S.M; calves, V 'B10 7. HOOS-Recelpla, 3.-.0ix head: market weak; bulk. $7 ir.atJ7.5a; light, t7.0AO7.Mt. mixed, tr.rtid.iV".; heaw. $7.007.65; rough, $7 (OIC7.I.S; pig. $r..S.-ff7 on BHEEP AND I A M Hi Receipts, 10,(A1 head, market strong; wethers, $7. 307. So; ewes, $n.25tr7.50; lambs, $S.40riO.M. Stock In Slant. Receipts of ltve stock at the five prin cipal western markets: Cattle. Hogs Kheep Omaha l.0 6) 3.iv) Sioux City 200 .") Kanaua Clly 0 Chicago t.iWli) IRrtifl 8t. Louis SOU 10...00 I.Oil 10.O1) I. nil Total receipt. .11 700 a.lCO 17.8)0 All Nations in the Opera Cast, but Still There is Harmony "The coming grand opera event at Auditorium will be unique In several respects," said Mr. Charles R. Baker, advance manager of the Pan Cam Orand Opera company, who Is In the city per fecting, with the Arab Patrol. Tangier j , Tempe (Rhiiners), the details of the en ( j gagement. " "Our organisation, owing to the com plications of the war gone, la unusually I cosmopolitan this season, all the war ring countries being represented. For Instance, the cast for our openlnf pro duction. 'Alda," will embrace Mme Mary Kaeslner. the Oerman prima donna. In the title role; Mme. Carolina Jlawner, lUisslan meno; genor Manuel BaJasar, the new Spanish tenor, and fltgnor Ale sandro Modestl. Italian baritone. The great European conflict sent many dla tltwulshed foreign singers sklmmerlnf to American shores this year famoug ar tists whose contracts abroad ware e-aa-cellcd throughout the warring countries, snd who sought engagements In thla country. A number nv these will be heard In Omaha with our company, which I is now one of but three organiaaUott of I similar character doing; business. After the close of the Chicago company nt ! week there will be but two the Matro l . vrk end tha en an- nounced to appear here." Frank Gotch Signs Up with a Circus BIOL'X CITY. Ia Jan. l$.-Slou City friends of Frank Ootch have received word from him that he will return to the mat. Rut whether hd will meet Joe Stecher. the Nebraska champion. In a match is still a.queetlon. The an nouncment received from Ootch by hi Sioux City friends is that he has signed a contract with a circus for next sum nier, His contract call for an exhibi tion grappling match thrice dally at a salary of $1,200 a week. Friends here declare, as (lotch la not In need of money, his agreement with the circus is evidence thst he means to take on the big grapplers if he finds he can return to his old-time form and a match with Stecher for tho world championship la predicted within a year. Ice Harvesters Will Soon Be Busy Ixsal Ice men are In high glee over the cold weather, they anticipating that with II continuance for a few day they will he able to harvest an abundant crop. Tho packing companies all have large forces of men at work on the fields and they are putting up Ico that has a thick nesa of eight to ten Inches. Cudahy Is cutting on Ueytnuur park lske, Armour at Memphis snd Swift at Carter lske. With the continuance of cold weather the Omaha ! " '"' storage company will commence cutting on