Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Club Doings
Society Notes
Personal Gossip
A refreshing traveling companion
Tooth Powder
Frtpartd by m Doctor of Dtntml Sargtry
Send 2c stamp for generous sample of either
Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream.
L W. Ljtom Ml Sent, Ine, 077 W. 27U) St., New Yrk City
Have Choice of Many Events
Printer ' Makes it Bad for
Mn. Pulver's Tea.
Thursday, Jan U 191S.
"It never raln but It pours 'the Bub
Tlptlon dunce this evening, the Homer
concert, and "Grumpy" at the Brandeis,
to nay nothing of luncheoni and teas.
There are some who feel they can make
a compromise they will hear Madame
Homer and ito to the dance afterward.
Speaking of the dnnre, now reminds
me that I waa asked laat week why we
do not eay more about It on our society
lteally, there aeema little g-oialp posrl-
ble of a future event, (when we go to
pressi. that la a weekly reptltlon. About
the only thing seeme the dinner preced
ing the affair.
Kven down iuth. where they are atill
supposed to read historical romances and
refute I 'a ru in, the society editor no
longer speaks of the "beauty and chiv
alry" that graced a "ball." and maids
and matrons no longer expect to be com
pel Imentcd Individually and collectively.
Invitation for Year lleaire.
Just what should a reasonable being
conclude upon receiving an Invitation to
tea for Saturday. December IS. 191ST This
Is whst Is worry In a charming hostess
who will entertain next Saturday.
It Is Mrs. J. 1". Pnlver. and the tea Is
for Saturday, January IS, 114, and Is to
be riven In honor of Mrs. George M.
Faith of Chicago, the house guest- of
Mrs. Pulver.
Aa the aoulhern colored folk say, "my
mind leads me to believe" that Mrs.
Pulver's friends are endowed with more
than ordinary powers of deduction and
they wl'.t Just come to the conclusion
that "some one had blundered" and "De
cember was written" by mistake when
"January" was really what was Intended.
Yarn Demonstration
Mia B. E. Strange of Flelnher Yarn
Co. will be here for two weeks begin
ning Monday, January l"th.
Classes every day, from 9 to K, In all
branches of Knitting and Crocheting
with Fleiaher'a Yarn.
Brandeis Stores Supplies the
Needs of the Human Family
There la srarcoly a man. woman or child
In Omaha and surrounding territory who
cannot b completely and satisfactorily
sorved at Brandsts Ktoros. Our Immense
stocks eortr Tory rtesd of the rich and
poor, and In all kinds fit msrchsnDiae
quality standards aro maintained and prices
kept te tho Itul minimum possiblo.
Wonderful Bargains in Our Great Enlarged Basement
Friday Desirable Merchandise Greatly Underpriced
ojherGptBar: Girls' Winter Coats, $1. 95 ?
All the Women's House Dresses
Your choice of Any
Misses' s or Junior's
Coat or Suit, the for.
mer pries up to $15,
for ,
Many fins all-wool suits, all good
styles. Many fins coats made of
ailky plush, chinchilla, corduroy,
novelty clothee, etc. Several nun.
dred garment to choose from.
We have divided all the Women's
8weater Coat In the basement de
partment Into two very special
All the $1.69, $1 95
and $2.50 Sweater. .
All the $2.95 up te
$3.95 Sweater
Many different style, a good
range of size. Colors are red,
gray, white, brown, green, etc
Over 400 Girls' Winter Coats, ages 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 year. They were
made to sell at $3.00 to $5.00. All this season's styles, dozen of pretty
modele; made of such fine all-wool materlale a Chinchilla In gray,
brown, blue; Boucle In black and color; Corduroy In various color; Fin
Plain Cloth nearly every kind of etyle or material.
Just think of buying such fine, fight up-to-th. minute etyles, fine ma
terials, etc., for eo little money. Not a coat made to sell leas than $3.00,
from that to $5.00, other for even more. We bought them at a great sacrl
f ic the maker's lose le your gain.
