Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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TowassBd's for porting- CKoods."
'If'bUas' yutirss Burgsaa-CJrandssi.
ot mat XV Now Beacon Frassv
To lall aUai stats list It with J. H.
Dumout, Krellne Bldg.
"Today's Mori Frog-ram" rlassifts
aactlon today. It appears In Ttas Be
BXCL.U8IVELT. Find out what tha va
rious rnolng picture theaters offer.
Baker Osts XJmlt F. C. Baker of Sioux
City, arrented on a charge of peddllnn
lope, was aontanced to ninety days In
the county Jail by the poltre msglstrate. j
fasonlo Tsanpla Oraft Xlscts Masonic
Temple craft of Omaha held Its annual
election for the ensuing year. John Kelly,
president; tr. A. S. Tlnto, vice presi
dent: Luther P. Hoyt. treasurer; H. K
Kace, secretary.
Fay Ooonpation Tax Omaha rostlng
servlce and Thomas Onsack company
have paid $314.34 and $153 80. respectively,
for VMS occupation taxes. The gross re
ceipt for the yesr for both companies
were reported at M. 475. 36.
Xorat Ooea ATislttaa; The city coun
cil granted Commissioner Kugel leave of
absence for three weeks beginning Janu
ary lb. Mr. and Mra. Kugel Intend to
visit Pacific coast cities. During Mr. Ku-
gel'a absence Commissioner Hummel will J
look after the department or ponce, sani
tation and public safety.
In the, Divorce Court Decrees of di
vorce have been granted by default to
Pearl from Griffith Stevens, and to Jen
nie from John L. Beldlng. Nonsupport
and cruelty wore the grounds in each
case. Mrs. Stevens was also awarded the
custody of two children, aged '7 and 4
years. Anna Choate lias filed a petition
for divorce, from William, alleg ng cruel. y.
nonsupport and desertion.
Oratorical at Cralglitosi The annual
oratorical contest of the Crclghton Arts
department will be held at the College
auditorium at 8 on Friday evening. Six
contestants have been chosen from the
preliminaries held two weeks ago. To
one of these will be awarded a goHl
medal, as also representation of his col
lege In the Nebraska state oratorical, to
he held at Creighton in February.
"The Bast of iTerythlnr" To Bt.
Paul-Minneapolis, via Chicago & North
western Une. A complete service of three
fast dally trains leave Omaha, 7:45 a. m.,
6:45 p. m. and : p. m., arriving St.
Paul, 7:40 p. m., 7:16 a. m. and 7:P0 a. m.;
Minneapolis, 8:10 p. in., 7:50 a. m. and
S:25 a. m. Most modern equipment, In
cluding parlor cars, dining cars and stan
dard Bleeping cars on night trains. The
Omaha-Twin City Limited, leaving at
9:05 p. tn.p has a new luxurious observa
tion lounglng-buffet car, with spacious
club rooms. For tickets and Information
call on City Ticket Office, 1401-3 Farnara
street, telephone Douglas 2740, Omaha.
Street Car Company
Must Pay Attorney
of the Other Side
The Omaha Council Bluffe Street
-Rniiwav enmnany must Bay Harrl. gton ft
Johnson, lawyers for Mrs. Florence Ed
wards, $4,000 as attorneys' fees for prose
cuting a personal injury eult against the
This Is the odd result of a fight between
the lawyers for the corporation and Mrs.
Kdwards that has been going on ever
since a Jury awarded her $8,000 In Decem
ber. 1813.
Judge T. C. Munger has given his de
cision, sustaining the Hen which Hor
rlngton & Johnson had on whatever
damages they secured for their client.
This was for W per cent. -Ml would hava
gone weU If the Street Railway company
had paid the $8,000 damages. But Mrs
Edwards agreed to accept $760 In satis
faction of her injuries. This "cut' out"
her attorneys from the $4,000 melon and
they brousht suit to get It.
Emery D. Profflt, who Is serving a
sixty-day sentence in the county Jail,
after pleading guilty to having Im
proper relations with Mire. Samuel R.
Kali, is now made defendant to a civil
suit filed by the woman's husband, who
sks $2.1,000 damages for alienation of
nls wife's affections.
"By protestation of love, flattery, de
ception and promises," the petition in
the case alleges. Profflt poisoned the
woman's mind and alienated her from
Hall, eo that she finally deserted him
snd went to live with Profflt."