the reservoirs as early as next Monday morning Prior to the coming of the present cold spell the Ice on the reservoirs wa bout six Inches In thickness. Prisoner Tries to Take Life in Cell Bert Van Houston of Sidney. la., who Is being held oy the local police for Ne braska CRY authorities on a bad check charge, attempted to end his own life, ac cording to the rnllce. by slashing hi ...... -,iti. a nenknlfe. H wa given medical attention by police surgeons and wll. recover. A note In which he bad. 10a wife good-bye discovered in m. t... BOOST FOR PHILLIPPI IN MO. PAC. SERVICE Friends of J. n. PhllliPPi are pleased with the announcement contained In the orders for the new yesr. appointing him commercial freight agent for the Mis souri Pacific, with headquarters here. Mr. Phtlllppl started with the rompany twenty-two years ago and haa creditably filled various responsible positions in its servlre, for which the new appointment Is a recognition. He also was for a term a member of the Omaha school board. PROBATION POLICEMEN ARE NOW REGULAR COPS ' Having satisfactorily served sis month on probation, the following policemen were confirmed by the city council, upon recommendation of Chief Dunn: George Qoss. Alex McCleneghan. Francla M. rial ton. Andrew Malolepeay. Oeorge II. Thomae. Nels J. Hetland. Oluf V. The strup, John W. Rhean, James Aston, Arthur English and Edward 8. Goralskl. NEGRO HOLDUPS GET GOOD SUM FROM CARL DONAHUE Carl Donahue, 111 South Eighteenth atreet, waa held up and robbed by two negroes at Tw-'nty-f Ifth and Burdette streets Wednesday night. The thieves se cured $30. Read The Ree Want Ads It pays! NEW YORK $ST0GK MARKET Effort to Lift it Out of Depression by DriTe Prorei Abortive. DULL A5D PROFESSIONAL NEW YORK. Jan. lll-Kfforts to lifi the market out of Its present slough of depression by a concerted drive against the Increasing support Interest lit speelsl stocks, proved abortive In today s dull and professional market. A few of the war order shares made aham recoveries from the low pricea of ..-.eterday, partic ularly crucioie tteel. wnicii wa helped by the company's favorahle statement of earnings for December. Another en couraging development in that quarter was the report that the administration at Washington had registered Its oppo sition to any legislation aimed at an embargo at exports of monitions. There were numerous eif)lsntll palix in high priced specialties, coppers for a time displaying a better tone on uncon firmed rumors of export orders at the new high price of J4e. During the mid-session the rise gath ered further Impetua fre.u a demand for high class rails, including some of the Pacifies. Gains were largely. If not wholly, w iped out In the final hour when heavy selling of Mexican leauee was resumed. Mexican Petroleum made an extreme decline of points to 1104, .n-1 American Smeltlne dropped i to iW. The weakness of these eherea wss accompanied by nmnv disquieting reports dealing with condi tions In the southern republic United Htates Bteel tell away with other leaders toward the close, Its final I i notation of "' representing a net loss of V Total sharea Of xtocua amoumen to M5.oon shares. Number of sale and leading quotations cn stocks today were as follows: Alaska OeM 2".H AII)- helmrs I. os "S Anwrlru at Slaaar 7' Ariaa a U.lno Vk Amcrlnan toronuxlva .... I) H Amsrlran t H $." W Am. 4 IS. M An. isar Ratinlnt '"V An.rlrn Tl. Tel to" l7"4 ?s 7 l"9 111' 1174 '! 