Choice of Any Girl's Coat In the 1 Qf
Basement Friday, at iplelD
Wash Blouses, 50c
In the basement department now
vlded Into special lots for quick
House Ore, worth
to $1.95
Houses Dresses, worth
$1.00 and $1.25
Docene of pretty styles at these
prices; made of fine wash mate-
rials, light and dark colors, fine
ginghams, percale, etc., many
Women's Gingham House Dress
es, worth 75o, )f
at OiJC
Women'a Tennle Flannel Night
Oowne, 59c value O O
at OOC
1,000 Woman' White and Colored Wash Blouse, the greater part of
theee blouses were made to aell at $1.00, and are exceptionally -good
valuea at that price. Dozena of styles, high and low necks; every kind
of wanted material, plain and fancy Jap silk, embroidery and lac trim-
med organdie bloueee, fins lawns, etrlpei, plaid and figured noveltlee,
colored materlale, etc The greatest lot of right up-to-date blouse offered
for a long time at eo email a price. Many samples, other In rn ored Crepe and Sateen. Pet- ijq
varioua size. While they laat OUC tlcoats, value to 75c, at.. -v7C
Woman's Long Fleeced oq
Kimonos, 75c valuea OiC
Women's Fleeced Dressing
sacques, all sizes, 39c val
ues, special
Odda and Ende of Women's Col
ored Crepe and Sateen. Pet-
At the Brandeis.
Among those who, with their guesti
will see Mr. Cyril Maude In "Grumpy"
at the Brandela theater tonight are thj
A. F. Johnson. A. O. Elllck. U. C. Howe,
Lester lleyn, Mr. Hirxberg. F. II. Davis.
J. M. Boldridge. A. M. Jackson, Council
Bluffs: J. E. Fltigerald, Oould Diet,
A. D. Peters. J. F. Moyn. W. F. Smith,
Dr. Leroy Crummer, H. Richardson,
W. 8. Blatkwell, Paul Gallagher, F. H.
Smith, A U Heed, 8; Wethermer, Samuel
Burns, V. D. McHugh, Bam Carlyle. J,
W. Madden, J. G. Martin, Ralph Peters,
A. M. Pinto, A. B. Warren. T. R. Davis,
Milton Darling, Judge B. 8. Baker, John
Stout, C. C. Pmlth. W. B. T. Belt, W. A.
Maor, Council Bluffs; Harley Moor
head. F. W. Thomas, Wood Allen, F.
Walters, J. A. Cavers and J. T. Stewart.
The guests of Mr. and Airs. .In'in Stout
at the Brandeis theater this evening will
Messrs. and Mesdames
H. 8. Clarke, Jr.; E. It. McMahon,
Mr. Robert Stout.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter rage will se
a small "Grumpy' party tomorrow even
ing at the Brandies theater for the llox'e
Clarkes and Mr. Ben Wavrln.
With Brownell Hall Girls.
The coming half week at Brownell hall
has a promise of lively interest to stu
dents and faculty alike. School folks are
essentially social creatures and they seem
to enjoy things cn masse. A big party
la scheduled for Saturday when thirty
five girls, under the chaperonage of Miss
Johnson and Miss Marie Slnclalre, will
see "Grumpy" at the Brandeis theater.
X r
? 7; " " :
it ,
Dandruff Makes
Hair Fall Out
25 cent bottle of "Danderine"
keeps hair thick, strong,
Ready Made Sheets, Slips, Sheeting, Muslin, Etc., Etc,
Thousands of Yards Remnants
from Stock and Mitt Remnanta of
Fine Cambric, Muslin and Long-
cloth, value to 10c,
36-Inch Bleached Muslin. On of
The Geauine "Regal Brand" Bleached Sheets Wah Materials
In. On of
the leading brands- Regu- E$,g
lar 8c value, yard 0C
full pkMa g I
alaea y-SC
4ta45-Inrh Ulsorhed Ml lorn Tubing,
mill remnants and full pteeca
lAe. rrd
se-ineh t'nblewbsd Maslla,
oft flnlsn. mil; blew
4MT IK bait, rrUer, yd..