The last city directory states that
Profflt was a clerk at the Drexel hotel,
and that Hall was foreman for the I
U. Doup company, with residence at Kl
Nirth Twenty-third street.
During the examination of Jurors In
the case of Ottmar Schaefer against
William A. Let. In Judge Day's court,
the following occurred: Attorney Hat
teroth to first Juror:
Q. Mr, Bryant, do you own or operate
an automobile?
A. No.
Q.' Or a Ford?
Mr. HatUroth then inquired of tho
court as to whether, in order to facll-
uiu c a i ti i iu l i tu. ruiu ruuiu w
considered within the term "automobile,"
and Judge Day, after some deliberation,
decided that for present purposes a Ford
would be assumed to be an automobile.
JURY BEFORE WHICH ART HATJSER 13 BEING TRIED Back row, left to rigtt: Elmer E. Meek, C. A. Swumou,
Willard R. Nimocks, Charles P. White, Albert J. Dohrsey, E. C. Jones. Front row, left to rig-ht: Earl E. Lloyd, Thomas
Q. Foglesong, Harry Rachman, Frank Wirthsafter, J. F. Lindberg", Connie O. Downing.
if m v-
' -d hi I -.V--'ii-) ',(
" in.ntajtBMtW. n.i i. -i H.LUIIH i i mi II hiiii in mi . i num. i tittim atmnri imiiiin "mT
I ii
n n
1 1
They Gently Clean the Liver and Bowels, and Stop Headache,
Colds, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath.
Enjoy Life! Take Cascarcts and Wake Up Feeling Fit
and Fine Best Laxative for Men, Women,
Children Haimless Never Gripe.
(Continued from Psge One.)
Due to the storm of Wednesday, that
prevented shipments, and to the some
what demoralised condition of freight
train serviie, Omaha grain receipts were
tbe lightest In years, there being but
forty-four carloads received, distribute J
as follows: Wheat, sixteen; corn, twenty
seven; oats, one.
Omaha prices were decidedly stronger,
wheat selling at H to tl.lSVi, I cents
up; corn. 2 to 6SV1 rents, and oats. 44 to
fiVi cents. Corn sold to 1 cents up and
oats, J to lt cents higher.
Took Meiajhfcur-a Aslrtc.
"Last winter my son Clauds had a
severs attack of croup. ! took a neigh -bos
advice and procured a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy. It re
lieved him promptly." writes Mrs. T.
H. Bell. Vaadergraft. Pa. Obtainable
everywhere. Advertisement.
corridors. The rush to see Ha uxor on
trial was so great that the Judge was
compelled to order the doors closed
shortly sfter court resumed session.
Kvldencr for Defense Today.
Attorneys Richard Horton, J. K. Rod
nar and Edward F. Booney of Topeka.
representing Hauser, refused last night
to say what witnesses will he Intro
duced in his behalf today. It Is known,
however, that Mrs. May Hauser, wife of
the defendant, who came from Wichita
to attempt to save him from the electric
chair, will try to prove an alibi for him.
The atate completed Its CRae by intro
ducing three witnesses yesterday after
noon. These were Watson A. Hitchcock,
20S South Twenty-fourth street; C. D.
Crosier, 2117 Webster, and Steve Maloney,
capt&in of Omaha detectives.
Hitchcock corroborated testimony of
Nels Gunderson .street railway conductor,
that Hauser boarded a westbound Far
nam car at 11:30 o'clock the night of the
murder, October 16. He remembered
Hauser, he said, on account of his agi
tated manner. He testified, as did all
the other witnesses who saw the man on
that night, that he wore .a dark suit
without any overcoat and a dark soft
Tells Where Hanser Lived.
Crlzier Is proprietor of a rooming
house, where Hauser and his wife and
3-year-old daughter, Llda, lived from Oc
tober 1 to 21. Attorneys for the defense
admitted that Hauser was In Omaha
during this period and objected to the
testimony, but it was received. Crosier
said Hauser stayed at home In the day
time and went out at night Objectiona
to further testimony concerning his per
sonal habits were sustained.
Captain Maloney told of theldentlflca-
tlon ofHauser by Miss Grace Slater, eye
witness of the murder, at Wichita, after
the man had been brought from Indianapr
oils, where he was arrested.
The detective chief was anxious to tell
a number of circumstances concerning
Hauser, to which objections of the de
fense were susxalned. He provoked hur
ried protests hry Hausers attorneys and
Judge English when he intimated that
the defendant had confessed the holdup
of the W. T. Hause home a week before
the date of the Smith murder.