1-4S 4' r 7 . 4N intt 1") Hi IM'l 1.'7 :-)-:ii tiK.; n;. SI1, 4t t ! i;s 3S It', les'i 1J ' 14 '7S fit 11S 4I", HnS 1T4), rs 1S7 14 S '' t" 1SI 111 7' ID), S lie tv 1"S If 114S !ins it 14 s 1' ?4S IS MS 11 '-"4 1I . WS14 tutW . rr 4)S 1'7S ' P"4 Amerlran Thaece .. Mn . .T. 1 am 1 Kie 21 i w ni 1 in, l"', H', 4re t ItaMwIn Irf.eomrtllre Halttmnr nhlo BeltllstMm ifil Prenltlvn T4al6 Tr.. Ollfnrnla Petroleum 4X1" cnsin Psrlfle 4m t7 cW-l TMlher t MW fS rwMiMu otiu raw s 0lr CI. W I'Mtm, M ft St. P S.4IW 101 S ruteaan N. W ... ru.F, t. 1.1 r p.. $.) p rhino reppsr Cnlnnulfl r.t ft tree.... "4 Oveibl sns H.BW R. d. sM K ?S Ptwiiisni' Keenrttlss 1 sen H4'4 Vt IMS 41 ' rtaanl Woetrtc 1.0 17t Omt Mariners vM 4an 144H Oml Ne. On. etfs I.m 4S Ounrsekstm Bisleratlsa . f ll'i !',. M I4 Hi 4m 17IH 1J44, Ur ininels netvtrai Interhormigk Con. CWnj) . Inspiration rVieper Intarnstlonal Hrarter. Kansas rltr neatkarn... IMih Taller TmIstIIIs ft Nask1lle.. StMlcaa Paimknim ..... Mtsail Osetwr Xftnmrt. K. ft T. I'M.. Mtaseurl PwHrie National ntsmilt NsSlnnal 1m4 Nseada Cneoer Ke Twk ffrl V. Y.. N. M. a tt , l.v) f t()ns 4 7'4 Sea is', n mxa i)4 tna tsn 1S )4k 14 IT.n BID ItO". I.tss m 7' n 14 14 t.TWI ll "'ins 'etitj Si us IDS M.SnS 1114 10S l.tna 7S IDS Norfolk ft Wsetera Nnnsem rseltte Pselfta stall 4ftl IISw Lm ms HIS 11S Peelfte Tel. ft Tel Psnnarlvanla 8.46 41 ll't Pullmaa Palaee ar Star t'-M. Oeper I K '. 244, Ttsaillns v 84sA lis, l ItsevMta less ft StM..,. use tl U, Kiulhm PaeKIs lev) Kirs let Smithsra Ttellway t.SM tn M me4naker namaaar . ... 14, 4nrt ih ir-.' Taaia Onseor I. Ian p4 :, Tnaa rrnnraiar l.KVl DS H raise Paoirta 4.SM IH14 1174, Vnirm Paelfln pnl VI S3 It felted Plates steal . S W, V. P saeai nl sa iitt, uts 1'lsk CVvfipar l ifts 7s 7i Wsrtern t sine Tee M14, M 4 WaetlsirneaBs Rlertrts ,.. t.snn M14 aj Mnatana Power tea 7n 7 .it rtonorsl Meters Vw) 4T Its Wahast S nt 4.4ns IS '. -4 Intmnatlnnal Marina pM U.tnl) 79)4 7T, Tntel sales for the dev. 411. ess atiarea. ' ITS 1)14 7' Lax-al Stoeks aad Roads. Quotation fwa-Uha r Puma, Brlna-r ft ( a . 444 Oeiahs Natlanal sank tmlldlns Omaha. V.t Mtoek. Hl4. Alkad. Baukara Mnrtgais Iaa 14 1 continental Oaa ft Hlortrla eM 74 Doiislaa llotai Co. aonua (Ksnt.).. n.'1, Falrmnnt croaatary t'e. p(4 1D1 . Plrat National keek, Omaha no 4m IJaeala T. ft T. earn 1 par cant 11 Mauaula PUtaa T. ft T .to7'4 . Nw stata T. pfit 47' l', Nxo eVhnalrtar KnwIar C , , , Ml 0 Omaha ft CbiisfII Rlotfa at. Rr. (4 7S ti Omaha 'e. Uluffa Hf. a Prills Ptd 44 m Parkard Motor Or re.. T . t. pt4..ot I'M rotar Mill t. pt 4 K Sloui t'ur Hierk Toi. oar eant M. (7S 41 tnlnn Htnck Yr6a Stoeli t it Boads- ril ( ran aha Mascots IWa. 14( lie. 24 IK Cheransa Count r Na , 4. 