4,naln TrnH-oMha-lam' and
lawdili niesrbed t'ambrk-, lengths
te rardm Mwh length stamped.
Heaatlful anderwear maslla.
Se ralae, yard
Extra heavy weight linen finish; special for hotel and rooming house
purpoeea. 3-Inch heme.
72x0-lnch 72x99-lnch t1x90-lnch
50o Eoh 54o Each 50o Each
The well-known Purltee Bleached Sllpe to Match
42x36-lnch 45x36-lnch
60c Ech
ll'aO Each
12'iiO Each
42x3ft-lnch Bleached Pillow Sllpe,
3-Inch heme, 10c value,
each C
9-4 Bleached Sheeting, 81 Inchea
wide. 23c value,
9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, While
1,000-yard roll lasts, Q
yard IOC
36-Inch Fine Longcloth and Nain-
aook, 10o and 122c val-
use, yard ' C
TbMsanda at Tardt, Remnanta and
Fall rPM af All Kinds of Wash
(teda Beenmalated frasa Mr storks
daring oar J saury sal, rrlnted and
nam irepee. si-inek tilnshams.
nTrmia iaiiinga, uaiaii
FtaJehed ropllns, ate., rai
ls I Ik
riuMN ropuns, ate., vai- m
aoa to I IK, Friday, while ET
they last en baraala 711
QBAM. frSfll
IS-Inrh Drees rerralea. 6VC
I5e Art Tick Ins Drapery, ' ' ' ei,
Boa Corerlng, ate. 1 ard ' TCC
Se Bhtrllna rrtata aad (all- .
roes, lard w
HVie Sl-Iaeh lreaa teph-
yes. Yard
h 11-Inrh vraite Oatlng
Flaaael, lard
Girls! Try this! Doubles beau
ty of your hair in few
. moments.
At I
. lit i
Hrs WE,3arJiley
There Is a still bigger affairto come off
Monday, forty-nine girls In a party to go
to the Paderewskl concert at the Audl
tnrutn It ! said the entire faculty will
bo In attendance In the roll of chapefons.
Tuesday Bridge Club.
Mlsa Klizabeth Congdon was hostess
for one of the Tuesday Brldgo clubs,
which was but recently reorganlnd fir
the winter. An ex:ra table was Piaceu
for friends of Mrs. Herbert French of
Louisville, who Is a guest at the Bons
don home. The members of this club In
clude: Mesdames
Arthur Keeliue, Penlse Barkalow.
V. B. McCormlck, John Madden,
Iiils I'lurke. (ienrae Kedlrk.
John Redlck. Frank Keogh,
Barton Millard, Ross B. Towle.
Gw-to Keillck. Koberts,
.Miss kJiabelh Congoou. .
Meeting Postponed.
Because the president, Mrs. W. K.
Mllroy. Is 111, the Ladlea' Aid eoci-ty of
the First Tresbyterlan church, will not
hold its meet Fridav a.i had "oeen
planned, but the meeting hlB Iwen post
poned Indefinitely.
Enlargement of Number on Board to
Seventy-Five Makes Room for
Many New Men.
Considerable new blood appears in
the newly elected personnel of tho
board of directors of the Commercial
club. This Is largely due to the fact
that the board is enlarged by fifteen
members this year, there being now
seventy-five members in place of
sixty, as hitherto.
In some cases an old member hag re
moved from the city and his place was
filled by a new. In other places a father
turned the race over to his son, and the
aon waa elected In place of the elder di
rector. In other cases, the general mana
ger of a concern was placed on the ticket
In place of the proprietor, and was elect
ed, aa In the case of the election of Tom
Qulnlan In the place of George Brandeis
Doctors on Board.
Two doctors appear on the board this
year for the first time. They are Dr. J.
P. Lord and Dr. W. O. Bridges. The au
tomobile dealers are definitely represent
ed this year in the election of Clarke G.