Maloney Identified a huge, wicked look
ing blue-steel revolver as a gun which
Chief of Police John Hays of Wichita
had received from Hauser and given to
him. Hauser admitted the grun was his,
the captain testified.
Jadce Asks If It Is Loaded.
As the swapon was handed to Maloney
by the county attorney Its mussle pointed
ominously at Judge English. The court
inquired in a dignified manner:
"Are there any bullets In that cylin
der?" "No. sir," ssld Mr. Msgnry. "It Is
The Judge held that the gun should not
be received in evidence, owing to lack
of evidence connecting It with the mur
der of Mr. Smith. Dr. S. McClenaghan,
coroner's physician, had testified that he
believed Mr. Smith's wound was in
flicted by a .3$-raliber gun, but. said he
I could not bs positive.
Wife Tries to Save Bandit.
Mrs. May Hauser, 27-year-o!d wife of
Arthur Hauser, who. according to police
reports, furnished Informat'on which re
sulted in his arrest, arrived from Wichita
to attempt by her testimony to ssve him
from the electric chain
With her were the -yer-old daughter
tif the bandit, who resembles him to a
remarkable degree, and Mauser's aged
mother. The trio came from Wichita,
Kan., which is their horns.
The wife declared she will testify that
Hauser was with her the night of the
murder, October M. thus providing an
alibi snd a possible escape from the net
of evidence which the state already has
drawn tightly about the alleged mur
derer of W. H. Smith. Woodmen of the
World cashier.
The two women exhibited Intense af
fection and devotion for the bandit who
Is charged with committing many terrible
Mrs. Mary Hauser, the mother, to years
old, rushed Into the court room, throw
her arms about her son and kissed him
repeatedly. Wblls District Judge English
replied sharply on his desk, elllffs led
the sg'd woman to a seal.
Not Allowed In Court.
The wife and child were not allowed
to come into the court room, but Hauser
met them during recess at 11 o'clock.
The bars of a cell were between them,
hut the man and wife each held the
other's hand during their flfteen-mtnuto
The little girl held all their attention.
They conversed through the child, who Is
able to repeat almost any sentence. Hau
ser reached an arm through the bars and
fondled hie little daughter. He niade her
stand on a bar of the cell so that I might
hold her upright with his arm. He held
his face up to the bars.
If Hauser knew of the repart that his
wife had given him up he said nothing
of It to his wife. Mrs. Hauser refused
to make any statement for publication,
save the announcement of her purpose
In Omaha, The mother had been In
atructed by attorneys to say nothing. "IU
la a good boy," she declared, however.
Horton Resumes Seat.
Richard Horton. chief counsel for
Hauser, returned from Kansas, where he
was called by the Illness of his father,
and resumed his seat In the court room.
During the morning Miss Grace Slater,
chief witness for the state, finished cross
examination. Other witnesses continued
the identification -of Hauser.
Miss lone Fogg, 3118 Dodge street,
whose home overlooks the corner at which
the murder of Mr, Smith occurred, tes
tified that after she heard a shot and
Miss Slater's scream, she saw a man
dressed In a dark suit and dark hat going
north through the tennis court at her
home and that another person was in
front of him. The man's arm was out
stretched and he was crouching over, she
Mra. Mrwlon Testifies.
Mrs. Letllla Newlon. 28M Davenport
tcit, testified that on the nUht of
October 1, she left tho "Billy" Sunday
taUriucle with iur husbani ut D
o' lock; that they took n Jitney and gut
off at Twenty-ninth and Farnam. As they
walked north, she saul, a man follow J
ihcin. They took the middle of the
scrr and the man, she dec ar.l. rel
ieved theni to Twenty ninth and DnCgo
stttf.ts. There, she asserted, he stood
under an arc light for tnroa minutes,
Ki.tchtng them.
This man, Mrs. N'ew'on tea.lfl t, was
Arthur Hauser, and wore a tiark suit
and di-rk aoft hat. Thi ( olnt vh'i na.ned
is twi blocks eaat of ihe scent, of tlis r.
She fixed the turn at about 9:80 o'clock,
half an hour prior to the murder.
. Nels Ounderson, 1722 South Ninth street,
s street railway conductor, continued the
weaving of the net of evidence by testi
fying that Ha"ier got on an rant bound
be operated over, any and all rosd.