1WI ' tei'S pnmlaa fWorliUa Co. fi, (Salt Lka) 44 HI Untol Traction I. IH4 S a l.lacoln Tel. ft Tl. 4. tW Montreal T P. C. 4a. 1414.. 44 M Metropolitan Gaa 4a, 1441 t US B Omaha P.. L ft P. C. (a 11l 44 47 Omaha f. Pt. Rt. 6a. 1J S 7 rarltln E. 4. 1441 41 roltaajsttamla In. la.. Da. 14t 1"T 74 lit 74 Hamlnslnn Tvpetrrlter Co. . 1414 ... 100 llorkr Mi. Kurl 4. 144. as beaut.. Tle.l Cloul. Nah . 4S. 143 44 4. Htout Cllv Talophona 4. 1474 414 Kl KranH taa Ms., sin.. 4. 1. .14 4 lo 44 tVklilt I nloa Stork Yards 44 l'OI... S 111 ' Seer lark Bond Market. 4 Continental ralles were mostly high) In the Ister dealings. Franca, dnjnd. 5WS4; cables, lw3: marks, demand. 7): cables, 7S: guilders demand. 44; cables, 4..; Ilres. demand. v.8; cables, fW. Closing quotations on bond today were as follows: f. rat. la. ras. 40 rotipon t' P. Sa. ras do eonpon IT a 4a roa . 44)4, Ms. Par. r. v . t N. Y. C. 4h Ha... '17W 1S1I1N. Y. fllv 4W te'i .11 N. T. Piala 4a. 11?', .10414 N. Y . N. H. '1. .11') nv. aa tin .101)4 No. Pacific 4a rt', .1!4 tn I 4-.i I 4o rati eon Paaama a eotipoa Am. Hmeltara a. A. T. ft T. a. 44a.lT O. S. L na. 4a Armour ft (V 4.. 4s rn. T. ft T. I Atchison sen. 4a .. 44SPan. one. 4Sa ...l"S .. H'a ti t:. ..1D7'4 .. t'V ...f)S Hal. ft Ohio 4a st 4a ran. 4a MSPaa-llDS son. 4i 4isa. 1. ft a p. On. Paririe 1st.. caa. a Ohio 4Sa. r. n. a tj 1. 4ae. Paa. O M ft H P s 4a..V'l 4a raf. 4 o. R. I. a P. r. .a. i Ho Rallwar aa ... ac. a . ret. 4Wa ... m4l'loo rseltte 4s.. n. ft R. 0. rat. .. V4)j 4r cr 4 Krta ean. 4s 7fp. B, PUiebav- 4. Oaa. Blantrle 4a... .lUtr. P. Slaal 4a (It. No. 1st 4Sa too Wabash 1st. is . "S . lS .1fiS .lot .tst K; c. ai. '4 waat U a . unr... 44...- ill ran ear. aa.... ap-kWaat. inlaw ).. Fraark ae .... Wa bid. Loaaea Btoek Market. SILVER Bar I7d per ounce. MONEY 4 s, 'if -4 per cent. Discount rates, abort bllla. 6)4 Pr cent; three month, t'i per cenL Bank fleering. OMAHA. Jsn. 13 Rank clearings for Omaha today were $3 632.102 24. a d for lh corresponding nay last year $3 42-.J.7.S.'. till and ftoala. SAVANNAH, Oa.. Jan. 13.-TI RPEN T1NE Firm at MVtc bid and refused: re ceipts, 42 bhla ; sale,, none; shipment. &,. bbls.; stocks, 14, MS bbls. ROSIN Steady; receipts. I.'S bhl.: ailf 41$ bbls ; shipments. 8,551 bbls ; s:o. k. 5,S4 bhla. quotation: A, H. C. I. K and F, ti 20; O. H and I, t5 30; K. f.0 ; M. $D 60; U. $7 26; WO. t7.40; WW, t7.50. I - har Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 13-SI'GA R-R 1 w. steady: centrtf ueal, 4.3.Wi4 .V2c; molasses. S.fiW3.76c; refined, attaiy. Futu es opene.l, firmer on buying by trade Interests. At noon prices showed gains of 4'as pol its. i'i'i--x j'N'i' i rjT. A Our nrst strtasa VT?T 1 p r e 4 ruti. nk goable. Ptttaee yoere" eapa-i-JT f " artthawi 41 4 la, tn f f aal la aaatiu ot as. I I Amerleaa Smrl4y Ce I 1 an a tt at. usaa. Ne- Americii Tilephti 4 Ttitfripli C A dlvidsnd of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Saturday. January la, 1918, to atockholders of record at the close of business on Friday, Decem'oet 31. It 1 5. 3. D. MILNE, Trees Jrer. '