Powell by a large margin, In the list of
A few members of the executive com
mittee were not re-elected to the board,
, but they were either those who did not
run or those who withdrew informally
after their names had been placed on
the ballot. F. J. Farrington, member of
the executive committee, who held the
place by virtue of being chairman of
the governing committee of the traffic
bureau, of course gives place to J. Clarke
Colt, the new chairman of the govern
ing committee of the traffic bureau.
Kennedy Drops Oat.
J. A. C. Kennedy, another member of
the executive committee, did not allow
his name to a,ppear on the ballot, as he
said he could not serve, and was there
fore not re-elected.
Henry TVyman'i name appeared on the
ballot, but against his will, and he passed
the word out that he could not serve
and desired his friends not to vote for
him. He was not elected.
On Saturday the new board is to meet
and elect ita executive committee of
twenty-four members from among the
seventy-five directors.
The following Tuesday the new exec
utlve committee is to meet and choose a
j new chairman, declare the present chair
man president of the club, and a secrc
: tary and treasurer.
? I. IVa f
7 V
'.. , t i
REMNANTS and mill ends of silks and dress goods
..I V '
Mill ends aad aaana
fartarera' eamplo ptoree
f Imported allka aad
aotlns. Worth to See,
Iteanaaate of aasssa
Unoa, t aTf etas, roalarda
and satlna, least ha frasa
IH U S yarda. Worth
JlrT:. 19c
Rowwaata af SS and
e-lnh taffeta, m ema
il no, crspos, popllna,
foulard, failles, ote.,
Me. Worth to iQ.
Sl.5, yard
Remnanls of M mid
0-lnrh errpo do rhinos,
lldlimi, rharmmM,
poplin, t onion errpes,
motoon, foalords, ote.,
He. Worth to, yard
Heeral Ihoaoand yds.
of all-wool materials,
4 to 4-ln. wldo. Mersee,
fiapllas, broarloths,
lomropans, p lia I d s,
strlpra, rheeae, ote. Val-
aoo to eq. "
h RsaanantS aad mill
da af all-wool
draaa fabrics. Yal-
aos 1B to 00-
ft, yard
Theaoaads of traral
ars' and manafarlarers'
sampls aad matched
ploeos. ai.M values. In
threa lota rriday, each
ploro- -
5c 19c 35c
75 Big Bargains in the Basement Friday
Men's Alaskai and
),Md iaalily. All alsos,
.'.V.: 69c
Women'i Alaskai
and Rubber.
All sod otylrs. A-t qaal
Hy. All slsoa. worlh Aa-
to a. at "aa.
Boyi' Shoei
Mm. la af atruur ralfokla.
solid leolber ooleoi loco
Women 'i Shoes
! pair womoa'o ton
rmlf-kln, brown bark and
eolorod top aaooa, asootly
".T: $1.29
Wamea'a, main' aad
rhildren's Jrrovy loss'no,
(lanarl lined. All iO
Ueo. Pair "V
Felt Shoei
Women's and mUoeo' frit
shoes and Upper, ailh felt
oulrel red lUuutel OC
Iwed. Pair ,J'
Men'i Fur Coati
IRS ralr 00080 woraiod
porlal . . $1.98
1 13 Pair worsted and
raoslmero paato. Moos tor
aoa and yoang no
ma. rriday SO
Men'i Suit!
Men's aad yoang moa'e
alto, la wovotodo aad eoool
mero. Valors to C An
oalo prico O.VVI
"Broad!, hpockoi Hooo
. Sao Notion Boxes, t r
so.ra.1. oach
Larao riooos of Elootle,
Si". 2c
Oao Mf lot af Waoh
Xi.U aod ltkk
ttacha. boa i,v-
Bolloh Twtllod
Tapo. sriday, boM
wooden Coat Haag- tf
to, rrtaloy. S for .
M. K. Kantlag
t ottoa. opw lal, bll . . . V-
-od Iaruuf Cotioa. apw-
rirJ..' 5c
Mark Jrrory Cororod
ttoot Ir
Men'i Overcoat!