Omaha will be the headquarters for theae
cars and they will be umler tbe direct
Farnam car at 11:M o'clock the night of management of Mr. Colvln.
the murder. H boarded the car at Thirty-second
while It waa In motion and lett
it at Seventeenth while It was movltix.
he ssld. Ha appeared sgltated and forgot
to put his fare In the box until the con
ductor calle dhls attention to It. He woim
a dark soft hat pulled down over his fare,
said the conductor. He also wore a dark
suit, the witness said.
Croan-Kinmtnr Mlsa Slater.
When cross-examination of Miss Gra e
Slater. Smith's companion at the time of
the murder, was resumed, attorneys for
the defense confronted her with alleged
statements made last October thnt she
would be unable to Identify the murderer.
She said she did not remember whether
she snid at the inquest "No, sir; I could
not Identify the man; It was dark." Che
admitted she then said she would have
to hear his voice in order to identify
him, snd ssld she had "felt that way
about It, then."
On re-dlrect examination County At
torney Mlagney brought out the state
ment by her that any doubts concerning
her ability to Identify the murderer had
existed prior to the time she first saw
Hauser, and that she had always been
positive that none of the other suspects
shown her by the police was the murderer.
The cars of the Ak-Har-t)rn dispstoh
are practically new. They are painted
In the offlclsl Colors of the Knights of
Ak-Sar-Ren. A band of red runs around
the body of each car. near the top. Helow
is a wide band of yellow, and beneath
n hand of green.
On esch side of esch rsr Is the fol
lowing :
"Ak-Sar-Pen Dispatch. Nebraska
Dairy Products, t M.(K.0 annually.
Omaha, the largest hutter market In
the world."
New Cars Tell of
Omaha, Largest of
All Butter Markets
The first car of the Ak-Har-Bon Des
patch, owned by the Western Despatch
of Chicago and represented here by w,
J. Colvln. went out Wednesdsy night,
loaded with butter by the Fnlrmont
Creamery company and consigned to New
Tork City.
While the headquarters of the Western
Prompt Artlon Will Stos Voir
t onah.
Dr. King's New Discovery will stop
your rough. The first doso helps. Good .
for children. 60c. All druggists. Advertisement.
I'lsiifK are a Heal! Thev liven our. iet a Itl or Jft-cent Ikj at any drug
liver, clesn our thirty feet of bowels " and enjoy il.e nhest. gentlest liver
.... mid tmwel clesnslng you ever experl-
snd sweeten your a;omach. 011 est one . . , , . . . ,.
rm-ed. Stop l k headaches, bilious spells.
or two Cascarets like randy befoie alnu ,llne.tlon. furred tongue, offensive
to bed and in the morning your head l liviitli snd constipation, Mothers should
clear, tonane la clean, slonisi h sweet. 'give cross, peevish, feverish, billon ehtl
hiesth right, cold gone and Jon feel area h whole t'aacaret any time. They
grand. J kik harmless snd never gripe or sicken.
'CAN m
IOC-., S'sjdi
1 T7 LJ -3
A "For Sale" or "For Rent" Ad placed
In The Uee will accomplish Its purpose.
No Quinine in
This Cold Gure
"Pape's Cold Compound" ends
colds and grippe in
a few hours.
Take "Pope s Cold Compound" every
two hours until you have taken three
doses, then all grippe misery goes and
your cold will bs broken. It promptly
opens your rlogged-iip nostrils and the
air passages of the head; stops nasty dis
charge or nose running; relieves the
headache, dullness, feverlshness, sore
throat, aneeclng, soreness and stiffness.
Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing
and snuffling. Ease your throbbing head
nothing else in the world gives such
prompt relief as 'Tape's Cold Com
pound," which costs only 2S cents at any
Despatch will continue to be In Chicago, 1r"" Xor- l "eU without assistance,
0 of Its cars have been set aside for l' n,0s and causes no Inconvenience,
the Nebraska dairy product business, to I Accept no substitute. Advertisement,
To Have Perfect Skin
Throughout the Winter
These days the fnee and hands need
special care and attention. Htrong winds,
ouick chHiiKcH of tomperature from in
doors to outdoors, are severe on the skin.
Their despoiling nttects are best over
come by the application of pure mercol-
ixea wax. rnis keeps the skin and pores
In a cleanly condition, the complexion
beautifully white and spotless. Chapped,
reddened, blotchv and roughened cuticle
are actually absorbed by it. One ounce
of nienoiimd wax, obiainubla at any
drug store. Is sufficient to completely
renovate a weather-beaten complexion.