In faney and plain rotors.
Silk and Cotton
Dresi Material!
alaoo to
prrloi Friday . . .
Men's and oang men's
all-wool mattlnaw roala. A
oaring .1 1.1 M .n r Aft
ear k root, at $d.JJ
Work Panti
au Pair utea work
zzr.r $1.00
Corsets, 75c
Coroets tor otout fla-oree,
la oImo from ta to ta. Tblo
roroot to blah boot ond k
hip I o.tra atdo front steol,
allh two hooks below i re
Inforrod arross tho front,
tonr sartors or
attacaod. hporlal '
Corsets for
Medium Figure!
Mod of twill clotk. wnk
root-proof bonloa;. loos' hip
with oitra wtdo rakbor fore
la bark, htg aartors at
torned. Bparlol 7C .
rrridar .777. 3C
Conet!, S9o
Tori ota for aloador aad
4a romnaat lonalho from
I to IS yanlo. Htriueo,
plaids, plain, florals, dots,
ote. 11 and SS ins. wldo.
Worth to sac,
White Goodi
Corded rpoaso. soft SnUk
Kaltoto. India llnoa, arson
dlo, roll i SI, ae aad e tna.
Ida. Worth to 7l4,r
tee. yard olC
White Dimitiea
Ftae aaallty, la rem aon ta
4 olichtly Importer I
Mrlpoa and amatl rhorka. SI
larlioa wide, buorlal.
White Dotted Swim
for rjrteaiii, pr whit.
Id ff tbm IT ItvrhM
Imperial Longcloth
ae alaoa. for.
aswroa, raaraal
.oamlat Oi
Front or bark r Wains" i
smbioldsry Irtauaod. All
buorial StfV
Sanitary Aproni
A aae alaa aad aaallty at
ttT'.r. 25c
homols anleh, for Sno
andermasllna. M I no. wldo.
1 1-rani bolts, worth
ll.ta, oalo price....
Manhattan Nainsook
A boat las pleroa which
olio soawtariy lor a
bolt. se larbos wuto,
mod lam hoary, para CQ
whlto. la-yard Ut..."
Mill End! of
Huck Towel!
A boot a .aoa pioroo af
hark lawol mill onde. boos
mod, faary eolorod borders.
I for C
nire towollua. It tarhos
wide, aaMabU for rollor
towels, aopnlne or orarflna
U ktU OAO - ' 1 1 k. -i
doy, roswlar ISo ttj-
raiao. yard 3C
klldrao'. horary paata
lei (tao. , otarK, blao,
rod and sray. Moos a;C
to a. Halo priro ISC
Bed Spreads
Trorhot kind. ery hoary
aaallty fall also. All very
prelty paiterna. ltoawlar
I AO roluro, oalo 1 M
priro, oarh
Table Cloths
Fall bleached table
r lot ho, kemotltrhed all
aroaad. made af aire qooll
ty mrrrrrtsed damaoh. Kef
alar 1M ralaeo, 99c
Fall hloarhod. Unon ftn
lohod damask, mercerised.
All la a larse rang of pat
taraa. IS Inrhos whlo. Hoaw
lar priro Sari aals prieo,
,rrr 45c
Lace Curtaim
Ono bl labia af lace ear
talno, poelal, 25c
Scrim and Etamine
About ta pteeoo of I and
4a-lnrh scrim aad atamtno.
Hporlal Friday. QC
wttb a pretty
laro odyo. Hosalar d1 Q
i.tS valaas, palr..WJ
Union Suits
Wamea'a fine cotton.
fleory Unod onWa aalta.
Hesalar aool- CO.
Union Suits
Womoa'o rattan. Uat
fleory llasd
Vests and Pant!
and aaalo. medli
hoary wolaht, aeory llaedl
elastlo make. Hrswlar S5o
aaaluy, oalo prioo, 25c
Vest! and Panta
hllilroa's rattan, noary
lined reals and paats ta
Women's Ilose
Women ana woolen hoe
lory, medlam and hoary
welyht. Hoawlar sso te
qaallty, pair
Men's Socks
Men's hoary blaek waal
aorks, oil alsos. Ronlar SAe
qaollty, s poelal FAIR
roH see, or in.
Fleecy Hose
Wom'-'io eotton fleory
llaed hosiery, ooma ribbed
tops. Worth to loo, 1 A
aalo prioo. pair. r. uc
Ee&siiess Ilose
id tan.
Tlion'a rotten
hosiery. Mark
Rosnlar ISo
aaallty, pair....
Cotton Hose
Women's and children's
eottoa .soamlroa hoolory.
blark only. Hesw- 7li
lar le lty., pair. . 3C
Men's Socks
Men's hoary (ray eottoa
aUxod aorfca. SVoa aaallty.
Wamea'a aad rhlldron'a
plain and fancy haadkor
rniofs. sllfhtly maoood and
tmaerfort. homo worth to
tm. ic
Hea'a aad wo moo's all
Uaoa eaUed kaadkorrnlola.
Worth to loo, ope- "Tli
rial rridar. each. .. 'ac
Knit Ooodi
Women's and rhlldrea't
ol and) erochotod fao-
Oil Cloth
S- and S-4 width. Worth
ap to fto, apeclal Q
tridar. on. d ISC
Boyi' Suit!
Another e porlal lot af
Unite dark colors, all elsea.
Priced a Qa
Boys' Suits
A his- lot af winter salts,
faboal See In all), with two
pair of tall lined panto,
halo Brine Friday te
aad hatarday I it
Boys' 0 'coats and
All short lots af overcoats
d marklaeeja aa at eae
priro. Nplondld $t ralnos.
Chinchilla eaata and mix-
tare eoato, many with faary
wore tod lialnsa. Ares SW ta
a years. Mplrndld markl
aawa In different colors,
anootly larso slsoa. f n e?f
oa choice for.... O
Rag- Burs
also t4tt Inrhos. IQ-
Worth lac, at
Alio TaM Inrhos.
Worth, at
nlse SOrte tarhoa.
Worth at....
Alas Milt Us. tl IQ
Worth !.. at.
Carpet Bemnants
Soaps tt Household
rial. IS bars
Peart Whtta
rial. ie bars
Fole Kapthn
any. ie bars
Irery or Flsiaa
hoop, a bars for. . . .
te-ddalo Toaaa
special, e-paaad
parkaaa ,
Jap Crepe TwOM
Faprr. IS roUo (o
Lieald Vonoor
also, rriday
American Lady
Floor Oil, Mo else..
Htandard Foal ho
fasten, oto kiad. ..
Within ten minutes after an a ppl. ca
tion of Danderine uu can not find a aln.
Ble trace of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not Itch, but what will
please you most will be after a few
weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine'
and downy at first yes but really new
hair Browing all over the scalp.
A little Danderine' Immediately doublet
the beauty of your hair. No difference
how dull, faded, brittle anJ scragity. Just
moisten a cloth with Panderlne and care
fully draw It through your hair, taking
one small atrnnd at a time. The effect is
amailng-your hair will be light, fluffy
and wavy, and bave an appearance of
abundance: an incomparable luster, soft
ness and luaurtanue.
Oct a U cent bottle of Knowlton's Dan
derine from any drug store or toilet
counter, and prove that your hair ia as
pretty and soft aa any that it haa been
neglected or injured by careleas treat,
ment that's all you surely can have
beautiful hair and lots of It If you will
lust try a little. Danderine.
Entertains for Sister.
One of the affairs planned for Mm.
CJuy I'arke of Decatur, 111., - will be a
tea elven for her by her sister, Mr.
Frank H. Johnson, Saturday afternoon
at her home. The tea will be informal and j
Mrs. I'arke'a old friends will drop In for
a fragrant cup and a little chat.
For the Future.
One of the bright promises of the fu
ture Is the large dancing party which
will be given at the Hotel Fontenelle by
the lloxlo Clarkes Monday evening, Jan
uary 21.
Tea for Former Omaha Girl.
Mrs. Barton Millard had a few girls to
tea at the Hotel Kontanelle Wednesday
afternoon for Mrs. William Fitzgerald of
Troy, N. V., formerly Miss Esther Byrne.
Thoso present were:
Mesdamea Mesdames
William Fitzgerald, Ben Boyce.
Barton Millard, -
Misses Misses
F.llzaheth Congdon, Louise Dinning..
Krancco Nash,
Girls' Friendly,
The tiirls' Friendly of Bt. Barnabas
church will bo tho guests of Miss Eu-
phemla Johnson. Saturday evening at
Brownell hall. Mlsa Elspeth Rattle of
Denver, an officer of the national organ
ization, will give the girls a talk, telling
of what the Friendly society has ac
complished in the slater state of Colo
For Miss Ellen Wylie.
Mrs. S. B. Doyle gives an Orpheum
party this afternoon, followed by tea at
the Hotel Fontenelle, for her sister, Miss
Ellen Wylie of Knoxvllle, Tenn.
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Lansing of Omaha
are among the guests at The Elms hotel.
Excelsior Springs, Mo.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Melady are spending
a few weeks at Salt Lako City, Utah.
Hair Often Ruined
By Washing With Soap
MP. tip-
24c II i
Ba. ape. H
31c 1
nana), Fri.
19c I j
Borax. I
35c I !
49c I '
r 29c i
29c J
boap should be used very carefully, it
you want to keep your hair looking its
best. '" Moat . soaps and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali. Thla dries
the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and
ruins It.
Tha best thing for steady use Is Just
ordinary mulslfled cocoanut oil (which la
pure and greaaeleaa), and la better than
the moat expensive soap or anything else
you can use.
One or two teaapoonfula will cleanae
the hair and scalp thoroughly. Blmplv
moisten tha hair with water and rub It
In. It 'makes an abundance of .rich,
creamy lather, which rlnsea out easily,
removing every particle of dust, dirt,
'dandruff and exreastve oil. The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and It leaves
the scalp soft, and tha hair fine and
I silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy tr
j manage.
I You can get mulslfled cocoanut oil at
any pharmacy. It's very cheap, and a few
ounces will supply every member of the
family for montha Advertisement.
Embarrassing Hairs
Can Be Quickly Removed
(Beauty Culture
Hairs can be easily banished from the
skin by thla quick, painless method: Mil
Into a stiff paste soma powdered delatonr
and water, apread on hairy surface and
in S or S minutes rub off, wash the skin
and It will be frea from hair or blemish
Excepting In very stubborn growths, one
application Is sufficient. To avoid dis
appointment, buy the delatona In an
original package. Advertisement,
C. C. George Head of
the University Club
Offlcera of the University club have
been elected for the enaulng year aa
follows: C. C. George, president; H. C.
Evarts, first vice president: Dr. C. W.
Pollard, second vice president; George F.
Ollmore. third vice president; Samuel
Reea, Jr., secretary; F. H. Woodland,
Maternity! The
Word of Words
It la written Into life's expectations that
motherhood ia the one sublime accom
plishment. Aad It
there Is anything, no
matter bow simple,
ttmo annarotitlo 4 . 1
1 it may seem. If It can
" I bilp, assist or In
any way comron xne
expectant mother. It ia
blessing. And such
ta a remedy called
I iK M1, L I 'Motber'e Friead.
I J tJrMl' 1! I You PP It over the
i 1 I stomach mtucios. It Is
I J Y" I ent!y rubbed OB the
ly K. ..' 1 surface, and makes
r woaaMooS thO mnarlea nll.nt.
this relieves the strain on ligaments, natural
expanaloa takes place without undo efert
upon the nerves. And as the time ap
proaches, the mind baa gone through a pe
riod of repose, of grntla expectancy, and
this has aa unquestioned Influence upon the
future child. That this Is true is evidenced
by the fact that throe generations pt mothers
hare used aad recommended "Mother's
Friend." Ask voor nearest druggist for a
bottle of this splendid remedy, lis will get
It for yoo. And then write to Brad kid Reg
ulator Cn, T Lamar Bldf Atlanta, Ga,
fur a Boost Intarastlng book of laformauoa
to proopoctire mothers. It Is mailed free.
Writ today. It Is a souk m VU oajor.
Shower for Bride
by the Philathea
For Miss Clara Barnes, a January
bride, the Philathea class of the Hanacom
Park Methodist church held a mlsccl
laneoua shower Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. I. Morse Clute, and wero
surprised later in the evening by the
appearance of the Baraca class upon the
scene with a gift. Mrs. O. M. Barnes,
mother of the prospective bride, has been
teacher of the Baraca cla-s for about
twelve years. Thoso present were:
Messrs. and Mesdames
O. R. Pettlt. I. M. Clute.
Mesdames Mesdames
Fred Kavan, O. M. Barnes.
Misses Misses
Clara Barnes, Florence Agor.
Orace Shearer, Florence Shearer,
Olive Brain, Ruth Partrldse,
Jenett Wilson, Kdna rurland.
Callle Leonhart, Stella Fairchlld,
Helen Btone, Mary Virtue,
Marjorle Christie. Klolse Virtue.
Gertrude Pfelffer, Marv Ellsworth,
lella Ostenberg, Mattie I.anktree,
Bess TYIngett. Kmma Wingett.
Freda Breakey, Mara-uerite Scott.
Mesdames Mesdames
Fay Chiles. Fay Wlngett.
Oerald M. Drew, Harry Nelson,
Ernest Nelson, John Reel,
Rav Reel, Mans.
Mel Irsen. Ted Willard.
Oeorgo Rothery. Arthur Bond,
Alex Arvay. Silas Harris.
Ross Klmmell.
Interesting Guest
to Visit in Omaha
An interesting guest comes to Omaha
toward the end of the week In the person
of Mlsa Elspeth Rattle of Denver, who
will be entertained by Miss Euphemla
Johnson at Brownell hall until Tuesday
evening. Miss Rattle has taken a prom
nent effective part In Colorado in organ
ising branches of the Girls' Friendly
Society of America. She is a handsome
young woman of most engaging personal
ity and possesses the rare gift of getting
into touch with the girls. During the met
ing of the Episcopal Synod in Omaha last
October, Miss Rattle addressed the
Women's auxiliaries at Brownell hall.
Mlsa Rattle ta now on her way eaat aa
the Colorado delegate to the graduate
conference of Wellealey college.
Cold Does Not Deter
Suff Meeting He're
Tho cold weaker did not dampen tSe
ardor of local suffragists who had planned
a board meeting at the Young Women's
Christian association yesterday. Mrs.
W. E. Berkley, state suffrage president,
arrived from Lincoln Just a little delayed
on account of uncertain train service.
The board meeting waa followed by a
luncheon. At 1:30 o'clock the city central
, committee, and local suffragists were in
vited to meet Mis. Barclay. Means of
'raising Douglas county's apportionment
; for the year were discussed.
The news of still one more untimely
death was received in Omaha Wednes
day afternoon In the passing away of
18-year-old Harriet O'Neill Bartlett at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra
Fred C. Bartlett of Lewlaton, Idaho.
Harriet ta the only daughter of her
parents and the only niece of Mr. Harry
O'Neill, for whom she was named. She
waa last in Omaha two years ago when
she visited with Mrs. F. H. Cole. To Mr.
O'Neill's guests at house parties at hla
ranch near Tu-ervtlle, aha waa tha well
beloved daughter of the house. She Is
survived by her parents and a brother,
Donald, now a student at the university
at Berkeley, Cal. Mra. Fred Bartlett was
formerly Miss Myrtle O'Neill of Ottumwa
and Broken Bow.
"For Sale" or "For Rent" Ad pUroi
la The Bee will accomplish ita pur-
I "is