It Is used like cold cream, allowed to re
main on over night, and washed off in
the morning.
As the skin tends to expand in a warm
atmoetihere, cheeks and chin to sag and
wrinkles to form, a good astringent lo
'inn should e used bv the wninun who
keeps pretty much Indoors these days,
lnssolve one ounce powdered saxotlta In
one-half pint witch hasel. Baths the fao
In this mornings or before going out for
theater or social affair. It is a remark
able akin tightener and wrinkle eraser.
Oak Roll Top Desk. $29.50
A s. pedal value, solid foldon
-f oak, roll top, 62-lncb Long, 30-lnch
wide, and 42-inch high. Ends and
base and all panels, also top and
writing bed, of solid rich lumber
with l's-lnch lesja Extra largn
drawers of dove-tall construction.
Price $29.50
A complete! line of office furni
ture' and filing equipment.
4M-410-4IH Houth 10TH Street.
lnoraoMS strength of
delicate, itritai
run-down poop) tot
oeot In ten days
many Inataooes
1100 forfait If it
falls as par full ex
planation In iarg
article soon to ap
pear In this paper,
ikk four dootor or
truggist about ft. Sbarman M. Vnneli
rug Stores always carry It In stock.
Road The Bos Want Ads. It pays!
Jan Mner Aanore. J
SKATTI-K, Wash., Jan. U A dispatch
from Nanaimo. B. l. 10 the Merchants'
exchange says that the .lanee steamer.
Kenkofi Maru. bound from Heattle for
Vladivostok, went ashore at the west n
tranre l Active I'ssy. II. .. Int night.
Jt kt-nt word that it ut.ede.1 afriiataiice.
WtrnlDi Apimt Crtppi and Pneumonia
Which u to PrenJent and Dtnferou
De staler tattl ou Attack
f thi Urr.tli pi4mmie. but irtrcni ii y
Qinf Us si4 riiji rsmtMly, Virgin Oil of
FiAst. can km gruf ox) rmfa May (ru
sji. gtB.l is riar4 an4 avi a bv ta
Lstsu-b hsilil i .j., 'in,lni.4il uhlo
Skin Muddy?
Dull eyes, blotches and other akin
blemishes result from a disordered di
gestion. Purify the blood, tone the
stomach, gently stimulate the liver and
regulate the bowels and bile with
Urw tola of As MaassBM
After Theater Supper and Dansant
To really complete the evening
alter n visit to one of the thea
ters, you miifit have supper
somewhere. Why not dine
where the cooking and service
are the best and where courtesy
and welcome await yout
Dancing in the Palm Room
every evening, except Sunday,
from Eleven to Twelve P. M.
Informal The Dausant every
Wednesday and Saturday after
tbe matinee from 4:30 to 6:30
under the personal direction of
Mr.- Prank L. Tiffany of the
Waldorf-Astoria, New York. Service a la carte no
charge of admission.
Hotel ITo wlnelle
A. BURBANK, Managing Director.
Petroleum Coke
All heat, no dust, no ash.
Dernlce Coal
(gouthsrn Anthracite) Cem.
fertabla Furnace Coal.
Thorough Serssnlng
f Per
Everbrara Cal
All Slisa CUBAN HOT LASTING The Coal for Ivory Purpose
Ing Coal,
roe Tern
Per Ton.
McCaffrey Bros.
120 South 17th.
Tyler 40.
f For Tm
sa so World.
GIFFOflD WOOD CO.'S Celebrated
ICE TOOLS-Completc Stock
Snd for 191S-16 Catalogue
James Horton & Son Co., ""j-0"
Plata BaJ0 am, asv
prsss rrspsOS sa
guaxts saara,
Council Bluf($ thi
South Omah
Tr sUw9rf ea
Mu1 ordars.
saa for rrtoa IJsta.
Old Taylor.
Crxlar Itrook..
Bo art Jt IsUard,
and othsrs
$8.00 Per Ton
Ws not Harp your fuinarr like ( okr. Wo have Just flnialved
unloading a IIiounmikI Iii of r:.T:i,X), it In rrrnmrnendsd for Its
Krinnm), Its rlfanllnrn, and for Ihe satisfacllon II Rlvrs. Hundreds
are uing II, rontl) your nr door neighbors. Ask tliritt.
Douglas 978.
Coal Company
211 So. 19th Street.
3 Phones.
1309 FAR..AM ST.-
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessfuL